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Call Number:


Record Group: 4 UW
Record Sub-Group: 92
Records Title: UM-System; President's Office; Miscellaneous Files; General Correspondence and Administrative Files
Dates: 1906-1970, bulk 1955-1968
Volume: 26 1/3 cubic feet, linear feet

Scope and Content Note

(March 1970)
This Record Sub-Group contains records received or created by the University of Missouri President's Office, (1906-1970). In addition to correspondence, this Series includes reports, budgets, brochures, speeches, minutes, expense vouchers, photographs, magazines, and newspaper clippings. Also included are legal documents pertaining to the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, the National Commission on Accrediting, the University Press, the William R. Nelson Foundation, the American Council on Education, the National Association of Universities, the Water Resources Board, the University of Missouri Board of Curators, the Missouri Commission on Higher Education, the University of Missouri-Rolla, the University of Missouri-St. Louis, the University of Missouri-Kansas City, gifts and grants to the University, the Ford Foundation, the Danforth Foundation, and the Wilson Foundation. Among the items of correspondence in this Series are autographed letters from a number of United States Presidents and Vice Presidents.


Box 1

FF 1 - D. Howard Doane, 1952-1964

FF 2 - Tayloe Farm, 1957

FF 3 - College of Agriculture Information Brochures, 1963-1965

FF 4 - Elmer R. Kiehl, 1963-1970

FF 5 - Elmer R. Kiehl, 1960-1962

FF 6 - Homer C. Folks, Associate Dean, College of Agriculture; 1964

FF 7 - Homer J. L'Hote, 1958-1969

FF 8 - Francis L. Moritz and Ralph Rogers, 1959-1965

FF 9 - John H. Longwell, Dean Emeritus; Director, Special Studies and Programs, College of Agriculture; 1961-1967

FF 10 - Agricultural Sciences (miscellaneous), 1949-1963

FF 11 - Advisory Council, College of Agriculture; 10-yr Objective, Henry Hamilton, A.G. Anderson; 1954-1959

FF 12 - J. Wendell McKinsey, Chairman, Agricultural Economics; 1962-1965

FF 13 - Alumni--St. Louis, 1949-1968

FF 14 - Pres. - National Alumni Associaton, 1960-1967

FF 15 - Alumni, Alumni Achievement Fund, 1956-1963

FF 16 - Alumni, 1967-1968

FF 17 - National Association of State Universities & Land-Grant Colleges, 1949-1965

FF 18 - Executive Committee (Miscellaneous), John Hannah, Chairman; Association of State Universities & Land-Grant Colleges, 1949-1965

FF 19 - Minutes of Executive Committee. National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, 1963-1965

FF 20 - Joint USDA - Land-Grant College Committee on Agricultural Services to Foreign Areas, 1950

FF 21 - Committee on Broadcasting, Association of Land-Grant Colleges & Universities, 1951

FF 22 - Committee on Military Organization and Policy, Association of Land-Grant Colleges & Universities, 1936-1952

FF 23 - Committee on Organization, Association of State Universities & Land-Grant Colleges, 1963-1965

FF 24 - Task Force Committee, Association of State Universities & Land-Grant Colleges, 1962-1965

FF 25 - Committee on Necrology, American Association of Land-Grant Colleges and State Universities, 1943-1957

FF 26 - Executive Committee Meeting, Washington, January 24, 1966; National Commission on Accrediting

FF 27- September 24, 1965 Meeting, National Committee on Accrediting

FF 28 - Annual and Executive Committee Meeting - Chicago - April 2-3, 1965, National Commission on Accrediting

FF 29 - Executive Committee Meeting - October 12, 1964, National Commission on Accrediting

FF 30 - Annual Meeting, April 17-18, 1964, Board of Commissioners NCOA, National Commission on Accrediting

FF 31 - Exe. Committee Meeting - Chicago, October 28, 1963; National Commission on Accrediting

FF 32 - National Commission on Accrediting Conference Re: Health Professions, April 30, 1963 - Chicago

FF 33 - March 1-2, 1963 National Com. Meeting - Chicago, National Commission on Accrediting

FF 34 - National Commission on Accrediting Executive Meeting - Chicago, October 3-5, 1962

FF 35 - March 1-6, 1962 meeting, National Commission on Accrediting Chicago

FF 36 - February 19, 1962 Meeting of National Commission on Accrediting - University Club - Chicago

FF 37 - National Commission on Accrediting Meeting, November 1, 1961 - Chicago

FF 38 - National Commission on Accrediting Meeting, October 6, 1961 - Washington, D.C.

FF 39 - Meeting of the National Commission on Accrediting - Executive Committee, May 3, 1961

FF 40 - National Association on Accrediting, 1956-1965

Box 2

FF 1 - National Committee on Accrediting Meeting - Chicago, March 4, 1961

FF 2 - Federation of Regional Accrediting Agencies of Higher Education, 1964

FF 3 - National Commission on Accrediting, 1959-1963

FF 4 - National Commission on Accrediting, 1950-1965

FF 5 - RE: Replacement for WILLIAM SELDEN, National Commission on Accrediting, 1964

FF 6 - Commission on Accrediting of Schools of Law, 1958-1962

FF 7 - Executive Committee, National Commission on Accrediting, 1959-1960

FF 8 - Nominating Committee - 1965, Elmer Ellis, Chairman; National Commission on Accrediting

FF 9 - Committee to Study Future of National Commission on Accrediting, 1959-1960

FF 10 - Committee on Improving the Evaluation of Graduate Work, National Commission on Accrediting, 1961

FF 11 - Committee to Study the Situation of Accrediting Schools of Law, National Commission on Accrediting, 1957-1958

FF 12 - National Commission on Accrediting, 1960-1965

FF 13 - National Commission on Accrediting, 1953-1964

FF 14 - The National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, 1954-1965

FF 15 - The National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, 1954-1965

FF 16 - Russ Thackery's speech on TAX CREDIT, February 13, 1965 & Commencement Address at University of Nevada, Reno, June 3, 1957

FF 17 - Expense Account - Association of State Universities & Land-Grant Colleges, 1962-1965

FF 18 - RE: Election of PRESIDENT ELECT (Edgar F. Shannon), 1965; National Association of State Universities & Land-Grant Colleges

FF 19 - Nominating Committee, National Association of State Universities & Land-Grant Colleges, 1965

FF 20 - Elmer Ellis, President, Association of State Universities & Land-Grant Colleges, 1963

FF 21 - John T. Caldwell, President, Association of State Universities & Land-Grant Colleges, 1962

FF 22 - American Assembly, 1963-1966

FF 23 - American Assembly, 1956-1962

FF 24 - Theodore A. Distler, Director, Association of American Colleges, 1954-1962

FF 25 - American Association of University Professors, 1936-1966

FF 26 - American Association of University Women, 1961-1964

FF 27 - International Association of Universities, 1958-1969

Box 3

FF 1 - Annual Meeting--October 6-8, 1965, Washington, D.C.; American Council on Education

FF 2 - September 30 - October 1, 1964 meeting, San Francisco; American Council on Education

FF 3 - Commission Meeting - Washington, D.C., June 16-17, 1964

FF 4 - Board of Directors Meeting (American Council), January 30-31, 1964

FF 5 - Meeting of Commission on Plans and Objectives, November 4, 1963; (Allan M. Cartter)

FF 6 - Board of Directors Meeting, October 2, 1963 - Washngton

FF 7 - Board of Directors Meeting - American Council on Education, Washington, 06-19-1962

FF 8 - April 1, 1963 meeting, Washington, D.C.

FF 9 - June 24-24, 1963 Board of Directors meeting, American Council on Education - Washington

FF 10 - Board of Directors Meeting (American Council on Education), January 11, 1963

FF 11 - Meeting, October 3-5, 1962, Chicago (American Council on Education)

FF 12 - American Council on Education, June 19, 1962

FF 13 - American Council on Education Meeting, 02-09-1962 - Washington

FF 14 - American Council on Education Meeting, October 4-6, 1961

FF 15 - Problems & Policies Committee Meeting (American Council on Education), January 24-25, 1961

FF 16 - Annual Meeting (American Council on Education), October 6-7, 1960

FF 17 - Meeting of Problems & Policies Committee, October 5, 1960\

FF 18 - Problems & Policies Committee Meeting (American Council on Education), June 29-30, 1960, Boulder

FF 19 - Minutes, American Council on Education, October, 1964-October, 1965

FF 20 - Minutes, American Council on Education, Juune 14-15, 1964

FF 21 - Minutes, American Council on Education, May, 1964

FF 22 - Minutes, American Council on Education, March 31, 1964

FF 23 - Minutes, American Council on Education, October-December, 1963

FF 24 - Minutes, American Council on Education, March-June, 1963

FF 25 - Minutes, American Council on Education, July 17, 1959-January 11, 1963

FF 26 - April 25-27, 1966 - Chicago, Association of American Universities

FF 27 - October 26-27, 1965 Meeting - New York City, Association of American Universities

FF 28 - April 20-21, 1965, Spring meeting--Association of American Universities; Washington, D.C.

