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Call Number:

Box 1-UMLD1
Box 2-UMLD1
Pkg 3-Ellis
Box 4-UMLD1
OSF 1-Ellis

C:0/3/8 Box 1 FF1

Record Group: 0 C
Record Sub-Group: 23
Records Title: UMC; University General; Alumni Association; Photographic Negatives, Prints, and Slides
Dates: ca. 1845-1938, 1947-1966
Volume: 1 cubic foot, 1.25 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

(A84-53; A84-105; A98-70)
This Record Sub-Group contains photographic negatives, prints, and slides covering a variety of topics of University-related interest such as alumni class reunions, faculty and administration, St. Patrick's Day events, Farmer's Fair, Barnwarming, May Day, Homecoming, the Savitar Frolics, Journalism Week, classes from the University Laboratory School, 1940 student anti-war protest parade, athletic competitions, and other student events, such as student field trips, and graduation. Also included in the Sub-Group are many items showing campus buildings and landmarks including the old Academic Hall and the Chalybate Spring Pagoda, the Memorial Union and its additions, Jesse Hall Auditorium before the renovation, and the KOMU television station. Portraits of various faculty members are also included in the Sub-Group.

The majority of the negatives and slides in the Sub-Group date from the 1950's. Unless noted on the inventory, these are black and white negatives. Many negatives in the Sub-Group were taken by Mary Paxton Keeley, noted photographer and University of Missouri-Columbia alumna. These are noted in the inventory. Also in the Sub-Group are file folders containing 8x10 black and white photographs taken from the negatives in Envelopes 54, 71, 95, and 117 of Box 1 and two 8x11 black and white photographs from negatives in Envelopes 27, and 41 of Box 2. Included in the file folder is a photocopy of a Mizzou magazine article regarding the cheerleaders' photograph. One of the cheerleaders pictured is Mary Aileen Faurot Edwards, daughter of the late football coach Don Faurot.

Historical Note:

The University of Missouri Alumni Association was originally established in the late nineteenth century to help maintain lifelong relationships between the University of Missouri and its alumni. In 1936, it was incorporated as a distinct organization. Its purpose includes supporting and participating in activities that improve the quality of the University.

Series Descriptions:

This Sub-group is not divided into separate record series. The Sub-Group is arranged alphabetically by the topics of the negatives, photographs or slides contained in each envelope or file folder.


Box 1

Env 1 - Academic Hall and Chalybate Spring Pagoda, pre 1886, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 10/27/1954

Env 2 - Adult Education, (Photographer alumnus), n.d.

Env 3 - Agriculture Building - new, n.d.

Env 4 - Allen, Ed T., n.d.

Env 5 - Alumni Banquet, Class of 1923, (Photographer alumnus), 11/1948

Env 6 - Alumni Board of Directors, 09/18/1959

Env 7 - Alumni Class Reunion, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 06/1957

Env 8 - Alumni Class of 1897 Reunion, (Photographer alumnus), n.d.

Env 9 - Alumni Class of 1898 and 1908 Reunions, n.d.

Env 10 - Alumni Class of 1904 Reunion, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 06/09/1954

Env 11 - Alumni Class of 1905 and 1915 Reunions, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 06/07/1955

Env 12 - Alumni Class of 1909 and 1899 Reunions, (Photographer alumnus), 06/1949

Env 13 - Alumni Class of 1924 Reunion Reception, (Photographer alumnus), 10/28/1949

Env 14 - Alumni Class of 1928 Reunion, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 11/09/1957

Env 15 - Alumni Class of 1905-1907 and 1930-1932 Reunions, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 06/11/1957

Env 16 - Alumni Class of 1934 Reunion, n.d.

Env 17 - Alumni Class Reunion, 1959

Env 18 - Alumni Dinner, Chicago, n.d.

