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Box Lists for C:1/16/2

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Note to Archivist: Boxes 18, 19, and 26 were combined after the office of origin removed some of their contents. They are stored together, and comprise 1/3 c.f., 1/6 c.f. and 1/3 c.f., respectively, within Records Center location 033601.

Box 1 - 033584 [return to top]


FF - Other Colleges and Universities - A, 1962-1976

FF - Other Colleges and Universities - C, 1962-1976

FF - Other Colleges and Universities - D-I, 1962-1976

FF - Other Colleges and Universities - I, 1962-1976

FF - Other Colleges and Universities - J-L, 1962-1976

FF - Other Missouri Colleges and Universities, 1963-1974

FF - Other Missouri Colleges and Universities, 1962-1976

FF - Other Missouri Colleges and Universities - Lindenwood College, 1962-1976

FF - Other Missouri Colleges and Universities - Northwest and Northeast Missouri State, 1968-1974

FF - Other Missouri Colleges and Universities - Missouri Western and Southeast Missouri State, 1962-1976

FF - Other Missouri Colleges and Universities, 1966-1976

FF - Other Missouri Colleges and Universities, 1963-1975

FF - Other Colleges and Universities - M, 1962-1976

FF - Other Colleges and Universities - N, 1962-1976

Box 2 - 033585 [return to top]


FF - Other Colleges and Universities - O, 1962-1976

FF - Other Colleges and Universities - P, 1962-1969

FF - Other Colleges and Universities - R-U, 1962-1976

FF - Other Colleges and Universities - V-Y, 1964-1974

FF - Housing, 1974-1976

FF - Off-Campus Housing Committee, 1976

FF - Open Housing, 1972-1975

FF - Single Students Housing Committee, 1969-1976

FF - Wolpers Hall, 1974

FF - Parents Day, 1963-1971

FF - ROTC, 1974-1976

FF - Independent Residence Hall Association, 1972-1975

FF - Project START, 1972-1976

FF - Project AHEAD, 1974-1975

FF - New Student Convocation, 1968-1970

FF - New Student Orientation, 1967-1975

FF - Center for Student Life, 1971-1976

FF - Center for Student Life - Joe Davis, 1970-1973

FF - Dean of Veterinary Medicine Search Committee, 1973

FF - Veterinary Medicine - Dr. Kenneth Weide, 1973

FF - Veterinary Medicine, 1976

FF - Veterinary Medicine - Student Fee Increase, 1975-1976

FF - Veterinary Medicine - Anatomy and Physiology Department, 1974-1976

FF - Veterinary Medicine, 1974

FF - Veterinary Medicine, 1974 (cont'd)

FF - Veterinary Medicine, 1973-1974

FF - Veterinary Medicine, 1976

Box 3 - 033586 [return to top]


FF - Missouri Students Association (MSA), 1976

FF - MSA - Committee on Book Pool, 1973-1974

FF - Fraternities, 1974-1976

FF - Kappa Delta Pi, 1973-1976

FF - Phi Delta Kappa, 1971-1976

FF - Phi Kappa Psi, 1973

FF - Phi Kappa Phi, 1971-1974

FF - Phi Beta Kappa, 1973-1975

FF - Sigma Xi - Executive Director, 1971-1974

FF - Beta Theta Pi, 1975-1976

FF - Student Organizations, 1969-1972

FF - Alcoholic Beverages on Campus, 1975

FF - Controversial Speakers, 1971-1974

FF - Minority Teaching Assistants, 1975-1976

FF - Intramural and Recreational Programs (includes women's athletics), 1973-1975

FF - Associated Students of the University of Missouri (ASUM), 1975-1976

FF - Student Advocacy Program (Viehland), 1975

FF - Student Activity Fee, 1974-1975

FF - Drugs, 1971-1972

FF - Gynecology, 1973

FF - Handicapped/Affirmative Action, 1976

FF - Handicapped Students - HEW Meeting, 1975

FF - Student Affirmative Action Program, 1974-1976

FF - LBC - Department of Justice - Lee Henson, Conciliation Specialist, 1974

FF - Ombudsman, 1969-1976

FF - American Association for Higher Education (AAHE) - Hodgkinson Survey of Membership, 1975

FF - Legion of Black Collegians, 1972-1975

FF - Office for Minority Students, 1974-1976

FF - Minority Student Recruitment, 1974-1975

FF - Council on Minority Issues - Charles Rankin, Chairman, 1974-1976

FF - Women's Center, 1974-1975

FF - Association of Women Students, 1973-1976

FF - Committee to Study Student Fees, 1975-1976

FF - Student Programs, 1975

FF - Maneater, 1974-1976

FF - Maneater, 1971-1973

FF - Savitar, 1971-1976

FF - Publications, 1973-1974

FF - Development Fund donors, A-Z, 1974-1976

FF - Administrative Reductions, 1974-1975

FF - Program Reductions, 1974-1976

FF - Possible 3% Shrinkage Reduction, 1975-1976

FF - Direct Support from University Hall, 1973

FF - Joint Appointments and Joint Titles, 1974-1975

FF - University of Wisconsin, 1973-1974

FF - Proposals - John Sweeney, 1974-1976

FF - Student Activities - Capital Improvement Fund Committee, 1975

Box 4 - 033587 [return to top]


