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MU Libraries

Record Group: 20 C
Record Sub-Group: 14
Records Title: UMC; MU Libraries; Memorabilia
Dates: 1979-2020
Volume: 3 and 2/3 cubic feet; 4.58 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Record Sub-Group contains memorabilia originating from MU Libraries, including buttons and photographs.

Series Descriptions:

Series 1. - C:20/9/1 (A01-159)
This Series contains memorabilia relating to MU Libraries. This Series contains 2 yellow buttons labeled, "Ask Me About MERLIN," (2001). Merlin stands for Missouri Education and Research Libraries Information Network and is the online library catalog for University of Missouri campuses and Saint Louis University.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 9)

Series 2. - C:20/9/2 (A03-11; A03-93; A04-01; A04-87; A04-92; various)
This Series contains memorabilia relating to Ellis Library, (1979-2013). The Series consists of an oversized color photograph of the Ellis Library staff, (1999), taken on the 50th anniversary of MU Libraries Staff Association (MULSA), and a silhouette legend for the photograph, as well as a color photograph of the Special Collections staff. Also included is a staff photograph from 1979. This Series also contains digital images (and printouts) of the Ellis Library card catalog taken prior to its removal in August of 2003, souvenir cards from the catalog, and speech scripts from the "retirement" ceremony for the card catalog. The Series also includes two plastic mugs with "MU Libraries" logos, (ca. 2000); a t-shirt commemorating a fire in Ellis Library in September 2011; a t-shirt, notepad and bookmarks from a University Libraries marketing event, "MU Libraries: Your Connection to Knowledge", (ca. 2009); 2 pencils labeled "MU Libraries MERLIN", (n.d.); and a yellow hardhat labeled with the stacked "MU" logo and "Libraries", (n.d.). Also forming part of Series 2 are six Polaroid prints depicting the opening of the Electronic Classroom I on the 4th floor of Ellis Library, (1996), a photograph of Librarian Mary Ryan on her last day in the office, and a photographic slide of the MERLIN Online Catalog area, (n.d.).
(1 c.f., 009222; Env., Ellis; Electronic Records)

Series 3. - C:20/9/3 (A03-96)
This Series contains memorabilia relating to the Engineering Library, (1985-1992). The Series consists of seven 3x5 color photographs of the Engineering Library building and staff.
(Env., Ellis)

Series 4. - C:20/9/4 (A07-101; A08-63)
This Series contains memorabilia and miscellaneous administrative records related to the traveling exhibit, "Forever Free: Abraham Lincoln's Journey to Emancipation," on display in the MU Libraries' Ellis Library during the spring of 2007. The memorabilia consist of a guest book and a journal of visitors' observations. The administrative records include the exhibit support notebook, setup instructions, grant materials, and a congratulatory letter from the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission, (2006).
(1/3 c.f.: 1/6 c.f., UMLD1; 1/6 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 5. - C:20/9/5
This Series contains memorabilia of the Ellis Library Centennial, (2015). The memorabilia include a t-shirt, a flying disc or frisbee, a champagne flute, and various printed and duplicated materials. Also included in the Series is a commemorative reprint of The New Library Building from 1915.
(1/3 c.f., Ellis; Roll, Ellis)

Series 6. - C:20/9/6
This Series contains memorabilia of exhibits displayed in Ellis Library, (2006). The memorabilia consist of photographs of the lecture and recital given by MU faculty memnber M. Rusty Jones on November 15, 2006, entitled "Music of Elizabethan England." The lecture/recital was held in conjunction with the traveling "Elizabeth I: Ruler and Legend" exhibit organized by the Newberry Library's Center for Renaissance Studies, in collaboration with the American Library Association Public Programs Office.
(Electronic Records)

Series 7. - C:20/9/7 (A22-32)
This Series contains memorabilia and MU Libraries Staff Association (MULSA) records collected and received by Karen Eubanks, (1983-2020). The MULSA records include meeting minutes, reports, printed and duplicated materials, and extensive scrapbooks. The memorabilia consist of MU Library- and University-related items such as shirts, pencils, and cups.
(2 c.f., 107388, 107389)
Note to Archivist: The records in Series 7 were donated by Karen Eubanks who was a staff member in the Library Research and Information Services Division of University Libraries until 2021. She served MULSA in many of its officer or committee positions, including president, vice president, community service, booksale, courtesy, staff lounge, Muse editor, and social committee.
The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Amy Douglas: December 2001
Revised: 03 August 2022

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