FF 29 - Annual Association of American Universities meeting, October 27-28, 1964 - New York

FF 30 - Spring Meeting, April 29-30, 1964; Washington, D.C.

FF 31 - Association of American Universities Meeting, October 22-23, 1963 - New York

FF 32 - Association of American Universities Meeting - San Francisco, May 1-2, 1963

FF 33 - Annual Meeting Association of American Universities - New York, October 23-24, 1962

FF 34 - Association of American Universities meeting, April 24-25, 1962 - Chicago

FF 35 - Association of American Universities annual meeting, Oct. 24-25, 1961 - New York City

FF 36 - Association of American Universities Special Spring Meeting, April 25, 1961

FF 37 - Association of American Universities annual meeting, Oct. 25-26, 1960

FF 38 - Russell Thackery - National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, 04-07-1965 through 12-12-1968

FF 39 - Russell Thackery - National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, 12-26-1963 through 04-05-1965

FF 40 - Russell Thackery - National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, 09-22-1959 through 12-23-1963

FF 41 - Russell Thackery - National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, 01-03-1955 through 08-03-1959

FF 42 - Annual meeting - November 14-17, 1965 - Minneapolis, National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges

FF 43 - Introduction of Presidents Dave Henry & John A. Hannah, Also Dr. Charles Frankel, 11-16-1965

FF 44 - Annual meeting - November 8-11, 1964, Washington, D.C.; Land-Grant

FF 45 - Annual Meeting - Association of State Universities & Land-Grant Colleges - November 10-13, 1963

FF 46 - Land-Grant President's speech, annual meeting - Chicago, 11-12-1963; (Novice G. Fawcett)

Box 4

FF 1 - Land-Grant Meeting, November 12-14, 1961

FF 2 - Land-Grant Meeting in Washington, D.C. - November 13-16, 1960

FF 3 - Presidential Speech - November 10, 1964 (By President Ellis)

FF 4 - Land-Grant (Miscellaneous), 01-20-1964 through 12-15-1965

FF 5 - Land-Grant (Miscellaneous), 09-15-1961 through 01-10-1964

FF 6 - Executive Committee Meeting, November 14-17, 1965 - Minneapolis

FF 7 - Executive Committee meeting - Washington, October 4-6, 1965

FF 8 - Executive Committee Meeting, May 1-3, 1965 - Washington, D.C.

FF 9 - Executive Committee Meeting, Washington, January 28-29, 1965

FF 10 - Executive Committee Meeting, September 1-3, 1964 - Washington

FF 11 - August 13, 1964 - Washington (White House Conference)

FF 12 - Executive Committee Meeting (Interim Com.) 05-02-1964 - New York City

FF 13 - Presidents' Dinner - Land-Grant, 11-11-1963

FF 14 - Dinner for prominent industrialists by Land-Grant Association (Allan B. Ostar), October 21, 1963

FF 15 - Interim Committee of Executive Committee Meeting, January 30-31, 1964

FF 16 - Executive Committee Meeting, August 28-29, 1963

FF 17 - Seminar - Colorado State University, June 16-19, 1963. Task Force Committee report read at Meeting

FF 18 - Interim Executive Committee Meeting, Land-Grant, May 4-5, 1963

FF 19 - RE: November 1962 Land-Grant Program (President's Council)

FF 20 - Task Force - Land-Grant Committee Meeting, July 22-25, 1962

FF 21 - Dinner meeting in connection with Land-Grant annual meeting for presidents & industrialists

FF 22 - Executive Committee, August 29-30, 1962 - Washington, D.C.

FF 23 - Committee on Institutional Cooperation, 1968-1969

FF 24 - Committee on Institutional Cooperation, 1967

FF 25 - Committee on Institutional Cooperation, 1966

FF 26 - Committee on Institutional Cooperation, 1966

FF 27 - Committee on Instituional Cooperation, 1965

FF 28 - Miscellaneous - American Council, 1958-1964

FF 29 - North Central Association, William Ross, President 1959-1960; Stephen Romine, President 1960-61; J. Fred Murphy, President 1961-1962; Irwin Lubbers, President 1962-1963

FF 30 - Lowell B. Fisher, President, 1957-1959

FF 31 - Paul C. Reinert, President, North Central Association, 1956-1957

FF 32 - R. Nelson Snider, Treasurer, 1957-1960

FF 33 - Associate Secretaries, 1957-1964

FF 34 - Manning M. Pattillo, Jr., Associate Secretary, 1952-1956

FF 35 - North Central Association Executive Committee, 1960

FF 36 - Robert J. Keller, Acting Secretary, 1955-1960

Box 5

FF 1 - Executive Committee - North Central, Elmer Ellis, Member; 1955-1959

FF 2 - North Central Association Committees (miscellaneous), 1955-1961

FF 3 - North Central Association - Standing Committee on Athletics, 1956-1957

FF 4 - North Central Association Subcommittee on Teacher Education in Multipurpose Institutions, Milo Bail, 1954-1957

FF 5 - North Central Association, Committee on Professional Accrediting Problems, 1953-1954

FF 6 - Long-Range Planning Committee, North Central Association, 1957-1963

FF 7 - North Central Association Committee on Research & Services, 1958-1959

FF 8 - Minutes of Meeting of Steering Committee of Research & Service Commission, November 18, 1954

FF 9 - Delegates at Annual Meetings, 1933-1968

FF 10 - RE: Annual Meetings, 1957-1960

FF 11 - Meeting of National Committee of Regional Accrediting Agencies - November 10-12, 1963

FF 12 - Long-Range Planning Committee & Commission Chairmen Meeting, August 22, 1963

FF 13 - North Central meeting - Chicago, March 18-22, 1963

FF 14 - Executive Committee - North Central - Chicago - October 2, 1962

FF 15 - Annual Meeting of North Central Association, March 26-30, 1962

FF 16 - Executive Committee Meeting, North Central Association 06-24-1961 through 09-28-1961

FF 17 - North Central Association Meeting, Chicago, March 20-24, 1961

FF 18 - North Central Association Meeting, Chicago, June 25, 26, 27, 1960

FF 19 - North Central Association Meeting - Chicago, March 28, 1960

FF 20 - Long-Range Planning Committee Meeting - Chicago, November 28, 1959

FF 21 - North Central Meeting - Chicago, September 30, 1959

FF 22 - June 25, 1959 Long-Range Committee & June 26-27, 1959 Executive Committee Meetings

FF 23 - North Central Association Meeting, April, 1959

FF 24 - North Central Association Meeting, June 29-July 1, 1958

FF 25 - Executive Committee Meeting, March 26-28, 1958

FF 26 - North Central Association (Miscellaneous Meetings), 1958-1963

FF 27 - North Central Association Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, 04-22-1959 through 10-20-1962

FF 28 - North Central Association (Miscellaneous), 1958-1966

FF 29 - North Central Association (Miscellaneous), 1945-1957

FF 30 - Annual Report Material for July Issue of Quarterly, North Central Association, 1958-1962

FF 31 - Hibbert E. Mueller, member of the Missouri North Central Association State Committee, 1956-1959

FF 32 - Generalist's visit to University of Indiana School of Nursing, (John Schwada for North Central) representing President Ellis, October 8-13, 1962

FF 33 - President Ellis' report as North Central Association Generalist, re: Visit to the University of Oklahoma, January 10-11, 1957

FF 34 - North Central Association Generalist National League for Nursing, 1960

FF 35 - North Central Association Generalist for American Medical Association, 1958

FF 36 - Re: Generalist visit to University of Minnesota School of Medicine (President Ellis did not go), 1960-1961

FF 37 - North Central Reviewing Team, MacVicar, Davis, Anderson, Blackman; October 14-17, 1962

FF 38 - December 1956 Meeting in Dallas of Southern Association of Colleges & Secondary Schools, President Ellis delegate from North Central Association

FF 39 - Annual Conference of State Chairmen Minutes, 1955-1957

FF 40 - C.W. and Dr. J.S. Maxwell, 1951-1956

FF 41 - John L. Seaton - Acting Secretary, 1945

FF 42 - Kenneth I. Brown, North Central Association Board of Reviews, 1948

FF 43 - A.H. Upham, Vice-Chairman; 1943-1945

FF 44 - Newly Accredited Schools, 1945-1949

FF 45 - Adult Education, 1939

FF 46 - John Dale Russell, Secretary of the Commisssion on Colleges and Universities; 1946