Env 19 - Alumni Exhibit - teletype and practice teaching, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 03/07/1956

Env 20 - Alumni Fish Fry, Montgomery City, Missouri, (Photographer Bob Hoffman), 07/1962

Env 21 - Alumni license plate, (Photographer alumnus), n.d.

Env 22 - Alumni office staff, (Photographer alumnus), 12/15/1947

Env 23 - Alumni officers, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 09/17/1955

Env 24 - Alumni officials, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 09/16/1955

Env 25 - Alumnus - Forestry, 04/21/1954

Env 26 - Alumnus funds, equipment bought with, (Photographer alumnus), 10/04/1957

Env 27 - Alumnus Magazine citation, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 08/28/1956

Env 28 - Alumnus Magazine covers, n.d.

Env 29 - Alumnus Scholarship, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 10/09/1957

Env 30 - American Alumni Council Award, n.d.

Env 31 - Anderson, Hattie M., (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 09/24/1955

Env 32 - Art class, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley, 11/16/1954)

Env 33 - Arts and Science Bulletins and prints, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), n.d.

Env 34 - Athletic Advisory Committee - Chairman and new members at President's Luncheon, 09/19/1959

Env 35 - Athletics-tumbling machine, (Photographer alumnus), 09/27/1956

Env 36 - Barnwarming, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 11/07/1955

Env 37 - Basketball, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 12/04/1952

Env 38 - Baterson, Wilma, n.d.

Env 39 - Bent, Dale, Arcaud, Thomas, and Garner, "Showcase" copy negative, 08/25/1961

Env 40 - Bible College, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 09/24/1956

Env 41 - Bible College - Dr. Hearn, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 10/03/1956

Env 42 - Bible College students, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 05/08/1957

Env 43 - Botts, Tom and Teel, Bob, n.d.

Env 44 - Brady, Dr., (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 04/02/1956

Env 45 - Brady and Blincoe in laboratory setting, (Photographer Jack Taylor), n.d.

Env 46 - Bristol, Ester, n.d.

Env 47 - Burcham, Paul, 04/1959

Env 48 - Burnine, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 09/14/1955

Env 49 - Business Office- Bowling and Bezoni, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 08/27/1955

Env 50 - Business and Public Administration Week-Bosses Brawl, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 03/28/1957

Env 51 - Carousel, Student Union, 1953

Env 52 - Chance, Gano, n.d.

Env 53 - Cheerleaders, 8x11 print located in FF1, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 10/11/1955

Env 54 - Columns, half-tone negative, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), n.d.

Env 55 - Commencement, 1954

Env 56 - Commencement, 1957

Env 57 - Commencement, students looking at Columns, (Photographer alumnus), 1955

Env 58 - Covington, Joe, n.d.

Env 59 - Coil, Cullen, 1958

Env 60 - Curtis Hall, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 11/27/1954

Env 61 - Dale, Judge F. Hines, n.d.

Env 62 - Doak, (Photographer Jack Taylor), n.d.

Env 63 - Dog Patch Dance, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 11/14/1953

Env 64 - Donnelly, Governor Phil M. and President Frederick A. Middlebush at reception, (Photographer alumnus), n.d.

Env 65 - Dr. Durant and daughter (includes prints), (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), n.d.

Env 66 - Ellis, Elmer (includes prints), (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 09/02/1954

Env 67 - Ellis, Elmer and wife (includes prints), (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 05/05/1955

Env 68 - Engineering, St. Patrick's Day First Kow-Tow, (Photographer alumnus), 1905

Env 69 - Engineering, St. Patrick's Day (prints from glass negatives), 1909

Env 70 - Engineering, St. Patrick's Day poster, (Photographer alumnus), ca. 1910

Env 71 - Engineering,St. Patrick's Day celebration, (8x10 print located in FF1), (Photographer alumnus), 03/21/1953

Env 72 - Engineering, St. Patrick's Day, (Photographer alumnus), n.d.

