Call Number: Box1-067767 |
![]() Exterior view of the Missouri Institute of Psychiatry, C:14/1/8
Record Group: 14 C Scope and Content Note The Missouri Institute of Psychiatry (MIP) Files contain information about the administration, psychiatric research, human rights and ethics, legal battles, and outpatient community treatment programs. The bulk of the records in this Sub-Group concern this psychiatric institute's research during the late 1960s through the mid 1970s. This Sub-Group includes correspondence between MIP doctors, patients, the University of Missouri, the State of Missouri, and federal agencies such as the FDA. In addition, within this Sub-Group are minutes of meetings, grant proposals, research proposals and completed studies, legal proceedings, patient consent forms and diagnoses (restricted), personnel information on researchers (restricted), institutional bulletins, and related newspaper clippings. MIP was involved in a great deal of controversy during this period, which is reflected in their dealings with government, the media, their Human Rights Committee, accounts of public protests, and dissention within the institution itself. The ethical treatment of human research subjects, especially in the testing of new drugs, was at the heart of this debate. Of particular interest were the Air Force funded LSD experiments, debates concerning patient consent, and human rights violation allegations in regard to activities on Ward 5 of MIP in 1973 and 1974. Note to Researcher: For more records from the Missouri Institute of Mental Health, see Record Group 14, Sub-Group 2, Series 13. Copies of minutes for the Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects can also be found in University Patents and Licensing at Record Group 4 UW, Sub-Group 4 . This Sub-Group contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid. All file folder lists which begin with an asterisk, i.e. "*", contain some files which have been separated into a restricted folder. Historical Note: The Missouri Institute of Psychiatry was a research and training facility opened at the St. Louis State Hospital on October 22, 1962. The Institute was first affiliated with the Washington University School of Medicine. However, by 1965, it had entered a joint relationship between the Missouri Division of Mental Health (formerly the Division of Mental Diseases) and the Department of Psychiatry of the University of Missouri Medical School. During this period, George Ulett was both the Chairman of MIP and the Director of the Division of Mental Health (Box 5, FF 8-9). In 1972, concern over the exact wording of patient consent forms becomes a major issue as MIP faces increased opposition from the media and from groups such as the Church of Scientology. In 1974, there were hearings in reaction to the University's plan to drop MIP. However, there was a change of plan and MU took over full authority of MIP and named it the Missouri Institute of Mental Health. Within the Missouri Institute of Psychiatry, there were a number of committees consultative and advisory or administrative. The Institutional Research Committee was in charge of ensuring proper protocols were carried out for studies, including making sure all consent forms were signed by patients or guardians and that drugs were used for their proper indications. The Institutional Research Committee was made up of MIP faculty and physicians. Another similar group was the Human Rights Committee. It decided whether studies were ethical in regard to human experimentation and helped to refine the wording of consent forms. The committee was originally composed of MIP's researchers and administration. Later, outside advisory members were drawn from the clergy and from the legal profession in 1972. Soon after, the name of the committee was changed to the Institutional Review Committee for Clinical Investigation in Human Beings. In 1975, the University of Missouri ordered that the Institutional Research Committee should be in Columbia, with committee members from outside of MIP. There is one file folder (Box 4, FF6) containing files from a Civil Rights Committee; however, little information exists about who was on this committee or if it had any advisory or administrative powers. In addition to treatment of and research on patients at the MIP hospital wards, there were outpatient programs. The New Haven Program (Box 4, FF 13-15) and the Community Living Program (Box 1, FF3) helped hospitalized residents make a smooth transition to life out of supervised treatment. To help treat drug abuse, there were such programs as Archway House (Series 5), which provided a support community with Methadone maintenance for heroin addiction. Series Descriptions: This Record Sub-Group has been divided into six series. Series One through Five are in the sequence received and arranged chronologically there under. Series Six is composed of various shorter files on a number of subjects. This Series Six is not arranged in chronological order. ![]() Morris Kelsey, PhD and Karen Fujimoto of the biochemistry section of MIP, C:14/1/8
