Box1-005424 |
Record Group: 4 UW Scope and Content Note (A72-xx; A74-2a; A75-10; A78-20; A78-53; A82-68) Series Descriptions: This Sub-Group is not divided into separate records series. Arrangement within the Sub-Group follows original alphabetical order. Inventory Box 1 FF 1 - Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Curators, 1968 FF 2 - Academic Affairs - Vern Wilson, 1968 FF 3 - Academic Affairs - other, 1968 FF 4 - Ad Hoc Committee on Communication (President's Committee), 1967-1968 FF 5 - Admissions - Student Referrals, 1967-1968 FF 6 - Alumni Office - Bus Entsminger, 1966-1968 FF 7 - American Council on Education, 1966-1968 FF 8 - "B" Miscellaneous, 1967-1968 FF 9 - Blackwell Bill - Senate #92, 1967 FF 10 - Board of Curators, 1966-1968 FF 11 - New Robes, including fabric samples, 1968 FF 12 - Seminar, 06/23/1967-06/25/1967 FF 13 - Budget, 1968-1969 FF 14 - Budget Committee, 1968 FF 15 - Budget Office - Blossom, 1967-1968 FF 16 - Business Office - Bowling, 1967-1968 FF 17 - By Laws Revision, 1967-1968 FF 18 - "C" Miscellaneous 1967-1968 FF 19 - Calendar, 1966-1968 FF 20 - University of California Institute for Governmental Studies, 1968 FF 21 - Center for International Studies, 1967-1968 FF 22 - Aids and Awards, 1966 FF 23 - Arts and Science, 1966-1968 FF 24 - Extra Divisional Administration, 1968 FF 25 - School of Law, 1965 FF 26 - School of Medicine, 1967-1968 FF 27 - Dr. Metcalf, Assistant to Chancellor, 1967-1968 Box 2 FF 1 - Chancellor Schooling, 1967-1968 FF 2 - UMC Chancellor Schwada, 1966-1968 FF 3 - Columbia Community College, Mid-Missouri Community College,1968 FF 4 - Columbia Safety Council, 1967 FF 5 - Committees, 1967-1968 FF 6 - Controller - Bezoni, 1966-1968 FF 7 - Controller - other, 1966-1968 FF 8 - Consulting Reports, 1968 FF 9 - Cost Studies - Hume, 1967-1968 FF 10 - Course Deletions, 1968 FF 11 - Dr. Irvin Coyle, 1967-1968 FF 12 - Curator Scholarships, 1967-1968 FF 13 - "D" Miscellaneous 1967-1968 FF 14 - Degrees, 1966-1967 FF 15 - Educational Advisory Council, 1966-1968 FF 16 - Enrollment - all campuses, 1966-1968 FF 17 - Extension - Ratchford, 1967-1968 FF 18 - Extension - Other, 1967-1968 FF 19 - "F" Miscellaneous, 1967-1968 FF 20 - FBI, 1966-1967 FF 21 - Fees, 1968 FF 22 - Freshmen Orientation, 1968 FF 23 - "G" Miscellaneous, 1967-1968 FF 24 - General Counsel, 1966-1968 FF 25 - Geological Societies and Associations, 1967-1968 FF 26 - Geological Society of America, 1967-1969 FF 27 - Geology Department, 1966-1968 FF 28 - Dr. Freeman, 1967-1968 FF 29 - Dr. Keller, 1967-1968 FF 30 - National Science Foundation - Summer Institutes, 1964-1967 Box 3 FF 1 - Graduate Council, 1967-1968 FF 2 - Graduate School, 1967-1968 FF 3 - "H-I" Miscellaneous, 1966-1968 FF 4 - Inauguration - Dr. Weaver, including committee minutes, 1966-1967 FF 5 - Institutional Research - Saupe, 1968 FF 6 - Intercampus Student Council, 1968 FF 7 - International Studies - Schratz, 1968 FF 8 - "J-K" Miscellaneous, 1966-1968 FF 9 - University of Missouri - Kansas City FF 10 - Chancellor Olson, 1968 FF 11 - Chancellor Robinson, 1967-1968 FF 12 - Chancellor Whaley, 1966-1967 FF 13 - Dean Heysinger, 1968 FF 14 - Frantzreb and Pray Report, UMKC Directional Planning Study, 1967 