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Box Lists for C:3/28/1Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s). Box 1 - 045329 [return to top][A75-48; A79-39] FF - Correspondence, 1956-1957 FF - Correspondence, 1958 FF - Correspondence, 1/1958 FF - Correspondence, 2/1958 FF - Correspondence, 3/1958 FF - Correspondence, 4/1958 FF - Correspondence, 5/1958 FF - Correspondence, 6/1958 FF - Correspondence, 7/1958 FF - Correspondence, 8-9/1958 FF - Correspondence, 10/1958 FF - Correspondence, 11/1958 FF - Correspondence, 12/1958 FF - Correspondence, 1959 FF - Correspondence, 1/1959 FF - Correspondence, 2/1959 FF - Correspondence, 3/1959 FF - Correspondence, 4/1959 FF - Correspondence, 5/1959 Box 2 - 045331 [return to top][A75-48; A79-39] FF - Correspondence, 6/1959 FF - Correspondence, 7/1959 FF - Correspondence, 8/1959 FF - Correspondence, 9/1959 FF - Correspondence, 10/1959 FF - Correspondence, 11/1959 FF - Correspondence, 12/1959 FF - Correspondence, 1960 FF - Correspondence, 1/1961 FF - Correspondence, 2/1961 FF - Correspondence, 3/1961 FF - Correspondence, 4-5/1961 FF - Correspondence, 6/1961 FF - Correspondence, 7/1961 FF - Correspondence, 8/1961 FF - Correspondence, 9/1961 FF - Correspondence, 10/1961 FF - Correspondence, 11/1961 FF - Correspondence, 12/1961 Box 3 - 045367 [return to top][A75-48; A79-39] FF - Office Correspondence B, 1961-1963 FF - Courses, 1961-1963 FF - Office Correspondence C, 1961-1963 FF - Office Correspondence D, 1961-1963 FF - Extension, 1961-1963 FF - Office Correspondence F-H, 1961-1963 FF - Dean Elmer Kiehl, 1961-1963 FF - Dean Elmer Kiehl, 1961-1963 (cont'd) FF - J. H. Longwell, 1961-1963 FF - Charles Merilan, 1961-1963 FF - Office Miscellaneous, 1961-1963 FF - Office Miscellaneous, 1961-1963 (cont'd) FF - Office Miscellaneous, 1961-1963 (cont'd) FF - Office Miscellaneous, 1961-1963 (cont'd) FF - Office Miscellaneous, 1961-1963 (cont'd) FF - Office Miscellaneous, 1961-1963 (cont'd) FF - F. L. Moritz, 1961-1963 FF - Correspondence N, 1961-1963 FF - Positions Available, 1961-1963 FF - Correspondence P-R, 1961-1963 FF - Science Fairs, 1961-1963 FF - Paul H. Shepard Memorial Fund, 1961-1963 FF - Dean Sam B. Shirky, 1961-1963 Box 4 - 045372 [return to top][A75-48; A79-39] FF - Office Correspondence Sh-V, 1961-1963 FF - Schroeder Correspondence A-C, 1961-1963 FF - Schroeder Correspondence D-J, 1961-1963 FF - Schroeder Correspondence K-N, 1961-1963 FF - Schroeder Correspondence O-S, 1961-1963 FF - Schroeder Correspondence T-Z, 1961-1963 FF - Correspondence A-G, 1963-1964 FF - Correspondence H-P, 1963-1964 FF - Correspondence Q-Z, 1963-1964 FF - Office Correspondence A, 1963-1964 FF - Budget Plan for 1963-1973, 1963 FF - Office Correspondence B-C, 1963-1964 FF - Damon Von Catron, 1963-1964 FF - Curriculum, 1963-1964 FF - Office Correspondence C, 1963-1964 FF - Departmental Affairs, 1963-1964 FF - Agricultural Extension Office, 1963-1964 FF - Dean Homer C. Folks, 1963-1964 FF - Dean Homer C. Folks, 1963-1964 (cont'd) FF - Office Correspondence F-G, 1963-1964 FF - Elmer Kiehl, 1963-1964 FF - Office Correspondence L, 1963-1964 Box 5 - 045402 [return to top][A75-48; A79-39] FF - Office Correspondence M, 1963-1964 FF - NCA-4 North Central Administrative Committee on Horticultural Crops, 1963-1964 FF - Office Correspondence