Call Number:
Box 1-041221 |
Record Group: 4 UW Scope and Content Note (A78-20; A79-45) Historical or Biographical Note: Charles Brice Ratchford came to Missouri from North Carolina in 1959 to direct the Missouri Cooperative Extension Service. In 1970 he was promoted to Interim President and in 1971 secured a permanent position of president of the University of Missouri. He served in this capacity until 1976. Under his administration, he expanded upon the four-campus system that had been established just before his presidency with the University Outreach and Extension Program. After stepping down, he taught classes in the college of Agriculture and traveled around the world working on agricultural-related projects until shortly before his death in 1997. He died in Columbia, MO at the age of 77. The C. Brice Ratchford Fellowships make available $5000 each year to a university faculty member. Series Descriptions: This Record Sub-Group is not divided into series. It is in original, chronological order. Note to Researcher: Some of the records in this Sub-Group are restricted and cannot be made available to the public (see restrictions note at the end of this page). Inventory Box 1 FF 1 - Search for Administrative Vice President: J.L. Green, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 2 - Search for Administrative Vice President: H.R. Cottrell, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 3 - Search for Administrative Vice President: R.D. Lowe, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 4 - Search for Administrative Vice President: G. Kalouis, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 5 - Search for Administrative Vice President: W. T. Haywood, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 6 - Search for Administrative Vice President: J.W. Hobson, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 7 - Search for Administrative Vice President: D.W. Phippis, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 8 - Search for Administrative Vice President: Miscellaneous, 1975 FF 9 - Search for Administrative Vice President: Recommendations, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 10 - Search: Candidates A-D, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 11 - Search: Candidates E-G, 1975 FF 12 - Search: Candidates H-J, 1975 FF 13 - Search: Candidates K-L, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 14 - Search: Candidates M-P, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 15 - Search: Candidates R-Z, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 16 - Applications: Off Campus, 1975 FF 17 - Applications: Incomplete, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 18 - Applications: Complete, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 19 - Evaluations, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 20 - Search: Candidates A-G, 1976 [RESTRICTED] FF 21 - Search: Candidates H-Mc, 1976 [RESTRICTED] FF 22 - Search: Candidates Mc-R, 1976 [RESTRICTED] FF 23 - Search: Candidates S-Z, 1976 FF 24 - Vice President of Administration: Supplemental Folder, 1976 [RESTRICTED] FF 25 - Vice President of Administration: Supplemental Folder (cont'd), 1976 [RESTRICTED] FF 26 - Acknowledgements: Administrative Vice President, 1976 FF 27 - Candidate: Don P. Brown, 1976 FF 28 - Candidate: James Buchholz, 1976 FF 29 - Candidate: Joe F. Evans, 1976 Box 2 FF 1 - Search for Assistant to the President for Governmental Relations: A-D, 1976 [RESTRICTED] FF 2 - Search for Assistant to the President for Governmental Relations: E-K, 1976 [RESTRICTED] FF 3 - Search for Assistant to the President for Governmental Relations: L-O, 1976 [RESTRICTED] FF 4 - Search for Assistant to the President for Governmental Relations: P-S, 1976 [RESTRICTED] FF 5 - Search for Assistant to the President for Governmental Relations: T-Z, 1976 [RESTRICTED] FF 6 - Search for Assistant to the President for Governmental Relations: Supplemental Folder, 1976 [RESTRICTED] FF 7 - Search for Assistant to the President for Governmental Relations: Acknowledgements, 1976 [RESTRICTED] FF 8 - Search for Assistant to the President for State Relations: A-C, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 9 - Search for Assistant to the President for State Relations: D-G, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 10 - Search for Assistant to the President for State Relations: H-J, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 11 - Search for Assistant to the President for State Relations: K-M, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 12 - Search for Assistant to the President for State Relations: N-W, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 13 - Search for Assistant to the President for State Relations: Incomplete, 1975 FF 14 - Search for Assistant to the President for State Relations: Acknowledgements, 1975 FF 15 - Search for Assistant to the President for State Relations: Active File, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 16 - Search for Assistant to the President for State Relations: Active File (cont'd), 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 17 - Appeal Hearings- Gov. Bond- Jefferson City, December 1972 FF 18 - Budget Material for Legislative Hearings, 1973-1974 FF 19 - Testimony before Senate on "Reorganization," January 1973 FF 20 - Testimony before House Appropriation Committee Re: Capital, February 1973 Box 3 FF 1 - House and Senate Appropriation Hearings, 1973 FF 2 - House and Senate Appropriations Hearings, (cont'd), 1973 FF 3 - Hearing before House Committee Re: Reorganization of Higher Education, February 1973 FF 4- Testimony before Senate Appropriations Committee, April 1973 FF 5 - Testimony before Senate Appropriations Committee on Capital Improvements, June 1973 FF 6 - University of Missouri- Legislative Budget for Current Operations, 1973-1974 FF 7 - Meeting with Senator Merrill, July 1973 FF 8 - Presentation Regarding Operating Budget by Governor Bond, December 1973 FF 9 - Senate Hearings on Reorganization, January 1974 FF 10 - House Appropriations Hearing, January 1974 FF 11 - Senate Appropriations Hearing, January 1974 FF 12 - Testimony- Senate Appropriations Hearing, January 1974 FF 13 - Governor's Recommended Budget, 1974 FF 14 - Reductions, 1973-1975 FF 15 - Greenly Farm, 1973-1974 FF 16 - Staffing Changes, 1974 FF 17 - Independence Center, 1974 FF 18 - Commission Recommendation, 1974 FF 19 - Extension Off-Campus Courses, 1973 FF 20 - Cost by Type of Program, 1974 FF 21 - Prior Request from General Assembly, 1973 FF 22 - House Hearing on Capital, 1974 FF 23 - Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing on Capital Improvement, 1974-1975 FF 24 - House Insurance Sub-committee Hearing, April 1974 FF 25 - Coordinating Board Budget Hearing, 1974 FF 26 - Governor's Appeal Hearing, December 1974 FF 27 - Testimony before House Appropriations Committee (Optometry), January 1975 FF 28 - Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing, February 1975 FF 29 - Revision, 1975 FF 30 - Price Rises, 1975 FF 31 - Staff Benefits, 1975 FF 32 - Federal and State Compliance, 1975 FF 33 - Source Research Income, 1975 FF 34 - Source External Income, 1975 FF 35 - Hospital Income, 1975 FF 36 - Statement Re: "$8.3 Million Dollar Question," 1975 FF 37 - Minority Students, 1975 FF 38 - Staff/Faculty Rations, 1975 FF 39 - Curator's Scholarship, 1975 FF 40 - Miscellaneous, 1975 FF 41 - Missouri Regional Medical Program, 1975 FF 42 - Staff Additions, 1974-1975 FF 43 - Legislative Budget Request, 1975-1976 FF 44 - Senate Hearing on Optometry, 1975 FF 45 - Testimony: Senate Appropriations Committee