FF 15 - Nursing, 1966-1967 FF 16 - Other, 1966-1968 FF 17 - Pictures from Campus, 1968 FF 18 - UKC Trustees, 1967 FF 19 - KCCS, radio station in Pershing Hall, UMC, rebroadcasting editorials, 1966-1967 FF 20 - "L" Miscellaneous, 1967-1968 FF 21 - Labor - Belcher, 1966-1968 FF 22 - Labor Survey/Employee Attitude - Douglas Williams, 1967-1968 FF 23 - Long Range Planning, 1967-1968 FF 24 - "M" Miscellaneous, 1966-1968 FF 25 - Metropolitan Area, 1967 Box 4 FF 1 - Missouri Commission on Higher Education, 1966-1968 FF 2 - Missouri - Kansas Agreement, 1967-1968 FF 3 - Missouri Public Junior College Study, 1967-1968 FF 4 - Missouri Southern College, 1967 FF 5 - "Mc" - "N" Miscellaneous, 1967-1968 FF 6 - National Association of State Universities and Colleges, 1967-1968 FF 7 - News clippings FF 8 - "O" Miscellaneous, 1967-1968 FF 9 - OPI/Office of Public Information FF 10 - "P" Miscellaneous, 1967-1968 FF 11 - Personnel - Mr. Poore, 1966-1968 FF 12 - Personnel Office - Other, 1967-1968 FF 13 - Preview-Review Meetings, 1967-1968 FF 14 - Questionnaires, 1966-1968 FF 15 - "R" Miscellaneous, 1967-1968 FF 16 - Research - Dr. Raymond Peck, 1967-1968 FF 17 - Retirement and Staff Benefits, 1967-1969 FF 18 - Rolla - Chancellor Baker, 1966-1967 Box 5 FF 1 - Rolla - Chancellor Baker, 1968 FF 2 - Rolla - Centennial, 1966-1970 FF 3 - Rolla - Dean Thompson, 1967-1968 FF 4 - Rolla - Other, 1967-1968 FF 5 - Rolla - Development of the Graduate Faculty and Policies of the Graduate Faculty to Assume High Quality, 11/21/1966 FF 6 - "S" Miscellaneous, 1967-1968 FF 7 - St. Catherine's Foundation, 1968 FF 8 - School Board - City of Columbia, 1967-1968 FF 9 - Seminars, 1967 FF 10 - Space Science Research Center, 1967-1968 FF 11 - St. Louis - Chancellor Bugg, 1966-1968 FF 12 - St. Louis - Report regarding overcrowding and enrollment, with photographs, 1965 FF 13 - St. Louis - NCA Review - Institutional Report, 1967-1968 FF 14 - St. Louis - Other, 1967-1968 Box 6 FF 1 - Student Disciplinary Procedures, 1967-1968 FF 2 - Student organizations FF 3 - Student party - Springfield FF 4 - "T" Miscellaneous, 1967-1968 FF 5 - Tenure Regulations, 1967 FF 6 - Transfer - Undergraduate, 1967-1968 FF 7 - Travel, 1966-1967 FF 8 - Tuition and Residence Regulations, 1966-1968 FF 9 - Undergraduate Education Improvement Funds, 1968 FF 10 - Undergraduate Education Improvement Reports, 1968 FF 11 - Undergraduate Studies Committee, 1967-1968 FF 12 - University Press, 1967-1968 FF 13 - University Press Committee, Search for Director, 1968 FF 14 - University Hall, preliminary drawings by Neville, Sharp and Simon, 1967 FF 15 - "W" Miscellaneous, 1967-1968 FF 16 - Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, W.I.C.H.E., 1967 FF 17 - John Weaver, 1966-1968 FF 18 - Vernon Wilson, 1966-1968 FF 19 - Wilton Park, 1966-1968 FF 20 - "X, Y, Z" Miscellaneous, 1966-1968 FF 21 - "A" Miscellaneous, 1969-1971 FF 22 - Academic Affairs, 1969-1971 FF 23 - Academic Affairs - Vern Wilson, 1969-1970 FF 24 - Academic Planning Council, 1971 FF 25 - Accreditation Reports, 1969-1971 Box 7 FF 1 - Admissions - Student Referrals, 1969-1971 FF 2 - Affirmative Action, 1971 FF 3 - Aids and Awards - Allen Purdy, 1970-1971 FF 4 - Alumni Office - Entsminger, 