FF - Loss of Faculty, 1974-1975

FF - Standard Oil/Amoco Foundation - Teaching Excellence Awards, 1969-1976

FF - Development Fund, 1975

FF - Development Fund - Board of Directors, 1975-1976

FF - Field Enterprises - Bailey K. Howard, 1970-1977

FF - Alumni Association - Steve Shinn, 1974-1976

FF - Jefferson Distinguished Visiting Professors (includes Thomas Hart Benton), 1972-1976

FF - Committee on Faculty Alumni Awards, 1969-1976

FF - Student Foundation Development Fund, 1972-1976

FF - Alumni Association - Bus Entsminger (includes alumni center construction), 1974-1976

FF - Alumni Association - Bus Entsminger, 1969-1973

FF - National Science Foundation, 1966-1975

FF - Western Historical Manuscript Collection, 1963-1976

FF - Missouri School of Religion, 1974-1976

FF - Missouri School of Religion, 1972-1976

FF - St. Louis Urban League - Howard B. Woods, 1974

FF - American Cancer Society, 1969-1977

FF - US Office of Education - Advisory Council on State Department of Education, 1970-1974

FF - US Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW), 1970-1976

FF - Public Health Service Act (no sex discrimination), 1972

FF - Missouri Commission on Human Rights - Chairman Richard J. Chamier, 1971-1974

FF - Harold Hume - Collection of Data on Faculty Activity and Outcome, 1973-1975

FF - Ford Foundation, 1971-1974

FF - Higher Education of Manpower Project, 1975

FF - Kansas City, KS, School District Special Study Committee, 1966

FF - Junior College Transition Conference, 1967-1977

FF - Junior College Transfers, 1969-1970

FF - Mid-Continent Regional Education Lab (MCREL), 1970-1973

Box 5 - 033588 [return to top]


FF - Equal Employment Opportunity - John R. Renscher, 1974

FF - North Central Association (NCA) Meeting, 12/12/1975

FF - NCA Special Committee - ASK (Committee on Role and Structure), 1974-1975

FF - NCA Special Committee - ASK, 1975-1977

FF - National Merit Scholars, 1970-1975

FF - Staff Benefit Program, 1975-1976

FF - Staff Benefit Program, 1971-1974

FF - Commission on Community Cooperation, 1974-1975

FF - Danforth Foundation, 1965-1976

FF - Office of Education - Civil Rights - Fred Thomas Visit, 1972-1975

FF - Communication between U-Wide and Columbia Campus, 1976

FF - Academic Planning Council, 1972-1974

FF - UMC Physical Facilities - Bowling, 1967-1976

FF - Black Enrollment, 1975

FF - Black Caucus of Legislators, 1974-1975

FF - Ray Bezoni, 1974-1975

FF - Ray Bezoni, 1971-1973

FF - Ray Bezoni, 1969-1970

FF - Cost Reduction - Rate Saving, 1972-1973

FF - Legislative Guidelines, 1976-1977

FF - Delegation of Authority, 1970-1974

FF - Ardath Emmons - Research, 1967-1976

FF - Melvin George, 1975-1976

FF - Security - Frank Holloman, 1970-1975

FF - Carl Scheneman, 1971-1973

FF - Guy Horton, 1971-1974

FF - A.G. Unklesbay, 1968-1976

Box 6 - 033589 [return to top]


FF - Jackson Wright, 1969-1974

FF - Grievance Procedures - Lee Belcher, 1975-1976

FF - UMSL, 1971-1974

FF - UMSL, 1975-1976

FF - UMR, 1971-1976

FF - UMKC, 1971-1976

FF - Independence Residence Center, 1973

FF - American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 1970-1972

FF - Association Memberships and Dues - U-Wide, 1970-1974

FF - Columbia, MO Board of Education - Bob Shaw, 1971-1977

FF - Naming of Buildings, 1959-1971

FF - UMC Administrative Data Processing Users Council, 1969-1976

FF - Department of Corrections - Director George M. Camp, 1974

FF - College Entrance Examination Board, 1972-1976

FF - College Level Exam Program (CLEP), 1971-1975

FF - Child Care Educational Program (Norris and Mangel) - Virginia Fisher, 1969-1976

FF - Commencement (includes photos), 1973

FF - Commencement, 1974

FF - Commencement, 5/10/1975

FF - Commencement, 8/1/1975

FF - Commencement, 1976

FF - Spring Commencement, 1977

FF - Commencement Evaluation, 5/1977

FF - Commencement, 8/5/1977

Box 7 - 033590 [return to top]