on Physical Facilities, 1975 FF 46 - Governor's Appeal Hearing, 1975 FF 47 - Administration, 1975 FF 48 - Study of Administrative Structure of University, 1972-1973 FF 49 - Study of Administrative Structure of University (cont'd) , 1972-1973 FF 50 - Study of Administrative Structure of University (cont'd), 1972-1973 FF 51 - Merl Baker, Special Assistant to President: 1974 Box 4 FF 1 - Merl Baker: Special Assistant to President, 1973 FF 2 - Merl Baker: Special Assistant to President, 1974 FF 3 - Legion of Black Collegians, 1974 FF 4 - Affirmative Action Plans, 1973 FF 5 - Affirmative Action: Civil Rights, 1974 FF 6 - Phil E. Connell, 1973 FF 7 - A.G. Unklesbay: Vice President for Administration, 1973 [RESTRICTED] FF 8 - Department Chairman Statement of Responsibilities, 1973 FF 9 - Stirling Kyd: Assistant to the President (Institutional Relations), 1973-1974 FF 10 - Legislative Bills, 1973 FF 11 - Robert McFarland: Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs: 1974 FF 12 - Paul C. Nagel: Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1973 FF 13 - Paul C. Nagel: Vice President for Academic Affairs (cont'd), 1973 FF 14 - Business Management, 1973 FF 15 - Sales Tax, 1971-1972 FF 16 - Salary/Wage and Price Freeze, 1972 FF 17 - Dale Bowling: Vice President for Business Management, 1973 FF 18 - Correspondence to the Chancellor, 1973 FF 19 - University Doctoral Council Minutes: 1974 FF 20 - University Doctoral Council, 1974 FF 21 - Paul C. Nagel: Vice President for Academic Affairs: Ad Hoc Doctoral Council, 1974 FF 22 - Ad Hoc Doctoral Council (Nagel), 1973 FF 23 - Ad Hoc Doctoral Council (Nagel), 1973-1974 FF 24 - Doctoral Faculty Appeals and Appointments, 1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 25 - Doctoral Faculty Nominations, 1974 Box 5 FF 1 - Ralph Havener: Archivist, 1970-1974 FF 2 - Dale O. Bowling: Vice President for Business Management, 1974 FF 3 - Insurance: Bob Marriott, 1973-1974 FF 4 - Correspondence to University Faculty and Staff, 1973 FF 5 - Correspondence to Chancellor, 1974 FF 6 - Academic Planning Council, 1973 FF 7 - Academic Planning Council (cont'd), 1973 FF 8 - Academic Planning Council, 1973-1974 FF 9 - Academic Planning Council, 1974 FF 10 - Administrative and Fiscal Council, 1973 FF 11 - Administrative and Fiscal Council, 1973-1974 FF 12 - University and Cabinet Meetings, 1973 FF 13 - University Cabinet Meetings (cont'd), 1973 FF 14 - University Cabinet Meetings (cont'd), 1973 FF 15 - University Cabinet Meetings, 1974 FF 16 - University Cabinet Meetings (cont'd), 1974 FF 17 - University Cabinet Meeting Minutes, 1973-1974 FF 18 - President's Developmental Council, 1973-1974 FF 19 - Graduate Council, 1973-1974 Box 6 FF 1 - Intercampus Faculty Advisory Council, 1973 FF 2 - Intercampus Faculty Advisory Council, 1973-1974 FF 3 - Intercampus Faculty Advisory Council, 1974 FF 4 - University-Wide Library Council, 1973-1974 FF 5 - Committee on Library Resources, 1974 FF 6 - President's Staff, 1972-1974 FF 7 - Missouri Crippled Children's Service, 1973-1974 FF 8 - Miscellaneous Gifts, 1972-1973 FF 9 - University Alumni Alliance, 1973-1974 FF 10 - G. H. Entsminger: Vice President for University Development, 1973 FF 11 - President's Development Council, 1973-1974 FF 12 - Employee Relations, 1973 FF 13 - A. Lee Belcher: Assistant to the President, 1973 [RESTRICTED] FF 14 - A. Lee Belcher: Assistant to the President (cont'd), 1973 FF 15 - A. Lee Belcher: Assistant to the President, 1974 FF 16 - A. Lee Belcher: Assistant to the President (cont'd), 1974 FF 17 - University-Wide Extension, 1973 FF 18 - University-Wide Extension, 1973-1974 FF 19 - University-Wide Extension, 1974 FF 20 - Carl N. Schieneman: Vice President for Extension, 1973 FF 21 - Carl N. Schieneman: Vice President for Extension, 1974 Box 7 FF 1- Mary Nell Greenwood: Director of Programs, 1973-1974 FF 2 - W. Lynn Martin: Director for Intercampus Instruction, 1973-1974 FF 3 - Dr. John B. Sutherland: Director for Industrial Research and Extension, 1974 FF 4 - University-Wide Computing Council, 1972-1974 FF 5 - Finance and Comptroller, 1973-1974 FF 6 - Ray H. Benzoni: VP for Finance and Treasury, 1973 FF 7 - Ray H. Benzoni: VP for Finance and Treasury, 1973 (cont'd) FF 8 - Ray H. Benzoni: VP for Finance and Treasury, 1973 (cont'd) FF 9 - Ray H. Benzoni: VP for Finance and Treasury, 1973 (cont'd) FF 10 - Ray H. Benzoni: VP for Finance and Treasury, 1974 FF 11 - Ray H. Benzoni: VP for Finance and Treasury, 1974 (cont'd) FF 12 - Ray H. Benzoni: VP for Finance and Treasury, 1974 (cont'd) FF 13 - Ray H. Benzoni: VP for Finance and Treasury, 1974 (cont'd) FF 14 - H. Ralph Franklin: Grant and Contracts, 1976-1977 FF 15 - Donald S. Holm, Jr.: Assistant Vice President for Finance and Treasury, 1974 FF 16 - Harold Hume: Director of Cost Studies, 1973 FF 17 - Harold Hume: Director of Cost Studies, 1973-1974 FF 18 - Kent Shelton: Comptroller, 1973 FF 19 - Kent Shelton: Comptroller, 1974 Box 8 FF 1 - Walter Johnson, Ace Fellow (Univ. of California-Berkeley), 1973-1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 2 - General Counsel, 1973-1974 FF 3 - Jack Wright, 1973-1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 4 - Jack Wright, 1973-1974 (cont'd) [RESTRICTED] FF 5 - Sindey Harmon-Victor Cusimano [RESTRICTED] FF 6 - Information Services, 1972-1974 FF 7 - Harold Hamil, 1973 FF 8 - Guy Horton: Director of UIS, 1973-1974 FF 9 - Jack Hamilton: Assistant to the President, 1973 FF 10 - Jack Hamilton: Assistant to the President, 1974 FF 11 - Jack Hamilton: Assistant to the President, 1974 (cont'd) FF 12 - Jack Hamilton: Assistant to the President, 1974 (cont'd) FF 13 - Activity/Status Report, 1974 FF 14 - Institutional Research, 1974-1974 FF 15 - Joe Saupe: Director of Institutional Research, 1973 FF 16 - Joe Saupe: Director of Institutional Research, 1973 FF 17 - Joe Saupe: Director of Institutional Research, 1973 FF 18 - Joe Saupe: Director of Institutional Research, 1974 FF 19 - Joe Saupe: Director of Institutional Research, 1974 Box 9 FF 1 - Joe Saupe, 1974 FF 2 - Course-numbering System, 1973-1974 FF 3 - International Studies, 1973-1974 FF 4 - State Historical Society, 1972-1974 FF 5 - Advisory Committee on Education for Health-Related Professions, 1973-1975 FF 6 - Missouri Institute of Psychiatry, 1973 FF 7 - Missouri Regional Medical Programs (MIP), 1973-1974 FF 8 - Regional Medical Programs (RMP) Impoundment Suit, 1973-1974 FF 9- University-Wide Personnel, 1973-1974 FF 10 - William D. Poore: Director of University-Wide Personnel, 1973-1974 FF 11 - Retirement and Staff Benefits, 1973-1974 FF 12 - Research, 1973-1974 FF 13 - Ardath H. Emmons: Vice President for Research, 1973 FF 14 - Ardath H. Emmons: Vice President for Research (cont'd), 1973 FF 15 - Ardath H. Emmons: Vice President for Research (cont'd), 1973 FF 16 - Ardath H. Emmons: Vice President for Research (cont'd), 1973 FF 17 - Ardath H. Emmons: Vice President for Research, 1974 Box 10 FF 1 - Ardath H. Emmons: Vice President for Research, 1974 FF 2 - Paul R. Keenen: Assistant to the Vice President for Research, 1973-1974 FF 3 - Patent Committee, 1973 FF 4 - Animal Resources: Dr. Keith Kramer, 1973- 1974 FF 5 - Computer Operations and Users Committee (A.H. Emmons), 1973-1974 FF 6 - Weldon Springs, 1974 FF 7 - Weldon Springs (cont'd), 1974 FF 8 - Coordinator of Security (an investigation into the MU Police Department by Frank C. Holloman), 1973-1974 FF 9 - Student Financial Aid: Allan Purdy, 1973-1974 FF 10 - University of Mid-America (UMA), 1974 FF 11 - Open University Task Force, 1973-1974 FF 12 - Open University Task Force, 1974 FF 13 - Chancellor