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Call Number:


Record Group: 4 UW
Record Sub-Group: 87
Records Title: UM-System; President's Office; Business Management Office; Contracts, Leases, and Agreements
Dates: 1939-2011, bulk 1956-1970
Volume: 2 and 1/3 cubic feet, 2.92 linear feet.

Scope and Content Note:

(A82-33; A83-38; A84-68; A84-86; A84-106; A24-37)
This Record Sub-Group contains contractual documents created and received by the University System's Office of Business Management during the tenure of Business Manager Dale Bowling. The records in this Sub-Group consist of memoranda of understanding, contracts, agreements, leases and supporting correspondence. Included are contracts for construction, repair, and demolition of University facilities; leases of federal lands and equipment from companies as well as leases for University properties to renters; agreements and contracts for services, transfer of assets and cooperative arrangements for programs; and insurance policies activated by the University for structural fire damage of Cramer Hall in 1973. Individual files may contain original signed construction contracts, change orders, performance bonds, payment vouchers, affidavits, periodic estimate for partial payment, correspondence, insurance policies, notices to proceed, and certificates of completion.

Historical Note:

The position of Business Manager for the University was created in 1914 and was filled by Edward Brown. Upon his death in 1920 he was replaced by Leslie Cowan, who, in addition to supervising all of the University's business affairs, was Secretary to the Board of Curators. In 1944 Leslie Cowan became Vice President in Charge of Business Operations, and the position of Business Manager remained unfilled until Dale Bowling was hired in 1955. Bowling retained the title and took on responsibilities for the four campus system when it was created in 1963. In 1970 the title was changed to Vice President for Business Management and the position of Business Manager was abolished.

Series Descriptions:

This Record Sub-Group is divided into two series. Series One contains construction, renovation, and demolition contracts, arranged alphabetically by the name of the contractor or contracting company. Series Two consists of contracts for acquisition of University of Kansas City properties, cooperative programs, equipment installation and maintenance and various services; leases for real property and equipment; and agreements for programs and activities as well as donations. Series Two retains its original file order.
Note to Archivist: The files in this Records Sub-Group were selected from a much larger volume of files for their importance and enduring historical value. The files selected for retention relate either to capital construction projects or legal arrangements without expiration dates and of continuing historical interest.

Series Outline:

  1. Series One - Construction, Renovation, and Demolition Contracts

  2. Series Two - Contracts, Leases, and Agreements


Series One - Construction and Renovation Contracts

Box 1

FF 1 - Lewis W. Arnold, Athletic Field at Columbia, 1956

FF 2 - Albers Construction, Classroom Building at Rolla, 1962

FF 3 - A-1 Tuckpointing & Waterproofing Company, Repair to a Radial Brick Chimney at the University Power Plant at Columbia, 1963

FF 4 - Buckley Construction Company, Electrical Engineering Building at Rolla, 1958-1959

FF 5 - Brunson Construction Company, Addition to Power Plant Radial Brick Chimney at Rolla, 1963

FF 6 - Bray Construction Company, Athletic Field at Rolla, 1962

FF 7 - J. E. Dunn Construction Company, Engineering Building at Columbia, 1958-1959

FF 8 - J.E. Dunn Construction Company, Men's Dormitories and Cafeteria Building, South Group, Hitt Street at Columbia, 1957-1959

FF 9 - Evans Electrical Construction Company, Fine Arts Building at Columbia, 1958-1959

FF 10 - John Epple Construction Company, Addition to the Agriculture Building at Columbia, 1958-1960

FF 11 - John Epple Construction Company, General Services and Warehouse Building at Columbia, 1963

FF 12 - John Epple Construction Company, Addition to Memorial Stadium at Columbia, 1961

FF 13 - John Epple Construction Company, Remodeling Technical Education Services Building at Columbia, 1965

FF 14 - John Epple Construction Company, Arts and Science Classroom Building at Columbia, 1960-1961

FF 15 - Fox Construction Company, Addition to Journalism Building at Columbia, 1960-1962

FF 16 - Eckelkamp Electric Company, Electrical Work for Industrial Arts Building at Columbia, 1961

FF 17 - General Electric Company, Work on the Tower and Antenna of MU Television Station at Colombia, 1961

FF 18 - Henry L. Grohme Company, Remodeling of Walter Williams Hall at Columbia, 1962

FF 19 - Nolen Griffin and Clarence Pierce, Removal of Fire Station at Columbia, 1960

FF 20 - C. J. Hervey Electric Company, Low Level Counting Research Facility at Columbia, 1964

FF 21 - J. E. Hathman, Inc., Geology Building at Columbia, 1964-1965

FF 22 - J. E. Hathman, Inc., Alterations to Lefevre Hall at Columbia, 1964

FF 23 - J. E. Hathman, Inc., Reconstruction of Stone Steps at North Entrance to Jesse Hall at Columbia, 1964

FF 24 - J. E. Hathman, Inc., Remodeling McAlester Hall at Columbia, 1961

FF 25 - J. E. Hathman, Inc., Clubhouse for A. L. Gustin, Jr. Golf Course at Columbia, 1960-1961

FF 26 - J. E. Hathman, Inc., Alteration to Hill Hall at Columbia, 1962-1963

FF 27 - J. E. Hathman, Inc., Business and Public Administration Building at Columbia, 1958-1959

FF 28 - J. E. Hathman, Inc., Remodeling of Johnston Hall at Columbia, 1963-1964

FF 29 - Industrial Plumbing and Heating, Inc., Plumbing and Heating Work for Nuclear Reactor Training Building at Rolla, 1960-1961

