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Box Lists for UW:4/0/12Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s). Box 1 - 009447 [return to top][A77-36] FF - University of Alabama, 1967-1973 FF - University of Alaska, 1967 FF - University of Arizona, 1966-1973 FF - Arizona State University, 1969-1972 FF - University of Arkansas, 1967-1973 FF - University of British Columbia, 1967, 1970 FF - University of California-Berkeley, 1971-1973 FF - University of California-Los Angeles, 1967-1973 FF - California - Other Colleges, 1966-1973 FF - Colorado - Other Colleges, 1968-1971 FF - University of Colorado, 1967-1973 FF - Colorado State University, 1966-1972 FF - Connecticut - Other Colleges, 1966-1972 FF - University of Delaware, 1968-1973 FF - District of Columbia - Other Colleges, 1968-1973 FF - Florida State University, 1966-1972 FF - University of Florida, 1966-1973 FF - Georgia - Other Colleges, 1971, 1973 FF - University of Georgia, 1968-1973 FF - University of Hawaii, 1968-1970 FF - Hawaii - Other Colleges, 1968 FF - University of Idaho and Idaho State University, 1967-1972 FF - Illinois State University, 1966-1973 FF - University of Illinois, 1966-1972 FF - Southern Illinois University, 1966-1973 FF - Illinois - Other Colleges, 1966-1972 FF - Indiana - Other Colleges, 1966-1973 FF - Indiana University, 1966-1973 FF - Iowa - Other Colleges, 1967-1971 FF - University of Iowa, 1966-1973 FF - Iowa State University, 1966-1973 FF - Kansas - Other Colleges, 1967-1973 FF - University of Kansas, 1967-1973 FF - Kansas State University - 1967-1973 FF - Kentucky - Other Colleges, 1966-1973 FF - University of Kentucky, 1966-1973 FF - Louisiana - Other Colleges, 1968-1973 FF - University of Maine, 1970-1972 FF - Maryland - Other Colleges, 1968-1971 FF - University of Maryland, 1969-1973 FF - Massachusetts - Other Colleges, 1966-1973 FF - Michigan - Other Colleges, 1967-1973 FF - University of Michigan, 1967-1973 FF - Michigan State University, 1966-1973 FF - University of Minnesota, 1966-1973 FF - Mississippi - Other Colleges, 1968-1973 FF - University of Montana, 1969, 1973 FF - Nebraska - Other Colleges, 1966-1973 FF - Nevada, 1968-1973 FF - University of New Hampshire, 1967, 1972 FF - New Jersey - Other Colleges, 1967-1973 FF - New Mexico - Other Colleges, 1969-1973 FF - University of New Mexico, 1966-1969, 1973 Box 2 - 009449 [return to top][A77-36] FF - New York - Other Colleges, 1966-1973 FF - North Carolina - Other Colleges, 1966-1973 FF - University of North Carolina - 1967-1973 FF - North Dakota - Other Colleges, 1967-1973 FF - Ohio - Other Colleges, 1966-1973 FF - Oklahoma - Other Colleges, 1966-1973 FF - University of Oklahoma, 1966-1973 FF - Oklahoma State University, 1967-1973 FF - Oregon, 1966-1973 FF - Pennsylvania, 1966-1973 FF - Philippines, 1968 FF - Puerto Rico, 1966-1972 FF - Rhode Island, 1968-1969, 1973 FF - South Carolina, 1969-1972 FF - South Dakota, 1966-1971 FF - Tennessee, 1966-1973 FF - Texas, 1967-1973 FF - University of Texas-Austin, 1966-1973 FF - Utah, 1969-1973 FF - Virginia, 1966-1973 FF - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1969-1970, 1973 FF - Washington, 1967-1973 FF - Washington State University, 1966-1967, 1972 FF - University of Washington, 1967-1973 FF - West Virginia, 1967-1973 FF - University of Wisconsin, 1971-1973 FF - Wisconsin, 1967-1973 FF - Wyoming, 1966-1969, 1973 FF - Foreign Institutions, 1971-1973 FF - Inaugurals, 1972-1974 FF - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE) - Presidents of Publicly Supported Institutions in Missouri, 10-12/1971 FF - COPHE - Presidents of Publicly Supported Institutions, 1-9/1971 FF - COPHE - Director Tom Richter, 1972 FF - COPHE - Director Tom Richter, 1973 FF - COPHE, 1971-1972 FF - COPHE - Meeting, 12/11/1973 FF - COPHE - Meeting, 9/7/1973 FF - COPHE - Higher Education Day Conference, 6/27/1973 Box 3 - 009453 [return to top][A77-36] FF - Commission on Higher Education (CHE) - "The Second Plan for the Coordination of Higher Education in Missouri for the Seventies", 1972 FF - CHE - Report on Academic Program Vacancies, 8/1973 FF - CHE - Executive Secretary, 1971 FF - CHE - Jack Cross, Executive Secretary, 1972 FF - CHE - Jack Cross, Executive Secretary, 1973 FF - CHE - Jack Cross, 1974 FF - Jack Cross, Commissioner and Executive Secretary of Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE), 1975 FF - Appeal