Search Committee: UMSL, 1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 14 - Arnold Grobman: Candidate, 1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 15 - Paul Olscamp: Candidate, 1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 16 - Lawrence J. Silverman: Candidate, 1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 17 - Walter Daniel: Candidate, 1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 18 - Emery Turner: Candidate, 1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 19 - Arthur McKinney: Candidate, 1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 20 - James Milomas: Candidate, 1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 21 - Elmer Kiehl: College of Agriculture, 1973-1974 FF 22 - UMC Alumni Activities, 1973-1974 FF 23 - Missouri Alumnus Magazine, 1973 FF 24 - College of Arts and Sciences, 1973-1974 FF 25 - College of Agriculture, 1973-1974 Box 11 FF 1 - College of Arts and Sciences, 1973 FF 2 - Handbook for Departmental Chairman: College of Arts and Sciences, 1974 FF 3 - Correspondence Concerning UMC Athletics, 1973-1974 FF 4 - College of Business and Public Affairs, 1973-1974 FF 5 - Dean: College of Business and Public Affairs, 1973-1974 FF 6 - Professor Patrick P. Doherty's Appeal, 1973 [RESTRICTED] FF 7 - Chancellor H. W. Schooling, 1973 FF 8 - Chancellor H. W. Schooling (cont'd),1973 FF 9 - Chancellor H. W. Schooling (cont'd), 1973 FF 10 - Chancellor H. W. Schooling, 1973-1974 FF 11 - Chancellor H. W. Schooling, 1974 FF 12 - Chancellor H. W. Schooling (cont'd), 1974 FF 13 - UMC Commencement, 1973-1974 FF 14 - UMC Honorary Degrees, 1973-1974 FF 15 - UMC Development, 1973-1974 FF 16 - Vice Chancellor G. H. Entsminger, 1973-1974 FF 17 - UMC College of Education, 1973-1974 FF 18 - Dean: College of Education, 1973-1974 FF 19 - College of Engineering, 1973-1974 FF 20 - William R. Kimel, 1973 FF 21 - William R. Kimel, 1974 FF 22 - UMC Extension Division, 1973 FF 23 - UMC Extension Division, 1973-1974 FF 24 - Faculty Council on University Policy: 1973-1974 Box 12 FF 1 - Fiscal Business Office, 1773-1974 FF 2 - School of Forestry, 1973-1974 FF 3 - Dean Lloyd Berry: UMC Graduate School: 1973-1974 FF 4 - School of Journalism, 1973-1974 FF 5 - School of Law, 1973-1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 6 - Dean: School of Law, 1973-1974 FF 7 - Rosensteil Fund, 1971 FF 8 - UMC- School of Medicine, 1973 FF 9 - UMC- School of Medicine, 1973-1974 FF 10 - William Mayer: Dean- School of Medicine, 1973-1974 FF 11 - Joseph M. White: Provost for Health Affairs, 1973-1974 FF 12 - Admissions to Medical School, 1973-1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 13 - School of Nursing, 1973-1974 FF 14 - John F. McGowan: Provost for Administration, 1973-1974 FF 15 - UMC Sabbatical Leave Reports, 1973 FF 16 - UMC Sabbatical Leave Reports, 1974 FF 17 - UMC Sabbatical Leave Reports (cont'd), 1974 FF 18 - UMC Sabbatical Leave Reports (cont'd), 1974 FF 19 - School of Social and Community Services: 1973-1974 Box 13 FF 1 - Missouri Students Association (MSA), 1974 FF 2 - Angela Davis and Other Speakers: Public Response, 1974 FF 3 - Homosexuals, 1973 FF 4 - UMC Students, 1973 FF 5 - UMC Students (cont'd), 1973 FF 6 - UMC Students, 1974 FF 7 - UMC Students (cont'd), 1974 FF 8 - Status of Women Committee, 1974 FF 9 - Television: KOMU, 1973-1974 FF 10- Testing and Counseling: Dr. Paul King, 1972-1974 FF 11 - Traffic Safety and Security, 1972-1974 FF 12 - School of Veterinary Medicine, 1973-1974 FF 13 - UMR: Academic Council, 1973-1974 FF 14 - UMR: Alumni Association, 1973-1974 FF 15 - UMR: Business Officer Joe Wollard, 1973-1974 FF 16 - UMR: Chancellor Raymond L. Bisplinghoff, 1974 FF 17 - Search for UMR Chancellor, 1973-1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 18 - Search for UMR Chancellor (cont'd), 1973-1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 19 - Chancellor Dudley Thomas (Acting), 1973-1974 FF 20 - Chancellor Dudley Thomas (Acting), 1974 FF 21 - Chancellor Dudley Thomas (Acting, cont'd), 1974 FF 22 - UMR: Chancellor Merl Baker, 1973 FF 23 - UMR: Chancellor Merl Baker (cont'd), 1973 Box 14 FF 1 - UMR: Chancellor Merl Baker (cont'd), 1973 FF 2 - UMR: Chancellor Merl Baker (cont'd), 1973 FF 3 - UMR: Chancellor Merl Baker (cont'd), 1973 FF 4 - Honorary Degrees, 1973-1974 FF 5 - UMR: Faculty, 1973 FF 6 - UMR: Faculty, 1974 FF 7- Faculty Minutes, 1973-1974 FF 8 - UMR: Dr. Daniel Eppelsheimer: Tenure Case, 1973 [RESTRICTED] FF 9 - Miscellaneous, 1973-1974 FF 10 - UMR: Sabbatical Leave, 1973-1974 FF 11 - UMR: Students, 1972-1974 FF 12 - Chancellor James C. Olson, 1973 FF 13 - Chancellor James C. Olson (cont'd), 1973 FF 14 - Chancellor James C. Olson (cont'd), 1973 FF 15 - Chancellor James C. Olson (cont'd), 1973 FF 16 - Chancellor James C. Olson (cont'd), 1973 FF 17 - Chancellor James C. Olson, 1974 FF 18 - Chancellor James C. Olson (cont'd), 1974 FF 19 - Hamilton B. G. Robinson: Dean: School of Dentistry, 1973-1974 FF 20 - Engineering, 1973 FF 21 - UMKC: Faculty, 1973-1974 Box 15 FF 1 - UMKC: Faculty, 1973 FF 2 - UMKC: Independence Center, 1973 FF 3 - UMKC: Independence Center (cont'd), 1973 FF 4 - UMKC: Independence Center, 1974 FF 5 - UMKC: Independence Center (cont'd) 1974 FF 6 - UMKC: Health Resource Institute, 1972-1973 FF 7 - UMKC: School of Law, 1973 FF 8 - UMKC: Medical School, 1973 FF 9 - UMKC: Medical School, 1974 FF 10 - Provost E. Grey Diamond, 1973 FF 11 - Provost E. Grey Diamond, 1974 FF 12 - UMKC: Nursing Program, 1972-1973 FF 13 - UMKC: Performing Arts Center, 1973-1974 FF 14 - UMKC: Administrative and Professional Association, 1975 FF 15 - UMKC: Pharmacy School, 1973 FF 16 - UMKC: Sabbatical Leaves, 1973-1974 FF 17 - UMKC: University Senate, 1973 FF 18 - UMKC: University Senate, 1973-1974 FF 19 - Board of Trustees, 1973 FF 20 - UMSL: Interim Chancellor Emery C. Turner, 1974 FF 21 - UMSL: Interim Chancellor Emery C. Turner (cont'd), 1974 FF 22 - UMSL: Interim Chancellor Emery C. Turner (cont'd), 1974 FF 23 - Chancellor Joseph R. Hartley, 1973-1974 FF 24 - UMSL: Chancellor Search, 1973 [RESTRICTED] FF 25 - UMSL: Chancellor Search, 1973 [RESTRICTED] Box 16 FF 1 - UMSL: Acting Chancellor Everett Walters, 1973 FF 2 - UMSL: Acting Chancellor Everett Walters (cont'd) 1973 FF 3 - UMSL: College of Arts and Sciences, 1973-1974 FF 4 - UMSL: Honorary Degrees, 1971-1974 FF 5 - UMSL: Emergency Council, 1970-1973 FF 6 - UMSL: Extension, 1973-1974 FF 7 - UMSL: Faculty, 1973-1974 FF 8 - UMSL: Faculty Meetings, 1973-1974 FF 9 - UMSL: Faculty Meetings, 1974 FF 10 - UMSL: Faculty Senate, 1972-1973 FF 11 - UMSL Faculty Senate, 1973 FF 12 - UMSL: Optometry, 1973-1974 FF 13 - UMSL: Optometry, 1974 FF 14 - UMSL: Sabbaticals, 1973-1974 FF 15 - UMSL: University Senate, 1973-1974 FF 16 - UMSL: University Senate, 1974 FF 17 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE), 1973-1974 FF 18 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE, cont'd), 1973-1974 FF 19 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE), 1974 FF 20 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE) Committees, 1974 FF 21 - Tom Richter: Director for the Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE), 1974 FF 22 - Tom Richter: Director for the Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE, cont'd), 1974 FF 23 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE) Workshop, 1974 FF 24 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE) Meeting, January 1974 FF 25 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE) Meeting, March 1974 FF 26 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE) Meeting, May 1974 FF 27 