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Box Lists for C:1/101/45

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 125862


RC #125862

FF - Academic Forgeries, 1966-1999 [RESTRICTED]

FF - African American Achievement (AAA), 1994-1995

FF - Academic Computing Plan, 1989-1990

FF - Academic Support Center, 1995

FF - Association of Chief Admission Officers of Public Universities (ACAOPU), 1996-1998

FF - American College Testing (ACT), 1992-1999

FF - ACT Test Material, 1990-1999

FF - Active Duty Policy, 1990-1991

FF - Ad Hoc Committee on Core Curriculum, 1995-1997

FF - Coordinating Board on Higher Education (CBHE), 1995-1996

FF - Administrative Computing Advisory, 1983, 1991

FF - Administrative Systems Project (ASP), 1999-2000

FF - Administrative Systems Project (ASP), 1997-1999

FF - Administrative Systems Project (ASP), 1997

FF - Admissions Task Force, 1992-2000

FF - Affirmative Action Program, 1973-1995

FF - Affirmative Action Program, 1976

FF - Agriculture, 1988-2000

FF - Americans with Disabilities Act, 1995-1998

Box 2 - 125863


FF - Arts and Science, 1997-2000

FF - Arts and Science, 1994-1997

FF - Arts and Science, 1993-1994

FF - Arts and Science Foreign Language Task Force, 1993-1995

FF - Arts and Science, 1988-1994

FF - Assessment, 1997-1999

FF - Behymer, Jo, 1993-1997

FF - Board of Curators Action, 1991-2000

FF - Board of Curators Recommendations, 1990-1999

FF - Brooks Scholarships, 1993-2000

FF - Brouder, Gerald T., 1991-1997

FF - Brouder, Gerald T., 1991-1992

FF - Budget Information, 1987-1994

FF - Chatman, Steve, 1996-1999

FF - Computing and Information Technology (CIT), 1987-1991

FF - Cluster Meeting and Pending, 1995-1997

FF - Commencement Survey, 1998

FF - Community College Relations, 1998-2000

FF - Computer Costs and Registration, 1996

FF - Computer Subcommittee, 1995-1998

FF - Core Course Requirements, 1997-1999

FF - CQI, 1998

FF - Credit by Examination/Placement, 1988-1993 [RESTRICTED]

FF - DAR, 1993-1999

FF - DAR, 1994-1995, 1999-2000

FF - DAR, 1991-1994

Box 3 - 125864


FF - DAR, 1988-1994

FF - Degrees Awarded, 1992-1997

FF - Degrees Awarded, 1971-1992

FF - Degree Program Inventory; Updates, 1992-1995

FF - Degree Program Inventory; Updates, 1988-1992

FF - Degree Program Inventory; Published, 1988-1993

FF - Degree Program Inventory; Published, 1979-1987

FF - Dual Credit, 1991-2000

FF - Dual Credit Committee, 2000

FF - Early Alert System, 1997-1998

FF - Education, 1989-1998

FF - Engineering, 1989-1999

FF - English Responses, 1999

FF - Enrollment Management Goals and Plans, 1997-2000

FF - Enrollment Management Task Force, 1997-1999

FF - Environmental Studies, 1993-1998

FF - Enrollment Projections, 1986-1999

FF - Examples of Transfer Efforts, 1997-1998

FF - Extension vs. Campus Offerings, 1990-1992

FF - Faculty Council, 1976, 1994-1997

FF - Fall Enrollment Data, 1992-1994

FF - Financial Aid, 1993-1996

FF - Financial Aid, 1988-1993

Box 4 - 125865


FF - Focus Groups, 1/21/2000

FF - Francis Quadrangle and Jesse Hall Centennial Celebration, 1995

FF - Gates/Chatman, 1992-1994

FF - Gates, Larry, 1990

FF - General Counsel, 1999 [RESTRICTED]

FF - General Counsel, 1978-1999 [RESTRICTED]

FF - General Counsel, 2000-2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - General Counsel, 2000 [RESTRICTED]

FF - General Education Requirements, 1998-2000

FF - George, Mel (interim president), 1996-1998

FF - Graduate School, 1995-2000

FF - Graduate School, 1983-1995

FF - Group Exams, 1996

FF - Health Related Professions, 1987-1999

FF - John Heyl, 1993-1995

FF - Hopwood, 1996

FF - Human Environmental Sciences, 1988-2000

FF - Immunization Policy, 1990-1995

FF - Internal Auditors, 1993-1997

FF - Journalism, 1981-2000

FF - K-16 Coalition, 1998

FF - Learning Disabilities Appeals, 1995

FF - Law, 1981-1999

FF - Ed Mahon, 1998-1999

FF - MO Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, 1994-2000

FF - Medicine, 1979, 1987-1999

FF - KC Morrison, 1992-1997

FF - MSAS Study, 1995

FF - MU Diversity, 1993-1999

Box 5 - 125866


FF - MU Institute for Instructional Technology, n.d.

