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Box Lists for C:1/22/3

Note to Researcher: Some of these box lists are provided by the originating office. They have not been verified for accuracy by the staff of University Archives. Furthermore, since these records have not been processed to the level of an inventory, there may be RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 023016


FF - ACA AGR ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ACA AGR ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

FF - ACA AGR DPR - Events, 1999-2000

FF - ACA AGR DPR - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - ACA ARS ADM - Chalk Awards - 1999-2000

FF - ACA ARS ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ACA ARS ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

FF - ACA ARS DPR - Biological Sciences, 1999-2000

FF - ACA ARS DPR - Chemistry, 1999-2000

FF - ACA ARS DPR - Economics, 1999-2000

FF - ACA ARS DPR - English, 1999-2000

FF - ACA ARS DPR - Events, 1999-2000

FF - ACA ARS DPR - Fine Arts (Band), 1999-2000

FF - ACA ARS DPR - Fine Arts (Music), 1999-2000

FF - ACA ARS DPR - Fine Arts (Theater), 1999-2000

FF - ACA ARS DPR - Math, 1999-2000

FF - ACA ARS DPR - Philosophy, 1999-2000

FF - ACA BPA ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ACA BPA ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

FF - ACA BPA DPR - Events, 1999-2000

FF - ACA BPA DPR - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - ACA EDU ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ACA EDU ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

FF - ACA EDU DPR - Events, 1999-2000

FF - ACA EDU DPR - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - ACA ENG ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ACA ENG ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

FF - ACA ENG DPR - Capsule Pipeline, 1999-2000

FF - ACA ENG DPR - Electrical Engineering, 1999-2000

FF - ACA ENG DPR - Events, 1999-2000

FF - ACA ENG DPR - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - ACA EXT ADM - Budget, 1999-2000

FF - ACA EXT ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ACA EXT ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

FF - ACA EXT DPR - Independent Study, Center for, 1999-2000

FF - ACA EXT DPR - KBIA/Concert Series, 1999-2000

FF - ACA GRS ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ACA GRS ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

FF - ACA GRS DPR - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - ACA HES ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

FF - ACA HES DPR - Social Work, School of, 1999-2000

FF - ACA JOU ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ACA JOU ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

FF - ACA JOU DPR - Missourian Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ACA LAW ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ACA LAW ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

FF - ACA LAW DPR - Events, 1999-2000

FF - ACA LAW DPR - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - ACA MED ADM - Consultants, Health Science Center, 1998-1999

FF - ACA MED ADM - Consultant Johnson and Johnson, Permanent File, 2000

FF - ACA MED ADM - Consultant PricewaterhouseCoopers, Permanent File, 1998-1999

FF - ACA MED ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ACA MED ADM - Ad Hoc Committee on Organization, Permanent File, 1997-1998

FF - ACA MED ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

FF - ACA MED DPR - Health Related Professions, School of, 1999-2000

FF - ACA MED DPR - Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - ACA MED DPR - Internal Medicine, 1999-2000

FF - ACA NUR ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

FF - ACA RES ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ACA RES ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

FF - ACA RES DPR - Grants Office, 1999-2000

FF - ACA RES DPR, Research, 1999-2000

FF - ACA VET ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ACA VET ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

Box 2 - 023017


FF - ASV ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ASV ADM - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - ASV ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

FF - ASV BUS - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ASV BUS - Environmental Health and Safety, 1999-2000

FF - ASV BUS NRC - Radiation Safety Program Safety Prf. Improvement Program (SPIP), 1999-2000

FF - ASV BUS - Parking and Transportation, 1999-2000

FF - ASV BUS - Procurement/Materials Management, 1999-2000

FF - ASV COM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ASV COM - MU Information Technology Plan, 1999-2000

FF - ASV HRS - Affirmative Action, 1999-2000

FF - ASV HRS - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ASV HRS - Early Retirement, 1999-2000

FF - ASV HRS - Nepotism, 1999-2000

FF - ASV HRS - Retirees Association, 1999-2000

FF - ASV HRS - Staff Training Programs/Management Initiatives Report, 1999-2000

FF - ASV KOMU TV (NBC Affiliation) Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ASV KOMU TV - General Manager Search, Permanent File, 1999

FF - ASV POL - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ASV SHO - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - BUD ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - BUD ADM - Discretionary, 1999-2000

