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Box Lists for C:1/18/3

Note to Researcher: These box lists are provided by the originating office. They have not been verified for accuracy by the staff of University Archives. Furthermore, since these records have not been processed to the level of an inventory, there may be RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 006410


FF - ACA AGR ADM Correspondence

FF - ACA AGR ADM Events; Misc.

FF - ACA AGR ADM Personnel; Assoc. Dean Search

FF - ACA AGR DPR Atmospheric Science

FF - ACA AGR DPR Hotel & Restaurant Management


FF - ACA ARS ADM Correspondence

FF - ACA ARS ADM Correspondence; Chalk Awards

FF - ACA ARS DPR Biological Sciences

FF - ACA ARS DPR English; Missouri Review

FF - ACA ARS DPR Fine Arts; Bands

FF - ACA ARS DPR Fine Arts; Music

FF - ACA ARS DPR Miscellaneous

FF - ACA ARS DPR Geography; Mo. State Geography Bee

FF - ACA ARS DPR Linguistics

FF - ACA ARS DPR Political Science; MU Political Action Committee

FF - ACA BPA ADM Correspondence

FF - ACA BPA ADM Correspondence; Dean Candidates

FF - ACA BPA ADM Personnel; Interim Dean Robert Penfield

FF - ACA BPA DPR Miscellaneous

Box 2 - 006414


FF - ACA EDU ADM Correspondence

FF - ACA EDU DPR Miscellaneous

FF - ACA ENG ADM Correspondence

FF - ACA ENG DPR 3/2 Cooperative Program

FF - ACA ENG DPR Miscellaneous

FF - ACA ENG DPR Power Electronics Research Center

FF - ACA ENG DPR Surface Sci & Plasma Tech Center

FF - ACA EXT ADM Correspondence

FF - ACA EXT DPR Miscellaneous

FF - ACA GRS ADM Correspondence

FF - ACA GRS DPR Miscellaneous

FF - ACA GRS RES Correspondence

FF - ACA GRS RES MRAA Fall Competition

FF - ACA GRS RES MRAA Spring Competition

FF - ACA HES ADM Correspondence

FF - ACA HES DPR Miscellaneous

FF - ACA IPS ADM Correspondence

FF - ACA JOU ADM Correspondence

FF - ACA JOU DPR Miscellaneous

FF - ACA JOU DPR Missourian; Complaints from Private Sector

FF - ACA JOU DPR Missourian; Correspondence

FF - ACA JOU DPR Multicultural Management; Alex Haley Lecture

FF - ACA LAW ADM Correspondence

FF - ACA LAW ADM Correspondence; NAACP Investigation

FF - ACA LAW DPR Miscellaneous

Box 3 - 006415


FF - ACA LIS ADM Correspondence

FF - ACA LIS ADM Reports; Accreditation

FF - ACA LIS DPR Miscellaneous

FF - ACA MED ADM Correspondence

FF - ACA MED ADM Personnel; Apps for Reappointment

FF - ACA MED DPR Health Related Professions; Miscellaneous

FF - ACA MED DPR Health Services Management

FF - ACA MED DPR Miscellaneous

FF - ACA MKP ADM Correspondence

FF - ACA NUR ADM Correspondence

FF - ACA NUR DPR Miscellaneous

FF - ACA VET DPR Miscellaneous

FF - ACA VET ADM Correspondence

FF - ASV ADM Budget

FF - ASV ADM Correspondence

FF - ASV ADM MO Ingenuity

FF - ASV ADM Personnel; Correspondence

FF - ASV ADM Personnel; Organization

FF - ASV ADM Accounting Services

FF - ASV SRV BUS Audit Reports

FF - ASV SRV BUS Audits; Discretionary Funds

FF - ASV SRV BUS Audits; Review of Auxiliary Services

FF - ASV SRV BUS Audits; Miscellaneous

FF - ASV SRV BUS Correspondence


FF - ASV SRV GEN Miscellaneous

FF - ASV SRV GEN Parking

FF - ASV SRV PER Affirmative Action

FF - ASV SRV PER Benefits; Faculty & Staff Benefits Committee

FF - ASV SRV PER Correspondence

FF - ASV SRV PER Labor Relations

FF - ASV SRV PER Nepotism

FF - ASV SRV PER Retirement; Victor E. Jacobs

Box 4 - 006416


FF - BUD ADM Planning

FF - BUD ALL FYO Allocations

FF - BUD APP FYO CBHE Guidelines

FF - BUD APP FYO Reports

FF - BUD APP Requests; Capital

FF - BUD APP Request; Operations

FF - BUD APP Request; System

FF - BUD APP Request; Program Improvements

FF - BUD SAL Comparisons

FF - BUD SAL Correspondence

FF - BUD SAL Guidelines

FF - BUD SAL Increases

FF - CHA ADM Chancellor's Residence; Correspondence

FF - CHA ADM Chancellor's Residence; Requests

FF - CHA ADM Correspondence

FF - CHA HMM Condolences

FF - CHA HMM Congratulations

Box 5 - 006419


FF - CHA ADM Files Notebook 87

FF - CHA ADM Goals & Objectives

FF - CHA ADM Old Files Notebook Pre-86

FF - CHA ADM Institutional Research & Planning

FF - Letters to & from Sandra Weber - Peace Corps

FF - CHA ADM Office Computing Assessment

FF - CHA ADM Office How to use PROFS

FF - CHA ADM Staff Meetings

FF - CHA ADM Organization Charts

FF - CHA EVT Speeches; Faculty Meeting

FF - CHA KVT Speeches; Miscellaneous

FF - CHA EVT Speeches; Oct. 19, 1987 Campus-Wide

FF - CHA EVT Speeches; Monsanto & MU: 21st Century 1/25/88 (See Also DUA DEV Monsanto 1988)

FF - CHA EVT Speeches; Presbyterian Historical 3/88

FF - CHA EVT Speeches; Extension 10/87; Report to the People

FF - CHA EVT Speeches; University Club 9/87

FF - CHA EVT Welcome Reception 9/87

FF - CHA HMM Banking Information


FF - ICA NON CFA Correspondence

FF - ICA NON CFA Meetings

FF - ICA NON CFA Television

FF - ICA NON CFA Statistics Facts, Figures & Surveys

FF - DUA ADM Correspondence; Agendas

FF - DUA ADM Correspondence

FF - DUA ADM Personnel; Haskell, Don W.

