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Box Lists for C:8/1/21Note to Researcher: These box lists are provided by the originating office. They have not been verified for accuracy by the staff of University Archives. Furthermore, since these records have not been processed to the level of an inventory, there may be RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s). Box 1 - 018885 [return to top][A08-58] Academic Advising, 2001 FF - Academic Grievances, 2001 FF - Accredited Degree Programs, 2001 FF - Admissions & Registrar (Correspondence), 2000 FF - Admissions & Registrar (Correspondence), 2001 FF - Affirmative Action, 2001 FF - Agriculture Education, 2001 FF - Alumni Board By Laws, 1996 FF - Alumni Board District Maps, 1996 FF - Alumni Development, 2000 FF - Alumni Board, 2000 FF - Alumni Board, 2001 FF - Alumni Awards Banquet, 2000 FF - Alumni Awards Banquet, 2001 FF - Alumni Newsletter, 2000 FF - Alumni Newsletter, 2001 Box 2 - 018886 [return to top][A08-58] FF - Ambassadors,1999-2000 FF - Ambassadors, 2000-2001 FF - Ambassadors, 2000-2001 FF - Ambassadors, 2001 FF - Ambassador Interviews, 2001 FF - AACTE, 2000 FF - AACTE, 2001 FF - AERA Reception, 2000 FF - AERA Reception, 2001 FF - Annual Report, 1999-2000 FF - Association of Colleges & Schools of Education In State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, 2000 FF - Association of Colleges & Schools of Education In State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, 2001 FF - Athletics, 2000 FF - Bell South, 2001 FF - Biological Sciences, 2001 FF - Board of Curators, 2001 FF - Budget, 2000 FF - Budget Review, 2000 Box 3 - 018887 [return to top][A08-58] FF - Budget, 2001 FF - Curriculum & Instruction (C&I) Department Chair, 2001 FF - Campus Master Plan, 1990 FF - Capital Review Committee, 2001 FF - Career & Technical Education, 2000 FF - Career & Technical Ed., 2001 FF - Chancellor, 2000 FF - Chancellor, 2001 FF - Commencement, 2001 FF - Coordinating Board for Higher Education, 2000 FF - Coordinating Board for Higher Education, 2001 FF - Consortium of Educational Policy Analysis, 2001 FF - Cooperating School Districts, 2001 FF - Council for Comprehensive Grad Voc Ed, 2000 FF - Council of Deans, 2000 FF - Council of Deans, 2001 FF - Council of Research Administrators, 2001 FF - Curriculum & Instruction, 2000 FF - Curriculum & Instruction, 2001 FF - Data, 2000 FF - Dean of Education Account, 2001 FF - Dean of Education Account, 2001 Box 4 - 018888 [return to top][A08-58] FF - Deans of Education (UMSL & UMKC), 2000 FF - Deans of Education (UMSL & UMKC), 2001 FF - Degrees, 2001 FF - Delaware Study, 2001 FF - Department of Education, 2000 FF - Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), 2000 FF - DESE, 2001 FF - Destination Imagination, 2001 FF - Development, 2000 FF - Development, 2001 FF - Distance Learning Subcommittee, 2001 FF - Distributed Grad Programs LIS, 2000 FF - Dream, 2001 FF - Educational, School and Counseling Psychology (ES&CP), 2000 FF - ES&CP, 2001 FF - ES&CP Department Chair, 2001 FF - Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis (ELPA), 2000 FF - ELPA (Dick), 2000 FF - ELPA, 2001 FF - Enrollment Management, 2001 FF - Enrollment Management, 2000 FF - Enrollment Management, 2001 FF - Executive Council, 2000 FF - Executive Council, 2001 FF - Executive Council Retreat, 2001 FF - Facilities, 2000 FF - Faculty Council on University Policy, 2000 FF - Faculty of Education, 2000 FF - Faculty Effort Reports, 2000 FF - Faculty Effort Reports, 2001 Box 5 - 018894 [return to top][A08-58] FF - Faculty Meeting, 2000 FF - Faculty Policy Handbook, 1987 FF - Faculty Recruitment Study, 2000 FF - Faculty Retreat, 2000 FF - Faculty Retreat, 2001 FF - Faculty Teaching Scholarships, 2001 FF - Fees, 2001 FF - Fidelity Security Life Insurance, 2001 FF - Fifty Year Reunion (Class of 1950), 2000 FF - Fifty Year Reunion (Class of 1941), 2001 FF - Gates Foundation, 2000 FF - Graduate Education Oommittee, 2001 FF - General