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Call Number:

Box 1 - 051686
Box 2 - 051690
Box 3 - 051821
Box 4 - 051823
Box 5 - 051913
Box 6 - 051914
Box 7 - 051915
Box 8 - 051916
Box 9 - 051917
Box 10 - 051918
OSB 1 - Ellis

excavation work at start of construction phase in 2002
Excavation begins on the construction site for the Life Sciences Center, (2002).
The picture looks east across the site. Sanborn Field can be seen in the far background.

Record Group: 10 C
Record Sub-Group: 14
Records Title: UMC; Office of Research; Life Sciences Center; Administrative and Other Records
Dates: 1986-2008, bulk 2000-2005
Volume: 10 and 1/3 cubic feet, 12.92 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Record Sub-Group contains administrative and other records created by a number of individuals involved with the conception, design, planning, construction, and administration of the Life Sciences Center at the University of Missouri. Foremost among these individuals was G. Michael Chippendale, a faculty member in the Department of Entomology at the University of Missouri since 1968, who served the Center in various capacities over many years, including as its Interim Director. Many of the records were kept as "day files" by Chippendale. Chippendale augmented his own records by those of others involved in the development of the Center, including Bruce Bullock, Jerry Clevenger, Linda Franz, Larry Knipp, Steve Knorr, Roger Mitchell, William Pfander, Ken Schneeberger, Linda Sowers, and Darcy Wells.The records consist largely of correspondence and memoranda but also include committee files, notes, reports, transparencies, presentations, supplemental documents, architectural plans, printed and duplicated material, photographic prints, and a few VHS video tapes.

Historical Note: As early as 1982, there were calls in the College of Agriculture for a separate campus building dedicated to research, teaching, and outreach in Plant Sciences to parallel the functioning of the existing Animal Sciences Research Center. Less than a decade later, Roger Mitchell, Dean of the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR), formed a committee to pursue the idea of a Plant Biotechnology Building. In 1992, a space study for the Plant Sciences Building was commissioned from Paulien & Associates, and two years later a committee that included G. Michael Chippendale as its convener was charged by the Deans of CAFNR, the School of Medicine, the College of Arts and Science, and the College of Veterinary Medicine with developing a program statement and business plan for a Biosciences Research Center. As a result, in 1995, a plan for a $70 million dollar project was crafted for a Center for Genetic Technologies. In 1997, support from MU Chancellor Richard Wallace for a much-needed interdisciplinary research center led to a new, two-phase construction plan for the Life Sciences Center which now included the College of Engineering and the School of Human Environmental Sciences as participants.
By the end of 1998, an Executive Committee led by Dean of CAFNR Tom Payne and a Building Committee (later renamed Planning Committee) led by Chippendale were in place and working toward making the Life Science Center a reality. Ground was broken in 2001, the topping-off ceremony occurred in 2003, and the building was dedicated in September of 2004. Subsequently, the Center was named in honor of Missouri Senator Christopher "Kit" Bond, who helped secure substantial federal funding for the building.

Series Descriptions:

This Record Sub-Group is divided by record type and topic into eight series derived in part from the original filing system. Series Eight is based on format alone and its types and topics overlap with those found in Series One through Seven. Correspondence does not have its own series; rather that record type is found throughout the various series in this Sub-Group.

Series One contains general administrative records related to the Life Sciences Center. The series is subdivided into two sub-series with Sub-Series One pertaining to the background of the Life Science Center prior to the feasibilty studies of the mid-1990s and Sub-Series Two pertaining to the administrative aspects of the building and Center from ca. 1996 on.

Series Two contains records of the various committees established to oversee the planning, design, construction, and operations of the Life Sciences Center.

Series Three contains records related to the development efforts and funding for the Life Sciences Center.

Series Four contains records pertaining to the director position of the Life Sciences Center.

Series Five contains records of the design and construction of the Life Sciences Center and its facilities.

Series Six contains funding and other fiscal records of the Life Sciences Center.

Series Seven contains presentations made on behalf of the Life Sciences Center throughout its planning and construction.

