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Box Lists for C:8/1/20

Note to Researcher: These box lists are provided by the originating office. They have not been verified for accuracy by the staff of University Archives. Furthermore, since these records have not been processed to the level of an inventory, there may be RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 019194


Problems Based Learning, 1999

Budget - COE, 1999-2000

Budget - MU, 1999-2000

Building Manager/Instructional Leader

Business/Marketing Education, 1996

Business Mens Assurance Co. of America, 1998

Campus Computer Policy/Strategy Committee, 1997

Campus Master Plan, 1990

Campus Writing Project, 1997-1999

Capture of Funds by Campus, 1998

Career Action Program, 1997

Career Ed. District, 1996-1997

Career and Technical Education, 1999

Catalog for Graduate/Undergraduate, 1999

Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE) Review, 1999-2000

CBHE Program Review, 1994

Center for Educational Renewal, 1987-1997

Center for Independent Study, 1999

Center for Innovation In Special Education, 1999

Center for International Programs, 1997-1999

Center for School Improvement, 1996

Center for Technology Innovations in Education, 1999

Chancellor, 1999

CLEAR (formerly CILPA), 1997-1999

Collaborative Effort, 1999

Communication Collaboration & Civility Committee, 1997

Conflict of Interest Policy, 1993

Conferences and Short Courses, 1984-1985

Consortium of Educational Policy Analysis, 1999-2000

Consortium for Policy Research in Education, 1997

Cooperative Doctorate of Education - Board of Deans, 1999

Cooperative Masters Program, 1999-2000

Coordinating Board for Higher Education, 1999

Box 2 - 019197


Cooperative Programs in Education & Nursing, 1999

Coping with Paradise, 1999

Correspondence (A&S), 1997-1999

Correspondence (Agriculture), 1997

Course Info, 1999

Council of Deans, 1999-2000

Curriculum and Instruction, 1999

Danforth Foundation, 1999

General Data, 1999

Deans' Cabinet

Deans of Education - UMSL & UMKC, 1999

Department Chair - Educational Counseling and Psychology (E&CP), 1998-1999

Department Chair - C&I, 1997

Department Chair - Practical Arts and Vocational-Technical Education (PAVTE), 1997

Department of Education, 1999

Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), 1999

Deputy Chancellor (Middleton), 1999

Destination Imagination, 1999-2000

Development - COE, 1998

Development - Vice Chancellor, 1999

Diversity, 1999

Doctoral Faculty Criteria, 1989

Education Week, 1999

Early Childhood, 1999

E&CP, 1999

Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis (ELPA) Department Chair, 1999

