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Box Lists for C:3/22/12Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).
[A11-28] Current Herd Register, University of Missouri Dairy Herd - Holstein Bulls, ca. 1905-1968 Register 2 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Herd Register, University of Missouri Dairy Herd - Holsteins, #A-1 to A500 plus Red Holsteins, ca. 1962-1969 Register 3 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Herd Register, University of Missouri Dairy Herd - Jerseys, #900J-999, 500-799, ca. 1936-1968 Register 4 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Herd Register, University of Missouri Dairy Herd - Holsteins, #201H-298H, 500H-799H, ca. 1900-1944 Register 5 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Herd Register, University of Missouri Dairy Herd - Hatch Farm Jerseys, #1-99, 100-198, 200-464, ca. 1930-1965 Register 6 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Herd Register, University of Missouri Foremost Guernsey Herd - Herd Sires, Bull Calves, and Guernseys, #423G-499, 200-253, ca. 1927-1967 Register 7 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Herd Register, University of Missouri Foremost Guernsey Herd - #2-600, ca. 1954-1969 Register 8 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Transfer Herd Register, University of Missouri Dairy Herd - Jerseys, #1J-199J, 803-899, 232J-320J, and Jersey Herd Sires, ca. 1893-1940 Register 9 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Herd Register, University of Missouri Dairy Herd - Shorthorn Bulls, #4005-4175, Ayrshires, Brown Swiss, ca. 1905-1959 Register 10 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Herd Register, University of Missouri Dairy Herd - #1-99, 301-499, 800-899, ca. 1939-1969 Register 11 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Herd Register, University of Missouri Foremost Guernsey Herd - #601-999, ca. 1962-1969 Register 12 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Dairy Department Receipt Book, 1946-1947 Register 13 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Milk Records, 1898-1904 Register 14 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Hatch Farm Milk Sheets, 1938-1949 OSB 1 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Herd Register, Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station, ca. 1887-1895 Herd Register, University of Missouri Dairy Herd, ca. 1896-1912 OSB 2 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Photo Scrapbook - Hatch Dairy Experiment Station, 1934-1958 OSB 3 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Photo Scrapbook - Dairy Cattle Judging Teams, 1907-1965 Photo Scrapbook - Out-of-Herd Photos - Holsteins and Guernseys, n.d. Photo Scrapbook - Foremost Guernsey Farm (includes photos of James Cash Penney), ca. 1952-1957 OSB 4 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Photo Scrapbook - Hatch Dairy Experiment Station, 1934-1964 OSB5 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Photo Scrapbook - Present Herd Animals - Jersey, Holstein, Guernsey, Brown Swiss, and Brahman Cattle, ca. 1944-1950 OSB 6 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Photo Scrapbook - MU Dairy Department - Faculty and Students, Judging Classes, Testing Scenes, and Creamery Scenes, 1902-1949 OSB 7 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Photo Scrapbook - Hatch Farm Buildings and Herd, 1932-1938 OSB 8 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Photo Scrapbook - Current Herd Register of University of Missouri Dairy Herd (Holstein pictures out of herd), 1907-1932 OSB 9 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Photo Scrapbook - Current Herd Register of University of Missouri Dairy Herd (Holstein pictures out of herd), 1932-1947 OSB 10 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Photo Scrapbook - Dairy Club Activities, 1911, 1939-1966 OSB 11 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Photo Scrapbook - Dairy Department Photos Used In Extension Education (includes Extension Work, Experimental Animals, Fertility Studies, Dairy Cattle Breeding, Research Production Problems, Breeding Record cards and charts, Ice Cream Melting Experiments, laboratories, and other topics),ca. 1920-1950 OSB 12 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Photo Scrapbook - MU Dairy Department - Buildings, Shows and Exhibits (including Farmers' Fair and Missouri State Fair), 1911-1969 Photo Scrapbook - MU Dairy Department - Feeding, Milking, Calves, Barn Lots and Pastures, 1910-1945 OSB 13 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Photo Scrapbook - Animals out of Herd - Jerseys, Ayrshire, Shorthorn, 1907-1955 OSB 14 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Photo Scrapbook - Animals out of Herd - Jerseys, Ayrshire, Shorthorn, 1907-1955 (cont'd) OSB 15 - Ellis [return to top][A11-28] Trophy (charger), "Dairy Club Princess", 1975-1989 Plaque - Missouri Holstein Association 75th Anniversary, from the Holstein-Friesian Association of America, 1990 Plaque - Association of Missouri Dairy Organizations - Citation for Outstanding Service to 4-H, 6/10/1982 FF - Photographs (includes William C. Eckles, 1991; Emeritus Professors' Group, 1959; cows in front of Eckles Hall, after 1938; Purebred Dairy Cattle Association Meeting, 1946) Color print, cattle grazing, n.d. Oversized photograph - E.S. Matteson, A.H. Extension Specialist, 1935 to 1962 Six oversized photographs - faculty/staff groups (includes Meats Group), ca. 1956-1958 Box 1 - UMLD1 [return to top][A11-28] Photo Album I - Animal Husbandry (including sheep, building interiors and exteriors, judging, hoof trimming, tail docking), n.d. Photo Album II - Animal Husbandry (including sheep, building interiors and exteriors, shearing, feeding, negative contact sheets), n.d. FF - Photographic negatives (3x5" from Animal Husbandry photo albums) FF - Photographic negatives (35mm from Animal Husbandry photo albums) FF - Photograph (mounted) - Sheep at feeding trough FF - Photographs - Sheep shearing Scrapbook - "College Sheep I" (including photographic prints and negatives of Animal Husbandry sheep; notes), ca. 1909-1938 Scrapbook - "College Sheep II" (including photographic prints and negatives of Animal Husbandry sheep; notes), ca. 1928-1942 Scrapbook - "Experiment Station Sheep" (annotated, including photographic prints and negatives of Animal Husbandry sheep), ca. 1910-1916 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: May 2011
Revised: 30 June 2021
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