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Box Lists for C:1/23a/4Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).
[A20-53] FF - ACA AGR DPR Ag Biovalue 21 Permanent File, 2000 FF - ACA AGR DPR Miscellaneous - Food for the 21st Century Permanent File, 1998-2002 FF - ACA AGR FCL Eckles Hall Permanent File, 1996-2000 FF - ACA BUS ADM Proposal, Securing a National Reputation Permanent File, 2001 FF - ACA EXT DPR Adult Education - Evening Programs Permanent File, 1998-2001 FF - ACA MED DPR Rural Health Initiative Advisory Council Permanent File, 2001 FF - ASV COM Mainframe Purchase Permanent File, 1999 FF - BUD ADM Maintenance Agreement Permanent File, 2000 FF - BUD INF Reports - Financing Public Universities and Colleges in the Year 2000, n.d. FF - CHA ADM Chancellor’s Executive Institute Permanent File, 1996-1997 FF - CHA ADM Consultants - Andy Scott, 2005-2007 FF - CHA ADM Consultants - Robert C. Shirley Permanent File, 1997-2002 FF - CHA ADM Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Permanent File, 1996-1999 FF - CHA ADM Office Equipment and Arrangement Permanent File, 2001-2003 FF - CHA CAK ADM MU Oversight Committee Permanent File, 1996-1997 FF - CHA ADM Special Assistant Permanent File, 2006 FF - CHA ADM Special Assistants - Bill Bondeson Permanent File, 1998-2003 [RESTRICTED] FF - CHA ADM Special Assistants - Jeff Zeilenga Permanent File, 2002-2003 [RESTRICTED] FF - CHA ADM Special Assistants - Norm Stewart Permanent File, 2001-2009 [RESTRICTED] FF - Norm Stewart, 1999-2000 [RESTRICTED] FF - Norm Stewart - Contract, 1996-1997 FF - CHA ADM Volunteer Panel - "Kitchen Cabinet", 2002-2003 FF - CHA NON Big 12 Audit Committee Permanent File, 1998 FF - CHA NON Four-State Initiative Permanent File, 2005-2006 FF - DUA UNR Kemper Lecture - Background Permanent File, 1997 FF - PRO ADM General Education Task Force Permanent File, 1999 FF - PRO DPR Education Technology at Missouri Permanent File, 1999 FF - PRO FAC Faculty Handbook Permanent File, 1977, 1984 Box 2 - 134337 [return to top][A20-53] FF - ACA AGR ADM Accreditation Permanent File, 1998-2006 FF - ACA ARS ADM Personnel - Dean Richard B. Schwartz Permanent File, 1998-2003 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA ARS DPR Anthropology Permanent File, 1996-2006 FF - ACA ARS DPR Center for Religion, the Professions, and the Public Permanent File, 2004-2007 FF - ACA ARS DPR Fine Arts (Lewis and Clark Opera) Permanent File, 2002-2003 FF - ACA BUS ADM Davenport Foundation Permanent File, 2001-2009 FF - ACA EDU ADM Personnel - Dean of Education Search, 2004-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA EDU ADM Personnel - Dean Richard Andrews Permanent File, 1998-2004 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA EDU ADM Personnel - Carolyn Herrington Permanent File, 2005-2007 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA EDU ADM Personnel - Charles C. Schroeder, 2003 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA EDU DPR Educational and Policy Analysis (PEER Report) Permanent File, 2001-2002 FF - ACA EDU FCL Miscellaneous Permanent File, 1996-2000 FF - ACA ENG ADM Coordinated Engineering Program, 2008-2009 FF - ACA ENG DPR Missouri Transportation Institute Permanent File, 2003-2008 FF - ACA EXT ADM MOU University System, Lincoln University Extension, and the Missouri Botanical Garden Permanent File, 2001, 2008 FF - ACA EXT ADM Personnel - Vice Provost Search, 2005-2006 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA EXT DPR Missouri Film Office Permanent File, 2005 FF - ACA GRS ADM Personnel - Pam Benoit Permanent File, 2006-2007 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA GRS ADM Personnel - Dean George Justice, 2009-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA GRS ADM Personnel - Suzanne Ortega Permanent File, 2000-2005 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA GRS DPR Minority Graduate Education Permanent File, 1998-2005 FF - ACA INT ADM Reading and Background Permanent File, 1996, 2008-2009 FF - ACA INT DPR Costa Rica Permanent File, 2006 FF - ACA INT DPR Ireland Permanent File, 2000-2003 FF - ACA INT DPR Korea Foundation Project Permanent File, 1999-2000 FF - ACA INT DPR Romania Permanent File, 1999-2004 FF - ACA JOU DPR Qatar Foundation Education City Permanent File, 2006 FF - ACA JOU FCL Miscellaneous Permanent File, 1999-2000 FF - ACA LAW ADM Personnel - Interim Dean Kenneth Dean Permanent File, 2001 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA LAW ADM Personnel - Dean Timothy Heinsz Permanent File, 1998-2004 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA MED ADM Renaming Permanent File, 2000-2007 FF - ACA MED DPR Psychiatry - Missouri Institute of Psychiatry Permanent File, 2000-2009 FF - ACA NUR DPR Tiger Place Older Adults Project, 2003-2004 FF - ACA RES ADM Master Plan Permanent File, 2000-2005 FF - ACA RES ADM Personnel - Michael J. Warnock Permanent File, 1999 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA RES ADM Research Incentive Funds (RIF) Permanent File, 1996-2001 FF - ACA RES ADM Vice Provost for Research Search Permanent File, 2002, 2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA RES DPR Integrated Protein Technologies (IPT) Permanent File, 2000-2002 Box 3 - 134339 [return to top][A20-53] FF - ACA RES DPR - LSC Life Sciences Governor's Research Board Permanent File, 2004 FF - ACA RES DPR MU Life Sciences Task Force Permanent File, 2003 FF - ACA RES DPR MU Research Reactor (MURR) - Personnel Permanent File, 1996-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA RES DPR MURR Committee Permanent File, 1994-2004 FF - ACA RES DPR MURR Personnel - Ed Deutsch Permanent File, 2001-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA RES DPR MURR Personnel - William Yelon Permanent File, 2001-2004 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA RES DPR MURR reports Permanent File, 2002-2009 FF - ACA RES DPR MURR Topaz Operation Review Permanent File, 2000-2004 FF - ACA SHP DPR Eldercare Center Permanent File, 2002-2003 FF - ACA VET ADM Dean Search Permanent File, 2007 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA VET ADM Personnel - Dean Joe N. Kornegay Permanent File, 1998, 2005 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA VET FCL Miscellaneous Permanent File, 1998-2008 FF - ACA VET FCL Teaching Hospital Permanent File, 1998-1999 FF - ASV BUS Coca Cola Permanent File, 1998-1999, 2005 FF - ASV COM Academic Permanent File, 1994-1999, 2004 FF - ASV FCL BLD Acquisitions Permanent File, 1999, 2009 FF - ASV FCL BLD Planning - Master Report Permanent File, 1997-1998, 2007 FF - ASV FCL BLD Power Plant Permanent File, 1996-2004 FF - ASV FCL BLD Sculptures Permanent File, 1999-2008 FF - ASV FCL ENR Miscellaneous Permanent File, 1998, 2008 FF - ASV FCL PLG The Arts Village Permanent File, 2005-2006 FF - ASV FCL PLG Francis Quadrangle Residence Renovation Permanent File, 1998-2004 FF - ASV FCL Health Sciences Research Center Permanent File, 2003 FF - ASV FCL PLG McKee Gym Permanent File, 1998-2003 FF - ASV FCL PLG South Quadrangle - Correspondence, 2002 FF - ASV HRS Criminal Records Check Policy Permanent File, 1998, 2007 [RESTRICTED] FF - ASV HRS Early Retirement - Finance Committee Incentive Program Permanent File, 1999-2002 FF - ASV HRS Employee Handbook Permanent File, 1997-1999, 2007 FF - ASV HRS Notice of Non-Discrimination Permanent File, 1998-2005 FF - ASV HRS Sexual Harassment Policy Permanent File, 1997 FF - ASV HRS Worker's Compensation Notice Permanent File, 1997-2009 FF - BUD ADM Personnel - James N. Bunton Permanent File, 1999-2002 FF - BUD INF External Funding Permanent File, 1998-2004 FF - BUD INF Financial and Productivity Information Permanent File, 2003-2006 FF - BUD INF Five Year Plan - Strategic Plan Permanent File, 1996-2002 FF - BUD SAL Guidelines Permanent File, 1999-2005 FF - CHA ADM Consultant/Contracts Permanent File, 1996-2009 Box 4 - 134341 [return to top][A20-53] FF - CHA ADM Emergency Operation Plan - UMC Permanent File, 2001-2008 FF - CHA ADM Faculty Fellow Permanent File, 2001-2005 FF - CHA ADM Miscellaneous - Sam Cook Permanent File, 2000-2007 FF - CHA ADM Mission Enhancement Permanent File, 7/1998 FF - CHA ADM Vision for MU - Richard Wallace Permanent File, 2001 FF - DUA ADM Personnel - Associate Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Relations J. Todd Coleman Permanent File, 2000-2006 [RESTRICTED] FF - DUA ADM Personnel - MUAA Executive Director Search Permanent File, 2004 [RESTRICTED] FF - DUA DEV Reading and Background Permanent File, 2006-2007 FF - DUA DON AMOCO Foundation Permanent File, 1997 FF - DUA DON Anheuser Busch Companies Permanent File, 2002, 2008 FF - DUA DON Glen Barton/Caterpillar Permanent File, 2000-2004 FF - DUA DON Kenneth L. Lay Permanent File, 1996-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - DUA DON Monsanto Permanent File, 1998 FF - DUA DON Shell Oil Company Foundation Permanent File, 1996-2004 FF - DUA UNR Name Restoration Permanent File, 2007-2008 FF - ICA ADM Fund Raising including Sports Arena Permanent File, 1996-2000 FF - ICA ADM Personnel Miscellaneous Permanent File, 1996-2008 FF - ICA ADM Personnel Norm Stewart Permanent File, 1994-2007 [RESTRICTED] FF - ICA ADM Policies - Drug Screening Permanent File, 1996-2002 [RESTRICTED] FF - ICA ADM Policies - Events/Bowls Procedures Permanent File, 1997-2008 FF - ICA DPR Basketball Seating Permanent File, 2001-2006 FF - ICA DPR Basketball Summer Camp Permanent File [also includes material related to Insight Bowl], 1997, 2006 FF - ICA DPR Disability Sports Program Permanent File, 2001-2005 FF - MZU CMC Honorary Degrees Past Recipients List Permanent File, 2002-2004 FF - Honorary Degrees - Catherine A. Allen, 5/2005 FF - Honorary Degrees - Glen A. Barton, 12/2004 FF - Honorary Degrees - Norman Borlaug, 12/2000 FF - Honorary Degrees - Jamey Aebersold, 1999 FF - Honorary Degrees - Maya Angelou, 2001 FF - Honorary Degrees - Betty Brittain, 12/2000 Box 5 - 015935 [return to top][A20-53] FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Lou Brock, 2000 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - John R. Campbell, 2005 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - President Jimmy Carter, 1999 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Harry M. Cornell Jr., 2003 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Gordon E. Crosby Jr., 2000 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Michael DeBakey, 2001 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Kim Dae-Jung, 1999 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Daniel J. Devine, 1999 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - James L. Fergason, 2001 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - John W. Galbraith, 1999 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Jakes Gerwel, 2002 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Dick