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Box Lists for C:1/83/4

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 014919


FF - Accidents, Monthly Reports, 1974-1979 [Restricted]

FF - Administration - President Weaver's Inauguration, 1967

FF - Agricultural College, 1975, 1978

FF - Agreements, 1969-1976

FF - Air Pollution, 1969-1975

FF - Air Pollution - Correspondence, 1965-1971

FF - Air Pollution - Columbia Air Pollution Survey, 4/1970

FF - Air Pollution Conference, 1965-1970

FF - Air Pollution Control Plan, 1976

FF - Columbia Regional Airport - proposed UMC hangar, 1971

FF - Archives, 1971-1975

FF - Arts and Science Building (alterations and minor construction), 1975

FF - Athletic Department (playing fields), 1970-1979

FF - Autocon Industries, Inc., 1969-1971

FF - Badges and Identification (faculty and staff IDs), 1968-1975

FF - Best Universal Lock Co., 1959-1975

FF - BOCA Code, 1965-1979

FF - Bicycle Racks (master plan for bicycling in the campus area), 1970-1979

FF - Bird Control (pigeon poison use), 1961-1977

FF - Boone County Electric Cooperative, 1958-1970

FF - Zero Based Budget, 1979

FF - Buildings, Land and Campus Data - list of all buildings and structures owned by UMC - furnaces and boilers; cost of building maintenance and remodeling, by building; buildings housing animals, 1970-1977

FF - Buildings, Land and Campus Data - Statements of Physical Properties, 1965-1970

FF - Buildings, Land and Campus Data - buildings and structures owned by UMC, temporary buildings, statements of physical properties, Scruggs, Vandervoort and Barney Collection, 1960-1965

FF - Buildings, Land and Campus Data - statements of physical properties, temporary buildings, location of class bells, 1955-1960

FF - Buildings, Land and Campus Data - buildings, structures and utility systems owned by University (UMR, UMC and other locations), UMC investment statements of physical properties, 1953 map showing water lines and temporary buildings, WPA and PWA, 1949-1955

FF - Building Trades and shops, 1966-1976

FF - Campus Committee on Energy Conservation, 1973-1979

FF - Coal - Contract, 1972-1977

FF - Coal - Correspondence, 1974-1979

FF - Coal - Data, 1965-1978

FF - Coal - Test Results, 1972-1976

Box 2 - 014920


FF - City of Columbia, 1975-1979

FF - City of Columbia, 1960-1975

FF - City of Columbia - Easements, 1970-1978

FF - City of Columbia - Easements, 1968-1969

FF - City of Columbia - Easements, 1968

FF - City of Columbia, Easements, 1965-1967

FF - Comptroller, 1965-1978

FF - Construction, 1965-1978

FF - Curators Planned Work and Status, 1976-1978

FF - Design Services, 1965-1979

FF - Dormitories, 1956-1968

FF - Electric Service Contracts, 1974-1979

FF - Elevators, 1965-1977

FF - Energy Audit Reports, 10-12/1979

FF - Energy Conservation, 2-12/1979

FF - Energy Conservation, 1978

FF - Energy Conservation, 1978 (cont.)

FF - Energy Conservation, 1976-1977

FF - Energy Conservation, 1970-1975

FF - Energy Conservation Plan Reports, 1977-1978

FF - Energy Management Booklet, System-wide, 1977

FF - Distribution of Energy Conservation Booklet, 1976-1977

FF - Energy Monitor Correspondence, 1977

FF - Energy Monitor List and Correspondence, 1977

FF - Energy Usage, 1978-1980

FF - Energy Used - Quarterly Reports, 1976-1979

Box 3 - 014921


FF - Energy Conservation - Federal Energy Conservation Funds, 1971-1979

FF - Energy Conservation - Federal Temperature Restrictions, 1979

FF - Engineering College, 1968-1978

FF - Executone Communications System, 1965-1970

FF - Extra-Divisional Administration, 1968

FF - Facilities Analyst, 1965-1978

FF - Fire Protection, 1965-1980

FF - Fire Reports, 1965-1978

FF - Flags, 1969-1975

FF - Report, Columbians for the Improvement of Flat Branch (proposed green belt), 1970

