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Box Lists for C:20/00/9Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s). Box 1 - 058479 [return to top][various] FF - Directory of Special Collections at the University of Missouri-Columbia Libraries, 2001 FF - Friends of the Libraries - Gifts to the Rare Book Room of Ellis Library, 1982 FF - Faculty Handbooks, 1990, 1993 FF - Guides to Ellis Library, 1938-2002 FF - Library and Department Services, 1980-2002 FF - Library Rules, Hours and Tours, 1948-2009 FF - MU Libraries Photo Directory, n.d. FF - Staff Directories, 1966, 1982-1990, 1992-2001 FF - Staff Handbook, 1974 FF - UMC Libraries: Newsletter of Library Service at the University of Missouri-Columbia, 1978-1983 FF - "MU Libraries Enhanced Printing Center", ca. 1990 FF - "A Guide to the Microforms in the Libraries", 1972 FF - Ellis Library Security Officer Manual, 2008 FF - "Your Library and How to Use It", 1970, 1977 FF - "Library Research: Ellis Library", 2004 FF - Bibliographies and Suggested Reading Lists (includes holiday/seasonal, "Democratic Movement in China", "Programmed Learning" materials, serials/periodicals, government reports, "Bibliography of William Benjamin Smith", and "Sesquicentennial Sampler"), 1936, 1940-1946, ca. 1966, 1989 FF - Explorations in Diversity Series No. 1 - "An African-American Bibliography: Science, Medicine, and Allied Fields, Education, History, and the Arts: Selected Sources from the MU Libraries", 2/1995 FF - Library Society - Dinner and reception programs, 2004-2015, 2017 FF - Development/Fund Raising, 2002-2015 FF - Dedication, Richard L. Wallace Atrium, 2004 FF - Special Collections - Events, 2006-2011 FF - DVD-R - Event, "Tennessee Williams: The Art of Endurance" (includes "An Evening with Elizabeth Ashley" and "An Evening with Edward Albee"), 2011 FF - Library Staff Events, 1992-2007 FF - Disaster Action Manual for Ellis Library, 1999 FF - MU Libraries Disaster Manual, 1999 FF - MU Libraries Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery Manual, 2003 FF - MU Libraries Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery Manual, 2004 FF - Committee on Accredited Junior Colleges, 1931 FF - Notecards/Greeting Cards (N. Leoni Shakespeare illuminations), n.d. FF - "The Student Connection", 2007-2015 FF - "The Faculty Connection", 2007-2008 FF - Press Releases regarding University Libraries, 1967-1975 FF - MU Libraries Staff Association (MULSA), 1985-1998 FF - MULSA - "Recipes we Love" (cookbook), n.d. FF - Newsletters - "Library Connections", 2003-2016 Box 2 - UMLD1 [return to top][various] FF - Newsletters - "Library Systems Office Update", 1989-1991 FF - Event programs (includes Banned Books Week, 2009-2010; "Tom before Tenn: The Early Works of Tennessee Williams", 2010-2011; J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Dedication, 9/13/1985; Lottes Health Sciences Library Anniversary Symposium, 9/28/2011; Ellis Library Colonnade renovation, 2001; Ellis Library Addition, 1987' "Missouri Contemporary Ballet: Tennessee Williams: Lightning in a Bottle", 3/20/2011; Jim Cogswell retirement, 4/29/2016; Deborah Ward retirement celebration, including remarks, 5/30/2024; "Forever Free: Abraham Lincoln's Journey to Emancipation", 2007, and other events) FF - Libraries Staff Celebration of Service, 2006-2017 FF - Events - "Native American Voices", 11/4/2015 FF - "Technical Services Bulletin", 1995-1996 FF - Student Ambassadors/Library Ambassadors, ca. 2015 FF - Special Collections (includes general information brochures and "Incunabula in the Ellis Library: a Checklist"), n.d. FF - Awards received by University Libraries (includes Exhibition Catalogue Award for Excellence, 1988, and UMI Early English Books Project, 1988) FF - Worksheets, "Library Director Turnover in ARL Libraries", 1998 FF - "The plight of the library revisited", by MU history professor R.J. Rowland, Jr., ca. 1980 FF - Library Committee resolution regarding Library Addition, 4/28/1955 FF - "Specifications for American Titles Listed in Books in Print for the University of Missouri Library", 5/15/1959 FF - Response to the Academic Planning Committee (draft), 12/1991 FF - Abstract, "Investigating the Effects of Human Factors on the Outcomes of a Library Computer Literacy Program", by Rosie L. Albritton and MaryEllen Sievert, 3/1987 FF - Miscellaneous printed and duplicated materials (includes Ellis Library Preservation Committee bookmarks; flyer for "ILL@MU"; overdue book notice; "Guidelines for Salary Increases, FY1992-1993"; Ellis Library Copy Service calendars; "Circulation Department Reciprocal Borrowing Programs"; "New Faces at MU Libraries"; and book processing materials) FF - Engineering Library - Newsletters, 1993 FF - "MU Libraries Strategic Plan Working Notebook", ca. 1998 FF - UMC Libraries Personnel Policies Manual, ca. 1982 FF - UMC Libraries General Policy Manual, ca. 2000 FF - UMC Libraries General Policy Manual - Miscellaneous policies, 2016 FF - University Libraries Student Advisory Council (ULSAC) - Student Vision Project, 2018 FF - Friends of the Libraries - Public Relations Material, 2020 Box 3 - Ellis [return to top][various] FF - MU Libraries General Policy Manual (includes 1992 draft for Policy No. 21), ca. 2001 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia Libraries - Library Policy Manual, revised 12/4/2001 FF - Journalism Library - flyers and postcards (subjects include W. David Dugan Journalism Library Endowment Fund, 2008; Frank Lee Martin Journalism Library Rededication, 2009; and dedication of the Betty Houchin Winfield Political Communication and Mass Media History Collection, 2011) FF - Miscellaneous notecards and greeting cards - most produced using artwork and photographs from University Archives and Special Collections materials, n.d. FF - "Some History of the University of Missouri Libraries", 4/2010 (reprints material from two Libraries histories written by June LaFollette DeWeese, 1980, 1989) Item - Promotional flying disc with "Celebrating MU Libraries: Ellis Library Centennial, 1915-2015", ca. 2015 Item - Candy tin, with Library Society logo, n.d. Electronic Records [return to top]
Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: July 2016
Revised: 01 July 2024
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