Call Number:
Box 1-010323
Record Group: 1 C Scope and Content Note (A00-53; A01-53) Additionally the Sub-Group includes Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee meeting records, Alcohol Awareness program correspondence and brochures, Chancellor's Alcohol and Drug Advisory Council meeting records, Memorial Union and Brady Commons administrative records, Memorial Union and Brady Commons staff complaints, UMC Student Affairs annual reports, Student Affairs Fiscal Officers meeting records, Office of Residential Life parking complaint records, and Student Credit Union administrative records and correspondence. Preliminary Inventory Box 1 - (1980-1993) This box includes Campus Dining Services (CDS) Central Staff meeting minutes (1987-1992), CDS newsletter, What's Cookin (1993), portions of Director of CDS James Korner's correspondence, portions of Assistant Director of CDS Russell Meyer's correspondence, portions of Professor Kitty Dickerson's correspondence, surveys of Big 8 and Big 10 dining services (1990-1993), CDS personnel files, grant records; Student Counseling Service administrative records (1980-1992), and Chancellor's Advisory Council meeting records (1990-1993).(010323)
Box 2 - (1984-1993) This box includes University of Missouri-Columbia Police Department (UMCPD) Annual Reports and Crime Summaries (1988-1992), UMC Bookstore Director search records (1993), CDS administrative records (1984-1989), portions of Vice Chancellor for Student Personnel Norman F. Moore's correspondence, portions of Assistant Director of CDS Jim Korner's correspondence, portions of Chancellor Haskell Monroe's correspondence, portions of Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Services Suzanne Holland's correspondence, and UMC General Food Stores correspondence and administrative records.
Box 3 - (1982-1993) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor Charles Schroeder's correspondence (1982-1993), correspondence from UMC Residential Life (UMCRL), portions of Vice Chancellor David McIntire's correspondence, portions of Vice Chancellor Norman F. Moore's correspondence, portions of Chancellor Charles Keisler's correspondence, portions of Associate Vice Chancellor Suzanne Holland's correspondence, UMCRL alcohol policy review, UMCRL complaints received, UMCRL personnel files, Wolpers Hall project records, records concerning campus tours, and UMCRL Central Staff meeting records (1993).
Box 4 - (1984-1994) This box includes UMCRL Central Staff meeting records (1990-1992), UMC room and board rates (1984-1994), portions of Vice Chancellor Norman F. Moore's correspondence, portions of Associate Vice Chancellor Suzanne Holland's correspondence, portions of Provost and Interim Chancellor Gerald Brouder's correspondence, UMC weekly residence hall summaries (1986-1989), Recreation Services administrative records (1984-1993), UMC Office of Greek Life correspondence (1986-1988), and photographs of UMC fraternity house banners promoting alcohol use.
Box 5 - (1982-1989) This box includes a copy of the UMC Greek Life Relationship Statement, portions of Vice Chancellor David McIntire's correspondence, portions of Vice Chancellor for Student Services James Irwin's correspondence, UMC Residential Life (UMCRL) correspondence and reports concerning alcohol policies, University of Missouri General Housing Rules, Missouri Students Association (MSA) election records, University of Missouri anti-hazing policies, Develop Excellence and Leadership (DEAL) conference records, Greek Life grade point statistics by house and by individual, portions of Associate Vice Chancellor Suzanne Holland's correspondence, portions of Director of Residential Life Roger Fisher's correspondence, portions of Vice Chancellor Norman Moore's correspondence, UMCRL Recreation Services correspondence.
Box 6 - (1994) This box includes University of Missouri-Columbia Student Affairs Division Directors meeting records (1994), Office of Student Affairs monthly activities reports, UMCRL Central Staff meeting records, Office of Student Affairs correspondence, UMC student loan records, UMCRL Division Directors quarterly reports, portions of University of Missouri-Columbia Police Department (UMCPD) Director Ronald Mason's correspondence, portions of Director of Student Financial Aid Joseph Camille's correspondence, portions of UMC Director of Registration Gary Freie's correspondence, portions of Associate Vice Chancellor Suzanne Holland's correspondence, and portions of Professor Richard Caple's correspondence.