Series Eight contains electronic records created, received, and maintained by Chippendale that pertain to the planning, construction, and administration of the Life Sciences Center. The records in this series include email correspondence, meeting agendas and minutes, goals, proposals, lists, policies, and other similar documents. The series is subdivided into two sub-series with Sub-Series One encompassing electronic mail and its attachments and Sub-Series Two containing all other original electronic documents.

Note to Researcher: An attempt has been made during the processing of the records in this sub-group to eliminate duplicate documents and items without compromising the archival record in terms of provenance, original order, and content. Nevertheless, some non-essential duplication still remains in this sub-group, especially in the overlap between paper and electronic records.

Series Outline:

  1. Series One - General Administrative Records
    1. Sub-Series One - Building Background
    2. Sub-Series Two - Life Sciences Center
  2. Series Two - Committees
  3. Series Three - Development
  4. Series Four - Directorship
  5. Series Five - Facilities, Design, and Construction
  6. Series Six - Fiscal
  7. Series Seven - Presentations
  8. Series Eight - Electronic Records
    1. Sub-Series One - Email Correspondence
    2. Sub-Series Two - Documents and Other Records
groundbreaking program for the life sciences center, 2001
One side of the program for the groundbreaking ceremony held for
the Life Sciences Center in 2001. The building was dedicated
three years later in September of 2004.


Series One - General Administrative Records
Sub-Series One - Building Background
Box 1

FF 1 - Big Building (William Pfander and Bruce Bullock files, including discussion of Forestry and Natural Resources Building and Eagleton Building), 1986-1993

FF 2 - Big Building (Roger Mitchell files, including discussion of the various "buildings": Biotechnology Building, 1986; Plant Biotechnology Building, 1989; Biosciences Research Center, 1992; Biosciences Building, 1996; Center for Genetic Technologies, 1996; and Life Sciences Center, 1996), 1986-1998

FF 3 - Big Building (Jerry Clevenger and Larry Knipp files, including discussion of the Plant Science Biotechnology Facility and the Plant Biotechnology Building), 1986-1991

FF 4 - Plant Building (Bruce Bullock files), 1989-1992

FF 4A - Plant Biotechnology Building - Brochure Planning and Design (Roger Mitchell files), 1989-1990

FF 5 - Plant Science Building (Larry Knipp files), 1990-1991

FF 6 - Biosciences Research Center (Larry Knipp and Ken Schneeberger files), 1990-1992

FF 7 - Biosciences Research Center - Paulien & Associates Report , 1991-1992

FF 8 - Biosciences Research Center - Funding Request for Construction, 1993

FF 9 - Biosciences Building (Steve Knorr files, includes Mission Statement for the Center for Genetic Technologies), 1993-1997

FF 10 - Biosciences Research Center (includes Biosciences Research Center Committee materials; Paulien Greenhouses Space Needs Report), September-December 1994

FF 11 - Biosciences Research Center (includes Biosciences Research Center Committee materials), January-April 1995

FF 12 - Biosciences Research Center/Center for Genetic Technologies, August 1994-December 1995

FF 13 - Center for Genetic Technologies - Business Plan, 1995

FF 14 - Center for Genetic Technologies (includes Center for Genetic Technologies Committee materials), May-October, 1995

FF 15 - Center for Genetic Technologies, 1996

Series One - General Administrative Records (cont'd)
Sub-Series One - Building Background (cont'd)

Box 2

FF 1 - Center for Genetic Technologies (Steve Knorr files, includes 1992 Paulien Space Needs Analysis and Hok Report), 1996

FF 2 - Other Facilities (including visit to Duke University's Levine Center), 1996-1997

FF 3 - National Center for Research Resources - Funding, ca. 1994, 1999

Series One - General Administrative Records (cont'd)
Sub-Series Two - Life Sciences Center
Box 2 (cont'd)

FF 4 - Life Sciences Center - History (includes presentation transparencies), 1990-2000

FF 5 - Life Sciences Center - Feasibility Study, 1996-1997

FF 6 - Life Sciences Center - Feasibility Study - Interviews, 1996-1997

FF 7 - Life Sciences Center - Feasibility Study - Task Force, 1996-1997

FF 8 - Life Sciences Center - Feasibility Study - Case Statement, 1996-1997

FF 9 - Life Sciences Center - Feasibility Study - Report (Bentz Whaley Flessner), 1997