Gregory, 2004 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Zella Harrington, 2001 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Pat Hume, 2004 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Haynes Johnson, 1999 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - John H. Johnson, 2003 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Jim Lehrer, 2003 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Carol Junge Loomis, 2007 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Wangari Maathai, 2005 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Richard G. Miller, 2000 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Brad Pitt, 2005 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Herbert Roesky, 2005 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Thomas M. Scott, 2004 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Russell Shelden, 2007 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Sally Shelton-Colby, 2000 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Ernest T. Smerdon, 2003 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Calvin Trillin, 2003 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - William S. Thompson, 2005 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Robert J. Trulaske Sr., 2002 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Roger M. Vasey, 2006 FF - Honorary Degree Candidates - Audrey Walton, 2001 FF - MZU COS Capital Review Committee - Permanent File, 1999-2001 FF - MZU COS Capital Review Committee - Space Planning Permanent File, 2003-2006 FF - MZU COS Task Force on Teaching and Learning - Permanent File, 2008 FF - NON GEN Missouri Education Consortium - Permanent File, 1997-1999 FF - NON GOV CBHE Advantage Missouri Program and MO$T - Permanent File, 2006 FF - NON GOV CBHE Community Colleges Correspondence - Permanent File, 2000-2001 FF - NON GOV GAO Correspondence - Permanent File, 1996-2006 FF - NON GOV Missouri Reading and Background - Permanent File, 2008 FF - NON GOV NASA Permanent File, 2001, 2008 FF - NON GOV Office for Civil Rights (OCR) - US Department of Education - Permanent File, 1989, 2004-2009 FF - PRO ADM Academic Budget - Permanent File, 1997-2001, 2008 FF - PRO ADM Cooperative Program with Columbia College - Permanent File (includes material re: cooperative programs with other universities), 2001-2010 FF - PRO ADM Personnel - Provost Brady Deaton - Permanent File, 1997-2003 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO ADM Personnel - Vice Provost Ann Korschgen - Permanent File, 2000-2001, 2007 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO ADM Personnel - Tim Rooney - Permanent File, 2002-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO ADM Personnel - Vice Provost Handy Williamson Jr. - Permanent File, 2001-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO ADM Personnel - Position Search, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs - Permanent File, 2000-2002 [RESTRICTED] FF - STU ADS Enrollment Plans, 1995-2000 FF - PRO ADS Graduation/Retention Rates - Permanent File, 2003-2006 FF - PRO ADS CBHE Transfer and Articulation Guidelines - Permanent File, 1999-2000 FF - PRO DEV Career Center - Permanent File, 2001-2003 FF - PRO DEV Latino Center - Permanent File, 1999-2001 FF - PRO DEV Learning Center - Permanent File, 1999-2002 Box 6 - 015936 [return to top][A20-53] FF - PRO DPR Center for Regional Competitiveness Permanent File, 2005-2009 FF - PRO DPR Center for Regional Competitiveness Permanent File, 2004-2005 FF - PRO FAC Endowed Chairs and Professorships Permanent File, 2009 FF - PRO FAC Endowed Chairs and Professorships Permanent File, 2005-2009 FF - PRO FAC Endowed Chairs and Professorships Permanent File, 2007 FF - PRO FAC Faculty Leave Policy, 1987, 1997 FF - PRO FAC Middlebush Professors Permanent File, 1997-2001 FF - PRO FAC Millsap Broaddus Professor Permanent File, 1999 FF - PRO FAC Millsap Distinguished Professor Permanent File, 1997-2003 FF - PRO FAC New Faculty Teaching Scholars Program Permanent File, 2001-2007 FF - PRO FAC Teaching Assistants Policy and Procedure Permanent File, 1996-2005 FF - PRO FIN Federal Program Participation Permanent File, 1997-2012 FF - PRO FIN Federal Program Participation Permanent File, 2007-2010 Box 7 - 134333 [return to top][A20-53] FF - PRO FIN Loans Permanent File, 1998-2010 FF - PRO FIN Scholarships - Chancellor's Awards - Brooks Scholarship, Transition Program, Diversity Awards - Permanent File, 1995-2006 FF - PRO FIN Scholarships - Charles Gallagher Student Financial Assistance Program Permanent File, 1998-2005 FF - PRO FIN Scholarships - Coca Cola Ambassadors Program Permanent File, 1997-2002 FF - PRO FIN Scholarships - Curators' Scholars Permanent File, 1997-2009 FF - PRO FIN Scholarships - Governor Mel Carnahan Permanent File, 2000-2001 FF - PRO FIN Scholarships - INROADS Permanent File, 1999-2001 FF - PRO FIN Scholarships - National Merit Scholarship Permanent File, 1997-1999, 2009 FF - PRO SER Mizzou Connection Store (St. Louis) Permanent File, 1999-2005 FF - PRO SER Residential Life (Policies) Permanent File, 2006 FF - PRO SER Residential Life (Policies) Permanent File, 1997, 2006 FF - UWD ACA Bioinformatics Permanent File, 2000-2001 FF - UWD ACA Centers and Center Policies Permanent File, 2003-2008 FF - UWD ACA Centers and Center Policies Permanent File, 1997-2003 FF - UWD ACA Research General Permanent File, 1996-2004 FF - UWD ADM Administrative Systems Project Permanent File, 2003-2005 FF - UWD ADM Organization Charts/System Charts Permanent File, 1987-1988, 2007 FF - UWD ADM Revenues and Expenses Permanent File, 2000-2008 FF - UWD ADM Revenues and Expenses Permanent File, 2009-2010 FF - UWD COS Medical Insurance Permanent File, 2002-2003 FF - UWD COS Membership Permanent File, 2004-2007 Box 8 - 134336 [return to top][A20-53] FF - UWD COS President's Academic Leadership Institute Permanent File, 2000-2007 FF - UWD COS Student Fee Task Force Permanent File, 2001-2002 FF - UWD CUR Board of Curators Resolutions Permanent File, 2002-2008 FF - UWD CUR Collected Rules and Regulations/Faculty By-Laws Permanent File, 1997-2009 FF - UWD CUR MEM Board of Curators Membership Roster/Addresses Permanent File, 1995-2003 FF - UWD FCL Missouri Research Park Permanent File, 1996-2001, 2008 FF - UWD GOS Cost Containment Permanent File, 2001-2003 FF - UWD LRP Mission Statement Permanent File, 1998-1999, 2007-2008 FF - UWD PRS Federal Relations - Van Scoyoc Associates/Kevin Kelly Permanent File, 1997-2000 FF - UWD PRS Personnel - Elson S. Floyd Permanent File, 2002-2006 [RESTRICTED] FF - UWD PRS Personnel - Gary D. Forsee Permanent File, 2007-2009 [RESTRICTED] FF - UWD PRS Personnel - Manuel T. Pacheco Permanent File, 1997-2004 [RESTRICTED] FF - UWD PRS President Search Permanent File, 2001-2002, 2007 [RESTRICTED] FF - UMKC Medical Issue Material, 2003 Box 9 - 070429 [return to top][A20-53] FF - ACA AGR ADM Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ACA AGR ADM Personnel, 2007-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA AGR DPR Events, 2007-2008 FF - ACA AGR DPR Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - ACA ARS ADM Chalk Awards, 2007-2008 FF - ACA ARS ADM Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ACA ARS ADM Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - ACA ARS ADM Personnel, 2007-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA ARS DPR Aerospace Studies/Air Force ROTC, 2007-2008 FF - ACA ARS DPR Economics, 2007-2008 FF - ACA ARS DPR Events, 2007-2008 FF - ACA ARS DPR Fine Arts (Art), 2007-2008 FF - ACA ARS DPR Fine Arts (Music), 2007-2008 FF - ACA ARS DPR Math, 2007-2008 FF - ACA ARS DPR Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - ACA ARS DPR Missouri Scholars Academy, 2007-2008 FF - ACA ARS DPR Psychological Services, 2007-2008 FF - ACA BUS ADM Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ACA BUS ADM Personnel, 2007-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA BUS DPR Events, 2007-2008 FF - ACA EDU ADM Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ACA EDU DPR Events, 2007-2008 FF - ACA EDU DPR Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - ACA ENG ADM Personnel, 2007-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA ENG DPR Events, 2007-2008 FF - ACA ENG DPR Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - ACA EXT ADM Budget, 2007-2008 FF - ACA EXT ADM Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ACA EXT ADM Personnel, 2007-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA EXT DPR Events, 2007-2008 FF - ACA EXT DPR Fire and Rescue Training Institute (FRTI), 2007-2008 FF - ACA EXT DPR 4-H Youth Development Program, 2007-2008 FF - ACA EXT DPR KBIA/Concert Series, 2007-2008 FF - ACA EXT DPR Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - ACA GRS ADM Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ACA GRS ADM Personnel, 2007-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA GRS DPR Events, 2007-2008 FF - ACA GRS DPR Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - ACA HES ADM Personnel, 2007-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA HES DPR Events, 2007-2008 FF - ACA HES DPR Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - ACA INT ADM Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ACA INT DPR Events, 2007-2008 FF - ACA JOU ADM Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ACA JOU DPR Events, 2007-2008 FF - ACA JOU DPR Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - ACA JOU DPR Missourian - Complaints from Private Sector, 2007-2008 FF - ACA JOU DPR Missourian - Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ACA LAW ADM Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ACA LAW ADM Personnel, 2007-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA LAW DPR Events, 2007-2008 FF - ACA LAW DPR Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - ACA MED ADM Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ACA MED ADM Personnel, 2007-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA MED DPR Events, 2007-2008 FF - ACA MED DPR Health Management and Informatics, 2007-2008 FF - ACA MED DPR Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), 2007-2008 FF - ACA MED DPR Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - ACA NUR ADM Personnel, 2007-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA NUR DPR Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - ACA RES ADM Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ACA RES ADM Personnel, 2007-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA RES DPR Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - ACA RES DPR Tech Special Projects, Patents and Licensing, 2007-2008 FF - ACA SHP ADM Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ACA SHP ADM Personnel, 2007-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA VET