FF 47 - John Rufi, 1938-1942

FF 48 - Joseph P. Blickensderfer, 1944

FF 49 - Reports of North Central Association Meeting, March, 1939, by Dean Stephens and Dr. Rufi

FF 50 - Trustee of Science Pioneers, Incorporated, 1957-1960

FF 51 - Joint Office of Institutional Research, Alan Ostar, 1963-1966

FF 52 - Association of American Colleges, 03-05-1953 through 12-18-1967

Box 6

FF 1 - National Commission on Accrediting, 1964-1965

FF 2 - National Commission on Accrediting, 1963

FF 3 - National Commission on Accrediting, 1962

FF 4 - National Commission on Accrediting, 1959-1961

FF 5 - Mid-America State Universities Association, 01-20-1960 through 02-10-1961

FF 6 - Mid-America State Universities Association, 02-14-1961 through 10-08-1969

FF 7 - Mid-America State Universities Association Meeting - K.C., Kansas, 01-16-1965

FF 8 - Mid-America State Universities Association Meeting - Kansas City, March 18, 1964

FF 9 - Mid-America State Universities Association Meeting - Kansas City, Missouri, January 28, 1963

FF 10 - Executive Committee meeting of Mid-America State Universities Association - December 8, 1962, Kansas City

FF 11 - Mid-America State Universities Association Meeting, June 20, 1962

FF 12 - Mid-America State Universities Association Meeting - Omaha Nebraska, January 13, 1962

FF 13 - Mid-America State Universities Association - November 21, 1961 Meeting

FF 14 - Mid-America State Universities Association Meeting, June 14, 1961

FF 15 - Mid-America State Universities Association Meeting - Kansas City, March 17, 1961

FF 16 - Mid-America State Universities Association Meeting, September 28, 1960

FF 17 - Mid-America State Universities Association Meeting - Kansasa City, Missouri, January 20, 1960

FF 18 - Mid-America State Universities Association Conference, December 15, 1959

FF 19 - Association of American Universities, 1952-1967

FF 20 - Dinner, October 25, 1965 with National Media Ex. and State University Presidents - New York

FF 21 - Association of American Universities Committee to Expand Association of American Universities Membership, 1962-1964

FF 22 - Association of American Universities - President - 1959-1963

FF 23 - Association of American Universities - Committee on Outside Activities, 1955

FF 24 - "Task Force" on Humanities and Social Studies (Elmer Ellis, Chairman) (Association of American Universities), 1961

FF 25 - The Association of Universities of British Commonwealth - Summer 1956

FF 26 - Congress of Universities of the Commonwealth - 08/1958

FF 27 - Trip to Japan, August - September 1965

FF 28 - Association of American Universities - Association of Universities of British Commonwealth Meetings - New York City, April 3-4, 1962

FF 29 - Trip to England - July, 1961

FF 30 - Reports on Science Education and Institutional Development Agreement, ca. 1967-1970

Box 7

FF 1 - Miscellaneous, 1964-1965, American Council on Education

FF 2 - Directors and Staff Associates, American Council on Education, December 1962-1965

FF 3 - Logan Wilson, President 1961-1965, American Council on Education

FF 4 - Problems and Policies Committee - American Council on Education, 1956-1961

FF 5 - American Council on Education, 1955-1964

FF 6 - American Council on Education, 1965

FF 7 - Bulletins - Expanding Opportunities, American Council on Education, 1964-1965

FF 8 - Minutes - Executive Committee, American Council on Education, 1960-1961

FF 9 - Minutes - Problems and Policies Committee, American Council on Education, 1956-1961

FF 10 - American Council of Learned Societies, 1943-1964

FF 11 - American Association of University Professors, 1956-1966

FF 12 - University Press, 1944-1970

FF 13 - Miscellaneous Committees, 1962-1967

FF 14 - Miscellaneous Committees, 1960-1964

FF 15 - Big Eight Conference Kansas City, Missouri Accountants' Report, June 30, 1965

FF 16 - Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Policy and Procedure Manual

FF 17 - Don Faurot, 1956-1967

FF 18 - Arthur W. Nebel, Chairman of Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics, 1957-1966

FF 19 - John Moore, 1962-1966

FF 20 - RE: Athletic Scholarships, 1937-1966

FF 21 - Wayne Duke (Executive Director), 1963-1967

FF 22 - John Waldorf (Supervisor of Officials), 1963

FF 23 - Reeves Peters, Missouri Valley Intercollegiate Athletic Association, 1956-1963

FF 24 - Presidents of the Big Eight and Faculty Representatives, 1952-1962

FF 25 - John Roland, 1960-1967

FF 26 - Johnny Roland, 1963

FF 27 - John Roland Exhibits, 1960-1962

Box 8

FF 1 - John Roland Report, 1960-1962

FF 2 - Jack Medford Exhibits, 1960-1961

FF 3 - Jack Medford Report, 1962

FF 4 - University of Missouri-Columbia - Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics, 1956-1966

FF 5 - Legislative Budget for Current Operations and Capital Items, 07-01-1968 through 06-30-1969, (November 1967)

FF 6 - Legislative Budget for Current Operations and Capital Items, 06-01-1968 through 06-30-1969, (State Budget Forms, September, 1967)

FF 7 - University of Missouri Staff Detail Budget, 1968-1969

FF 8 - University of Missouri Budget, 1968-1969

FF 9 - Appropriation Summary, 1967-1968

FF 10 - University of Missouri Legislative Budget Data, July 1,1967 - June 30, 1968

FF 11 - University of Missouri Legislative Budget Data, July 1, 1967 - June 30, 1968

FF 12 - Appropriation Summary, 1966-1967

FF 13 - Budget, June 1, 1966 - June 30, 1967

FF 14 - Plans and Projects Committee, 1964

FF 15 - University of Missouri Development Fund, Guy H. Entsminger, 1949-1968

FF 16 - The Development Fund News Letter, 1966-1967

FF 17 - Raymond W. Lansford, Assistant Dean; 1962-1964

FF 18 - Raymond W. Lansford, Associate Professor of Marketing, 1958-1966

FF 19 - Robert W. Paterson, Director, Business and Public Administration Research Center; 1959-1966

FF 20 - Bureau of Business Research, 1958-1960

FF 21 - Small Business Admnisistration, 1955-1961

FF 22 - Business Office, 1954-1968

FF 23 - Boonville, 1964

FF 24 - Carthage, 1967

FF 25 - Columbia, 1950-1970

FF 26 - Hannibal, 1956-1963

FF 27 - Jefferson City, 1960-1969

FF 28 - Joplin, 1962-1966

FF 29 - Kansas City, 1961-1969

Box 9

FF 1 - Missouri - Kansas Metropolitan Study of Kansas City

FF 2 - Kansas City - Mayor, 1947-1966

FF 3 - Kansas City Star, 1960-1968

FF 4 - Kansas City Star, 1955-1960

FF 5 - Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, 1951-1970

FF 6 - Kansas City College and Bible School, 1964

FF 7 - Kansas City Regional Council for Higher Education -- Herbert H. Wood, Executive Director, 1964-1968

FF 8 - Kansas City American Royal, 1962-1966

FF 9 - Junior College - Kansas CIty, 1962

FF 10 - The Greater Kansas City Mental Health Foundation, 1962

FF 11 - Mexcio, 1955-1964

FF 12 - Moberly, 1960

FF 13 - Rolla, 1962-1968

FF 14 - Rolla Chamber of Commerce, 1948-1963

FF 15 - The School of the Ozarks, 1952-1954

FF 16 - Sedalia Air Field, 1948-1950

FF 17 - Site for Air Force Academy (Miscellaneous), 1950

FF 18 - Springfield, including Jaycees, 1953-1963

FF 19 - St. Joseph, 1956-1966

FF 20 - St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce, 1955-1965

FF 21 - St. Joseph News-Press, 1961-1968

FF 22 - St. Louis - Mayor, 1954-1970

FF 23 - St. Louis - Miscellaneous, 1963-1970

FF 24 - St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 1952-1967

FF 25 - St. Louis Human Development Corporation, 1965

FF 26 - St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1957-1970

FF 27 - KMOX-TV - St. Louis, 1959-1969

FF 28 - St. Louis College of Pharmacy and Allied Sciences, 1960-1967

FF 29 - St. Louis Christian Home, 1959-1961

FF 30 - Reply to Editor of Globe-Democrat . . . Editorial of 09-08-1959

FF 31 - Henry Chadeayne, Executive Director, KETC, St. Louis; 1957-1963

FF 32 - Higher Education Coordinating Council of Metropolitan St. Louis--General, 1963-1968