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE) Meeting, May 1974 FF 28 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE) Meeting, September 1974 FF 29 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE) Meeting, November 1974 Box 17 FF 1 - Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE), 1974 FF 2 - Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE, cont'd), 1974 FF 3 - American Council on Education (ACE): Meetings, 1974 FF 4 - American Council on Education (ACE): Miscellaneous, 1974 FF 5 - Association of American Universities (AAU): Miscellaneous, 1972-1974 FF 6 - Association of American Universities (AAU) Executive Secretary Charles V. Kidd, 1971-1974 FF 7 - Association of American Universities (AAU) Executive Secretary Ira Silverman, 1971-1972 FF 8 - Council on Federal Relations, 1971-1972 FF 9 - Association of American Universities Meeting (AAU), October 1971 FF 10 - Association of American Universities Meeting (AAU), March 1972 FF 11 - Association of American Universities Meeting (AAU), April 1972 FF 12 - Association of American Universities Meeting (AAU), October 1972 FF 13 - Association of American Universities Meeting ( AAU, council on federal relations), October 1972 FF 14 - Association of American Universities Meeting (AAU), April 1973 FF 15 - Association of American Universities Meeting (AAU), October 1973 FF 16 - Association of American Universities Meeting (AAU), April 1974 FF 17 - Association of American Universities Meeting (AAU), October 1974 FF 18 - Association of American Colleges (AAC), 1974 FF 19 - American Association of University Professors (AAUP), 1971-1973 FF 20 - American Association of University Professors (AAUP): Phi Beta Kappa (this folder contains information concerning Bill Wickersham and several other professors who participated in protests against Nixon's invasion of Cambodia), 1970-1973 [RESTRICTED] FF 21 - American Association of University Professors (AAUP), 1974 FF 22 - Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1972 FF 23 - Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1972 FF 24 - Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1973 FF 25 - Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1974 FF 26 - Correspondence with U.S. Senators and Representatives, 1973 FF 27 - Correspondence with U.S. Senators and Representatives, 1973 Box 18 FF 1 - Senator Thomas S. Eagleton, 1972-1973 FF 2 - Senator Stuart Symington, 1972-1974 FF 3 - Meeting of the Staff Assistants of Congressmen, 1973 FF 4 - Congressional Delegations, 1973 FF 5 - Congressional Delegations, 1974 FF 6 - Roster: General Assembly: 1971-1974 FF 7 - U.S. Senators and Representatives, 1971-1972 FF 8 - U.S. Senators and Representatives, 1972 FF 9 - U.S. Senators and Representatives, 1973 FF 10 - U.S. Senators and Representatives (cont'd), 1973 FF 11 - U.S. Senators and Representatives, 1974 FF 12 - Governor Christopher Bond, 1974 FF 13 - Governor Christopher Bond (cont'd), 1974 FF 14 - Office of Administration, 1973-1974 FF 15 - George Lehr: State Auditor , 1973-1974 FF 16 - Department of Higher Education, 1971-1974 FF 17 - Department of Higher Education, 1974 FF 18 - Governor's Task Force on Higher Education, 1970-1972 FF 19 - Missouri Task Force on State-Level Coordination and Governance, 1972 FF 20 - Missouri Task Force on State-Level Coordination and Governance (cont'd), 1972 Box 19 FF 1 - Representative Fred Copeland- Re: Policies on Admission, 1974 FF 2 - Representative Fred Copeland- Re: Policies on Admission (cont'd), 1974 FF 3 - Responses to Inquiries from Legislators and State Officials, 1973 FF 4 - Responses to Inquiries from Legislators and State Officials (cont'd), 1973 FF 5 - Responses to Inquiries from Legislators and State Officials, 1973-1974 FF 6 - Committee on State Reorganization, 1972 FF 7 - State Aid to Private Schools, 1971-1974 FF 8 - Legislative Seminars, 1971 FF 9 - University of Missouri Legislative Seminar, 1971 FF 10 - University of Missouri Legislative Seminar (cont'd), 1971 FF 11 - University of Missouri Legislative Seminar, 1972 FF 12 - Mid America State University Organization (MASUA), 1970-1974 FF 13 - Mid America State University Organization (MASUA) Meetings, 1966-1974 FF 14 - Mid America State University Organization (MASUA) Meeting Minutes, 1971-1974 FF 15 - Mid America State University Organization (MASUA) Meeting, January 1971 FF 16 - Mid America State University Organization (MASUA) Meeting, March 1971 FF 17 - Mid America State University Organization (MASUA) Meeting, January 1972 FF 18 - Mid America State University Organization (MASUA) Meeting, September 1972 FF 19 - Mid America State University Organization (MASUA) Meeting, February 1973 FF 20 - Mid America State University Organization (MASUA) Dues, 1969 FF 21 - Mid America State University Organization (MASUA) Membership, 1970-1971 FF 22 - Mid America State University Organization (MASUA): Dr. Paul M. Young: Executive Director, 1970-1974 FF 23 - Mid America State University Organization (MASUA): D. B. Varner: Past Chairman, 1971 FF 24 - Mid America State University Organization (MASUA): C. Brice Ratchford: Chairman, 1972-1973 FF 25 - International Association of Universities, 1970-1974 FF 26 - National Commission on Accrediting, 1970-1974 FF 27 - National Science Foundation, 1970-1973 FF 28 - National Science Foundation, 1973-1974 FF 29 - North Central Association, 1970-1974 FF 30 - North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools Accreditation and Study Meeting, July 1971 Box 20 FF 1 - National University Extension Association (Board of Directors), 1971-1972 FF 2 - National University Extension Association (Board of Directors), 1972 FF 3 - Board of Curators Meeting, September 1973 FF 4 - Responses to Topics at September Board of Curators Meeting, 1973 FF 5 - Board of Curators Meeting, October 1973 FF 6 - Board of Curators Meeting, November 1973 FF 7 - Board of Curators Meeting, December 1973 FF 8 - Board of Curators Meeting, February 1974 FF 9 - Board of Curators Meeting, March 1, 1974 FF 10 - Board of Curators Meeting, March 29, 1974 FF 11 - Board of Curators Meeting- Special Meeting, April 1974 FF 12 - Board of Curators Meeting, May 1974 FF 13 - Board of Curators Meeting, June 1, 1974 FF 14 - Board of Curators Meeting, June 28, 1974 FF 15 - Board of Curators Meeting, August 1974 FF 16 - Board of Curators Meeting, September 1974 FF 17 - Board of Curators Meeting, October 1974 FF 18 - Board of Curators Meeting, November 1974 FF 19 - Board of Curators Meeting, December 1974 FF 20 - Hospital Report to the Board, 1972-1973 FF 21 - Judge Robert G. Brady, 1970-1972 FF 22 - Judge Robert G. Brady, 1972-1973 FF 23 - Judge William H. Billings, 1970-1974 FF 24 - Judge William H. Billings, 1972-1974 FF 25 - Oliver B. Ferguson, 1970 Box 21 FF 1 - G. Fred Kling, Jr, 1967-1973 FF 2 - Senator Theodore D. McNeal, 1970-1974 FF 3 - Lee R. Schuster (not confirmed), 1973 FF 4 - Academic Affairs Committee, 1974 FF 5 - Board Finance Committee, 1973-1974 FF 6 - Physical Facilities Committee, 1974 FF 7 - Preview-Review Committee, 1966-1967 FF 8 - Monthly Letter sent to the Board, 1973 FF 9 - Monthly Letter sent to the Board, 1973-1974 FF 10 - Monthly Letter sent to the Board, 1974 FF 11 - Materials sent to the Board, 1973 FF 12 - Materials sent to the Board (cont'd), 1973 FF 13 - Materials sent to the Board (cont'd), 1973 FF 14 - Materials sent to the Board (cont'd), 1973 FF 15 - Materials sent to the Board, 1974 FF 16 - Materials sent to the Board (cont'd), 1974 FF 17 - John Hall Dalton: President of the Board of Curators, 1974 FF 18 - Irvine Fane: President of the Board of