ADM Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ACA VET ADM Personnel, 2007-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA VET DPR Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - ASV ADM Budget, 2007-2008 FF - ASV ADM Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ASV ADM Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - ASV ADM Personnel, 2007-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ASV BUS Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ASV BUS Environmental Health and Safety, 2007-2008 FF - ASV BUS Internal Audit Reports, 2007-2008 FF - ASV BUS Parking and Transportation, 2007-2008 FF - ASV COM Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ASV COM MU Information Technology Plan, 2007-2008 FF - ASV HRS Affirmative Action, 2007-2008 FF - ASV HRS Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ASV HRS Resumes, 2007-2008 FF - ASV HRS Retirees Association, 2007-2008 FF - ASV POL Personnel, 2007-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ASV SHO Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - BUD ADM Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - BUD ADM Discretionary (Public Relations Fund), 2007-2008 FF - BUD ADM Planning and Meetings, 2007-2008 FF - BUD SAL Increases, 2007-2008 FF - CHA ADM Calendar/Confirmations, 2007-2008 FF - CHA ADM Condolences, 2007-2008 FF - CHA ADM Congratulations, 2007-2008 FF - CHA ADM Correspondence, 1/2008-6/2008 FF - CHA ADM Correspondence, 7/2007-12/2007 FF - CHA ADM Correspondence - Deputy Chancellor, 2007-2008 FF - CHA ADM Invitations, 2007-2008 FF - CHA ADM Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - CHA ADM Reading Materials, 2007-2008 FF - CHA ADM Staff Meetings, 2007-2008 Box 10 - 070430 [return to top][A20-53] FF - CHA ADM Thank You Notes, 2007-2008 FF - CHA NON CEO Breakfast Group, 2007-2008 FF - CHA NON Chamber of Commerce, 2007-2008 FF - CHA NON Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - CHA NON Personal, 2007-2008 FF - CHA NON Surveys, 2007-2008 FF - CHA NON United Way, 2007-2008 FF - DUA ADM Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - DUA ALU Alumni Association Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - DUA ALU Black Alumni Association Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - DUA ALU Correspondence - General, 2007-2008 FF - DUA ALU Events - Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - DUA ALU Kansas City Alumni Chapter, 2007-2008 FF - DUA AWD Alumni Awards Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - DUA DEV Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - DUA DEV Events, 2007-2008 FF - DUA DEV Jefferson Club, 2007-2008 FF - DUA DON Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - DUA DON Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - DUA UNR Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - DUA UNR Events - Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - DUA UNR Governmental Affairs (Marty Oetting), 2007-2008 FF - DUA UNR Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - DUA UNR News Bureau/Press, 2007-2008 FF - DUA UNR Publications, 2007-2008 FF - ICA ADM Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ICA ADM Meetings, 2007-2008 FF - ICA ADM Personnel, 2007-2008 [RESTRICTED] FF - ICA DPR Basketball Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ICA DPR Events, 2007-2008 FF - ICA DPR Football - Brunches and Games, 2007-2008 FF - ICA DPR Football - Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ICA DPR Football - Homecoming, 2007-2008 FF - ICA DPR Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - ICA NON Big 12 Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ICA NON Big 12 Meeting, 2007-2008 FF - ICA NON Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Compliance, 2007-2008 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Graduation Rate Report Info, 2007-2008 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Reports, 2007-2008 FF - MZU COS Faculty Council, 2007-2008 FF - MZU COS Staff Advisory Council - Awards, 2007-2008 FF - MZU COS Staff Advisory Council - Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - MZU COS Staff Advisory Council - Staff Recognition Week, 2007-2008 FF - NON GEN AAC&U (American Association of Colleges and Universities), 2007-2008 FF - NON GEN AAU (Association of American Universities) Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - NON GEN ACE (American Council on Education), 2007-2008 FF - NON GEN Associations - Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 FF - NON GEN Campus Compact, 2007-2008 FF - NON GEN College Board - Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - NON GEN Correspondence, 2007-2008 FF - NON GEN Council on Public and Higher Education (COPHE), 2007-2008 FF - NON GEN Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU), 2007-2008 FF - NON GEN Job Search, 2007-2008 FF - NON GEN Kansas City Area Development Council (KCADC), 2007-2008 FF - NON GEN Miscellaneous, 2007-2008 Box 11 - 044323 [return to top][A20-53] FF - ACA AGR ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ACA AGR ADM Personnel, 2008-2009 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA AGR DPR Events, 2008-2009 FF - ACA AGR DPR Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - ACA ARS ADM Chalk Awards, 2008-2009 FF - ACA ARS ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ACA ARS ADM Personnel, 2008-2009 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA ARS ADM Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - ACA ARS DPR Chemistry, 2008-2009 FF - ACA ARS DPR Events, 2008-2009 FF - ACA ARS DPR Fine Arts (Music), 2008-2009 FF - ACA ARS DPR Math, 2008-2009 FF - ACA ARS DPR Military Science (ROTC), 2008-2009 FF - ACA ARS DPR Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - ACA ARS DPR Missouri Scholars Academy, 2008-2009 FF - ACA BUS ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ACA BUS DPR Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - ACA EDU ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ACA EDU ADM Personnel, 2008-2009 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA EDU DPR Events, 2008-2009 FF - ACA EDU DPR Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - ACA ENG ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ACA ENG DPR Events, 2008-2009 FF - ACA ENG DPR Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - ACA EXT ADM Budget, 2008-2009 FF - ACA EXT ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ACA EXT ADM Personnel, 2008-2009 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA EXT DPR Events, 2008-2009 FF - ACA EXT DPR 4-H Youth Development Program, 2008-2009 FF - ACA EXT DPR Center for Independent Study, 2008-2009 FF - ACA EXT DPR KBIA/Concert Series, 2008-2009 FF - ACA EXT DPR Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - ACA GRS ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ACA GRS ADM Personnel, 2008-2009 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA HES ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ACA HES ADM Personnel, 2008-2009 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA HES DPR Events, 2008-2009 FF - ACA HES DPR Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - ACA INT ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ACA JOU ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ACA JOU ADM Personnel, 2008-2009 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA JOU DPR Events, 2008-2009 FF - ACA JOU DPR Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - ACA JOU DPR Missourian - Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ACA LAW ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ACA LAW DPR Events, 2008-2009 FF - ACA LAW DPR Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - ACA MED ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ACA MED ADM Personnel, 2008-2009 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA MED DPR Events, 2008-2009 FF - ACA MED DPR Health Management and Informatics, 2008-2009 FF - ACA MED DPR Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), 2008-2009 FF - ACA MED DPR Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - ACA NUR ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ACA NUR ADM Personnel, 2008-2009 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA NUR DPR Events, 2008-2009 FF - ACA NUR DPR Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - ACA RES ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ACA RES ADM Meetings, 2008-2009 FF - ACA RES ADM Personnel, 2008-2009 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA RES DPR Grants Office/Supported Programs, 2008-2009 FF - ACA RES DPR Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - ACA RES DPR Tech Special Projects, Patents and Licensing, 2008-2009 FF - ACA SHP ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ACA SHP DPR Events, 2008-2009 FF - ACA SHP DPR Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - ACA VET ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ACA VET ADM Personnel, 2008-2009 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA VET DPR Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - ASV ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ASV ADM Personnel, 2008-2009 [RESTRICTED] FF - ASV BUS Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ASV BUS Environmental Health and Safety, 2008-2009 FF - ASV BUS Internal Audit Reports, 2008-2009 FF - ASV BUS Parking and Transportation, 2008-2009 FF - ASV BUS Procurement/Materials Management, 2008-2009 FF - ASV BUS Sweatshops, 2008-2009 FF - ASV COM MU Information Technology Plan, 2008-2009 FF - ASV COM Telecommunications Correspondence/Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - ASV HRS Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ASV HRS Retirees Association, 2008-2009 FF - ASV KOMU-TV Correspondence - NBC Affiliation, 2008-2009 FF - ASV POL Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ASV POL Personnel, 2008-2009 [RESTRICTED] FF - ASV SHO Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - BUD ADM Discretionary (Public Relations Fund), 2008-2009 FF - BUD APP Requests - Capital, 2008-2009 FF - BUD IRP Reports, 2008-2009 FF - BUD SAL Comparisons, 2008-2009 FF - BUD SAL Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - BUD SAL Increases, 2008-2009 FF - CHA ADM Condolences, 2008-2009 FF - CHA ADM Congratulations, 2008-2009 FF - CHA ADM Correspondence, 1/2009-6/2009 FF - CHA ADM Correspondence, 7/2008-12/2008 FF - CHA ADM Correspondence - Deputy Chancellor, 2008-2009 FF - CHA ADM Invitations, 2008-2009 FF - CHA ADM Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - CHA ADM Reading Materials, 2008-2009 FF - CHA ADM Staff Meetings, 2008-2009 FF - CHA ADM Thank You Notes, 2008-2009 FF - CHA NON Chamber of Commerce, 2008-2009 FF - CHA NON Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - CHA NON Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - CHA