FF - Flat Branch - Sewer, 1966-1970

FF - Fuel Reports, 1979

FF - Garage - Correspondence, 1977-1979

FF - Garage - Correspondence, 1973-1976

FF - Garage - Correspondence, 1969-1972

FF - Garage - Correspondence, 1965-1968

FF - Gas Agreement, 1968-1976

FF - Gas Consumption Reports, Monthly, 1979

FF - Federal Gas Regulations, 1979

FF - General Telephone Company, 1955-1965

FF - Graduate School, 1974-1975

FF - Hazard Material Disposal, Power Plant, 1977

FF - Hazardous Waste, 1979

FF - Handicapped Accessibility Review, 10/1979

FF - Handicap Program, 1977-1978

FF - Handicap Program, 1970-1976

FF - Handicap Program, 1968-1969

FF - Handicap Program, 1965-1967

Box 4 - 014922


FF - Heat Recovery, 1975, 1978-1979

FF - Historical Preservation (Red Campus/Quadrangle), 1977-1979

FF - Housing Department, 1965-1978

FF - IBM Corporation, 1955-1975

FF - Incinerator, 1970-1978

FF - Incinerator, 1965-1970

FF - Insurance, Campus, 1975-1978

FF - Insurance, Campus, 1971-1974

FF - Insurance, 1969-1971

FF - Insurance, Campus, 1967-1969

FF - Insurance, 1965-1967

FF - Interdepartmental Correspondence, 1965-1978

FF - Job Order and IDO Correspondence, 1972-1978

FF - Journalism School, 1965, 1970

FF - Kansas City Campus, 1977

FF - Key Data, 1965-1978

FF - Kitchen Exhaust Systems - Guardian Power Cleaning Corp., 1974

FF - Landscape Architect, 1965-1978

FF - Law School, 1967-1974

FF - Leases, various, 1964-1978

FF - Library, 1971-1974

FF - Lighting, Campus, 1977-1979

Box 5 - 014923


FF - Maps and Surveys, Correspondence, 1969-1974

FF - Marriott Coal Company, 1951-1971

FF - Mechanical Trades - Electric, Plumbing, Refrigeration and Steam Shops, 1966-1978

FF - Medical Center Correspondence, 1966-1979

FF - Medical Center Utilities, 1979

FF - Medical Center Utilities, 1975-1978

FF - Medical Center Utilities, 1970-1975

FF - Medical Center Utilities, 1966-1970

FF - Memoranda, 1965-1976

FF - Memos - Administrative Officers, 1975-1979

FF - Memos - Administrative Officers, 1970-1974

FF - Memos - Administrative Officers, 1964-1969

FF - Military Department, 1971-1978

FF - Missouri Air Conservation Commission, 1971-1976

FF - Missouri Energy Agency, 1976-1978

FF - MKT Railroad and Kuhlman Court, 1944-1979

FF - State of Missouri, 1961-1979

FF - Missouri Utilities, 1955-1977

FF - Missouri Water Resources Board, 1972-1978

FF - Nalco Chemical Company, 1975-1979

FF - Nalco Chemical Company, 1970-1975

FF - Non-Mechanical Trades, 1979

FF - Non-Technical Trades (campus, labor, janitor, building services), 1975-1978

FF - Non-Technical Trades, 1966-1975

Box 6 - 014924


FF - Painting of Buildings, 1971-1974

FF - Parking Lots, 1972-1979

FF - Parking Lots, 1969-1972

FF - Parking Lots, 1964-1969

FF - Pedestrian Campus, 1971-1975

FF - Personnel, Correspondence, 1970-1978 [Restricted]

