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Box Lists for C:18/6/5

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 122309 [return to top]


FF - Evan Smith (includes copies of Smith's correspondence and memoranda sent to Gera Burton), 1997-1998

FF - Evan Smith (includes copies of Smith's correspondence and memoranda sent to Gera Burton), 1998

FF - Evan Smith (includes copies of Smith's correspondence and memoranda sent to Gera Burton), 1998-1999

FF - Evan Smith (includes copies of Smith's correspondence and memoranda sent to Gera Burton), 1999-2000

FF - Extension Awards Information, 1999

FF - Fundraising - Memorandum of Understanding - Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership, n.d.

FF - Greg Sturgeon - Instructional Designer - WWW Courses, 2000

FF - Instructional Editor - Position, 1998-1999

FF - Center for Independent Study - Retreat, 1991

FF - Center for Independent Study - Miscellaneous (includes correspondence, memoranda, curriculum plans, field representative meeting, position descriptions, program development, course evaluations, low-completion rates, high school lists), 1994-1996

FF - Center for Independent Study - University of Missouri-Kansas City (includes Computer Science Telecommunications), 1997-2000

FF - University of Missouri "Independent Study Notes" newsletter, 1998

FF - Memoranda - Miscellaneous (copies to Gera Burton), 1998

FF - Center for Independent Study - Website, 1999

FF - Extension and Distance Learning (includes reorganization, Institute for Extended Learning, organizational chart), 1999

FF - Field Representative - Jack Miles - School Visit List, n.d.

FF - Center for Independent Study - Exhibits, 1996-1998

FF - Labor Studies Certificate Program, 1997

FF - Center for Independent Study - Program Review, 1995

FF - Center for Independent Study - Course Statistics, 1996-1998

FF - Center for Independent Study - Study Guide Checklist, n.d.

FF - Center for Independent Study - Email Pilot Project, 1994

FF - CD - "Meeting the Affective Needs of Gifted Individuals," 1999

FF - Curriculum (includes job descriptions, yearly plans, course development reports, department meeting agendas), 1997-1998

FF - Courses in Progress (includes status reports), 1998

FF - Center for Independent Study - Miscellaneous (includes department meeting agendas, status reports), 2000

FF - Curriculum Unit (includes department meeting agendas, status reports), 1991-1992

FF - Curriculum Unit (includes department meeting agendas, status reports), 1992-1993

FF - Curriculum Unit (includes department meeting agendas, status reports), 1994-1995

FF - Curriculum Unit (includes department meeting agendas, status reports), 1995-1996

FF - Curriculum Unit - Agendas, 1998-2000

FF - Kristi Smalley (includes copies of Smith's correspondence and memoranda sent to Gera Burton), 1998-1999

FF - Awards, 1998

FF - Publicity - Carol Buckels (includes printed and duplicated: Computer Assisted Lesson Service (CALS) brochure, "Excel" newsletter), 1989-1991

FF - Learning Anytime Anywhere Partnerships, 1998

FF - Annual Report (working papers), 2000

FF - CALS-ONLINE Promotion, 1992

FF - High School Awards Committee, 1992-1993

FF - High School Awards Committee, 1993-1994

FF - Center for Independent Study - Instructor Fax/Email Survey, 1995

FF - American Association for Collegiate Independent Study (includes MU-related material and some records from the year Gera Burton was president, 1996-1997), 1993-1998

Box 2 - 048362 [return to top]


FF - American Association for Collegiate Independent Study (AACIS) - Oral Histories (contains oral history transcript of Susanne Darcy who was MU Center for Distance and Independent Study's Assistant Director for Operations and Student Services; interview includes information about CDIS), 2007

FF - American Independent Study - Newsletter of the Independent Study Division (quarterly publication of the National University Continuing Education Association [NUCEA] which was edited for a time by MU CDIS Director Von Pittman), 1991-1996

FF - AACIS Newsletter - The Studyguide (the newsletter was edited for a time by MU CDIS Director Von Pittman), 1993-1997

FF - AACIS History (includes a memoir by Von Pittman about the origins of AACIS and a draft of the organization's history by Roger G. Young), ca. 1995

FF - Center for Distance and Independent Study (CDIS) - History, ca. 1972-1993

FF - CDIS Administrative Records (mostly from the files of Gera Burton; includes predominantly staff meeting agendas), 2006-2007

FF - CDIS Administrative Records (mostly from the files of Gera Burton; includes predominantly staff meeting agendas), 2008-2009

FF - Gera Burton - Curriculum vitae, ca. 2009

FF - Gera Burton - Presentation and paper on Charles Wedemeyer, ca. 2009

FF - University of Missouri High School - Graduation Program (includes opening remarks of Gera Burton), 2010

FF - Von Pittman - Photographic prints and negatives, n.d.

FF - Von Pittman - Article (with John Theilmann; "Unchanging Depictions of Leadership in Higher Education: Fictional Presidents and Deans?"), n.d.

FF - Roger G. Young - Dissertation Manuscript ("A Critical Analysis of the Views and Opinions of University Administrators toward University Correspondence Study"; University of Nebraska), 1974

FF - Department of Defense - Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education System (DANTES) (includes correspondence and other administrative records; records pertaining to an Army Continuing Education System (ACES) workshop in Willingen, Germany, where Roger Young presented on the DANTES-Computer Assisted Lesson-grading System (CALS); curriculum vitae for Young), ca. 1982-1985

FF - DANTES, 1982-1990

FF - DANTES, 1985-1998

FF - DANTES, 1990-1998

Return to C:18/6/5 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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