Curators, 1974 FF 19 - Irvine Fane: President of the Board of Curators (cont'd), 1974 Box 22 FF 1 - Irvine Fane: President of the Board of Curators, 1971-1972 FF 2 - Irvine Fane: President of the Board of Curators, 1973 FF 3 - William C. Myers, Jr, 1965-1974 FF 4 - Pleasant R. Smith, 1965-1973 FF 5 - William S. Thompson, 1973-1974 FF 6 - Mrs. William C. Tucker, 1966-1974 FF 7 - John Sam Williamson, 1968-1974 FF 8 - Howard Woods, 1973-1974 FF 9 - Association of Governing Boards, 1968 FF 10 - Association of Governing Boards, 1969 FF 11 - Association of Governing Boards, 1968-1971 FF 12 - Association of Governing Boards, June 1970 FF 13 - Association of Governing Boards, October 1970 FF 14 - Association of Governing Boards, 1972-1974 FF 15 - Association of Governing Boards, 1973 FF 16 - Regulations for Presidential Search, 1970-1971 FF 17 - Mary Robnett, Secretary for the Board of Curators, 1970-1974 FF 18 - Board of Curators Committee, 1969-1976 FF 19 - Board of Curators Finance Committee, 1974 FF 20 - University Consulate, 1973-1974 FF 21 - Rules and Regulations Committee, 1971-1973 FF 22 - Board of Curators Ad Hoc Meeting on State Reorganization, 1972 FF 23 - Preview-Review Committee, 1969-1974 FF 24 - Board Seminar, August 1966 FF 25 - Board Seminar, June 1967 FF 26 - Board Seminar, June 1968 FF 27 - Board Seminar, February 1967 FF 28 - Board Seminar, June 1969 FF 29 - Board Seminar, July 1970 FF 30- Board Seminar, June 1971 Box 23 FF 1 - Miscellaneous Argonne Universities Association, 1972-1974 FF 2 - Argonne Universities Association Board of Trustees Meeting, July 1969 FF 3 - Argonne Universities Association Board of Trustees Meeting, October 1969 FF 4 - Argonne Universities Association Board of Trustees Meeting, 1967-1971 FF 5 - Argonne Universities Association Board of Trustees Meeting, 1970 FF 6 - Argonne Universities Association Board of Trustees Meeting, 1971 FF 7 - Argonne Universities Association Board of Trustees Meeting, 1972-1974 FF 8 - Argonne Universities Association Board of Trustees Meeting, 1973-1974 FF 9 - Argonne Universities Association Laboratory, 1970 FF 10 - Dr. Philip N. Powers: Past President of Argonne Universities Association, 1971-1972 FF 11 - President of Argonne Universities Association: Paul W. McDaniel, 1973-1974 FF 12 - Harry S. Truman Library Institute: Board of Directors, 196-1974 FF 13 - Meetings of the Board of Directors of the Harry S. Truman Library Institute, April 1973 FF 14 - Meetings of the Board of Directors of the Harry S. Truman Library Institute, May1974 FF 15 - National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, 1972-1974 FF 16 - Christian K. Arnold: Associate Executive Secretary for National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, 1973-1974 FF 17 - Dr. Raplh K. Huitt: Executive Secretary for National Association of State Univresities and Land Grant Colleges, 1973-1974 FF 18 - Garvin Hudgins: Director for National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, 1971-1974 FF 19 - Committees: National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, 1969 & 1973 FF 20 - American Council of Learned Societies, 1972-1974 FF 21 - Paul Nagel: Committee on Academic Plans, 1973-1976 FF 22 - Association of American Universities Summer Study of University Federal Relations, 1972 FF 23 - Material on Faculty and University Political Activists, May 1970 FF 24 - Missouri Commission on Higher Education: Comprehension Planning, 1972 Box 24 FF 1 - Missouri Association of Colleges and Universities, 1967-1972 FF 2 - Agricultural Research Facilities Review Task Force, 1965-1970 FF 3 - Agricultural Research Facilities Review Task Force, 1972-1973 Box 25 FF 1 - General Correspondence A, 1973-1975 FF 2 - General Correspondence B, 1973-1975 FF 3 - General Correspondence C, 1973-1975 FF 4 - Grapevine M. M. Chambers, 1973-1975 FF 5 - General Correspondence D-E, 1973-1975 FF 6 - General Correspondence F-G, 1973-1975 FF 7 - General Correspondence H, 1973-1975 FF 8 - Karl Hasselmann, 1973-1975 FF 9 - General Correspondence I-J, 1973-1975 FF 10 - General Correspondence K, 1973-1975 FF 11 - The Kempers, 1973-1975 FF 12 - General Correspondence L-Mc, 1973-1975 FF 13 - General Correspondence M, 1973-1975 FF 14 - Missouri Farm Bureau, Missouri Farmers Association, Missouri Council of Churches, 1973-1975 FF 15 - General Correspondence N-O, 1973-1975 FF 16 - Robert Neill, 1973-1975 FF 17 - General Correspondence P-R, 1973-1975 FF 18 - J. C. Penney, 1973-1975 FF 19 - General Correspondence S, 1973-1975 FF 20 - General Correspondence S (cont'd), 1973-1975 Box 26 FF 1 - St. Louis Globe-Dispatch, 1973-1975 FF 2 - William Stucker: Edutech Inc., 1973-1975 FF 3 - Nathan J. Stark: Hallmark Cards Inc., 1973-1975 FF 4 - General Correspondence T, 1973-1975 FF 5 - General Correspondence U-W, 1973-1975 FF 6 - United Missouri Bank, 1973-1975 FF 7 - Robert M. White, 1973-1975 FF 8 - General Correspondence X-Z, 1973-1975 FF 9 - Charles G. Young, 1973-1975 FF 10 - UMKC: School of Administration: Dean J. Heysinger, 1973-1975 FF 11 - UMKC: Admissions, 1973-1975 FF 12 - UMKC: Alumni Association, 1973-1975 FF 13 - UMKC: Athletics, 1973-1975 FF 14 - UMKC: Business Officer Clay Harper, 1973-1975 FF 15 - UMKC: Chancellor James C. Olson, 1975 FF 16 - UMKC: Chancellor James C. Olson (cont'd), 1975 FF 17 - UMKC: Chancellor James C. Olson (cont'd), 1975 FF 18 - UMKC: Assistant to the Chancellor, 1973-1975 FF 19 - UMKC: Commencement, 1973-1975 FF 20 - UMKC Honorary Degrees, 1973-1975 FF 21 - UMKC: Dentistry School, 1973-1975 FF 22 - UMKC: Hamilton B. G. Robinson: Dean of the School of Dentistry, 1973-1975 FF 23 - UMKC: Development, 1973-1975 FF 24 - UMKC: Extension, 1973-1975 FF 25 - UMKC: Faculty, 1973-1975 FF 26 - UMKC: Medical School, 1973-1975 FF 27 - UMKC: Provost E. Grey Dimond, 1975 FF 28 - UMKC: Miscellaneous, 1973-1975 FF 29 - UMKC: Counselor's Newsletter, 1973-1975 FF 30 - UMKC: Office of Public Information (OPI), 1973-1975 FF 31 - UMKC: Performing Arts, 1973-1975 FF 32 - UMKC: Pharmacy School, 1973-1975 FF 33 - UMKC: KCUR-FM Radio Station, 1973-1975 FF 34 - UMKC: Sabbaticals, 1973-1975 FF 35 - UMKC: Students, 1973-1975 FF 36 - UMKC: University Senate, 1973-1975 FF 37 - UMKC: Board of Trustees: Miscellaneous, 1973-1975 FF 38 - UMKC: Minutes of Board of Trustees Meetings, 1973-1975 FF 39 - UMKC: Board of Trustees: Minutes of Executive Committee, 1973-1975 FF 40 - UMKC: Board of Trustees: Financial Report, 1973-1975 Box 27 FF 1 - UMSL: American Association of University Professors (AAUP), 1973-1975 FF 2 - UMSL: Admissions, 1973-1975 FF 3 - UMSL: Reorganization of Administrative Structure, 1973-1975 FF 4 - UMSL: Alumni Association, 1973-1975 FF 5 - UMSL: College of Arts and Sciences, 1973-1975 FF 6 - UMSL: Athletics, 1973-1975 FF 7 - UMSL: Chancellor Arnold B. Grobman, 1975 FF 8 - UMSL: Chancellor Arnold B. Grobman (cont'd), 1975 FF 9 - UMSL: Interim Chancellor Emery Turner, 1975 FF 10 - UMSL: Commencement, 1973-1975 FF 11 - UMSL: Honorary Degrees, 1973-1975 FF 12 - UMSL: Extension, 1973-1975 FF 13 - UMSL Faculty, 1973-1975 FF 14 - UMSL: Dean of Faculty, 1973-1975 FF 15 - UMSL: Graduate School, 1973-1975 FF 16 - UMSL: International Studies, 1973-1975 FF 17 - UMSL: Office of Public Information (OPI), 1973-1975 FF 18 - UMSL: Personnel, 1973-1975 FF 19 - UMSL: Sabbaticals, 1973-1975 FF 20 - UMSL: Senior Citizens' Continuing Education, 1973-1975 FF 21 - UMSL: Senate, 1973-1975 FF 22 - UMSL: Students, 1973-1975 FF 23 - UMR: Academic Council, 1973-1975 FF 24 - UMR: College of Arts and Sciences, 1973-1975 FF 25 - UMR: Athletics, 1973-1975 FF 26 - UMR: Chancellor Raymond L. Bisplinghoff, 