FF - Personnel, Correspondence, 1969 [Restricted]

FF - Personnel, Correspondence, 1965-1968 [Restricted]

FF - Personnel, Medical Records, 1965-1979

FF - Personnel, Payroll, 1965-1972

FF - Physical Facility Improvements, 1971-1979

FF - Planning and Scheduling, 1966-1975

FF - University Police Department, 1966-1979

FF - Policy and Procedures, 1953-1972

FF - Power Plant Correspondence, 1977-1979

FF - Power Plant Correspondence, 1975-1976

FF - Power Plant Correspondence, 1971-1974

FF - Power Plant Correspondence, 1965-1970

FF - Power Plant Information, 1971-1978

FF - Power Plant Monthly Reports, 1979-1980

FF - Power Plant Monthly Reports, 1976-1978

FF - Power Plant Monthly Reports, 1973-1975

Box 7 - 014925


FF - Power Plant Monthly Reports, 1969-1972

FF - Power Plant Yearly Reports, 1952-1978

FF - Power Plant Quarterly Reports, 1970-1978

FF - Purchasing Correspondence, 1979

FF - Purchasing Correspondence, 1977-1978

FF - Purchasing Correspondence, 1975-1976

FF - Purchasing Correspondence, 1974

FF - Mobile Radio Data, 1965-1978

FF - Records Retention, 1975-1978

FF - Repair and Replacement (R&R), 1975-1976

FF - Right-of-Way and Right-of-Use Permits - City, State, and Utilities, 1978-1979

FF - Rolla Campus, 1975-1978

FF - Room Reservations - Classroom Usage, 1978

FF - Safety Committee and Reports, 1977-1979

FF - Safety Committee and Reports, 1971-1977

FF - Safety Committee and Reports, 1960-1969

FF - School of Social and Community Services, 1968-1969

FF - Science Building Survey, n.d.

FF - Special Equipment, 1977-1979

FF - Special Equipment, 1972-1976

FF - Specifications (paving UMC Whole Animal Metabolism Lab, roof coating Hearnes), 1976

FF - Steam Contract, 1972-1979

FF - Steam and Pedestrian Tunnel, 1968

FF - Steam Turbine Inspection Report, 1979

FF - St. Louis Campus, 1975-1978

FF - Storage Facilities, 1975-1980

FF - Streets, Sidewalks, and Roadways, 1960-1978

FF - Student Affairs, 1975-1978 [Restricted]

FF - Swallow Hall Renovation Feasibility Studies, 1969, 1975

FF - Technical Education, 1976-1978

FF - Telephones, 1965-1978

FF - Tennis Courts, 1962-1974

FF - Theft Reports, 1970-1979

Box 8 - 014926


FF - Underpass, Stadium Boulevard, 1970-1975

FF - Unions (minimum wage, strikes, negotations, etc.), 1966-1968

FF - U.S. Government, 1967-1971

FF - Universities and Colleges (exchange of information), 1969-1978

FF - Universities and Colleges, 1968

FF - Universities and Colleges, 1964-1967

FF - University-Wide, 1975-1978

FF - Urban Renewal, 1967-1969

FF - Utilities, 1976-1979

FF - Utilities, 1970-1975

FF - Utilities, 1968-1969

FF - Utilities, 1959-1967

FF - Utilities, 1955-1958

FF - Utilities - James B. Becker Storm Sewer Study, 1970

FF - Utilities - Tests, HV Electrical Cable, 1968-1969

FF - Utilities - Underground Electrical Distribution System (schedule and maps), 1972-1978

FF - Veterinary Medicine School, 1976-1979

FF - Warranties, General, 1959-1979

FF - Watchmen's Correspondence, 1969-1979

FF - Watchmen's Reports, 1979

FF - Water Supply Records, 1979

FF - Water Treatment, 1970-1979

FF - Well Data, 1954-1978

Return to C:1/83/4 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Compiled: September 2007
Revised: 15 April 2013

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