Series Outline:
Inventory Series One - Institutional Research Committee 1967-1976 Box 1 FF 1 - *(1967) Research project check list, rubella vaccine study procedure, LSD experiment procedure, antidepressant drug experiments, FDA laws and regulations for LSD and other hallucinogens, consent forms for new drug and electro-convulsive treatments, policies for human subjects at Washington University, and interviews for subject screening for adolescents FF 2 - *(1968-1969) Studies with Lithium, Methadone, and Electro-sleep therapy for the treatment of chronic alcoholism; Human Rights Committee minutes discussing patient consent forms; correspondence regarding the use of code name "SAN-25" when speaking of LSD-25 FF 3 - *(1969) Studies with Quide, pre-frontal bilateral lobotomies, and questionnaire concerning alcohol abuse; proposed plan for a Community Living Program based on Dr. George Ulett's New Haven Program, patients living together in apartment with increased self-sufficiency FF 4 - *(1969-1970) Plans for construction of an animal laboratory; a Discharge Readiness Inventory; studies with Lithium in schizophrenics, amphetamine studies on children, Valium, and anti-depressants FF 5 - *(1969-1970) Grant application for a study entitled Biochemistry of Alcohol Tolerance and Addiction, government applications for grants with permission to use human subjects, use of LSD and amphetamine to increase hypnotic susceptibility, effects of Quide on schizophrenia, Human Rights Committee minutes and approval of amphetamine testing in children, Air Force Grant study of LSD and Ego strength, study involving injection of schizophrenic patients with radioactive lipids FF 6 - (1970-1971) Masters in Psychiatry thesis on nursing interviews for patients; learning deficiencies with "psychotic" patients; studies with flurazepam hydrochloride, dextroamphetamines, and thioridazine/
FF 7 - *(1971) Word interpretation with schizophrenics, Archway House progress report, Electroshock permits, a copy of a Missouri malpractice suite (not MIP) concerning Electroshock FF 8 - (1971) Lithium with schizophrenics study; thiothixene, fluphenazine, and haloperidol in "psychotic" children 6-12 years of age FF 9 - (1971) Trans-cultural study in discharge of schizophrenics, Methadone studies, survey of hospital staff on the treatment of black patients, copy of Controlled Substances Act of 1970 FF 10 - *(1971-1972) Procedure for consent forms, proposed marijuana studies in conjunction with the Sociology department using volunteer college students FF 11 - (1972) Grant application, demographics of drug related crime in St. Louis with maps FF 12 - (1972) MAO inhibitor (anti-depressant) study, Human Rights Committee minutes FF 13 - *(1972-1973) Patient self-administration of methadone; desipramine hydrochloride on behavior disorders in childhood; correspondence regarding including members of the clergy and the legal profession to the Human Rights Committee; correspondence regarding controversy concerning human subjects, criticism from the Church of Scientology, and an expose by KPLR, a St. Louis television station; copy of Citizens for Truth in Nutrition newsletter who are mentioned as "extremist" in the related MIP correspondence; correspondence regarding FDA investigation of violating informed patient consent and FDA guidelines; and personnel correspondence FF 14 - *(1972-1973) Studies involving steroid hormones on the central nervous system, mesterlone and cyproterane acetate, proposal with naxolone-methadone; Human Rights Committee minutes; grant application for "Anonymous Addicts Study"; and document entitled "Purpose and Procedural Guidelines of the Institutional Review Committee for Clinical Investigation in Human Beings" FF 15 - (1973) Correspondence relating to the protection of human experimental subjects FF 16 - *(1973) Regulations concerning patient consent; founding of the Sub-committee to monitor patient care and special treatment programs in MIP as a part of the Institutional Review Committee; patients' rights platform established; copy of Department of Health, Education, and Welfare's "Protection of Human Subjects"; correspondence from University of Missouri President C. Brice Ratchford to Chancellor Herbert W. Schooling concerning media and public criticism of MIP and of George Ulett regarding human experimentation; list of studies with dates and names of researcher from 1968-1973 FF 17 - (1973) Studies with loxapine, demographics of alcoholics, mega-dose