1973-1975 FF 27 - UMR: Vice Chancellor Dudley Thompson, 1973-1975 FF 28 - UMR: Commencement, 1973-1975 FF 29 - UMR: Development Council, 1973-1975 FF 30 - UMR: Honorary Degrees, 1973-1975 FF 31 - UMR: Minority Engineering Program, 1973-1975 FF 32 - UMR: Extension, 1973-1975 FF 33 - UMR: Faculty, 1973-1975 FF 34 - UMR: Faculty Minutes, 1973-1975 FF 35 - UMR: Dean of Faculties, 1973-1975 FF 36 - UMR: Graduate School, 1973-1975 FF 37 - UMR: Homecoming, 1973-1975 FF 38 - UMR: International Studies, 1973-1975 FF 39 - UMR: KUMR-FM Radio, 1973-1975 FF 40 - UMR: Miscellaneous, 1975 FF 41 - UMR: Office of Public Information (OPI), 1973-1975 FF 42 - UMR: Personnel, 1973-1975 FF 43 - UMR: ROTC, 1973-1975 FF 44 - UMR: Students, 1973-1975 FF 45 - UMR: Leased Housing Problems, 1973-1975 FF 46 - UMR: Sabbaticals, 1973-1975 FF 47 - UMR: Traffic Safety and Security, 1973-1975 FF 48 - UMC: American Association of University Professors (AAUP), 1973-1975 FF 49 - UMC: Admissions, 1973-1975 FF 50 - UMC: College of Agriculture, 1973-1975 FF 51 - UMC: College of Agriculture: Dean Elmer Kiehl, 1973-1975 FF 52 - UMC: Food Service Management, 1973-1975 FF 53 - UMC: Aids and Awards, 1973-1975 FF 54 - UMC: College of Arts and Sciences, 1973-1975 Box 28 FF 1 - UMC: Dean of Arts and Sciences, 1973-1975 FF 2 - UMC: Athletics, 1973-1975 FF 3 - UMC: Big Eight Conference, 1973-1975 FF 4 - UMC: National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, 1973-1975 FF 5 - UMC: College of Business and Public Affairs, 1973-1975 FF 6 - UMC: Dean of College of Business and Public Affairs FF 7 - UMC: Chancellor H. W. Schooling, 1975 FF 8 - UMC: Chancellor H. W. Schooling, (cont'd), 1975 FF 9 - UMC: Vice Chancellor Walter C. Daniels, 1973-1975 FF 10 - UMC: Commencement, 1973-1975 FF 11 - UMC: Honorary Degrees, 1973-1975 FF 12 - UMC: Vice Chancellor G. H. Entsminger, 1973-1975 FF 13 - UMC: Missouri Student Foundation Development Fund, 1973-1975 FF 14 - UMC: College of Education, 1973-1975 FF 15 - UMC: College of Engineering, 1973-1975 FF 16 - UMC: Dean of College of Engineering, 1973-1975 FF 17 - UMC: Extension Division, 1973-1975 FF 18 - UMC: Faculty Minutes, 1973-1975 FF 19 - UMC: Faculty Council of University Policy, 1973-1975 FF 20 - UMC: Fiscal Business Office, 1973-1975 FF 21 - UMC: Graduate School Dean Lloyd Berry, 1973-1975 FF 22 - UMC: Graduate Faculty Senate, 1973-1975 FF 23 - UMC: Home Economics, 1973-1975 FF 24 - UMC: Housing Office, 1973-1975 FF 25 - UMC: International Studies, 1973-1975 FF 26 - UMC: School of Journalism, 1973-1975 FF 27 - UMC: Freedom of Information Center, 1973-1975 FF 28 - UMC: The Missourian, 1973-1975 FF 29 - UMC: Law School, 1973-1975 FF 30 - UMC: Dean of Law School, 1973-1975 FF 31 - UMC: School of Library and Information Services, 1973-1975 FF 32 - UMC: School of Medicine, 1973-1975 FF 33 - UMC: Dean of School of Medicine, 1973-1975 FF 34 - UMC: Joe Greathouse, 1973-1975 FF 35 - UMC: Provost for Health Affairs: Joseph M. White, 1973-1975 FF 36 - UMC: Medical School Admissions, 1973-1975 FF 37 - UMC: Miscellaneous, 1973-1975 FF 38 - UMC: Mini-Mizzou Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1973-1975 FF 39 - UMC: Nursing School, 1973-1975 FF 40 - UMC: Office of Public Information (OPI), 1973-1975 FF 41 - UMC: Personnel Services, 1973-1975 FF 42 - UMC: Oscar M. Stewart, 1973-1975 FF 43 - UMC: Phi Beta Kappa, 1973-1975 FF 44 - UMC: Provost for Academics Owen Koeppe, 1973-1975 FF 45 - UMC: Provost for Administration John McGowen, 1973-1975 FF 46 - UMC: Frank Quatrrocci: Assistant Provost for Administration, 1973-1975 FF 47 - UMC: School of Community and Social Services, 1973-1975 FF 48 - UMC: Report on the University of Missouri (this folder is no longer in this collection. It has been moved to UW: 5/3/6.), 1973-1975 FF 49 - UMC: ROTC, 1973-1975 FF 50 - UMC: Sabbaticals, 1973-1975 Box 29 FF 1 - UMC: A. C. Stotler: Director of Hearnes Multi-purpose Building, 1973-1975 FF 2 - UMC: Students 1975 FF 3 - UMC: Dean of Students, 1973-1975 FF 4 - UMC: Associated Students of the University of Missouri (ASUM), 1973-1975 FF 5 - UMC: Missouri Students Association (MSA), 1975 FF 6 - UMC: Liquor License and Sale of Alcohol on Campus, 1973-1975 FF 7 - UMC: Chess Club, 1973-1975 FF 8 - UMC: Student Health Services, 1973-1975 FF 9 - UMC: KOMU, 1973-1975 FF 10 - UMC: School of Veterinary Medicine, 1973-1975 FF 11 - Organization Chart, 1973-1975 FF 12 - A. G. Unklesbay: Vice President for Administration, 1975-1975 FF 13 - Affirmative Action, 1975 FF 14 - Affirmative Action (cont'd), 1975 FF 15 - Animal Resources, 1975 FF 16 - State Relations, 1973-1975 FF 17 - Virgil Sapp, 1973-1975 FF 18 - Legislative Bills, 1975 FF 19 - Stirling Kyd: Assistant to President (Institutional Relations), 1973-1975 FF 20 - Elmer Ellis: President Emeritus, 1973-1975 FF 21 - Frederick A. Middlebush: Retired President,1973-1975 FF 22 - Melvin D. George: Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1975 FF 23 - Robert McFarland: Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1975 FF 24 - Robert McFarland: Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs (cont'd), 1975 FF 25 - Robert McFarland: Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs (cont'd), 1975 FF 26 - University Doctoral Council Meeting, 1975 FF 27- University Doctoral Council Meeting (cont'd) 1975 FF 28 - North Central Accreditation Planning Committee, 1973-1975 FF 29 - Paul Nagel: Consultant to President: 1974-1976 FF 30 - Re: Graduate Programs, 1974-1975 FF 31 - Dale O. Bowling: Vice President for Business Management, 1975 FF 32 - Correspondence to Chancellors, 1973-1975 FF 33 - Correspondence to Faculty and Staff, 1973-1975 FF 34 - University-Wide Councils, 1973-1975 FF 35 - Academic Planning Council, 1975 Box 30 FF 1 - Academic Planning Council, 1975 FF 2 - President's Staff, 1973-1975 FF 3 - University Cabinet, 1975 FF 4 - University Cabinet (cont'd), 1975 FF 5 - Minutes: University Cabinet, 1975 FF 6 - Graduate Council, 1973-1975 FF 7 - Intercampus Faculty Council, 1975 FF 8 - Intercampus Faculty Advisory Council, 1975 FF 9 - University-Wide Library Council, 1975 FF 10 - Committee on Library Resources, 1975 FF 11 - University Alumni Alliance, 1973-1975 FF 12 - Public Resources Bulletin of Alliance of University Alumni, Association, 1973-1975 FF 13 - President's Development Council, 1973-1975 FF 14 - Miscellaneous Gifts, 1973-1975 FF 15 - A. Lee Belcher: Assistant to the President for Employee Relations, 1975 FF 16 - A. Lee Belcher: Assistant to the President for Employee Relations (cont'd), 1975 FF 17 - University-Wide Extension, 1975 FF 18 - Carl L. Schneman: Vice President for Extension, 1973-1975 FF 19 - Mary Neill Greenwood: Director of Programs, 1973-1975 FF 20 - Lynn Martin: Intercampus Instruction, 1973-1975 FF 21 - John Sutherland: Extension, 1973-1975 FF 22 - Financial Information System Project (FISP), 1975 FF 23 - Budget, 1975 FF 24 - Ray H. Benzoni: Vice President for Finance, 1975 FF 25 - Ray H. Benzoni: Vice President for Finance (cont'd), 1975 Box 31 FF 1 - Ray H. Benzoni: Vice President for Finance (cont'd), 1975 FF 2 - Haskins and Sells: Auditors, 1973-1975 FF 3 - Harold Hume: Director of Cost Studies, 1973-1975 FF 4 - Kent Shelton: Comptroller, 1973-1975 FF 5 - Fee Increase and Tuition, 1973 FF 6 - Jackson A. Wright: Counsel, 1973-1975 FF 7 - Gay Liberation, 1973 FF 8 - Guy Horton: Director of University-Wide Information Services FF 9 - Jack H. Hamilton: Assistant to the President, 1975 FF 10 - Jack H. Hamilton: Assistant to the President (cont'd), 1975 FF 11 - Jack H. Hamilton: Assistant to the President (cont'd), 1975 FF 12 - Activity/Status