FF 30 - Irvinbilt Company, Addition to Home Economics Building at Columbia, 1959-1960

FF 31 - Industrial Plumbing and Heating, Inc., Classroom Building at Rolla, 1961-1963

FF 32 - Johnson Construction Company, Chemical and Fertilizer Building at Mt. Vernon, 1963-1964

FF 33 - Plez Lewis & Sons, Inc., Civil Engineering Building at Rolla, 1958-1959

FF 34 - L. J. Largen Construction Company, Addition to and Remodeling of the Law Building at Columbia, 1959-1961

FF 35 - Evans Electrical Construction Company, Research Addition to Connaway Hall at Columbia, 1958-1965

FF 36 - B & G Wrecking & Supply Company, Removal of Lathrop Hall at Columbia, 1961

FF 37 - Bruce Williams Laboratories, Soil Samples from Power Plant Addition Site at Rolla, 1962

FF 38 - Curtiss-Wright Corporation, Nuclear Training Reactor and Facilities at Rolla, 1958-1960

Series Two - Contracts, Leases, and Agreements

Box 2

FF 1 - Agreement: US Office of Civil & Defense Mobilization, Construction of Prototype Family Fallout Shelter, 1961-1962

FF 2 - Lease: E. H. Hofer, Lease of 40 acres located in Dent County, 1956-1961

FF 3 - Lease: H. B. Hudson, Lease of 203 acres, The Former J.G. Vaughn Farm in the Missouri Wildlife Management Area in Boone County, 1945-1962

FF 4 - Memorandum of Agreement: University of Missouri - Normandy Residence Center in St. Louis, 1960-1964

FF 5 - Lease: Kirk Kotchedoff, Lease of 10 acres located in Dent County, 1952-1962

FF 6 - Contract: City of Columbia, Removal of Temporary Married Student Housing at Old Golf Course in Columbia, 1948-1954

FF 7 - Correspondence: MU Television Station Contracts, 1953-1955

FF 8 - Contract: International Business Machines Corporation, Installation of Computational Devices, 1957-1958

FF 9 - Contract: International Business Machines Corporation, Installation of Computational Devices, 1957-1958

FF 10 - Lease: Federal Lands Comprising the Ashland Game Preserve and Arboretum in Boone County to the University, 1939-1989

FF 11 - Lease: The Alumni House Fund Association, 1103 State Street in Rolla, 1968-1970

FF 12 - Lease: The Alumni House Fund Association, 1201 State Street in Rolla, 1968-1970

FF 13 - Lease: Squatters on Agricultural College Lands, 1962-1964

FF 14 - Correspondence: Farm Equipment Master Lease, 1956-1957

FF 15 - Correspondence: Farm Equipment Lease Procedures, 1959-1962

FF 16 - Lease: US Nuclear Corporation, GR-12 Irradiator, 1965-1967

FF 17 - Agreement: National Press Photographers Association and the MU School of Journalism, Merger of the Annual Photo Competitions into a single joint competition - Picture of the Year, 1957-1962

FF 18 - Agreement: Kirksville College of Osteopathy and Surgery, Northeast Missouri Cooperative Stroke Project, 1968-1969

FF 19 - Agreement: Independent Natural Gas Association of America, Program in Business Journalism, 1964-1968

FF 20 - Insurance and Plans: Third Floor Restoration of Cramer Hall at Columbia Following Fire Damage - Insurance and Repair of Residential Facility, 1973-1974

FF 21 - Agreement: Agency for International Development, India Program, 1961-1962

FF 22 - Contract: Agency for International Development, India Program, 1964-1965

FF 23 - Contract: Agency for International Development, India Program, 1963-1965

FF 24 - Contract: Blomquist Batte & Campbell, Inc., Benefits Administration Services, 1969-1970

FF 25 - Contract: Blomquist Batte & Campbell, Inc., Benefits Administration Services, 1969-1970

FF 26 - Agreement: Missouri Seed Improvement Association, Bill of Sale for Transfer of Association Property, 1962-1963

FF 27 - Agreements: University of Kansas City, Acquisition of the University of Kansas City Properties by the University of Missouri and the Construction of the School of Pharmacy on the Kansas City campus, 1963-1964

FF 28 - Contract: University Development Foundation, Transfer and Sale of Property and Equipment by the University, 1954-1956

FF 29 - Agreements: Western Historical Manuscript Collections - Deeds of Donation for the William MacLaren Trenholme Letters, Frank Luther Mott's Personal Library, and Frank F. Stephens Papers, 1964-1965

Series Two - Contracts, Leases, and Agreements (cont'd)

Box 3


FF 1 - Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), 1983-1989

FF 2 - US Department of the Navy - University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR), 1945-1987

FF 3 - US Department of the Navy - MU, 1969-1988

FF 4 - US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - UMR, 1976-1982

FF 5 - US Department of the Army - MU/UMKC/UMR, 1965-1987

FF 6 - US Department of the Air Force - MU/UMR, 1951-1987

FF 7 - Missouri Division of Workers' Compensation, 2007-2011

FF 8 - Missouri Department of Natural Resources, 2001-2010

FF 9 - US Department of the Army - MU/UMR, 1974

FF 10 - Missouri Department of Public Safety - State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA), 1983

FF 11 - Missouri Department of Natural Resources, 1980-1985

FF 12 - Missouri Department of Mental Health, 1968-1985

FF 13 - Mid-Missouri Public Purchasing Cooperative, 1989

FF 14 - National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 1979-1989

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared: June 2001
Revised: 09 October 2024

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