Box 7 - (1993-1994) This box includes Vice Chancellor Charles Schroeder's correspondence (1993-1994), University of Missouri-Columbia Student Affairs Division Directors meeting records (1993-1994), Director of the University of Missouri-Columbia Police Department (UMCPD) Ronald Mason's correspondence, Assistant Director of Student Development Candice Whittet's correspondence, Capital Review Committee meeting records (1993-1994), Capital Review Committee correspondence (1993-1994), and UMCRL Recreational Services embezzlement investigation records (1994).
Box 8 - (1994) This box includes University of Missouri-Columbia (UMC) Student Affairs Division Directors monthly and quarterly reports (1994), portions of Charles Schroeder's correspondence, Savitar business records, portions of Director of Undergraduate Admissions Georgeanne Porter's correspondence, portions of Director of Admissions Gary Smith's correspondence, portions of Assistant Director of Residential Life Catherine Scroggs' correspondence, portions of Assistant Director of Student Development Paulette Grimes correspondence, portions of Senior Research Analyst Gary Pike correspondence, Student Affairs Division Directors meeting records.
Box 9 - (1992-1994) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor Charles Schroeder's correspondence (1992-1994), UMC Student Affairs Division Directors Monthly Activity Reports, 1994 UM-System financial report, Chancellor's Leadership Retreat records (1993), Capital Review Committee records (1994), portions of Chancellor Charles Keisler's correspondence, Chancellor's Staff meeting agenda and minutes.
Box 10 - (1993-1994) This box includes copies of Vice Chancellor Charles Schroeder's out-going correspondence.
Box 11 - (1979-1990) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor Charles Schroeder's correspondence, Missouri Student Association (MSA) Student Senate records (1989-1990), MSA Constitution, Student Curators selection records, UMC Student Organization Rules of Conduct (1979-1988), Student Organization disciplinary files (1979-1988), Memorial Union and Brady Commons Operating Manual (1981), portions of Associate Vice Chancellor Suzanne Holland's correspondence, portions of Vice Chancellor Norman Moore's correspondence, portions of Assistant to the Director of Student Affairs Ginny Booker's correspondence, Campus Alcohol Information Center correspondence and brochures, Office of Human Resource Development correspondence, and the UMC Needs Analysis Report II.
Box 12 - (1984-1991) This box includes portions of Chancellor Haskell Monroe's correspondence, Tap Day records (1987-1992), U.S. Department of Health Alcohol Use Survey results, University of Missouri Alcohol Policy Review Task Force report (1986-1990), Chancellor's Alcohol and Drug Advisory Council meeting records (1984-1989), portions of Vice Chancellor David McIntire's correspondence, Student Affairs Division Directors meeting records (1988-1991), non-UMC alcohol awareness programs correspondence and brochures, and Office of Students, Personnel, and Auxiliary Services correspondence and related records (1984-1987).
Box 13 - (1980-1994) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor Norman Moore's correspondence, changes in student fees (1980-1994), portions of Associate Vice Chancellor Suzanne Holland's correspondence, UMC Residential Life Central Staff meeting records (1985-1989), Division of Student Activities budgets (1987-1990), Office of Student Development correspondence and related records.
Box 14 - (1979-1992) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor David McIntire's correspondence (1991-1992), portions of Vice Chancellor Norman Moore's correspondence, recreation facilities expansion project construction bids (1986), copies of correspondence and a report by a task force (headed by Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs James Irvin) related to the Student Recreation Center (1979-1989), Office of Student Development Senior Staff meeting records (1991).
Box 15 - (1978-1992) This box includes Office of Student Development Senior Staff meeting records (1986-1990 and 1992), Maneater administrative records (1978-1989), Capital Review Committee requests for action (1986-1989), Chancellor's Staff meeting records (1988-1991), Memorial Union and Brady Commons Staff meeting records (1985-1988), Memorial Union and Brady Commons staff complaints (1986-1989).
Box 16 - (1982-1992) This box includes portions of Chancellor Haskell Monroe's correspondence, UMC Residential Life records of alcohol checks, Chancellor's Staff meeting records (1987-1988), Capital Review Committee correspondence and meeting records (1986-1989), Memorial Union and Brady Commons administrative records and personnel files (1982-1989), portions of Director of Recreational Education Candice Whittet's correspondence, Associate Vice Chancellor Suzanne Holland's correspondence, portions of UMCPD Director Ronald Mason's correspondence, Office of Residential Life administrative records (1985-1992), portions of UMCRL Director Roger Fisher's correspondence.
