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Box Lists for C:20/9/7

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 107388 [return to top]


FF - Libraries Staff Photos (with names), 5/1999

FF - Scrapbook - "MULSA Celebrates 50 Years, 1949-1999"

FF - Scrapbook (includes meeting minutes, membership lists, officer reports, event invitations and flyers, MU Libraries Staff Association [MULSA] logos, officer election ballots, correspondence and other materials), ca. 1993-2015

FF - Scrapbook (includes meeting minutes, membership lists, officer reports, constitution, staff lounge guidelines, and other materials), 2001-2015

FF - Scrapbook (includes meeting minutes and event invitations and flyers), 2016-2019

FF - "The Library Muse" and "The Muse", undated issues

FF - "The Library Muse", 1986-1992

FF - "The Library Muse" and "The Muse", 1993-1997

FF - "The Muse", 1998-2003

FF - "Puzzles, Problems and Possibilities", 2/1998

FF - MULSA - Meeting minutes, 2002, 2010-2018

FF - Super Star Award, 1997

FF - Staff Room (includes correspondence and reports), 1983-2000

FF - MULSA - Pamphlet, n.d.

FF - MULSA - Chair annual reports, 1997-1998

FF - Photographs - Super Star Award, ca. 1997-1998

FF - Staff Recognition, 1993-2015

FF - MERLIN Library Catalog Procedures and Use, 1997-2000

FF - MULSA-sponsored staff cookbooks, 1997

FF - MU Libraries promotional materials (includes issues of "Library Connections" newsletter), 1996-2008

FF - Department of Information Technology (DoIT) - "Get IT Started: Technology Resource Guide", n.d.

FF - MU Total Rewards Staff Benefits Guide, 2017

FF - Miscellaneous material (includes Libraries information card printed on old card catalog card, 8/2003, and fabric lens/screen cleaner, "Friends of the Libraries", given to Libraries staff for Staff Appreciation Day, 2020)

Box 2 - 107389 [return to top]


Item - Flying disc or frisbee commemorating Ellis Library centennial, 2015

Item - Label from water bottle commemorating Ellis Library centennial, 2015

Item - Hand fan from MULSA annual picnic, 2010

Item - Tote bag with "MU Libraries Staff Association: So many books… so little time.", with tiger, n.d.

Item - Flying disc with "MU Libraries, University of Missouri: Your Connection to Knowledge", n.d.

Item - Pencils with "MU Libraries MERLIN" and telnet address, n.d.

Item - Cup with "Bookmark Cafe, University of Missouri - Ellis Library", n.d.

Item - Cup with "MU Staff Advisory Council - Working for you", n.d.

Item - Shirt with MU Libraries logo, n.d.

Item - Shirt with "MU Libraries" with tiger logo, n.d.

Item - T-shirt commemorating Ellis Library centennial, 2015

Item - T-shirt with "Ellis Library - Grace Under Fire", commemorating a fire in the library, 9/10/2011

Item - T-shirt with "MU Libraries - Your Connection to Knowledge" with tiger logo, n.d.

Item - T-shirt with "These shoes are made for walking"/"I walked a million steps", MU Wellness/Healthy for Life program, n.d.

Return to C:20/9/7 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Compiled: August 2022
Revised: 03 August 2022

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