ELPA (Dick's folder), 1999

ELPA General, 1999

Education S. Task Force, 1997

Education S. Instructional Team, 1997

Education. Partnership-- MU and Columbia Public Schools, 1987-1991

Education Deans/Directors, 1999

Education Commission of the States, 1999

Environmental Scan Task Force, 1995

Equipment Needs, 1988-1999

Executive Council, 1999

Executive Council, 1999-2000

Box 3 - 019199


Facilities, 1999

Faculty Awards, 1999

Faculty of Education, 1999-2000

Faculty Effort Reports, 1999

Faculty Meeting, 1999

Faculty Council Newsletter, 1997

Faculty Council on University Policy, 1999

Faculty Teaching Load, 1999

Family & Consumer Science, 1996-1999

Fall Scholarship Reception, 1999

Federal Funding Priorities, 1998

Fifty Year Reunion (Class of 1949), 1999

Fidelity Security Life Insurance, 1999-2000


General Education Program, 1999

General Faculty, 1997

General Motors, 1999

Governmental Affairs, 1997-1999

Graduate Faculty Senate and Handbook, 1996-1999

Graduate Professional Council, 1999-2000

Graduate Scholarship Reception, 1999

Graduate School, 1999-2000

Graduate Student Support Policy, 1997

Graduate Studies, 1997

Guidance, 1997-1999

Hall of Fame Board of Directors Meeting, 1998

Hall of Fame Board of Directors, 1999

Health Education, 1994-1997

Heinkel Foundation, 1997

High Flyer Dinner, 1997

High Hopes for College of Americas Youth, 1998

History of MU COE (Lucas), 1998

Holiday Open House, 1999

Honors College, 1997

IBM, 1998

IESLP, 1999

IATS, 1999

Instructional Leader, 1999

Instructional Materials Laboratory, 1997

Instructional Materials Lab (IML), 1999

Institute of Public Policy/Grad School of Public Affairs, 1999

Institute for Workforce Education (IWE), 1999

Box 4 - 019230


Inventory of Degree Programs, 1995-1998

Joint Training Program (Couns. Psych), 1997

Edward D. Jones & Co., 1997 -

Kaufman Foundation, 1999-2000

W. K. Kellogg, 1999

Kendal-Hunt Publishing Co., 1985

Lab School, 1990

Lecture Series, 1998

Literacy, 1998

Missouri Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (MACTE), 1999-2000

MACTE Conference, 1981

MACTE Convention, 1999

MAP, 1998

Math Education, 1997-1999

Math/Science/Technology Initiative, 1997

MCI, 1997

Merit Pay Criteria, 1991

Mid-Continent Regional Ed. Lab, 1997

Minority Affairs/Faculty Development, 1999-2000

Mission Enhancement, 1999-2000

Mission Statements, 1991

Missouri Network for Staff Development and Performance- Based Education, 1998

Missouri Commission on the Future of Teaching, 1998

MO Assoc. of School Administrators, 1998

MO Commission on the Future of Teaching, 1998

MO Professors of Education Admin., 1997

MO State Teachers Foundation, 1999

B. Banneker Charter School, 1998

Beliefs Statement & Memo Agreement, 1994

Columbia School District, 1994-1 999

Cooper County C4- Pilot Grove, 1996

Derby Ridge Project, 1995

Field Experience, 1999

MPER General, 1999

Independence School District, 1999

Kansas City School District, 1999

Box 5 - 019235


Lee's Summit School District, 1998

Platte Co. R-IlI School District, 1977

Macon Co. RI School District, 1994

New Franklin RI School District, 1995

MU Direct, 1999

National Association of Secondary School Principals, 1999

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, 1999

National Center for Education Statistics, 1997

National Policy Board for Education Administration, 1999

New Standards for Teacher Education Programs

News Releases, 1999

Niche Documents, 1995

Nominating Committee, 1997

North Central Association, 1999

Office of Multicultural Affairs, 1999

Office of Research, 1999-2000

Odyssey of the Mind, 1999

Old Inventory, 1999

Operating Budget, 1997-1998

PEAK Project, 1999

Pi Lambda Theta, 1999

Placement Center, 1999

Planning, 1997

Policy Committee, 1999

President's Office, 1999

Professional Development Schools, 1997

Program for Excellence in Teaching, 1999

Program Review, 1999

Project Self Discovery, 1991

Box 6 - 019268


Provost, 1999-2000

Meetings with the Provost, 1999-2000

Publications, 1999

Public Relations Council, 1998-1999

Quotes, 1993

Rankings, 1999

Reading, 1999

Reflector, 1999

Reports, 1999

Research Board, 1998

R&D, 1999

Research & Statistics, 1997

Retired Faculty/Staff Luncheon, 1999

Senate Bill 843, 1998

Senate Bill 380, 1993

Scholarship Awards, 1999-2000

Scholarships, 1999-2000

School Psychology, 1999

Science Education Center, 1999

Show-Me Character Plus, 1999

Box 7 - 019269


Silpakorn University, 1995

SISLT, 1999-2000

South Central Regional Technology Consortium, 1995

Southwestern Bell, 1997

Space Utilization Coordinators, 1999

Special Education Department Chair, 1999

Spencer Foundation, 1999

Staff Recognition Awards, 1999

Strategic Planning for Technology, 1999-2000

Star Program, 1998

Statistics Dept. of External Research

Sturgeon School District, 1998

Superintendent Tailgate Party, 1999

Teacher Development Program (TDP), 1999

Teacher Education Accreditation Council, 1998

Teacher Education, 1997

Tech Infrastructure, 1999

Technology Visioning Task Force, 1999-2000

Undergraduate Scholarship Reception, 1999

Undergraduate Studies, 1999

Undergraduate Teacher Development, 1999

University Affairs, 1999

Return to C:8/1/20 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Compiled: November 2007
Revised: 30 November 2007

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