Env 73 - Engineering, St. Patrick's Day Queen, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 03/21/1953

Env 74 - Engineering - primarily faculty, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 02/07/1956

Env 75 - Engineering School (includes prints), (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), n.d.

Env 76 - Engineering College, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 02/13/1956

Env 77 - English, W.F., n.d.

Env 78 - English, Dean of Arts & Science autographing book in bookstore, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 11/23/1954

Env 79 - Entsminger, Buss, (Photographer Jack Taylor), n.d.

Env 80 - Entsminger, G.H., 1959

Env 81 - Faculty Club, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 01/17/1953

Env 82 - Feder, Theodore (includes contact prints), 08/1967

Env 83 - Faurot Dinner, ca. 1956

Env 84 - Faurot, Don (Photographer alumnus), 10/16/1954

Env 85 - Faurot, Don, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 12/17/1956

Env 86 - Faurot, Don (Photographer Jack Taylor), 10/08/1956

Env 87 - Ferguson, John L., 04/1959

Env 88 - Fitzgerald, N.E., and Tice, D.L., n.d.

Env 89 - Fletcher, Pete, 04/1959

Env 90 - Football Team of 1909 Reunion, (Photographer alumnus), 1949

Env 91 - Football Rally at Columns (includes prints), (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 10/23/1953

Env 92 - Football (old prints copy), (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 10/19/1955

Env 93 - Football, Cotton Bowl Team, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 10/22/1955

Env 94 - Football, Missouri vs. Texas A&M, 10/05/1957

Env 95 - Football (8x10 print located in FF1), (Photographer Jack Taylor), 09/10/1957

Env 96 - Football Uniforms, new, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 08/31/1956

Env 97 - Forestry Department (includes print), (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 03/26/1956

Env 98 - Forsee, James H., (Photographer Jack Taylor), n.d.

Env 99 - Freeman, Flavius B., n.d.

Env 100 - Garrison, J.H., (Photographer Jack Taylor), n.d.

Env 101 - Geller, Hyman, n.d.

Env 102 - Gentry, Sarah - portrait as a young girl, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), n.d.

Env 103 - Gentry, Sarah - portrait as a young girl, (includes slide and negative), n.d.

Env 104 - Gentry Portrait Presentation, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 12/18/1955

Env 105 - Glee Club (includes copy negative from 1903 Savitar), (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 03/30/1953

Env 106 - Governor Phil Donnelly at Jefferson City, 05/24/1954

Env 107 - Griffin, Betty, n.d.

Env 108 - Graham, Ellis R., 1959

Env 109 - Hall, Gene, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 08/02/1956

Env 110 - Helmreich, L.W. & son, n.d.

Env 111 - Hill Hall site - West of Jesse Hall, (Photographer alumnus), ca. 1940's or 1950's

Env 112 - Holloway, J.C., n.d.

Env 113 - Home Economics (includes prints), (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 09/14/1953

Env 114 - Homecoming, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 11/22/1952

Env 115 - Homecoming, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 10/22/1955

Env 116 - Homecoming, (Photographer Broyles), 1957

Env 117 - Homecoming (8x10 print located in FF1), (Photographer Photo Service), 1966

Env 118 - Homecoming (includes prints from negatives in Env. 117), 1966

Env 119 - Homecoming, Faurot's last year, 1956

Env 120 - Homecoming floats, (Photographer alumnus), 11/21/1954

Env 121 - Homecoming house decorations, (Photographer alumnus), 11/21/1954

Env 122 - Homecoming Parade, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 12/1/1956

Env 123 - Homecoming Queen Coronation, (Photographer alumnus), 11/21/1954

Env 124 - Homecoming Queen, (Photographer alumnus), 10/21/1955

Env 125 - Homecoming Queen, President Elmer Ellis and Governor Phil M. Donnelly, (Photographer alumnus), 10/22/1955

Env 126 - Homecoming Queen, (Photographer Jack Taylor), n.d.