FF 33 - Higher Education Coordinating Council of Metropolitan St. Louis (Meetings), 1966-1967

FF 34 - Higher Education Coordinating Council of MEtropolitan St. Louis (Minutes), 1966-1967

FF 35 - Roster - Committee on Higher Education Needs of Metropolitan St. Louis, 1958

FF 36 - Statement Prepared for Mrs. Fischer, 08-08-1960

FF 37 - Minutes - Committee on Higher Educational Needs of St. Louis, 1958-1961

FF 38 - Committee on Higher Education Needs of St. Louis, 1958-1961

FF 39 - Boyd Ewing, 1958-1964

FF 40 - David W. Hopkins, 1953-1964

FF 41 - Tom K. Smith, 1951-1964

FF 42 - Association of Governing Boards, 1960-1967

Box 10

FF 1 - Mary Robnett, Secretary to Board of Curators, 195-1968

FF 2 - Board of Curators, 1937-1969

FF 3 - Board of Curators Photographs, 1931-1969

FF 4 - By-Laws of the Board of Curators of the University of Missouri, 1906-1968

FF 5 - Board Regulations (Draft only- not edited and not proofed), ca. 1968

FF 6 - Faculty in Politics, Board of Curators, 1962-1965

FF 7 - Policy, 1956-1965

FF 8 - Proposed New University Building, 1967

FF 9 - RE: New Dean--replacements for Townsend and Schooling, 1963-1966

FF 10 - John Rufi, 1965-1967

FF 11 - Harry Rubey, 1964-1966

FF 12 - Engineers' Council for Professional Development, 33rd Annual Report; 1965-1966

FF 13 - Report to the Education and Accreditation Committee Engineers Council for Professional Development, March, 1964

FF 14 - Report for Education and Accreditation Committee, Engineers' Council for Professional Development, April, 1959

FF 15 - College of Engineering Annual Report, 1967-1968

FF 16 - The American Society for Engineering Education, 1956-1966

FF 17 - George Easley, 1961-1962

FF 18 - Ralph H. Luebbers, Professor of Chemical Engineering, 1961

FF 19 - Allan Purdy, Director, Aids and Awards, 1958-1966

FF 20 - Dr. C.W. McLane, 1953-1966

FF 21 - J. Frank Roberts, 1960-1967

FF 22 - Recommendations for Dr. McLane by Elmer Ellis, 1953-1957

FF 23 - Enrollment, 1960-1968

FF 24 - Jack Matthews, 1962-1965

FF 25 - Donald P. Duncan, Director, School of Forestry; 1961-1966

FF 26 - R.H. Westveld, 1959-1967

FF 27 - R.H. Westveld, 1948-1959

FF 28 - Dean Burnell W. Kingrey, 1963-1969

FF 29 - RE: Admission to Veterinary School, 1965-1968

FF 30 - RE: Accreditation of Veterinary School - American Veterinary Medical Association, 1949-1964

FF 31 - Prospective Dean for Veterinary Medicine, 1962-1963

FF 32 - Legislative Conference, 1958-1966

FF 33 - Missouri State Offices, 1927-1965

Box 11

FF 1 - Missouri State Offices, 1957-1966

FF 2 - Missouri State Offices, 1961-1966

FF 3 - Missouri State Offices, 1958-1966

FF 4 - Missouri State Offices, 1950-1966

FF 5 - Missouri State Offices, 1958-1966

FF 6 - Missouri State Offices, 1950-1966

FF 7 - Missouri State Offices, 1943-1956

FF 8 - Missouri State Offices, 1947-1966

FF 9 - Missouri State Offices, 1955-1965

FF 10 - Bulletins: National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, 1963-1965

FF 11 - Bulletins: National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, 1963-1964

FF 12 - Association of State Colleges and Universities, 1965

FF 13 - Missouri Senate Contact/ Biographical Information, 1967

FF 14 - Missouri House of Representatives Contact/ Biographical Info. Cards (A-Mc), 1967

FF 15 - Missouri House of Representatives Contact/ Biographical Info. Cards (M-Z), 1967

FF 16 - Bernard C. Brannon, 1961-1967

FF 17 - Federal-State Relations Special Committee, 1954

FF 18 - Graduate Council and Committee on Cooperation Graduate School, United States Department of Agriculture, 1947

FF 19 - United States Department of Agriculture, 1964-1966

FF 20 - Department of Interior, 1952-1965

FF 21 - Orville L. Freeman, Secretary, 1961-1967

FF 22 - Symposium on Research in Agriculture - Airlie House - February 23-25, 1966

FF 23 - True D. Morse, Under-Secretary of Agriculture, 1944-1960

FF 24 - Department of Commerce, 1957-1965

FF 25 - Report of the Special Committee on ROTC to the Secretary of Defense, 09-22-1969

FF 26 - Secretary, Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1965-1966

FF 27 - Ralph Bedell, 1961-1969

Box 12

FF 1 - Harold A. Haswell, 1962-1964

FF 2 - National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland; 1960-1963

FF 3 - Department of Justice, 1958-1967

FF 4 - United States Department of Labor, 1960-1966

FF 5 - Secretary of State, Department of State (Miscellaneous); 1959-1966

FF 6 - Gilbert Anderson, chief, Division for University Activities; Office of United States Programs and Services; 1962-1963

FF 7 - Treasury Department, 1959-1963

FF 8 - United States Senators and Representatives, 1966-1968

FF 9 - United States Senators and Representatives, 1964-1968

FF 10 - University of Missouri-Columbia General Correspondence and Departmental Information, 1961-1970

FF 11 - University of Missouri-Columbia General Correspondence and Departmental Information, 1948-1966

FF 12 - University of Missouri-Columbia General Correspondence and Departmental Information, 1954-1965

FF 13 - University of Missouri-Columbia General Correspondence and Departmental Information, 1949-1966

FF 14 - A-General, 1968

FF 15 - A-General, 1962-1968

FF 16 - William Howard Adams, 1963-2965

FF 17 - African-American Students Foundation, Incorporated; The African-American Institute, 1960-1964

