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Box Lists for C:18/6/7

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 005512 [return to top]


FF - American Association for Collegiate Independent Study (AACIS) Conference, 2000

FF - Center for Distance and Independent Study (CDIS) 90th Anniversary, 2001

FF - AACIS Conference, 1993

FF - AACIS - President Ballot, 1994

FF - AACIS - Ballot, 1995

FF - Broadcast Media, 1989-1992

FF - National University Continuing Education Association (NUCEA), 1987-1992

FF - Catalog - NUCEA Award, 1992-1993

FF - Catalog - NUCEA Award, 1993-1994

FF - Catalog - NUCEA Award, 1994-1995

FF - NUCEA Catalog Competition, 1995-1996

FF - NUCEA Catalog Competition, 1996-1997

FF - UCEA Catalog Competition, 1997-1998

FF - UCEA Catalog Competition, 1998-1999

FF - UCEA Marketing Competition, 1999

FF - UCEA Catalog Competition, 1999-2000

FF - UCEA Awards, 2000

FF - Von Pittman Book, 1997-1998

FF - Steve Stipanovich Interview, 1989-1990

FF - Center for Independent Study (CIS) Mission Statement, ca. 1991

FF - News Releases - Video Credit Program, 1986-1987

FF - News Releases - CIS, 1984-1999

FF - News Releases - Roger G. Young (includes photographs), 1995-1998

FF - Press Releases - Gera Burton, 1998-1999

FF - Press Releases, 1999

FF - Press Releases, 1993-1998

FF - Radio Public Service Announcements (PSAs), ca. 1983-1995

FF - Statistics, 1997-1998

FF - Statistics, 1996-1997

FF - Statistics, 1995-1996

FF - Statistics, 1994-1995

FF - Statistics, 1993-1994

FF - Statistics, 1992-1993

FF - Progress Report, 1991-1992

FF - Progress Report, 1990-1991

FF - Progress Report, 1989-1990

FF - Progress Report, 1988-1989

FF - Published Articles, 1985-1992

FF - CIS Retreat, 10/1991

FF - University of Missouri High School - School Profile, ca. 2006

FF - Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) - Veterans Education and Training Section, 2007-2011

FF - Online Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) Inserts, 2005-2011

FF - BGS Components, 2016-2017

FF - BGS Writing Intensive Course, 2006-2008

FF - MU High School - Three-Year Follow-up Report, 2004

FF - Ehren Oncken, 2007-2008, 2015 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Missouri DESE, 2008-2012

Box 2 - 005513 [return to top]


FF - Online Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) Degree, 2009-2013

FF - MU High School - Student Profile, 2007

FF - BGS Degree, 2000-2004

FF - BGS - Student Services, 2003-2004

FF - BGS - Printed Material (includes brochures, course catalogs and reports), 2007-2018

FF - High School Marketing, 1999-2000

FF - MU Advisors MACADA, 1996-1998

FF - Production Materials - CIS Independent Study Notes - High School Edition, Fall 1996