Box 17 - (1981-1992) This box includes University Bookstore Staff meeting records (1989-1992), portions of Assistant Director of Student Development Paulette Grimes' correspondence, Campus Access Office correspondence (1991-1992), portions of Associate Vice Chancellor Suzanne Holland's correspondence, portions of Vice Chancellor David McIntire's correspondence, UMCPD reports and correspondence (1984-1992), a History of the MUPD, 1954-1987, UMC Rape Task Force Report (1981), portions of UMCPD Director Ronald Mason's correspondence.
Box 18 - (1982-1991) This box includes portions of Chancellor Haskell Monroe's correspondence, portions of Vice President Richard Wallace's correspondence, University of Missouri Board of Curators' meeting records and related materials (1982-1991), UMCRL rate increases (1987-1988), UMCRL student fee increases, UMCRL recreational facilities records, UMCPD traffic and parking records (1987), portions of Associate Vice Chancellor Suzanne Holland's correspondence.
Box 19 - (1984-1994) This box includes Chancellor's Committee on Committees meeting records and annual reports (1985-1993), University of Missouri Board of Curators meeting records (1993), UMC Mission Statements, Board of Curators Executive Orders, UMC Campus Recreation Commission correspondence, Memorial Union and Brady Commons correspondence (1984-1994), Graduate Professional Council (GPC) and Missouri Students Association appointment recommendations (1985-1994).
Box 20 - (1979-1994) This box includes Memorial Union and Brady Commons use survey (1988), Maneater correspondence and business records (1985-1992), Memorial Union and Brady Commons Committee meeting records (1984-1993), Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee meeting records (1991-1994), and Student Organizations, Governments, and Activities Committee correspondence and meeting records (1979-1991).
Box 21 - (1983-1994) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor Charles Schroeder's correspondence, UMC Student Affairs Advisory Council correspondence and meeting records (1983-1992), Staff Advisory Council correspondence and meeting records (1988-1991), University of Missouri System Student Affairs Advisory Council correspondence and meeting records (1985-1994), UMC Non-Discrimination Resolution, UMC AIDS Policy Statement, UMC Sexual Harassment Policy Statement, portions of Chancellor Haskell Monroe's correspondence, portions of Associate Vice Chancellor Suzanne Holland's correspondence.
Box 22 - (1978-1994) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor Charles Schroeder's correspondence, portions of Vice Chancellor Norman Moore's correspondence, copies of UMC-related magazine articles, UM-System annual reports (1982-1988), UMC annual reports (1980-1981), UMC enrollment statistics, UM-System insurance policies and procedures (1992), UM-System budget materials (1978-1991), UM-System staff handbook (1986), MU at a Glance fact book (1989), UMC Bookstore Director search files, Memorial Union Policy Manual (1990), UMC student handbook (1989), Student Affairs correspondence, Student Affairs Directors' Retreat records (1983-1994), and Americans with Disabilities Act compliance records (1990).
Box 23 - (1978-1994) This box includes portions of Chancellor Haskell Monroe's correspondence, portions of Vice Chancellor David McIntire's correspondence, UM-System Annual Reports (1980-1981), University of Missouri student handbook (1989), UMC procedure manuals, UM-System staff handbook (1986), UMC enrollment data (1986), MU at a Glance pamphlet (1989), University Bookstore Director search records (1994), UMC Student Affairs Office staff retreats (1987-1994), UMC Student Affairs Office self-evaluations, and UM-System budgets (1978-1991).
Box 24 - (1981-1992) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor Norman Moore's correspondence, correspondence concerning UMC Golf Course construction proposals (1983-1988), Hearnes Task Force Sub-Committee correspondence and related records (1988-1989), Student Health Services administrative records (1981-1992), portions of Student Health Services Resident Physician Susan Even's correspondence, Central Food Stores administrative records (1982-1991), and portions of Memorial Union and Brady Commons Director A. K. Rahman's correspondence.