FF - DUA ADM Personnel; Schultz, Tom

FF - DUA ADM Reports; Grenzebach, September 1986

FF - DUA ADM SES Capital Campaign; Feasibility Studies

FF - DUA ADM SES Capital Campaign; Planning

FF - DUA ADM SES Capital Campaign; Planning Meeting 3/88

FF - DUA ADM SES Capital Campaign; Priorities

FF - ICA 1990

FF - ICA 1990, continued

Box 6 - 006420


FF - DUA ADM SES Capital Campaign; Proposals

FF - DUA ADM Personnel

FF - DUA ADM SES Capital Campaign; Prospects for Development

FF - DUA ADM SES Case Statement

FF - DUA ADM SES Correspondence

FF - DUA ADM SES Development Council

FF - DUA ADM SES Events; Miscellaneous

FF - DUA ALU Correspondence; Alumni Association

FF - DUA ALU Black Alumni Organization

FF - DUA ALU Correspondence; General

FF - DUA ALU Events; Miscellaneous; Korea Oct. 1989

FF - DUA ALU Events; Truman Conference; US-Korean Relations

FF - DUA ALU Faculty/Alumni Awards

FF - DUA ALU Kansas City

FF - DUA ALU St. Louis

FF - DUA AWD Thomas Jefferson

FF - DUA AWD Maxine Christopher Shutz

FF - DUA DEV Budget

FF - DUA DEV Correspondence

FF - DUA DEV Fund-Raising

FF - DUA DEV Jefferson Club

FF - DUA DEV Reports; Major Donors

FF - DUA DEV Report Summaries

FF - DUA DEV DON Correspondence

FF - DUA DEV DON Gift Thanks

FF - DUA DEV DON Money Received

FF - DUA UNR Correspondence

FF - DUA UNR Events; Miscellaneous


FF - DUA UNR Press

FF - DUA UNR Visitor & Guest Relations

Box 7 - 006431


FF - HSC ADM Budget

FF - HSC ADM Reports

FF - HSC ADM Correspondence

FF - HSC ADM Joint Conference Committee

FF - HSC DPR Miscellaneous

FF - ICA ADM Budget

FF - ICA ADM Correspondence

FF - ICA ADM Personnel

FF - ICA DPR Basketball

FF - ICA DPR Football; Brunches & Games

FF - ICA DPR Football; Correspondence

FF - ICA DPR Football; Homecoming

FF - ICA DPR Miscellaneous

FF - ICA NON Miscellaneous

FF - ICA NON NCAA; Compliance

FF - ICA NON NCAA; Convention

FF - ICA NON NCAA; Correspondence

FF - ICA NON NCAA; Reports

Box 8 - 006466


FF - MZU CMC Commencement, 5/12/1990

FF - MZU CMC Summer Ceremony, 1989

FF - MZU CMC Commencement, 1988-1990

FF - MZU CMC Summer Commencement, 1988

FF - MZU CMC Honorary Degrees; Seymour Fogel, Spring 1990

FF - MZU CMC Honorary Degrees; Donald Lindberg, Spring 1990

FF - MZU CMC Honorary Degrees; Myer L. Titus, Spring 1990

FF - MZU CMC Honorary Degree Candidates, 8/1990

FF - MZU CMC Commencement, 12/16/1990

FF - MZU CMC Honorary Degree Candidates, 5/1990

