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Box Lists for C:10/8/28Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).
[A24-42] FF - American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) Inspection, 3/4/2010 FF - ANI Inspection Report, 2/28/2008 FF - ANI Audit, 8/24/2007 FF - ANI Inspection Report, 9/20/2005 FF - ANI Inspection Report, 9/30/2003 FF - ANI Assessment, 10/1/2002 FF - ANI Audit - Nuclear Insurance Inspection Report, 9/11/2001 FF - ANI Audit, 1998 FF - ANI Audit - Fire Hazards, 11/19/1997 FF - ANI, 6/3/1997 FF - ANI Inspection, 7/10/1996 FF - ANI Audit, 5/23/1996 FF - ANI Audit, 1991 FF - ANI Audit, 1989 FF - ANI Audit, 10/1987 FF - ANI Inspection, 5/2015 FF - ANI Inspection, 7/22/1986 FF - ANI Inspection, 1984 FF - ANI Inspection, 11/16/1983 FF - ANI Inspection, 1982 FF - Gallagher Bassett Insurance Visit, 1982 FF - ANI Audit, 9/17/1981 FF - ANI Audit, 5/21/1980 FF - ANI Audit, 6/25/1979 FF - ANI Audit, 4/11/1978 FF - ANI Audit, 3/8/1977 FF - ANI Audit, 1/6/1976 FF - ANI Audit, 11/24/1975 FF - ANI, 6/30/1975 FF - ANI Audit, 12/10/1974 FF - ANI Audit, 8/30/1974 FF - ANI Audit, 2/19/1974 FF - ANI Audits, 1973 FF - ANI Audits, 1971-1972 FF - ANI Audits, 1969-1970 FF - ANI Audits, 1967-1968 FF - International Isotopes Inc. (I-3) Audit, 2014 FF - I-3 Audit, 2013 FF - I-3 Audit, 11/5/2010 FF - International Isotopes of Idaho Inc. (I-4) Audit, 2007 FF - I-4 Audit, 2005 FF - I-4 Audit, 2003 FF - I-4 Supplier Audit, 8/2002 FF - Special Nuclear Material (SNM) Control and Accounting Procedures, 2014 FF - SNM Control and Accounting Procedures, 2013 FF - SNM Control and Accounting Procedures Annual Review, 2012 FF - SNM, 2011 FF - SNM Control and Accounting procedures, 2010 FF - SNM, 2009 FF - SNM Control, 2008 FF - SNM Audit, 2007 FF - SNM Audit, 2006 FF - SNM Audit, 2005 FF - SNM Audit, 2004 FF - Annual SNM Review, 2003 FF - SNM Manual Audit, 1999-2002 FF - Annual Review of SNM Control and Accounting Procedures, 1998 FF - Annual Review of SNM Control and Accounting Procedures, 1997 FF - Annual Review of SNM Control and Accounting Procedures, 1996 FF - Annual Review of SNM Control and Accounting Procedures, 1995 FF - Review of SNM Manual, 2/11/1986 FF - Security Plan and Procedures Audit, 2014 FF - Security Plan and Procedures Audit, 2013 FF - Annual Review of Physical Security Plan, 2012 FF - Annual Review of Physical Security Plan and Implementing Procedures, 2011 FF - Physical Security Plan and Implementing Procedures, 2010 FF - Physical Security Plan and Implementing Procedures, 2009 FF - Annual Review of Physical Security Plan and Implementing Procedures, 2008 FF - Annual Review of Physical Security Plan and Implementing Procedures, 2007 FF - Security Plan and Procedure Audit, 2006 FF - Security Plan and Procedure Audit, 2005 FF - Security Plan and Procedure Audit, 2004 FF - Security Plan Audit, 2003 FF - Security Plan and Procedure Audit, 1986 FF - Reactor Utilization Request (RUR) Annual Review, 2014 FF - RUR Annual Review, 2013 FF - RUR Annual Review, 2012 FF - RUR Annual Review, 2011 FF - RUR Annual Review, 2010 FF - RUR Annual Review, 2009 FF - RUR Annual Review, 2008 FF - RUR Annual Review, 2007 FF - RUR Annual Review, 2006 FF - RUR Annual Review, 2005 FF - RUR Annual Review, 2004 FF - RUR Annual Review, 2003 FF - RUR Annual Review, 1990 FF - Audits - Rolla Reactor, 1984-2016 FF - Type B Quality Assurance Audit - Byproduct Material and LS Cask (Pre-Delivery), 2012 FF - University of Missouri Workplace Information Security Manual, 2012 FF - Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) Audit, 6/27/2001 FF - Fire and Safety Audit of Research Reactor, 9/8/1989 FF - MURR Building Energy Audit, 6/1999 FF - Audit of Reactor, 10/1991 FF - Fire and Safety Audit of Research Reactor, 1/17/1992 FF - Columbia Fire Department Fire Safety Audit, 6/5/1989 FF - C-153 Audit, 12/2007 FF - Fire Hazard Analysis - Robert G. Purington, 5/1997 FF - FDA Inspection, 8/18/2008 FF - FDA Inspection, 11/28/2005 FF - Health and Human Services - Medical Device Establishment/Drugs, 11/1985 FF - FDA Inspections, 1987, 1993 FF - FDA Guidebook, 1989 Box 2 - 002950 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Type A Shipping Audit, 2014 FF - Type A Shipping Audit, 2013 FF - Type A Shipping Audit, 2012 FF - Type A Shipping Audit, 2011 FF - Type A Shipping Audit, 2009 FF - Type A Shipping Audit, 2007 FF - Type A Shipping Audit, 2006 FF - Type A Shipping Audit, 2004 FF - Type A Shipping Audit, 2003 FF - Type A Shipping Audit, 1998 FF - Audit of Type A Radioactive Material Shipping Program, 1997 FF - Audit of Type A Radioactive Material Shipping Program, 1996 FF - Audit of Type A Radioactive Material Shipping Program, 1995 FF - Type A Audit, 1993 FF - Type A Audit, 1991 FF - NTD Silicon Audit, 2015 FF - NTD Silicon Audit, 2014 FF - NTD Silicon Audit, 2015 (cont'd) FF - NTD Silicon Audit, 2013 FF - ALARA Review, 2014 FF - ALARA Review, 2013 FF - ALARA Review, 2012 FF - ALARA Review, 2011 FF - ALARA Audit, 2010 FF - ALARA Audit, 2009 FF - ALARA Audit, 2007 FF - ALARA Audit, 2005 FF - ALARA Audit, 2004 FF - ALARA Audit, 2003 FF - ALARA Program Assessment by VPA Corp, 10/28/2002 FF - ALARA Audit, 2001 FF - ALARA Audit, 2000 FF - ALARA Audit, 1999 FF - ALARA Audit, 1998 FF - ALARA Audit, 1997 FF - ALARA Audit, 1996 FF - ALARA Audit - Report dated 7/8/1996 FF - ALARA Audit, 6/7/1995 FF - AEA Supplier Audit, 12/2/2004 FF - DOE QA Plan Audit, 2006 FF - NRC Export License Audit, 2014-2015 FF - NRC Export License Audit, 2013 FF - NRC Export License Audit, 3rd Quarter 2012 FF - MURR Export License Audit, 4/5/2012 FF - Internal Audit of Document Control, 11/2005 FF - Materials License Audit, 2005 FF - Materials License Audit, 2004 FF - Broad Scope Materials License Audit, 2002 FF - Broad Scope License Audit, 2001 FF - Materials License Audit, 1998 FF - Materials License Audit, 1997 FF - Materials License Audit, 1996 FF - MURR Health Physics Audit - Broad Scope Radioactive Materials License, 7/1995 FF - Materials License Audit, 1994 FF - QA Internal Audit of Borobond, 5/2008 FF - Reactor Operations Procedures Review, 2014 FF - Reactor Operations Procedures Review, 2013 FF - Reactor Operations Procedures Review, 2012 FF - Reactor Operations Procedures Review, 2011 FF - Reactor Operations Procedures Review, 2010 FF - Reactor Operations Procedures, 2009 FF - Ops Procedures, 2008 FF - Annual Review of Reactor Operations Procedures Tech Spec, 2007 FF - Reactor Operations Procedures Annual Review, 2006 FF - Reactor Operations Procedures Annual Review, 2005 FF - Reactor Operations Procedures Annual Review,2004 FF - Ops Procedures Audit, 2003 FF - Review of Procedures - Operations, 2002 FF - Annual Review of Service Applications Irradiation Procedures, 1995 FF - Annual Review of Service Applications Irradiation Procedures, 1994 FF - Operator Requalification Program Annual Review, 2014 FF - Operator Requalification Program Annual Review, 2013 FF - Operator Requalification Program Annual Review, 2012 FF - Operator Requalification Program, 2011 FF - Operator Requalification Program, 2010 FF - Operator Requalification Program Audit, 2009 FF - Operator Requalification Program, 2008 FF - Operator Requalification Program Audit, 2007 FF - Operator Requalification Program Audit, 2006 FF - Operator Requalification Program Audit, 2005 FF - Operator Requalification Program Audit, 2004 FF - Operator Requalification Program Audit, 2003 FF - Operator Requalification Program Audit, 2002 FF - Operations Audit, 6/1996 FF - Reactor Operations Audit, 1982 FF - Audits of MURR by Rolla Reactor, 1982-2015 FF - Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures, 2014 FF - Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures - Review by FEO and Non-FEO, 2014 FF - Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures, 2013 FF - Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures - Review by FEO and Non-FEO, 2013 FF - Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures, 2012 FF - Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures by FEO, 2012 FF - Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures, 2011 FF - Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures by FEO, 2011 FF - Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures, 2010 FF - Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures by FEO, 2010 FF - Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures by FEO, 2009 FF - Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures, 2009 FF - Annual Review of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Tech Spec, 2008 FF - Annual Review of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures by FEO, 2008 FF - Annual Review of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Tech Spec, 2007 FF - Annual Review of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures by FEO, 2007 FF - Emergency Plan Annual Review, 2006 FF - Annual Review of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures by FEO, 2006 FF - Annual Review of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures by FEO, 2005 FF - Annual Review of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures by FEO, 2004 FF - Emergency Plan Annual Review, 2004 FF - Emergency Plan/Procedures Audit, 2003 FF - Emergency Plan and Procedures Review, 2/25/2003 FF - Review of Procedures - Emergency Plan Implementing, 2002 FF - Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Annual Review, 2/15/2002 FF - Emergency Plan and Procedure Audit, 5/9/1999 FF - Annual Review of Operating and Emergency Procedures, 1997 FF - Annual Review of Emergency Plan and Procedures, 1997 FF - Annual Review of Emergency Plan and Procedures, 1996 FF - Annual Review of Operating and Emergency Procedures, 1996 FF - Annual Review of Operating and Emergency Procedures, 1995 FF - Annual Review of Emergency Plan and Procedures, 1995 FF - Annual Review of Operating and Emergency Procedures, 1994 FF - Annual Review of Emergency Plan and Procedures, 1994 FF - Annual Review of Operating and Emergency Procedures, 1993 FF - Annual Review of Emergency Plan and Procedures, 1993 FF - Annual Review of Operating and Emergency Procedures, 1992 FF - Annual Review of Emergency Plan and Procedures, 1992 FF - Annual Review of Emergency Plan and Procedures, 1991 FF - Annual Review of Emergency Plan and Procedures, 1990 FF - Annual Review of Operating and Emergency Procedures, 1990 FF - Annual Review of Operating and Emergency Procedures, 1989 FF - Annual Review of Emergency Plan and Procedures, 1986-1987 FF - Annual Review of Operating and Emergency Procedures, 1986 FF - Annual Review of Operating and Emergency Procedures, 1985 FF - cGMP Program Documents Review, 2/2004 FF - MURR Operations Audit, 1981 FF - MURR Reactor Operations Audit, 1973 FF - Read and Understand Training Internal Audit, 6/2015 FF - FAA Inspection, 2/11/2011 FF - FAA Inspection, 3/29/2006 FF - Topaz Audit, 12/1999 FF - Topaz Audit, 5/1999 FF - Topaz Audit, 9/1997 FF - Topaz Audit, 9/1996 FF - Topaz Audit, 6/1988 FF - Radiological Control, Preparation for Shipping, and Shipping Procedures, 2016 FF - Shipping, Material Handling, and Radiation Control SOPs, 2015 FF - Shipping, Material Handling, and Radiation Control SOPs, 2014 FF - Shipping, Material Handling, and Radiation Control SOPs, 2013 FF - Radiological Control Procedures and Shipment of Byproduct Material Procedures - Audit, 2011 FF - Radiological Control Procedures and Shipment of Byproduct Material Procedures - Audit, 2010 FF - Radiological Control Procedures and Shipment of Byproduct Material Procedures - Audit, 2009 FF - Radiological Control Procedures and Shipment of Byproduct Material Procedures - Audit, 2007 FF - Radiological Control Procedures and Shipment of Byproduct Material Procedures - Audit, 2006 FF - Radiological Control Procedures and Shipment of Byproduct Material Procedures - Audit, 2005 FF - Radiological Control Procedures Audit, 2004 FF - HP Procedures Audit, 2003 FF - Radiological Control Procedures and Shipment of Byproduct Material Procedures - Audit, 2003 FF - Annual Procedures Review - Radiological, 3/24/2003 FF - Annual Review of Radiological Control Procedures, 2001 FF - Annual Review of Radiological Control Procedures, 