Holdings: Call Number: Box1 - UMLD1 |
Record Group: 1 C (12/1972; 01/1973; 03/1980) Note to Researcher: For more information on the WWII MU alumni memorial publication see Record Group 1 C, Sub-Group 44, Series 1. Series Descriptions: This Record Sub-Group is not divided into series. The Sub-Group is arranged alphabetically. Inventory Box 1 FF 1 - Agee, Carl, 1930 FF 2 - Allard, Winston (photographs), 06/18/1949 FF 3 - Allard, Winston, 1948-1949 FF 4 - Almstedt, Herman B., 1950-1951 FF 5 - Aly, Bower, 1935-1957 FF 6 - Anderson, David, ca. 1966 FF 7 - Anderson, Robert (negatives), 11/09/1962 FF 8 - Arts and Sciences Mall, 1958 FF 9 - Avery, Florence Annette, 1955-1959 FF 10 - Baird, A. Craig, 1957-1960 FF 11 - Ballsrud, Wesley Eugene, (photograph), n.d. FF 12 - Barclay, Thomas S. - Lecturer (photographs), n.d. FF 13 - Battaglia, E. (Elio) Lee, (photographs), 1960 FF 14 - Battersby, Richard S., 1935-1938 FF 15 - Bauder, Russell S., 1938-1951 FF 16 - Belden, Henry M., 1935-1955 FF 17 - Bennit, Rudolph, 1951 FF 18 - Berk, Philip E. (photographs), 1953 FF 19 - Betz, Herman, 1935-1956 FF 20 - Board of Curators (photographs), 1935-1959 FF 21 - Board of Visitors (negatives), 1946-1959 FF 22 - Bond Issue, 1955-1956 FF 23 - Bopp, Karl Richard and Nahm, Helen - Honorary Degrees, (photographs), 1961 FF 24 - Brashear, Minnie M., 1939 FF 25 - Brewer, Chester Leland (photographs), 1935-1950 FF 26 - Brody, Samuel (photographs), 1931-1963 FF 27 - Brown, Anna Sue (photographs), 1958 FF 28 - Brown, Jerry W. (photographs), 12/1955 FF 29 - Burch, James W. (photographs), 1935-1962 FF 30 - Calvent, Sidney, 1951-1952 FF 31 - Capps, Arlie G. (photographs and negative), 1935-1957 FF 32 - Carter, William Ray, 1938-1960 FF 33 - Cooper, Maurice E. (photograph), 1935 FF 34 - Chandrasekhar, Sripati (photograph), 1957-1958 FF 35 - Clingan, Eugene W.,1966 FF 36 - Columns, 1959 FF 37 - Conley, Dudley Steele (photographs and negatives), 1948-1954 FF 38 - Cowgill, Blair - Medalist Who's Who (photographs), n.d. FF 39 - Cox, Lester - Board of Curators Member (photographs), n.d. FF 40 - Cronin, Barry J. (photographs), n.d. FF 41 - Crowder, General Enoch Herbert, 1955 FF 42 - Croy, Homer - Honorary Degree Recipient and Author (photographs), 05/1951 FF 43 - Curtis, Harry A. (photograph), 1963 FF 44 - Daggs, J.A. (photographs), 02/1951 FF 45 - Defoe, Luther M., 1955 FF 46 - Denman, Clint H. (photographs), n.d. FF 47 - Dillard, Rovert L. (photographs), 08/1960 FF 48 - Divilbliss, John S. (photographs), n.d. FF 49 - Dobbs, Ella Victoria, 1951-1952 FF 50 - Donnell, Forrest C. - Governor (photographs), n.d. FF 51 - Dudley, Dr. Louise (photographs), n.d. FF 52 - Eckroth, Charles A. (photographs and negatives), n.d. FF 53 - Elliff, Joseph D.,1950-1958 FF 54 - Ellis, Elmer (photographs and negatives), 1956 FF 55 - Ellis, Max M., 1939-1954 FF 56 - Etheridge, W.C., 1938-1956 FF 57 - Emig, Arthur, 1935-1950 FF 58 - Ewing, Thomas A., 1935 FF 59 - Fitzpatrick, D.R. - Journalism Week (photographs), 1950 FF 60 - Flynn, F.M. (Jack) (photographs), n.d. FF 61 - Folk, Joseph W. (photographs), n.d. FF 62 - Freeland, W.E. (photograph), n.d. FF 63 - Galloway, Nathan (photographs and negative), n.d. FF 64 - Germundson, Robert (photograph), 06/1960 FF 65 - Gilman, Wilbur (photographs and negatives), 03/15/1955 FF 66 - Ginsburgh, A. Robert (photographs), 05/1951 FF 67 - Ginther, Richard F. (photograph), 1962 FF 68 - Godwin, Blake-More (photographs), 06/08/1955 FF 69 - Golschmann, Vladimir - Honorary Degree Recipient (photographs), 1954 FF 70 - Gorman, Joseph B. (photographs), 1960 FF 71 - Gould, Herbert. (photographs), 1954 FF 72 - A. P. Green Chapel, 1959 FF 73 - Grinstead, Frances (photographs), 1951 FF 74 - Gundlach Home Pass Christian, Mississippi (photographs), 05/28/1955 FF 75 - Guy, Harry D. (photographs), 1954 FF 76 - Hackett, Walter A. (photographs), 1961 FF 77 - Hammond, Harry E. (photographs), n.d. FF 78 - Hauschild, Christine (photographs), 1950 FF 79 - Hearn, Walter A. (photographs), n.d. FF 80 - Heckel, Dean A. - Dean of Men (photographs), 1962 FF 81 - Heinberg, John G. (photographs), 1935 and 1952 FF 82 - Hendren, Glenn (photographs), 1951 FF 83 - Hennings, Thomas C., Jr. - Senator (photographs), 1957 FF 84 - Hewitt, W.C. (Photograph), n.d. FF 85 - Hill, Albert Ross - College of Education Dean and President (photographs), 1908-1921 FF 86 - Hill, Robert E. (photographs), 1959 FF 87 - Hills, Lee (photographs), 1951 FF 88 - Hinton, John (photographs), 1949 FF 89 - Hobby, Oveta Culp - Journalism Week (photographs), 1950 FF 90 - Hogan, Albert G. (photographs), 1951 FF 91 - Holmes, Imogene - Medical Center Speech Pathologist (negative), 04/14/1961 FF 92 - Honors Convocation - Middlebush and Henry S. Bradsher (photographs), 1951 FF 93 - Hook, Harold (photograph), n.d. FF 94 - Hudson, William Wilson - Acting President and President (photographs), 1856-1859 FF 95 - Hunter, Oak (photographs), n.d. FF 96 - Mills, Thelma (photographs), 1949 FF 97 - Irion, Theo W. H. (photographs and negative), 1929-1955 FF 98 - Irons, Minnie L. (photographs), 1948 FF 99 - Ittner, William B. (photograph), n.d. FF 100 - Jeffrey, Arthur A. (photographs), 05/1951 FF 101 - Jenni, Clarence M. (photographs), 1960 FF 102 - Jesse, Richard Henry (photographs and negative), 1891-1908 FF 103 - Jesse Hall (photograph), 1953-1982 FF 103a - Jesse Hall (photograph), n.d. (pre-1953) FF 104 - Jesse Hall Auditorium Remodeling (photographs), 1953 and 1964 FF 105 - Johns, Delos C. (photographs), n.d. FF 106 - Johnson, Alfonso - Journalism Week (photograph), 1949 FF 107 - Johnson, Richard E. (photographs), 1962 FF 108 - Johnston, Eva (photographs), 1953 FF 109 - Jones, John Carleton - Acting President and President (photographs), 1921-1923 FF 110 - Various UMC Faculty and Staff Members: Antonio, Bondeson, Case, Davis, English, Evans, Illingworth, Klapp, McDonald, Merrill, Neihardt, Pascucci, Whitney (photographs and negatives), 1960s-1970s FF 111 - School of Journalism (photographs and negatives), 1954-1961 FF 112 - Kilpatrick, J.J. (photographs), 1953 FF 113 - King, Frank H. (photographs), n.d. FF 114 - Lathrop, John Hiram (photographs), 1841-1866 FF 115 - Lawson, Dean (photograph), n.d. FF 116 - Loeb, Isidor - UMC Acting President (photographs), 1923 FF 117 - Long, Howard Rusk (photographs), 1957 FF 117a - Mahoney, Tom (photographs), n.d. FF 118 - Maneval, Willis E. (photographs), n.d. FF 119 - Manly, William G. (photograph), ca. 1929 FF 120 - McAlester, A.W. - School of Medicine (photographs), n.d. FF 121 - McCaustland, Elmer James (photograph), 1928 FF 122 - McComas, Arthur R. (photographs), 1956 FF 123 - McDavid, Frank (photographs), 1939 FF 124 - McReynolds, Allen (photographs), 1954 FF 125 - Marbut, C.F. (photographs), 1935 FF 126 - Martin, William A. (photographs and negative), n.d. FF 127 - Memorial Stadium, 1950 FF 128 - Memorial Union (photographs and negatives), 1950-1959 FF 129 - Memorial Union, 1951-1961 FF 130 - Middlebush, Frederick (photographs), 1936-1953 FF 131 - Miller, Walter H. (photographs), 02/1950 FF 132 - Miller, Walter R. (photographs and negative), n.d. FF 133 - Mills, Donald R. - Instructor University Laboratory School (photographs and negative), 05/30/1961 FF 134 - Neale, Mervin Gordon (photographs), n.d. FF 135 - Segregation and Integration, 1939-1954 FF 136 - Nelson, Earl (photographs), n.d. FF 137 - Oldham, Frank D. (photographs), ca. 1955 FF 138 - Overstreet, Lee Carl (photographs), 1935 FF 139 - Parks, James L. (photographs), ca. 1930 and 03/08/1934 FF 140 - Payne, J.W. (Photograph), 05/20/1949 FF 141 - Pett, Saul - Associated Press Writer (photographs), 05/1957 FF 142 - Phillips, Claude A. (photographs), n.d. FF 143 - Pickard, John - also professors Hoffman, Defoe, Pommer, Scott (photographs), n.d. FF 144 - Powell, J.B. - Honorary Degree Recipient (photographs), n.d. FF 145 - Pullen, Roscoe L. (photographs), n.d. FF 146 - Quarles, James T. (photographs), 1948 FF 147 - Ragan, W.J. (photographs and negative), 1958 FF 148 - Ramsay, Robert L. (photograph and negative), 1950-1952 FF 149 - Ravenel, Mazyck P. (photographs and negative of portrait), ca. 1939 FF 150 - Reeves, Lane A. (photograph), n.d. FF 150a - Roden, Jacob S., (photograph), n.d. FF 151 - Rollins, James (photographs), n.d. FF 152 - Rollins Field, 1957 FF 153 - Ross, Charles G. (photographs of portrait), 1952 FF 154 - Schell, V.C. (Photograph and negative), 1966 FF 155 - Shannon, James (photographs), ca. 1850-1856 FF 156 - Shartel, Stratton (photographs), n.d. FF 157 - Shelley, Jack (photographs), 1948 FF 158 - Smith, Tom K. (photographs), n.d. FF 159 - Spanish American War Veterans (photographs), 11/12/1948 FF 160 - Stadler, Lewis J. (photographs and negatives), 1938 FF 161 - Stark, Lloyd (photographs), n.d. FF 162 - Stine, Dan Gish (photographs), 1956 FF 163 - Stubbs, Trawick H. (photographs), 04/1948 FF 164 - Swan, Joyce (photographs), 1948 FF 165 - Swift, E.B. (photographs), 1956 FF 166 - Talbert, T.J., (photographs), n.d. FF 167 - Taylor, Carl C. (photographs), n.d. FF 168 - Taylor, Harry E. - Traer, Iowa (photographs), n.d. FF 169 - Temporary Buildings, 1947 FF 170 - Todd, James (photographs), 1950 FF 171 - Trowbridge, E. A. (photograph), 1949 FF 172 - Tucker, C.M. (photographs), 1954 FF 173 - University Seal, 1948-1957 FF 174 - University Histories, 1948-1954 FF 175 - Viles, Jonas (photograph), ca. 1925 FF 176 - Weaver, John - President (photographs, negatives, glass plate), 1966-1970 FF 177 - Weinbach, Mendell P. (phototgraph), n.d. FF 178 - Weinman, Joseph E. (photographs), n.d. FF 179 - Williams, Walter, (photographs and negatives), 1933-1934 FF 180 - Williams, Walter (photographs), 1931-1935 FF 181 - Missouri In Memoriam: Alumni of the University of Missouri World War II: Honor Roll of the Deceased, 1942-1952 FF 182 - Missouri In Memoriam: Alumni of the University of Missouri World War II: Honor Roll of the Deceased and Other (negatives), 1849-1960s Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Konsta Myrick: September 2002
Revised: 21 January 2010
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