Box1 - 073903
Record Group: 4 UW Record Sub-Group: 9 Records Title: UM-System; President's Office; Vice President for Academic Affairs; General Correspondence Dates: 1965-1972 Volume: 4 cubic feet, 5 linear feet Scope and Content Note (A82-42) Series Descriptions: This Sub-Group is not divided into separate records series. Inventory Box 1 FF 1 - Allied Health: Health Careers, 8/1967-2/1969 FF 2 - Medical School Costs: Graduating Medical Students, 1967-9/1968 FF 3 - Century Geographical Corporation, 11/1968-6/1969 FF 4 - UMC Committees Functions and Appointments, 9/1968-9/1969 FF 5 - University-Wide Committees, 5/1969-11/1969 FF 6 - Communication Linkage: Poplar Bluff; this folder contains reports and correspondence regarding creating a closed circuit TV, radio, and telephone linkage between the Veterans Administration Hospital at Poplar Bluff and the University of Missouri, 6/1967-10/1967 FF 7 - Courier Service; this folder includes the study of University-Wide transportation and legal problems involved in competition with US Post Office, 1969 FF 8 - Dorroh, Thelma; this folder contains a research grant application for Dorroh to study the interaction of nonprofessional health workers with patients and devise a handbook for training them for more effective relationships with patients, 4/1970 FF 9 - E and E Account - Environmental Health, 7/1969-4/1970 FF 10 - Equipment Inventory, 1/1969-6/1969 FF 11 - Graduate Council; this folder has the "Report of the University Graduate Council Subcommittee for Graduate Student Stipends," 9/1968-9/1969 FF 12 - Graduate Council, 9/1969-2/1970 FF 13 - UMC Graduate Office Organization Chart, 12/9/1969 FF 14 - Assistant Professor Development, 7/1967-2/1969 FF 15 - Faculty Improvement Fund, 3/1968-4/1969 FF 16 - Committee University-Wide Improvement Fund Guidelines, 10/1969 FF 17 - Institute for Community Studies Newsletter, 7/1967-9/1969 FF 18 - University-Wide Inventory System for Scientific Instruments, 1/19/1970 FF 19 - Investigation of New Drugs, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (H.E.W.) Federal Regulations, n.d. FF 20 - Japanese Macaques Conference; this folder contains reports and correspondence on a conference of people interested in establishing a colony of Japanese Macaques in Missouri to study primate behavior and follow up action on location of the colony, 1969 FF 21 - UMKC School of Medicine; this folder includes newspaper clippings on the formation of the medical school, meetings with architects of the Kansas City Health Care System, an application for a construction grant, and computers for the Dental School, 8/1968-9/1969 FF 22 - Kansas City General Hospital and Medical Center, 1962-6/1970 FF 23 - General Hospital Study, 1968 FF 24 - Legislation: Impact of Loan Transfer; this includes reports and figures on support of medical students resulting in letters to Doctor Joseph Sallager of the Education and Manpower Training Department of H.E.W. urging him to work against appropriation legislation changing health scholarships to loans, 10/1960 FF 25 - Long Range Planning, 12/1968-5/1969 FF 26 - Doctor Marienfeld's Transfer to Campus, 11/1969-2/1970 FF 27 - Mid-America State Universities Association; this folder contains information on degrees and programs offered by MU and copies of various MASUA reports, such as Policies and Practices for Sponsored Research in Mid-America State Universities Part I and the Report of Bachelors, Professional, Masters and Doctors degrees conferred by MASUA Universities, 1964-3/1970 FF 28 - Mid-America State Universities Association (cont'd) Box 2 FF 29 - National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, 1967 FF 30 - NASA; this folder contains correspondence regarding evaluation for NASA of its Biomedical Application Team Program and Biomedical Instrumentation Design, 1969 FF 31 - National Science Foundation; this