NON Personal, 2008-2009 FF - CHA NON Rotary Club, 2008-2009 FF - CHA NON Surveys, 2008-2009 FF - CHA NON United Way, 2008-2009 Box 12 - 044368 [return to top][A20-53] FF - DUA ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - DUA ADM Personnel, 2008-2009 [RESTRICTED] FF - DUA ALU Alumni Association Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - DUA ALU Correspondence, General, 2008-2009 FF - DUA ALU Events, Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - DUA AWD Alumni Awards Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - DUA AWD Thomas Jefferson, 2008-2009 FF - DUA DEV Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - DUA DEV Events, 2008-2009 FF - DUA DEV Jefferson Club, 2008-2009 FF - DUA DEV Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - DUA DON Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - DUA UNR Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - DUA UNR Events, Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - DUA UNR Governmental Affairs (Marty Oetting), 2008-2009 FF - DUA UNR Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - DUA UNR News Bureau/Press, 2008-2009 FF - DUA UNR Publications, 2008-2009 FF - DUA UNR Visitor and Guest Relations, 2008-2009 FF - ICA ADM Budget, 2008-2009 FF - ICA ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ICA ADM Meetings, 2008-2009 FF - ICA ADM Personnel, 2008-2009 [RESTRICTED] FF - ICA DPR Basketball - Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ICA DPR Events, 2008-2009 FF - ICA DPR Football - Brunches and Games, 2008-2009 FF - ICA DPR Football - Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ICA DPR Football - Homecoming, 2008-2009 FF - ICA DPR Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - ICA NON Big 12 - Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ICA NON Big 12 - Meeting, 2008-2009 FF - ICA NON Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Compliance, 2008-2009 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Reports, 2008-2009 FF - MZU COS Faculty Council, 2008-2009 FF - MZU COS Staff Advisory Council - Awards, 2008-2009 FF - MZU COS Staff Advisory Council - Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - MZU COS Staff Advisory Council - Staff Recognition Week, 2008-2009 FF - MZU GRV Administration - Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - NON GEN AAC&U, 2008-2009 FF - NON GEN AAU - Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - NON GEN ACE, 2008-2009 FF - NON GEN Associations - Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - NON GEN Campus Compact, 2008-2009 FF - NON GEN The College Board - Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - NON GEN COPHE, 2008-2009 FF - NON GEN Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - NON GEN HACU, 2008-2009 FF - NON GEN Job Search, 2008-2009 FF - NON GEN Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - NON GEN Missouri - Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - NON GEN NASULGC, 2008-2009 FF - NON GEN National Science Foundation, 2008-2009 FF - NON GEN NCA - Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - NON GOV CBHE, 2008-2009 FF - NON GOV DESE (Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) - Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - NON GOV DHE (Missouri Department of Higher Education), 2008-2009 FF - NON GOV Governor’s Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - NON GOV Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - NON GOV US Department of Education, 2008-2009 FF - PRO ADM Academic Degrees, 2008-2009 FF - PRO ADM Advisement, 2008-2009 FF - PRO ADM Alcohol/Drugs, 2008-2009 FF - PRO ADM Community Relations, 2008-2009 FF - PRO ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - PRO ADM Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - PRO ADM Personnel, 2008-2009 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO ADS Admissions - Special Admits (student athletes), 2008-2009 FF - PRO ADS Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - PRO ADS Enrollment Management, 2008-2009 FF - PRO ADS Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - PRO ADS Recruitment and Recruitment Viewbook, 2008-2009 FF - PRO DEV Fees - Housing, Activity, Health, etc., 2008-2009 FF - PRO DEV Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - PRO DEV Organizations - Legion of Black Collegians (LBC), 2008-2009 FF - PRO DEV Organizations - Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - PRO DEV Organizations - MSA (Missouri Students Association), 2008-2009 FF - PRO DEV Parents Association, 2008-2009 FF - PRO DEV Problems, 2008-2009 FF - PRO DPR Academic Support Center, 2008-2009 FF - PRO DPR Ellis Library and State Historical Society, 2008-2009 FF - PRO DPR European Union, 2008-2009 FF - PRO DPR Minority Affairs - Black Studies, 2008-2009 FF - PRO DPR Minority Affairs - Diversity, 2008-2009 FF - PRO DPR Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 Box 13 - 044435 [return to top][A20-53] FF - PRO FAC Awards, 2008-2009 FF - PRO FAC Conflict of Interest Policy/Consulting Report forms, 2008-2009 FF - PRO FAC Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - PRO FAC Emeritus, 2008-2009 FF - PRO FAC Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - PRO FAC Promotion and Tenure, 2008-2009 FF - PRO FAC Salaries, 2008-2009 FF - PRO FIN Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - PRO FIN Scholarships - Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - PRO SER Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - PRO SER Recreation Services Center, 2008-2009 FF - PRO SER Residential Life (Miscellaneous and Greek Life), 2008-2009 FF - PRO SER University Stores, 2008-2009 FF - UWD ACA Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - UWD ADM Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - UWD ADM General Counsel, 2008-2009 FF - UWD ADM Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - UWD ADM Personnel, 2008-2009 [RESTRICTED] FF - UWD ADM Planning and Budget (Position open), 2008-2009 FF - UWD CUR Board Actions/Recommendations, 2008-2009 FF - UWD CUR Board Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - UWD CUR Committee Meetings - Physical Facilities, 2008-2009 FF - UWD GOS Agenda/Meetings, 2008-2009 FF - UWD LRP Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - UWD LRP Correspondence, 2005-2006 FF - UWD PRS Awards, 2008-2009 FF - UWD PRS Correspondence, 2008-2009 FF - UWD PRS Executive Orders/Guidelines, 2008-2009 FF - UWD SRV Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - UWD PRS Printing and Records Management, 2008-2009 FF - UWD UMKC Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - UWD UMR Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 FF - UWD UMSL Miscellaneous, 2008-2009 Box 14 - 051277 [return to top][A20-53] FF - ACA AGR ADM Personnel, 2009-2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA AGR DPR Events, 2009-2010 FF - ACA AGR DPR FAPRI, 2009-2010 FF - ACA AGR DPR Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - ACA ARS ADM Chalk Awards, 2009-2010 FF - ACA ARS ADM Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ACA ARS ADM Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - ACA ARS ADM Personnel, 2009-2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA ARS DPR Economics, 2009-2010 FF - ACA ARS DPR Events, 2009-2010 FF - ACA ARS DPR Fine Arts (Art), 2009-2010 FF - ACA ARS DPR Fine Arts (Band), 2009-2010 FF - ACA ARS DPR Fine Arts (Theater), 2009-2010 FF - ACA ARS DPR Math, 2009-2010 FF - ACA ARS DPR Military Science (ROTC), 2009-2010 FF - ACA ARS DPR Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - ACA ARS DPR Missouri Scholars Academy, 2009-2010 FF - ACA ARS DPR Political Science, 2009-2010 FF - ACA ARS DPR Psychological Services, 2009-2010 FF - ACA BUS ADM Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ACA BUS ADM Personnel, 2009-2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA BUS DPR School of Accountancy, 2009-2010 FF - ACA BUS DPR Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - ACA EDU ADM Personnel, 2009-2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA EDU DPR Events, 2009-2010 FF - ACA EDU DPR Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - ACA ENG ADM Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ACA ENG DPR Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2009-2010 FF - ACA ENG DPR Events, 2009-2010 FF - ACA EXT ADM Budget, 2009-2010 FF - ACA EXT ADM Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ACA EXT ADM Personnel, 2009-2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA EXT DPR Events, 2009-2010 FF - ACA EXT DPR 4-H Youth Development Program, 2009-2010 FF - ACA EXT DPR KBIA/Concert Series, 2009-2010 FF - ACA EXT DPR Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - ACA GRS ADM Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ACA HES ADM Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ACA HES ADM Personnel, 2009-2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA HES DPR Events, 2009-2010 FF - ACA HES DPR School of Social Work, 2009-2010 FF - ACA INT ADM Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ACA JOU ADM Personnel, 2009-2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA JOU DPR Events, 2009-2010 FF - ACA JOU DPR Missourian - Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ACA LAW ADM Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ACA LAW DPR Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - ACA MED ADM Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ACA MED ADM Personnel, 2009-2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA MED DPR Events, 2009-2010 FF - ACA MED DPR Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), 2009-2010 FF - ACA MED DPR Internal Medicine, 2009-2010 FF - ACA MED DPR Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - ACA NUR ADM Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ACA NUR DPR Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - ACA RES ADM Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ACA RES DPR Grants Office/Sponsored Programs, 2009-2010 FF - ACA RES DPR Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - ACA RES DPR Research, 2009-2010 FF - ACA RES DPR Technology Special Projects, Patents and Licensing, 2009-2010 FF - ACA SHP ADM Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ACA SHP ADM Personnel, 2009-2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA SHP DPR Events, 2009-2010 FF - ACA SHP DPR Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - ACA VET ADM Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ACA VET ADM Personnel, 2009-2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA VET DPR Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - ASV ADM Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ASV ADM Meetings, 2009-2010 FF - ASV ADM Personnel, 2009-2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - ASV