FF 10 - Life Sciences Center, January 1997

FF 11 - Life Sciences Center, February-March 1997

FF 12 - Life Sciences Center, April-August 1997

FF 13 - Life Sciences Center, September-October 1997

FF 14 - Life Sciences Center, November-December 1997

FF 15 - BNIM Anshen + Allen - Committee Workbook, 1998

FF 16 - BNIM Anshen + Allen - Statement of Qualifications, April 1998

FF 17 - Life Sciences Center (includes Building Committee & Life Sciences Committee materials), January-April 1998

FF 18 - Life Sciences Center, May-August, 1998

Series One - General Administrative Records (cont'd)
Sub-Series Two - Life Sciences Center (cont'd)
Box 3

FF 1 - Life Sciences Center, September-October 1998

FF 2 - Life Sciences Center (includes Building Committee records), October-December 1998

FF 3 - Space Tabulation, December 1998

FF 4 - Mission Enhancement, 1998-1999

FF 5 - Life Sciences Center, 1999

FF 5A - Mission and Principles of Operation, 1999

FF 6 - Brochure, 1999

FF 7 - Planning (with Jack Burns, Brady Deaton, and other administrators), 2000-2001

FF 8 - Bid Process, 2001

FF 9 - Crop Genomics - Meetings, 1999, 2002

FF 10 - Molecular Biology Program, 2001-2003

FF 11 - Research Programs, 1993-1999

FF 12 - Research Programs, 2000-2002

FF 13 - Life Sciences Faculty - Listings and groups (includes Life Sciences Center preliminary business plan), 1998-2001

FF 14 - Life Sciences Faculty - Listings and groups, 2002

FF 15 - Life Sciences Faculty - Research Areas, 2000-2001

FF 16 - Life Sciences Faculty - Scopes, 2001

FF 17 - Ellis Fischel Cancer Center Laboratory Renovation, 2002

FF 18 - Memorandum of Understanding and Policies, 2002-2004

FF 19 - Requests for Pre-Proposals, January-July, 2002

FF 20 - Interdisciplinary Research Team Proposals (901-909), 2002

Series One - General Administrative Records (cont'd)
Sub-Series Two - Life Sciences Center (cont'd)
Box 4

FF 1 - Interdisciplinary Research Team Proposals (910-915), 2002

FF 2 - Interdisciplinary Research Team Proposals (916-921), 2002

FF 2A - Strategic Plan, 2004, 2006

FF 3 - Faculty Investigators Meeting, February 2005-May 2006

FF 4 - Faculty Investigators Meeting, August 2006

FF 5 - Life Sciences Week, 2005-2006

FF 6 - Newsclippings, 1998-2005

FF 7 - For All We Call Mizzou - Life Sciences Center Booklet, n.d.

FF 8 - Miscellaneous Publications, 2000-2002, 2008

FF 8A - Miscellaneous Publications - Illuminations, Spring 2001

Series Two - Committees
Box 4 (cont'd)