FF - Bank Data Information, 1968-1972

FF - Degree Data Survey, 1967-1975

FF - UMC Degrees Granted, 1967-1968

FF - Faculty By-Laws, 1965-1974

FF - College of Agriculture, 1973-1976

FF - College of Agriculture, 1976

FF - College of Agriculture - Food Science and Nutrition, 1976

FF - College of Agriculture - Forestry, 1976

FF - Ashland Wildlife Forest Service Research Facility, 1976

FF - College of Arts and Science, 1976

FF - Anthropology, 1976

FF - Art History and Archaeology, 1976

FF - Art Department, 1973-1976

FF - Behavioral Research Center - Bruce Biddle, 1976

FF - Biological Sciences, 1974-1976

FF - Chemistry, 1975-1976

FF - Classical Studies, 1976

FF - Economics, 1971-1976

FF - Geology, 1975-1976

FF - History, 1976

FF - Honors College, 1966-1976

FF - Mathematics, 1976

FF - Museum of Art and Archaeology, 1974-1976

FF - Music, 1976

FF - Philosophy, 1972, 1976

FF - Physics, 1976

FF - Psychology, 1976

FF - Romance Languages, 1973, 1976

FF - Sociology, 1976

FF - Speech and Dramatic Art, 1976

FF - Business and Public Administration, 1975-1976

FF - School of Accountancy, 1975

FF - Institute of Public Administration, 1975

FF - College of Education, 1973-1976

FF - Lab School, 1972-1974

FF - Employee Assistance Program - Richard W. Thoreson, 1976

FF - Employee Assistance Program - Thoreson, 1975

FF - College of Education - Administration and Supervision, 1976

FF - Teacher Placement Office, 1975

FF - Special Education, 1973-1975

FF - Testing and Counseling Service (includes Career Planning and Placement), 1976

FF - Vocational Education, 1976

Box 8 - 033591 [return to top]


FF - Columbia Chamber of Commerce, 1975-1976

FF - Hillel, 1972-1975

FF - State Representative Lloyd J. Baker, 1975

FF - Association of American Universities (AAU), 1967-1975

FF - University of Missouri Records and Archives (includes Western Historical Manuscript Collection), 1968-1971

FF - American Association of University Women (AAUW), 1973-1976

FF - AAUW, 1965-1972

FF - American Association of University Professors (AAUP), 1973-1976

FF - AAUP, 1971-1972 [Restricted]

FF - AAUP, 1970

FF - AAUP, 1965-1968

FF - Accreditation - Annual Report, Committee on Accredited Schools - Non-Public, 1977-1978

FF - Accreditation - Annual Report, Committee on Accredited Schools - Non-Public, 1976-1977

FF - Accreditation - Annual Report, Committee on Accredited Schools - Non-Public, 1975-1976

FF - Committee on Accreditation of Schools and Colleges, 1969-1973

FF - Committee on Accreditation of Schools and Colleges, 1968

FF - Accreditation, 1971-1975

FF - YMCA, 1967-1975

FF - American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), 1969-1974

FF - By-Laws (Faculty and Board of Curators), 1966-1967

FF - By-Laws, 1965

FF - University Press, 1970-1975

FF - University-Wide Undergraduate Council, 1971-1976

FF - Veterans Administration Hospital, 1970-1976

Box 9 - 033592 [return to top]


FF - Dedication of Ellis Library and Middlebush Hall, 1972

FF - Facilities and Fees, 1969-1972

FF - Facilities Available in Columbia and Use of Facilities, 1969-1976

FF - Four-Year Servicemen's Opportunity College (SOC) Project, 1973-1975

FF - Governor's Internship Program, 1974

FF - Hillel Foundation, 1970-1972

FF - Holidays, 1967-1978

FF - Honorary Degrees, 1976

FF - Honorary Degrees, 1975

FF - Honorary Degrees, 1974

FF - Honorary Degrees, 1973

FF - Honorary Degrees, 1970-1972

FF - Honorary Degrees, 1969

FF - Honorary Degrees, 1968

FF - Honorary Degrees, 1963-1967

FF - IBM - Typewriters, 1970-1974

FF - Instructional Facilities, 1971-1973

FF - International Studies, 1973-1975

FF - Committee on International Studies and Programs, 1968-1975

FF - Peru - Bishop McAuliffe, 1970-1971

FF - South Asia Program - Director Paul Wallace, 1964-1973

FF - India Program, 1970-1973

FF - UMC Policy for the Administration of Overseas Projects, 1971-1975

FF - Jefferson Day, 1971-1974

FF - Jefferson Day, 1969-1970

FF - Jefferson Day, 1967-1968

FF - Committee on Uniform Course Numbering, 1972-1973

FF - Enrollments, 1973-1977

FF - Courses, Drop and Add, 1972-1974

Box 10 - 033593 [return to top]


FF - Outward Bound Program (Dartmouth), 1974-1975

FF - National Honor Society of Missouri, 1974-1976

FF - National Education Association - Missouri - Professor Arthur L. Kalleberg, 1975-1976

FF - National Education Association - Washington, DC, 1972-1976

FF - Mortar Board, Inc., National Council, 1974-1978

FF - Missouri State Teachers Association (MSTA), 1966-1978

FF - Missouri Methodist Church, 1969-1976

FF - Missouri Bar Association, 1972-1975

FF - University of Mid-America, 1975-1976

FF - Maps of Campus, 1965-1976

FF - Employee Leave of Absence and Sabbatical Leave - Special Leave (Faculty Improvement), 1966-1975

FF - Institutional Research - Joe Saupe, 1973

FF - Academic Program Inventory, 1973-1975

FF - Enrollment - Haskins and Sells, 1975-1977

FF - Institutional Research, 1975

FF - Institutional Research, 1974

FF - Institutional Research, 1974 (cont'd)