Env 127 - Hospital construction and Dean Pullen, (Photographer OPI), 12/16/1954

Env 128 - Hospital Student Clinic, (Photographer alumnus), 04/14/1953

Env 129 - Housing exterior Hall "B" Women's Dorms - Dobbs Group, Spring 1957

Env 130 - Housing, exterior Married Students, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 08/19/1955

FF 1 - 8x10 prints from negatives in Box 1, Env 54, Env 71, Env 95, and Env 117

Box 2

Env 1 - Jesse Hall - Auditorium (includes copy negative from 1903 Savitar), (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 03/30/1953

Env 2 - Jesse Hall - Auditorium Addition (blue print negative), (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 12/1952

Env 3 - Journalism, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 04/09/1956

Env 4 - Journalism Week, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 05/1956

Env 5 - Keeley, Mary Paxton - older, n.d.

Env 6 - Kloninger, Walter John, n.d.

Env 7 - Knowles (copy negative), (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), n.d.

Env 8 - Krusedopf, Doane, Hutchinson (includes print), 1958

Env 9 - Laboratory School - Music - High School, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 04/28/1955

Env 10 - Laboratory School - Kindergarten (includes print), (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 03/27/1956

Env 11 - Laboratory School - Elementary School, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), n.d.

Env 12 - Laboratory School - Elementary School, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 06/30/1953

Env 13 - Lasley, John F., 04/1959

Env 14 - Lathrop Hall and Art Department - Building defects, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 11/12/1954

Env 15 - Law School, Tate Hall, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 03/01/1956

Env 16 - Lewis, Lura (includes prints), 01/1958

Env 17 - Lhamon, W.J., (Photographer Jack Taylor), n.d.

Env 18 - Long, R.A., (Photographer Jack Taylor), n.d.

Env 19 - Longwell, Dean of Agriculture, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 11/02/1954

Env 20 - Lyman, Mr., n.d.

Env 21 - Madden, Gene, (Photographer alumnus), 09/01/1955

Env 22 - Madden, Gene, 1957

Env 23 - Matthews, Jack and boys, n.d.

Env 24 - Dr. McComas, n.d.

Env 25 - McHaney, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 12/03/1952

Env 26 - Meat Lab (includes prints), (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 03/1953

Env 27 - Memorial Union - Union Anniversary Party, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 09/25/1953

Env 28 - Memorial Union - Student Memorial Activities, (Photographer Statler), n.d.

Env 29 - Memorial Union - Student in cap and gown, (Photographer by Jack Taylor), 05/31/1956

Env 30 - Memorial Union (includes copy negative), (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), n.d.

Env 31 - Memorial Union - Terrace Band (includes prints), 06/1953

Env 32 - Memorial Union - Students in Coffee Shop, 01/12/1956 (Photographer OPI)

Env 33 - Memorial Union - Carol Singers, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 12/01/1954

Env 34 - Memorial Union - Soda Fountain, 04/17/1953

Env 35 - Memorial Union - Memorial Tablets, 12/04/1952

Env 36 - Memorial Union - Plaques, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), n.d.

Env 37 - Memorial Union with new addition (architects drawing), n.d.

Env 38 - Memorial Union - Tower and Clock, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 07/05/1957

Env 39 - Memorial Union - Clock close up, n.d.

Env 40 - Memorial Union (includes negatives of floor plans and prints), n.d.

Env 41 - Memorial Union - Students on patio, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 10/12/1955

Env 42 - Frederick A. Middlebush Appreciation Banquet, (Photographer Alumnus), 06/1954

Env 43 - Frederick A. Middlebush - Business and Public Administration Building, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 12/14/1954

Env 44 - Frederick A. Middlebush - Business and Public Administration Building, 01/1960

Env 45 - Frederick A. Middlebush and Purdue President, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 09/26/1953

Env 46 - Moberly, Pat, 1959

Env 47 - Morelock, T.C., n.d.