Report, 1975 FF 13 - Joe Saupe: Office of Institutional Research, 1975 FF 14 - Joe Saupe: Office of Institutional Research (cont'd), 1975 FF 15 - Advisory Committee on Education for Health-Related Professions, 1974-1975 FF 16 - Advisory Committee on Education for Health-Related Professions, 1976 FF 17 - Missouri Regional Health Programs, 1975 FF 18 - Missouri Institute of Psychiatry, 1975 FF 19 - Missouri Institute of Psychiatry (cont'd), 1975 FF 20 - Missouri Public Interest Research Group (MO PIRG), 1974-1976 FF 21 - Personnel, 1975 FF 22 - William D. Poore: Director of Personnel, 1975 FF 23 - Retirement and Staff Benefits, 1975 Box 32 FF 1 - Research, 1973-1975 FF 2 - Ardath H. Emmons: Vice President for Research, 1975 FF 3 - Ardath H. Emmons: Vice President for Research (cont'd), 1975 FF 4 - Paul Keenan: Assistant Vice President for Research, 1975 FF 5 - Weldon Springs, 1975 FF 6 - Keith Kraner: Animal Resources, 1975 FF 7 - Coordinator of Security, 1975 FF 8 - Allan Purdy: Student Financial Aid, 1975 FF 9 - Promotion and Tenure, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 10 - Tenure Appeal: Arthur J. Minton, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 11 - Tenure Regulations, 1975 FF 12 - Tenure and Promotion, 1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 13 - Tenure and Promotion, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 14 - Conservatory: Dr. Wanda Latham: Promotion to Associate and Tenure, 1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 15 - University Press, 1974 FF 16 - Edward King: Director of University of Missouri Press, 1974-1975 FF 17 - U.S. Savings Bond Campaign, 1974 FF 18 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE): State of Missouri, 1975 FF 19 - Tom Richter: Director of Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE), 1975 FF 20 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE) Committees, 1975 FF 21 - Minutes of Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE), 1975 FF 22 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE) Meeting, January 1975 FF 23 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE) Meeting, March 4, 1975 FF 24 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE) Meeting, March 16, 1975 FF 25 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE) Meeting, June 1975 FF 26 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE) Meeting, September 1975 FF 27 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE) Meeting, November 1975 FF 28 - Higher Education Day Conference: Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE), June 1975 FF 29 - Higher Education Day Conference: Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE), November 1975 FF 30 - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE) President's Workshop, 1975 FF 31 - Coordinating Board of Higher Education (CBHE), 1974 FF 32 - Coordinating Board of Higher Education (CBHE) 1975 FF 33 - Coordinating Board of Higher Education (CBHE, cont'd), 1975 FF 34 - Presentation to Coordinating Board of Higher Education, September 1975 FF 35 - Coordinating Board Minutes, 1975 Box 33 FF 1 - University of Missouri Extension Report, 1975 FF 2 - Coordinating Board of Higher Education (CBHE) Advisory Committee, 1975 FF 3 - President and Vice President, 1973 FF 4 - U.S. Senators and Representatives, 1973-1975 FF 5 - Senator Thomas Eagleton, 1973-1975 FF 6 - Senator Stuart Symington, 1973-1975 FF 7 - Congressional Delegation: Washington D.C., 1975 FF 8 - Miscellaneous, 1975 FF 9 - Department of Agriculture, 1973-1975 FF 10 - Department of Defense, 1973-1975 FF 11 - Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1973-1975 FF 12 - Department of the Interior, 1973-1975 FF 13 - Department of Justice, 1973-1975 FF 14 - Department of Labor, 1973-1975 FF 15 - Department of the Navy, 1973-1975 FF 16 - Department of the State, 1973-1975 FF 17 - Agency of International Development (AID), 1973-1975 FF 18 - United States Civil Services Commission, 1973-1975 FF 19 - White House Fellow, 1973-1975 FF 20 - General Assembly, 1973-1975 FF 21 - Roster of General Assembly, 1975 FF 22 - Senators and Representatives, 1975 FF 23 - Office of Administration, 1973-1975 FF 24 - Governor Christopher Bond, 1975 FF 25 - Lieutenant Governors Morris and Phelps, 1975 FF 26 - Attorney General, 1975 FF 27 - State Treasurer, 1975 FF 28 - Secretary of State, 1975 FF 29 - State Auditor, 1975 FF 30 - "American Revolution Bicentennial in Missouri," 1974 FF 31 - Committee on State and Fiscal Affairs, 1975 FF 32 - Division of Budget, 1975 FF 33 - Richard L. Chamier: Missouri Commission on Human Rights and Behavior, 1975 FF 34 - Department of Consumer Affairs, Regulation and Licenseing, 1975 FF 35 - Department of Community Affairs, 1975 FF 36 - Department of Conservation (contains photographs of C. Brice Ratchford), 1975 Box 34 FF 1 - Department of Higher Education, 1975 FF 2 - Department of Higher Edcuation (cont'd), 1975 FF 3 - Department of Elementary-Secondary Education, 1975 FF 4 - Arthur J. Mallory: Department of Education, 1975 FF 5 - Department of Mental Health, 1975 FF 6 - Department of Natural Resources, 1975 FF 7 - Division of Planning and Construction, 1975 FF 8 - Department of Public Health and Welfare, 1975 FF 9 - Department of Revenue, 1975 FF 10- Department of Social Services, 1975 FF 11 - State Aid to Private Schools, 1975 FF 12 - University Salary Comparison, Annual Extension Report, 1969-1970 FF 13 - Executive Supplement, Legislative Budget, 1970-1972 FF 14 - University of Missouri Budget (Volume 1), 1970-1971 FF 15 - University of Missouri Budget (Volume 2), 1970-1971 FF 16 - University of Missouri Budget Summaries, 1970-1971 FF 17 - UMR: Legislative Report, 1971-1972 FF 18 - UMKC: Legislative Operating Budget Request, 1971-1972 FF 19 - UMSL: Legislative Operating Budget Requests, 1971-1972 FF 20 - UMR: Capital Improvement, 1971-1972 FF 21 - University of Missouri Crippled Childrens Service Budget Request, 1971-1972 FF 22 - Info Related to Faculty Salaries, Enrollment, Capital Items, 1971 FF 23 - Legislative Budget, Current Operations and Capital Items, 1969-1970 FF 24 - Legislative Budget, Current Operations, and Capital Items: Summary and Narrative, 1969-1971 FF 25 - C. Brice Ratchford's Presentation to House Appropriations Committee, 1971 FF 26 - Missouri Commission on Higher Educations: Appropriation Recommendations, 1971-1972 FF 27 - University of Missouri Legislative Operations: Budget Request Instructions, 1970-1972 FF 28 - Capital Improvements, Current Faculty Request Summary, 1971-1972 FF 29 - Budget Matching, 1970-1972 Box 35 FF 1 - Executive Budget (submitted by W. E. Hearnes), FY 1971-1973 FF 2 - Legislative Budget, Current Operation and Capital Items, 1971-1972 FF 3 - UM Statistical Data, 1972-1973 FF 4 - UM Legislative Operating Budget, 1974-1975 FF 5 - UM Facts and Figures on Proposed Budget, 1974-1975 FF 6 - UM Legislative Budget for Capital Items, 1974-1975 FF 7 - UM Legislative Budget for Current Operations, 1974-1975 FF 8 - Missouri State Crippled Childrens' Service, 1974-1975 FF 9 - Miscellaneous: Budget, 1974-1975 FF 10 - Budget Requests, 1974-1975 FF 11 - Operating Budget, 1973-1974 FF 12 - UM Salary Data, 1972-1973 FF 13 - Miscellaneous: Budget, 1973-1974 FF 14 - UM Legislative Operating Budget: Campus and Programs Report, 1973-1974 FF 15 - UM Legislative Operating Budget Requests, 1972-1973 FF 16 - UM Capital Improvement Request, 1972-1974 FF 17 - Medical Center Budget, 1971-1973 FF 18 - Budget, 1972-1973 FF 19 - UMR: Legislative udget Request, 1971-1973 FF 20 - Alabama, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 