FF 18 - American Bar Association, John G. Hervey, 1959-1960

FF 19 - American Meteorological Society, 1960-1961

FF 20 - Asian Teachers and Scholars, 1960-1964

FF 21 - B-General, 1965-1967

FF 22 - Henry B. Bass, 1958-1964

FF 23 - Thomas Hart Benton, 1959-1967

FF 24 - BI - General, 1963-1967

FF 25 - BR - General, 1959-1967

FF 26 - Richard C. Browne, 1965-1966

FF 27 - CA - General, 1959-1967

FF 28 - M.M. Chambers, 1960-1970

FF 29 - M.M. Chambers, 1960-1962

FF 30 - M.M. Chambers (The Grapevine), 1964-1970

FF 31 - M.M. Chambers (The Grapevine), 1961-1964

FF 32 - CO - General, 1962-1967

FF 33 - DA-DE -General, 1964-1977

FF 34 - DI-DO - General, 1951-1967

FF 35 - E - General, 1952-1967

Box 13

FF 1 - David Eisenstein, 1959-1965

FF 2 - Henry N. Ess, 1958-1963

FF 3 - F - General, 1955-1967

FF 4 - FO - G, 1956-1967

FF 5 - G - General, 1960-1967

FF 6 - John L. Gerig, Arnold A. Levin, Attorney; 1957-1958

FF 7 - Louis Geiger, 1954-1967

FF 8 - Albert L. Gustin, Jr. (golf course), 1956-1966

FF 9 - H - General, 1957-1967

FF 10 - Henry Hamilton, 1955-1961

FF 11 - Hof-Hz, General, 1953-1967

FF 12 - I - General, 1950-1967

FF 13 - J - General, 1956-1967

FF 14 - K - General, 1962-1967

FF 15 - L-Lam General, 1952-1967

FF 16 - Garth Landis, 1955-1967

FF 17 - LI-LZ General, 1959-1967

FF 18 - Mc - General, 1961-1967

FF 19 - D.E. McHenry (Higher Education in Kansas City), 1957

FF 20 - MA-MAO, General, 1951-1967

FF 21 - Margaret Mae Marsh, Matilda Ann Cavanaugh, 1959-1961

FF 22 - Dr. R.E. Mason, 1958-1960

FF 23 - Mark Twain Area Community Development, 1962

FF 24 - Miscellaneous 1964-1965

FF 25 - Missouri, University of, 1. Personnell 2. Employee Relations; 1965-1966

FF 26 - Missouri, University of, University-wide committees, 1964-1966

FF 27 - Missouri, University of, General; 1960-1968

FF 28 - MFA Mutual Insurance Company 1946-1953

FF 29 - F.A. Middlebush, 1952-1967

FF 30 - N - General, 1966-1969

FF 31 - N - General, 1951-1966

FF 32 - Harry K. Newburn, 1958-1964

FF 33 - NDEA - Institutes, Student Loans, other Programs, 1958-1964

FF 34 - O - General, 1960-1967

FF 35 - P - General, 1952-1969

FF 36 - J.C. Penney Center, 1962

Box 14

FF 1 - Warren Peterson, 1962-1965

FF 2 - Warren Peterson, 1958-1962

FF 3 - Pfinster Report, 1956-1963

FF 4 - Primate Center, 1960-1961

FF 5 - R - General, 1951-1964

FF 6 - Henk Reesink - Netherlands, 1958

FF 7 - Dr. Wolfgang Rieger, 1959-1960

FF 8 - S-Sh - General, 1951-1967

FF 9 - SI-SZ - General, 1967-1969

FF 10 - SI-SZ - General, 1952-1967

FF 11 - Space, 1962-1967

FF 12 - Story Magazine, 1961-1962

FF 13 - T - General, 1952-1967

FF 14 - James B. Tatum, 1960-1962

FF 15 - Marten ten Hoor, 1952

FF 16 - Edward Frank Thelen, 1960-1967

FF 17 - RE: Guy A. Thompson Memorial Fund, 1958

FF 18 - U-V General, 1958-1967

FF 19 - W - General, 1952-1964

FF 20 - W - General, 1951-1968

FF 21 - Price Waterhouse, 1950-1965

FF 22 - Naming of Dorms, 1963-1964

FF 23 - Architects, 1955-1969

FF 24 - Brochures, 1959-1966

FF 25 - Howard R. Boozer, 1958-1961

FF 26 - Report to the Participants Explanatory Conference on Faculty - Administration Relations, 1957

FF 27 - Frank Abbott - Staff Associate (Commission on Evaluation and Instruction), 1957-1959

FF 28 - Membership - Commission on Instruction and Evaluation, Elmer Ellis, Chairman, 1957-1959

FF 29 - Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Correspondence, April 13, 1964 - November 4, 1968

FF 30 - Annual Report from Elmer Ellis on Work of Commission on Instruction and Evaluation, 1956-1957

FF 31 - Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Correspondence, April 13, 1964 - August 9, 1967

FF 32 - University of Missouri-Columbia, Department of Management, Business and Public Administration, 02-20-1969 through 05-24-1969

FF 33 - Bulletin - Tax Credits for Educational Expenses (Allan Ostar), 1964

FF 34 - Meetings, Office of Institutional Research, 1957

FF 35 - Dedication, 09/15/1963, Normandy Center

FF 36 - Water Resources (Pollution) Laboratory, 1962-1965

Box 15

FF 1 - Universities Council on Water Resources, Universities Council on Hydrology, 1964-1965

FF 2 - Re. Water Pollution in Kansas City, 1961-1964

FF 3 - Water Resources Board, 1959-1964

FF 4 - Application for Initial Allotment Under the Provisions of the Water Resources Act of 1964

FF 5 - University of Missouri-Columbia Student Affairs, 1954-1966

FF 6 - RE: Speakers (student sponsored), 1963-1966

FF 7 - Rockaway Beach Incident, 1965

FF 8 - Autonomy in regard to membership in sororities and fraternitites, 1966

FF 9 - Missouri Southern College First Annual Report, 1969

FF 10 - University of Missouri-Columbia (Miscellaneous), 1955-1966

FF 11 - State Technical Services Act of 1965

FF 12 - Jean Madden, 1958-1970

FF 13 - University of Missouri-Columbia, 1962-1965

FF 14 - University of Missouri-Columbia, 1954-1968

FF 15 - University of Missouri-Columbia, 1957-1970

FF 16 - University of Missouri-Columbia, 1959-1966

FF 17 - University of Missouri-Columbia Medical School and Clinic, 1958-1969

FF 18 - American Medical Association, 1965-1968

FF 19 - American Medical Association, 1956-1966

FF 20 - Missouri State Medical Association, 1959-1963

FF 21 - Medical Dean and Faculty, 1959-1968

FF 22 - Vernon E. Wilson, 1968

FF 23 - University of Missouri-Columbia - Medicine, 1936-1966

FF 24 - University of Missouri-Columbia - Medicine, 1955-1966

FF 25 - University of Missouri-Columbia - Medicine, 1941-1965

FF 26 - University of Missouri-Columbia - Medicine, 1954-1967

FF 27 - University of Missouri-Columbia - Medicine, 1954-1966

FF 28 - University of Missouri-Columbia - Medicine, 1956-1967

FF 29 - University of Missouri-Columbia - Medicine, 1933-1966

Box 16

FF 1 - University of Missouri-Columbia - Medicine, 1947-1969

FF 2 - University of Missouri-Columbia - Medicine, 1945-1966

FF 3 - Medical Education, 1965

FF 4 - Graduate Education in Missouri, 1965

FF 5 - Meetings, Commission on Higher Education, 1965-1966

FF 6 - Miscellaneous - Missouri Commission on Higher Education, 1963-1966

FF 7 - Missouri Commission on Higher Education, 1963-1967

FF 8 - Educational Advisory Council, 1964-1969

FF 9 - Delegates to Annual Meetings (National Conference on Higher Education), 1958-1965

FF 10 - National Conference on Higher Education (National Education Association), January, 1954

FF 11 - Institute of International Education, 1950-1965

FF 12 - Higher Education Needs in Southwest Missouri, 1960

FF 13 - State Historical Society (Miscellaneous), 1955-1966

FF 14 - Richard S. Brownlee, 1962-1966

FF 15 - Richard S. Brownlee, 1959-1962

FF 16 - A Semicentennial History of the State Historical Society of Missouri, 1898-1948, by Floyd C. Shoemaker

FF 17 - Finance Committee Minutes, The State Historical Society of Missouri, 1959-1966

FF 18 - Museum of Anthropology, 1964-1965

FF 19 - Saul Weinberg, Museum of Art and Archaeology, 1962-1966

FF 20 - Dedication of Stanley Hall, March 24, 1961

FF 21 - Establishment of College of Home Economics, March, 1957 from Margaret Mangel

FF 22 - Margaret Mangel, Director, School of Home Economics; 1954-1969

FF 23 - Ray Schroeder, Honor Degree Chairman, 1944-1965

FF 24 - Honorary Degrees (Miscellaneous), 1945-1968

FF 25 - Suggested Candidates for Honorary Degrees, 1918-1969

Box 17

FF 1 - Honorary Degrees, 1966

FF 2 - Edward Lambert, 1953-1962, Assistant to the President in Charge of Television Development and Operation and Director of Education Television, Professor of Journalism

FF 3 - Clarence Faust - Fund for the Advancement of Education, 195-1958

FF 4 - John F. White, Education Television and Radio Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan

FF 5 - H.K. Newburn, Education Television and Radio Center, 1954-1957

FF 6 - Dues to Association for Professional Broadcasting Education, 07-03-1957

FF 7 - Letters pertaining to advertising over KOMU-TV, 1956

FF 8 - Milton Gross, 1954

FF 9 - KOMU-TV Staff, ca. 1953

FF 10 - George Kapel, Station Manager, 1953

FF 11 - RE: Television Broadcast of Football Games, 1955

FF 12 - William A. Vaughn, Program Director, 1953

FF 13 - Urban Wussler, 12-28-1953

FF 14 - Howard S. Frazier, Consultant, 1952-1953

FF 15 - Albert F. Hillix, Television Attorney, 1954

FF 16 - Ralph Steele, Executive Director of Joint Committee on Educational Television, 1951-1954

FF 17 - Report on Evaluation of Improvements in KOMU-TV facilities, October 1960

FF 18 - Proposed Microwave Interconnect between Jesse Hall and Rolla Campus, 1962

FF 19 - Proposal Education FM Station for University of Missouri-Columbia, 04-28-1966

FF 20 - KOMU-TV, Facilities, Market, Operation; ca. 1952

FF 21 - RE: Roberts Radio Station vs. call letters for KOMU-TV, 03-09-1955

FF 22 - Television Applicants Educational and Commercial, February 1953

FF 23 - Republican - Democrat Television Broadcast Argument, October 1954

FF 24 - Television Meeting, St. Louis, January 7, 1952

FF 25 - Utilization of University Divisions for Television, 1952

FF 26 - Edward Lambert (qualifications), July, 1952

FF 27 - Suggested Organization, University Television Station, July, 1952

FF 28 - Proposed Staff and Budget - Television - Feb., 1953

FF 29 - Charles V. Wayland; Fisher, Wayland, Duvall and Southmayd Attorneys, 1952-1955

