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Box Lists for C:17/1/1

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 14 - 041302 [return to top]


FF - Cabinet and Faculty Meeting Minutes, 1963-1970

FF - Cabinet Meeting Minutes, 1970-1973

FF - Cabinet Meeting Minutes, 1973-1974

FF - Cabinet Meeting Minutes, 1974

FF - Cabinet Meeting Minutes, 1974-1975

FF - Cabinet Meeting Minutes, 1975 (cont'd)

FF - Cabinet Meeting Minutes, 1975-1976

FF - Cabinet Meeting Minutes, 1976-1977

Box 15 - 042224 [return to top]


FF - Cabinet Meeting Minutes, 1977

FF - Cabinet Meeting Minutes, 1977-1978

FF - Cabinet Meeting Minutes, 1978-1979

FF - Cabinet Meeting Minutes, 1979

FF - Cabinet Meeting Minutes, 1979 (cont'd)

FF - Cabinet Meeting Minutes, 1979-1980

FF - Cabinet Meeting Minutes, 1980

FF - Cabinet Meeting Minutes, 1980-1981

Box 16 - 044014 [return to top]


FF - Continuing Education/Extension, 1981-1983

FF - Dean's Office, 1980-1984

FF - Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory, 1979-1984

FF - Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, 1980-1984

FF - Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, 1981

FF - Veterinary Microbiology, 1980-1984

FF - Veterinary Pathology, 1980-1984

FF - Clinical Pathology, 1978-1982

FF - Peter LaVaute, 1977-1982 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Affirmative Action, 1973-1983

FF - Budgets, 1980-1984

FF - Budget Development Team, 1982-1983

FF - Campus Staff Advisory Council Activities, 1983

FF - Committee for Persons with Disabilities, 1981-1982

FF - Correspondence, 1980-1984

FF - Cost Savings Committee, 1982-1984

FF - Dean's Search, 1981-1982

FF - Direct Promotion, 1982

FF - Search, Director of Equal Opportunity, 1980 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Search, Director of Personnel Services, 1983

FF - Emeritus Recommendations, 1981-1983

FF - Electron Microscope Facility, ca. 1976

FF - Employee Relations, 1980-1984

FF - Appointment Ending Dates, 1982-1983

FF - Extra Compensation Regulations, 1983

FF - Faculty Development Awards, 1983

FF - Fair Labor Standards, 1976

FF - Graduate Student Information, 1983-1984

FF - Grievance Forms (Blank), 1981

FF - Hayes Reports, 1977-1978

FF - Mailing Lists, 1982-1984

FF - Moving Expenses, 1974-1977

FF - New Accounting System, 1980

FF - Operations Needs Analysis, 1979

FF - Payroll Personnel Proposal, 1980-1983

FF - Pending Reclassifications, 1977-1984

FF - Perquisites, 1978

FF - Personnel Related, 1973-1984 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Physical Facilities Task Force, 1980

FF - Policies and Procedures, 1980-1983

FF - Radiography Debt, 1978-1980

FF - Seniority Listings, 1978-1984

FF - Service Awards, 1972-1984

FF - Ad Hoc Committee to Evaluate Administration of the College of Veterinary Medicine - Reports, 1975 [A15-59]

Box 17 - 051253 [return to top]


FF - College of Veterinary Medicine Organizational Charts, n.d.

FF - Form 161 - Request for Change to Budget, 1978-1979

FF - Form 161 - Request for Change to Budget, 1980-1982

Binder - Budget Form, 1982-1983

Binder - Budget Form, 1982-1983 (cont'd)

Binder - Budget Form, 1981-1982

Binder - Budget Form, 1981-1982 (cont'd)

Binder - Budget Form, 1980-1981

Binder - Budget Form, 1980-1981 (cont'd)

Binder - Budget Form, 1979-1980

Binder - Budget Form, 1979-1980 (cont'd)

Binder - Budget Form, 1978-1979

Binder - Budget Form, 1978-1979 (cont'd)

Box 18 - 051335 [return to top]


FF - Legislative Budget Request, 1970-1971

FF - Legislative Budget Request, 1971-1972

FF - Legislative Budget Request, 1974-1975

FF - Legislative Budget Request, 1975-1976

FF - Legislative Budget Request, 1976-1977

FF - Budget, 1984-1985

FF - Budgets, 1983-1984

FF - Budgets, 1981-1982

FF - Salaries, 1981-1982

FF - Budget Requests, 1982-1983

FF - Budget Discussions, 1981-1982

FF - Salary Adjustments, 1981-1982

FF - Budgets, 1981-1982

FF - Budgets, 1980-1981

FF - Budgets, 1979-1980

Box 19 - 051341 [return to top]