Env 48 - Neihardt, John G., and prints (Photographer Jack Taylor), 05/15/1957

Env 49 - Neihardt, John G., (Photographer George W. Gardner), 1963-1964

Env 50 - Nelson, Harry O., n.d.

Env 51 - Newton (includes contact prints), 08/1960

Env 52 - Dr. Overholser, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 06/05/1956

Env 53 - Overstreet Portrait, (Photographer Jack Taylor), n.d.

Env 54 - Overstreet, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 09/07/1955

Env 55 - Dr. Pace, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 02/28/1955

Env 56 - Penney, J.C. at Foremost Farm, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 10/26/1955

Env 57 - Power Plant construction and Steam Tunnel (prints in oversize folder 4a), (Photographer Jack Taylor), 01/05/1956

Env 58 - Pre-registration, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 08/03/1954

Env 59 - President's Home and Office, (pre-1960 UMC Chancellor's Residence), n.d.

Env 60 - Psychology (includes print), (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 03/27/1956

Env 61 - Read Hall, n.d.

Env 62 - Reynolds, S.P., 1959

Env 63 - Ripetto, Reverend (includes print), (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 03/23/1956

Env 64 - Rollins Field, 05/1957

Env 65 - Rollins Portrait, n.d.

Env 66 - ROTC Color Guard, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 04/18/1956

Env 67 - ROTC Honor Guard at Memorial Union, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), n.d.

Env 68 - Savitar Frolics, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 03/17/1955

Env 69 - Savitar Frolics, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 1954

Env 70 - Savitar Frolics, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 03/02/1956

Env 71 - Schwada, Chancellor John, n.d.

Env 72 - Shane, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), n.d.

Env 73 - Showcase, 08/25/1961

Env 74 - Snider at desk, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 02/24/1954

Env 75 - Sorority Girls' Pan-Hellenic Bulletin Koepk, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 05/1956

Env 76 - Sorority pins, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), n.d.

Env 77 - Square Dance, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 12/12/1952

Env 78 - Stadler, Lewis, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), n.d.
Note to Archivist: A digital scan of the image in Box 2, Env 78 is stored with Digital Media.

Env 79 - Staples, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 01/02/1954

Env 80 - Stephenson, Dr. Showcase, 06/07/1954

Env 81 - Stephenson, Hugh and Dr. G. Lodwick, 1957

Env 82 - Stephenson, Hugh and Tull, Bob and Vaughan, n.d.

Env 83 - Student Activities Round the Clock (includes prints), (Photographer alumnus), n.d.

Env 84 - Student Government Activities, (Photographer alumnus), 11/18/1953

Env 85 - Student Government Activities (includes print), (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 11/1953

Env 86 - Swimming, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 1952

Env 87 - Tatum, R. L., n.d.

Env 88 - Television Station KOMU, (Photographer alumnus), 01/18/1954

Env 89 - Television Studio - Fred McKinney, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 11/25/1954

Env 90 - Track, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 12/04/1952

Env 91 - Tumbling, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 12/1952

Env 92 - University Emblem - Tiger on Tray, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 11/29/1954

Env 93 - Valersons - various men in armed services (includes copy negatives), (Photographer alumnus), n.d.

Env 94 - Veblen, Thorstein (includes copy negative), (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 04/05/1955

Env 95 - Veterinary School, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 03/22/1956

Env 96 - Valker, P.C., 04/1959

Env 97 - Volleyball, (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), 12/03/1952

Env 98 - Warren, David M., (Photographer Jack Taylor), 06/01/1956

Env 99 - Watada family, (Photographer Jack Taylor), 08/02/1956

Env 100 - "Wish you were here", (Photographer Mary Paxton Keeley), n.d.

Env 101 - Women's Centennial - Cover Missouri Alumnus - Julie Hollingsworth, 09/1967

Env 102 - Women's Gym, (Photographer Jack Taylor), n.d.