FF - BUD ADM - Planning and Meetings, 1999-2000

FF - BUD APP - Requests (Capital), 1999-2000

FF - BUD APP - Requests (Operations), 1999-2000

FF - BUD APP - Requests (Program Improvements), 1999-2000

FF - BUD APP - Requests (System), 1999-2000

FF - BUD INF - Operating Budget, Permanent File, 1996-1999

FF - BUD IRP - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - BUD IRP - Reports, 1999-2000

FF - BUD SAL - Comparisons, 1999-2000

FF - BUD SAL - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - BUD SAL - Increases, 1999-2000

FF - CHA ADM - Budget, 1999-2000

FF - CHA ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - CHA ADM - Office Manager Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - CHA ADM - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - CHA ADM - Reading Materials, 1999-2000

FF - CHA ADM - Reports (Miscellaneous) and Speeches, 1999-2000

FF - CHA ADM - Staff Meetings, 1999-2000

FF - CHA ADM - Thank You Notes, 1999-2000

FF - CHA NON - Chamber of Commerce, 1999-2000

FF - CHA NON - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - CHA NON - Economics America - Missouri Council on Economic Education, 1999-2000

FF - CHA NON - Personal, 1999-2000

FF - CHA NON - Surveys, 1999-2000

FF - CHA NON - United Way, 1999-2000

Box 3 - 023019


FF - DUA ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - DUA ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

FF - DUA ADM - Personnel - Vice Chancellor Harold Jeffcoat Permanent File, 1995-2000

FF - DUA ADM - Personnel - Roger Mitchell Permanent File, 1999-2000

FF - DUA ALU - Alumni Association Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - DUA ALU - Correspondence, General, 1999-2000

FF - DUA ALU - Kansas City Alumni Chapter, 1999-2000

FF - DUA AWD - Alumni Awards Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - DUA AWD - Thomas Jefferson, 1999-2000

FF - DUA DEV - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - DUA DEV - International Development (European Union), 1999-2000

FF - DUA DON - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - DUA DON - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - DUA UNR - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - DUA UNR - Events, Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - DUA UNR - Governmental Affairs (Marty Oetting), 1999-2000

FF - DUA UNR - News Bureau/Press, 1999-2000

FF - DUA UNR - Publications, 1999-2000

FF - HSC ADM - Budget, 1999-2000

FF - HSC ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - HSC ADM - Joint Conference Committee, 1999-2000

FF - HSC ADM - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - HSC ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

FF - HSC ADM - Personnel - Miki Cain Permanent File, 1996-1998 [RESTRICTED]

FF - ICA ADM - Basketball Head Coach Search Permanent File, 1999

FF - ICA ADM - Budget, 1999-2000

FF - ICA ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ICA ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

FF - ICA ADM - Personnel - Joe Castiglione Permanent File, 1992, 1997-1998

FF - ICA ADM - Personnel - Interim Athletic Director Eugene McArtor Permanent File, 1998-1999

FF - ICA ADM - Personnel - Rutherford Permanent File, 1996

FF - ICA ADM - Student Athletes, 1999-2000

FF - ICA DPR - Basketball Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ICA DPR - Events, 1999-2000

FF - ICA NON - Big 12 Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ICA NON - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - ICA NON - NCAA - Compliance, 1999-2000

FF - ICA NON - NCAA - Convention, 1999-2000

FF - ICA NON - NCAA - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - ICA NON - NCAA - Gender Equity Issues, 1999-2000

FF - ICA NON - NCAA - Graduation Rate Report Information, 1999-2000

FF - ICA NON - NCAA - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - ICA NON - NCAA - Reports, 1999-2000

FF - MZU COS - Faculty Council/Faculty Forum Newsletter, 1999-2000

FF - MZU COS - Graduate Professional Council, 1999-2000

FF - MZU COS - Staff Advisory Council - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - NON GEN - Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), 1999-2000

FF - NON GEN - Association of American Universities (AAU), 1999-2000

FF - NON GEN - Associated Big Twelve Universities (ABTU), 1999-2000

FF - NON GEN - American Council on Education (ACE), 1999-2000

FF - NON GEN - Associations, Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - NON GEN - Council on Public and Higher Education (CPHE), 1999-2000

FF - NON GEN - Missourians for Higher Education (MHE), 1999-2000

FF - NON GEN - Midwestern Higher Education Commission (MHEC), 1999-2000

FF - NON GEN - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - NON GEN - Missouri - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - NON GEN - National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), 1999-2000

