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Box Lists for C:1/83/20

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 042319 [return to top]


FF - Photo Album - Ellis Fischel Underground Storage Tank Removal, 1994

FF - Slides - Miscellaneous Projects (including Project No. 3221, 1990; Southwest Well, 1989; Closed Cooling Water Loop Stopple Operation, 5/1991; Asbestos Removal, 1990; Replace Middlebush Cooling Tower, 1991; Lathrop Roof, 1991; Project No. 3244-2 - Boiler 5 and 6 Demo, 1991; Project No. 3321 - North Stack Inlet Duct Repair, 1991; Project No. 3313 - Ellis Fischel Renovation, 1991; Reroofing Pershing and other buildings, 1991; Project No. 3314 - Rollins Dining Hall Renovation, 1991; Project 3306-1 - North Well New Water Line, 1991; Replace Cooling Tower No. 6, 1993; Chimney Repairs, 1993; Aerial Views, 4/5/1991)

FF - Project No. 930128 - Negatives, 1994

FF - Project No. 930146 - Negatives, 1995-1996

FF - Project No. 930223 - Negatives, 1994-1995

FF - Project No. 940120 - Negatives, 1994-1996

FF - Project No. 940303 - Negatives, 1996

FF - Project No. 950073 - Negatives, 1996

FF - Project No. 950179 - Negatives, 1995

FF - Project No. 950295 - Negatives, 1996

FF - Project No. 960007 - Negatives, 1996

FF - Project No. 960032 - Negatives, 1996

FF - Project No. 960189 - Negatives, 1996

FF - Project No. 960473 - Negatives, 1996

FF - 69 KV Tie Line Negatives and Prints, n.d.

FF - Power Plant Job No. 409 - Prints, 1994

FF - Microfiche - Power Plant Steam Generator Unit, 5/18/1944

Shoebox - Slides (including Iowa State University trip, 3/27/1989; T/G #7, 10/1992; Riedel Energy, 10/1991; Project No. 01861; North Well and Tennis Court Lights, 10/14/1992; Power Plant, 6/5/1990; Faurot Field, 1985; Baghouse Rehab, Booster Fan Seals, and Reverse Air Fan, 1985; University of Iowa, 6/7/1990; B.E. and West Well, 1989; Project Nos. 01438, 3244, 3221, and 02880, 11/1990; Boiler 11, 1989; Project No. 923403-2, 10/1992; Project No. 3306-2, North Well, and Project No. 12566, Mark Twain, 1992; Hearnes Acid Tank, 1992)

Box 2 - 042348 [return to top]


Item - Video tape (Video8) - UMC Power Plant Radial Brick Chimney, 6/20/1994

Item - Video tape (Video8) - Project No. 3321 - North Stack Inlet Duct Repair, 1991

Item - Video tape (Video8) - Power Plant North Stack Inlet Duct Repair, 5/1991

Item - Video tape (Video8) - Project No. 3306-1 - New 12cc Water Line to North Well, 1991

Item - Video tape (U-matic) - Southwest Well #4, 3/28/1989

Item - Video tape (VHS) - Radial Brick Chimney and internal inspection of, 10/1993

Item - Video tape (VHS) - T.V. Survey Well #4, 1/2/1990

Item - Video tape (VHS) - Boiler #s 5 and 6, 11/14/1989

Item - Video tape (VHS) - Radial Brick Chimney Internal Inspection, 6/20/1994

Item - Video tape (VHS) - Boiler #10 before, during and after percussion cleaning, 10/1989; Boiler #11 plugged south cyclone and some as built conditions, 10/1989

Item - Video tape (VHS) - Generator #8, 11/15/1989

Item - Video tape (VHS) - Project No. 2730-1 - Hospital Electrical Upgrade; Project No. 91874 - Brewer Preconstruction Conditions, n.d.

Item - Video tape (VHS) - Boiler Inspections, 1988

Item - Video tape (VHS) - Stack Comparison - from Conley House and University Village, 12/20/1990

Item - Video tape (VHS) - Boiler #9 Back Water Wall Header; Boiler #10, 10/12/1998

Item - Video tape (VHS) - Boiler #10 Water Header and Chilled Header, n.d.

Item - Video tape (VHS) - Boiler #9 Internal Inspection - Generating Bank Tubes, 3/23/1995

Item - Video tape (VHS) - Boiler #10 Back Water Wall Header, n.d.

Item - Video tape (VHS) - "T8 gen panel - P.T. fuses blown", n.d.

Item - Video tape (VHS) - East Well, 12/1995

Item - Video tape (VHS) - West Well, 2/1988

Item - Video tape (VHS) - North Stack Inspection, Spring 1992

Item - Video tape (VHS) - #6 Condenser, 2/24/1995

Item - Video tape (VHS) - North Steel Reinforced Concrete Chimney, 5/30/1992

Item - Video tape (VHS) - Marley 2 Cell Tower Inspection, 11/1994

Item - Video tape (VHS) - Steam Line Blows, 11/1987; Construction, 12/8/1987

Item - Video tape (VHS) - Condenser #9, Boiler #9 Mud Drum, 5/21/1996

Item - Video tape (VHS) - Power Plant Expansion, 12/9/1987

Item - Video tape (VHS) - Power Plant Expansion, 12/9/1987

Return to C:1/83/20 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Compiled: June 2021
Revised: 16 June 2021

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