1969-1971 FF 5 - American Council on Education, 1969-1971 FF 6 - Archives, 1969-1971 FF 7 - "B" Miscellaneous, 1969-1971 FF 8 - Board of Curators FF 9 - Academic Affairs, 1969-1971 FF 10 - Budget Committee, 1969-1971 FF 11 - Curator's Scholarships, 1969-1970 FF 12 - Seminars, 1969-1971 FF 13 - Business Office - Dale Bowling, 1970-1971 FF 14 - By Laws Revisions, 1970-1971 FF 15 - "C" Miscellaneous, 1969-1971 FF 16 - Calendar, 1969-1972 FF 17 - Candidates, 1969-1971 FF 18 - Chancellors - Letters to, 1969-1971 FF 19 - Commencement, 1969 FF 20 - Commission on Student Publications, 1969 FF 21 - Committees U-Wide, 1969-1970 FF 22 - Communication Council, 1970 FF 23 - Controller - Bezoni, 1969-1971 FF 24 - Budget Office, 1969-1971 FF 25 - Other, 1969-1971 Box 8 FF 1 - Computers, 1970-1971 FF 2 - Cost Reduction, Don Holm, 1970 FF 3 - Cost Studies, Harold Hume, 1969-1971 FF 4 - Council on Public Higher Education, 1971 FF 5 - Course Deletions, 1969-1970 FF 6 - Irvin Coyle, 1969-1971 FF 7 - Crippled Children's Service, 1969-1971 FF 8 - Department Chairman, nature and function of, 1970-1971 FF 9 - "E" Miscellaneous, 1969-1971 FF 10 - Educational Advisory Council, 1969-1970 FF 11 - Enrollment, 1969-1970 FF 12 - Equalization Lists, 1971 FF 13 - Extension - C. Bruce Ratchford, 1969-1970 FF 14 - Extension - other, 1969-1971 FF 15 - Facilities Rules and Regulations, 1969 FF 16 - Faculty Evaluations Procedures, 1971 FF 17 - Faculty Responsibility, 1971 FF 18 - Fees, 1969-1971 FF 19 - Foreign Student Data, 1969-1970 FF 20 - "G" Miscellaneous, 1969-1971 FF 21 - General Counsel, 1969-1971 FF 22 - Geological Societies, 1968-1971 FF 23 - Geology, 1969-1971 FF 24 - "H" Miscellaneous, 1969-1971 FF 25 - Health Affairs Advisory Committee, 1971-1972 FF 26 - Holidays, 1970-1971 FF 27 - Honorary Degrees, 1969 FF 28 - House and Senate Hearings, 1969-1971 FF 29 - Housing Regulations, 1969-1971 FF 30 - "I" Miscellaneous, 1971 FF 31 - Institutional Memberships, 1970 FF 32 - Institutional Reappraisal, 1971 FF 33 - Institutional Research - Joe Saupe, 1970 FF 34 - Inter-Campus Faculty Advisory Council, 1969-1971 FF 35 - Inter-Campus Student Council, 1969 FF 36 - International Studies - Paul Schratz, 1969-1971 FF 37 - "J" Miscellaneous, 1971 FF 38 - Junior College - University committee on extension, 1969-1971 FF 39 - Junior College - University of Missouri Joint Committee, 1971 FF 40 - "K" Miscellaneous, 1970-1971 Box 9 FF 1 - "L" Miscellaneous FF 2 - Labor Relations, 1969-1971 FF 3 - Legislative Budget Requests, 1971 FF 4 - Legislative Seminar, 1971 FF 5 - Limits of Jurisdiction, delimitation of various offices in case of student misconduct, 1971 FF 6 - Long Range Planning, 1969-1970 FF 7 - "M" Miscellaneous, 1969-1971 FF 8 - MASUA/Mid-America State Universities Association, 1969-1971 FF 9 - News Clips Box 10 FF 1 - Questionnaires, 1969 FF 2 - "R" Miscellaneous, 1969-1971 FF 3 - Racial Cards, 1969 FF 4 - Ratchford, C.B., 1970-1971 FF 5 - Recruiting, 1967-1968 FF 6 - Retirement and Staff Benefits, 1969-1971 FF 7 - Research - Dr Emmons, 1970-1971 FF 8 - Environmental Health Center, 1969-1970 FF 9 - "S" Miscellaneous, 1969-1971 FF 10 - Sabbatical Leave, 1966-1970 FF 11 - St. Louis Research Council, 1969-1970 