21 - Arizona, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 22 - Arkansas, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 23 - California, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 24 - Colorado, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 25 - Delaware, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 26 - Florida, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 27 - Georgia, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 28 - Hawaii, 1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 29 - Idaho, 1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 30 - Illinois, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 31 - Indiana, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 32 - Iowa, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 33 - Kansas, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 34 - Kentucky, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 35 - Louisiana, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 36 - Maine, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 37 - Maryland, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 38 - Massachusetts, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 39 - Mexico, 1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 40 - Michigan, no date [RESTRICTED] FF 41 - Minnesota, 1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 42 - Montana, 1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 43 - Nebraska, 1973-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 44 - New Hampshire, 1974 [RESTRICTED] FF 45 - New Jersey, 1975-1978 [RESTRICTED] FF 46 - New York, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 47 - North Carolina, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] Box 36 FF 1 - Ohio, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 2 - Oklahoma, 1973-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 3 - Oregon, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 4 - Pennsylvania, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 5 - Philippine Islands, 1972-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 6 - Tennessee, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 7 - Texas, 1974-1976 [RESTRICTED] FF 8 - Virginia, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 9 - Washington, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 10 - Wisconsin, 1974-1975 [RESTRICTED] FF 11 - Missouri Colleges Miscellaneous, 1966-1974 FF 12 - Junior Colleges Miscellaneous, 1969-1973 FF 13 - Columbia Christian College, 1968-1975 FF 14 - Jefferson College (Hillsboro) , 1969-1975 FF 15 - Kansas City Metropolitan, 1968-1973 FF 16 - St. Louis Junior College District, 1967-1971 FF 17 - Three Rivers Community College, 1968-1974 FF 18 - Lincoln University, 1967-1975 FF 19 - Lindenwood, 1968-1972 FF 20 - St. Louis University, 1966-1975 FF 21 - Washington University, 1967-1975 FF 22 - Drury, 1949-1970 FF 23 - Missouri Valley, 1967-1970 FF 24 - Missouri Western (St. Joseph's), 1969-1976 FF 25 - Central Missouri State (Warensburg), 1966-1973 FF 26 - Northwest Missouri State (Maryville), 1967-1974 FF 27 - Northeast Missouri State (Kirksville), 1968-1973 FF 28 - Southeast Missouri State (Cape Girardeau), 1966-1976 FF 29 - Southwest Missouri State (Springfield), 1966-1973 FF 30 - Stephens College, 1967-1971 FF 31 - Tarkio, 1967-1974 FF 32 - Westminister, 1967-1974 FF 33 - William Jewel, 1972-1975 FF 34 - William Woods, 1968-1975 FF 35 - Missouri State Teacher's Association (MSTA), 1969-1975 FF 36 - University of Mid-America (UMA), January-February 1975 FF 37 - University of Mid-America (UMA), March-May 1975 FF 38 - University of Mid-America (UMA), June-July, 1975 FF 39 - University of Mid-America (UMA), July-August 1975 FF 40 - University of Mid-America (UMA), September-December 1975 Box 37 FF 1 - University of Mid-America (UMA) Trustees Reception, JUne 1975 FF 2 - University of Mid-America (UMA) Board of Trustees Meeting, September 1975 FF 3 - University of Mid-America (UMA) Board of Trustees Meeting and National Council of Advisors, October 1975 FF 4 - American Council on Education (ACE), 1975 FF 5 - American Council on Education (ACE): Academic Administration Internship Program, 1966-1975 FF 6 - Association of American Universities (AAU), 1974-1975 FF 7 - Charles Kidd: Association of American Universities Executive Secretary, 1975 FF 8 - Association of American Universities (AAU) Meetings, 1971-1975 FF 9 - Association of American Universities (AAU) Meeting, April 1975 FF 10 - Association of American Universities (AAU) Meeting, October 1975 FF 11 - Council on Federal Relations (CFR) Metings, 1970-1975 FF 12 - American Association of University Professors (AAUP), 1973-1975 FF 13 - American Association of University Professors (AAUP): Phi Beta Kappa, 1975 FF 14 - American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), 1971-1975 FF 15 - Argonne University Association (AUA): Miscellaneous, 1974-1975 FF 16 - Paul W. McDaniel: Past President of Argonne University Association, 1975 FF 17 - Argonne University Association (AUA) Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes, 1975 FF 18 - American Association of University Women (AAUW), 1971-1972 FF 19 - Mid-American State Union Association (MASUA), January 1975 FF 20 - Mid-American State Union Association (MASUA), April 1975 FF 21 - International Association of University Presidents (IAUP), 1975 FF 22 - National Education Association (NEA), 1970-1974 FF 23 - National Science Foundation, 1975 FF 24 - National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC), 1975 FF 25 - Ralph K. Huitt: Executive Director National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC), 1975 FF 26 - Chris K. Arnold: Associate Director and Editor National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC), 1975 FF 27- Four Year Servicemens' Opportunity College Project, 1973-1975 FF 28 - National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC): Committee on Problems and Issues, 1975 FF 29 - National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC), Executive Committee, 1970-1975 FF 30 - National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC) Delegate, 1971-1975 FF 31 - National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC), 1975 FF 32 - International Programs Office, 1971 FF 33 - Systems Executives, 1975 FF 34 - System Executive Meeting, June 1974 FF 35 - System Executive Meeting, December 1974 FF 36 - System Executive Meeting, May 1975 FF 37 - System Executive: Multi-campus, 1974 Box 38 FF 1 - Board of Curators Meeting, January 1975 FF 2 - Board of Curators Meeting, February 1975 FF 3 - Board of Curators Meeting, March 1975 FF 4 - Board of Curators Meeting, April 1975 FF 5 - Board of Curators Meeting, May 1975 FF 6 - Board of Curators Meeting, June 1975 FF 7 - Board of Curators Meeting, August 1975 FF 8 - Board of Curators Meeting, September 1975 FF 9 - Board of Curators Meeting, October 1975 FF 10 - Board of Curators Meeting, November 1975 FF 11 - Board of Curators Meeting, December 1975 FF 12 - Miscellaneous, 1974-1975 Box 39 FF 1 - Academic Affairs Committee, 1975 FF 2 - Physical Facilities Community, 1975 FF 3 - Monthly Letter to Board of Curators, 1975 FF 4 - Board of Curators Finance Committee, 1975 FF 5 - Memoirs of my Years at the University of Missouri : By C. Brice Ratchford, 1996 (one copy available in archives' reading room) Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.
Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Shannon O'Toole: February 2004
Revised: 20 May 2021
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