FF 9 - Committees (includes Organization Chart), ca. 2002

FF 10 - Executive Committee, 1998-2000

FF 11 - Executive Committee, November 2000-December 2001

FF 12 - Executive Committee, January-February, 2002

FF 13 - Executive Committee, April-May, 2002

FF 14 - Executive Committee, August, 2002

FF 15 - Executive Committee, September 2002

FF 16 - Executive Committee, November 2002

FF 17 - Executive Committee, December 2002

FF 18 - Executive Committee, January 2003

FF 19 - Executive Committee, February-March 2003

FF 20 - Executive Committee, May 2003

FF 21 - Executive Committee, July 2003

FF 22 - Executive Committee, September 2003

FF 23 - Executive Committee, November 2003

FF 24 - Executive Committee, December 2003

FF 25 - Executive Committee, February 2004

FF 26 - Executive Committee, March 2004

FF 27 - Executive Committee, May 2004

FF 28 - Executive Committee, July 2004

FF 29 - Executive Committee, September 2004

FF 30 - Executive Committee, December 2004

FF 31 - Executive Committee, January-February 2005

FF 32 - Executive Committee, April-May 2005

FF 33 - Executive Committee, June 2005

FF 34 - Executive Committee, 2006

FF 35 - Building Committee, September-December, 1999

FF 36 - Building Committee - Charge, 2000

FF 37 - Building Committee, January-May 2000

FF 38 - Planning Committee, January-August 2000

FF 39 - Planning Committee, September-December 2000

Series Two - Committees (cont'd)
Box 5

FF 1 - Planning Committee, January 2001

FF 2 - Planning Committee, February 2001

FF 3 - Planning Committee (includes preliminary business plan), March 2001

FF 4 - Planning Committee, April 2001

FF 5 - Planning Committee, May-June 2001

FF 6 - Planning Committee, July- August 2001

FF 7 - Planning Committee, September- October 2001

FF 8 - Planning Committee, November- December 2001

FF 9 - Planning Committee, January-March 2002

FF 10 - Planning Committee, April-June 2002

FF 11 - Planning Committee, July-August 2002

FF 12 - Planning Committee, September 2002

FF 13 - Planning Committee, October-December 2002

FF 14 - Planning Committee - Research Team Proposals, 2002-2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF 15 - Planning Committee, January 2003

FF 16 - Planning Committee, February 2003

Series Two - Committees (cont'd)
Box 6

FF 1 - Planning Committee, March 2003

FF 2 - Planning Committee, April 2003

FF 3 - Planning Committee, May 2003

FF 4 - Planning Committee, June 2003

FF 5 - Planning Committee, July 2003

FF 6 - Planning Committee, August 2003

FF 7 - Planning Committee, September 2003

FF 8 - Planning Committee, October 2003

FF 9 - Planning Committee, November 2003

FF 10 - Planning Committee, December 2003

FF 11 - Planning Committee - Subcommittees, 2003

FF 12 - External Advisory Committee - Candidates and Nominations, 2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF 13 - External Advisory Committee, 2001-2002

FF 14 - External Executive and Scientific Advisory Boards, 2003-2005

FF 15 - Facility Planning Committee, January-October, 2004

FF 16 - Facility Operations Committee, November-December 2004

FF 17 - Facility Operations Committee, January-August 2005

FF 18 - Facility Operations Committee, 2006

FF 19 - Associate Directors Meetings, 2004-2006 [RESTRICTED]

Series Two - Committees (cont'd)
Box 7

FF 1 - Meeting of Chairs of Departments with Faculty in the Life Sciences Center, 2005-2006

FF 2 - Life Sciences Task Force, 2004

Series Three - Development
Box 7 (cont'd)

FF 3 - Development Packet, n.d.

FF 4 - Development, 1997-2002

FF 4A - Building Fund List, 1997

FF 5 - Prospect Lists, 1999-2000 [RESTRICTED]

FF 6 - McQuinn pledge, 2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF 7 - Development (Linda Sowers files), 1997, 1999

FF 8 - Development (Linda Sowers files), January-April 2000

FF 9 - Development (Linda Sowers files), May-December 2000

FF 10 - Development (Linda Sowers files), 2001

FF 11 - Development - Director Search, 1999-2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF 12 - Development, 1998-1999

FF 13 - Development, January-June 2000

FF 14 - Development, July-August 2000

FF 15 - Development, September-December 2000

FF 16 - Development (Darcy Wells files), 2000-2003

FF 17 - Naming Opportunities, 2000-2001

Series Four - Directorship
Box 7 (cont'd)

FF 18 - Director Search - Background, 1999-2002

FF 19 - Director Search, 2000-2001

FF 20 - Director Search, 2000-2005

Series Four - Directorship (cont'd)
Box 8

FF 1 - Director, 2000-2006

FF 2 - Director - R. Michael Roberts, 2004-2005

FF 3 - MU Life Sciences and Society Program - Director Search, 2005-2007 [RESTRICTED]

Series Five - Facilities, Design, and Construction
Box 8

FF 4 - Draft Project Program, 12/1998

FF 5 - Schematic Design Report, 1999

FF 6 - Project Schedule, 2000

FF 7 - Schematic Design Project Manual, 3/2000

FF 8 - BNIM Anshen + Allen - Architectural Drawings, 2001

FF 9 - Wind Engineering Evaluations for the Life Sciences Center, Surrounding Buildings and Sanborn Field (Cermak Peterka Petersen), 2001