FF - Institutional Research, 1972

FF - Policy for Reviewing Degree Programs, 1975

FF - Degree Program Inventory, 1972-1973

FF - State Department of Education, 1970-1976

FF - State Historical Society, 1971-1976

FF - Dr. Edgar R. Thomas, 1969-1973

FF - University Group Medical Program, 1972-1975

FF - Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics, 1975-1976

FF - Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics, 1974

FF - Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics, 1971-1973

FF - NCAA, 1976

FF - NCAA, 1974-1975

Box 11 - 033594 [return to top]


FF - Brewer Fieldhouse/Rothwell Gymnasium, 1972-1975

FF - Stadium Expansion and Onofrio Letters, 1976

FF - Women's Athletics, 1976

FF - Women's Athletic Program Committee, 1974-1976

FF - Fee Structure Task Force, 1976

FF - Campus News (Report to High Schools and Junior Colleges), 9/1972

FF - Admissions Policies, Fall 1971

FF - Admissions, 1975-1976

FF - Admissions, 1974

FF - Admission of Students with Associate of Arts Degrees, 1970-1973

FF - Application Fee, 1973-1974

FF - Advance Deposit for Enrollment, 1973

FF - Freshman Admissions Policy, 1975

FF - Miscellaneous Fees, 1975

FF - Chancellor's Files, 1966-1972

FF - University Bookstore, 1963-1974

FF - Policy on Transfer of Credit, 1973-1975

FF - Student Records Policy, 1974-1975

FF - Veterans - Educational Assistant, 1967-1976 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Articulation Agreement, 1973-1974

FF - Financial Aids, 1969-1976

FF - Students, A-D, 1975-1976 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Students, E-K, 1974-1976 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Students, L-P, 1975-1976 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Students, R-Y, 1974-1976 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Student Health Center, 1971-1974

FF - Student Health Center - Recommendations, 1974

FF - Student Health Care Review Committee, 1974

FF - Student Deaths, 1964-1976

FF - Tap Day, 1970-1976

FF - Dean of Student Affairs, 1976

Box 12 - 033595 [return to top]


FF - Medicine - School of Allied Health, 1972-1975

FF - Physician Manpower, 1974-1976

FF - Health Related Professions, 1973-1976

FF - Health Related Professions - Advisory Committee on Education for Health Related Professions, 1972-1973

FF - Dermatology, 1972

FF - Eye Research Foundation of Missouri, 1972-1975

FF - Health Care Program - Consultants, 1971-1972

FF - Medical School - Health Council, 1971-1972

FF - University Center for Health Care Systems, 1972

FF - Committee on Education for Health Related Professions, 1972-1974

FF - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - Chairman Dr. R.E. Hogue, 1969-1975

FF - Medical School - Reorganization, 1972

FF - University Hospital - Director Joe Greathouse, 1972

FF - Human Subjects, 1975

FF - Mental Health Center, 1976

FF - Missouri Institute of Psychiatry, 1976

FF - Occupational Therapy Program, 1975-1976

FF - Occupational Therapy Curriculum, 3/1975

FF - University Hospital, 1976-1977

FF - School of Nursing - Accreditation, 1970

FF - Nursing, 1975-1976

FF - Mary Smith, 1977 [RESTRICTED]

FF - School of Public and Community Services, 1976

FF - Recreation and Park Administration, 1973-1974

FF - School of Social Work, 1975-1976

FF - Administration of Justice, 1975-1976

FF - Center for Aging, 1975-1976

FF - Survey Unit for Missouri Managers and Academicians (SUMMA) - "Internal Communications: Possible Parameters", 1976

FF - Cost of Compliance for Federal Programs, 1976

FF - Graduate School - Dean Lloyd Berry, 1976

FF - Graduate School Teaching Award, 1975-1976

FF - Faculty - Doctoral Council, 1976

FF - Graduate School, 1975-1976

FF - Older Missourian Program, 1975-1976

FF - Extension Centers on Columbia Campus, 1975-1976

FF - Consulting - Extra Compensation, 1973-1976

FF - College of Engineering - Accreditation, 1973-1976

Box 13 - 033596 [return to top]


FF - Research Reactor - Dean William R. Kimel, 1973-1976

FF - Extension, 1975-1976

FF - Affirmative Action, 1975-1976

FF - Handicapped Access, 1976

FF - Title IX - Self Evaluation Program - James Banning, 1976

FF - Affirmative Action - Disabled Veterans, 1976

FF - University Police, 1974-1975

FF - Business Office, 1974-1977

FF - Joseph White, 1973-1975

FF - Dr. John McGowan, 1972-1975

FF - Walter Daniels, 1972-1976

FF - Brady Commons and Memorial Union, 1972-1976

FF - Dalton Research Center, 1976

FF - Campus Committee System, 1976

FF - Committee Assignments, 1975-1979

FF - University-Wide Committees, 1976

FF - Library, 1970-1976

FF - Library Accreditation, 1976

FF - School of Library and Information Science, 1975-1976

FF - Dean of Faculty, 1970-1973

FF - National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) - Frank Quattrochi, 1975-1976

FF - Endowed Chairs and Special Professorships, 1968-1975

FF - North Central Association (NCA), 1976-1977

FF - Religious Groups - School of Religion, 1976

FF - American Council on Education (ACE) Internship Program, 1974-1976

FF - Missouri Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE) - Director Tom Richter, 1972-1975

FF - Journalism, 1976

FF - Journalism, 1976 (cont'd)