FF - Annual Plan, 1990-1991

FF - Annual Plan, 1991-1992

FF - Annual Plan, 1992-1993

FF - Annual Report, 1992-1993; Annual Plan, 1993-1994

FF - Annual Report, 1993-1994; Annual Plan, 1994-1995

FF - Annual Reports, 1994-1996

FF - Extension Annual Report, 1997-1998

FF - Marketing, 1990-1991

FF - Marketing, ca. 1993

FF - Marketing, 1993-1998

FF - CDIS Advertising - ASCA School Counselor, 2000-2003

FF - CDIS Advertising - Foreign Service Journal, 2003-2012

FF - CDIS Advertising - Home Education Magazine, 2003-2013

FF - CDIS Advertising - Homeschooling Parent, 2002-2004

FF - CDIS Advertising - The Link, 1999-2003

FF - CDIS Advertising - UMR Missouri Miner, 2002-2003

FF - CDIS Advertising - Ski Racing International, 2001-2003

FF - CDIS Advertising - St. Louis Skating Club, 2002

FF - CDIS Advertising - USA Gymnastics Technique, 2002

FF - CDIS Advertising - Truman State Index, 2002

FF - CDIS Advertising - Columbia Missourian, 2002

FF - CDIS Advertising - MU Schedule of Courses, Summer 2002

FF - CDIS Advertising - MNEA Something Better, 2002-2008

FF - CDIS Advertising - MSTA School and Community, 2001-2010

FF - CDIS Advertising - Skating Magazine, 2005-2012

FF - CDIS Advertising - Stars and Stripes, 2003

FF - CDIS Advertising - USA Gymnastics, 2002-2004

Box 3 - 005958 [return to top]


FF - MU High School Radio Advertising, 2007-2008

FF - CDIS - NAGC Conference Ad, 11/2009

FF - MARE Advertising, 2007

FF - St. Louis Magazine, 2009

FF - How Conference, 2008

FF - Webinar/Seminar, 2011

FF - How Conference, 2012

FF - Special Ed News, 2012

FF - College of Education - Autism, Spring 2009

FF - College of Education - ECSE/Autism - MEd Program, Spring 2011

FF - College of Education - Autism/Neurodevelopmental Disorders Graduate Certificate, Fall 2010

FF - Gifted Education, 2005-2010

FF - Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE), 2012

FF - Homeschooling Parent, 2011

FF - MSCA Counseling Interviewer, 2005-2009

FF - Advertising/Marketing, 2003-2010

FF - School and Community Magazine, 2003-2008

FF - The Link Homeschooling Magazine, n.d.

FF - Charter Schools Today, Spring 2009

FF - Charter Schools Today, Summer 2009

FF - MU in the Evening Program (includes CDs and DVDs of radio ads), 1998-2012

FF - Credit Program Reorganization, 1999-2000

FF - News Clippings, 1998-2014

FF - News Clippings - MU High School, 1999-2009

FF - Marketing - Online Programs (includes CD of radio ads), 2001-2015

FF - "Survey Results and Analysis for MU Student Satisfaction Survey", 3/2/2009

FF - "Mizzou Online Statewide Awareness Campaign Update", 2/28/2006

FF - Distance Education Enrollment Reports, 2011-2015

FF - Distance Education Annual Reports, 2017-2019

FF - Mizzou Online Report (includes enrollment, student snapshots, web presence, building awareness, and publicity), 2012-2013

FF - MU Distance Education Merger, 2010

FF - "Focus Group Report - General Businesses", 5/18/2000

FF - Educational Needs Assessment and Market Analysis, 7/2000

FF - The College Board - Community Assessment Program - Policy Report - "Policy Recommendations for Educating Adults", 2/1992 (2 copies)

FF - The College Board - Community Assessment Program - Technical Report - "The Market for Adult Education: Findings from a Community Survey", 2/1992

FF - CDs (includes "The Mizzou Story" - Version One, n.d., and photographs of Georgian students MUITE graduation), 5/16/2003

FF - MU Direct - Doris Littrell, 1998-1999

FF - MU Direct - Name Change, 1999

FF - MU Direct - Extension Teaching, 1998-1999

Box 4 - 006718 [return to top]


FF - Gifted Education Brochure, Fall 2012

FF - Mizzou Online Degrees Flier, 2012

FF - Gifted Education, 2012

FF - Gifted Education - GAM Conference, 2012

FF - Summer Welcome Booklet, 2013

FF - Marketing Efforts, 2005-2011

FF - MU Direct General Postcard, n.d.