Box 25 - (1984-1993) This box includes UMCRL Student Organizations funding records (1990-1992), UMCRL Student Activities budgets (1984-1993), portions of Vice Chancellor Norman Moore correspondence, Administrative Associate II Richard Anderson correspondence, Savitar financial records (1985-1990), and portions of Assistant to the President for Budget Development Harold Hume's correspondence.
Box 26 - (1979-1992) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor Norman Moore's correspondence, Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee correspondence and meeting records (1985-1992), portions of administrative Associate II Richard Anderson's correspondence, Hinkson Creek Recreation Area Master Plan (1979), capital improvement requests, construction site plans, and construction project blueprints.
Box 27 - (1984-1997) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor Charles Schroeder's correspondence, University of Missouri-Columbia Police Department (UMCPD) Five Year Operational Plan: 1995-2000, portions of UMCPD Director Neil McLaughlin's correspondence, UMCPD annual report (1995), information technologies proposals (1984-1985), Fund for Improvement of Post-Secondary Education grant records (1997), financial system account records (1990), Internet access instruction records (1994), and Student Credit Union administrative records and correspondence (1985).
Box 28 - (1984-1988) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor for Student Services James Irwin's correspondence, portions of Chancellor Haskell Monroe correspondence, portions of Associate Vice Chancellor Suzanne Holland's correspondence, Student Activities budgets (1984-1985), and a UMC Handbook for Divisional Student Councils, with budget development procedures and general fiscal regulations (1987-1988).
Box 29 - (1979-1994) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor for Student Personnel Norman Moore's correspondence, portions of Professor Carleton Spotts' correspondence, Student Financial Aid Committee meeting records (1984-1992), Chancellor's Leadership Class seminar records (1989-1992), Hancock II tax relief legislation information (1994), Personnel Services administrative records (1983-1985), portions of Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Services Suzanne Holland's correspondence, and UMC scholarship award records, including student grades (1979-1992).
Box 30 - (1985-1989) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor Norman Moore's correspondence, Student Affairs long-range planning materials (1989), portions of Administrative Assistant Richard Anderson's correspondence, UMC Bookstore correspondence (1985-1995), UMC campus vending machines licensing records, Computer Spectrum management records and correspondence, Memorial Union floor plans (1989), Memorial Union and Brady Commons correspondence concerning student fees, portions of Memorial Union and Brady Commons Director A. K. Rahman's correspondence, and Memorial Union and Brady Commons disciplinary personnel records (1989).
Box 31 - (1987-1994) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor David McIntire's correspondence, portions of Administrative Assistant II Richard Anderson's correspondence, UMC Bookstore business records (1987-1993), portions of Vice President for Administrative Affairs James McGill's correspondence, M Store leasing records, Computer Spectrum business records and correspondence (1988-1991), National Association of College Stores correspondence, Sports Shop correspondence (1992-1993), UMC financial statements (1990-1994), portions of Senior Administrative Secretary Marilyn Brown's correspondence.
Box 32 - (1990-1995) This box includes Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee improvement proposals, Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee meeting records (1990-1995), portions of Administrative Assistant II Richard Anderson's correspondence, Student and Parent Center project allocations, and Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee blueprints of planned improvements.
Box 33 - (1982-1995) This box includes portions of Charles Schroeder's correspondence, UMC Student Affairs Division Directors meeting records (1990-1995), Office of Student Affairs personnel files, UMC interest income data (1982-1983), portions of Chancellor Barbara Uehling's correspondence, portions of Administrative Assistant II Richard Anderson's correspondence, UMC student opinion survey records (1994), and Office of Residential Life parking complaint records.
Box 34 - (1980-1987) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor Charles Schroeder's correspondence, portions of Residential Life Director Roger Fisher's correspondence, Residential Life budgets (1984-1987), Residential Life project records (1980-1983), Division of Housing Systems budget (1982-1983), and portions of Assistant Director of Enterprise Services Jim Bunton's correspondence.
Box 35 - (1981-1998) This box includes portions of Executive Staff Assistant Christine Winfield's correspondence, portions of Associate Vice Chancellor for Alumni Relations Todd Coleman correspondence, Jackie Joyner Kersee Youth Center Foundation correspondence (1997), Alumni Relations donor profiles (1997), UMC Black Culture Center fund-raising records (1995-1998), Black Culture Center floor plans and design reports.