FF 30 - Dedication Ceremony, KOMU-TV - Jan. 10, 1954

FF 31 - Educational Television, 1951-1953

FF 32 - Educational Television, 1953-1965

FF 33 - CATV. 1965

FF 34 - Old Television (Miscellaneous), 1951-1962

FF 35 - Glenn Griswold, 1958-1968

FF 36 - KOMU, 1962-1966

FF 37 - William Mapel, 1958-1959

FF 38 - The Columbia Free Press, 1966-1967

FF 39 - Barton L. Griffith, Instructional Television, 1957-1967

FF 40 - A Report to the Chancellor, University of Missouri-Columbia, RE: School of Journalism, 1966

FF 41 - Dean Earl English, 1964-1969

FF 42 - Dean Earl English, 1949-1964

FF 43 - Earl English's Salary, 1959-1966

FF 44 - Linotype School, 1948-1953

FF 45 - Accreditation of School of Journalism, 1955-1962

FF 46 - Legal Material, 1966-1968

FF 47 - Legal Counsel, 1964-1965

FF 48 - Ralph H. Parker, 1947-1966

FF 49 - Friends of the Library, 1960-1966

FF 50 - Harmsworth Collection, 1941

FF 51 - Library Building, May 15, 1935

Box 18

FF 1 - Report on Proposed Graduate Library Program for the University of Missouri, ca. 1963

FF 2 - Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) - Miscellaneous, 1949-1962

FF 3 - Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) - Miscellaneous, 1944-1960

FF 4 - Colonel James R. Johnson, 1963-1967

FF 5 - Colonel Millard Shaw, 1958-1963

FF 6 - Concerning Assignment of Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) Officers, 1951-1962

FF 7 - Air Force - Miscellaneous, 1952-1966

FF 8 - United States Air Force Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) - Miscellaneous, 1946-1960

FF 9 - Colonel Edward L. Jenkins, United States Air Force Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), 1958-1962

FF 10 - Colonel Ernest D. Carwile, 1964-1966

FF 11 - Navy Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) - Miscellaneous, 1945-1966

FF 12 - Captain Elmar S. Waring, Jr., United States Navy, 1963-1965

FF 13 - Captain August Barthes, United States Navy, 1960-1963

FF 14 - Captain Albert G. Pelling, 1957-1960

FF 15 - Educator Member of the Missouri State Navy Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) Selection Committee, 1950-1965

FF 16 - RE: Assignment of United States Navy Officers, 1947-1957

FF 17 - Army - Miscellaneous, 1952-1966

FF 18 - Deptartment of Air Force (Miscellaneous), 1951-1966

FF 19 - Secretary of the Air Force, 1952-1955

FF 20 - War Department, 1947-1957

FF 21 - Navy (Miscellaneous), 1951-1966

FF 22 - Vice Admiral J.L. Holloway, United States Navy (Reserve Officers' Training Corps [ROTC]), 1956-1957

FF 23 - Association of Navy Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) Colleges, President - Alan Valentine, Secrectary-Treas. - Dean Samuel Arnold; 1946-1968

FF 24 - University of Missouri-St. Louis, 1965-1969

FF 25 - University of Missouri-St. Louis, 1960-1963

FF 26 - University of Missouri-Rolla, 1949-1968

FF 27 - University of Missouri-Rolla, 1952-1969

FF 28 - University of Missouri-Rolla, 1957-1970

FF 29 - University of Missouri-Rolla, 1951-1966

FF 30 - University of Missouri-Rolla, 1965-1966

FF 31 - University of Missouri-Rolla, 1953-1968

Box 19

FF 1 - University of Missouri-Kansas City, 1963-1966

FF 2 - University of Missouri-Kansas City, 1963-1966

FF 3 - University of Missouri-Kansas City, 1956-1965

FF 4 - University of Missouri-Kansas City, 1968-1970

FF 5 - University of Missouri-Kansas City, 1963

FF 6 - University of Missouri-Kansas City, Conservatory of Music, 1966-1967

FF 7 - Speer, Hugh W. (University of Missouri-Kansas City), 1962-1967

FF 8 - University of Missouri-Kansas City Trustees, 1962-1966

FF 9 - University of Missouri System letters, 1965

FF 10 - A.G. Unklesbay, 1954-1965

FF 11 - U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1951-1966

Box 20

FF 1 - Nuclear Reactor, 1962-1969

FF 2 - Nuclear Reactor Committee, 1955-1961

FF 3 - Nuclear Reactor (RE: raising money and miscellaneous), 1960-1963

FF 4 - Dedication of Reactor, May 28, 1966

FF 5 - President of the United States, 1949-1966

FF 6 - Minutes - School of Religion, 1963-1966

FF 7 - Thomas R. Shrout, 1964-1969

FF 8 - Association of Religious Staff Workers, 1959

FF 9 - George Harvey, Bureau of Government Research, 1957-1962

FF 10 - Amendment Number 2 To Exhibit A of Class 104 License Application, 09-29-1961

FF 11 - A Research Reactor for the University of Missouri-Columbia, 12-31-1958

FF 12 - Research Reactor Programs at the University of Missouri-Columbia, 10-31-1961

FF 13 - Schedule of Information for Health Research Facilities Grant, May 20, 1960

FF 14 - Amendment Number 1 to Exhibit A of Class 104 License Application, 07-28-1961

FF 15 - A.H. Emmons, 1961-1965

FF 16 - A.H. Emmons, 1959-1961

FF 17 - Advisory Council - University of Missouri Research Center - Southwest Missouri, 1961

FF 18 - Advisory Council - University of Missouri Research Center - North Missouri, 1961

FF 19 - Advisory Council - University of Missouri Center -- Southeast Missouri (Delta), 1960-1961

FF 20 - Southeast Missouri - Agricultural Research Center, 1960-1961

FF 21 - Advisory Committee Lists and Water Seepage Study, 1960

FF 22 - University Research, 1959-1964

FF 23 - Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 1962-1964

FF 24 - Clippings - John W. Schwada, 1958-1964

FF 25 - Arthur W. Nebel, Dean, School of Social and Community Services, 1959-1965

FF 26 - Arthur Nebel - Social Work, 1954-1965

FF 27 - Advisory Committee - School of Social Work, 1959

FF 28 - Space Sciences Research Center, Annual Report, 1966-1967, Volume I, II, III

FF 29 - University of Missouri - Space Sciences Research Center, ca. 1965

FF 30 - Staff Benefits, 1966

FF 31 - Retirement, 1958-1965

FF 32 - Retirement, 1960-1966

FF 33 - Tenure, 1950-1961

FF 34 - William S. Allen, Assistant Professor of History, 1965

FF 35 - Professor Arthur Berndtson, Department of Philosophy, 1954-1964

Box 21

FF 1 - Robert F. Brooks, Summer Institute for High School Teachers of Biology, 1961

FF 2 - James L. Bugg, Professor of History, 1954-1963

FF 3 - Wesley J. Dale, Professor /Chairman, Department of Chemistry, 1955-1964

FF 4 - Donald F. Drummond, Associate Professor of English, 1956-1965

FF 5 - Wayne Decker, Professor of Climatology, 1960-1966

FF 6 - Willard Eckhardt, Faculty Council on University Policy, 1964-1968

FF 7 - Professor William F. Fratcher, School of Law, 1963-1964

FF 8 - Dr. Newell S. Gingrich, Department of Physics, 1959-1968

FF 9 - Noel Gist, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, 1962-1967

FF 10 - Faculty Club/ University Club, 1963-1965

FF 11 - Richard S. Kirkendall, Associate Professor of History, 1959-1967

FF 12 - Jacob Levitt, Chairman and Professor of Botany, 1943-1965

FF 13 - William H. Lichte, Department of Psychology, 1964-1968

FF 14 - Professor H.H. London, Industrial Education, 1962-1965

FF 15 - Frances McCurdy, Associate Professor of Speech and Dramatic Art, 1962-1963