FF - Marketing Efforts, 2000-2013

FF - US News - Special Report on e-Learning, 10/15/2001

FF - Natural Hazards Course Flier - Mizzou @ Home, 2011

FF - Textile and Apparel Management (TAM) Online Course, Spring/Summer 2011

FF - Joint Summer Online, 2010

FF - e-Learning Realignment Report, 2/25/2011

FF - Textbook Giveaways, Fall 2000

FF - Evening Program, 2001-2002

FF - Summer Institute Ads, 2000-2001

FF - Information Packet - Excellence in Leadership and Principles of Public Health Nursing, ca. 2002

FF - American Society of Appraisers (ASA), 2002

FF - Extension, 2007-2008

FF - "Soldiers' Dream - A Centennial History of Lincoln University of Missouri" (reprint), 1989

FF - Production Folder - MU High School catalog, 2000-2001

FF - Production Folder - CDIS University Catalog, 2000-2001

FF - Production Folder - CDIS Bulletin, 1999

FF - Production Folder - Catalog Postcard, 1999-2000

FF - Production Folder - MU High School Folder, 1999-2000

FF - Production Folder - Catalog, 1998-1999

FF - Production Folder - Posters, 1998-1999

FF - Production Folder - Bulletin Postcard, 1998-1999

FF - Production Folder - Catalog, 1997-1998

FF - Production Folder - Poster, 1997

FF - Production Folder - Catalog, 1996-1997

FF - Production Folder - Poster, 1996

FF - Production Folder - Catalog, 1994-1995

FF - Production Folder - Catalog Cover, 1994-1995

FF - Production Folder - Poster and Catalog, 1993-1994

FF - Production Folder - Catalog Cover, 1992-1993

FF - Production Folder - Catalog, 1991-1992

FF - Production Folder - Poster, 1991-1992

FF - Production Folder - Catalog, 1990-1991

FF - Production Folder - Catalog, 1989-1990

FF - Production Folder - Catalog, 1988-1989

FF - Production Folder - Catalog, 1987-1988

FF - Production Folder - Catalog, 1986-1987

FF - Production Folder - CALS/Web Program, n.d.

FF - Production Folder - Mousepads, n.d.

FF - Production Folder - CIS White Bags, 1996

FF - Production Folder - Conferences, 1998-2000

FF - Production Folder - CIS Bookmark, 1998-1999

FF - Production Folder - CS 100 Brochure, 1998

FF - Production Folder - Name Plates, n.d.

FF - Production Folder - Independent Study Notes - University Edition, Winter 1996

FF - Production Folder - University Newsletter, Winter 1997

FF - Production Folder - Pre-Conference Letter, 1995-1998

FF - Production Folder - CDIS Bags, 2001

FF - Production Folder - MU High School Report, 2011-2012

FF - Production Folder - MU High School, 2010-2012

FF - Production Folder - Miscellaneous (includes conferences, 1993-1994; Information Services annual report, 1991-1992; Annual plan for publicity and promotions, 1992-1993)

FF - Production Folder - MU High School periodical statement of ownership, 2011

FF - Production Folder - MU High School Folder, 2011-2012

FF - Production Folder - Bachelor of General Studies (BGS), 2011

FF - Production Folder - MU High School Counselor News, 1/2013

FF - Production Folder - CDIS Periodical Permit, 2008-2011

Box 5 - 006733 [return to top]


FF - MU High School Periodicals Permit Statement of Ownership, 2012

FF - CDIS Historical Materials, 1913-2001

FF - Production Folder - MU High School, 2003-2004

FF - CDIS Marketing Plan, 2004-2005

FF - Consent Forms, n.d.

FF - Hometown News Releases, 2002-2004

FF - Bulletin Distribution Plan, 2003-2004

FF - MU High School Bulletin - zip drives, 2000-2001

FF - Photographs - Von Pittman, Roger Young, n.d.

FF - CDIS Rulers, n.d.