BUS Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ASV BUS Environmental Health and Safety, 2009-2010 FF - ASV BUS Internal Audit Reports, 2009-2010 FF - ASV BUS Parking and Transportation, 2009-2010 FF - ASV HRS Affirmative Action, 2009-2010 FF - ASV HRS Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ASV HRS Retirees Association, 2009-2010 FF - ASV KOMU (NBC Affiliation) Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ASV POL Personnel, 2009-2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - BUD ADM Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - BUD ADM Discretionary (Public Relations Fund), 2009-2010 FF - BUD ADM Personnel, 2009-2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - BUD APP Reports, 2009-2010 FF - BUD IRP Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - BUD SAL Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - BUD SAL Increases, 2009-2010 FF - CHA ADM Budget, 2009-2010 FF - CHA ADM Condolences, 2009-2010 FF - CHA ADM Congratulations, 2009-2010 FF - CHA ADM Correspondence, 1/2010-6/2010 FF - CHA ADM Correspondence, 7/2009-12/2009 Box 15 - 051278 [return to top][A20-53] FF - CHA ADM Correspondence - Deputy Chancellor, 2009-2010 FF - CHA ADM Invitations, 2009-2010 FF - CHA ADM Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - CHA ADM Reading Materials, 2009-2010 FF - CHA ADM Thank-You Notes, 2009-2010 FF - CHA NON CEO Breakfast Group, 2009-2010 FF - CHA NON Chamber of Commerce, 2009-2010 FF - CHA NON Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - CHA NON Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - CHA NON Personal, 2009-2010 FF - CHA NON Rotary Club, 2009-2010 FF - CHA NON Surveys, 2009-2010 FF - DUA ADM Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - DUA ADM Personnel, 2009-2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - DUA ALU Correspondence - General, 2009-2010 FF - DUA ALU Kansas City Alumni Chapter, 2009-2010 FF - DUA AWD Alumni Awards Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - DUA DEV Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - DUA DEV Events, 2009-2010 FF - DUA DEV Fund Raising, 2009-2010 FF - DUA DEV Jefferson Club, 2009-2010 FF - DUA DEV Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - DUA DON Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - DUA DON Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - DUA UNR Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - DUA UNR Events - Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - DUA UNR Governmental Affairs (Marty Oetting), 2009-2010 FF - DUA UNR Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - DUA UNR News Bureau/Press, 2009-2010 FF - DUA UNR Publications, 2009-2010 FF - ICA ADM Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ICA ADM Meetings (Mike Alden), 2009-2010 FF - ICA ADM Personnel, 2009-2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - ICA DPR Basketball - Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ICA DPR Events, 2009-2010 FF - ICA DPR Football - Brunches and Games, 2009-2010 FF - ICA DPR Football - Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ICA DPR Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - ICA NON Big 12 - Association of Big 12 Universities (ABTU), 2009-2010 FF - ICA NON Big 12 - Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ICA NON Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Compliance, 2009-2010 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Graduation Rate Report Info, 2009-2010 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Reports, 2009-2010 FF - MZU CMC Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - MZU COS Faculty Council, 2009-2010 FF - MZU COS Staff Advisory Council - Awards, 2009-2010 FF - MZU COS Staff Advisory Council - Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - MZU COS Staff Advisory Council - Staff Recognition Week, 2009-2010 FF - NON GEN AAC&U, 2009-2010 FF - NON GEN AAU - Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - NON GEN American Council on Education (ACE), 2009-2010 FF - NON GEN Association of Public Land Grant Universities (APLU), 2009-2010 FF - NON GEN Associations - Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - NON GEN Campus Compact, 2009-2010 FF - NON GEN The College Board - Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - NON GEN Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - NON GEN Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU), 2009-2010 FF - NON GEN Job Search, 2009-2010 Box 16 - 051279 [return to top][A20-53] FF - NON GEN Kansas City Area Development Council (KCADC), 2009-2010 FF - NON GEN Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - NON GEN Missouri Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - NON GEN National Science Foundation, 2009-2010 FF - NON GEN North Central Association (NCA) Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - NON GOV Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE), 2009-2010 FF - NON GOV Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - NON GOV Department of Higher Education (DHE), 2009-2010 FF - NON GOV Governor Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - NON GOV Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - NON GOV US Department of Education, 2009-2010 FF - PRO ADM Academic Degrees, 2009-2010 FF - PRO ADM Alcohol and Drugs, 2009-2010 FF - PRO ADM Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - PRO ADM Personnel, 2009-2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO ADS Admissions - Special Admits (student athletes), 2009-2010 FF - PRO ADS Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - PRO ADS Enrollment Management, 2009-2010 FF - PRO ADS Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - PRO ADS Recruitment and Recruitment Viewbook, 2009-2010 FF - PRO DEV Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - PRO DEV Organizations - Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - PRO DEV Parents Association, 2009-2010 FF - PRO DEV Problems, 2009-2010 FF - PRO DPR Ellis Library/State Historical Society, 2009-2010 FF - PRO DPR General Education and Undergraduate Education Program, 2009-2010 FF - PRO DPR Honors College Program, 2009-2010 FF - PRO DPR Minority Affairs - Diversity, 2009-2010 FF - PRO DPR Minority Affairs - Women Studies, 2009-2010 FF - PRO DPR Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - PRO FAC Awards, 2009-2010 FF - PRO FAC Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - PRO FAC Emeritus, 2009-2010 FF - PRO FAC New Faculty Tour and Luncheon, 2009-2010 FF - PRO FAC Promotion and Tenure, 2009-2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO FAC Teaching Assistants, 2009-2010 FF - PRO FIN Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - PRO FIN Scholarships - Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - PRO SER Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - PRO SER Recreation Services Center, 2009-2010 FF - PRO SER Residential Life (Miscellaneous and Greek Life), 2009-2010 FF - UWD ADM Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - UWD ADM General Counsel, 2009-2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - UWD ADM Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - UWD ADM Personnel, 2009-2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - UWD ADM Planning and Budget (Position open), 2009-2010 FF - UWD COS Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - UWD CUR Committee Meetings - Physical Facilities, 2009-2010 FF - UWD GOS Agenda/Meetings, 2009-2010 FF - UWD LRP Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - UWD MST (Missouri S&T, formerly UMR) Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - UWD PRS Awards, 2009-2010 FF - UWD PRS Correspondence, 2009-2010 FF - UWD PRS Executive Orders/Guidelines, 2009-2010 FF - UWD UMKC Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 FF - UWD UMSL Miscellaneous, 2009-2010 Box 17 - 007593 [return to top][A20-53] FF - ACA AGR ADM Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ACA AGR ADM Personnel, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA AGR DPR Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - ACA AGR DPR Natural Resources (Food/Fisheries/Wildlife), 2010-2011 FF - ACA ARS ADM Chalk Awards, 2010-2011 FF - ACA ARS ADM Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ACA ARS ADM Personnel, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA ARS DPR Aerospace Studies/Air Force ROTC, 2010-2011 FF - ACA ARS DPR Biological Sciences, 2010-2011 FF - ACA ARS DPR Chemistry, 2010-2011 FF - ACA ARS DPR Economics, 2010-2011 FF - ACA ARS DPR Events, 2010-2011 FF - ACA ARS DPR Fine Arts (Band), 2010-2011 FF - ACA ARS DPR Fine Arts (Music), 2010-2011 FF - ACA ARS DPR Math, 2010-2011 FF - ACA ARS DPR Missouri Scholars Academy, 2010-2011 FF - ACA ARS DPR Romance Languages, 2010-2011 FF - ACA BUS ADM Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ACA BUS DPR Events, 2010-2011 FF - ACA EDU ADM Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ACA EDU ADM Personnel, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA EDU DPR Information Science and Learning Technologies, 2010-2011 FF - ACA EDU DPR Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - ACA ENG ADM Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ACA ENG ADM Personnel, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA ENG DPR Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - ACA EXT ADM Budget, 2010-2011 FF - ACA EXT ADM Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ACA EXT ADM Personnel, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA EXT DPR Events, 2010-2011 FF - ACA EXT DPR Fire and Rescue Training Institute, 2010-2011 FF - ACA EXT DPR Center for Independent Study, 2010-2011 FF - ACA EXT DPR KBIA/Concert Series, 2010-2011 FF - ACA EXT DPR Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - ACA GRS ADM Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ACA GRS ADM Personnel, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA HES ADM Personnel, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA HES DPR Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - ACA HES DPR School of Social Work, 2010-2011 FF - ACA INT ADM Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ACA INT DPR Events, 2010-2011 FF - ACA JOU ADM Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ACA LAW ADM Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ACA LAW DPR Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - ACA MED ADM Personnel, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA MED DPR Events, 2010-2011 FF - ACA MED DPR Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), 2010-2011 FF - ACA MED DPR Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - ACA NUR ADM Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ACA RES ADM Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ACA RES ADM Personnel, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA RES DPR Grants Office/Sponsored Programs, 2010-2011 FF - ACA RES DPR Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - ACA RES DPR Tech Special Projects, Patents and Licensing, 2010-2011 FF - ACA SHP ADM Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ACA SHP ADM Personnel, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA SHP DPR Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - ACA VET ADM Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ACA VET ADM Personnel, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - ASV ADM Budget, 2010-2011 FF - ASV ADM Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ASV ADM Personnel, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - ASV BUS Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ASV BUS Environmental Health and Safety, 2010-2011 FF - ASV BUS Internal Audit Reports, 2010-2011 FF - ASV COM MU Information Technology Plan, 2010-2011 FF - ASV POL Personnel, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - ASV UNI Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - BUD ADM Discretionary (Public Relations Fund), 2010-2011 FF - BUD ADM Personnel, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - BUD APP Reports, 2010-2011 FF - BUD APP Requests (Operations), 2010-2011 FF - BUD SAL Increases, 2010-2011 FF - CHA ADM Condolences, 2010-2011 FF - CHA ADM Congratulations, 2010-2011 FF - CHA ADM Correspondence, 1/2011-6/2011 FF - CHA ADM Correspondence, 7/2010-12/2010 FF - CHA ADM Correspondence - Deputy Chancellor, 2010-2011 FF - CHA ADM Invitations, 2010-2011 FF - CHA ADM Reading Materials, 2010-2011 FF - CHA ADM Slide Presentations, 2010-2011 FF - CHA ADM Thank-You Notes, 2010-2011 FF - CHA NON Chamber of Commerce, 2010-2011 FF - CHA NON Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - CHA NON Personal, 2010-2011 FF - CHA NON Surveys, 2010-2011 Box 18 - 007614 [return to top][A20-53] FF - DUA ADM Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - DUA ADM Meetings, 2010-2011 FF - DUA ADM Personnel, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - DUA ALU Alumni Association Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - DUA ALU Kansas City Alumni Chapter, 2010-2011 FF - DUA AWD Alumni Awards Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - DUA DEV Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - DUA DEV Jefferson Club, 2010-2011 FF - DUA DEV Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - DUA DON Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - DUA DON Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - DUA UNR Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - DUA UNR Governmental Relations (Marty Oetting), 2010-2011 FF - DUA UNR Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - DUA UNR News Bureau/Press, 2010-2011 FF - DUA UNR Publications, 2010 FF - ICA ADM Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ICA ADM Meetings, 2010-2011 FF - ICA ADM Personnel, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - ICA DPR Events, 2010-2011 FF - ICA DPR Football - Brunches and Games, 2010-2011 FF - ICA DPR Football - Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ICA NON Big 12 Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ICA NON Big 12 Meeting, 2010-2011 FF - ICA NON Big 12 Planning, 2010-2011 FF - ICA NON Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Compliance, 2010-2011 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Graduation Rate Report Info, 2010-2011 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Reports, 2010-2011 FF - MZU COS Faculty Council, 2010-2011 FF - MZU COS Staff Advisory Council - Awards, 2010-2011 FF - MZU COS Staff Advisory Council - Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - MZU COS Staff Advisory Council - Staff Recognition Week, 2010-2011 FF - NON GEN Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), 2010-2011 FF - NON GEN AAU Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - NON GEN American Council on Education (ACE), 2010-2011 FF - NON GEN NASULGC/Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU), 2010-2011 FF - NON GEN Associations - Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - NON GEN Campus Compact, 2010-2011 FF - NON GEN College Board, The - Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - NON GEN Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - NON GEN Job Search, 2010-2011 FF - NON GEN Kansas City Area Development Council (KCADC), 2010-2011 FF - NON GEN Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - NON GEN Missouri Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - NON GEN National Science Foundation, 2010-2011 FF - NON GEN North Central Association (NCA) Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - NON GOV Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE), 2010-2011 FF - NON GOV Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - NON GOV Missouri Department of Higher Education (DHE), 2010-2011 FF - NON GOV DHE, 2010-2011 (cont'd) FF - NON GOV Governor's Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - NON GOV Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - NON GOV US Department of Education, 2010-2011 FF - PRO ADM Academic Degrees, 2010-2011 FF - PRO ADM Academic Dishonesty, 2010-2011 FF - PRO ADM Advisement, 2010-2011 FF - PRO ADM Alcohol/Drugs, 2010-2011 FF - PRO ADM Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - PRO ADS Admissions - Special Admits (Student Athletes), 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO ADS Correspondence, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO ADS Enrollment Management, 2010-2011 FF - PRO ADS Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 Box 19 - 007764 [return to top][A20-53] FF - PRO DEV Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - PRO DEV Problems, 2010-2011 FF - PRO DEV Service Learning Task Force/Service Learning, 2010-2011 FF - PRO DPR Ellis Library/Historical Society, 2010-2011 FF - PRO DPR European Union, 2010-2011 FF - PRO DPR Minority Affairs - Diversity, 2010-2011 FF - PRO FAC Awards, 2010-2011 FF - PRO FAC Conflict of Interest Policy/Consulting Report Forms, 2010-2011 FF - PRO FAC Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - PRO FAC Emeritus, 2010-2011 FF - PRO FAC Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - PRO FAC Promotion and Tenure, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO FAC Teaching Assistants, 2010-2011 FF - PRO FIN Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - PRO FIN Scholarships - Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - PRO SER Residential Life (Miscellaneous and Greek Life), 2010-2011 FF - UWD ADM Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - UWD ADM General Counsel, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - UWD CUR Board Meetings, 2010-2011 FF - UWD CUR Committee Meetings - Finance, 2010-2011 FF - UWD CUR Committee Meetings - Physical Facilities, 2010-2011 FF - UWD CUR Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - UWD GOS Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - UWD UMR/Missouri S&T - Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - UWD PRS Awards, 2010-2011 FF - UWD PRS Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - UWD PRS Executive Orders/Guidelines, 2010-2011 FF - UWD UMKC Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 FF - UWD UMSL Miscellaneous, 2010-2011 Box 20 - 055181 [return to top][A20-53] FF - ACA AGR ADM Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ACA AGR ADM Personnel, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA AGR DPR Events, 2011-2012 FF - ACA ARS ADM Chalk Awards, 2011-2012 FF - ACA ARS ADM Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ACA ARS ADM Personnel, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA ARS DPR Aerospace Studies/Air Force ROTC, 2011-2012 FF - ACA ARS DPR Economics, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA ARS DPR Fine Arts - Band, 2011-2012 FF - ACA ARS DPR Fine Arts - Music, 2011-2012 FF - ACA ARS DPR Military Science/ROTC, 2011-2012 FF - ACA ARS DPR Missouri Scholars Academy, 2011-2012 FF - ACA ARS DPR Romance Languages, 2011-2012 FF - ACA BUS ADM Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ACA BUS ADM Personnel, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA BUS DPR Events, 2011-2012 FF - ACA EDU ADM Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ACA EDU ADM Personnel, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA EDU DPR Information Science and Learning Technologies (SISLT), 2011-2012 FF - ACA ENG ADM Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ACA ENG ADM Personnel, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA EXT ADM Budget, 2011-2012 FF - ACA EXT ADM Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ACA EXT ADM Personnel, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA EXT DPR Events, 2011-2012 FF - ACA EXT DPR Fire and Rescue Training Institute (FRTI), 2011-2012 FF - ACA EXT DPR 4-H Youth Development Program, 2011-2012 FF - ACA EXT DPR Center for Independent Study, 2011-2012 FF - ACA EXT DPR Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - ACA GRS ADM Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ACA GRS ADM Personnel, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA GRS DPR Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - ACA HES ADM Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ACA HES DPR School of Social Work, 2011-2012 FF - ACA INT ADM Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ACA INT DPR Events, 2011-2012 FF - ACA JOU ADM Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ACA JOU ADM Personnel, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA JOU DPR Events, 2011-2012 FF - ACA JOU DPR Missourian - Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ACA JOU DPR Missourian - Correspondence, 2010-2011 FF - ACA LAW ADM Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ACA LAW ADM Personnel, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA LAW DPR Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - ACA MED ADM Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ACA MED ADM Personnel, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA MED DPR Events, 2011-2012 FF - ACA MED DPR Health Management and Informatics, 2011-2012 FF - ACA MED DPR Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - ACA NUR ADM Personnel, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA RES ADM Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ACA RES ADM Personnel, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA RES DPR Grants Office/Sponsored Programs, 2011-2012 FF - ACA RES DPR Tech Special Projects, Patents and Licensing, 2011-2012 FF - ACA SHP ADM Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ACA SHP DPR Events, 2011-2012 FF - ACA VET ADM Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ACA VET ADM