2000 FF - Procedures Review, 1999 FF - Procedures Audit, 1998 FF - Annual Review of Radiological Control Procedures and Byproduct Material Shipping Procedures, 1997 FF - Annual Review of Radiological Control Procedures and Byproduct Material Shipping Procedures, 1996 FF - Annual Review of Radiological Control Procedures and Byproduct Material Shipping Procedures, 1995 FF - Annual Review of Radiological Control Procedures and Byproduct Material Shipping Procedures, 1994 FF - Annual Review of Radiological Control Procedures and Byproduct Material Shipping Procedures, 1993 FF - Annual Review of Radiological Control Procedures, 1989-1991 FF - Annual Review of Radiological Control Procedures, 1988 FF - Annual Review of Radiological Control Procedures, 1985 FF - Annual Review of Radiological Control Procedures, 1984 FF - Radiation Protection Program Audit, 2003 FF - Radiation Protection Program Audit, 2002 FF - Radiation Protection Program Audit, 2001 FF - Radiation Protection Program Annual Audit Guidelines, n.d. FF - Radiation Protection/Safety Audit - General, 1980 FF - Annual Radiation Protection Training and Drill Review, 2013 FF - Annual Radiation Protection Training and Drill Review, 2012 FF - Annual Radiation Protection Training and Drill Review, 2011 FF - Annual Radiation Protection Training and Drill Review, 2010 FF - Radiation Protection Program - Organization and Scope, 2013 FF - Radiation Protection Program - Personal Protection, 2012 FF - Radiation Protection Program Audit Module III - Control of Radioactive Material, Fall 2011 FF - Radiation Protection Program Audit Module I - Organization and Scope, 2010 FF - Radiation Protection Program Audit Module II - Personnel Protection, 2009 FF - Radiation Protection Program Audit, 2007 FF - Radiation Protection Program Audit, 2000 FF - Radiation Protection Program Audit, 1999 FF - Radiation Protection Program Audit, 1998 FF - Radiation Protection Program Audit, 1997 FF - Radiation Protection Program Audit, 1/24/1996 FF - Radiation Protection Program Audit, 1/1995 FF - MURR Radiation Safety Audit, 8/1991 FF - Radiation Safety Audit, 1990 FF - Radiation Safety Program Quality Control Audit, 1988 FF - Quality Control Audit, 1986 FF - Health Physics Audit, 1/22/1985 FF - Radiation Safety Program Quality Control Audit, 3/1984 FF - Radiation Safety Program Quality Control Audit, 12/1981 FF - Radiation Safety Program Quality Control Audit - Rolla, 4/1980 FF - Quality Control Audit, 1979 FF - Health Physics (HP) Audit, 1978-1979 FF - Quality Control Audit, 1976 FF - Radiation Protection Plan Audit, 2006 FF - Radiation Protection Plan Audit, 2005 FF - Radiation Protection Program Audit, 2004 Box 3 - 011986 [return to top][A24-42] Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Lab Procedures; Emergency Procedures; Radiation Safety Intro, n.d. Item - Videocassette (VHS) - CNN Report - Uranium on Campus, 6/22/1985 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Topaz Coloration Process (PAL format), n.d. Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "RIA Blurbs (2)", n.d. Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "Reactor Story", 4/18/2000 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - MURR Promotional Video, 1987 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "Radiation Safety #1", 4/19/1993 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "Radiation Safety #2", 4/19/1993 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "Missy/Gary/Renee Interviews; Cancer Drugs", 1990 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "TRUMP-S Part I", n.d. Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Emergency Drill, 1991 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - MURR Emergency Drill, 1990 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Topaz Process Raw Footage, 1993 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "Chemical Safety Part 3 - Fire and Explosion", n.d. Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Radiological Training Services - "Risks Associated with Occupational Radiation Exposure", 1995 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "MURR Raw Footage" Production Outtakes, Tape #1, ca. 1990s Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "MURR Raw Footage" Production Outtakes, Tape #2, ca. 1990s Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "MURR Raw Footage" Production Outtakes, Tape #3, ca. 1990s Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "MURR Raw Footage" Production Outtakes, Tape #4, ca. 1990s Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "MURR Raw Footage" Production Outtakes, Tape #5, ca. 1990s Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "MURR Raw Footage" Production Outtakes, Tape #6, ca. 1990s Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "MURR Raw Footage" Production Outtakes, Tape #7, ca. 1990s Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "MURR Raw Footage" Production Outtakes, Tape #8, ca. 1990s Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "MURR Raw Footage" Production Outtakes, Tape #9, ca. 1990s Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "MURR Raw Footage" Production Outtakes, Tape #10, ca. 1990s Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Composite Clips, 4/23/1987 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - MURR 20th Anniversary, 6/16/1987 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - MURR 20th Anniversary, n.d. Item - Videocassette (VHS) - MURR 20th Anniversary, 1988 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Shipping Cask Tests - Type A Containers, n.d. Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Pool Piping Inspection, n.d. Item - Videocassette (VHS) - KOMU News Report on MURR, 4/17/2000 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "The MURR 1993", 12/23/1993 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - MURR Indoctrination, 1/20/1994 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Indoctrination (1/2" Master VHS), n.d. Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Old MURR Indoctrination, n.d. Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Security Induction, 8/21/1989 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Fox TV-2 News Report - MU Cement Research, n.d. Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Discovery Wings TV Program on Nuclear Power, n.d. Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "MURR - 30 Years of Excellence", 1/14/1997 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, 4/25/1990 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - "Insurance 1994 - Basement Level" Item - Videocassette (VHS-C) - MURR TRU Waste - Barrel #1, n.d. Item - Videocassette (VHS-C) - MURR TRU Waste Reprocessing - Barrel #2, n.d. Item - Videocassette (VHS-C) - MURR TRU Waste Reprocessing - Barrel #3, n.d. Item - Videocassette (VHS-C) - MURR TRU Waste Reprocessing - Barrel #4, n.d. Item - Videocassette (VHS-C) - MURR TRU Waste Reprocessing - Barrel #5, n.d. Item - Videocassette (VHS-C) - MURR TRU Waste Reprocessing - Barrel #6, n.d. Item - Videocassette (VHS-C) - MURR TRU Waste Reprocessing - Barrel #7, n.d. Item - Videocassette (VHS-C) - MURR Inventory - Grade Level - Radiopharmaceutical, Service Applications, 1994 Item - Videocassette (VHS-C) - MURR Inventory - Grade Level - archaeometry, epidemiology, 1994 Item - Videocassette (VHS-C) - MURR Inventory - Grade Level - Electronics, Machine, Annex, 1994 Item - Videocassette (VHS-C) - MURR Inventory - Basement Level - Outside and Inside Containment, 1994 Box 4 - 012034 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Photographic prints and stereo prints - subjects include facilities, staff, Walt Meyer, Charlie McKibben, and poster presentations, 1991-2000 Item - Box containing miscellaneous slides, 1987-1991 Item - Box containing miscellaneous slides [includes glass slides], 1966-1987 MFR 1 - Miscellaneous billing records, 1/1967-12/1970 MFR 2 - Miscellaneous billing records, 1/1971-12/1973 MFR 3 - Miscellaneous records - Load sheets, 1974 MFR 4 - Miscellaneous records - Load sheets, 1976, through Billings, 1976 MFR 5 - Miscellaneous records - Freight bills, 1975, through Load sheets (flux trap and Reflector load), 1/1975 #152 through 12/1975 #500 MFR 6 - Miscellaneous records - Irradiation records, 1975 MFR 7 - Miscellaneous records - Load sheets, 1977; Irradiation records, 1977; Billings, 1977; Air bills and Mailgrams, 1977 MFR 8 - Miscellaneous records - Air bills and Mailgrams 1976 through In-pool radiation, 1976 MFR 9 - Reactor Advisory Committee (RAC) Minutes/Packets, 1997-2000 through Beamport Data, n.d. MFR 10 - Material Transfer 7 Dose Records, 6/1999-8/2001; Filter Bank Pressure Drop Record, 6/1999 through Material Transfer Form, 21-4/26/2001 MFR 11 - Personnel Dose Information and Visitor Logs, 1999-2001 MFR 12 - Initial Licensing Records, 2001; Reg Rod Calibration Data through Preoperational Tests, 1966 MFR 13 - ALARA and Contamination Surveys, 1987-2000; Stack Tritium Laboratory Notebook #2 through Area Radiation and Contamination Surveys, 7-12/2000 MFR 14 - MURR Rad Waste Records, 1992, through Radiation Instrument Calibrations, 1997-2000 MFR 15 - Radiation and Contamination Surveys Part I, 2001, through MURR Visitor Logs, 7/2001-2/2002 MFR 16 - Daily Facility Checks, 2001, through MURR Material License Inventory ML-19 through ML-54, 3/1995-11/1998 MFR 17 - Material Transfer Forms, 4-12/2001, through Dosimeter Corp Certificates of Calibration, 10/1985-10/1994 MFR 18 - Dosimeter Corp Self Reading Dosimetry Assignment, n.d., through Spare Badges, 1994 MFR 19 - Spare Badges, 1995, through Statement of Previous Exposure, 1999 MFR 20 - Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) Minutes, 9/29/1992-6/20/2000, through Procedures Review Subcommittee, 7/12/1996 MFR 21 - Procedures Review Subcommittee, 11/21/1996, through IUS Meeting, 3/29/1999 MFR 22 - IUS Meeting, 6/24/1999, through Procedure Review, 5/23/2002 MFR 23 - Procedures Review, 5/30/2002, through Procedures Review Subcommittee, 10/19/1989 MFR 24 - Packet and Minutes for Procedure Review Subcommittee, 12/11/1990, through Procedure Review Subcommittee, 12/27/2001 MFR 25 - 70238 Research Reactor, 11/1974-12/1981 MFR 26 - Visitor Log, 1977-1980, through Microwave Oven Leakage Survey, 1985 MFR 27 - Control Room Complete, n.d., through MURR 20th Anniversary Open House Guest Book, 1986 MFR 28 - Tours, 1985, through Beryllium Reflector Changeout 3H Urinalysis Results, n.d. MFR 29 - HP Monthly Reports, 1985, through Receipt of Radioactive Material, 1986 MFR 30 - Stack Monitor, 1986, through Campus Shipments, 1986 Box 5 - 012043 [return to top][A24-42] Item - Shoebox - A-Z Project and Grant Index Cards, Box 1, 1972-1989 Item - Shoebox - A-Z Project and Grant Index Cards, Box 2, 1972-1989 Items - Shoeboxes (2) - Miscellaneous microfiche (includes Outgoing and Incoming Irradiation Information, MURR Health Physics Spare Badge Issues, Dosimetry Accounts, Ages Trial Balances, Exempt Concentrations and Resin Logs, Shipping Schedules and Orders, Customs Document Packets, Tube and Thermal Column, Isotope files, Reactor Services summaries, Reflector Lading and Loading Sheets, Reuter Stokes Detector Readings, Silicon files, silicon Radioassay Logs and Flux Wire Analysis, and correspondence of various companies), 1966-1994 Box 6 - 014140 [return to top][A24-42] FF - "Certification of Compliance; QCNH-73-43", 1973 FF - Miscellaneous records - subjects include LEU Study Group at RPI, 1983; overview of MURR, 1983; and Spent Fuel Element Destructive Analysis, 1973 FF - "Research Reactor Core Conversion from the Use of Highly Enriched Uranium to the Use of Low Enriched Uranium Fuels - Guidebook - Safety and Licensing Issues" Draft 5A, 9/1984 FF - Harold Berger, "Neutron Radiography - Methods, Capabilities, and Applications", 1965 FF - Specification for University of Missouri Plate Type Uranium-Aluminum (UALx) Fuel Elements, 7/22/1970 FF - Nuclear Science Group Technical Report, 7/1970-6/1971 FF - Nuclear Science Group Technical Report, 7/1971-6/1972 FF - Gulf United Fission Plate Proposal, 1972 FF - Nuclear Science Group Technical Report, 7/1969-6/1970 FF - "Research Reactor Core Conversion from HEU to LEU Fuels - Safety and Licensing Issues - Guidebook" Draft 5, 9/1983 FF - Extended Life Aluminide Fuel Final Report, 5/1986 FF - Safety Issues Related to the Upgrade of the University of Missouri Research Reactor, 6/3/1986 FF - Idaho National Engineering Laboratory - Extended Life Aluminide Fuel Final Report, 6/1986 FF - "MURR Upgrade Neutronics Analysis Using AMPX-II/BOLD VENTURE IV Computation System Benchmarked to the Destructive Analysis of Fuel Element 775F3", 9/1/1986 FF - "A Position Sensitive Detector for Neutron Powder Diffraction Studies", 3/1989 FF - UI-TRIGA Reactor Study, 7/6/1993 FF - Miscellaneous Records - subjects include EG&G Idaho, 1-3/1987; and ATR site trip report, 6/1987 FF - Fuel Design Documentation, 1978-2001 FF - Special Nuclear Material License SNM-934, 1965-1966 FF - Special Nuclear Material License SNM-1166, 1969-1977 FF - Special Nuclear Material License SNM-247, 1965-1991 FF - Special Nuclear Material License SNM-247 - Correspondence, 1958-1983 FF - Reactor License SNM-247 - License and Amendments, 1959-1990 FF - Reactor License SNM-247 - General Correspondence, 1981-1990 Box 7 - 037894 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Isotope Use Subcommittee (IUS), 12/15/2010 FF - Isotope Use Subcommittee (IUS), 9/22/2010 FF - Isotope Use Subcommittee (IUS), 6/16/2010 FF - Isotope Use Subcommittee (IUS), 3/18/2010 FF - Radiation Safety Committee (RSC), 12/15/2010 FF - Radiation Safety Committee (RSC), 9/22/2010 FF - Radiation Safety Committee (RSC), 6/16/2010 FF - Radiation Safety Committee (RSC), 3/18/2010 FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 12/9/2010 FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 11/11/2010 FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 10/28/2010 FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 10/14/2010 FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 9/23/2010 FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 8/26/2010 FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 8/12/2010 FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 7/22/2010 FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 7/9/2010 FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 6/24/2010 FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 6/10/2010 FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 5/27/2010 FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 4/22/2010 FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 4/8/2010 FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 3/11/2010 FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 2/25/2010 FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 2/11/2010 FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 1/28/2010 FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 1/14/2010 Box 8 - 037910 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Safety Subcommittee (SSC) - Meeting Packet, 3/5/2010 FF - Safety Subcommittee (SSC) - Meeting Packet, 6/18/2010 FF - Safety Subcommittee (SSC) - Meeting Packet, 9/10/2010 FF - Safety Subcommittee (SSC) - Meeting Packet, 12/17/2010 FF - Safety Subcommittee (SSC) - Meeting Packet, 3/11/2009 FF - Safety Subcommittee (SSC) - Meeting Packet, 6/4/2009 FF - Safety Subcommittee (SSC) - Meeting Packet, 7/31/2009 FF - Safety Subcommittee (SSC) - Meeting Packet, 9/23/2009 FF - Safety Subcommittee (SSC) - Meeting Packet, 12/3/2009 FF - Safety Subcommittee (SSC) - Meeting Packet, 3/21/2008 FF - Safety Subcommittee (SSC) - Meeting Packet, 6/20/2008 FF - Safety Subcommittee (SSC) - Meeting Packet, 7/2/2008 FF - Safety Subcommittee (SSC) - Meeting Packet, 9/9/2008 FF - Safety Subcommittee (SSC) - Meeting Packet, 12/4/2008 FF - Safety Subcommittee (SSC) - Meeting Packet, 3/9/2007 FF - Safety Subcommittee (SSC) - Meeting Packet, 6/6/2007 FF - Safety Subcommittee (SSC) - Meeting Packet, 6/15/2007 FF - Safety Subcommittee (SSC) - Meeting Packet, 9/14/2007 FF - Safety Subcommittee (SSC) - Meeting Packet, 12/6/2007 Box 9 - 060900 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Air Compressor, 1996-1997 FF - Research - Neutron Capture Therapy and Brachytherapy, 1990-1997 FF - Equipment Inventory, 1989-1994 FF - Research - Fluorescence Operating Procedure for Operation with Nitrogen CO and CO2, 1980-1984 FF - Flux Trap, 1964-2010 FF - Flux Trap Wire Holder, 1983 FF - Freeze Dryer - Operator's Instruction Manual, n.d. FF - Fuel (includes photographs), 1969-1999 FF - Fuel (cont'd), n.d. FF - Fume Hood Project No. 2432, 1976-1990 FF - Glove Box 18 (GB-18), 2010-2016 FF - Graphite Reflector Elements, 1964-1986 FF - Graphite Reflector Elements (cont'd), 1973-2001 FF - Hazardous Material Training, 1996-1999 FF - MURR Industrial Addition Project 101231 - Manual, 2001 Box 10 - 060901 [return to top][A24-42] FF - In-Pool Piping Assembly, 1963-1964 FF - Ionization Neutron Monitoring Chamber, 1976-1982 FF - Jumper Board, 1975 FF - Labrinth Sump Work (Lab Sump), 1988-1997 FF - Lead [contains lead sample], 1976-1996 FF - Liquid Nitrogen Bulk Storage Tank Project No. 51710, 1984-1985 FF - Loading Dock Enclosure Project No. 930144, 1993-1994 FF - Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) Fuel, 1978-1985 FF - Machine Shop Space Requirements, 1993-1998 FF - Mechanical Canister Locator, 1969 FF - Meter Relays, 1973 FF - Microwave Power Generator, n.d. FF - Production of Molybdenum 99, 1969-1990 FF - North Office Addition Project cp052011, 2006 FF - Noble Gas Decay System, 1972-1978 FF - Neutron Radiograph [includes photographs], 1977-1984 FF - Neutron Activation Analysis Program Review, 1985-1994 FF - Neutron Interferometry, 1992 FF - Nuclear Instrumentation, 1962-1997 Box 11 - 060902 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Nuclepore (includes photographs), 1975-1990 FF - Offset Mechanism (includes photographs and negatives), 1967-1980 FF - Pool Orifice Data, 1970 FF - In-Pool Platform, 1992 FF - P-33 Glove Box, 1994-1998 FF - Pallet and Pallet Jack Load Capacity, 2011 FF - Pool Liner, 2001 FF - Pool Piping, 2006 FF - Pool System, 1970-1994 FF - Pressure Vessel, 1964-1990 FF - Pressure Vessel (cont'd; includes photographs and slides), 1964, 1991-1993 FF - Primary Piping Campus Project No. cp400031 FF - Project Gamma, 1995 FF - Gauge Calibrations, 9/11-11/20/1970 FF - Position Sensitive Detector (PSD), 1982-1989 OSB 1 - Ellis [return to top][A24-42] OSB1 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Beryllium Reflector Changeout Tape #1, 1989 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Beryllium Reflector #2, 1989 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Beryllium Reflector Changeout Tape #3, 1989 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Beryllium Reflector Changeout Tape #4 (Spool Removal), 1989 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Beryllium Reflector Changeout Tape #5, 1989 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Beryllium Reflector Changeout Tape #6, 1989 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Beryllium Reflector Changeout Tape #7, 1989 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Beryllium Reflector Changeout Tape #8, 1989 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Install Reflector, 1989 Item - Videocassette (VHS) - Unidentified Box 12 - 001040 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Research Reactor Annual Report (bound), 8/1968 FF - Research Reactor Annual Report (bound), 8/1968 (2nd copy) FF - Research Reactor Annual Report (bound), 8/1969 FF - Research Reactor Annual Report (bound), 8/1969 (2nd copy) FF - Research Reactor Annual Report manuscript, 9/1970 FF - Research Reactor Annual Report (bound), 9/1970 FF - Research Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 8/1971 FF - Research Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1971 FF - MURR Operations Annual Report (bound), 1971-1972 FF - MURR Operations Annual Report (bound), 1971-1972 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 8/1972 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 11/1973 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 11/1973 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 11/1973 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 1973-1974 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1974 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1974 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 8/1975 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1975 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1975 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1976 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1976 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 8/1977 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1977 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1977 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 8/1978 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1978 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1978 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 8/1979 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1979 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1979 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 8/1980 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1980 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1980 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 8/1981 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1981 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1981 (2nd copy) Box 13 - 001069 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 8/1982 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1982 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1982 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 8/1983 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1983 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1983 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 8/1984 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1984 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1984 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 8/1985 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1985 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1985 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 8/1986 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1986 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1986 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 8/1987 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1987 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1981 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 8/1988 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1988 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1988 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 8/1989 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1989 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1989 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 8/1990 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1990 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 8/1990 (2nd copy) Box 14 - 001074 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 8/1991 FF - Operations Annual Report (bound), 1990-1991 FF - Operations Annual Report (bound), 1990-1991 (2nd copy) FF - Operations Annual Report manuscript, 1991-1992 FF - Operations Annual Report (bound), 1991-1992 FF - Operations Annual Report (bound), 1991-1992 (2nd copy) FF - Annual Report Originals, 1992-1993 FF - Operations Semi-Annual Report manuscript, 7-12/1993 FF - Operations Annual Report (bound), 1992-1993 FF - Operations Annual Report (bound), 1992-1993 (2nd copy) FF - Operations Semi-Annual Report (bound), 7-12/1993 FF - Operations Semi-Annual Report (bound), 7-12/1993 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 1994 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 1994 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 1994 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 1995 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 1995 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 1995 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 1996 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 