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Box Lists for C:15/1/6Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s). Box 1 - 011211 [return to top][A79-17; A89-77] FF - Aids and Awards, 1965-1969 FF - Alumni Activities Office, 1968-1975 FF - Faculty Activity Survey, 1973-1974 [RESTRICTED] FF - Housing (Nursing Students), 1958, 1964 FF - US Army Recruiting, 1973-1975 FF - US Air Force Recruiting, 1973-1976 FF - Scheduling and Instructor Information for Courses Taught, 1970-1973 FF - Conference on Community Nursing, 1973-1975 FF - "The Human Service Professions in International Development", 1/1975 FF - Construction Grant, 3/1975 FF - Teaching Associate Degree - HEW Proposal, ca. 1974 FF - Committee Appointments, School of Medicine, 1974-1975 FF - Education Committee, 1974 FF - Curriculum Committee - Minutes, 1966-1973 FF - Special Committee for Planned Curriculum Change, 1972-1975 FF - Nursing Building Committee, 1974 FF - Dean's Committee of the Veterans Administration Hospital-Columbia, 1971-1975 FF - Elected Faculty Advisory Committee, Schools of Nursing and Medicine, 1973 FF - Hospital Executive Committee, 1972-1974 FF - Utilization Review Committee, 1973-1975 FF - Council of Deans, 1973-1974 FF - Faculty Council on University Policy, 1966-1973 FF - Faculty Development Projects - Director's Office, 1973-1974 FF - Missouri Regional Medical Program, 1973 FF - Cost of Education of the Health Professions - Study of the National Academy of Sciences, 1973 FF - Association of American Medical Colleges - Budget Reform, 1974 FF - Baccalaureate and Higher Degree Programs - Midwestern Regional Meeting, 11/1974 FF - Publicity, 1963-1973 FF - Missouri Nurse, 1961-1969 FF - Missourian Progress Edition (Ruby Potter), 1964-1968 FF - Missouri Students Association, 1967-1971 FF - News Releases, 1968-1970 FF - Nursing Management Conferences, 1970 FF - Relationships between the University of Missouri and Junior Colleges in Missouri, 1969 FF - Departmental Space Inventory, 1972 FF - Research Application - Nursing Care and Pain Patterns, 1966-1967 Box 2 - 011228 [return to top][A79-17; A89-77] FF - Missouri State Board of Nurse Examiners (MSBNE) - Correspondence, 1928-1947 FF - MSBNE - Annual Application for Accreditation of School of Nursing, 1921-1946 FF - MSBNE - Comparative Grades for All Missouri Schools in MSBNE, 1940-1942 FF - MSBNE - Quarterly Reports, 1942-1947 FF - MSBNE - Annual Survey Reports from Educational Director, 1928-1946 FF - MSBNE - Clinical Facilities Summary, 1946-1947 FF - United States Cadet Nurse Corps - Individual Records of Expenses, 1941-1945 FF - Cadet Nurse Corps - Quarterly Reports, 1943-1947 FF - Cadet Nurse Corps - Annual Contracts for Accreditation, 1944-1947 FF - Cadet Nurse Corps - Publicity and Recruitment of Students, 1943-1945 FF - Cadet Nurse Corps - Vouchers - Payroll and Miscellaneous, 1946-1947 FF - Cadet Nurse Corps - Uniforms, 1943-1946 FF - Cadet Nurse Corps - Memoranda, 1943-1947 FF - Cadet Nurse Corps - Correspondence, 1943-1947 FF - School of Nursing - Programs for Senior Cadet Nurses, 1943-1947 FF - School of Nursing - Post-Graduate Course - Orthopedic Nursing, 1937-1939 FF - School of Nursing - Programs for Graduate Nurses, 1944, 1947 FF - School of Nursing - Course Outlines - Bibliography Outlines (American Journal of Nursing), ca. 1940 FF - Course Outlines - Nursing Arts Course - Outlines of Previous Examinations, 1941-1944 FF - Course Outlines - "City of New York Department of Hospitals - Willard Parker Hospital - Medical Aseptic Technic and Procedures", 1944-1945 FF - Course Outlines - "A Handbook of Charting for Student Nurses", by Alice L. Price, RN BS, 1941 FF - Course Outlines - Medical and Surgical Nursing Course, including Specialties, 1941-1945 FF - Course Outlines - Samples of Forms, Patient Charts and Charge Sheets, ca. 1945 FF - Course Outlines - Drugs and Solutions/Pharmacology, 1941, 1944-1945 FF - Course Outlines - Professional Adjustments I, 1939, 1944 FF - Course Outlines - Professional Adjustments II, 1943-1945 FF - Course Outlines - History of Nursing, 1937-1943 FF - Course Outlines - Psychiatric Nursing, n.d. FF - Course Outlines - Tuberculosis Nursing (Glen Lake Sanatorium), 1940-1945 FF - Course Outlines - Orthopedic Nursing, ca. 1940-1945 FF - School of Nursing - Clippings and Pamphlets Used in Teaching - Medical and Surgical Nursing and Nursing Arts, 1935-1945 FF - Clippings and Pamphlets - Educational Material on Menstruation, 1939-1945 FF - Clippings and Pamphlets - The Sight-Saving Review, 9/1940 FF - Clippings and Pamphlets - History of Nursing, 1923-1941 FF - Clippings and Pamphlets - Drugs and Solutions/Pharmacology, ca. 1940-1943 FF - Clippings and Pamphlets - Professional Adjustments II, 1929-1944 FF - Clippings and Pamphlets - Nutrition, 1941 Box 3 - 007302 [return to top][A79-17; A89-77] FF - School of Nursing - Reports, Annual Reports to Dean of School of Medicine, 1940-1947 FF - Reports - Curriculum Plans, 1925-1947 FF - Reports - School of Nursing Inventory, 1947 FF - Reports - Hospital Rules, House Rules and House Mother (includes WSGA and AWS), 1941-1947 FF - Reports - Student Uniforms, 1945-1946 FF - Reports - Records of Nurses Staff Meetings, 1942-1943 FF - Reports - Loan Funds and Scholarships, 1943-1947 [RESTRICTED] FF - "Schools of Nursing Approved by the Respective State Boards of Nurse Examiners and Listing Those with Units of the U.S. Cadet Nursing Corps", 4/1945 FF - "A Guide for the Organization of Collegiate Schools of Nursing", 1942 FF - "Essentials of a Good School of Nursing", 1942 FF - School of Nursing - Correspondence, General (includes photo of nursing float in 1923 Homecoming), 1921-1925 FF - Correspondence - Letters of Recommendation, 1941-1946 FF - "A Socio-Occupational Profile of the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Nursing's Graduates (1951-1969) and Their Assessment of the Program", 1/1970 FF - Correspondence - Applications and Available Positions, 1941-1947 FF - Committees - School of Nursing Advisory Committee, 1941-1945 FF - Committees - School of Medicine Policy Committee and Faculty Meetings, 1945-1947 FF - Committees - Veterans Committee, 1944-1945 FF - Committees - Orthopedic Advisory Committee (includes Crippled Children's Services), 1936-1942 FF - Committees - Tuberculosis Rehabilitation Program (Koch Hospital, St. Louis), 1946 FF - Administration - Dean, School of Medicine, 1925-1947 FF - Administration - University President, 1943-1947 FF - Administration - Registrar and Cashier, 1937-1947 FF - Rural Nursing - Teaching Material and Outlines for Rural Nursing Program, 1947 FF - Rural Nursing - Advisory Committee, 1947 FF - Rural Nursing - Student Records, 1947 [RESTRICTED] FF - Rural Nursing - Applications and Contract Forms (includes correspondence with other schools), 1947 FF - Rural Nursing - Reference Material for Project Set-Up, 1944-1947 FF - Rural Nursing - Missouri State Nurses' Association Correspondence, 1946-1947 FF - Affiliations - University of Minnesota - Pediatrics and Obstetrics, 1932-1947 [RESTRICTED] FF - Affiliations - St. Louis City Sanatorium - Psychiatry, 1938-1946 FF - Affiliations - Glen Lake Sanatorium, Minnesota - Tuberculosis, 1937-1946 FF - Affiliations - Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, 1937 FF - Affiliations - Missouri State Board of Health - Public Health Nursing, 1946-1947 FF - Affiliations - Visiting Nurse Association of Kansas City - Public Health Nursing, 1937-1947 FF - Affiliations - Correspondence, 1924-1935 FF - National Nursing Organizations - American Red Cross, 1940-1946 FF - National Organizations - National League of Nursing Education, 1931-1947 FF - National Organizations - American Nursing Association National Nursing Headquarters, 1939-1940, 1944 FF - National Organizations - National Nursing Council for War Service, 1943-1945 FF - National Organizations - Association of Collegiate Schools of Nursing, 1937 Box 4 - 007336 [return to top][A79-17; A89-77] FF - Medical School/Nursing School - Plot Plan, 1956 FF - Medical Center - Construction Planning - Building Committee - Nursing Education, 1964-1980 FF - Medical Center - Construction Planning - Old Studies on Space and Projected Plans, 1960-1965 FF - Building Committee - Reference Material - Applications, 1967-1969 FF - Building Committee - Reference Material - Architects Correspondence, 1966-1967 FF - Building Committee - Reference Material - Meeting Minutes, 1966-1967 FF - Building Committee - Reference Material - Enrollment Projections and Student Rosters, 1962-1966 [RESTRICTED] FF - Building Committee - Reference Material - US Public Health Service (USPHS) Consultants, 1964-1968 FF - Building