Personnel, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA VET DPR Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - ASV ADM Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ASV ADM Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - ASV ADM Personnel, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - ASV BUS Environmental Health and Safety, 2011-2012 FF - ASV BUS Internal Audit Reports, 2011-2012 FF - ASV BUS Sweatshops, 2011-2012 FF - ASV COM MU Information Technology Plan, 2011-2012 FF - ASV HRS Resumes, 2011-2012 FF - ASV HRS Retirees Association, 2011-2012 FF - ASV POL Personnel, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - BUD ADM Discretionary - Public Relations Fund, 2011-2012 FF - BUD SAL Increases, 2011-2012 FF - CHA ADM Budget, 2011-2012 FF - CHA ADM Condolences, 2011-2012 FF - CHA ADM Congratulations, 2011-2012 FF - CHA ADM Correspondence, 1-6/2012 FF - CHA ADM Correspondence, 7-12/2011 FF - CHA ADM Correspondence - Deputy Chancellor, 2011-2012 FF - CHA ADM Invitations, 2011-2012 FF - CHA ADM Reading Materials, 2011-2012 FF - CHA ADM Thank You Notes, 2011-2012 FF - CHA NON Columbia Chamber of Commerce, 2011-2012 FF - CHA NON Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - CHA NON Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - CHA NON Surveys, 2011-2012 FF - CHA NON United Way, 2011-2012 FF - DUA ADM Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - DUA ADM Personnel, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] Box 21 - 055182 [return to top][A20-53] FF - DUA ALU Alumni Association - Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - DUA AWD Alumni Awards - Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - DUA AWD Thomas Jefferson Award, 2011-2012 FF - DUA DEV Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - DUA DEV Fund Raising, 2011-2012 FF - DUA DEV Jefferson Club, 2011-2012 FF - DUA DEV Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - DUA DON Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - DUA DON Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - DUA UNR Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - DUA UNR Events - Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - DUA UNR Governmental Affairs - Marty Oetting, 2011-2012 FF - DUA UNR Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - DUA UNR News Bureau/Press, 2011-2012 FF - DUA UNR Publications, 2011-2012 FF - ICA ADM Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ICA ADM Meetings, 2011-2012 FF - ICA ADM Personnel, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - ICA DPR Basketball - Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ICA DPR Events, 2011-2012 FF - ICA DPR Football - Brunches and Games, 2011-2012 FF - ICA DPR Football - Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ICA NON Big 12 - Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ICA NON Big 12 - Planning, 2011-2012 FF - ICA NON Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Compliance, 2011-2012 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Gender Equity Issues, 2011-2012 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Reports, 2011-2012 FF - ICA NON SEC - Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - ICA NON SEC - Planning, 2012 FF - MZU COS Council of Deans, 2011-2012 FF - MZU COS Faculty Council, 2011-2012 FF - MZU COS Staff Advisory Council - Awards, 2011-2012 FF - MZU COS Staff Advisory Council - Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - MZU COS Staff Advisory Council - Staff Recognition Week, 2011-2012 FF - NON GEN Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), 2011-2012 FF - NON GEN Association of American Universities (AAU) - Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - NON GEN American Council on Education (ACE), 2011-2012 FF - NON GEN Association of Public Land-Grant Universities (APLU), 2011-2012 FF - NON GEN Associations - Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - NON GEN Campus Compact, 2011-2012 FF - NON GEN College Board - Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - NON GEN Council on Public and Higher Education (COPHE), 2011-2012 FF - NON GEN Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - NON GEN Job Search, 2011-2012 FF - NON GEN Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - NON GEN Missouri - Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - NON GEN National Science Foundation (NSF), 2011-2012 FF - NON GEN North Central Association (NCA) - Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - NON GEN Servicemembers Opportunity College (SOC) Program, 2011-2012 FF - NON GOV Missouri Department of Higher Education (DHE), 2011-2012 FF - NON GOV Governor - Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - NON GOV Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - NON GOV US Department of Education, 2011-2012 FF - PRO ADM Academic Degrees, 2011-2012 FF - PRO ADM Alcohol/Drugs, 2011-2012 FF - PRO ADM Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - PRO ADM Personnel, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO ADS Admissions - Special Admits - Student Athletes, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO ADS Admissions - Statistics, 2001-2012 FF - PRO ADS Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - PRO ADS Enrollment Management, 2011-2012 FF - PRO ADS Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - PRO ADS Recruitment and Recruitment Viewbook, 2011-2012 FF - PRO DEV Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - PRO DEV Organizations - Missouri Student Association (MSA), 2011-2012 FF - PRO DEV Problems, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO DPR Ellis Library/State Historical Society, 2011-2012 FF - PRO DPR Honors College Program, 2011-2012 FF - PRO DPR Minority Affairs, 2011-2012 FF - PRO DPR Minority Affairs - Diversity, 2011-2012 FF - PRO FAC Awards, 2011-2012 FF - PRO FAC Conflict of Interest Policy/Consulting Report Forms, 2011-2012 FF - PRO FAC Distinguished Teaching Professorship, 2011-2012 FF - PRO FAC Emeritus, 2011-2012 FF - PRO FAC Promotion and Tenure, 2011-2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO FAC Teaching Assistants, 2011-2012 FF - PRO FIN Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - PRO FIN Scholarships - Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 Box 22 - 055183 [return to top][A20-53] FF - PRO SER Residential Life - Miscellaneous and Greek Life, 2011-2012 FF - UWD ADM General Counsel, 2011-2012 FF - UWD ADM Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - UWD ADM Planning and Budget - Open Position, 2011-2012 FF - UWD COS Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - UWD CUR Committee Meetings - Finance, 2011-2012 FF - UWD GOS Agenda/Meetings, 2011-2012 FF - UWD UMR Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - UWD PRS Awards, 2011-2012 FF - UWD PRS Correspondence, 2011-2012 FF - UWD PRS Executive Orders/Guidelines, 2011-2012 FF - UWD PRS Meetings, 2011-2012 FF - UWD SRV Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 FF - UWD SRV Printing and Records Management, 2011-2012 FF - UWD UMKC Miscellaneous, 2011-2012 Box 23 - 055922 [return to top][A20-53] FF - ACA AGR ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ACA AGR ADM Personnel, 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA AGR DPR Events, 2012-2013 FF - ACA AGR DPR Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - ACA ARS ADM Chalk Awards, 2012-2013 FF - ACA ARS ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ACA ARS ADM Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - ACA ARS ADM Personnel, 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA ARS DPR Chemistry, 2012-2013 FF - ACA ARS DPR Economics, 2012-2013 FF - ACA ARS DPR Events, 2012-2013 FF - ACA ARS DPR Missouri Scholars Academy, 2012-2013 FF - ACA BUS ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ACA EDU ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ACA EDU DPR Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - ACA ENG ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ACA ENG ADM Personnel, 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA EXT ADM Budget, 2012-2013 FF - ACA EXT ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ACA EXT ADM Personnel, 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA EXT DPR Events, 2012-2013 FF - ACA EXT DPR 4-H Youth Development Program, 2012-2013 FF - ACA EXT DPR Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - ACA GRS ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ACA GRS ADM Personnel, 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA GRS DPR Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - ACA HES DPR Social Work, 2012-2013 FF - ACA INT ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ACA JOU ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ACA JOU DPR Missourian - Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ACA JOU DPR Events, 2012-2013 FF - ACA JOU DPR Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - ACA LAW ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ACA LAW DPR Events, 2012-2013 FF - ACA MED ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ACA MED ADM Personnel, 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA MED DPR Health Management and Informatics, 2012-2013 FF - ACA MED DPR Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), 2012-2013 FF - ACA MED DPR Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - ACA NUR ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ACA NUR DPR Events, 2012-2013 FF - ACA NUR DPR Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - ACA RES ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ACA RES ADM Meetings, 2012-2013 FF - ACA RES DPR Grants Office/Sponsored Programs, 2012-2013 FF - ACA RES DPR Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - ACA RES DPR Technology and Special Projects/Patents and Licensing, 2012-2013 FF - ACA SHP ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ACA SHP ADM Personnel, 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA SHP DPR Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - ACA VET ADM Personnel, 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - ACA VET DPR Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - ASV ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ASV ADM Personnel, 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - ASV BUS Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ASV BUS Environmental Health and Safety, 2012-2013 FF - ASV BUS Internal Audit Reports, 2012-2013 FF - ASV BUS NRC - Radiation Safety Program (SPIP), 2012-2013 FF - ASV BUS Parking and Transportation, 2012-2013 FF - ASV HRS Resumes, 2012-2013 FF - ASV HRS Retirees Association, 2012-2013 FF - ASV POL Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ASV POL Personnel, 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - BUD ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - BUD