FF 16 - John F. McGowan, Government - University Relations, 1965

FF 17 - Professor Roderick E. McGrew, 1959-1965

FF 18 - Professor Robert McNamara, Sociology, 1964-1968

FF 19 - Charles G. Nauert, Jr.; Department of History, 1965-1967

FF 20 - William Peden, University Studies, 1951-1966

FF 21 - Dr. Loren Reid, Professor of Speech, 1960-1962

FF 22 - Donovan Rhynsburger, 1942-1965

FF 23 - David Wurfel, Department of Political Science; 1963-1964

FF 24 - Oliver F. Fink, 1956-1970

FF 25 - W.J. Menteer, 1947-1965

FF 26 - Thomas Morelock, 1959-1966

FF 27 - Robert L. Morris, 1961-1968

FF 28 - William Peden, 1958-1960

FF 29 - Dr. Irvin F. Coyle, Assistant to the President, 1956-1967

FF 30 - Snider, Amos; 1947-1969, Director of the Office of Continuing Professional Education Services

FF 31 - Sam Shirky, Director of Office of Technical Education Services (1963-1964), 1956-1964

FF 32 - Harry S. Truman (General), 1953-1965

FF 33 - Harry S. Truman Library Institute brochures and Research Newsletter, 1968-1970

FF 34 - Harry S. Truman Library Institute Research Newsletters and conference of scholars on research needs and opportunities, 1960-1969

FF 35 - Phillip C. Brooks, Director, 1957-1966

FF 36 - David D. Lloyd, 1955-1962

FF 37 - The Harry S. Truman Library Institute for National and International Affairs, 1954-1967

FF 38 - Truman Library Meeting, April, 1958

FF 39 - Meeting, March 30,1963

FF 40 - Meeting - March 21, 1964

FF 41 - Truman Library Board meeting, April 24, 1965

FF 42 - Truman Library Board Meeting, April 16, 1966

Box 22

FF 1 - March 30-31, 1962 Meeting

FF 2 - April 15, 1961 Meeting (Dedication of Benton Mural)

FF 3 - Truman Library Meeting, March 26, 1960

FF 4 - Meeting - March 28, 1959

FF 5 - Committees - Truman Library, 1957-1959

FF 6 - Board of Directors (Harry S. Truman Library Institute for National and International Affairs), Elmer Ellis, President; 1957-1958

FF 7 - Conference of Scholars on the Truman Administration and Civil Rights, April 5 and 6, 1968

FF 8 - RE: Williams Thesis (Truman), 1953-1957

FF 9 - Truman Photos - Visit to University of Missouri-Columbia Campus, Jan., 1954, re: possible site for Truman Library from Elmer Ellis rec'd 05-11-1973

FF 10 - "RE: Williams Thesis," 04-02-1955

FF 11 - "Harry S. Truman Lib. Inst. for National and International Affairs," 1953-1957

FF 12 - "Committees - Truman Library," 1957-1958

FF 13 - Truman Correspondence, 1953-1964

FF 14 - Correpondence, 1945-1965

FF 15 - Minutes of the Meetings of the William Rockhill Nelson Trust, 1967-1968

FF 16 - Minutes of the Meetings of the WIlliam Rockhill Nelson Trust, 1964-1968

FF 17 - Minutes of the Meetings of the William Rockhill Nelson Trust, 05-01-1961 through 06-03-1964

FF 18 - Nelson Gallery, 1954-1969

FF 19 - Nelson Gallery, 1949-1966

FF 20 - Nelson Gallery, 1926-1964

FF 21 - Nelson Gallery Foundation Minutes, 1962-1967

FF 22 - RE: Selection of Member of Board of Trustees - Nelson Trust, 1956-1963

FF 23 - Dr. George Cross, Pres., Univ. of Oklahoma; 1944-1967

FF 24 - Miss S. Brelsford, 1939-1964

FF 25 - Franklin D. Murphy, 1952-1960

FF 26 - W. Clark Wescoe, 1916-1969

FF 27 - The Nelson Will, 1960-1965

FF 28 - Opinion on Will - John F. Rhodes

FF 29 - Last Wills, 1926

FF 30 - St. Louis Bank for Cooperatives, 1963-1965

FF 31 - R.L. Tatum, Shreveport, LA; 10-17-1957

FF 32 - Texaco Scholarships, 1959

FF 33 - Mrs. D.C. Thompson, Feb. 1942

FF 34 - Anna Belle Todd, 1947-1948

FF 35 - Union Bag-Camp Paper Corporation, 1962-1963

FF 36 - United States Steel Foundation, 1959-1965

FF 37 - Vita Craft Corporation, 1958-1959

FF 38 - William Volker, 1938

FF 39 - Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Walker Scholarship, 1953

FF 40 - Warshaw, 1945-1952

FF 41 - Wear-Ever Aluminum, Inc., 1963-1965

FF 42 - M.P. Weinbach, June 16, 1948

FF 43 - Westinghouse Educational Foundation and Corporation, 1954-1968

FF 44 - Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, 1952-1968

FF 45 - Norman Burns, Secretary, North Central Association; 1953-1966

FF 46 - Pres. Ellis member of Site Visit for National Science Foundation to Univ. of Maryland, 05-1966

FF 47 - National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences; April, 1960-Sept., 1966

FF 48 - Rockefeller Foundation, 1939-1966

Box 23

FF 1 - The Danforth Foundation, 1956-1965

FF 2 - The Ford Foundation, 1961-1965

FF 3 - Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, 1955-1965

FF 4 - Miscellaneous Gifts, 1957-1965

FF 5 - The Alcoa Foundation, 1960-1965

FF 6 - American Cancer Society, 1957-1966

FF 7 - Anheuser-Busch, Inc., 1963-1966

FF 8 - Associated General Contractors of Missouri, 1959

FF 9 - Oliver K. Bovard Memorial Journalism Scholarship Fund, 1946

FF 10 - The California Company, 1952-1965

FF 11 - Cities Service Oil Company, 1966

FF 12 - Continental Oil Company, 1957-1965

FF 13 - Corn Products Refining Co., 1957-1959

FF 14 - Country Club Christian Church - Dolly Madison Foundation, 1964

FF 15 - Creole Petroleum Corporation, 1958-1962

FF 16 - Dow Chemical Company, 1957-1965

FF 17 - DuPont Fellowships and Grants, 1946-1969

FF 18 - E.I. duPont de Nemours Institute, 1952-1960

FF 19 - Mrs. Amy McNutt Dye, 1958-1963

FF 20 - Eastern Star of State of Illinois, 1963-1966

FF 21 - Irwing Fausek, 1960-1961

FF 22 - Ford Motor Company, 1960

FF 23 - General Motors 4-yr Scholarship, 1956-1966

FF 24 - A.P. Green, 1948-1963

FF 25 - Guggenheim Foundation (John Simon), 1938-1967

FF 26 - Gulf Oil Corporation, 1965-1968

FF 27 - A.L. Gustin, Jr. (K.C., MO); 1956

FF 28 - Leland Hazard (Teasdale), 1959-1962

FF 29 - Hansell gift, 1938

FF 30 - Hercules Powder Company, 1958-1965

FF 31 - W. Alton Jones Foundation, 1967

FF 32 - O.W. Killam, 1958

FF 33 - Michael A. Kinney Fund for Scholarship in Political Science, 1965-1966

FF 34 - Knights Templar Educational Foundation, Warrensburg, MO; 1954-1965

FF 35 - George A. Mahan, 1935-1936

FF 36 - Robert S. Marx Foundation, 1950

FF 37 - Maytag Company, 1954-1964

FF 38 - Metals Research Foundation, 1964

FF 39 - Missouri Association of Colored Women's Clubs, Scholarship Fund, 1962

FF 40 - Missouri Bankers Association Loan Fund, 1950-1960

FF 41 - Missouri Commission on Higher Education, 1962-1969

FF 42 - Missouri Heart Association, 1957-1962

FF 43 - Missouri Savings and Loan League, 1955

FF 44 - MO Society of Professional Engineers, 1957-1966

FF 45 - Missouri State Horticulture Society . . . . gift, 1955

FF 46 - Mary S. Mitchell, 1952-1953

FF 47 - Pearl Mitchell Collection, 1936

FF 48 - Monsanto Chemical Company, 1959-1965

FF 49 - Frank R. McDermand Will, 1929-1932

FF 50 - National Council for Social Studies, 1955-1965

FF 51 - The National Lead Foundation, Inc. (Matching Employee Gifts), 1958-1963

FF 52 - National Science Foundation research in physics, 1952-1962

FF 53 - John H. Pattrick, 1940

FF 54 - Pennsylvania Glass Sand Corporation, 1956

FF 55 - Pepsi-Cola, 1947-1948

FF 56 - H.W. Prentis, Jr., 1943-1958

FF 57 - Quota Club - Columbia, MO; 1962-1964

FF 58 - Radio Corporation of America, 1963

FF 59 - Ralston - Purina Co., 1959-1969

FF 60 - Research Corporation, 1949-1959

FF 61 - R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, 1962

FF 62 - Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Richardson, 1948

FF 63 - Brigadier General Paul Robinett, 1946

FF 64 - Roy Roberts, 1952-1966

FF 65 - W.J. Rucker - Bequests, 1942-1944

FF 66 - Scruggs - Vandervoort - Barney, Inc., 1947-1950

FF 67 - Santa Fe Foundation, Inc., 1962

FF 68 - Harry I.L. Shaefer, 1948-1950

FF 69 - John J. Shea, 1948

FF 70 - Shell Fellowship Committee, 1947-1966

FF 71 - Spencer Chemical Company, 1963

FF 72 - O.M. Stewart, 1944-1957

FF 73 - Carnegie Corporation, John Gardner, Pres.; James A. Perkins, Vice-Pres.; 1955-1965