Education Program, 2001 FF - Governmental Affairs, 2000 FF - Graduate Faculty Senate, 2001 FF - Graduate School, 2001 FF - Guest Lectures - Dick, 2001 FF - Hall of Fame Board of Directors, 2000 FF - Holiday - Deans gifts to staff, 2001 FF - Holiday Open House, 2000 FF - Holiday Open House, 2001 FF - IATS, 2000 FF - The Institute for Educational Leadership, 2000 FF - Institutional Research and Planning, 2000 FF - Institutional Research and Planning, 2001 FF - Internet Schools Oonsortium Gray Dick FF - Inventory Degree Programs, 1 FF - Jefferson Club, 2001 FF - Job Descriptions, 2001 FF - Forrest T. Jones, 2001 FF - Journal of School Leadership, 2000 FF - Journal of School Leadership, 2000 FF - K-12 Leadership, 2001 FF - Kaufman Foundation, 2001 Box 6 - 018895 [return to top][A08-58] FF - Kidprov Workshop-MO Creative Adventure, 2000 FF - Lab School, 1990 FF - Land Grant Institution Paper, 2000 FF - LAPS, 2001 FF - Leadership Conference, 2001 FF - Learning Exchange, 2001 FF - Library Inventory (Bob G. Woods Conference Room), 2001 FF - Lindenwood University, 2001 FF - Mark Twain Center for Literacy, 2001 FF - Masters of Education in Teaching and Learning, 2001 FF - Masters in Leadership Instruction, 2001 FF - Math and Science, 2000 FF - Math and Science, 2001 FF - Middle and Secondary Ed., 2001 FF - Minority Affairs/Faculty Development, 2001 FF - The Missouri Unions, 2001 FF - MO Department of Higher Ed., 2001 FF - MO Partnership for Outstanding Schools, 2001 FF - MO State Board of Education, 2001 FF - MO State Teachers Foundation, 2000 FF - MO State Teachers Foundation, 2001 FF - MOREnet, 2000 FF - Monsanto Corporation, 2000 FF - Kansas City School District, 2000 FF - MPER General, 2000 FF - MPER General, 2001 FF - Meetings other than Governing Board, 2000 FF - Governing Board, 2000 FF - Moberly School District, 2001 FF - Shepard Elementary, 2001 FF - Wentzville School District, 2001 FF - MU Direct, 2000 FF - MU Direct, 2001 FF - Multicultural Center for Res. Train. & Cons., 2000 FF - Accreditation and Program Approval Task Force (NCATE), 1999 FF - National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), 1997-1999 FF - NCATE, 2000 FF - NCATE, 2001 Box 7 - 018897 [return to top][A08-58] FF - National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing, 2001 FF - New Faculty Luncheon, 2001 FF - News Bureau & News Clip jngs, 2000 FF - News Bureau & News Clippings, 2001 FF - Office of Service Learning, 2001 FF - Performance Management, 2001 FF - Policy Committee, 2000 FF - Policy Committee, 2001 FF - PEER Project, 2001 FF - Preparing Tomorrows Teachers/Technology, 2000 FF - Prince of Songkla University, 2001 FF - Principal Shortage, 2001 FF - Professional Education Data, 2001 FF - Program For Excellence In Teaching, 2000 FF - Program Review, 2000 FF - Project Construct, 2000 FF - Promotion of Diversity, 1999 FF - Provost, 2000 FF - Provost, 2001 FF - Meetings with Provost, 2000 FF - Meetings with Provost, 2001 FF - Reappointment, 2001 FF - Recruitment Info, 2001 FF - Reflector, 2000 FF - Reflector, 2001 FF - Reorganization, 2001 FF - Reports Miscellaneous, 2001 FF - Research, 2000 FF - Research, 2001 Box 8 - 018898 [return to top][A08-58] FF - Retired Faculty/Staff Luncheon, 2000 FF - Retired Faculty/Staff Luncheon, 2001 FF - Fall Scholarship Reception, 2000 FF - Graduate Scholarship Reception, 2000 FF - Undergraduate Scholarship Reception, 2000 FF - Fall Scholarship Reception, 2001 FF - Graduate Scholarship Reception, 2001 FF - Undergraduate Scholarship Reception, 2001 FF - Scholarship Awards, 2000 FF - Scholarships, 2001 FF - School Leadership Task Force, 2000 FF - School Violence, 2001 FF - Jennie Schultz Staff Award Selection, 2001 FF - Department Director, 2000 FF - Information Science & Learning Technology, 2000 FF - SISLT, 2001 FF - Silicon Graphics, 2000 FF - Space, 2001 FF - Special Education, 2001 FF - Staff Assessment Questionnaire, 2001 FF - Speeches/Presentations, 2001 FF - Staff Recognition Awards, 2000 FF - Staff