FF - Administrative Data Processing Costs, 1975-1976

FF - Administrative Data Processing, 1973-1976

FF - Proposal to Establish a State Board of Higher Education, 1972-1977

FF - Coordinating Board of Higher Education (CBHE), 1974-1975

Box 14 - 033597 [return to top]


FF - KBIA Radio, 1976

FF - School of Law, 1975-1976

FF - School of Law - Earl F. Nelson Chair, 1973-1976

FF - School of Law - Search Committee for Dean, 1976

FF - Home Economics, 1976

FF - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE) - Membership Dues, 1975-1976

FF - COPHE, 1976

FF - Mid-Missouri Associated Colleges and Universities (MMACU) - Executive Council - Herbert Schooling, 5/29/1974

FF - Library Committee, 1975-1976

FF - Library Committee, 1970-1974

FF - COPHE - Programs and Services Committee, 1976

FF - John McGowan (includes Gay Lib), 1976

FF - Epple Recreation Area, 1976

FF - MMACU, 1976

FF - MMACU, 1974-1975

FF - Academic Planning Council, 1976

FF - Plan for Research - Changes to Draft, 2/17/1976

FF - Academic Planning Council, 1973-1975

FF - Committee on Incentives for Better Management of Resources, 1976

FF - Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics, 1976

FF - UMC (Quarterly) Faculty Meetings, 1972-1975

FF - North Central Association (NCA) - Accreditation Visit, 1975

FF - Resource Management Council, 1972-1975

FF - Monthly Legislators' Luncheon, 1973-1976

FF - University Assembly, 1973-1976

FF - Council of Deans - Meetings, 1972-1976

FF - Alumni Faculty Awards, 1975-1976

FF - Employee Relations, 1976

FF - Visiting Legislators, 12/3/1976

FF - Institute of Public Information, 1976

Box 15 - 033598 [return to top]


FF - Terminal Appointments, 1971-1974 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Promotion and Tenure, 1976 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Promotion and Tenure, 1975 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Promotion and Tenure, 1972-1973 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Agriculture (includes photos of Dr. Daniel F. Millikan), 1976

FF - Agricultural Science Research Center, 1976

FF - Nutrition and Food Science, 1977

FF - College of Education, 1976

FF - Football Luncheon, 9/10/1977

FF - Merl Baker - Title IX, 1975-1976

FF - Committee on Faculty Athletic Opportunities, 1973

FF - Committee on Football Behavior (fan behavior at football games), 1973

FF - Robert Kren - Report, "How Campuses Are Serving Citizens of Missouri", 1976

FF - Office of Public Information (OPI), 1973-1976

FF - Committee on Multi-Purpose Auditorium, 1970-1975

FF - Hearnes Building, 1973-1976

FF - Committee on Energy Conservation, 1972-1976

FF - Committee on Entrance of Handicapped Students, 1974-1975

FF - Grants and Scholarships for Study Elsewhere, 1971, 1975

FF - Scruggs-Vandervoort Collection, 1974-1976

FF - University-Wide - Committee on Financial Exigencies, 1976

FF - Committee on International Studies Program, 1975

FF - Committee on Lectures and Cultural Events, 1973-1976

FF - Learning Activities Center - Chairman Brent Barton, 1978

FF - Committee on Land Use Research, 1977

FF - Museums Committee, 1973-1975

FF - Summer Session - Larry D. Clark, 1974, 1976

FF - Enrollment Data, 1973-1977

FF - College of Education, 1975-1977

FF - Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS), 1976

FF - Business and Public Administration - Search Committee for Dean, n.d.

FF - Business and Public Administration, 1975-1976

FF - Philosophy, 1976

FF - Department of English, 1969-1977

FF - Anthropology, 1975-1976

FF - Biological Sciences, 1976

FF - College of Arts and Science, 1976

FF - Emeritus and Retirees Committee and Luncheon, 1973-1976

FF - Retiree Advisory Committee, 1971-1976

FF - Tenure Committee, 1975-1976

FF - Promotion and Tenure, 1973-1975 [RESTRICTED]

Box 16 - 033599 [return to top]


FF - Affirmative Action Faculty Committee, 1973-1976

FF - Committee on Degrees in Absentia, 1966

FF - Disaster Relief Committee, 1971, 1975

FF - Discipline/Sector Coordinating Committee, 1975

FF - Committee on Entrance and Revision of Records, 1971-1975

FF - Environmental Advisory Committee, 1970-1975

FF - Environmental Control and Pollution - Proposal by Dean Folks, 1970

FF - Environmental Health - Dr. Marienfeld, 1969-1970

FF - Equal Employment Committee, 1972

FF - Executive Development Workshop (Middle Management), 1974

FF - Committee on Faculty Grievances, 1973

FF - Committee on Federal Grants Information, 1972

FF - Committee on Guidelines for Faculty Loads, 1973, 1976

FF - Ad Hoc Committee to Assess Historical Significance (Red Campus), 1973

FF - Homecoming Committee, 1973-1975

FF - Committee on Human Sexuality, 1973

FF - I.D. Card Committee, 1970-1974

FF - Mathematical Sciences Area Committee, 1973

FF - Committee on Maternity Leave Policies and Child Care Facilities for Academic Faculty Persons, 1973