FF - Production Folder - MU High School Bulletin, 2002

FF - Production Folder - High School Bulletin, 2002-2003

FF - CDIS Marketing Plan, 2003-2004

FF - CDIS Marketing Plan, 2002-2003

FF - Press Releases - MU High School Graduates, 2002

FF - Production Folder - University Bulletin, 2003-2004

FF - Production Folder - High School Bulletin, 2003-2004

FF - Marketing Efforts, 1990-2008

FF - Marketing, 1998-2010

FF - Public Relations and News Releases, 2006

FF - Missouri Virtual Instruction Program (MoVIP) Letter, 8/2007

FF - MU High School Driver Education, 2008

FF - University Bulletin - Profiles, 2007-2008

FF - High School Bulletin - Profiles, 2007-2008

FF - MSHSAA Music Fest, 2009

FF - MU High School, 2007-2009

FF - CDIS University Brochure Reprint, 1/2011

FF - MU High School - Graduation Photographs (CDs), 2008-2009

FF - CDIS Table Tents, 1996

FF - MU High School - Periodical Permit, 2010

FF - University Bulletin, 2002

FF - CDIS University Bulletin - Student Profiles, 2002

FF - MU High School Bulletin, 2004-2005

FF - MU High School Profiles, 2008-2009

FF - CDIS University Bulletin, 2004-2005

FF - University Profiles, 2005-2006

FF - High School Profiles, 2005-2006

FF - MU High School Profiles, 2009-2010

FF - MU High School Notes, Fall 1999

FF - UCEA Marketing and Publications Award Winners, 2008

FF - MU High School Diploma Newsletter, 4/2010

FF - MU High School Profiles, 2010-2011

FF - American Association for Collegiate Independent Study (AACIS) - Membership Directories, 2000-2001

FF - CDIS Personnel, n.d.

FF - MU High School - PSAT Postcard, 5/2006

FF - MU High School - Counselor Newsletter, Winter 2012

FF - Marketing, 2004-2008

FF - MU High School Profiles, 2006-2007

FF - Residence Hall Opening, 2004

FF - Marketing, 2002-2005

FF - MU High School Campaign, 2011

Box 6 - 018783 [return to top]


FF - University Independent Learner Profiles, Fall 1993

FF - Teacher Brochure, Spring 1993

FF - Various Education Fliers, 1976-1980, 1992-1993

FF - Brochure - University Business Courses, n.d.

FF - Brochure - Management for Engineers, n.d.

FF - Brochure - The Role of the Mentor Teacher, 1990

FF - Flyers - The War in Vietnam, ca. 1992

FF - Flyer - Comp Sci 100 - Computer Survival, n.d.

FF - Flyers - Gifted and Discipline, 1993

FF - Brochure - Career Visions, n.d.

FF - Brochure - Reading Courses, n.d.

FF - Brochure - The Constitution, n.d.

FF - Brochure - Beginning Algebra, n.d.

FF - Brochure - Video Credit courses for teachers, n.d.

FF - Brochure - Organization and Administration of Adult Education, n.d.

FF - Brochure - History/Geography of Missouri, n.d.

FF - Brochure - Social Work, n.d.

FF - Brochure - University-level courses for credit, n.d.

FF - Flyer - Gothic Fiction, n.d.

FF - University Profiles, n.d.

FF - CIS Christmas Cards, n.d.

FF - Promotional Materials - non-course specific, n.d.

FF - Brochures - Continuing Education non-credit courses, n.d.

FF - Student Handbooks, 1994-1995

FF - Postcard - "Take a Course Home for the Summer", n.d.

FF - High School Independent Learner Profiles, Fall 1993

FF - Flyers - Computer/Web Courses, n.d.

FF - Catalogs, 1952-1960

FF - Catalogs, 1959-1969

FF - Catalogs, 1969-1974

FF - Catalogs, 1974-1977

FF - Catalogs, 1977-1978

FF - Catalogs, 1978-1979

FF - Catalogs, 1979-1980

FF - Catalogs, 1980-1981

FF - Catalog and Poster, 1981-1982

FF - Catalog and Poster, 1982-1983

FF - Catalog and Poster, 1983-1984

FF - Catalogs, 1984-1985

FF - Catalogs, 1985-1986

FF - Catalogs, 1986-1987

FF - Catalogs, 1987-1988

FF - Catalog and Poster, 1988-1989

FF - Catalog and Poster, 1989-1990

FF - Catalogs, 1990-1991

FF - Catalogs, 1991-1992

FF - Catalogs, 1992-1995

Box 7 - 018784 [return to top]