vitamin therapy for schizophrenics, relaxing music and oral satisfiers with alcoholic treatment Series One - Institutional Research Committee 1967-1976 (cont'd) Box 2 FF 1 - *(1973) FF 2 - *(1973) FDA's and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare's guidelines for new drugs in human experimentation; news clippings concerning misuse of unapproved drugs; Methadone treatment grant application; sleep study with Mesterlone FF 3 - (1973) Correspondence from Patient Advocacy Legal Service of Washington University Law School requesting copies of clinical studies FF 4 - *(1973-1974) Hypnosis-Acupuncture-Analgesia proposal with consent forms; copy of "Chemical Changes in Learning" recounting Air Force funded tests using LSD, drug combinations, new hallucinogens such as DOM (street named "STP"), mescaline, and the tranquilizer CPZ; pilot trial with LSD with the inclusion of some lobotomized schizophrenics FF 5 - (1974) Use of morphine with Hypnosis-Acupuncture-Analgesia study, correspondence stating trouble with non-licensed physician proposed in conducting acupuncture and complaining that consent forms had misleading statements stating that the small dosages of morphine used had no possibility of creating addiction; study involving Human Growth Hormone and injection of radioactive vitamin D in children; copy of Environment Magazine outlining abuses in testing human subjects FF 6 - *(1974) Prospective Study of Families and Children in the Changing Drug Scene, a demographic and informational survey FF 7 - *(1974) Navane (thiothixene) study with elderly having chronic brain syndrome; correspondence from government investigator alleging that MIP was sometimes misleading in properly informing patients about drugs approved by the FDA, but not approved for what they were being used for in experimentation; correspondence regarding accusations from Peter Breggin and the Church of Scientology against unethical treatment of human subjects by MIP; lists of studies which state whether or not they contain consent forms FF 8 - *(1974) Revised procedures for the Institutional Review Committee, studies with propoxyphene napsylate in heroin treatment and amitriptyline in different dosages verses diazepam (Valium) FF 9 - *(1974) Studies of thioridazine with psychotherapy and family counseling in children with behavioral disorders and the effects of transcendental meditation on neurophysiological states and in relieving muscle tension FF 10 - (1974) Studies of oxilorphan with heroin addicts and comparative study between relaxing effects in hypnosis, transcendental meditation, and drugs FF 11 - (1974) Comparative study between thioridazine hydrochloride (Mellaril) vs. fluphenazine decanoate in schizophrenics FF 12 - (1974) FF 13 - (1974) Thioridazine vs. fluphenazine study FF 14 - *(1974) FF 15 - (1974-1975) "FDA Guidelines for Psychotropic Drugs" and news clipping relating to the FDA FF 16 - *(1974-1975) Proposed studies to find out more about childhood drinking and a study of nurses as psychiatric associates; Department of Health, Education, and Welfare regulations for human subjects; guidelines for fetal research FF 17 - (1975-1976) Procedures for the Committee for the Research Involving Human Subjects; correspondence regarding the naltrexone-Halfway House study; a November 12, 1975 correspondence stating that the Institutional Research Committee at MIP was to be moved to Columbia under Dr. William Waters and attorney Raymond Hodges; study of the psychotherapeutic value of medically prescribed exercise fitness training on anxiety and depression; and study on children's central nervous systems using the photic driving response and inhibitory control FF 18 - (1972-1974) Institutional Research Committee's guidelines for clinical investigations FF 19 - (1966-1973) IRC study proposals, alphabetically arranged by researcher or responsible physician
Series Two - Personnel Litigation Files 1975 Box 3 FF 1 - (1975) Transcripts of court proceedings, volume 1; Jose R. Navato, Plaintiff vs. Ivan W. Sletten, et al. (including the Curators of the University of Missouri and the Division of Mental Health), Defendants FF 2 - (1975) Transcripts of proceedings, volume 2 FF 3 - (1975) Deposition FF 4 - (1975) Deposition FF 5 - (1975) Deposition FF 6 - (1975) Deposition FF 7 - (1975) Appendix FF 8 - (1975) Two audiocassettes of the meeting in which disciplinary action was discussed, used as evidence in the case