FF - NON GEN - National Science Foundation, 1999-2000

FF - NON GEN - North Central Association (NCA); Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - NON GOV - Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE); Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - NON GOV - CBHE - FFR, 1999-2000

FF - NON GOV - CBHE - Meetings, 1999-2000

FF - NON GOV - CBHE - Reports, 1999-2000

FF - NON GOV - Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE); Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - NON GOV - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

Box 4 - 023021


FF - PRO ADM - Academic Budget, 1999-2000

FF - PRO ADM - Academic Degrees, 1999-2000

FF - PRO ADM - Academic Dishonesty, 1999-2000 [RESTRICTED]

FF - PRO ADM - Academic Dishonesty Case File, 1996-1997 [RESTRICTED]

FF - PRO ADM - Advisement, 1999-2000

FF - PRO ADM - Assessment (College BASE), 1999-2000

FF - PRO ADM - Campus Funding for Results (FFR) Committee, 1999-2000

FF - PRO ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - PRO ADM - Meetings, 1999-2000

FF - PRO ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

FF - PRO ADM - Personnel - Provost Ed P. Sheridan, 1994-1998 [RESTRICTED]

FF - PRO ADM - Provost Search Permanent File, 1998 [RESTRICTED]

FF - PRO ADS - Admissions (Freshmen); Special Admits (Student Athletes), 1999-2000

FF - PRO ADS - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - PRO ADS - Enrollment, 1999-2000

FF - PRO ADS - Enrollment Management, 1999-2000

FF - PRO ADS - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - PRO DPR - Ellis Library - Historical Society, 1999-2000

FF - PRO DPR - General Ed and Undergraduate Ed Programs, 1999-2000

FF - PRO DPR - Minority Affairs, 1999-2000

FF - PRO DPR - Minority Affairs - Diversity, 1999-2000

FF - PRO FAC - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - PRO FAC - Distinguished Teaching Professorship Permanent File, 1999

FF - PRO FAC - Emeritus, 1999-2000

FF - PRO FAC - Faculty Leaves, 1999-2000

FF - PRO FAC - Meetings, 1999-2000

FF - PRO FAC - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - PRO FAC - Promotion and Tenure, 1999-2000 [RESTRICTED]

FF - PRO FAC - Salaries, 1999-2000

FF - PRO FAC - Teaching Assistants, 1999-2000

FF - PRO FIN - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - PRO FIN - Scholarships, Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

Box 5 - 023055


FF - STU ADM - Community Relations, 1999-2000

FF - STU ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - STU ADM - Personnel, 1999-2000

FF - STU DEV - Fees - Housing, Activity, Health, etc., 1999-2000

FF - STU DEV - Freshmen Interest Groups (FIG) and Residentially Based Learning Communities, 1999-2000

FF - STU DEV - Organizations - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - STU DEV - Organizations - Missouri Students Association (MSA), 1999-2000

FF - STU DEV - Problems, 1999-2000 [RESTRICTED]

FF - STU DEV - Problems Permanent File, 1996-1997 [RESTRICTED]

FF - STU DEV - Service Learning Task Force/Service Learning, 1999-2000

FF - STU DEV - Summer Welcome, 1999-2000

FF - STU SER - Campus Dining Services, 1999-2000

FF - STU SER - Recreation Services Center, 1999-2000

FF - UWD ACA - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - UWD ACA - HAMP Board of Governors, 1999-2000

FF - UWD ACA - Video Network, 1999-2000

FF - UWD ADM - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - UWD ADM - General Counsel, 1999-2000 [RESTRICTED]

FF - UWD ADM - Planning and Budget (Larry Gates), 1999-2000

FF - UWD COS - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - UWD CUR - Board Actions/Recommendations, 1999-2000

FF - UWD CUR - Board Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - UWD CUR - Board Meetings, 7/15-16/1999

FF - UWD CUR - Board Meeting, 9/2-3/1999

FF - UWD CUR - Board Meeting, 10/15/1999

FF - UWD CUR - Board Meeting, 12/2-3/1999

FF - UWD CUR - Board Meeting, 1/28/2000

Box 6 - 023468


FF - UWD CUR - Board Meeting - Sale of System Facilities Revenue Bonds - Executive Committee Meeting, 3/15/2000