FF - Catalogs, 1995-1998

FF - Catalogs, 1998-2001

FF - Catalogs, 2001-2004

FF - Catalogs, 2004-2007

FF - Catalogs, 2007-2012

FF - Brochures - Computer Assisted Lesson Service (CALS)/DANTES, ca. 1985-1995

FF - College-at-Home/Video Credit Courses - Brochures, Posters and Newsletters, 1975-1985

FF - Newsletters - Excel, 1985-1990

FF - Newsletters - CIS Bulletin, 1991-1992

FF - Newsletters - Independent Study Notes, 1993-1999

FF - Posters - CIS, ca. 1990-1996

FF - Teacher Brochures, 1987-2001

FF - Report of Progress, 1966-1969, 1971-1972

FF - Report of Progress, 1981-1988

FF - Report of Progress, 1988-1992

FF - Report of Progress - Drafts, 1983-1986

FF - Statistics, 1992-1998

FF - Course Report/Independent Study Report, 1993-1998

FF - Background Materials for CDIS History, n.d.

FF - News Clippings, 1975-1979

FF - University of Mid-America (UMA) Publicity, 1975-1985

FF - National University Extension Association (NUEA)/National University Continuing Education Association (NUCEA) Certificates, 1974-2002

FF - Brochures - UMA/College-at-Home, 1975-1987

FF - Course Materials - Project Personal Development, 1993

FF - CIS Author's Manual, 1996 (2 copies)

FF - Editor's Manual, 1997

Box 8 - 018932 [return to top]


FF - MU High School Catalog, 1999-2002

FF - MU High School Catalog, 2002-2005

FF - MU High School Catalog, 2005-2008

FF - MU High School Catalog, 2008-2011

FF - MU High School Catalog, 2011-2013

FF - MU High School - Field Representative Packet, 1999-2000

FF - MU High School - Field Representative Packet, 2000-2001

FF - MU High School - Field Representative Packet, 2001-2002

FF - MU High School - Field Representative Packet, 2002-2003

FF - MU High School - Field Representative Packet, 2003-2004

FF - MU High School - Field Representative Packet, 2006-2007

FF - MU High School - Field Representative Packet, 2010-2011

FF - MU High School - Field Representative Packet, 2011-2012

FF - CIS - Field Representative Packet, 1993-1994

FF - CIS - Field Representative Packet, 1994-1995

FF - CIS - Field Representative Packet, 1995-1996

FF - CIS - Field Representative Packet, 1996-1997

FF - CIS - Field Representative Packet, 1997-1998

FF - CIS - Field Representative Packet, 1998-1999

FF - CIS Self-Evaluation, 1984 (2 copies)

FF - Newsletter - MU High School - The Transcript, 2001-2013

FF - Newsletter - MU High School - The Student Reporter, 2001-2009

FF - Newsletter - MU High School - The Student Connection, 2010-2011

FF - MU High School - Diploma Program Student Handbook, 1999-2012

FF - MU High School Report, 1985-2012

FF - "Proposal for an Integrated Audio-Print Curriculum Project - Verbal Magic: The Cultural Role of Storytelling", 1/15/1988

Box 9 - 018942 [return to top]


FF - MU High School informational booklet, 2000-2001

FF - High School English Independent Study - "Good Examples - A Collection of Student Writings", 1993

FF - MU High School - Posters, 2000-2011

FF - Printed Materials - High School Gifted Students, n.d.

FF - Printed Materials - Middle School/Elementary Program

FF - MU High School folders, n.d.

FF - CIS/CDIS/Mizzou Online folders, n.d.

FF - University Outreach and Extension Identification Policies, 7/1997

FF - "In Defense of Developing an Elementary Home School Independent Study Program", 6/30/1998

FF - Miscellaneous Printed Materials (flyers, brochures, postcards, etc.), n.d.

FF - Miscellaneous Printed Materials, n.d. (cont'd)

FF - Miscellaneous Printed Materials, n.d. (cont'd)

FF - Miscellaneous Printed Materials, n.d. (cont'd)

FF - Miscellaneous Printed Materials, n.d. (cont'd)

FF - Miscellaneous Printed Materials, n.d. (cont'd)

Return to C:18/6/7 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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