ADM Discretionary (Public Relations Fund), 2012-2013 FF - BUD ADM Personnel, 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - BUD ADM Planning and Meetings, 2012-2013 FF - BUD APP Reports, 2012-2013 FF - BUD APP Requests (Capital), 2012-2013 FF - BUD APP Requests (Program Improvements), 2012-2013 FF - BUD SAL Comparisons, 2012-2013 FF - BUD SAL Increases, 2012-2013 FF - CHA ADM Condolences, 2012-2013 FF - CHA ADM Congratulations, 2012-2013 FF - CHA ADM Correspondence, 7-12/2012 FF - CHA ADM Correspondence, 1-6/2013 FF - CHA ADM Correspondence - Deputy Chancellor, 2012-2013 FF - CHA ADM Invitations, 2012-2013 FF - CHA ADM Reading Materials, 2012-2013 FF - CHA ADM Residence, 2012-2013 FF - CHA ADM Thank You Notes, 2012-2013 FF - CHA NON Chamber of Commerce, 2012-2013 FF - CHA NON Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - CHA NON Personal, 2012-2013 FF - CHA NON Surveys, 2012-2013 FF - CHA NON United Way, 2012-2013 Box 24 - 055923 [return to top][A20-53] FF - DUA ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - DUA ADM Personnel, 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - DUA ALU Alumni Association - Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - DUA ALU Correspondence - General, 2012-2013 FF - DUA AWD Alumni Awards - Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - DUA DEV Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - DUA DEV Fund Raising, 2012-2013 FF - DUA DON Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - DUA DON Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - DUA UNR Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - DUA UNR Events - Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - DUA UNR Governmental Affairs (Marty Oetting), 2012-2013 FF - DUA UNR Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - DUA UNR News Bureau/Press, 2012-2013 FF - DUA UNR Publications, 2012-2013 FF - ICA ADM Meetings, 2012-2013 FF - ICA ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ICA DPR Basketball - Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ICA DPR Basketball - Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - ICA DPR Events, 2012-2013 FF - ICA DPR Football - Brunches and Games, 2012-2013 FF - ICA DPR Football - Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ICA DPR Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - ICA NON Big 12 - Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Compliance, 2012-2013 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Gender Equity Issues, 2012-2013 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Graduation Rate Report Info, 2012-2013 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - ICA NON NCAA - Reports, 2012-2013 FF - ICA NON SEC - Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - ICA NON SEC - Meetings, 2012-2013 FF - ICA NON SEC - Planning, 2012-2013 FF - MZU COS Faculty Council, 2012-2013 FF - MZU COS Staff Advisory Council - Awards, 2012-2013 FF - MZU COS Staff Advisory Council - Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - MZU COS Staff Advisory Council - Staff Recognition Week, 2012-2013 FF - NON GEN AAC&U, 2012-2013 FF - NON GEN AAU - Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - NON GEN American Council on Education (ACE), 2012-2013 FF - NON GEN Association of Public Land-Grant Universities (APLU), 2012-2013 FF - NON GEN Associations - Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - NON GEN Campus Compact, 2012-2013 FF - NON GEN The College Board - Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - NON GEN COPHE, 2012-2013 FF - NON GEN Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - NON GEN International Association of University Presidents, 2012-2013 FF - NON GEN Job Search, 2012-2013 FF - NON GEN Kansas City Area Development Council (KCADC), 2012-2013 FF - NON GEN Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - NON GEN Missouri - Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - NON GEN National Science Foundation, 2012-2013 FF - NON GOV CBHE, 2012-2013 FF - NON GOV Department of Higher Education (DHE), 2012-2013 FF - NON GOV Governor - Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - NON GOV Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - NON GOV US Department of Education, 2012-2013 FF - PRO ADM Academic Degrees, 2012-2013 FF - PRO ADM Alcohol and Drugs, 2012-2013 FF - PRO ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - PRO ADM Personnel, 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO ADS Admissions - Special Admits (Student Athletes), 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO ADS Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - PRO ADS Enrollment Management, 2012-2013 FF - PRO ADS Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - PRO DEV Organizations - Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - PRO DEV Problems, 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO DPR Disability Services/ADA, 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO DPR Ellis Library/Historical Society, 2012-2013 FF - PRO DPR General Education and Undergraduate Education Program, 2012-2013 FF - PRO DPR Honors College Program, 2012-2013 Box 25 - 055929 [return to top][A20-53] FF - PRO DPR Minority Affairs - Black Studies, 2012-2013 FF - PRO DPR Printing and Records Management, 2012-2013 FF - PRO FAC Awards, 2012-2013 FF - PRO FAC Committees, 2012-2013 FF - PRO FAC Conflict of Interest Policy/Consulting Report Forms, 2012-2013 FF - PRO FAC Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - PRO FAC Emeritus, 2012-2013 FF - PRO FAC Evaluations/Performance, 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO FAC Faculty Leaves, 2012-2013 FF - PRO FAC Promotion and Tenure, 2012-2013 FF - PRO FIN Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - PRO FIN Scholarships - Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - PRO SER Residential Life - Miscellaneous and Greek Life, 2012-2013 FF - UWD ACA Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - UWD ADM Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - UWD ADM General Counsel, 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - UWD ADM Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - UWD ADM Personnel, 2012-2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - UWD COS Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - UWD CUR Board Meetings, 2012-2013 FF - UWD GOS Agenda/Meetings, 2012-2013 FF - UWD GOS Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - UWD UMR Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - UWD PRS Awards, 2012-2013 FF - UWD PRS Correspondence, 2012-2013 FF - UWD PRS Executive Orders/Guidelines, 2012-2013 FF - UWD UMKC Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 FF - UWD UMSL Miscellaneous, 2012-2013 Box 26 - 055883 [return to top][A20-53] FF - Provost Search - Advertisements, 2004-2005 FF - Provost Search - Airport Interview, 2005 FF - Provost Candidate Campus Visits, 2005 FF - Provost Search Committee Communications, 2004-2005 FF - Provost Search Committee Membership, 2004-2005 FF - Provost Search - Preliminary Evaluation Forms, n.d. FF - Provost Search Committee Nameplates, n.d. FF - Provost Search - Nominees, 2004-2005 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 5/10/2005 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 4/28/2005 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 4/19/2005 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 4/12/2005 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 4/5/2005 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 3/29/2005 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 3/15/2005 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 2/22/2005 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 2/1/2005 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 1/10/2005 FF - Provost Search - AAU and NASULGC Letters, 2004-2005 FF - Provost Search Qualifications, 2005 FF - Provost Search, 2004-2005 FF - Provost Search Committee Working File, 2004 FF - Provost Search - Candidate Reimbursements, 2005 FF - Provost Search Committee Application Rating, ca. 2005 FF - Provost Candidate Preliminary Evaluation, 2005 FF - Provost Search Committee Application Rating, ca. 2005 (cont’d) FF - Provost Candidate Evaluations, 2005 FF - Provost Search, 2005 FF - Provost Search - Brian Foster, 2005 FF - Provost Search - Nominating Committee Recommendations, 1997-1998 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 2/27/1998 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 3/10/1998 FF - Provost Search Committee - Subcommittees, 1998 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 3/13/1998 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 3/31/1998 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 4/3/1998 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 4/28/1998 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 5/19/1998 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 6/17/1998 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 6/25/1998 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 7/7/1998 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 7/14-15/1998 FF - Provost Search Committee Meeting, 9/29/1998 FF - Provost Search - Blank Vita Evaluation Forms, 1998 FF - Provost Search - Interview Questions, 7/14-15/1998 FF - Provost Search Committee - Miscellaneous, 1998 FF - Provost Search - Request to Recruit, 1998 FF - Provost Search - Advertisements, 1998 FF - Provost Search - Korn/Ferry, 1998 FF - Provost Search - Search Firms, 1998 FF - Provost Search Committee - Letter mailed to all university chancellors and presidents, 1998 FF - Provost Search - Campus Visits, 1998 FF - Press Release - Provost Candidates, 1998 FF - Provost Search Committee Expenses, 1998 FF - Provost Search - Mizzou Weekly articles, 1998 Box 27 - 055917 [return to top][A20-53] FF - Miscellaneous Reports and Speeches, 2007-2008 FF - Reports and Speeches, 1/2007-6/2007 FF - Reports and Speeches, 2/2006-4/2006 FF - Reports and Speeches, 8/2006-12/2006 FF - Reports and Speeches, 5/2006-6/2006 FF - Reports and Speeches, 1/2005-3/2005 FF - Reports and Speeches, 8/2004-12/2004 FF - Reports and Speeches, 6/2005-12/2005 FF - Reports and Speeches, 1/2005-6/2005 FF - Background materials for NASULGC speech, 2004 FF - Speech Materials, 2003 Box 28 - 055921 [return to top][A20-53] FF - CHA ADM Reports (Miscellaneous) and Speeches, 2008-2009 FF - CHA ADM Reports (Miscellaneous) and Speeches, 2009-2010 FF - Agricultural Economics Lunch, 5/16/2011 FF - CHA ADM Reports (Miscellaneous) and Speeches, 2010-2011 FF - CHA ADM Reports (Miscellaneous) and Speeches, 2011-2012 FF - CHA ADM Reports (Miscellaneous) and Speeches, 2012-2013 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: June 2020
Revised: 05 June 2020
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