FF 10 - Groundbreaking, 2001

FF 11 - Groundbreaking brochure, September 8, 2001

FF 12 - Construction Photos (photographic prints and digital printouts), 2001-2003

FF 13 - Construction and Research Program Planning, 1/2002

FF 14 - Construction, September 2001-May 2002

FF 15 - Construction, June 2002-August 2002

FF 16 - Construction, September 2002-December 2002

FF 17 - Construction Coordination, 2002-2003

Series Five - Facilities, Design, and Construction (cont'd)
Box 9

FF 1 - Construction Coordination, 2004

FF 2 - Operations, 2002

FF 3 - Animal Facilities, 2002-2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF 4 - Landscaping, 2002

FF 5 - Topping-Off Ceremony - Program, 2003

FF 6 - Equipment (includes Equipment Committee), 2003-2006

FF 7 - Dedication and Open House, 9/17/2004 [digital copy of program booklet available]

FF 8 - Vivarium, 2004-2006

FF 9 - Affect on Sanborn Field, 2005

FF 10 - BNIM Anshen + Allen - R&D 2005 Lab of the Year, 2005

FF 11 - MO-Ag Plaza Monument, 2005

FF 12 - McQuinn Atrium Sculpture Project, 2005-2008

FF 13 - McQuinn Atrium Sculpture Project, 2006

FF 14 - McQuinn Atrium Sculpture - Kenneth F. vonRoenn, Jr., 2006-2008

FF 15 - Miscellaneous Plans and Drawings, n.d.

FF 16 - Monsanto Auditorium/Conference Facility, n.d.

Series Five - Facilities, Design, and Construction (cont'd)

FF 1 - BNIM Anshen+Allen - Floor Plans (10 sheets), 12/8/1998

Item - BNIM Anshen+Allen - Space Tabulations and Floor Plans (bound), 12/8/1998

Item - "The Monsanto Auditorium/Conference Facility in the Life Sciences Center" (bound), ca. 2001

Item - Life Sciences Center - BNIM Anshen+Allen - Floor Plans (bound), 4/25/2000

Item - Life Sciences Center - BNIM Anshen+Allen - Floor Plans (bound), 5/25/2000

Item - Life Sciences Center - Anshen+Allen - Interior Design (bound), 8/22/2002

Item - Life Sciences Center - BNIM - Signage and Graphics (bound), 11/13/2003

Video Tape (VHS) - Life Sciences - Focus on the Future - REDI Chamber of Commerce (Baker Film and Video production; includes Christopher Bond, Thomas Payne, Kee Groshong, Jake Halliday, Thomas Sharpe, Vicki Pratt, William Crist, James Thompson, Joe Kornegay, Greg Steinhoff, and Richard Wallace), 2002

Video Tape (VHS) - Life Sciences Center Tour (KOMU, KRCG, KMIZ), 6/16/2004

Note to Researcher: For a promotional DVD-R produced by BNIM Anshen+Allen about the Life Science Center, including footage of the dedication of the Center, see C:1/141/31.

Series Six - Fiscal
Box 9 (cont'd)

FF 17 - Health Resources and Services Administration Grant, 1998-2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF 18 - Health Resources and Services Administration Grant, 1999-2004 [RESTRICTED]

FF 19 - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - Grant, 2000 [RESTRICTED]

FF 20 - NASA - Visit, 2000

FF 21 - NASA Prevailing Wage, 2001

FF 22 - Business Plan, 2001

FF 23 - Budget Planning, 2001, 2002-2003

FF 24 - Budget Planning, 2002-2003 (cont'd)