Env 103 - Wrench, Jesse and Wooley, J.C. and Neal, M. Pinson, (Photographer alumnus), n.d.

Env 104 - Yates, n.d.

FF 1 - Transparencies of quotations

FF 2 - Two prints of Memorial Union made from negatives in Box 2

FF 3 - Contact sheets, prints, and cd copies of John Neihardt negatives in Box 2, Envelopes 48 and 49

Package 3
Engineering - St. Patrick's Day, 1909

Five glass negatives of the St. Patrick's Day celebration in front of the Columns

Note to Archivist: There are 3"x4" glass slides of these negatives in C:9/13/2 Box 3 (slides 46-50). There are prints and copy negatives of the same images in C:9/13/1 Box 1 FF 24.

Box 4

FF 1 - Agriculture - Farmer's Fair, Farmer's Week (includes prints and negatives), 1905
R.H. Jesse speaking to agriculture students outside Jesse Hall (formerly Academic Hall), (includes three photographs and one negative), 03/11/1905
Farmer's Fair - 17 students in front of Switzler Hall, 1909
Farmer's Week - Jackson County group by the Wabash Railroad Station, 1914
Farmer's Fair - Agriculture float for parade, 05/05/1916
Farmer's Fair - Horse Show (includes print and negative), 05/05/1916
Farmer's Fair - Poster (includes prints and negatives), 05/05/1916
Farm Crops, a Missouri Feed Basket - Float for Farmer's Fair Parade (includes prints and negatives), 05/05/1916
Farmer's Fair Float advertising for Liberty Bonds (includes prints and negatives), 1918
Farmer's Fair Float with six women and four chickens -- Chicken Varieties, America's Best (includes prints and negatives), 1919
Horticulture Float for Farmer's Fair, 1919
Farmer's Fair Float with six women with sign, "Mo-lasses" (includes prints and negatives), 1920
Farmer's Fair, minstrel show with group in black face, 1920
Farmer's Fair Queen, unidentified, 1920
Farmer's Fair entrance (includes print and negative), 1920
Farmer's Fair, unidentified men making a slide in a tree, 1920
Farmer's Fair Windmill (includes prints and negatives), 1928
Farmer's Fair Float with six women advertising refrigerators (includes prints and negatives), 1938
Farmer's Fair Posters (includes prints and negatives), 1938
Farmer's Fair Float, Tally-Ho 1870-1900, 1938
Farmer's Fair Float for Veterinary Science, 1938
Farmer's Fair Ferris Wheel, 1938
Picture of unidentified women, likely a Farmer's Fair Queen and attendants, n.d.
Farmer's Fair Parade, ca. 1900

FF 2 - Agriculture (includes prints and negatives)
Agricultural College students and faculty, 1895
Agriculture Experiment Station on Hitt Street, 1896
Agriculture Building with unidentified men, n.d.
Horticulture Cottage - site of Whitten and Mumford Halls, ca. 1900
Vegetable garden class, ca. 1900
Dean's Residence and Dairy Barns, ca. 1900
Agriculture Summer School, 1901
Field trip for an Agriculture class, ca. 1901
Short Course class, Switzler Hall, 1902
Dean Mumford judging sheep, ca. 1902
Farm machinery laboratory class, 1903
Agriculture Summer School, Switzler Hall, print and negative, ca. 1903
Horticulture Laboratory, ca. 1905
First Residence for Dean of Agriculture, n.d.
Second Residence for Dean of Agriculture - burned 1909, n.d.,
Home economics cooking class, 1908
Meat cutting class in Schweitzer Hall, ca. 1908
Machinery Shed, 1911
Demonstration Truck "Clover and Prosperity", College of Agriculture, ca. 1922
Unidentified man on hay wagon, n.d.
Motorized covered wagon with six unidentified men, n.d.