FF 12 - Salary Survey FF 13 - Salary Wage Freeze - Miscellaneous, 1971-1972 FF 14 - Personnel Requests, 1971 FF 15 - Salary Wage Review, 1971-1972 FF 16 - School Board - Columbia, 1969-1970 FF 17 - School-College Relations Committee, 1969-1971 FF 18 - Security Office, Establishment of, 1971 FF 19 - Student Affairs Committee, 1970-1971 FF 20 - Student Disciplinary Matters, 1969 FF 21 - Student Organizations, 1969-1971 FF 22 - "T" Miscellaneous, 1969-1971 FF 23 - Task Force, Governor on Aid to Private Education, 1970 FF 24 - Teaching Load Study, 1970 FF 25 - Tenure Regulations, 1969-1970 FF 26 - Promotion, Tenure, 1971 Box 11 FF 1 - Transfer Undergraduate Committee FF 2 - Tuition, Non-Resident FF 3 - Undergraduate Improvement Fund FF 4 - Undergraduate Studies Committee FF 5 - United Fund FF 6 - University Cabinet, 1971 FF 7 - University Press, 1969-1971 FF 8 - Unklesbay, A.G., Correspondence, 1969-1971 FF 9 - Unklesbay, A.G., Speeches, 1969-1971 FF 10 - "V" Miscellaneous, 1969-1971 FF 11 - "W" Miscellaneous, 1969-1971 FF 12 - Water Resources Research Center, 1969-1971 FF 13 - Dr. John Weaver, 1969-1971 FF 14 - Western Historical Manuscript Collection, 1969-1971 FF 15 - W.I.C.H.E., 1969 FF 16 - "X,Y,Z" Miscellaneous, 1969 FF 17 - Aid and Awards, 1969 FF 18 - Arts and Sciences, 1969-1971 FF 19 - Botany Department, 1971 FF 20 - Center for International Studies, 1970-1971 FF 21 - Dean Clifton Corwell, 1970-1971 FF 22 - Dean of Students, 1969-1971 FF 23 - Faculty Council, 1970-1971 FF 24 - Faculty, Edna B., Foa, 1970 FF 25 - Journalism, 1969-1971 FF 26 - School of Law, 1969-1971 FF 27 - Library, 1970-1971 FF 28 - School of Medicine, 1969-1971 FF 29 - Dr. Al Metcalf, 1969-1971 FF 30 - New Programs, 1969 FF 31 - Miscellaneous, Use of Facilities by Radical Groups Through MSA FF 32 - Dean Schooling, 1969-1971 FF 33 - Chancellor Schooling, 1970-1971 FF 34 - Chancellor Schwada, 1970 Box 12 FF 1 - Chancellor Schwada FF 2 - Student Activity Budgets, Including Copy of Scandal at Read Hall, A Report Compiled by Young Americans for Freedom, 1969-1971 FF 3 - UMKC School of Administration Self-Evaluation, 1968 FF 4 - Provost Dale, UMKC, 1971 FF 5 - UMKC Dean of Students, 1971 FF 6 - UMKC Dental School, 1969-1970 FF 7 - UMKC School of Education, 1971 FF 8 - UMKC Faculty Evaluation Procedures, 1971 FF 9 - UMKC Medical School, 1968-1971 FF 10 - UMKC New Programs, 1970 FF 11 - UMKC Chancellor Olson, 1969-197) FF 12 - Other, 1969-1971 FF 13 - Student Activity Budgets, 1971 FF 14 - UMSL Chancellor Driscoll, 1969-1970 FF 15 - UMSL Faculty By-Laws, 1970 FF 16 - UMSL Faculty Evaluation Procedures, 1971 FF 17 - UMSL New Programs, 1968-1970 FF 18 - UMSL Other, 1969-1971 FF 19 - UMR Chancellor Baker, 1969-1971 FF 20 - UMR Brazil Project - Proposal, 1971 FF 21 - UMR Centennial, 1971 FF 22 - UMR New Programs, 1969-1970 FF 23 - UMR Faculty By-Laws, 1967 FF 24 - Faculty Evaluation Procedures, 1971 FF 25 - Student Activity Budgets, 1970 FF 26 - Other, 1969-1971 Box 13 FF 1 - UMR, Dean Thompson, 1969-1971 FF 2 - UMR, Vietnam Trip Baker And Unklesbay, 1971 FF 3 - UMR, Vietnam, 1971-1972 FF 4 - UMR, Vietnam Project - Reports, 1970-1971 FF 5 - UMR, James Paul Wesley, 1971 FF 6 - UMR, Reports, Long Range Planning, 