FF 25 - Funding - Miscellaneous, 1992, 1995-1997, 2001

FF 26 - Funding, 1996

Series Seven - Presentations
Box 10

FF 1 - Fact Sheet, 2001

FF 2 - Bioethics - Funding Commitments, 2001

FF 3 - Independent Contractor - Royer, 2001

FF 4 - Office of International Marketing, 2001

FF 5 - Business Plan, January 2006

FF 6 - Monsanto, 1993, 1995

FF 7 - Monsanto Fund Award - Progress Report, 2006

FF 8 - Summary Bullet/Talking Points, 1/2001

FF 9 - Various PowerPoint presentations, October-November, 2001

FF 10 - Various PowerPoint presentations, January-March, 2002

FF 11 - Various PowerPoint presentations, April-November, 2002

FF 12 - Various PowerPoint presentations, January-April, 2003

FF 13 - Various PowerPoint presentations, May-December, 2003

FF 14 - Various PowerPoint presentations, 2004

FF 15 - Material for PowerPoint presentations, ca. 2001-2003

FF 16 - Transparencies and Miscellaneous, 2000-2002

FF 17 - Life Sciences at MU, June 4, 2002

Series Eight - Electronic Records
Sub-Series One - Email Correspondence

Note to Researcher: The number in brackets indicates the number of emails in each directory/folder.

Folder - Life Science Research Board Screening Committee, 2007 [13] [RESTRICTED]

Folder - Life Sciences - Task Force, 2005 [10]

Folder - Life Sciences - Undergraduate Research Office Proposal, 2005-2006 [3]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Administrative Round Table Meetings, 2005-2006 [64]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - ADs, 2005-2007 [35]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Artwork, 2008 [11]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Autoclaves, 2005 [7]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - BSL3 Lab, 2005-2007 [95]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Chairs Meetings, 2005-2006 [18]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Chairs/Directors Meetings, 2006 [15]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Contingency, 2005-2006 [14]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Department Chairs, 2005 [6]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Development, 2006-2007 [59]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Elevators, 2005 [6]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Equipment Inventory, 2005-2006 [41]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Events Coordinator, 2005 [6]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Executive Committee, 2005-2006 [16]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Facilities and Operations Committee, 2005-2006 [13]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Faculty Investigators, 2005-2006 [3]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Faculty Meetings, 2005-2006 [22]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Faculty Move-Ins, 2005-2006 [8]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Fit-out Projects, 2005-2006 [30]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Furnishings, 2005-2006 [3]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Grants Writer, 2005 [6]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Green Roof - Green Roofs, 2009 [5]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Green Roof, 2005-2007 [30]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Greenhouses, 2005-2009 [25]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - History, 2006 [2]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Information Technology, 2005-2006 [17]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Insectary, 2005-2006 [21]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Landscaping, 2005 [1]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - MOU, 2006-2007 [33]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Move-ins, 2005-2006 [7]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - New Faculty, 2005-2006 [91] [RESTRICTED]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Newsletter, 2005 [1]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Occupants, 2005 [3]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Organizational Chart, 2005-2006 [2]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Post-Doc and Graduate Student Association/Organization, 2005-2006 [15]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Post Occupancy Review, 2005-2007 [10]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Reading Room, 2005 [3]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Signage, 2005 [3]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Space Inventory, 2005 [6]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Statistics, 2005-2006 [2]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Strategic Plan, 2005-2007 [24]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Vivarium, 2005-2009 [82]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Warranty Issues, 2005 [8]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Web Site, 2005 [2]

Folder - Life Sciences Center - Zebra Fish Facility, 2005 [4]

Folder - Life Sciences Week 2006, 2005-2006 [6]

Folder - Management Review, 2005-2006 [25]

Folder - McQuinn Atrium Art, 2005-2008 [329]

Folder - MO-AG Plaza, 2005-2006 [53]

Folder - MOBIO, 2005-2007 [8]

Folder - Molecular Cytology Core, 2005-2006 [5]

Folder - Monsanto Auditorium, 2005 [23]

Series Eight - Electronic Records (cont'd)
Sub-Series Two - Documents

Note to Archivist: The records in this sub-series come from two sources: the computer hard drive of Chippendale and various 3.5-inch computer diskettes filed among the paper records. There may be some duplication between these electronic records and the paper records.

The sub-series consists of the following record types and topics: assessments, correspondence, evaluations, meeting minutes, meeting notes, meeting agendas, memoranda, organizational charts, printed and duplicated material, reports, presentations, budget, committees, including the Building Committee, the Executive Committee, the External Advisory Committee, the Facility Planning Committee, the Facility Operations Committee, the Planning Committee, the Research Program Advisory Committee, the Life Sciences Task Force, development, equipment, facilities, faculty, funding, and staff.

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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