1996 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 1996 (2nd copy) Box 15 - 001306 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 1997 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 1997 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 1997 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 1998 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 1998 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 1999 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 1999 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2000 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2000 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2001 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2001 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 2002 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2002 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2002 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 2003 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2003 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2003 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report manuscript, 2004 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2004 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2004 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2005 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2005 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2006 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2006 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2007 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2007 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2008 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2008 (2nd copy) FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2009 FF - Reactor Operations Annual Report (bound), 2009 (2nd copy) FF - Review of Research Reactor (MURR) Programs for President George A. Russell, 1992 FF - Review of Research Reactor (MURR) Programs for President George A. Russell, 1992 (2nd copy) FF - University of Missouri Financial Report, 1972-1973 FF - MURR Annual Report, 1976-1977 FF - MURR Annual Report, 1976-1977 (2nd copy) FF - MURR Annual Report, 1977-1978 FF - MURR Annual Report, 1977-1978 (2nd copy) FF - MURR Annual Report, 1978-1979 FF - MURR Annual Report, 1978-1979 (2nd copy) FF - MURR Annual Report, 1979-1980 FF - MURR Annual Report, 1979-1980 (2nd copy) FF - MURR Annual Report, 1980-1981 FF - MURR Annual Report, 1980-1981 (2nd copy) FF - MURR Annual Report, 1981-1982 FF - MURR Annual Report, 1981-1982 (2nd copy) FF - MURR Annual Report, 1982-1983 FF - MURR Annual Report, 1982-1983 (2nd copy) FF - MURR Annual Report, 1983-1984 FF - MURR Annual Report, 1983-1984 (2nd copy) FF - MURR Annual Report, 1984-1985 FF - MURR Annual Report, 1984-1985 (2nd copy) FF - MURR Annual Report, 1985-1986 FF - MURR Annual Report, 1985-1986 (2nd copy) Box 16 - 001323 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Annual Report, 1986-1987 FF - Annual Report, 1986-1987 (2nd copy) FF - Annual Report, 1987-1988 FF - Annual Report, 1987-1988 (2nd copy) FF - Annual Report, 1988-1989 FF - Annual Report, 1988-1989 (2nd copy) FF - Annual Report, 1989-1990 FF - Annual Report,1989-1990 (2nd copy) FF - Annual Report, 1991 FF - Annual Report, 1991 (2nd copy) FF - Annual Report, 1992 FF - Annual Report, 1992 (2nd copy) FF - Annual Report, 1993 FF - Annual Report, 1993 (2nd copy) FF - Annual Report, 1994 FF - Annual Report, 1994 (2nd copy) FF - Annual Report, 1995 FF - Annual Report, 1995 (2nd copy) FF - Annual Report, 1996-1997 FF - Annual Report, 1996-1997 (2nd copy) FF - Annual Report, FY2002 FF - Annual Report, 2003 FF - Annual Report, 2003 (2nd copy) FF - Annual Report, 2005 FF - Annual Report, 2005 (2nd copy) FF - Annual Report, 2006 Box 17 - 003127 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Mo-99 Preconceptual 60% Design Review - Northwest Medical Isotopes (NWMI), 2012 FF - License Amendment Request to Implement Selective Gas Extraction (SGE) Target Experimental Facility (TEF), 2017 FF - General Atomics, Mo-99, SGE, Chinook - Origen Code, 2006 FF - General Atomics, Mo-99, SGE, Chinook - Correspondence, 2011-2015 FF - 98 Mo Irradiation in MURR Flux Trap - Nick Baldasaro, 2008 FF - SGE-Mo Design Reports - Reactor-Based Molybdenum-99 Supply System Project, 2017 FF - Clean Core Reactivity and Rod Worth Calculations of the 10.17kg Core - Daren Chang, 7/7/1985 FF - Clean Core Reactivity and Rod Worth Calculations of the 10.17kg Core - Daren Chang, 7/7/1985 (2nd copy) FF - Analysis of Loss of Flow Accident for MURR 20mw Power Upgrade Project - Jan-Li Wang (MS Thesis), 12/1984 FF - Analysis of Loss of Flow Accident for MURR 20mw Power Upgrade Project - Jan-Li Wang (MS Thesis), 12/1984 (2nd copy) FF - Safety Limit Analysis for the MURR Facility - Daren Chang, 3/25/1985 FF - Safety Limit Analysis for the MURR Facility - Daren Chang, 3/25/1985 (2nd copy) FF - Decay Heat and Radiation from Spent Fuel for MURR Upgrade Power Project - Chun-Liu Hwang, 12/1984 FF - Decay Heat and Radiation from Spent Fuel for MURR Upgrade Power Project - Chun-Liu Hwang, 12/1984 (2nd copy) FF - Reactivity Transient Analysis of the MURR Facility - Daren Chang, 5/3/1985 FF - SGE-Moly License Amendment Request Part I - License Amendment, n.d. FF - GMP-BS1 Bioscan Calibration Log, 9/17/2018-12/30/2019 Box 18 - 003805 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Ar-41 and H3 Data, 7/1983-6/1987 FF - Stack Filter Changes, 1983-1991 FF - Off-Campus Shipments, 2/1993 FF - Material Transfer Forms, 3/1993 FF - Material Transfer Forms and AMS-3 Record Book, 1986-1993 FF - Visitor Logs, 2/26/1993-4/30/1993 FF - Visitor Logs, 11/30/1992-2/26/1993 FF - Material Transfer Forms, 4/1993 FF - Material Transfer Forms, 5/1993 FF - Off-Campus Shipments, 6/1993 FF - Sm-153, 1/1992-5/1993 FF - Re-186, 1/1992-4/1992 FF - Ho-166, 1/1992-5/1993 FF - Lu-177, 1/1992-5/1993 FF - Re-186, 5/1992-5/1993 Research Reactor - Historic SOPs Box 19 - 007956 [return to top][A24-42] FF - P-33 Processing Rev. 2, 1995 FF - P-33 Processing Rev. 1, 1995 FF - Sm1-PR-001, 2001 FF - Sm1-001 Rev. 0, 2001 FF - RP-2 Rev. 1, 2001 FF - RP-5 Rev. 4, 2002 FF - RP-6 Rev. 4, 1998 FF - RP-9 Rev. 6, 1998 FF - RP-11 Rev. 3, 1999 FF - RP-12 Rev. 6, 1997 FF - RP-15 Rev. 2, 1998 FF - RP-16 Rev. 4, 2002 FF - RP-20 Rev. 0, 1998 FF - Canning Procedures, 2005 FF - Encapsulation of hygroscopic materials or materials in solution into quartz vials, 2005 FF - Pneumatic Tube (P-tube) SOP, 1987-1989 FF - HP-QA-03 Rev. 0, 1995 FF - HP-QA-04 Rev. 0, 1985 FF - HP-QA-05 Rev. 0, 1989 FF - HP-QA-06 Rev. 0, 1995 FF - HP-QA-07 Rev. 0, 1995 FF - Lab 241 Glove Box Welding, 2000 FF - Ho-166 DOTMP Process Rev. 2, 2000 FF - Ho-166 Ho-DOTMP Process Rev. 1, 1999 FF - Ho-166 DOTMP Process Rev. 0, 1999 FF - List of Effective Procedures, 5/3/2000 FF - List of Effective Procedures, 4/11/2000 FF - List of Effective Procedures, 12/3/1999 FF - List of Effective Procedures, 11/5/1999 FF - List of Effective Procedures, 8/11/1999 FF - List of Effective Procedures, 4/29/1999 FF - IGO-S-Y-90, 2000 FF - IGO-SAQ 1 Rev. 1, 1998 FF - IGO-SAQ 0 Rev. 0, 1998 FF - IGO-S-00 Rev. 4, 1999 FF - IGO-S-00, 1999 FF - IGO-S-01, 1999 FF - QUEGS-II SOP 2, 1995 FF - RXS-SHP 17.0 Rev. 0, 1993 FF - RXS-SHP-18.0 Rev. 0, 1993 FF - RXS-SHP-20.0 Rev. 1, 1992 FF - SA-QA-01 Rev., 1994 FF - SA-QA-02 Rev., 1998 FF - MURR-SAI-INDEX, 1996 FF - MURR-SAI-INDEX Revision Routing Sheet, 1996 FF - MURR-SAI-1001, 1994 FF - MURR-SAI-1001 Revision Routing Sheet, 1994 FF - MURR-SAI-00001 Rev. 8, 1997 FF - MURR-SAI-00001 Rev. 8 Routing Sheet, 1997 FF - MURR-SAI-00001 Rev. 7, 1996 FF - MURR-SAI-00001 Rev. 7 Routing Sheets, 1996 FF - MURR-SAI-00001 Rev. 6, 1995 FF - MURR-SAI-00001 Rev. 5, 1994 FF - MURR-SAI-00001 Rev. 5 Routing Sheets, 1994 FF - MURR-SAI-00001 Rev. 3, 1994 FF - MURR-SAI-00001 Rev. 3 Routing Sheets, 1994 FF - MURR-SAI-00001 Rev. 2, 1994 FF - MURR-SAI-00001 Rev. 2 Routing Sheets, 1994 FF - MURR-SAI-00001 Rev. 1 Routing Sheets, 1994 FF - MURR-SAI-00001 Rev. 0, 1993 FF - MURR-SAI-00002 Rev. 3, 1997 FF - MURR-SAI-00002 Rev. 3 Routing Sheet, 1997 FF - MURR-SAI-00002 Rev. 2, 1995 FF - MURR-SAI-00002 Rev. 2 Check Sheet, 1995 FF - MURR-SAI-00002 Rev. 1, 1994 FF - MURR-SAI-00002 Rev. 1 Routing Sheets, 1994 FF - MURR-SAI-00002 Rev. 0 Routing Sheets, 1994 FF - MURR-SAI-00003 Rev. 2, 1998 FF - MURR-SAI-00003 Rev. 2 Routing Sheet, 1998 FF - SAI-00003 Shipping Request Authorization, 1998 FF - MURR-SAI-00003 Rev. 1, 1995 FF - MURR-SAI-00003 Rev. 1 Check Sheet, 1995 FF - MURR-SAI-00003 Rev. 0, 1994 FF - MURR-SAI-00003 Rev. 0 Routing Sheets, 1994 FF - MURR-SAI-00004 Rev. 2, 1998 FF - MURR-SAI-00004 Rev. 2 Routing Sheet, 1998 FF - MURR-SAI-00004 Rev. 1, 1995 FF - MURR-SAI-00004 Rev. 1 Check Sheet, 1995 FF - MURR-SAI-00004 Rev. 0, 1994 FF - MURR-SAI-00004 Rev. 0 Routing Sheets, 1994 FF - MURR-SAI-00005 Rev. 1, 1995 FF - MURR-SAI-00005 Rev. 1 Routing Sheets, 1995 FF - MURR-SAI-00005 Rev. 0, 1994 FF - MURR-SAI-00005 Rev. 0 Routing Sheets, 1994 FF - SAP Se-75 Process Procedure Rev. 2, 1998 FF - MURR-SAQ-00 Rev. 3, 1997 FF - MURR-SAQ-00 Rev. 3 Routing Sheet, 1997 FF - MURR-SAQ-01 Original, 1997 FF - MURR-SAQ-01 Original Routing Sheet, 1997 FF - MURR-SAQ-02 Original, 1997 FF - MURR-SAQ-02 Original Routing Sheet, 1997 FF - MURR-SAQ-03 Rev. 1, 1997 FF - MURR-SAQ-00001 Original, 1994 FF - MURR-SAQ-00001 Original Routing Sheet, 1994 FF - MURR-SAQ-00002 Rev. 2, 1995 FF - MURR-SAQ-00002 Rev. 2 Routing Sheet, 1995 FF - MURR-SAQ-00002 Rev. 1, 1994 FF - MURR-SAQ-00002 Rev. 1 Routing Sheet, 1994 FF - MURR-SAQ-00002 Original, 1994 FF - MURR-SAQ-00002 Original Routing Sheet, 1994 FF - MURR-SAQ-00003 Original, 1995 FF - MURR-SAQ-00003 Original Routing Sheet, 1995 FF - MURR-SAS-00 Rev. 3, 1997 FF - MURR-SAS-00 Rev. 3 Routing Sheet, 1997 FF - MURR-SAS-00 Rev. 2, 1995 FF - MURR-SAS-00 Rev. 2 Routing Sheet, 1995 FF - MURR-SAS-00 Rev. 1, 1994 FF - MURR-SAS-00 Rev. 1 Routing Sheet, 1994 FF - MURR-SAS-00 Original, 1993 FF - MURR-SAS-00 Original Routing Sheet, 1993 FF - MURR-SAS-02 Rev. 2, 1997 FF - MURR-SAS-02 Rev. 2 Routing Sheet, 1997 FF - MURR-SAS-02 Rev. 1, 1995 FF - MURR-SAS-02 Rev. 1 Routing Sheet, 1995 FF - MURR-SAS-02 Original, 1993 FF - MURR-SAS-02 Original Routing Sheet, 1993 FF - MURR-SAS-03 Rev. 1, 1995 FF - MURR-SAS-03 Rev. 1 Routing List, 1995 FF - MURR-SAS-03 Original, 1993 FF - MURR-SAS-03 Original Routing Sheet, 1993 FF - MURR-SAS-04 Rev. 4, 1994 FF - MURR-SAS-04 Rev. 4 Routing Sheets, 1994 FF - MURR-SAS-04 Rev. 3, 1994 FF - MURR-SAS-04 Rev. 3 Routing Sheet, 1994 Box 20 - 007961 [return to top][A24-42] FF - MURR-SAS-00004 - Shipment of Radioactive Materials, Revision 2, 9/27/1994 FF - MURR-SAS-00004 - Shipment of Radioactive Materials, Revision 2 Routing Sheet, 11/7/1994 FF - MURR-SAS-00004 - Shipment of Radioactive Materials, Revision 1, 4/14/1994 FF - MURR-SAS-00004 - Shipment of Radioactive Materials, Revision 1 Routing Sheet, 5/13/1994 FF - MURR-SAS-00004 - Shipment of Radioactive Materials, 2/17/1993 FF - MURR-SAS-00004 - Shipment of Radioactive Materials Routing Sheet, 2/25/1993 FF - MURR-SAS-00004 - Standing Order 98-01 (Checksheets), 2/27/1998 FF - MURR-SAS-00005 - Hot Cell Loading of Host Cans, 5/17/1993 FF - MURR-SAS-00005 - Hot Cell Loading of Host Cans Routing Sheet, 5/18/1993 FF - SAS-00006 - Transport Index Meter Stick Control Checksheet, Revision 2, 10/8/1996 FF - SAS-00008 - Amersham GB/0924BP/B(U), Revision 5, 11/22/1995 FF - SAS-00009 - Service Applications RTS 20 WC-2, Revision 5, 11/22/1995 FF - SAS-00010 - Service Applications Type B USA DOT 6M, Revision 2, 9/30/1996 FF - MURR-SAS-00013 - Service Applications QA Program: Nordion F-327 Packages, Revision 00, 6/7/1996 FF - MURR-SAS-00013 - SA QA Program: Nordion F-327 Packages Check Sheet, Revision 00, 6/16/1996 FF - SAS-00014 - Service Applications USA DOT 20 WC-1, Revision 0, 4/4/1997 FF - MURR-SAT-00001 - Job and Task Analysis, Revision 0, 9/1/1993 FF - TRUMP-S TAM Manual (draft), n.d. FF - VMP-001 - Ho-166, Revision 0, n.d. FF - Laboratory Safety Manual, 10/27/1999 FF - Lab Safety Manual Verification, n.d. FF - HP/I-1 - Request for Radiation Safety