FF - MZU CMC Commencement Script, 5/12/1990

FF - MZU CMC Commencement Script, 8/4/1989

FF - MZU CMC Honorary Degrees; Charles Dale Franklin, Summer 1989

FF - MZU CMC Honorary Degrees; Ezra Chaim Stone, Summer 1989

FF - MZU CMC Honorary Degrees; Edward H. Blaine, Spring 1989

FF - MZU COS ADV Capital Review Committee, 1988-1990

FF - MZU COS ADV Capital Review Committee; Reports, 1989

FF - MZU COS ADV Chancellor's Advisory Committee, 1989-1990

FF - MZU COS ADV Deans Council, 1989-1990

FF - MZU COS ADV Faculty Council, 1989-1990

FF - MZU COS ADV Committee Memberships, 1989

FF - MZU COS ADV Committees; Miscellaneous, 1989-1990

FF - MZU COS O.M. Stewart Trust Fund, 1989-1990

FF - MZU COS ADV Staff Advisory Council; Correspondence, 1989-1990

FF - MZU COS ADV Staff Advisory Council; Staff Recognition Week, 1990

FF - MZU COS ADV Staff Advisory Council; Staff Development Awards Committee, 1990

FF - MZU COS STA Committees; Correspondence, 1989

FF - MZU COS STA Committees; Membership; Appointments, 1989-1990

FF - MZU COS STA Committees; Membership; Resignations/Replacements, 1989-1990

FF - MZU COS STA Committees; Honorary Degrees; Correspondence, 1989-1990

FF - MZU COS STA Committees; Honorary Degrees; Nominations, 1988-1989

Box 9 - 006481


FF - NON COL SMSU Name Change Background

FF - NON GEN Assn. Misc.

FF - NON GEN American Council on Education; Presidential Forum

FF - Non GEN American Assn of State Colleges & Universities

FF - NON GEN Assoc of Big 8 Universities (ABEU); Executive Director Search


FF - NON GEN Boone Hospital Center; Proposal for Acquisition




FF - NON GEN Misc. (A-B-C)

FF - NON GEN Misc. (D-E-F-G--H)

FF - NON GEN Misc. (I-J-K-L)

FF - NON GEN Misc. (M-N-O-P)

FF - NON GEN Misc. (Q-R-S-T)

FF - NON GEN Misc. (U-V-W-X-Y-Z)

FF - NON GEN Missouri Misc.


Box 10 - 006493


FF - NON GEN MO Advanced Technology Institute

FF - NON GEN NASULGC; Annual Meeting 11/89

FF - NON GEN NASULGC; Correspondence

FF - NON GEN National; Miscellaneous


FF - NON GEN Safe Kids

FF - NON GEN Show Me State Games

FF - NON GEN United Way

FF - NON GOV CBHE; Correspondence

FF - NON GOV CBHE; Meetings

FF - NON GOV CBHE; News Briefs

Box 11 - 006494


FF - NON GOV CBHE; Reports

FF - NON GOV CBHE; Reports; MO Student Achievement Study

FF - NON GOV GOV Correspondence

FF - NON GOV MO Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE); Correspondence