Box 36 - (1982-1993) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor Norman Moore's correspondence, portions of Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services Kee Groshong's correspondence, Student Financial Aid Pre-Pay Plan records, Student Financial Aid correspondence and administrative records (1982-1993), correspondence and related records from UMC Student Government and Activities, Memorial Union and Brady Commons administrative records (1990-1991), portions of Assistant to the Director of Student Affairs Ginny Booker's correspondence, Student Personnel and Auxiliary Services' Annual Report (1985-1986), and Student Financial Aid audits (1982-1985).
Box 37 - (1990-1995) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor Charles Schroeder's correspondence, UMC Student Affairs Director's meeting records (1991-1995), UMC Personnel Development Committee correspondence and meeting records (1990-1992), Division of Student Affairs budget records (1991-1993), portions of Professor Richard Caple's correspondence.
Box 38 - (1981-1995) This box includes portions of David McIntire's correspondence, Savitar business records (1991-1995), portions of Administrative Assistant II Richard Anderson's correspondence, State audit records (1992), Career Placement and Planning Center administrative records, UMC Copy Centers correspondence, surplus property correspondence, Knight Report, UMC Student Affairs Annual Report (1993-1994), UMC Student Affairs organizational charts (1981-1991).
Box 39 - (1992-1997) This box includes portions of UMC Residential Life Director Roger Fisher's correspondence, UMC Residential Life administrative records (1993-1994), Loeb Hall Closing Impact Study (1992), portions of Administrative Assistant II Richard Anderson's correspondence, UMC student housing rates, student fee increases, and UMC Residential Life correspondence (1995-1997).
Box 40 - (1984-1991) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor Norman Moore's correspondence, Student Personnel and Auxiliary Services budgets (1986-1988), Student Personnel and Auxiliary Services Three Year Plan (1984), University of Missouri-Columbia Police Department budget planning (1990-1991), and Candy Etc. snack shop and Union Express food service budgets (1989).
Box 41 - (1993-1998) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor Charles Schroeder's correspondence, portions of Administrative Assistant II Richard Anderson's correspondence, UMC Student Affairs Fiscal Officers meeting records (1995-1998), portions of Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Catherine Scroggs's correspondence, a UM-System Cashier's Operating Manual (1993), and UMC cash-handling reviews (1994-1995).
Box 42 - (1988-1994) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor David McIntire's correspondence, portions of Associate Vice Chancellor Suzanne Holland's correspondence, correspondence relating to Memorial Union and Brady Commons expansion (1989-1994), Memorial Union and Brady Commons Business Plan (1993), portions of Administrative Assistant II Cathy Hurst's correspondence, Brady Commons floor plans, UMC housing rates (1993-1994), UMC room and board rates (1988-1991), and portions of Administrative Assistant II Richard Anderson's correspondence.
Box 43 - [Records Center location 112947 purged -- no box -- 9-25-2003] Box 44 - (1970-1997) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor Charles Schroeder's correspondence, UMC Residence Hall blueprints and floor plans (1970-1973), Residential Life Incentive Pay Plan records (1996-1997), Student Activities proposed budgets (1994-1997), and a UMC Handbook for Divisional Student Councils.(112948)
Box 45 - (1982-1992) This box includes portions of Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services Duane Stucky's correspondence, portions of Administrative Assistant II Richard Anderson's correspondence, Task Force on Computing Planning and Development records (1984-1988), UMC Student Affairs statistics and representational bar graphs, UM-System Organization and Management Review Report (1992), and portions of Provost and Interim Chancellor Gerald Brouder's correspondence.
Box 46 - (1978-1993) This box includes chronological correspondence created by Vice Chancellor Charles Schroeder (10/1992-12/1993), records on Memorial Union/Brady Commons Expansion and Renovation (including preliminary sketches of the Brady Commons Expansion and Task Force records), and correspondence with the Pugh family, owners of the Missouri Bookstore (1983). Box 47 - (1995) This box contains chronological correspondence created by Vice Chancellor Charles Schroeder (06/1995-11/1995). Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.
Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Carl Lingle: June 2000
Revised: 15 March 2006
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