folder includes correspondence and a copy of the "Proposal to National Science Foundation for the Improvement of University Computing Services and the Establishment of a Regional Computer Network," 10/1968 FF 32 - PDP-8: Partain Proposal; this contains a copy of and correspondence regarding the nuclear engineering proposal of Doctor Partain on "Adaptive Computer Control Systems Research and Development" and about getting PDP-8 computers for the study, 5/1969-10/1969 FF 33 - POR Space Summary Schedule; this folder contains correspondence regarding the use of research space constructed with Research Facilities money, 7/1968 FF 34 - Prior Approval Program; this folder contains information on Public Health Service Grants, normal procedures set forth by PHS, 4/1968-1/1969 FF 35 - Radiation Safety, 10/1968-2/1970 FF 36 - Renewal of Organization; this includes data on MU for the Research Center Directory and New Research Center, 1965-1968 FF 37 - Research Administration: Office of Public Information Pre-Published Review, 7/1968-6/1969 FF 38 - R and B Corporation Guidelines; this folder has a copy of and correspondence regarding University relationships to research and development firms, n.d. FF 39 - Research Manual Policies and Procedures, 1/1969-4/1970 FF 40 -Research Manual Policies and Procedures (cont'd) FF 41 - Research Reactor; this folder includes a copy of the International Negotiations on the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, 12/1968-1969 FF 42 - Research Reactor (cont'd) FF 43 - Nuclear Reactor, 1969 FF 44 - Rigden Equipment; this includes information regarding audio visual and art equipment, 2/1969-6/1969 FF 45 - Sinclair Farm Committee, 12/1967-8/1969 FF 46 - Sinclair Farm Committee, 9/1969-3/1970 FF 47 - Space Science Research Center; this folder contains information gathered on Universities Space Research Association, 9/1968-2/1970 FF 48 - "Sponsored Research" brochure, 5/1967-1969 FF 49 - Rules of Procedure for Student Discipline, n.d. FF 50 - Student Evaluation of Instructors, 4/1969-3/1969 [RESTRICTED] FF 51 - Federal Surplus Property, 1/1964-2/1967 FF 52 - General Services Administration Surplus Property, 12/1963-11/1965 FF 53 - Department of Defense Materials Priority System; this folder has department of Defense priority status for contractors, 5-6/1966 FF 54 - Excess Property: GSA Science Instrument Shop in Columbia, 1968 FF 55 - Systems and Procedure Manual: DATA, 5/1966-1/1969 FF 56 - Systems and Procedure Manual; this folder includes the final draft of Policy and Procedures for Research, 1968-1969 Box 3 FF 57 - "Texas Tech," W.D. Bryant, 11/1970-4/1971 FF 58 - University Economic Development Centers; this includes a copy of "Universities and Industrial Growth: A New Perspective" by the Office of Industrial Studies, 9/1968-1969 FF 59 - University of Missouri Medical Center Financial Reports, 1967-1969 FF 60 - Water Resources Research Correspondence, 10/1968-10/1969 FF 61 - Dr. George E. Smith: Water Resources Director, 5/1969-1/1970 FF 62 - "Application for Research Grant": Federal Water Pollution Control Administration - Department of the Interior, n.d. FF 63 - Universities Council on Water Resources, 7/1968 FF 64 - Water Resource Research Center; this includes a copy of and correspondence regarding Water Resources Research Center - State of Missouri Annual Program Report, Fiscal Year 1969, For Submission to Office of Water Resources Research, Department of the Interior, n.d. FF 65 - Central file index information, 1970-1971 FF 66 - Coordinators; this contains memos regarding announcements of coordinating staff meetings, proposed retreat site for University-Wide councils, and division catalog budget cuts, 1969-1970 FF 67 - Coordinators: Minutes of Meeting, 12/1969-6/1970 FF 68 - Graduate Education; this folder contains a summary of the results of the NDEA Review of