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Box Lists for C:22/7/1

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 050661 [return to top]


FF - General Fraternity/Sorority Directories, 1938-1997

FF - Joint Fraternity/Sorority Activities, 1947-

FF - Interfraternity Rush Guides and Information Guides, 1947-1950, 1968, 1983-2002

FF - Panhellenic Rush Guides and Information Guides, 1941-1968

FF - Panhellenic Rush Guides and Information Guides, 1977-2003

FF - General Interfraternity and Panhellenic Publications, 1966-2002

FF - Panhellenic Informational Delegate Handbook, 1992, 1994, 1997

FF - Women's Panhellenic Association, 1958-1959 [A13-07]

FF - National Panhellenic Congress and Conference Publications, 1949-

FF - "Regulations Governing Student Social Functions and Selected Regulations Governing Organized Houses at the University of Missouri", 1947, 1949-1950

FF - Newsclipping - Early Housing at MU, 1983

FF - Legacy - The Greek Annual, 1989

FF - Zeta Phi/Beta Theta Pi - includes rush guides, (1995-2003); membership directories, (1960-1965, 1988; the 1965 directory also includes a chapter history); and newsletters, (1961, 1965)

FF - Sigma Nu - includes membership directories, (1975, 1978, 1988); chapter history, (1988); and "Sigma News of Rho Chapter", (1936-1937)[A14-28]

FF - Kappa Sigma - Memorabilia, 1919-1923

FF - Kappa Sigma - includes membership directories, (1975, 1980); newsletters, (1962-1983); rush materials, (1962, 1991-1992); and songbooks, (n.d.)

FF - Alpha Gamma Rho - includes membership directories, (1971, 1988); newsletter, (1984); and chapter history, (2016)

FF - Sigma Chi - includes newsletter "The Xi-Xi News", (12/1961); annual "The Missouri Sig", (1936); "Facts and Figures Featuring 500 College - A Report of the House Corporation of Xi Xi Chapter of Sigma Chi", (ca. 1937); and chapter history, (2009)

Box 2 - UMLD1 [return to top]


FF - Alpha Kappa Alpha - materials related to the 61st Mid-Western Regional Conference, 3/21-24/1991

FF - Kappa Kappa Gamma - "From Bustles to Blue Jeans: A History of Theta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma at the University of Missouri", (1975)

FF - Farmhouse - "Farmhouse News" newsletter, (1962, 1979-1980)

FF - Sigma Phi Epsilon - includes membership directories, (1962, 1988) and "Sig Ep at Mizzou" newsletter, (1962)

FF - Sigma Alpha Epsilon - includes "The Lion's Lore" newsletter, (1962, 1982-1983)

FF - Phi Gamma Delta - includes "Songs of the Fijis", (1949); rush materials, (n.d.); and "FIJI Missourian" newsletter, (2011)

FF - Acacia - includes "The Triad of Acacia", (1927-1928) and "The Mummy" newsletter, (1981)

FF - Alpha Tau Omega - includes chapter history, (1914); "The Manual of Alpha Tau Omega", by Claude T. Reno, (1939); membership directory, (1988); and "ATO Link" newsletters, (1962, 1978, 1980)

FF - Delta Tau Delta - includes newsletters, (1962, 1981)

FF - Phi Delta Theta - includes annual circular letter, (1906) and "MO Alphan Phi" newsletter, (1965)

FF - Alpha Gamma Sigma - includes membership directory, (1987); annual, "The Rake of Alpha Gamma Sigma", (1931); and rush materials, (1987)

FF - Miscellaneous fraternity and sorority materials - includes membership directories, newsletters, rush materials, house rules, and informational materials for the following organizations - Alpha Delta Pi, Lambda Chi Alpha, Zeta Beta Tau, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Kappa Alpha Theta, Pi Kappa Alpha, Omega Psi Phi, Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Delta Gamma, Delta Chi, Sigma Pi, Beta Sigma Psi, Kappa Alpha, Zeta Tau Alpha, and Chi Omega, (1977-1998)

FF - The Panhellenic, 1890-1891 [photocopy use copies]

FF - Tau Kappa Epsilon - The TEKE Guide, 1974

FF - Freshman Record (sponsored by the Interfraternity Council), 1982

Envelope 1 - Ellis [return to top]

Items - Kappa Sigma - Beta Gamma Chapter - Composite Photographs (includes Stardusters for 1982 and 1983), 1963-1983

Oversized Package 1 - Ellis [return to top]

Item - "The Zeta Phi", May 26, 1938

Oversized Folder 1 - MC [return to top]

FF - The Panhellenic (five issues), 1890-1891

FF - Greek Life, Volume I, Number 1, 4/28/1993

Return to C:22/7/1 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Compiled: October 2014
Revised: 19 November 2024

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