FF 74 - Carnegie Corporation, Charles Dollard, Pres.; 1950-1954

FF 75 - Henry M. Wriston, Carnegie Corp., 1954

FF 76 - Carnegie Corporation (miscellaneous), 1949-1961

FF 77 - Carnegie Corporation, 1938-1941

FF 78 - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1939-1967

FF 79 - Univ. of Mo. Committee on "Self-Survey of Its Relationship to World Affairs" (Carnegie Endowment for World Peace) Howard Wilson, 1952

FF 80 - Henry M. Alexander, 1940

FF 81 - Amy Heminway Jones, 1940-1950

FF 82 - Florence Anderson, 1941-1942

FF 83 - Henry S. Haskell, 1940

FF 84 - Universities in Alabama, 1953-1966

FF 85 - Universities - Alaska, 1960-1966

FF 86 - Universities - Arizona, 1949-1966

FF 87 - Universities - Arkansas, 1952-1966

FF 88 - Universities - California, 1950-1966

FF 89 - U. of Cal.-Berkeley, 1966-1970

Box 24

FF 1 - Universities - Canada, 1960-1966

FF 2 - Universities - Colorado, 1961-1966

FF 3 - Universities - Connecticut, 1954-1966

FF 4 - Universities - Delaware, 1945-1963

FF 5 - Universities - Dist. of Columbia, 1965-1966

FF 6 - Universities - Florida, 1953-1966

FF 7 - Universities - Georgia, 1954-1966

FF 8 - Universities - Hawaii, 1956-1963

FF 9 - Universities - Idaho, 1959-1964

FF 10 - Universities - Illinois, 1949-1966

FF 11 - Universities - Indiana, 1961-1966

FF 12 - Universities - Iowa, 1961-1966

FF 13 - Universities - Kansas, 1950-1966

FF 14 - Universities - Kentucky, 1949-1965

FF 15 - Universities - Louisiana, 1951-1965

FF 16 - University of Maine, 1944-1966

FF 17 - Universities - Maryland, 1954-1956

FF 18 - Universities - Massachusetts, 1951-1966

FF 19 - Universities - Mexico, 1962-1965

FF 20 - Universities - Michigan, 1953-1966

FF 21 - Universities - Minnesota, 1959-1966

FF 22 - Universities - Mississippi, 1962-1966

FF 23 - University of Montana, 1952-1963

FF 24 - Universities - Nebraska, 1951-1966

FF 25 - University of Nevada, 1956-1964

FF 26 - Universities - New Hampshire, 1957-1961

FF 27 - Universities - New Jersey, 1952-1966

FF 28 - Universities - New Mexico, 1948-1966

FF 29 - Universities - New York, 1954-1966

FF 30 - Universities - North Carolina, 1945-1966

FF 31 - University of North Dakota, 1946-1966

FF 32 - Universities - Ohio, 1963-1966

FF 33 - Universities - Oklahoma, 1944-1966

FF 34 - Universities - Oregon, 1949-1966

Box 25

FF 1 - Universities - Pennsylvania, 1954-966

FF 2 - University - Philippine Islands, 1947-1959

FF 3 - University - Puerto Rico, 1957-1964

FF 4 - Universities - Rhode Island, 1954-1963

FF 5 - Universities - South Carolina, 1952-1966

FF 6 - Universities - South Dakota, 1959-1965

FF 7 - Universities - Tennessee, 1951-1966

FF 8 - Universities - Texas, 1955-1966

FF 9 - University of Utah, 1956-1966

FF 10 - University of Vermont, 1956-1966

FF 11 - University - Virginia, 1956-1966

FF 12 - Universities - Washington, 1949-1966

FF 13 - University - West Virginia, 1951-1965

FF 14 - Universities - Wisconsin, 1954-1966

FF 15 - E.B. Fred (Univ. of Wis.), 1958-1966

FF 16 - University of Wyoming, 1950-1966

FF 17 - State Colleges (Miscellaneous), 1962-1965

FF 18 - Central Mo. State, 1956-1966

FF 19 - Lincoln University, 1956-1964

FF 20 - NE Mo. State, 1956-1966

FF 21 - NW Mo. State, 1960-1966

FF 22 - SE Mo. State, 1958-1966

FF 23 - St. Louis Univ., 1956-1966

FF 24 - SW Mo. State, 1961-1966

FF 25 - Jr. College Districts (Miscellaneous), 1960-1967

FF 26 - Jefferson College, 1963-1966

FF 27 - Joplin (Jasper County), 1963-1965

FF 28 - K.C. Metro College, 1956-1966

FF 29 - St. Louis Jr. College, 1962-1966

FF 30 - Central Methodist College, 1955-1962

FF 31 - Christian College, 1957-1966

FF 32 - Cottey, 1946-1969

FF 33 - Culver-Stockton, 1956-1963

FF 34 - Drury College, 1957-1965

FF 35 - Kemper Military School and College, 1961-1969

FF 36 - Lindenwood, 1944-1956

FF 37 - Mo. Valley College, 1958-1963

FF 38 - Mo. Western - St. Joseph, 1964-1966

FF 39 - Park College, 1954-1957

FF 40 - Rockhurst College, 1962-1967

FF 41 - Stephens College, 1957-1964

FF 42 - Tarkio College, 1961-1966

FF 43 - Washington University, 1958-1966

FF 44 - Westminster, 1958-1964

FF 45 - Dr. Weaver - Inauguration Programs, Newspaper, Magazine; April 18, 1967

FF 46 - Agricultural Typology Project, 1966

Box 26

FF 1 - Association of Graduate Schools Executive Committee, 1963-1964

FF 2 - Campus Plan for the Univ. of Mo.-St. Louis, 1965

FF 3 - Committee on Institutional Cooperation, 1968

FF 4 - Insurance, 1954-1966

FF 5 - Missouri Alumnus, May 1967

FF 6 - Newspaper Articles, 1966-1967

FF 7 - Annual Meeting, North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 1966

FF 8 - Notes, Reports and Memos from the Office of the President, 1966-1967

FF 9 - Proposed Faculty By-Laws, 1964

FF 10 - Rural Development Research Project, 1950-1965

FF 11 - Rural Development Research project, 07-01-1965 through 06-30-1966

FF 12 - Donald H. Welsh, 1956

FF 13 - George C. Willson, Board of Curators, 1953-1962

FF 14 - Pres. Weaver - press clippings, magazines, brochures, 1966

FF 15 - Weaver correspondence concerning other schools, celebrations and inaugurations, 1968

FF 16 - Weaver correspondence concerning other schools' inaugurations and celebrations, etc., 1968-1969

FF 17 - Weaver correspondence re: other schools' celebrations and inaugurations, etc., 1968-1969

FF 18 - Weaver correspondence re: other schools' celebrations and inaugurations ,etc., 1968

FF 19 - Weaver correspondence re: other schools' celebrations and inaugurations, etc., 1967-1968

FF 20 - Weaver corresondence re: other schools' celebrations and inaugurations, etc., 1967-1969

Box 27

FF 1 - Weaver correspondence re: other schools' celebrations and inaugurations, etc., 1968-1969

FF 2 - Weaver correspondence re: other schools' celebrations and inaugurations, etc., 1968

FF 3 - President's Daily Logs, 01-12-1968 through 03-25-1965

FF 4 - RE: Camp Lander, 1960

FF 5 - Raymond E. Peck, 1949-1961

FF 6 - Letters requesting funds, RE: Wildlife Conservation, 1960-1961

FF 7 - Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife. Re: establishment of coop fisheries research units, 1962-1963

FF 8 - Department of Zoology, 1961-1964

FF 9 - Robert S. Campbell, Professor of Zoology, 1962-1965

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Susannah Sodergren: September 2002
Revised: 29 June 2005

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