FF - NON GOV MO DESE; MO Scholars Academy

FF - NON GOV MO Legislature; Correspondence

FF - NON GOV MO Legislature; Correspondence; Local Delegation

FF - NON GOV MO Miscellaneous

FF - NON GOV USE Legislature

FF - PRO ADM Activity Report

FF - PRO FAC Activity Report

FF - PRO ADM Assessment

FF - PRO ADM Budget Freshman Sections

FF - PRO ADM Faculty Workload Review

FF - PRO DPR Honors College

FF - PRO DPR Libraries; Correspondence

FF - PRO DPR Libraries; Director Search

FF - PRO DPR Minority Affairs

FF - PRO DPR Miscellaneous

FF - PRO DPR Museum of Art & Archaeology

FF - PRO FAC Burlington Northern Award

FF - PRO FAC Conflict of Interest Policy

FF - PRO FAC Correspondence

FF - PRO FAC Dept Chairs & Directors

FF - PRO FAC Endowed Chairs & Professors

FF - PRO FAC Information

FF - PRO FAC New Dept Chairs Workshop

FF - PRO FAC New Faculty Tour & Luncheon

Box 12 - 006496


FF - PRO FAC Promotion & Tenure

FF - PRO FAC Teaching Assistants

FF - PRO STU ADS App. Stats

FF - PRO STU Academic Dishonesty

FF - PRO STU ADS Correspondence

FF - PRO STU ADS Recruitment

FF - OEO ADM Awards; Equal Opportunity Recognition

FF - OEO ADM Correspondence

FF - OEO ADM Personnel

FF - OEO Ridgel Fellowship

FF - OEO AFF Black Faculty/Staff

FF - OEO AFF Grievances; Discrimination Procedures [RESTRICTED]

FF - OBO AFF Handbook

FF - OEO AFF Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

FF - OEO OCR (Office of Civil Rights); Compliance Review; Journalism

FF - OEO OCR Compliance 1988

FF - OEO OCR Compliance Approved

FF - OEO OCR Compliance Notice of Nondiscrimination


FF - STU ADM Correspondence

FF - STU ADM Correspondence; Agenda

FF - STU ADM Correspondence; Minutes


FF - STU ADM Personnel; Dr. J. Irvin, Interim Vice Chancellor FY 90 [RESTRICTED]

FF - STU DEV Miscellaneous

FF - STU DEV Orientation; Summer Welcome

FF - STU DEV Organizations; Miscellaneous

FF - STU DEV Organizations; MSA

FF - STU DEV ORG Parents Association

FF - STU DEV Parents Weekend

Box 13 - 006503




FF - STU SRV Miscellaneous

FF - STU SRV Residential Life

FF - STU SRV Residential Life; Greek Life

FF - STU FIN Correspondence

FF - STU FIN SCH Correspondence

FF - STU FIN SCH Truman Scholars

FF - UWD ACA CENTERS Centers Review

FF - UWD ACA Correspondence

FF - UWD ACA Institutional Indicators of Performance

FF - UWD ADM Miscellaneous

FF - UWD COS Miscellaneous

FF - UWD CUR Correspondence

FF - UWD DEV Miscellaneous

FF - UWD ECO Correspondence

FF - UWD ECO Incubation Centers

FF - UWD LRP Report

FF - UWD PRS Correspondence

FF - UWD SRV Miscellaneous

FF - UWD UMK Miscellaneous

FF - UWD UMR Miscellaneous

FF - UWD UMSL Chancellor Dr. M. Barnett

FF - UWD UMSL Correspondence

FF - UWD CUR Board Actions

FF - UWD CUR MTG June, 1990

Box 14 - 006504


FF - UWD CUR MEETING; Sept. 7-8, 1989

FF - UWD CUR MEETING; July, 1989

FF - UWD CUR MEETING; April, 1990

FF - UWD CUR MEETING; March, 1990

FF - UWD CUR MEETING; January, 1990

FF - UWD CUR MEETING; Dec. 7-8, 1989

FF - UWD CUR MEETING; Oct. 12-13, 1989

Box 15 - 006706


FF - CHA HMM (Haskell M. Monroe) Correspondence; Friends, 1989

FF - CHA HMM Correspondence; Miscellaneous, 1989-1990

FF - CHA HMM Correspondence; Friends, Texas, 1989-1990

FF - CHA HMM Correspondence; University of Florida Nomination, 1989-1990

FF - CHA HMM Recommendations, 1989-1990

FF - CHA HMM Seine River Cruise, 1989

FF - CHA NON (Non-University) Boone County Bank, 1989-1990

FF - CHA NON College Football Association (CFA); Correspondence, 1990-1991

FF - CHA NON CFA; Meetings, 1991

FF - CHA NON CFA; Annual Meeting, Dallas, 6/1990

FF - CHA NON CFA; National Convention, Dallas, 1991

FF - CHA NON CFA; Correspondence, 1989-1990

FF - CHA NON CFA; Meetings, 1989-1990

FF - CHA NON CFA; Meeting, Dallas, 1989

FF - CHA NON CFA; Telecasts, 1989

FF - CHA NON Chamber of Commerce, 1989-1990

FF - CHA NON Salvation Army, 1989-1990

FF - CHA NON United Way, 1989-1990

FF - CHA NON United Way, 1989

FF - Chancellor's Office Accounts, 1988

FF - Discretionary Accounts, Fiscal Year 1988-1989

FF - Office Budget, 1986-1989

Return to C:1/18/3 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Compiled: December 2007
Revised: 10 December 2007

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