FF - Memorial Union and Brady Commons - Committee on Programming, 1973-1976

FF - Committee on Metric System, 1973

FF - University-Wide Committee on "Open University", 1973-1974

FF - Operations Committees (of Various Schools and Colleges), 1971-1974

FF - Patent Regulations (revised 12/1967), 1962-1972

FF - Committee on Peace Studies, 1971-1972

FF - Ad Hoc Committee - Use of Physical Facilities - Sales and Solicitations, 1967-1970

FF - Committee on Publications, 1968-1973

FF - Committee on Religious Studies, 1975

FF - Rural Development Support Committee, 1973

FF - Committee on Remote Sensing (State Advisory Committee), 1973-1975

FF - Committee on Safety and Risk Management, 1972-1976

FF - Committee on School-College Relations, 1970-1971

FF - Committee on Schedule of Studies and Exams, 1973-1975

FF - Staff Benefits, 1965-1976

FF - Arts and Science Committee on Status of Women Report, 1972

FF - Student Conduct Committee, 1971-1976

FF - Student Health Care Review Committee, 1974

FF - Committee on Student Organizations, Governments and Activities (SOGA), 1971-1976

FF - Committee on Student Wage Study (Pay Scale), 1973-1974

FF - Teaching Loads (for Faculty), 1974

FF - Committee on Tenure, 1974-1976 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Committee on Tenure, 1973 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Committee on Tenure, 1969-1971 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Traffic and Parking Committee, 1976

FF - Traffic and Parking Committee, 1971-1975

FF - Student Traffic Appeals Board (Subcommittee of Traffic and Parking Committee), 1973

FF - Transfer Review Board (regarding student appeals concerning transfer), 1973-1976

FF - Committee on Tuition and Residence - Peter N. Davis, Chairman, 1971-1976

FF - Urban Affairs Committee, 1973

FF - Urban Studies Committee - Selwyn K. Troen, Chairman, 1971

FF - Committee on Veterans Services, 1971-1976

Box 17 - 033600 [return to top]


FF - Development Fund, 1976

FF - Alumni Gifts A-K, 1976

FF - Alumni Gifts L-Z, 1976

FF - Extraordinary Gifts Proposal, 1976

FF - Phillips Petroleum, 1969-1976

FF - Long Range Planning for Memorial Stadium, 1973

FF - Student Activity Fees, 1973

FF - Social Security, 1973

FF - Fiscal Business Office, 1972-1977

FF - Business Memos, 1976

FF - Space Allocation - Drs. Ford and Oglesby, 1972-1976

FF - University Assembly, 1976

FF - Nepotism, 1972-1974

FF - Chancellor's Academic Planning Review Statement, 1976

FF - Academic Planning Council, 1976

FF - Academic Planning Council, 1975

FF - Academic Planning Council, 1973-1974

FF - Duties of Provost and Dean of Faculty, 1970

FF - University-Wide - Deans of Faculty - Driscoll, Dowgray, Thompson, and Schooling, 1968-1972

FF - Faculty (includes petition on "no confidence" vote for Ratchford), 1976

FF - Intercampus Faculty Council, 1976

FF - Intercampus Faculty Council, 1975

FF - Intercampus Faculty Council, 1969-1974

FF - Faculty Handbook, 1968-1976

FF - Calendar, 1971-1976

FF - Committee on Status of Women, 1976

FF - Committee on Status of Women, 1975

FF - Committee on Status of Women, 1972-1973

FF - Day Care Program - Student-Parent Center, 1973

FF - Everyday People - Peace Center, 1971-1972

Box 18 - 033601 [return to top]


FF - Computers, 1975-1976

FF - Computers, 1974

FF - University-Wide Council on Computer Needs - Computer Operations and Users Committee, 1972

FF - University-Wide Council on computer Needs - Computer Operations and Users Committee, 1972-1973

FF - Statewide Computer Network, 1972-1976

FF - Computer Science, 1974-1976

Box 19 - 033601 [return to top]


FF - Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE), 1976

FF - National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), 1976

FF - International Studies, 1975-1976

FF - Nebraska-Missouri and Kansas-Missouri Exchanges, 1962-1977

FF - Telephone, 1975-1976

Box 20 - 033602 [return to top]


FF - Academic Planning Council, 9/1973

FF - Academic Planning Council, 7/1973

FF - Academic Planning Council, 6/1973

FF - Academic Planning Council, 5/1973

FF - Academic Planning Council, 4/18/1973

FF - Academic Planning Council, 3/1973

FF - Academic Planning Council, 2/1973

FF - Academic Planning Council, 1/12/1973

FF - Academic Planning Council, 12/1972

FF - Academic Planning Council, 11/1/1972

FF - Academic Planning Council, 7-9/1972

FF - Academic Planning Council, 6/1972

FF - Academic Planning Council, 1-4/1972

FF - University Assembly, 4/13/1973

FF - University Assembly, 3/30/1973

FF - University Assembly, 3/1973

FF - University Assembly, 1-2/1973

FF - University Assembly, 11/30/1972

FF - University Cabinet, 1-5/1973

FF - University Cabinet, 9,11/1972

FF - University Cabinet, 4-6/1972

FF - University Cabinet, 2/25/1972

FF - University Cabinet, 1/11/1972

FF - Chancellor's Advisory Council, 1971-1972

FF - Commission on University-Wide Governance, 1971-1972

FF - President's Staff Conference, 1/24/1972

FF - President's Staff Conference, 12/20/1971

FF - President's Staff Conference, 11/3/1971

FF - President's Staff Conference, 9/16/1971

FF - President's Staff Conference, 9/1/1971

FF - President's Staff Conference, 6/18/1971

FF - President's Staff Conference/Educational Advisory Council, 5/24/1971

FF - President's Staff Conference/Educational Advisory Council, 4/26/1971

FF - Faculty Council and Council of Deans re: Faculty Responsibility, 1970

FF - Faculty Council, 1971

FF - Faculty Council, 1969-1970

Box 21 - 033603 [return to top]