FF 3 - MU Campus Buildings (includes photographs and negatives)
Brick-laden walkway on a snowy day, n.d.
Architect's drawing of proposed reconstruction after fire in 1892 (includes photograph and negative), n.d.
ROTC Parade in front of the Chemistry Building on Francis Quadrangle (includes photographs and negative), ca. 1904-1906
Artillery Drill in front of the Engineering Building on Francis Quadrangle, 1905
Lathrop Hall, 1914
Chancellor's Home and Gardens (includes photograph and negative), ca. 1918-1930
Ellis Library (includes photographs and negative), n.d.
Aerial View of University of Missouri at Columbia, ca. 1940s
Columns, n.d.
ROTC Band in front of the Columns, n.d.
Swallow Hall prior to weather storm, n.d.
Engineering Building, n.d.
Sculpture on Campus, n.d.
Setting the Cornerstone of the Memorial Union North Building, 1950
Ellis Library, 1962

FF 4 - Academic Hall (including the burning), Chalybate Springs, Laws Observatory and Jesse Hall
Drawings of the University of Missouri at Columbia, before 1871
The University of Missouri at Columbia, drawings and negatives, after 1872
Academic Hall and Chalybate Springs, photographs and negatives, ca. 1872
Drawings of Academic Hall, pictures and negatives, 1872
Transparency of a drawing of University of Missouri-Columbia, ca. 1875
Academic Hall with wings, n.d.
Laws Observatory, n.d.
Academic Hall burning, 01/09/1892
Academic Hall after the fire (includes photographs and negatives), 1892
The Columns (includes photographs and negatives), ca. 1900
Chalybate Springs and Jesse Hall, ca. 1900
Repair of Columns (includes photographs and negatives), 1949

FF 5 - Education (includes photographs and drawings)
University Laboratory School, n.d.
First University Elementary School on Sixth Street, 1905
Abandoned Men's Dormitory used as a University High School, 1915
Charter members of Phi Delta Kappa, 1908-1909
Drawing of the College of Normal Instruction - Education, n.d.
Drawing of English and Art School, n.d.
Women's High School Chorus, 1938
Class in home economics, 1938
Children reading at a library, n.d.
Children's class, n.d.
Young girls mending, n.d.
Four and five year old children in classroom, n.d.
Young men in woodcutting class, n.d.
Children at recess in front of the Laboratory School, n.d.
Townsend Hall, n.d.

FF 6 - Football (includes photographs and negatives)
University football team (includes photographs and negatives), 1895
Missouri vs. University of Kansas, 11/24/1910
Missouri vs. University of Kansas, 11/23/1912
Students lining the M at Faurot Field, n.d.
Fans at Missouri vs. Washington University(Missouri) at Rollins Field, 10/14/1916
Coach Don Faurot and Clair Houston, 1935
Aerial View of Faurot Field, n.d.

FF 7 - Portraits (includes prints and negatives)
President Elmer Ellis, n.d.
Dean J.W. Sanborn, ca. 1882-1889
Unidentified man, n.d.
Unidentified white-bearded man, n.d.
William Defoe, n.d.

FF 8 - Graduating Class (includes print and negative), ca. 1845

FF 9 - Students - Miscellaneous (includes prints and negatives)
Students Anti-War Protest, 1940
A student's room in Lathrop Hall, n.d.

FF 10 - Miscellaneous Photographs (includes prints and negatives)
Aerial view of University of Missouri at Columbia campus, n.d.
Photograph of downtown Columbia looking toward the dome of Jesse Hall n.d.
The Shack

OSF 1 - Photographs and Oversized Prints
University of Missouri-Columbia Power Plant and steam tunnel, 01/05/1956
University of Missouri-Columbia Power Plant construction and steam tunnel, 01/05/1956
Pipes around campus, 01/05/1956
University of Missouri-Columbia Power Plant construction, 01/05/1956

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Revised: 07 June 2021

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