Evaluation, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/I-2 - Radiation Work Permits, 1/12/1999 FF - HP/I-3 - Controlled Special Exposures: ALARA Considerations, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/I-4 - Personnel Indoctrination Documentation, 6/1/1999 FF - HP/I-5 - MURR Indoctrination Training Program, 11/17/1998 FF - HP/I-6 - MURR Identification Badge Program and Implementation, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/I-7 - Beamport Area Access, 6/1/1999 FF - HP/I-8 - Performance of Quarterly Review of Materials License Projects, 3/26/1997 FF - HP/II-1 - Issuing Radiation Dosimeters at MURR Reception Desk, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/II-2 - Review of Unplanned Radiation Exposures, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/II-3 - Report of Personnel Contamination, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/II-4 - H-3 Air Samples, 7/28/1999 FF - HP/II-5 - Tritium Bioassay, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/II-6 - Containment Ar-41 Grab Sample Procedure, 10/30/1997 FF - HP/III-1 - Calibration of Radiation Survey Instruments, 6/1/1999 FF - HP/III-2 - Self-Reading Dosimeter Calibration, 10/30/1997 FF - HP/III-3 - Calibration of Stack Particulate Channel: Eberline PING 1A, 5/17/2000 FF - HP/III-4 - Calibration of Stack Iodine Channel: Eberline PING 1A, 5/19/2000 FF - HP/III-5 - Calibration of Stack Gas Channel: Eberline PING 1A, 5/19/2000 FF - HP/III-6 - Stack Monitor Preventative Maintenance: NMC Model RAK, 1/16/2001 FF - HP/III-7 - Calibration of Stack Monitor System: NMC Model RAK, 1/16/2001 FF - HP/III-8 - Calibration of Stack Particulate Channel: NMC Model RAK, 1/16/2001 FF - HP/III-9 - Calibration of Stack Iodine Channel: NMC Model RAK, 1/16/2001 FF - HP/III-10 - Calibration of Stack Gas Channel: NMC Model RAK, 1/16/2001 FF - HP/III-11 - Calibration and Operation of Canberra Model 2404 Alpha/Beta/Gamma System, 10/30/1997 FF - HP/III-12 - Calibration and Operation of Tennelec LB-5100 Alpha/Beta, 10/30/1997 FF - HP/III-13 - Calibration and Operation of Baird Polyspec, 10/30/1997 FF - HP/III-14 - Calibration and Operation of Eberline BC-4 Beta Counter, 1/25/2001 FF - HP/III-15 - Portal Monitor Calibration/Optimization, 6/1/1999 FF - HP/III-16 - Portal Monitor Figure of Merit Functional Test, 6/1/1999 FF - HP/III-17 - HFM-10 Calibration/Optimization, 6/1/1999 FF - HP/III-18 - HFM-10 Source Check, 6/1/1999 FF - HP (Health Physics)/III-19 - Efficiency Calibration on VAX, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/III-20 - Energy Calibration on VAX, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/III-21 - Reactor Chemistry Trending, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/III-22 - Quench Curve on the Searle Liquid Scintillation Counter, 6/1/1999 FF - HP/III-24 - Preparing Europium Sources, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/III-25 - Calibration of Sodium Iodide Detector for Counting Air Sample Tanks, 5/15/2001 FF - HP/IV-1 - Standard Contamination, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/IV-2 - Receiving and Opening Packages of Radioactive Material, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/IV-3 - Transfer of Radioactive Material within Reactor Building, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/IV-4 - MURR Hot Cell Operation, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/IV-5 - Cobalt-60 Facility Safety Checks, 6/1/1999 FF - HP/IV-6 - Co-60 Facility Pool Water Analysis, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/IV-7 - Sealed Source Leak Test Procedure, 12/29/1997 FF - HP/IV-8 - Cleaning Returned Shipping Containers, 12/3/1997 FF - HP/IV-9 - Can Melting Procedure, 6/1/1999 FF - HP/V-1 - Environmental Sampling, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/V-2 - Analysis of Radioactivity in Environmental Samples, 6/1/1999 FF - HP/V-3 - Changing Stack Monitor Filters: NMC Model AM-221F, 10/18/1999 FF - HP/V-4 - Changing Stack Monitor Filters: NMC Model RAK, 11/11/1999 FF - HP/V-5 - Analysis of Particulate and Charcoal Filters, 10/30/1997 FF - HP/V-6 - Tritium Monitoring of Stack Air Exhaust, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/V-7 - Waste Tank Analysis, 7/28/1999 FF - HP/V-8 - Secondary and Sump Water Analysis, 11/6/1998 FF - HP/V-9 - Survey of Items for Unrestricted Release, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/V-10 - Stack Ar-41 Grab Sample Procedure, 11/6/1998 FF - HP/VI-1 - Experimenters Waste Disposal Procedure, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/VI-2 - Direct Barrel Compaction Operation, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/VI-3 - Shipment of Radioactive Material NOS, Waste, 11/10/1998 FF - HP/VI-4 - Exclusive Use Shipment of Radioactive Material, LSA Waste, 11/10/1998 FF - HP/VI-5 - Non-Exclusive Use Shipment of Radioactive Material, LSA Waste, 11/10/1998 FF - HP/VI-6 - Shipment of Radioactive, LSA Waste Utilizing a Broker, 10/30/1997 FF - HP/VI-7 - Non-Exclusive Use Shipment of Radioactive Material, NOS, Waste, 11/10/1998 FF - HP/VI-8 - Exclusive Use Shipment of Radioactive Material, LSA, NOS and/or SCO, 2/15/2001 FF - HP/VII-1 - Room 114 Unscheduled Entry, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/VII-2 - Handling Radioactive Material in MURR Pool, 6/1/1999 FF - HP/VII-3 - Health Physics Monitoring of Beam Ports for Reactor Start-Up, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/VII-4 - Pool and Primary Water Analysis, 11/16/1998 FF - HP/VII-5 - Spent Fuel Shipping Cask Analysis, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/VIII-1 - Emergency Air Sampling, 7/28/1999 FF - HP/VIII-2 - Evaluation of Exhaust Gas Stack Monitor Filters in an Emergency, 10/18/1996 FF - HP/VIII-3 - Remote Sampling of Containment Air, 10/18/1996 FF - MURR HP SOP Table of Contents, 2/15/2001 FF - HP SOPs and IP, n.d. FF - Old Revisions of HP Internal Procedures and Guides (IP&G), 1983 FF - IP&G #1 - Stack Monitor Filter Change, 9/13/1983 FF - IP&G #2 - HP Tech Training, 11/28/1990 FF - IP&G #3 - Quality Control Program for Solidification of Waste Tank Sludge, 1/27/1984 FF - IP&G #4 - Can Melter Operation Guide, 1/15/1987 FF - IP&G #6 - Ar-41 Monitoring of Stack Air Using Grab Sample, 4/9/1984 FF - IP&G #7 - Ar-41 Monitoring of Containment Building Air, 4/9/1984 FF - IP&G #8 - Radioactive Waste Sorting Guide, 8/31/1984 FF - IP&G #9 - Filter Packing Guide, 3/28/1985 FF - IP&G #10 - Gas Can Melter Operation Guide, 1/15/1987 FF - IP&G #11 - Gas Melter Barrel Changing Guide, 1/15/1987 FF - IP&G #12 - Waste Management Press Guide, 1/15/1987 FF - IP&G #13 - Y-90 Processing Notes, 12/19/1988 FF - Processing SEMA Environmental Samples Procedure, 8/8/1997 FF - Complete Set of TRUMP-S Waste Contingency Plans - distribution, 8/31/1994 FF - Revised: HP/III-7, HP/V-3, HP/V-4, 11/23/1999 FF - Revised: HP/II-4, HP/III-3, HP/III-4, HP/III-5, HP/III-14, HP/V-7, HP/VIII-1, 7/29/1999 FF - New: HP/IV-9; Revised Table of Contents, HP/I-4, HP/I-7, HP/II-4, HP/III-1, HP/III-3, HP/III-4, HP/III-5, HP/III-6, HP/III-7, HP/III-10, HP/III-14, HP/III-15, HP/III-16, HP/III-17, HP/III-18, HP/III-22, HP/IV-5, HP/V-2, HP/V-4, HP/V-7, HP/VII-2; Deleted: HP/III-23, 6/1/1999 FF - Revised Table of Contents, HP/I-2, 1/12/1999 FF - Revised Table of Contents, HP/I-2, HP-I-5, HP/VII-4, 11/17/1998 FF - Revised Table of Contents, 11/11/1998 FF - Revised Table of Contents, HP/III-10, HP/III-18, HP/V-8, HP/V-10, HP/VI-3, HP/VI-4, HP/VI-5, HP/VI-7, HP/VIII-1, 11/10/1998 FF - Revised Table of Contents, HP/V-8, 8/4/1998 FF - Revised Table of Contents, HP/IV-5, 6/3/1998 FF - Revised Table of Contents, HP/IV-5, 6/1/1998 FF - Revised Table of Contents, HP/IV-7, 12/30/1997 FF - Revised Table of Contents, HP/VII-4, 12/5/1997 FF - Revised Table of Contents, HP/III-5, HP/VII-4, HP/VII-5; New: HP/IV-8, 12/3/1997 FF - Revised Table of Contents, HP/II-6, HP/III-2, HP/III-5, HP/III-7, HP/III-11, HP/III-12, HP/III-13, HP/III-14, HP/III-16, HP/III-17, HP/III-18, HP/V-5, HP/V-7, HP/V-8, HP/VI-6, 10/30/1997 FF - New HP SOP HP/VI-7; Revised Index, 8/25/1997 FF - Volume No. 7 Issued to Justin Hiller, 5/20/1997 FF - Revised HP/VII-2, Table of Contents, 4/17/1997 FF - New HP/I-8; Revised Table of Contents, 4/8/1997 FF - New HP/II-6, HP/V-10; Revised HP/III-14, HP/IV-5, Table of Contents, 2/11/1997 FF - Revised HP/VI-6, Table of Contents, Cross Reference, 11/25/1996 FF - Second Edition, 10/18/1996 FF - New Procedures, 11/26/2003 FF - New HP Procedures, 8/7/2003 FF - New HP Procedures, 2/7/2003 FF - HP Procedures, 1/3/2003 FF - New HP Procedures12/5/2002 FF - New HP Procedures, 10/25/2002 FF - New HP Procedures, 9/18/2002 FF - New HP Procedures, 8/27/2002 FF - New HP Procedures, 7/18/2002 FF - New HP Procedures, 6/10/2002 FF - New HP Procedures, 5/29/2002 FF - New HP Procedures, 4/25/2002 FF - New HP Procedures, 4/22/2002 FF - New HP Procedures, 4/15/2002 FF - New HP Procedures, 3/22/2002 FF - New HP Procedures, 3/5/2002 FF - New HP Procedures, 2/26/2002 FF - New and Revised HP Procedures, 1/25/2002 FF - New and Revised HP Procedures, 1/11/2002 FF - New and Revised HP Procedures, 12/26/2001 FF - AP-HP-105 Rev. 0; AP-HP-110 Rev. 0; Table of Contents, 12/17/2001 FF - Revised OP-HP-200 Rev. 0; New OP-HP-400 Rev. 0; Obsolete: HP/II-4 Rev. 6, 11/9/2001 FF - Revised Table of Contents; Deleted: HP/I-4 Rev. 5, HP-I-6 Rev. 2, 6/26/2001 FF - Revised Table of Contents, HP/I-7 Rev. 3, HP/III-25 Rev. 1, 6/6/2001 FF - New HP/IV-10 Rev. 0; Revised Table of Contents, 3/22/2001 FF - New HP/VI-8; Revised Table of Contents, 2/15/2001 FF - Revised HP/III-6, HP/III-7, HP/III-8, HP/III-9, HP/III-10, HP/III-14, 1/25/2001 FF - New HP/III-25; Revised Table of Contents, HP/III-3, HP/III-4, HP/III-5, 5/20/2000 Box 21 - 025425 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Meeting Packets - Radiation Safety Committee, 12/6/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Radiation Safety Committee, 9/6/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Radiation Safety Committee, 6/7/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Radiation Safety Committee, 3/8/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Radiation Safety Committee, 12/11/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Radiation Safety Committee, 9/6/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Radiation Safety Committee, 6/12/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Radiation Safety Committee, 3/13/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Isotope Use Subcommittee, 12/6/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Isotope Use Subcommittee, 9/6/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Isotope Use Subcommittee, 6/7/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Isotope Use Subcommittee, 3/8/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Isotope Use Subcommittee, 12/11/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Isotope Use Subcommittee, 9/6/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Isotope Use Subcommittee, 6/12/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Isotope Use Subcommittee, 3/13/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee (PRS), 1/14/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee (PRS), 2/24/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee (PRS), 2/10/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee (PRS), 3/10/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee (PRS), 3/24/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee (PRS), 4/21/2011 Box 22 - 025426 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 5/5/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 5/19/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 6/2/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 7/7/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 7/21/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 8/4/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 8/18/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 9/1/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 10/6/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 10/20/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 11/3/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 