Series Three - LSD Study 1969-1977 Box 3 (cont'd) FF 9 - *(1969-1976) 1976 correspondences to and from the Air Force concerning the LSD study, patient information about those in LSD study, correspondence from Ivan Sletten to the Provost of Health Affairs at MU concerning the media criticism of LSD experimentation FF 10 - *(1969-1977) Accounts of how each ampoule of LSD was used, patient information about how LSD affected the behavior of each subject, LSD order forms, correspondence of progress made in LSD studies, substitution of dimethyltryptamine (DMT) for LSD in studies of dissociation of perception, signed patient consent forms, studies comparing LSD to DOM (STP) and the effects on perception, progress report concerning other Air Force funded LSD studies FF 11 - (1971) Studies by MIP printed in pharmacological and psychiatric bulletins FF 12 - *(1971-1973) Signed patient consent forms for LSD and for pipothiazine; progress report on Thyroid Release Hormone (TRH); copies academic journal reports; studies in the mother's role in child psychiatric research, behavior problems in children and treatment with stimulants, and a demographic study onto a computer registry of "psychotic" children in the St. Louis area FF 13 - *(1972-1973) Copies of many published studies including an Air Force funded LSD study on "Aerospace stress and human reliability" when exposed to hallucinogens and tranquilizers, and a study of EEG sensitivity to LSD-25 in chronic schizophrenics FF 14 - *(1973-1975) Studies of very high dosages of fluphenazine, thiothixene in organic brain syndrome in geriatric patients; FDA research rules; universal consent forms and discussion about consent; correspondence on many controversial topics: listing of patient files with matching consent forms from head nurse Helen Klein, improper transfer of LSD between doctors, low morale and dissention in MIP, and various material dealing with research subject abuse and neglect FF 15 - *(1969-1973) Recent news clippings of LSD investigations; correspondence telling of LSD loans between researchers, LSD not being used in the way stated on research protocols, and accounts of lost LSD through broken containers; LSD consent forms, some signed by patient or relative, but some only signed by a witness at MIP Series Four - Bi-Annual Reports 1967-1980 Box 3 (cont'd) FF 16 - (1967-1970) Bi-Annual reports and related correspondence FF 17 - (1971-1973) Bi-Annual reports and related correspondence FF 18 - (1974-1975) Bi-Annual reports and related correspondence FF 19 - (1975-1976) Bi-Annual reports and related correspondence FF 20 - (1976-1977) Bi-Annual reports and related correspondence FF 21 - (1977-1979) Bi-Annual reports and related correspondence FF 22 - (1979-1980) Bi-Annual reports and related correspondence Series Five - Archway House 1971-1978 Box 4 FF 1 - *(1971-1972) Correspondence related to the transfer of Archway House from University responsibility to the Missouri Division of Mental Health (1972), summary of expenditures for the fiscal years 1972-1973 and 1970-1971, population sheets listing staff and residents, major day-to-day incidents, guest lists FF 2 - *(1971-1972) Correspondence, financial statements, population sheets listing staff and residents, major day-to-day incidents, guest lists, bids for repair and lists of needed repairs FF 3 - (1977-1978) Correspondence regarding reimbursement between the University and the State of Missouri for divided funding, contracts for this arrangement, discussion concerning audit exemptions
Series Six - Short Miscellaneous Series 1961-1981
Box 4 (cont'd) FF 4 - (1973) Bulletin of the Missouri Institute of Psychiatry FF 5 - (1979) The Citizens Commission on Human Rights - correspondence regarding demonstrations and a petition against research at MIP, correspondence from MIP denying allegations of the United States Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) involvement in LSD experimentation, a declaration of patients' rights in the style of the Declaration of Independence, files kept by MIP on Citizens Commission on Human Rights members (some also representatives of the Church of Scientology), a survey given to MIP employees to encourage them to report to the Citizens Commission with any reports of patient abuse, and a news clipping reporting a former psychological patient accusing MIP of drugging him with LSD against his will and claims to have found evidence of unethical LSD experimentation in an area landfill FF 6 - *(1970-1973) Civil Rights Committee - personnel complaints FF 7 - *(1973-1976) Consent Forms Information - number of consents remaining in patients' folders per study, records of one patient cited by the Church of Scientology as not being informed of a drug's hazards, correspondence regarding the withholding of money from patients who were uncooperative and copy of contract found in patient's file, Electro-shock therapy consent form FF 8 - (1974) Correspondence - financial and general FF 9 - (1974) Correspondence - financial and general FF 10 - (1975-1976) Correspondence - financial and general FF 11 - (1975-1976) Correspondence - financial and general FF 12 - (No date) Blank Forms FF 13 - *(1970) Foster Community for Mental Patients: A New Haven - personal information on researchers; newspaper clippings about program and New Haven, Missouri; questionnaires for potential foster families for the program FF 14 - *(1971-1972) Foster Community for Mental Patients: A New Haven - second foster community in Troy, Missouri FF 15 - *(1972-1973) Foster Community for Mental Patients: A New Haven - reports, news clippings FF 16 - *(1965-1966) Human Rights Committee - Application for research grant entitled "Unesteried Fatty Acids and Emotional Arousal", Serax (oxazepam) study and indications for use, thiopenal study in schizophrenics, desipramine study in schizophrenics, fenfluramine effects on EEG reaction time in normal volunteers, cyclazocine on depressive patients FF 17 - *(1966-1975) Human Subject Research Committee - study on sleep EEG's in psychotic children, procedure for obtaining informed consent at MIP, report from Congressman Jim Symington reporting the special investigation he began involving new drug experiments on humans in Missouri and the Bill he introduced into the House of Representatives, laws and FDA standards for new drug experiments, consent forms that were signed by a doctor for a patient who did not have relatives FF 18 - (1975) Human Subject Research Committee - consent forms for methadone treatment, application for voluntary hospitalization, guidelines for fetal research, narcotic antagonist study FF 19 - *(1975) Human Subject Research Committee - Drug Abuse Services grant application, financial statements and budget, budget proposals and agreements for the Archway Community FF 20 - *(1975) Human Subject Research Committee - correspondence and studies in EEG changes with caffeine, naltrexone used with opiate addiction, Deanol in tardive dyskinesia, copy of the "Nuremberg Code" FF 21 - (1975-1976) Human Subject Research Committee - purposes of MIP research committee and flow chart for research protocols, correspondence stating that not all consent forms found for LSD study, study of EEG changes with age, antagonist drug therapy in conjunction with a Halfway House FF 22 - (1973) IL 19552 (Pipothiazine) Study signed patient consent forms Series Six - Short Miscellaneous Series 1961-1981 (cont'd) Box 5 FF 1 - (1974) Mental Health Commission Hearings - Unedited transcription of hearings held January 23-24, 1974; University of Missouri had discussed dropping MIP within 18 months and meeting was held to argue for continued support by listing purposes and accomplishments FF 2 - (1974) Mental Health Commission Hearings FF 3 - *(1971-1974) Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act of 1966 (NARA) - Archway House narcotic treatment program, copy of NARA, budgetary and financial statements FF 4 - (No date) Material Regarding Studies in Normal Volunteers - Volunteer information (only initials included) FF 5 - (1972) Report: MIP Objectives, Accomplishments, and Goals FF 6 - *(1966) The Review of Institutional Clinical Research Involving Human Beings - thioridazine and diphenylhydentoin combination treatment in behavior disturbed children and adolescents, fluphenazine decanoate in chronic psychotic patients, echo-encephalogram in schizophrenic patients, study and grant proposal on the influence of parental psychosis on child development, Lithium and chlorpromazine comparative study FF 7 - (1961-1973) Scrapbook Newspaper Clippings - founding of and funding for MIP FF 8 - (1961-1973) Scrapbook (Memorabilia) - MIP brochure (no date), Issue #1 of MIP employee newsletter entitled Intercom, MIP Bulletin 1967-1969, invitation to dedication of MIP, Nassau Neuropsychiatric Society Newsletter with the resignation of Max Fink, first director of MIP FF 9 - (1970-1981) Scrapbook Newspaper Clippings - neurochemistry and MIP budget FF 10 - *(1972) TRH Pilot Trial and Double Blind Study - study with signed patient consent forms FF 11 - *(1973)Volunteers - Lists of volunteers in smoking study and acupuncture study FF 12 - *(1972-1974) Ward-5 Center - signed patient consent forms for LSD study; April 1974 correspondence signed "Concerned Employees" to Provost Joseph White of MU Medical School in regard to Ward-5 abuses such as negligence to patients, patient abuse, non-medical personnel given medical authority, patient death on ward, break-ins of employee offices, and harassment of staff; accusations by a patient of inappropriate conduct; patient inventories listed by ward on a computer print-out
Restrictions Note: All file folder lists which begin with an asterisk, i.e. "*", contain some files which have been separated into a restricted folder.
The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
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