P, 1963-1964 FF - Office Correspondence R, 1963-1964 FF - Office Correspondence Re-Un, 1963-1964 FF - Correspondence A-D, 1964-1965 FF - Correspondence E-J, 1964-1965 FF - Correspondence K-O, 1964-1965 FF - Correspondence R-Z, 1964-1965 FF - Office Correspondence B, 1964-1965 FF - Office Correspondence B-C, 1964-1965 FF - Curriculum, 1964-1965 FF - Curriculum, 1964-1965 (cont'd) FF - Departmental Correspondence, 1964-1965 FF - Extension Division, 1964-1965 FF - Extension Division, 1964-1965 (cont'd) FF - Agriculture Faculty Meetings, 1964-1965 FF - Homer Folks, 1964-1965 FF - Foreign Students, 1964-1965 FF - Gamma Sigma Delta, 1964-1965 FF - Graduate School, 1964-1965 FF - Office Correspondence H-K, 1964-1965 FF - Office Correspondence L-M, 1964-1965 FF - Office Correspondence - Miscellaneous, 1964-1965 FF - Office Correspondence Miscellaneous-P, 1964-1965 Box 6 - 045403 [return to top][A75-48; A79-39] FF - Office Correspondence P-R, 1964-1965 FF - Office Correspondence S-U (includes Space Sciences Research Center), 1964-1965 FF - Correspondence A-C, 1965-1967 FF - Correspondence D-J, 1965-1967 FF - Correspondence K-N, 1965-1967 FF - Correspondence O-T, 1965-1967 FF - Correspondence V-Z, 1965-1967 FF - Office Correspondence A, 1965-1966 FF - Agricultural Extension, 1965-1966 FF - Agricultural Extension, 1965-1966 (cont'd) FF - R. J. Aldrich, 1965-1966 FF - Office Correspondence B, 1965-1966 FF - Comptroller, 1965-1966 FF - Curriculum, 1965-1966 FF - Curriculum, 1965-1966 (cont'd) FF - Departmental Correspondence, 1965-1966 FF - Department Chairmen Meetings, 1965-1966 FF - Office Correspondence E-F, 1965-1966 FF - Homer Folks, 1965-1966 FF - Office Correspondence G, 1965-1966 FF - Office Correspondence H-Ma, 1965-1966 Box 7 - 045420 [return to top][A75-48; A79-39] FF - Office Correspondence - Miscellaneous, 1965-1966 FF - Office Correspondence - Miscellaneous, 1965-1966 (cont'd) FF - Office Correspondence B-C, 1966-1967 FF - Curriculum, 1966-1967 FF - Office Correspondence D, 1966-1967 FF - Homer Folks, 1966-1967 FF - Office Correspondence F-G, 1966-1967 FF - Graduate School, 1966-1967 FF - Office Correspondence H-L, 1966-1967 FF - Office Correspondence - Miscellaneous, 1966-1967 FF - Office Correspondence - Miscellaneous, 1966-1967 (cont'd) FF - Office Correspondence - Miscellaneous, 1966-1967 (cont'd) FF - Office Correspondence N, 1966-1967 FF - Office Correspondence P, 1966-1967 FF - Office Correspondence R, 1966-1967 FF - Correspondence A-E, 1967-1968 FF - Correspondence F-M, 1967-1968 FF - Correspondence N-Z, 1967-1968 Box 8 - 045459 [return to top][A75-48; A79-39] FF - Office Correspondence A, 1967-1968 FF - R. J. Aldrich, 1967-1968 FF - Office Correspondence B, 1967-1968 FF - Office Correspondence C, 1967-1968 FF - Office Correspondence D, 1967-1968 FF - Office Correspondence F, 1967-1968 FF - Homer Folks, 1967-1968 FF - Office Correspondence F-G, 1967-1968 FF - Dean Elmer Kiehl, 1967-1968 FF - Office Correspondence K-Miscellaneous, 1967-1968 FF - Graduate School Dean John C. Murdock, 1967-1968 FF - Office Correspondence M-P, 1967-1968 FF - Positions Available, 1967-1968 FF - Office Correspondence R-S, 1967-1968 FF - Earl VanEaton, 1967-1968 Box 9 - 008637 [return to top][A75-48; A79-39] FF - Photograph of unidentified young woman in dress with