FF - UWD CUR - Board Meeting, 3/23-24/2000

FF - UWD CUR - Board Meeting, 5/25-26/2000

FF - UWD CUR - Board Meeting - Sale of Capital Project Notes - Executive Committee Meeting, 6/20/2000

FF - UWD CUR - Committee Meetings - Academic Affairs, 1999-2000

FF - UWD CUR - Committee Meetings - Executive, 1999-2000

FF - UWD CUR - Committee Meetings - Finance, 1999-2000

FF - UWD CUR - Committee Meetings - Hospital/Health Science, 1999-2000

FF - UWD CUR - Committee Meetings - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - UWD CUR - Committee Meetings - Physical Facilities, 1999-2000

FF - UWD CUR - Committee Meetings - Resources and Planning, 1999-2000

FF - UWD CUR - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - UWD CUR MEM - Beckett, Theodore Permanent File, 1996-2000

FF - UWD CUR MEM - Combs, Paul Permanent File, 1996-2000

FF - UWD GOS - Agendas/Meetings, 1999-2000

FF - UWD GOS - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - UWD LRP - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - UWD PRS - Awards, 1999-2000

FF - UWD PRS - Correspondence, 1999-2000

FF - UWD PRS - Executive Orders/Guidelines, 1999-2000

FF - UWD SRV - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - UWD UMKC - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

FF - UWD UMR - Miscellaneous, 1999-2000

Box 7 - 032461


FF - BUD ADM - Correspondence

FF - BUD ADM - Discretionary (public relations fund)

FF - BUD ADM - Personnel

FF - BUD ADM - Planning & Management

FF - BUD APP - Reports

FF - BUD APP - Requests (CAPITAL)


FF - BUD IRP - Correspondence

FF - BUD IRP - Personnel

FF - BUD SAL - Comparisons

FF - BUD SAL - Correspondence

FF - BUD SAL - Increases

FF - CHA ADM - Budget

FF - CHA ADM - Calendar/Confirmations

FF - CHA ADM - Correspondence July through December (7/01 thru 12/01)

FF - CHA ADM - Correspondence January through June (1/02 thru 6/02)

FF - CHA ADM - Correspondence - Deputy Chancellor

FF - CHA ADM - Correspondence - Office Manager

FF - CHA ADM - Miscellaneous

FF - CHA ADM - Reports/Speech File (Miscellaneous)

FF - CHA ADM - Staff Meetings

FF - CHA NON CEO - Breakfast

FF - CHA NON - Correspondence

FF - CHA NON - Economics America Missouri Council on Economic Education

FF - CHA NON - First National Bank

Box 8 - 033789


FF - UWD CUR - Board Meeting - July 19-20, 2001

FF - UWD CUR - Special Board Meeting - Aug 21, 2001

FF - UWD CUR - Board Meeting - September 27-28, 2001

FF - UWD CUR - Special Board Meeting (Teleconference) - Oct 5, 2001

FF - UWD CUR - Special Board Meeting - November 9, 2001

FF - UWD CUR - Board Meeting - November 29-30, 2001

FF - UWD CUR - Board Meeting - January 18, 2002

FF - UWD CUR - Special Board Meeting - February 8, 2002

FF - UWD CUR - Special Board Meeting - February 22, 2002

FF - UWD CUR - Board Meeting - March 21-22, 2002

FF - UWD CUR - Board Meeting - May 16-17, 2002

FF - UWD CUR - Special Board Meeting - May 31, 2002

Box 9 - 033867


FF - UWD CUR - Committee Meetings - Academic Affairs

FF - UWD CUR - Committee Meetings - Executive

FF - UWD CUR - Committee Meetings - Finance

FF - UWD CUR - Committee Meetings - Miscellaneous

FF - UWD CUR - Committee Meetings - Physical Facilities

FF - UWD CUR - Committee Meetings - Resources & Planning

FF - UWD GOS - Agendas/Meetings

FF - UWD PRS - Awards

FF - UWD PRS - Correspondence

FF - UWD PRS - Executive Orders/Guidelines

FF - UWD PRS - Meetings

FF - UWD UMKC - Miscellaneous

FF - UWD UMR - Miscellaneous

FF - UWD UMSL - Miscellaneous

Return to C:1/22/3 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Compiled: November 2007
Revised: 15 November 2007

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