11/17/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 12/2/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 12/15/2011 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 1/19/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 2/2/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 2/16/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 3/1/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 3/20/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 4/5/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 4/19/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 5/10/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 6/7/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 6/29/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 7/19/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 8/2/2012 FF - Meeting Packets - Procedure Review Subcommittee, 8/16/2012 Box 23 - 037045 [return to top][A24-42] Binder - Gemstone Procedures, 1998 Binder - Gemstone Quality Assurance Standard Operating Procedures, 1998 Binder - License Application for Distribution of Neutron Irradiated Gemstones, ca. 1995 Binder - Procedure NTD-MGT-1, 1993 Binder - Topaz Export Procedures, 1999 Binder - Exempt License 24-00513-36E, 1998 Box 24 - 037583 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Originals of revisions to Nos. 1 through 24 - Part 1, 10/1981 FF - Originals of revisions to Nos. 1 through 24 - Part 2, 10/1981 FF - Originals of revisions to Nos. 1 through 12, 1980-1981 FF - Revision pages dated 5/1980, 3/1980 FF - Originals of Revisions, 6/1980 FF - SOP Manual Originals, 10/1981 FF - Revision Nos. 1 through 7, ca. 12/1980 FF - Revision Nos. 8 through 12, 1980-1981 Box 25 - 040228 [return to top][A24-42] Binder - Health Physics (HP) SOP 1-30 - Superseded - First Edition, 1996 Binder - HP SOP 1-8 - Superseded - Second Edition, 1999 Binder - HP SOP 31-43 - Superseded - First Edition, 1996 Box 26 - 045858 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Yelon - Pattern Samples, 1997 FF - Yelon - Scatter graphs, data and articles, 1997-1999 FF - Yelon - Group (space), n.d. FF - Yelon - "Trouble", 1995-1996, 1999 FF - Yelon - Miscellaneous graphs, data and articles, 1986-1999 FF - Yelon - Nd6Mn23, 1995 FF - Yelon - Brazil, 1998 FF - Yelon - Peter [Ezekwenna], 5/1999 FF - Yelon - Neutron Scattering/Magnets (also includes material for ASUM Student Lobby Day, 1998) FF - Yelon - Brazil - Gerardo F. Goya, 1998-1999 FF - Yelon - Correspondence/articles/data - Liou et al., Berliner et al., Villas-Boas, 1998 FF - Yelon - Contacts, 1999 FF - Yelon - Single Crystal (SC) Paper, ca. 1996 FF - Yelon - Joong-Hee Nam, 1999 FF - Yelon - Han, 1999 FF - Yelon - NdMn6-x, MxSn6, 1998-1999 FF - Yelon - Hiperco Papers, 1997-1998 FF - Yelon - Ming Xing Chen, 1999 FF - Yelon - J Han, 1997-1998 FF - Yelon - Tan and Tai, 1998 FF - Yelon - Steven Keller, 1998 FF - Yelon - Hiperco, 1997 FF - Yelon - Cobalt, n.d. FF - Yelon - Miscellaneous articles/papers/drafts, 1990-1999 FF - Yelon - Miscellaneous articles/papers/drafts, 1990-1999 (cont'd) FF - Yelon - Be2C, 1997 FF - Yelon - NdFe, 1996 FF - Yelon - 5:17, 1995-1997 FF - Yelon - "The Origin of Fe substitutions…", 1997 FF - Yelon - Washington University - Quasi-X, 1998 FF - Yelon - FPO glass, Rolla, 1998 FF - Yelon - "Synthesis, Crystal structure, and Properties of a Lithium Manganese Nitride…", n.d. FF - Yelon - "Neutron Diffraction Structural Study…", 1996 FF - Yelon - "3:29 5:17", 1995 FF - Yelon - "SuperC Blackstead", 1998 FF - Yelon - "217 Carbides", 1996 FF - Yelon - "(NdY)2Fe17Nx", 1995-1996 FF - Yelon - China, 1995-1998 FF - Yelon - "6:13:1", 1995 FF - Yelon - Hoydoo You, 1994-1995 FF - Yelon - Garnet, 1996 FF - Yelon - "Nd2Fe16SiNx", 1994-1997 FF - Yelon - "Nd2Fe16-x Tx Cy", 1996-1997 FF - Yelon - CMR, n.d. FF - Yelon - WC Chang, 1995-1996 FF - Yelon - "R2 Fe17-x Tx (C)y", 1994-1996 Box 27 - 045862 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Yelon - Papers by Yelon and others, n.d. FF - Yelon - Nd5Fe17, 1990-1995 FF - Yelon - PFC, 1998 FF - Yelon - Navy, 1997 FF - Yelon - Papers by Matthies and Elliott, 1995 FF - Yelon - Mn.5Zn.5Fe2O4, n.d. FF - Yelon - Meeting - MURI Review, 1998 FF - Yelon - MMPA Scholarship Application, MingXing Chen, 1997 FF - Yelon - Article Proof, H. Luo et al., 1997 FF - Yelon - Fe44Co44Zr7B4Cu1, 1998 FF - Yelon - Fortran, 1998 FF - Yelon - Nd (Co, Fe, Co, Cu, Zr) 8.1, 1996 FF - Yelon - Kanishka Marasinghe, 1997 FF - Yelon - NdCo 8.1, n.d. FF - Yelon - 1:12 China, n.d. FF - Yelon - Gary Long, 1998 FF - Yelon - Pr Superconductor, 1998 FF - Yelon - New Project Proposal, 1997 FF - Yelon - Hiperco, n.d. FF - Yelon - Xiu-Feng Han, 1998 FF - Yelon - Superconductor, n.d. FF - Yelon - Sc75, 1998 FF - Yelon - Navy 2, 1998 FF - Yelon - Nebraska, 1997 Box 28 - 053394 [return to top][A24-42] FF - ACG-NAA-1980 Rev. 6, 2007 FF - ACG-NAA-1980 Rev. 5, 2006 FF - GLP-NAA-1980 Rev. 4, 2006 FF - GLP-NAA-1980 Rev. 3, 2006 FF - GLP-NAA-1980 Rev. 2, 2005 FF - GLP-NAA-1980 Rev. 1, 2004 FF - GLP-NAA-1980 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GLP-NAA-1980, Training Forms, 2006 FF - ACG-NAA-2352 Rev. 4, 2008 FF - ACG-NAA-2352 Rev. 3, 2007 FF - ACG-NAA-2352 Rev. 2, 2007 FF - GLP-ACG-2352 Rev. 1, 2006 FF - GLP-ACG-2352 Rev. 0, 2006 FF - ACG-NAA-2352, Training Documentation, 2008 FF - AP-HP-120 Rev. 5, 2012 FF - AP-HP-120 Rev. 4, 2009 FF - AP-HP-120 Rev. 3, 2007 FF - AP-HP-120 Rev. 2, 2006 FF - AP-HP-120 Rev. 1, 2004 FF - AP-HP-120 Rev. 0, 2003 FF - AP-HP-121 Rev. 5, 2012 FF - AP-HP-121 Rev. 4, 2009 FF - AP-HP-121 Rev. 3, 2007 FF - AP-HP-121 Rev. 2, 2006 FF - AP-HP-121 Rev. 1, 2004 FF - AP-HP-121 Rev. 0, 2003 FF - AP-PSO-001 Rev. 2, 2005 FF - AP-PSO-001 Rev. 1, 2004 FF - AP-IGO-001 Rev. 0, 2001 FF - AP-IGO-001, Supporting Documents, 2001-2007 FF - AP-PSO-002 Rev. 2, 2005 FF - AP-PSO-002 Rev. 1, 2004 FF - AP-PSO-002 Rev. 0, 2003 FF - AP-RR-004 Rev. 5, 2012 FF - AP-RR-004 Rev. 4, 2009 FF - AP-RR-004 Rev. 3, 2008 FF - AP-RR-004 Rev. 2, 2007 FF - AP-RR-004 Rev. 1, 2007 FF - AP-RR-004 Rev. 0, 2006 FF - AP-RR-006 Rev. 2, 2012 FF - AP-RR-006 Rev. 1, 2011 FF - AP-RR-006 Rev. 0, 2007 FF - AP-RR-012 Rev. 0, 2001 FF - BPB-SH-001 Rev. 6, 2006 FF - BPB-SH-001 Rev. 5, 2006 FF - BPB-SH-001 Rev. 4, 2005 FF - BPB-SH-001 Rev. 3, 2004 FF - BPB-SH-001 Rev. 2, 2004 FF - SP-SH-001 Rev. 1, 2002 FF - SP-SH-001 Rev. 0, 2001 FF - SP-SH-001, Supporting Documents, 2001 FF - BPB-SH-003 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - SP-SH-003 Rev. 0, 2002 FF - BPB-SH-006 Rev. 0, 2003 FF - BPB-SH-008 Rev. 7, 2010 FF - BPB-SH-008 Rev. 6, 2010 FF - BPB-SH-008 Rev. 5, 2007 FF - BPB-SH-008 Rev. 4, 2006 FF - BPB-SH-008 Rev. 3, 2006 FF - BPB-SH-008 Rev. 2, 2004 FF - BPB-SH-008 Rev. 1, 2004 FF - BPB-SH-008 Rev. 0, 2003 FF - BPB-SH-009 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - BPB-SH-009 Rev. o, 2004 FF - BP-SH-036 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - BP-SH-036 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - BP-SH-037 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - BP-SH-037 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - BP-SH-038 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - BP-SH-038 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - BR-PSO-206 Rev. 1, 2012 FF - BR-PSO-206 Rev. 0, 2010 FF - FB-SH-001 Rev. 0, 2007 FF - FB-SH-005 Rev. 1, 2006 FF - FB-SH-005 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - FB-SH-120 Rev. 0, 2010 FF - FB-SH-125 Rev. 0, 2009 FF - FB-SH-130 Rev. 0, 2009 FF - FB-SH-200 Rev. 0, 2010 FF - GLP-ADM-000 Rev. 2, 2007 FF - GLP-ADM-000 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - GLP-ADM-000 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GLP-ADM-000 Training Forms, 2006-2007 FF - GLP-ADM-007 Rev. 3, 2008 FF - GLP-ADM-007 Rev. 2, 2006 FF - GLP-ADM-007 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - GLP-ADM-007 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GLP-ADM-007 Training Forms, 2006-2007 FF - GLP-QU-033 Rev. 0, 2006 FF - GMP-ADM-007 Rev. 11, 2007 FF - GMP-ADM-007 Rev. 10, 2006 FF - GMP-ADM-007 Rev. 9, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-007 Rev. 8, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-007 Rev. 7, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-007 Rev. 6, 2004 FF - GMP-ADM-007 Rev. 5, 2004 FF - GMP-ADM-007 Rev. 4, 2004 FF - GMP-ADM-007 Rev. 3, 2004 FF - GMP-ADM-007 Rev. 2, 2003 FF - GMP-ADM-007 Rev. 1, 2003 FF - Ho1-ADM-007 Rev. 0, 2003 FF - Ho1-A007 Training Forms, 2001-2007 FF - GMP-ADM-009 Rev. 2, 2003 FF - GMP-ADM-009 Rev. 1, 2003 FF - Ho1-A009 Rev. 0, 2001 FF - Ho1-A009 Training Forms, 2001-2004 FF - GMP-ADM-010 Rev. 0, 2006 FF - GMP-ADM-010 Training Forms, 2005-2006 FF - GMP-ADM-045 Rev. 1, 2004 FF - GMP-ADM-045 Rev. 0, 2003 FF - GMP-ADM-047 Rev. 1, 2004 FF - Ho1-A047 Rev. 0, 2002-2004 FF - Ho1-A047 Training Forms, 2002-2005 FF - GMP-ADM-302 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-302 Training Documents, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-303 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-305 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-306 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-307 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-309 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-310 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GMP-ADM-310 Training Forms, 2004-2005 FF - GMP-ADM-311 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-311 Training Documents, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-312 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-312 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-316 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-316 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-317 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-317 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-318 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-321 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-321 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-323 Rev. 0, 2006 FF - GMP-ADM-324 Rev. 0, 2006 FF - GMP-ADM-341 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-346 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-346 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-ADM-346 Training Forms, 2005 Box 29 - 053395 [return to top][A24-42] FF - GMP-BR-102 Rev. 8, 2005 FF - GMP-BR-102 Rev. 7, 2004 FF - GMP-BR-102 Rev. 6, 2004 FF - GMP-BR-102 Rev. 5, 2004 FF - GMP-BR-102 Rev. 4, 2003 FF - GMP-BR-102 Rev. 3, 2003 FF - Ho1-BR-002 Rev. 2, 2001 FF - Ho1-002 Rev. 1, 2001 FF - Ho1-002 Rev. 0, 2000 FF - GMP-BR-102/Ho1-002 Training Forms, 2001-2006 FF - GMP-BR-105 Rev. 11, 2005 FF - GMP-BR-105 Rev. 10, 2004 FF - GMP-BR-105 Rev. 9, 2004 FF - GMP-BR-105 Rev. 8, 2004 FF - GMP-BR-105 Rev. 7, 2003 FF - GMP-BR-105 Rev. 6, 2003 FF - Ho1-BR-005 Rev. 5, 2002 FF - Ho1-BR-005 Rev. 4, 2002 FF - Ho1-BR-005 Rev. 3, 2002 FF - Ho1-BR-005 Rev. 2, 2001 FF - Ho1-005 Rev. 1, 2001 FF - Ho1-005 Rev. 0, 2000 FF - GMP-BR-105/Ho1-005 Training Forms, 1995-2005 FF - GMP-BR-206 Rev. 2, 2009 FF - GMP-BR-206 Rev. 1, 2009 FF - GMP-BR-206 Rev. 0, 2009 FF - GMP-BR-206 Training Forms, 2009-2012 FF - GMP-BR-305 Rev. 4, 2005 FF - GMP-BR-305 Rev. 3, 2005 FF - GMP-BR-305 Rev. 2, 2005 FF - GMP-BR-305 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - GMP-BR-305 Rev. 0 (draft for hot run), 2004 FF - GMP-BR-305 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-BR-305 Supporting Documents, 2004 FF - GMP-BR-305 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-BR-306 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-FAC-301 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-FAC-301 Training Documents, 2005 FF - GMP-MCE-006 Rev. 2, 2008 FF - GMP-MCE-006 Rev. 1, 2006 FF - GMP-MCE-006 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GMP-MCE-006 Training Forms, 2004-2008 FF - Ho1-M-007 Rev. 0, 2001 FF - GMP-MCE-016 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-MCE-016 Training Forms, 2005-2009 FF - GMP-MCE-018 Rev. 4, 2007 FF - GMP-MCE-018 Rev. 3, 2006 FF - GMP-MCE-018 Rev. 2, 2004 FF - Ho1-M-008 Rev. 1, 2002 FF - Ho1-M-008 Rev. 0, 2001 FF - GMP-MCE-018 Training Forms, 2001-2010 FF - GMP-MCE-040 