UMC Graduate School and the "Report of the Sub-Committee on the Structure of Graduate Student Fees," 1969-1970 FF 69 - Graduate Education Council and Correspondence, 1969 FF 70 - Graduate Council, 1970 FF 71 - Graduate Council Agenda File, 1970 FF 72 - Graduate Council Working File, 1970 FF 73 - Advisory Council, 1970 FF 74 - Graduate Council, 10/1969-6/1970 FF 75 - Minutes, 1970 FF 76 - Correspondence to and from Vice President Wilson, 1970 FF 77 - Health Programs Correspondence, 5/1970-7/1971 FF 78 - Institutional Research Correspondence, 11/1969-6/1970 FF 79 - Student Data Bank; this folder includes a memo to Vice President Wilson from J. Saupe regarding a Student Data Bank proposal, n.d. FF 80 - Advisory Committee on Academic Records and Counseling, 1/14/1970-5/27/1970 FF 81 - Procedure and Policy; this folder has a draft of "Phase I of the Long Range Academic Plan for the University of Missouri," 9/26/1968 FF 82 - Professional Education: Correspondence, 1970 Box 4 FF 83 - Research and Correspondence, 1971 FF 84 - Research and Correspondence, 1970-1971 FF 85 - Research and Correspondence, 1969-1970 FF 86 - Procedure and Policy; this folder contains "Contractual and Grant Practices for the University of Missouri" and the list of research facilities, 1970 FF 87 - Projects, 1969-1971 FF 88 - Research Reports; this folder has "A Study of Research At The University of Missouri - Part I" by Paul R. Keenan, 4/1970 FF 89 - Undergraduate Council Advisory Council, 1970 FF 90 - Undergraduate Council Minutes, 12/1969-5/1970 FF 91 - Correspondence: Undergraduate Council, 1970 FF 92 - Directors; this folder includes information sent by the Directors to the Office of Research, n.d. FF 93 - Director Reports, 1969-1970 FF 94 - Director's Space and Furniture Needs, Clark Hall 4th floor, n.d. FF 95 - Meetings; this folder includes "Assignment for University-Wide Councils" from President Ratchford, 1969-1971 FF 96 - Director's Meeting Agenda; this includes the President's Report, 1968-1970 FF 97 - Correspondence, 1970-1971 FF 98 - Annual Medicine Advisory Committee, 1969-1971 FF 99 - Correspondence, n.d. FF 100 - Policies and Guidelines, n.d. FF 101 - Medical Exams for Persons in Contact with Research Animals, 1970 FF 102 - Environmental Health Advisory Committees, 1970-1971 FF 103 - Correspondence and Grant Proposals, n.d. FF 104 - Policies and Guidelines, 1971 FF 105 - Projects, 1970 FF 106 - Reports on Environmental Health, 1970 FF 107 - Industrialization Research and Extension, n.d. FF 108 - Correspondence, 1970-1972 FF 109 - Projects; this folder includes the "Ozark Regional Commission Proposals Plan for Health Delivery System" sent by Sutherland for comments from Doctors Arthur E. Rikli and Carl Marienfeld, 6/10/1970 FF 110 - Reports on Industrial Research and Extension: Office of Industrial Development Studies, Annual Report, 7/1/1969-6/1970 FF 111 - Inter-Campus Instructional Advisory Commission, 1971 FF 112 - Correspondence, 1970 FF 113 - Reports on Intercampus Instruction; this contains a memo and money received report regarding the PHS Grant Award "Allied Health Professions Educational Improvement Program - Basic Grant," 1970 FF 114 - Advisory Committee, n.d. FF 115 - Correspondence from the Office of International Studies, 1970-1971 FF 116 - Radiation Safety Committee Advisory Committee, 1970 FF 117 - Radiation Safety Committee Correspondence, 1970-1971 FF 118 - Radiation Safety Committee Correspondence, 1969-1970 FF 119 - Radiation Safety Committee Correspondence, 1969-1970 FF 120 - Radiation Safety Committee Policies and Guidelines, 1970 FF 121 - Reactor Facility, 1970 FF 122 - Advisory Committee, 1970-1971 FF 123 - Reactor Correspondence, 1969-1970 FF 124 - Correspondence, 1970 FF 125 - Correspondence, 1970 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
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