Recognition Awards, 2001 Box 9 - 018900 [return to top][A08-58] FF - Staff Retreat, 2001 FF - Statewide Masters Program, 2001 FF - Strategic Plan, 2000 FF - Strategic Plan, 2001 FF - Student Fee Task Force, 2001 FF - Superintendents Tailgate Party, 2000 FF - Superintendents Tailgate Party, 2001 FF - Surveying Mental Health Issues in Education, 2001 FF - System President (Pacheco), 2000 FF - Taiwan, 2000 FF - Task Force on Ed. Leadership - CALIF, 2001 FF - TDP, 2000 FF - TDP, 2001 FF - Teach for America, 2001 FF - Teacher Education Articulation Advisory FF - Committee, 2001 FF - Technology, 2000 FF - Technology, 2001 FF - Townsend Grand Re-Opening, 2000 FF - Townsend Hall Today & Tomorrow, 2001 FF - Transfer Interest Groups, 2001 Box 10 - 018901 [return to top][A08-58] FF - UCEA, 2000 FF - UCEA, 2001 FF - University Affairs, 2000 FF - University High Class 1971 Reunion, 2001 FF - U.S. News and World Report, 2000 FF - U.S. News and World Report, 2001 FF - Vice Chancellor for Development, 2000 FF - Vice Chancellor for Development, 2001 Box 11 - 037269 [return to top][A08-58] FF - Account Summaries, FY 1989-2001 FF - Chronological Files, June 1999 - April 2000 FF - Chronological Files, May 2000 - February 2001 FF - Chronological Files, March 2001 - July 2001 FF - Chronological Files, August 2001 - December 2001 FF - Implementing Missouri's Educational Agenda, 1995 Box 12 - 065824 [return to top][A08-58] FF - Academic Grievance Procedures, 1981 FF - Affirmative Action Handbook, 1995 FF - Affirmative Action Reports, 1999 FF - American's with Disabilities Act Correspondence, 1999 FF - Annual Review of Non-tenured Faculty, 1989 [RESTRICTED] FF - Associate Dean for Graduate Studies Search, 1996 [RESTRICTED] FF - Associate Dean and TDP Director Searches, 1999 [RESTRICTED] FF - COE Academic Staff, 1989 FF - COE Committee Lists, 1989 FF - Dean's Office Study, 2000 FF - Director of College - Level Administrative Units, 1999 FF - Director of College- Level Administrative Units, 2000 FF - Director of College - Level Administrative Units, 2001 FF - Faculty/Staff Consultation Reports, 1995 FF - Faculty/Staff Consultation Reports, 1996 FF - Faculty/Staff Consultation Reports, 1997 FF - Faculty/Staff Consultation Reports, 1998 FF - Faculty and Staff (General), 1998 FF - Faculty and Staff (General), 1999 FF - Faculty and Staff (General), 2000 FF - Leaves, 1999 [RESTRICTED] FF - Position Rank Descriptions, 1995 [RESTRICTED] FF - Recruitment Advertisements, 2000 FF - Salary Data and Reports, 1992 FF - Scholarship Document, 1995 FF - FMLA Guidelines, 1995 FF - General Correspondence, 1998 Box 13 - 065825 [return to top][A08-58] FF - General Correspondence, 1998 FF - General Correspondence, 1999 FF - General Correspondence, 1999 FF - General Correspondence, 2000 FF - General Correspondence, 2000 FF - General Correspondence, 2001 FF - Memos from Andrews, 1998 FF - Memos from Andrews, 1998 FF - Memos from Andrews, 1999 FF - Memos from Andrews, 1999 FF - Memos from Andrews, 2000 FF - Memos from Andrews, 2000 FF - Memos from Andrews, 2001 FF - Personnel Executive Staff Assistant, 2000 Box 14 - 065826 [return to top][A08-58] FF - Director of Development Applications, 2001 FF - MPER Search, 2000 FF - New Faculty Mentoring, 1993 FF - New Faculty Mentoring, 1994 FF - New Faculty Mentoring, 1995 FF - New Faculty Mentoring, 1996 FF - New Faculty Mentoring, 1997 FF - New Faculty Mentoring, 1998 FF - New Faculty Mentoring, 1999 FF - New Faculty Mentoring, 2000 FF - Recommendations (Misc.), 2001 [RESTRICTED] FF - Potential Faculty Inquiries, 2000 FF - Promotion and Tenure Actions, 1996 [RESTRICTED] FF - Staff Assessment Questionnaire FF - Staff General Information, 1999 FF - Performance Appraisal, 1984 [RESTRICTED] FF - Sexual Harassment Policy, 1993 FF - Work Study General Information, 2001 FF - Work Study Payroll, 2001 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: June 2008
Revised: 30 June 2008
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