Rev. 4, 2009 FF - GMP-MCE-040 Rev. 3, 2008 FF - GMP-MCE-040 Rev. 2, 2006 FF - GMP-MCE-040 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - GMP-MCE-040 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GMP-MCE-040 Training Forms, 2004-2012 FF - GMP-MCE-046 Rev. 0, 2008 FF - GMP-MCE-046 Training Forms, 2008-2011 FF - GMP-MCE-047 Rev. 0, 2008 FF - GMP-MCE-047 Training Forms, 2008-2011 FF - GMP-MCE-050 Rev. 0, 2008 FF - GMP-MCE-050 Training Forms, 2008-2011 FF - GMP-MCE-056 Rev. 0, 2008 FF - GMP-MCE-056 Training Forms, 2008-2011 FF - GMP-MCE-057 Rev. 0, 2008 FF - GMP-MCE-057 Training Forms, 2007-2011 FF - GMP-MCE-058 Rev. 0, 2008 FF - GMP-MCE-058 Training Forms, 2008 FF - GMP-MCE-059 Rev. 0, 2008 FF - GMP-MCE-059 Training Forms, 2008-2011 FF - GMP-MCE-060 Rev. 0, 2008 FF - GMP-MCE-060 Training Forms, 2008-2011 FF - GMP-MCE-106 Rev. 2, 2004 FF - Ho1-M-006 Rev. 1, 2002 FF - Ho1-M-006 Rev. 0, 2001 FF - GMP-MCE-106/Ho1-M-006 Training Forms, 2001-2004 FF - GMP-MCE-111 Rev. 1, 2004 FF - Ho1-M-011 Rev. 0, 2002 FF - GMP-MCE-111/Ho1-M-011 Training Forms, 2002-2006 FF - GMP-MCE-112 Rev. 0, 2008 FF - GMP-MCE-112 Training Forms, 2011 FF - GMP-MCE-117 Rev. 0, 2008 FF - GMP-MCE-117 Training Forms, 2012 FF - GMP-MCE-300 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-MCE-301 Rev. 0, 2006 FF - GMP-MCE-302 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-MCE-304 Rev. 0, 2006 FF - GMP-MCE-305 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-MCE-305 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-MCE-307 Rev. 0, 2006 FF - GMP-MCE-308 Rev. 1, 2006 FF - GMP-MCE-308 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-MCE-308 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-MCE-309 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-MCE-309 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-MCE-311 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-MCE-311 Training Forms, 2005 Box 30 - 061118 [return to top][A24-42] FF - GMP-QU-154 Rev. 4, 2004 FF - Ho1-Q054 Rev. 3, 2002 FF - Ho1-Q054 Rev. 2, 2001 FF - Ho1-Q054 Rev. 1, 2000 FF - Ho1-Q054 Rev. 0, 2000 FF - Ho1-Q054 Training Forms, 2001-2005 FF - GMP-QU-254 Rev. 0, 2008 FF - GMP-QU-305 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-305 Training Forms, 2004-2005 FF - GMP-QU-306 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-307 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-308 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-308 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-309 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-310 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-311 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-311 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-311 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-312 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-312 Training Forms, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-313 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-313 Training Forms, 2004-2005 FF - GMP-QU-314 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-314 Training Forms, 2004-2005 FF - GMP-QU-315 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-315 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-315 Training Forms, 2004-2005 FF - GMP-QU-316 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-316 Training Forms, 2004-2005 FF - GMP-QU-317 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-317 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-317 Training Forms, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-318 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-318 Training Forms, 2004-2005 FF - GMP-QU-319 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-319 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-319 Training Forms, 2004-2005 FF - GMP-QU-322 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-324 Rev. 2, 2006 FF - GMP-QU-324 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-324 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-324 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-326 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-326 Training Forms, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-327 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-327 Training Forms, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-336 Rev. 0, 2006 FF - GMP-QU-342 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-347 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-347 Training Forms, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-349 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-350 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-350 Rev. 1, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-350 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-351 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-354 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-354 Training Forms, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-355 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-356 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-356 Training Forms, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-357 Rev. 2, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-357 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-357 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-357 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-358 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-358 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-359 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-360 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-360 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-361 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-362 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-362 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-362 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-363 Rev. 2, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-363 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-363 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-363 Training Documents, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-364 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-365 Rev. 2, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-365 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-365 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - GMP-QU-365 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-366 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-366 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-366 Training Forms, 2006 FF - GMP-QU-367 Rev. 2, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-367 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-367 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-367 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-368 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-369 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-370 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-370 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-371 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-371 Training Forms, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-372 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-373 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-374 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-382 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-382 Training Documents, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-384 Rev. 0, 2006 FF - GMP-QU-386 Rev. 0, 2005 FF - GMP-QU-386 Training Documents, 2005 FF - GS-RA-004 Rev. 1, 2004 FF - GS-RA-004 Rev. 0, 2001 FF - GS-RA-005 Rev. 0, 2002 FF - Ho1-A003, 2001 FF - Ho1-A003 Training Forms, 2003 FF - Ho1-A004, 2003 FF - Ho1-A004 Training Forms, 2003 FF - Ho1-M010 Rev. 1, 2003 FF - Ho1-M010 Rev. 0, 2003 FF - Ho1-M010 Training Forms, 2005 FF - Ho1-PR-001 Rev. 0, 2001 FF - Ho1-PR-001 Training Forms, 2004 FF - Ho1-PR-002 Rev. 0, 2001 FF - Ho1-PR-002 Training Forms, 2004 FF - Ho1-PR-003 Rev. 0, 2001 FF - Ho1-PR-003 Training Forms, 2004 FF - Ho1-PR-004 Rev. 0, 2001 FF - Ho1-PR-004 Training Forms, 2004 FF - Ho1-PR-005 Rev. 0, 2001 FF - Ho1-PR-005 Training Forms, 2004 FF - Ho1-PR-006 Rev. 0, 2001 FF - Ho1-PR-006 Training Forms, 2004 FF - Ho1-PR-008 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - Ho1-PR-008 Rev. 0, 2001 FF - Ho1-PR-008 Training Forms, 2004 FF - Ho1-PR-009 Rev. 1, 2002 FF - Ho1-PR-009 Rev. 0, 2002 FF - Ho1-PR-009 Training Forms, 2004 FF - Ho1-PR-010 Rev. 0, 2002 FF - Ho1-PR-010 Training Forms, 2004 FF - Ho1-PR-011 Rev. 0, 2002 FF - Ho1-PR-011 Training Forms, 2004 FF - Ho1-PR-012 Rev. 0, 2002 FF - Ho1-PR-012 Training Forms, 2004 FF - Ho1-PR-013 Rev. 0, 2003 FF - Ho1-PR-013 Training Forms, 2004 FF - Ho1-Q-001 Rev. 2, 2003 FF - Ho1-Q-001 Rev. 1, 2001 FF - Ho1-Q-001 Rev. 0, 2000 FF - Ho1-Q-001 Training Forms, 2005 FF - Ho1-Q-007 Rev. 0, 2001 FF - Ho1-Q-007 Training Forms, 2005 FF - Ho1-Q-012 Rev. 1, 2003 FF - Ho1-Q-012 Rev. 0, 2001 FF - Ho1-Q-012 Training Forms, 2005 FF - Ho1-Q-011 Supporting Documents, 1998 FF - IC-HP-318 Rev. 5, 2008 FF - IC-HP-318 Rev. 4, 2006 FF - IC-HP-318 Rev. 3, 2005 FF - IC-HP-318 Rev. 2, 2003 FF - IC-HP-318 Rev. 1, 2003 FF - IC-HP-318 Rev. 0, 2002 FF - IC-HP-318 Supporting Documentation, 2001 FF - IC-HP-319 Rev. 4, 2007 FF - IC-HP-319 Rev. 3, 2006 FF - IC-HP-319 Rev. 2, 2004 FF - IC-HP-319 Rev. 1, 2003 FF - IC-HP-319 Rev. 0, 2002 FF - IC-HP-319 Supporting Documents, 2001 FF - IC-HP-320 Rev. 4, 2007 FF - IC-HP-320 Rev. 3, 2006 FF - IC-HP-320 Rev. 2, 2004 FF - IC-HP-320 Rev. 1, 2003 FF - IC-HP-320 Rev. 0, 2002 FF - IC-HP-320 Supporting Documents, 2001 FF - IC-HP-321 Rev. 4, 2007 FF - IC-HP-321 Rev. 3, 2006 FF - IC-HP-321 Rev. 2, 2004 FF - IC-HP-321 Rev. 1, 2003 FF - IC-HP-321 Rev. 0, 2002 FF - IC-HP-321 Supporting Documents, 2001 FF - IC-HP-330 Rev. 2, 2004 FF - IC-HP-330 Rev. 1, 2003 FF - IC-HP-330 Rev. 0, 2002 Box 31 - 061119 [return to top][A24-42] FF - IC-HP-331 Rev. 6, 2006 FF - IC-HP-331 Rev. 5, 2006 FF - IC-HP-331 Rev. 4, 2006 FF - IC-HP-331 Rev. 4, 2004 FF - IC-HP-331 Rev. 2, 2003 FF - IC-HP-331 Rev. 1, 2003 FF - IC-HP-331 Rev. 0, 2002 FF - IRR-PSO-108 Rev. 7, 2011 FF - IRR-PSO-108 Rev. 6, 2010 FF - IRR-PSO-108 Rev. 5, 2009 FF - IRR-PSO-108 Rev. 4, 2008 FF - IRR-PSO-108 Rev. 3, 2008 FF - IRR-PSO-108 Rev. 2, 2006 FF - IRR-PSO-108 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - IRR-PSO-108 Rev. 0, 2004 FF - IRR-PSO-108 Supporting Documentation, n.d. FF - OP-HP-225 Rev. 1, 2003 FF - OP-HP-225 Rev. 0, 2002 FF - OP-HP-227 Rev. 4, 2009 FF - OP-HP-227 Rev. 3, 2006 FF - OP-HP-227 Rev. 2, 2004 FF - OP-HP-227 Rev. 1, 2003 FF - OP-HP-227 Rev. 0, 2002 FF - OP-HP-227 Supporting Documentation, n.d. FF - OP-HP-351 Rev. 4, 2009 FF - OP-HP-351 Rev. 3, 2006 FF - OP-HP-351 Rev. 2, 2003 FF - OP-HP-351 Rev. 1, 2002 FF - OP-HP-351 Rev. 0, 2002 FF - OP-HP-351 Supporting Documentation, n.d. FF - OP-HP-410 Rev. 0, 2002 FF - PRC-PSO-212 Rev. 5, 2009 FF - PRC-PSO-212 Rev. 4, 2008 FF - PRC-RRD-212 Rev. 3, 2006 FF - PRC-RRD-212 Rev. 2, 2006 FF - PRC-RRD-212 Rev. 1, 2004 FF - PRC-RRD-212 Rev. 0, 2003 FF - PRC-RRD-212 Training Forms, 2004-2005 FF - PRC-PSO-213 Rev. 5, 2008 FF - PRC-PSO-213 Rev. 4, 2008 FF - PRC-PSO-213 Rev. 3, 2006 FF - PRC-PSO-213 Rev. 2, 2004 FF - PRC-PSO-213 Rev. 1, 2004 FF - PRC-PSO-213 Rev. 0, 2003 FF - PRC-PSO-213 Training Forms, 2004-2005 FF - QA-RA-002 Rev. 0, 2006 FF - QU-RRD-001 Rev. 1, 2009 FF - QU-RRD-001 Rev. 0, 2007 FF - QU-RRD-101 Rev. 2, 2007 FF - QU-RRD-101 Rev. 1, 2006 FF - QC-PSO-101 Rev. 0, 2006 FF - QU-RRD-101 Training Forms, 2007 FF - QU-RRD-202 Rev. 5, 2010 FF - QU-RRD-202 Rev. 4, 2008 FF - QU-RRD-202 Rev. 3, 2007 FF - QU-RRD-202 Rev. 2, 2007 FF - QU-RRD-202 Rev. 1, 2006 FF - GMP-QU-202 Rev. 0, 2003 FF - GMP-QU-202 Training Forms, 2003-2007 FF - RCP-PSO-006 Rev. 3, 2007 FF - RCP-PSO-006 Rev. 2, 2005 FF - RCP-PSO-006 Rev. 1, 2004 FF - RCP-PSO-006 Rev. 0, 2003 FF - RCP-PSO-009 Rev. 7, 2008 FF - RCP-PSO-009 Rev. 6, 2007 FF - RCP-PSO-009 Rev. 5, 2005 FF - GMP-PRC-114 Rev. 4, 2004 FF - GMP-PRC-114 Rev. 3, 2003 FF - GMP-PRC-114 Rev. 2, 2003 FF - Ho1-001 Rev. 1, 2001 FF - Ho1-001 Rev. 0, 2000 FF - GMP-PRC-114/Ho1-001 Training Forms, 2001-2005 FF - RM-HP-100 Rev. 4, 2007 FF - RM-HP-100 Rev. 3, 2005 FF - RM-HP-100 Rev. 2, 2004 FF - RM-HP-100 Rev. 1, 2003 FF - RM-HP-100 Rev. 0, 2002 FF - RM-HP-100 Supporting Documents, 2001 FF - RP-HP-110 Rev. 5, 2011 FF - RP-HP-110 Rev. 4, 2007 FF - RP-HP-110 Rev. 3, 2005 FF - RP-HP-110 Rev. 2, 2004 FF - RP-HP-110 Rev. 1, 2003 FF - RP-HP-110 Rev. 0, 2002 FF - RP-HP-110 Supporting Documents, 1997 FF - SM-RO-650 Rev. 1, 2012 FF - SM-RO-650 Rev. 0, 2010 FF - SP-SH-004 Rev. 1, 2002 FF - SP-SH-004 Rev. 0, 2001 FF - WMB-SH-005 Rev. 6, 2008 FF - WMB-SH-005 Rev. 5, 2009 FF - WMB-SH-005 Rev. 4, 2006 FF - WMB-SH-005 Rev. 3, 2005 FF - WMB-SH-005 Rev. 2, 2004 FF - WMB-SH-005 Rev. 1, 2003 FF - QA-HP-005 Rev. 0, 2002 FF - WMB-SH-005 Supporting Documentation, n.d. FF - WM-SH-011 Rev. 2, 2006 FF - WM-SH-011 Rev. 1, 2005 FF - WM-SH-011 Rev. 0, 2003 FF - WM-SH-011 Supporting Documentation, 2003 FF - WM-SH-200 Rev. 3, 2004 FF - WM-SH-200 Rev. 2, 2003 FF - WM-SH-200 Rev. 1, 2003 FF - WM-HP-200 Rev. 0, 2003 FF - WM-SH-200 Supporting Documentation, 2002 OSF 1 - MC [return to top][A24-42] Oversized aerial photo, black and white, of the Research Reactor and the surrounding area, n.d. Box 32 - 061308 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Newspaper Clippings - MURR in the news, 1966-2008 FF - Scrapbook - newspaper clippings, 1966-1985 FF - Photographic negatives, color and black and white - subjects include reactor facility construction, facilities, aerials, maps, 1965-2007 FF - Photographic negatives, color and black and white - subjects include reactor facility construction, facilities, aerials, maps, 1965-2007 (cont'd) Note to Archivist: A number of acetate negatives in this box were deteriorated to the extent it was no longer feasible to retain them. After conversion to a digital format, the original negatives were discarded. Negatives found alongside the deteriorated negatives but in a condition suitable to be retained have been moved to a folder in the Small Holdings Box Photographs 2. Box 33 - 066204 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Small Stones Amendment, 7/1989 FF - 100 mg Fate of Sort (FOS), 12/1988 FF - Early Daily Check Data Summaries, 1988 FF - FOM NaI, 8/1988 FF - Selection of Efficiency Standards for Daily Checks, n.d. FF - Beta Homogeneity - NRC Reply, 7/1989 FF - CLAR and DORY Control Limits (Efficiency), 1988 FF - NaI BKG/EFF/LU/HM, 2-6/1989 FF - Balance Evaluation after Mettler Calibration, 12/1988 FF - Background Failure, 4/1/1989 FF - Initial Issue QA SOP Books, 1988-1990 FF - MURR-IGO-NTD OIU and OLU SOP Originals, 1998 FF - MURR-GE-01, 1999 FF - Index of Gemstone QA SOPs, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-INDX, 1990 FF - GEM-QA-NAI-1, 1997 FF - GEM-QA-NAI-1, 1990 FF - GEM-QA-NAI-CAL-1, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-NAI-PREP-1, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-NAI-2, 1990 FF - GEM-QA-NAI-PREP-2, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-NAI-3, 1990 FF - GEM-QA-NAI-4, 1990 FF - GEM-QA-NAI-OPER-1, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-NAI-5, 1990 FF - GEM-QA-NAI-6, 1990 FF - GEM-QA-BETA-CAL-1, 1988-1998 FF - GEM-QA-BETA-CAL-2, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-BETA-SURV-1, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-BETA-SURV-2, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-BETA-CBA-1, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-BETA-CBA-2, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-SPEC-SAM-1, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-SPEC-CAL-1, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-SPEC-CAL-2, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-SPEC-CAL-3, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-SPEC-CAL-4, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-SPEC-CAL-5, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-SPEC-ND-1, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-SPEC-ND-2, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-SPEC-ND-3, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-SPEC-ND-4, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-SPEC-VAX-1, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-SPEC-VAX-2, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-SPEC-VAX-3, 1988-1989 FF - GEM-QA-SPEC-VAX-3 Rev. 1, 1989 FF - GEM-QA-EVAL-1, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-EVAL-2, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-EVAL-3, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-REF-1, 1988-1989 FF - GEM-QA-REF-1 Rev. 1, 1989 FF - GEM-QA-REF-2, 1988-1989 FF - GEM-QA-REF-2 Rev. 1, 1989 FF - GEM-QA-TEST-1, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-TRN, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-APP-A, 1988-1989 FF - GEM-QA-APP-A Rev. 1, 1989 FF - GEM-QA-APP-B, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-APP-C, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-APP-D, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-APP-E, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-APP-F, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-APP-G, 1988-1989 FF - GEM-QA-APP-G Rev. 1, 1989 FF - GEM-QA-APP-H, 1988 FF - GEM-QA-APP-H Rev. 1, 1988 FF - Historic Distribution from Archive Data Files, 1991 FF - Topaz HRGRS Calibration, 2/2/1990 FF - Topaz HRGRS Calibration, 6/28/1991 FF - Czech Slabs, 1989-1990 FF - Gemstone Weekly Meeting, 1989-1991 FF - DORY 70 mg Source Test, 1990 FF - Topaz Changes after Release, 1990-1991 FF - EU Decontamination, 1991 FF - ORNL - Decontamination, 1991 FF - Memos (interdepartmental correspondence), 1989-1991 FF - Order Forms for Services, n.d. FF - QA Procedure Revisions, n.d. FF - Record Retention, ca. 1989-1990 Box 34 - 131236 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Historical - Manual 100 - Facility Procedures, 2015-2016 FF - Historical - Manual 100 - Facility Procedures, 2017-2018 FF - Historical - Manual 102 - Operations Procedures, 2014-2016 FF - Historical - Manual 102 - Operations Procedures, 2016-2017 FF - Historical - Manual 103 - PSO Procedures, 2015-2016 FF - Historical - Manual 103 - PSO Procedures, 2017 FF - Historical - Manual 110 - Shipping Procedures, 2015-2016 FF - Historical - Manual 110 - Shipping Procedures, 2016 FF - Historical - Manual 110 - Shipping Procedures, 2017 FF - Historical - Manual 112 - Radiopharmaceuticals R&D Procedures, 2004-2017 FF - Historical - Manual 121 - Analytical Chemistry (ACG) Procedures, 2006-2016 FF - Historical - Manual 122 - Health Physics (HP) Instruments and Reactor Chemistry Procedures, 2009-2015 FF - Historical - Manual 122 - HP Instruments and Reactor Chemistry Procedures, 2016-2017 FF - Historical - Manual 123 - Control of RAM and Support Manual, 2009-2015 FF - Historical - Manual 123 - Control of RAM and Support Manual, 2016-2017 FF - Historical - Manual 202 - RUR Summaries, 2015-2017 FF - Historical - Manual 301 - cGMP Quality Procedures, 2015 FF - Historical - Manual 301 - cGMP Quality Procedures, 2016 FF - Historical - Manual 302 - cGMP Materials and Components, 2015 FF - Historical - Manual 302 - cGMP Materials and Components, 2016 FF - Historical - Manual 302 - cGMP Materials and Components, 2017 FF - Historical - Manual 309 - cGMP Production, 2015-2017 FF - Historical - Manual 310 - cGMP Materials, Components and Equipment, 2015 FF - Historical - Manual 310 - cGMP Materials, Components and Equipment, 2016 FF - Historical - Manual 310 - cGMP Materials and Components, 2017 FF - Historical - Manual 311 - Supplemental Lu-177 QC Lab, 2010-2017 FF - Historical - Manual 312 - Supplemental Mo-99 Processing, 2013-2017 FF - Historical - Manual 400 - GLP Procedures, 2015-2017 Box 35 - 131387 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Five Year Review of MURR (Chilling Effect Investigation), 8/2000 FF - Five Year Review of MURR (Chilling Effect Investigation), cont'd FF - Five Year Review of MURR (Chilling Effect Investigation), cont'd FF - Incentive Pay Team, 1998-1999 FF - Incentive Compensation Plan (ICP), FY1999 FF - ICP, FY2000 FF - ICP, FY2001 FF - ICP, FY2002 FF - ICP, FY2003 FF - ICP, FY2004 FF - ICP, FY2005 FF - ICP, FY2006 FF - ICP, FY2007 FF - ICP, FY2008 FF - ICP, FY2009 FF - ICP, FY2010 FF - Decision Papers, 2000 FF - Decision Papers, 2001 FF - Event Review Reports, 2000 FF - Event Review Reports, 2001 FF - Event Review Reports, 2002 FF - Event Review Reports, 2003 FF - Event Review Reports, 2004 FF - Event Review Reports, 2005 FF - Event Review Reports, 2006 FF - Event Review Reports, 2007 FF - Event Review Reports, 2008 FF - Event Review Reports, 2009 FF - MURR Financial Plan, 1/1996 FF - Preliminary Invention Disclosure, 6/23/2006 FF - MURR Quality of Work Life, 11/20/2007 FF - Independent Root Cause Assessment, 8/31/2000 FF - Staff Directives, 1990-1996 FF - MURR Rough Draft Strategic Plan, 10/2002 FF - MURR Enhancement Plan, 2/1993 FF - MURR Enhancement Plan (2nd copy) FF - Non-Destructive Evaluation - Center Review, 4/1995 FF - External Program Review Presentations, 4/1995 FF - External Program Review, 4/1995 FF - MURR Five Year Plan, 1990 FF - MURR Update/Five Year Plan, 1991-1993 FF - Center Review, 1990-1991 FF - "MURR in 1995 and Beyond", 1995 FF - TRUMP-S Project Closure Agreement Memo, 10/1/2003 Box 36 - 136075 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Procedure Review Subcommittee (PRS), 9/6/2012 FF - PRS, 9/20/2012 FF - PRS, 10/18/2012 FF - PRS, 11/1/2012 FF - PRS, 11/15/2012 FF - PRS, 11/30/2012 FF - PRS, 12/6/2012 FF - PRS, 12/20/2012 FF - Safety Subcommittee, 9/14/2012 FF - Safety Subcommittee, 6/14/2012 FF - Safety Subcommittee, 3/15/2012 FF - Safety Subcommittee, 12/15/2011 FF - Safety Subcommittee, 11/26/2012 FF - Safety Subcommittee, 6/17/2011 FF - Safety Subcommittee, 9/27/2011 FF - Safety Subcommittee, 4/15/2011 Box 37 - 082178 [return to top][A24-42] FF - Radiation Safety Committee, November 19, 2013 FF - Radiation Safety Committee, September 17, 2013 FF - Radiation Safety Committee, June 13, 2013 FF - Radiation Safety Committee, March 14, 2013 FF - Isotope Use Subcommittee, November 19, 2013 FF - Isotope Use Subcommittee, September 17, 2013 FF - Isotope Use Subcommittee, June 13, 2013 FF - Isotope Use Subcommittee, May 8, 2013 FF - Isotope Use Subcommittee, March 14, 2013 FF - Isotope Use Subcommittee, January 24, 2013 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, October 20, 2010 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, July 14, 2010 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, April 20, 2010 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, January 14, 2010 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, October 22, 2009 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, July 23, 2009 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee - Packet, April 20, 2009 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee - Packet, January 21, 2009 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, October 23, 2008 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, July 21, 2008 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, April 24, 2008 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, January 24, 2008 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, November 2, 2007 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, April 20, 2007 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, July 25, 2007 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, January 26, 2007 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, October 24, 2006 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, July 19, 2006 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, April 27, 2006 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, February 3, 2006 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, November 1, 2005 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, August 12, 2005 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, May 6, 2005 FF - MURR Reactor Advisory Committee, January 28, 2005 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: November 2024
Revised: 05 November 2024
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