FF - Budget - Balances, 1973-1974

FF - Budget - E&E, 1973-1974

FF - Budget - Extension, 1973-1974

FF - Budget - Miscellaneous, 1973-1974

FF - Budget - S&W, 1973-1974

FF - University of Missouri Financial Report, 1973-1974

FF - School of Veterinary Medicine Budget Request, 1973-1974

FF - Budget - Balances, 1974-1975

FF - Budget - E&E, 1974-1975

FF - Budget - Extension, 1974-1975

FF - Budget - Miscellaneous, 1974-1975

FF - Budget - Preparation, 1974-1975

FF - Budget - S&W, 1974-1975

FF - Budget - Balances, 1975-1976

FF - Budget - E&E, 1975-1976

FF - Budget - Extension, 1975-1976

FF - Budget - Miscellaneous, 1975-1976

FF - Budget - S&W, 1975-1976

FF - Budget - Preparation, 1975-1976

FF - Budget - S&W, 1976-1977

FF - Budget - Preparation, 1976-1977

FF - Budget Contingency, 1976-1977

FF - Budget - Miscellaneous, 1976-1977

FF - Budget - Balances, 1976-1977

FF - Budget - E&E, 1976-1977

FF - Budget - Extension, 1976-1977

FF - Budget - E&E, 1977-1978

FF - Budget - Preparation, 1977-1978

FF - Budget - Miscellaneous, 1977-1978

FF - Budget - S&W, 1977-1978

FF - Budget - Balances, 1978-1979

FF - Budget - S&W, 1978-1979

FF - Budget - E&E, 1978-1979

FF - Budget - Equipment and Instrumentation Updates, 1978-1979

FF - Budget - Extension, 1978-1979

FF - Budget - Faculty Quality Improvement, 1978-1979

FF - Budget - Miscellaneous, 1978-1979

FF - Budget - Preparation, 1978-1979

Box 20 - 051342 [return to top]


FF - Budgets - S&W, 1978-1979

FF - Budgets - Balances, 1979-1980

FF - Budgets - S&W, 1979-1980

FF - Budgets - Capitation, 1979-1980

FF - Budgets - E&E, 1979-1980

FF - Budgets - Equipment and Instrumentation Updates, 1979-1980

FF - Budgets - Extension, 1979-1980

FF - Budgets - Miscellaneous, 1979-1980

FF - Budgets - Preparation, 1979-1980

FF - Budgets - Program Improvements, 1979-1980

FF - University of Missouri Statistical Data, 1978-1979

FF - Budgets - E&E, 1980-1981

FF - Budgets - Program Improvements, 1980-1981

FF - Budgets - S&W, 1980-1981

FF - Budgets - Miscellaneous, 1980-1981

FF - Budgets, 1980-1981

FF - Comparative Data, 1979-1980

FF - Budgets - Extension, 1980-1981

FF - Budgets - Balances, 1980-1981

FF - Budgets - Capitation, 1980-1981

FF - Budgets - Preparation, 1980-1981

FF - Budget, 1981-1982

FF - Operational Request - Instructions and Miscellaneous Info, 1981-1982

FF - Budget, 1982-1983

FF - Budget, 1978-1980

Box 21 - 051343 [return to top]


Item - Accounting Records - Salary payments, n.d.

Binder - Budget Form, 1977-1978

Binder - Account Summary, 1977-1978

Binder - Staff Detail Budget Worksheets, 1982

FF - Staff Operating Budget, 1981-1982

FF - Staff Operating Budget, 1980-1981

FF - Staff Operating Budget, 1979-1980

FF - Staff Operating Budget, 1978-1979

FF - Staff Operating Budget, 1977-1978

FF - Staff Operating Budget, 1976-1977

FF - Staff Operating Budget, 1975-1976

FF - Staff Operating Budget, 1974-1975

FF - Staff Operating Budget, 1973-1974

FF - Staff Operating Budget, 1972-1973

FF - Staff Operating Budget, 1971-1972

FF - Staff Operating Budget, 1970-1971

FF - Staff Operating Budget, 1969-1970

Return to C:17/1/1 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Compiled: June 2013
Revised: 27 October 2015

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