train, Whitten Hall, n.d. FF - Admissions Office, 1968-1969 FF - Agriculture Pamphlets, 1966-1969 FF - Richard Aldrich, 1967-1969 FF - Richard Aldrich, 1968-1969 FF - College of Agriculture Foundation, ca. 1967 FF - American Society for Horticultural Science, 1968-1969 FF - Associate Dean Schell Bodenhamer, 1968-1969 FF - Buildings Department (Physical Plant), 1968 FF - Business Office, 1968-1969 FF - Campus Disaster Plan, 1959, 1962 FF - Centennial Celebration Committees, 1968-1969 FF - Comptroller, 1967-1969 FF - Curriculum, 1968-1969 FF - Department Chairmen Meetings, 1968-1969 FF - Departmental Correspondence, 1968-1969 FF - Environmental Health - Delbert Hemphill, 1969 FF - Extension Division, 1967-1969 FF - Agriculture Faculty, 1968-1969 FF - Dr. Fields - Courses and Curriculum (Food Science and Nutrition), 1968, 1971 FF - Financial Aid, 1968-1969 FF - Dean Homer Folks - Correspondence, 1968-1969 FF - Dean Folks - General Correspondence, 1966-1969 FF - Dean Folks - General Correspondence, 1968-1969 FF - Gamma Sigma Delta, 1969 FF - General Correspondence - College of Agriculture, 1967-1969 FF - General Correspondence - College of Agriculture, 1968-1969 FF - General Correspondence - Schroeder A, 1968-1969 FF - General Correspondence - Schroeder B, 1968-1969 FF - General Correspondence - Schroeder C, 1968-1969 FF - General Correspondence - Schroeder D, 1968-1969 FF - General Correspondence - Schroeder E-F, 1968-1969 FF - General Correspondence - Schroeder G, 1968-1969 FF - General Correspondence - Schroeder H, 1968-1969 FF - General Correspondence - Schroeder K-L, 1968-1969 FF - General Correspondence - Schroeder M, 1968-1969 FF - General Correspondence - Schroeder O, 1968-1969 FF - General Correspondence - Schroeder P-Q, 1968-1969 FF - General Correspondence - Schroeder R, 1968-1969 FF - General Correspondence - Schroeder S, 1968-1969 FF - General Correspondence - Schroeder T, 1968-1969 FF - General Correspondence - Schroeder W, 1968-1969 FF - General Correspondence - Schroeder Y-Z, 1968-1969 FF - Graduate School, 1967-1969 FF - Graduate School, 1968-1969 FF - Missouri State Horticultural Society, 1967, 1969 FF - Dean Elmer Kiehl, 1968-1969 FF - Dean Elmer Kiehl, 1967-1969 FF - Dean Kiehl, 1965-1969 Box 10 - 008675 [return to top][A75-48; A79-39] FF - Jean Madden, 1968 FF - Personnel Office, 1968-1969 FF - President's Office, 1968-1969 FF - Purchasing Office, 1968-1969 FF - Resignation, 7/1968 FF - College of Agriculture Fiscal Officer, S.E. Scobee, 1968-1969 FF - Dean of Faculties Herbert Schooling, 1968 FF - Chancellor John Schwada, 1968-1969 FF - Service Report of Academic Personnel, 1968-1969 FF - Sigma Xi, 1969 FF - Staff Benefits, 1968 FF - Staff Positions, 1967 FF - Staff Recommendations, 1969 FF - Foreign Students and Graduate Students, 1968-1969 FF - American Association of University Professors (AAUP), 10/1970 FF - Admissions Office, 1969-1971 FF - R. J. (Richard) Aldrich, 1971 FF - R. J. Aldrich, 1969-1971 FF - R. J. Aldrich, 1969-1970 FF - Agricultural Editor's Office, 1970-1971 FF - American Society for Horticultural Science, 1970-1971 FF - Employment Applications, 1970-1971 FF - Associate Dean Schell Bodenhamer, 1969-1971 FF - Business Office, 1970-1971 FF - Comptroller, 1969-1971 FF - Dean of Faculties Clifton Cornwell, 1971 FF - Curriculum, 