FF - Selection Committee for New President, 1970

FF - Investiture of C. Brice Ratchford, 9/15/1972

FF - Search Committee for New Chancellor, 1971

FF - Ratchford and Schooling Public Statements, 1970-1972

FF - General Correspondence, 1969-1978

FF - Schooling Correspondence with Bill Byler, 1974-1975

FF - Correspondence - Jerry Litton, 1975

FF - Correspondence with Harold Reisch - Governor Lon Stephens' 1899 Message to General Assembly, 1972

FF - Complaints, 1975-1978

FF - Residency Inquiries, 1978

FF - Vietnam Refugees - Southeast Asia Refugees, 1976

FF - Students on Board of Curators - Correspondence with Bob Wolff, 1978

FF - Power Systems Engineering, 1968-1969

FF - Schooling Christmas Card List, 1977

FF - Schooling Travel Expenses, 1975-1976

FF - Reception - University Reception House and President's Home Dedication, 1971

FF - William B. Bondeson, 1974-1975

FF - Hayes Study - Evaluation of Administrative-Professional Positions, 1974-1978

FF - Provost for Academic Affairs - Selection Committee, 1972-1973

FF - Provost for Academic Affairs - Search Committee, 1972-1973

FF - Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Vernon Wilson, 1968-1969

FF - Provost for Health Affairs, Joseph White, 1973

FF - Centennial Year for Admission of Women to University, 1966-1967

FF - Bicentennial Committee - Jack Matthews, Chairman, 1975

FF - Bicentennial Committee, 1973-1974

FF - Missouri Commission on Higher Education - Statistical Data, 1964-1968, 1971

FF - Missouri Council on Higher Education, 1972

FF - Task Force on State-Level Coordination and Governance of Higher Education, 1972

FF - Title IX Higher Education Act Request for Proposal, 1975

FF - Cancer Research Center, 1975

FF - St. Louis Symphony Music Programs, 1969-1975

FF - American Association of Higher Education, 1971-1973

FF - Association of NROTC Colleges, 1970

FF - Visiting Professors of Mid-Missouri Associated Colleges, 1965

FF - Academic Planning Committee, 1971

FF - Ad Hoc Committee on Procedures for Faculty Responsibilities, 1970-1973

FF - Faculty Workload, 1976

FF - Committee of Deans, 1961-1970

FF - Doctoral Council - Guy Schupp, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED]

Box 22 - 033604 [return to top]


FF - Faculty Council - Herbert Schooling, 1972-1973

FF - Faculty Council on University Policy - Willard L. Eckhardt, Chairman, 1966-1967

FF - Faculty Council on University Policy, 1968

FF - Faculty Council on University Policy, 1969

FF - Intercampus Faculty Advisory Council - Ad Hoc Acting Committee - Chairman Dallas Meyer, 1970-1977

FF - University Cabinet, 1976

FF - University Cabinet, 1977

FF - University Information Council, 1977

FF - Capital Improvement Requests, 1976-1977

FF - Capital Improvement Requests, 1975

FF - Budget/Capital, 3/1975

FF - Final Originals for Capital Request Book, 2/1969

FF - Material for Capital Request Book, 2/1969

FF - Klinkerman Report (Legislative Budget for Current Operations and Capital Items), 1968-1969

FF - Budget - Final Originals, Fall 1968

FF - Budget - Worksheets and Older Copies, 1967-1968

FF - Budget, 1977-1978

FF - Budget, 1976-1977

FF - House Subcommittee Hearings, 1977

FF - Gundlach Holdings, 1978

FF - James K. Hutsell Collection, 1977

FF - Gifts and Scholarships, 1977

Box 23 - 033605 [return to top]


FF - Employee Relations - A. Lee Belcher, 1971-1974

FF - Strike - Local #45, 11/1972

FF - Strike Information from Guy Horton, 1966, 1972

FF - Affirmative Action, 1973-1974

FF - Affirmative Action, 1973

FF - Affirmative Action, 1972

FF - Affirmative Action, 1969-1971

FF - Women's Equity Act (Title IX Evaluation Committee), 1976

FF - Office for Civil Rights - Routine Compliance Review, 1972

FF - Dean of Student Affairs, 1973

FF - Student Affairs, 1976

FF - Gay Lib Recognition, 1974

FF - Black Studies Problems (Ethnic Studies), 1969-1974

FF - Missouri Students Association (MSA) - Constitution and By-Laws, 1973-1974

FF - Student Health Service, 1973

FF - Student Health Service - Annual Report, 1969-1970

FF - Missouri House of Representatives - 75th General Assembly Resolution re: Student Protest, 1969