Committee - Reference Material - USPHS Letters of Intent, 1965 FF - Building Committee - Reference Material - University of Missouri Projections - Currently Assigned Space, 1965-1967 FF - Annual Reports, Department of Nursing Education and School of Nursing, 1949-1962 FF - Annual Reports (cont'd), 1962-1970 FF - Annual Reports (cont'd), 1970-1978 FF - UMC Nursing Grant Info, 1950-1985 FF - School of Nursing Accreditation Report, 1958 FF - Accreditation - Master of Science in Nursing, Medical-Surgical Nursing, 1960-1966 FF - Accreditation - Progress Report, Public Health Nursing, 2/1962 FF - Accreditation Progress Report, School of Nursing, 2/1967 FF - Accreditation Progress Report, School of Nursing, 9/1974 FF - School of Nursing Faculty Meeting Minutes, 1972-1984 (w/gaps) FF - Technical Report - "Patients' Attitudes and Expectations in Health Care", Dorothy E. Burchett, 1969 FF - Survey of Psychiatric Facilities at MU and in Fulton, 1971 FF - Medical Center - Long Range Planning, 1967-1972 FF - Medical Center - Long Range Planning, 1967-1972 (cont'd) FF - Handbook - "Staff Development, Department of Nursing Service", ca. 1968 FF - Handbook - School of Nursing Faculty and Staff Policies and Procedures, ca. 1982 FF - Handbook - Policies and Procedures, ca. 1982 (cont'd) FF - Medical Center - Department of Nutrition and Dietetics - "General Policies and Procedures for Nursing Personnel", ca. 1971 Box 5 - 007337 [return to top][A79-17; A89-77] FF - School of Nursing - Committee Assignments, 1955-1973 FF - School of Nursing Administrative Committee, 1970-1973 FF - Committee on Nursing School Policy and Procedure, 1949-1959 FF - Schools of Medicine and Nursing Special Committee, 1960-1961 FF - School of Nursing Curriculum Committee, 1957-1968 FF - Curriculum Committee - Programs, 1962-1963 FF - Ad Hoc Committee on Master's Program in Public Health Nursing, 1964-1965 FF - Academic Review Committee, 1982 FF - Admissions Committee, 1963-1971 FF - National League for Nursing - Committee for the Appraisal and Study of Legislative Proposals Affecting Education for Nurses, 1970-1971 FF - School of Nursing - Distinguished Professorship Campaign Steering Committee, 1985-1986 FF - Continuing Education and Extension - Medical, 1969-1979 FF - Continuing Education and Extension - Medical, 1969-1979 (cont'd) FF - Continuing Education - Annual Nursing Research Day, 1982-1983 FF - Continuing Education and Conferences (Ruby Potter as participant or presenter), 1969-1983 (includes photos) FF - Continuing Education and Conferences - R. Potter, 1969-1983 (cont'd) FF - Continuing Education and Conferences - R. Potter, 1969-1983 (cont'd) FF - Alumni - General, 1941-1974 [RESTRICTED] FF - Alumni - Class of 1947 Reunion, 4/1987 (includes photos) FF - Alumni - Questionnaires, 1961-1970 FF - Sigma Theta Tau - Alpha Iota Chapter, 1966-1988 FF - Helen Nahm Material, 1979-1986 FF - Mance Taylor Material, 1917-1967 [RESTRICTED] FF - Capping Ceremony/History of Caps, ca. 1929-1979 FF - Louise Irby Trenholme - "History of Nursing in Missouri", 1923-1925 FF - School of Nursing - Short Histories, 1950-1986 Box 6 - 011384 [return to top][A79-17; A89-77] FF - School of Nursing History - Notes, ca. 1978-1983 [RESTRICTED] FF - School of Nursing History - Notes, ca. 1978-1983 (cont'd) FF - School of Nursing History - Susan Armeny Correspondence, 1985-1988 FF - School of Nursing History - Chapters for 1901-1949 - Drafts, 1986-1987 FF - School of Nursing History - Dianne's Notes, n.d. FF - School of Nursing History - Chapters 1-3, Drafts, 1987 FF - School of Nursing History - Photos, 1922-1940 FF - International Council of Nurses (ICN), 1965 (includes photos) FF - Accreditation Visit, Memphis, Tennessee, 1968 FF - Reprints and Abstract of Thesis, R. Potter: "Faculty Workload in the Clinical Fields in Nursing Degree Programs", 1959-1970 FF - R. Potter - Speeches and Presentations, 1958-1971 FF - R. Potter - Clippings, 1963-1980 FF - R. Potter - Citation of Merit, School of Nursing Alumni Organization, 1970 FF - R. Potter - Course Taught, "N166: History and Trends in Nursing", 1968-1973 FF - Course N166, 1968-1973 (cont'd) FF - Course N166 - Student Papers, 1965-1973 [RESTRICTED] Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: April 2020
Revised: 05 April 2021
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