1969-1970 FF - Curriculum, 1970-1971 FF - Department Chairmen Conferences, 1969-1971 FF - Departmental Correspondence, 1969-1970 FF - Departmental Correspondence, 1970-1971 FF - Extension, 1970-1971 FF - Extension, 1969-1970 FF - Effort Report, 1971 FF - Employee Rating Sheets, 3/1967 FF - Faculty Council, 1967, 1970-1971 FF - Associate Dean Homer C. Folks, 1971 FF - Associate Dean Homer C. Folks, 1970-1971 FF - Dean Folks, 1969-1970 FF - Dean Folks, 1968-1969 FF - Dean Folks, 1969-1970 FF - Foreign Student Advisor, 1968-1970 FF - Gamma Sigma Delta, 1969-1971 FF - General Correspondence, 1968-1970 FF - General Correspondence, 1969-1970 Box 11 - 009023 [return to top][A75-48; A79-39] FF - General Correspondence, 1970-1971 FF - General Correspondence, 1969-1971 FF - General Correspondence - Committees, 1969-1970 FF - General Correspondence - Schroeder, 1970-1972 FF - General Correspondence, 1970-1972 (cont'd) FF - General Correspondence, 1970-1972 (cont'd) FF - General Correspondence, 1970-1972 (cont'd) FF - Graduate School, 1969-1970 FF - Graduate Students, 1970-1971 FF - Prospective Graduate Students, 1968-1971 FF - Prospective Graduate Students, 1968-1970 FF - Honorary Degrees, 1968-1969 FF - Honorary Degrees, 1968-1969 (cont'd) FF - International Studies Program, 1970-1971 FF - Dean Elmer Kiehl, 1970-1971 FF - Dean Elmer Kiehl, 1970-1971 (cont'd) FF - Dean Kiehl, 1969-1970 FF - Dean Kiehl, 1969-1970 (cont'd) FF - Homer L'Hote, 1970-1971 FF - Assistant Dean Wendell McKinsey, 1971 FF - Graduate School Dean John C. Murdock, 1970-1971 FF - Dean Murdock, 1969-1970 Box 12 - 009129 [return to top][A75-48; A79-39] FF - National Science Foundation, 1965-1970 FF - NDEA Fellowships, 1967-1970 FF - National Academy of Science, 1970 FF - Personnel Office, 1969-1972 FF - Positions Available, 1969-1970 FF - Post-Doctoral Program, 1968-1970 FF - President's Office, 1969-1970 FF - Office of Public Information, 1969-1970 FF - Purchasing Office, 1969-1970 FF - Allan Purdy, 1970-1971 FF - Research Grants, 1968-1971 FF - Chancellor Herbert Schooling, 1970-1971 FF - Chancellor John Schwada, 1970 FF - Chancellor Schwada, 1969-1970 FF - College of Agriculture Fiscal Officer S. E. Scobee, 1969-1970 FF - Short Courses, 1970 FF - Sigma Xi, 1970-1971 FF - Campus Traffic, 1968-1970 FF - Vice President A. G. Unklesbay, 1969 FF - Admissions Office, 1971-1972 FF - Affirmative Action, 1972 FF - Experiment Station Director R. J. Aldrich, 1971-1972 FF - Ashland Road Greenhouse, 1971 FF - Graduate School Dean Richard A. Bloomfield, 1971 FF - Associate Dean for Extension Schell Bodenhamer, 1971-1972 FF - Business Office, 1971-1972 FF - Chancellor Schooling, 1971-1972 FF - Comptroller, 1971-1972 FF - Curriculum, 1971-1972 FF - Departmental Correspondence, 1971-1972 FF - Departmental Meetings, 1971-1972 FF - Departmental Correspondence, 1971-1972 (cont'd) FF - Associate Dean Homer C. Folks, 1971-1972 FF - Associate Dean Homer C. Folks, 1971-1972 (cont'd) FF - Associate Dean Homer C. Folks, 1971-1972 (cont'd) FF - Dean Folks re: Greenhouse, 1970-1972 FF - Associate Dean Edmund A. Ford, 1971-1972 FF - Graduate School, 1971-1972 FF - Prospective Graduate Students, 1971-1972 FF - Grants, 1971-1972 FF - International Studies and Programs, 1971 FF - Dean Elmer Kiehl, 1972 Box 13 - 009176 [return