Presentation before the Governor on 1971-1972 Budget, 10/28/1970 FF - Capitol Hearing, Appropriations Committee, 11/17/1971 FF - Legislative Bills, 1971 FF - Ratchford Testimony before House Appropriations Committee, 2/8/1971, and Senate Hearing, 3/25/1971 FF - Materials for Senate Appropriations Committee, 4/1/1971 FF - Sample Study of Faculty Teaching Loads, Fall 1971 FF - Legislative Budget Requests, 1972-1973 FF - Appeal Hearing before the Governor, 12/7/1971 FF - Proposed Statement on costs of Medical Education, 12/1971 FF - Senate Appropriations Hearing, 12/13/1971 FF - Current Operating Budget, 1971-1972 FF - House Appropriations Hearing, 1/25/1972 FF - Testimony before Senate Judiciary, 4/18/1972 FF - Senate Hearing on Supplemental Appropriations, 9/1972 FF - Committees, Missouri House of Representatives, 76th General Assembly, 1972 Box 4 - 009540 [return to top][A77-36] FF - Adult Education Association, 1972 FF - National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC) - Committee on Technology Utilization, 1970 FF - NASULGC - Committee on Technology Utilization, 1971 FF - NASULGC - Committee on Technology Utilization, 1971 (cont'd) FF - NASULGC - Committee on Technology Utilization, 1972-1976 FF - NASULGC - Committee on Technology Utilization - Reports, 1969-1971 FF - Conference on Institutions of Higher Education as Resource in Solution of National Problems, 1972-1974 FF - Public Service and Extension Conference, 1974 FF - NASULGC - Committee on Consumer Health Education, 1971-1973 FF - Report - "The Academic Community: A Backup Force to State Government", 9/1974 FF - Statements by C.B. Ratchford, 1970-1975 FF - Freedom of Information Foundation - Board of Trustees, 1973-1974 FF - Freedom of Information Foundation - Board of Trustees, 1975-1976 FF - American Council on Education (ACE), 1972-1973 FF - ACE - Logan Wilson, President, 1971-1972 FF - ACE - Roger Heyns, President, 1972 FF - ACE - Officers and Members of Board of Directors, 1967-1968, 1973 FF - ACE - Special Report on Federal Programs, 1971-1973 FF - ACE - Report on Questionnaires, 1970 Box 5 - 009650 [return to top][A77-36] FF - System Executives (Multi-Campus Presidents), 1971-1973 FF - System Executives Meeting, 12/1972 FF - System Executives Meeting, 11/1973 FF - System Executives Meetings, 6/1972 and 6/1973 FF - National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC) - Ralph K. Huitt, Executive Director, 1972-1973 FF - 1890 Federal Funding of Land Grant Colleges, 1971 FF - NASULGC - Publications and Reports, 1969-1973 FF - NASULGC - Annual Meeting, 11/1972 FF - NASULGC - Annual Meeting, 11/1973 FF - NASULGC - Annual Meeting, 11/1974 FF - NASULGC - Annual Meeting, 11/1975 FF - Western History Association, 1970-1974 FF - Harry S. Truman Library Institute, 4/1/1967 FF - Harry S. Truman Library Institute, 4/6/1968 FF - Harry S. Truman Library Institute, 4/19/1969 FF - Harry S. Truman Library Institute, 4/11/1970 FF - Harry S. Truman Library Institute, 3/27/1971 FF - Harry S. Truman Library Institute - Board of Directors Meeting, 4/22/1972 FF - St. Louis Research Council, 1971-1974 Box 6 - 009722 [return to top][A77-36] FF - Correspondence, A, 1971-1972 FF - Applications for Positions, 1971-1972 FF - Applications for Employment, 1973-1975 FF - Anonymous and Freak Letters, 1971-1976 FF - Correspondence, B, 1971-1972 FF - Correspondence, C, 1971-1972 FF - Carnegie Commission on Higher Education, 1971-1973 FF - M.M. Chambers - Grapevine, 1971-1972 FF - Correspondence, D, 1971-1972 FF - Correspondence, E, 1971-1972 FF - Editorial Projects for Education (EPE) - The E.P.E. 15-Minute Report, 1971-1973 FF - Correspondence, F, 1971-1972 FF - Correspondence, G, 1971-1972 FF - Correspondence, H, 1971-1972 FF - Correspondence, I, 1972 FF - Correspondence, J, 1970-1972 FF - Correspondence, K, 1972 FF - Correspondence, L, 1971-1972 FF - Correspondence, Mc, 1971-1972 FF - Correspondence, M, 1971-1972 FF - Correspondence, N, 1971-1972 FF - Correspondence, O, 1971-1972 FF - Correspondence, P, 1971-1972 FF - Correspondence, R, 1971-1972 FF - Correspondence, S, 1971-1972 FF - Correspondence, T, 1971-1972 FF - Correspondence, U, 1972 FF - Correspondence, V, 1971 FF - Correspondence, W, 1971-1972 FF - Correspondence, X-Z, 1969-1971 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: April 2020
Revised: 12 April 2021
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