FF - Memos from President Weaver (includes intervisitation and student protest), 1969-1970

FF - Student Protest, 1970

FF - Student Protest, 1970 (cont'd)

FF - Student Protest, 1970 (cont'd)

FF - Student Protest - University Counsel, 1970 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Dismissal or Cancellation of Classes (Student Protest), 1970

FF - Dismissal of Classes - Sociology Department, 5/1970

FF - Dismissal of Classes and Joint Statement Options, 5/1970

FF - Dismissal of Classes, 1970-1971

Box 24 - 033606 [return to top]


FF - Department of Sociology - Daryl Hobbs, Chairman, 1970 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Bill Wickersham, 1970

FF - Wickersham Case, 1966-1973

FF - Vietnam Moratorium, 1969

FF - Patrick J. Dougherty Case (Veiled Prophet Parade), 1970-1973

FF - Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 1969, 1972

FF - SDS - Public Reaction, 1969

FF - Barbara Papish - Free Speech Case (includes photos), 1969, 1973

FF - Free Press Underground Paper - Vietnam War, 2/1969

FF - Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) - Misuse of Student Activity Funds, 1970

FF - Missouri Alumnus, 1-2/1973

FF - "UM Academic Plan, 1975-1985", 9/12/1974

FF - Long Range Planning, 1967

FF - Long Range Planning - Steering Committee, 1968

FF - Long Range Planning - Steering Committee, 1968 (cont'd)

FF - Long Range Planning - Steering Committee, 1969

FF - Long Range Planning, 1968

FF - Long Range Planning, 1968

FF - University-Wide Long Range Planning Report (Dr. Peck), 1968-1970

FF - Long Range Planning, 1968 (cont'd)

FF - Long Range Planning, 1968 (cont'd)

FF - Long Range Planning Committee, 1968

FF - Long Range Planning, 1969

Box 25 - 033607 [return to top]


FF - Report of Steering Committee for Long Range Planning, 1/1968

FF - Schooling - "Preface to Planning", 9/1967

FF - Schooling - Long Range Planning, 11/1968

FF - "Preface to Decision", 1971

FF - "Preface to Decision", 5/1971

FF - "Preface to Decision", 9/1971

FF - University-Wide Meeting at Ranch Roy-L, 1/1971

FF - University-Wide Meeting, 5/1971

FF - "State of the University" Meeting, 6/19/1973

FF - Guidelines for New Departments, 1969

FF - Graduate Dean and Director of Research - Lloyd Berry, 1972

FF - Doctoral Administrative Centers, 1972

FF - Doctor of Philosophy Degree, 1972

FF - Doctoral Faculty, 1973

FF - Doctoral Students, 1973

FF - Band and Singers Music Programs, 1975

FF - Band - Veiled Prophet Music Programs, 1973-1976

FF - College of Business and Public Administration - Public Open Survey Unit, 1972-1973

FF - College of Community and Public Services, 1976

FF - College of Education - Mary McKee (includes dedication of McKee Gym), 1973-1974

FF - College of Education - Lab School Closing (includes reassignment of Crowson and Holt), 1973-1974

FF - College of Education - Center for Educational Improvement, 1974-1975

FF - Electrical Engineering, 1977

FF - Extension Division, 8-9/1974

FF - Family Planning Service, 1975

FF - Home Economics - Self-Evaluation Study for American Home Economics Association, 12/1971

FF - Home Economics - Self-Evaluation, 12/1971 (cont'd)

FF - Home Economics - Self-Evaluation, 12/1971 (cont'd)

FF - School of Home Economics, 1973

FF - School of Journalism - Dean Search, 1970-1971

FF - KOMU-TV, 1974

Box 26 - 033601 [return to top]

[A82-37; A82-53; A82-56]

FF - School of Law - Affirmative Action Plan, 1974

FF - Library and Informational Science, 1972

FF - School of Nursing, 1973

FF - Physical Education, 1973-1975

FF - History of Department of Physics, 1973

FF - Department of Psychology - APA Accreditation, 1976

FF - Council on Rehabilitation Education, 11/1974

FF - School of Social Work, 1974

FF - College of Veterinary Medicine, 1977

Box 27 - 033819 [return to top]


FF - Department of Agricultural Economics - Nicaragua, 1973-1974

FF - Department of Agricultural Economics - Nicaragua, 1974-1975

FF - Board of Curators - Hearnes Complex Report, 1967

FF - Board of Curators - "Rap" Sessions, 1974-1976

FF - Business and Public Administration - Dean Selection Committee - Ron Downing, Chairman, 1971

FF - Business and Public Administration - Reorganization, 1974

FF - Business and Public Administration - Transfer of Departments of Political Science and Economics to College of Arts and Science, 1975

FF - Engineering Communications, 1975

FF - Extension, 1977

FF - Extension, 1977 (cont'd)

FF - Faculty, 1970-1974

FF - Lab Animal Medicine (care of animals used in research), 1977

FF - Lab Animal Medicine - Evaluation, 1975, 1977

FF - Lab Animal Medicine - Harkness Report, 1976

FF - Public Opinion Survey Unit, 1969-1972

FF - Promotion and Tenure, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Special Services Project, 1977

FF - Delinquent Student Loans, 1977

Return to C:1/16/2 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Revised: 21 March 2024

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