to top][A75-48; A79-39] FF - Dean Elmer Kiehl, 1971-1972 FF - Experiment Station Assistant Director Homer L'Hote, 1971-1972 FF - Assistant Dean Wendell McKinsey, 1972 FF - Graduate School Dean John C. Murdock, 1971 FF - National Science Foundation, 1971 FF - Operations Committee, 1971-1972 FF - Positions Available, 1971-1972 FF - Personnel, 1971-1972 FF - Positions, 1971 FF - President's Office, 1971-1972 FF - Prospective Staff Members, 1972 FF - Chancellor Herbert Schooling, 1971-1972 FF - Service Reports, 1972 FF - Sigma Xi, 1972 FF - Accounting, 1973 FF - Admissions Office, 1973-1974 FF - Affirmative Action, 1972-1973 FF - Experiment Station Associate Director R. J. Aldrich, 1974 FF - Dean Aldrich, 1973 FF - Dean Aldrich, 1972-1973 FF - American Society for Horticultural Science, 1972-1973 FF - Associate Dean Schell Bodenhamer, 1972-1973 FF - General Correspondence, 1972-1973 FF - Homer L'Hote, 1972-1973 FF - Minor Construction, 1973 FF - Graduate School Associate Dean Andrew C. Minor, 1971-1972 FF - Assistant Dean Wendell McKinsey, 1972-1973 FF - National Science Foundation, 1973 FF - Personnel, 1972-1973 FF - Positions, 1972-1973 FF - President's Office, 1972-1973 FF - Purchasing, 1972-1973 FF - Research Grants, 1972-1973 FF - Salary Adjustments, 1969 FF - Agriculture Placement Director John L. Sanders, 1972-1973 FF - Herbert Schooling, 1970-1973 FF - Academic Service Reports, 1971-1972 FF - Sigma Xi, 1972-1973 FF - Agricultural Extension, 1972-1973 FF - Agriculture Faculty, 1972 FF - Associate Dean Schell Bodenhamer, 1973-1974 FF - Associate Dean Schell Bodenhamer, 1973-1974 (cont'd) FF - Buildings Department (Physical Plant), 1972 FF - Business Office, 1972-1974 FF - Coordinator of Research Programs, 1971-1972 FF - Curriculum, 1973-1974 FF - Curriculum, 1972-1973 FF - Departmental Correspondence, 1972-1974 FF - Educational Policy Committee (Agriculture), 1973-1974 Box 14 - 009221 [return to top][A75-48; A79-39] FF - Extension, 1973-1974 FF - Faculty-Alumni Awards, 1973 FF - Faculty Council, 1972 FF - Fellowships, 1972 FF - Associate Dean Homer Folks, 1969, 1972-1973 FF - Associate Dean Homer Folks, 1969, 1972-1973 (cont'd) FF - Director of Center for International Programs and Studies Edmund A. Ford, 1971-1972 FF - Gamma Sigma Delta, 1972-1974 FF - General Correspondence, 1973-1974 FF - General Correspondence, 1972-1973 FF - General Correspondence, 1973-1974 (cont'd) FF - General Correspondence, 1972-1974 FF - General Correspondence, 1973-1974 (cont'd) FF - Graduate School, 1972-1974 FF - Graduate Students, 1972-1973 FF - Job Opportunities, 1973 FF - Dean Elmer R. Kiehl, 1972-1973 FF - Dean Kiehl, 1970-1974 (cont'd) FF - Dean Kiehl, 1973-1974 FF - Dean Kiehl, 1973-1974 (cont'd) FF - Library, 1972 FF - Assistant Dean Wendell McKinsey, 1974 FF - Payroll, 1974 FF - Peach Council, 1974 FF - Personnel, 1974 FF - Physical Plant, 1973 FF - Positions Available, 1973-1974 FF - Positions Available, 1973-1974 (cont'd) FF - Research Grants, 1973-1974 FF - Sigma Xi, 1974 FF - Staff Recommendations, 1972-1973 FF - Testing and Counseling, 1968, 1972-1973 FF - Undergraduate Advisement, 1972-1973 FF - University Club, 1971-1972 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: April 2020
Revised: 23 June 2021
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