FF - National Student Loan Clearinghouse, 1994-1999

FF - New Admission Requirements, 1987

FF - New Admission Requirements, 1987 (cont.)

FF - New Admission Requirements, 1987 (cont.)

FF - New Admission Requirements, 1987 (cont.)

FF - New Student Systems, 1997

FF - News Releases, 1991-1999

FF - Nursing, 1985-1999

FF - Office of Civil Rights (OCR), 1996-2000

FF - Placement Testing, 1994-1997

FF - College Posse Scholarship Program (CPSP), 1993

FF - Proposition B, 1991

FF - Recommended Degrees, 1979-1990

FF - Records Microfilming (includes building report for Western Historical Manuscripts, Archives and Records Management, 1974), 1973-1975, 1992-1993

FF - Recruitment, African Americans, 1988-1994

FF - Recruitment, General, 1986-1995

FF - Recruitment, Hispanics, 1994

FF - Recruitment and Retention Task Force, 1989-1998

FF - Resource Advisory Council, 1998-2000

FF - Retention, 1997-2000

FF - Retention, 1988, 1997-1998

FF - Retention Council, 1996-1998

FF - ROTC, 1986-1998

FF - Samples, Diplomas and other Certificates, 1934-1994

Box 6 - 125867


FF - SAT, 1994-1998

FF - Scholarships, 1989-1999

FF - School of Accountancy, 1997

FF - Security, 1994-1999

FF - Sesquicentennial, 1988-1989

FF - Student Information System (SIS) Users Group, 1993-1996

FF - SPEEDE, 1992-1995

FF - Strategic Planning, 1997-1999

FF - Student Achievement Study - CBHE, 1989-1999

FF - Student Achievement Study - CBHE, 1987-1991

FF - Student Right-to-Know, 1976, 1991-1999

FF - Task Force on Critical Choices, 1992-1993

FF - Task Force on Retention, 1993-1997

FF - Task Force on Retention, 1987-1993

FF - Transcript Office Internal Audit, 1997

FF - Transfer Credit Practices, 1992-1999

FF - Transfer Credit Practices, 1987-1993

Box 7 - 125868


FF - Transfer and Articulation, 1987-1997

FF - Transfer and Articulation, 1993

FF - Transfer and Articulation, 1984-1997

FF - Transfer Issues, 1998-2000 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Transfer Issues, 1995-1999 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Transfer Studies, 1997-1998

FF - Transfer Studies, 1998

FF - Transfer Studies, 1/1998

FF - Undergraduate Deans, 1999

FF - University Calendar, 1990-1998

FF - Veterinary Medicine, 1990-1998

FF - Search file, 1996-1999 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Admissions Policies, 1982-1992

Box 8 - 117218 [return to top]


FF - Admissions and Registration; Program Review, 1984, 1992

FF - Admissions Operations, 1971, 1994-1995

FF - Advisement Task Force, 1992-1998

FF - Assessment, 1992

FF - Benchmarking, 1994

FF - College Basic Academic Subjects Exam (C-BASE), 1989-1993

FF - College Connector, 1994-1997

FF - Computer Policy Planning Committee, 1994-1997

Box 9 - 117220 [return to top]


FF - Minority Programs, 1988-1995

FF - National Collegiate Athletic Association, 1986-1996

FF - National Science Foundations, 1988-1991

FF - Office of Admissions and Registrar, 1965-1996

FF - Old University Calendars, 1961-1990

FF - Outcome Based Education, 1991-1995

FF - State Post-Secondary Review Entity (SPRE), 1994-1995

FF - Student Fee Task Force, 1990-1991

Box 10 - 117221 [return to top]


FF - Student Data Bank; Joe Saupe, 1966-1973

FF - Summer Welcome, 1995

FF - Summer Welcome Review Task Force, 1996-1998

FF - Telephone Registration, 1988, 1991-1992

FF - Three-Year Bachelor Degree Task Force, 1994

FF - Undergraduate Deans, 1994-1998

FF - University Council on Advisement, 1999

Return to C:1/101/45 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Compiled: September 2007
Revised: 25 June 2008

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