1968-1969 FF 7 - UMR, Reports, Faculty Rank and Appointment, 1969 FF 8 - Role and Scope, 1972 FF 9 - Missouri Western Junior College, (St. Joseph), 1967-1969 Box 14 FF 1 - Administrative Evaluations FF 2 - "A" Miscellaneous FF 3 - Academic Affairs - McFarland FF 4 - Academic Affairs - Provosts and Deans of Faculty FF 5 - Academic Affairs - Graduate Deans FF 6 - Academic Affairs - Doctoral Faculty FF 7 - Activity Fees FF 8 - Academic Planning Council, 09/01/1974-12/31/1974 FF 9 - Academic Planning, 01/01/1974-09/01/1974 FF 10 - Aids and Awards - Allen Purdy FF 11 - University Committee on Academic Plans FF 12 - Evaluation Steering Committee FF 13 - Administrative Fiscal FF 14 - Admissions Student Referrals FF 15 - Applications and Advanced Deposits FF 16 - Administrative Evaluations FF 17 - Academic Vacancies on campus FF 18 - Application and Employment Forms FF 19 - Aid Overseas Contracts FF 20 - Alumni Office - Bus Entsminger FF 21 - Archives - Ralph Havener FF 22 - American Council on Education FF 23 - "B" Miscellaneous FF 24 - Board of Curators - Academic Affairs FF 25 - Board of Curators FF 26 - Monthly Board Letters FF 27 - Buckley Amendment FF 28 - Business Office - D.O. Bowling FF 29 - "C" Miscellaneous FF 30 - Curators Scholarships & Professorships FF 31 - Confidentiality of Student Records FF 32 - Community Coordinator for Conservation of Energy FF 33 - Consulate University FF 34 - Chancellors, Letters to FF 35 - Committees FF 36 - Communications - Jack Hamilton Box 15 FF 1 - Consulting Reports FF 2 - Crippled Childrens' Service FF 3 - Calendars FF 4 - Connell, Phil FF 5 - Council on Public Higher Education FF 6 - COPHE Articulation Committee FF 7 - Diplomas FF 8 - Degrees FF 9 - Department of Higher Education FF 10 - Department Chairmen FF 11 - Department Higher Education - Other FF 12 - Extension, Carl Scheneman, Vice President FF 13 - Extension, Other FF 14 - "E" Miscellaneous FF 15 - Extra, Compensation FF 16 - EEO - Merl Baker FF 17 - EEO - Miscellaneous FF 18 - Executive Orders FF 19 - "F" Miscellaneous FF 20 - Faculty Evaluation Procedures FF 21 - Faculty Load Guidelines FF 22 - Fees FF 23 - Faculty Evaluation and Development in Higher Education FF 24 - Finance - R. H. Bezoni FF 25 - Finance - Other FF 26 - Finance Budget FF 27 - Finance Cost Studies - H. Hume FF 28 - Finance - Holm FF 29 - Finance Records Management FF 30 - General Counsel FF 31 - Geology Department FF 32 - "H" Miscellaneous FF 33 - Holidays FF 34 - Honorary Degrees FF 35 - Housing Regulations FF 36 - "I" Miscellaneous FF 37 - ICFAC Intercampus Faculty Council FF 38 - Institutional Research DARIS FF 39 - Institutional Research - Saupe FF 40 - University Information Services Horton FF 41 - Independence Center FF 42 - Institutional Research Course Deletions FF 43 - Enrollment - All Campuses Box 16 FF 1 - Institutional Membership FF 2 - "J" Miscellaneous FF 3 - Joint Appointments FF 4 - Junior College Transition Conference FF 5 - Junior College University of Missouri Joint Committee FF 6 - "K" Miscellaneous FF 7 - "L" Miscellaneous FF 8 - Labor Relations - Belcher 05/01/1974-07/31/1974 FF 9 - Labor Relations - Belcher, Lee FF 10 - Labor Relations - Belcher, Lee 01/01/1974-04/30/1974 FF 11 - Legislative Requests FF 12 - Legislature FF 13 - "M" Miscellaneous FF 14 - MASUA FF 15 - M. I. P. FF 16 - M. I. P. FF 17 - M. 1. P. FF 18 - Missouri Regional Medical Program FF 19 - Missouri - School - College Relations Committee FF 20 - "N" Miscellaneous FF 21 - National Art Gallery FF 22 - Newspaper Clippings FF 23 - National Association of State University and Colleges FF 24 - "P" Miscellaneous FF 25 - Personnel - Other FF 26 - Personnel - W. D. Poore FF 27 - Placement Tests Committee FF 28 - Placement Offices FF 29 - Questionnaires FF 30 - "R" Miscellaneous FF 31 - Reciprocal Agreement Nebraska FF 32 - Reciprocal Agreement Kansas City FF 33 - Exchange Programs Agreements with Universities of Kansas, Arkansas, and Nebraska FF 34 - President Ratchford FF 35 - Retirement and Staff Benefits FF 36 - Research, Emmons FF 37 - Research - Weldon Springs FF 38 - Research Office Computers FF 39 - Environmental Needs in Res. on Toxic Metals Comm. FF 40 - Research Office - Paul Keenan FF 41 - "S" Miscellaneous FF 42 - Salary Survey FF 43 - Salary Data 1970-1974 Box 17 FF 1 - Research Libraries FF 2 - Student Affairs Committee FF 3 - Sabbatical Leave Regulations FF 4 - "T" Miscellaneous FF 5 - Tenure and Promotion FF 6 - Transfer of Credit - Public Junior College FF 7 - Transfer of Credit - Four Campuses FF 8 - Travel FF 9 - Tuition & Residence FF 10 - University Cabinet FF 11 - University Cabinet Minutes FF 12 - Unklesbay, A. G. FF 13 - A. G. Unklesbay Speeches FF 14 - University Press FF 15 - UMA FF 16 - UMA FF 17 - "W" Miscellaneous FF 18 - Western Historical Manuscripts FF 19 - "X,Y,Z" Miscellaneous FF 20 - Admissions Office UMC FF 21 - Arts & Science UMC FF 22 - Botany Department UMC FF 23 - Dean of Students UMC FF 24 - School of Law UMC FF 25 - School of Medicine UMC FF 26 - School of Engineering UMC FF 27 - School of Journalism UMC FF 28 - Graduate School UMC FF 29 - Administration UMC - Provost McGowan FF 30 - Health Affairs - UMC - Provost White FF 31 - Academic Affairs - UMC - Owen Koeppe FF 32 - Chancellor Schooling - UMC FF 33 - Faculty - UMC FF 34 - Miscellaneous - UMC FF 35 - Faculty Council-UMC FF 36 - Student Council - UMC FF 37 - Chancellor Bisplinghoff - UMR FF 38 - Chancellor Search & Screening Comm. - UMR FF 39 - V. C. Dudley Thompson - UMR FF 40 - Dean of Faculties - Jim Pogue UMR FF 41 - Dean Adiain Doane, Arts & Science UMR FF 42 - UMR Other FF 43 - Graduate Student Data UMR FF 44 - New Programs UMR Box 18 FF 1 - Vietnam Project UMR FF 2 - UMKC Provost Dale FF 3 - UMKC Chancellor Olson FF 4 - UMKC - Other FF 5 - UMKC School of Medicine FF 6 - UMSL Chancellor Turner FF 7 - UMSL Everett Walters FF 8 - UMSL - Other FF 9 - Dr. Unklesbay FF 10 - UMSL Optometry FF 11 - UMSL Chancellor's Search Committee, 1974 FF 12 - UMSL Chancellor's Search Committee, 1972 FF 13 - "A" Miscellaneous FF 14 - Academic Affairs - Mel George FF 15 - Academic Affairs - Other FF 16 - Academic Affairs Financial Emergency FF 17 - Academic Affairs N.C. Accreditation Planning FF 18 - Academic Affairs Student Affairs Committee FF 19 - Academic Affairs Provosts and Deans of Faculty FF 20 - Academic Affairs Graduate Deans FF 21 - Activity Fees FF 22 - Academic Planning council FF 23 - Academic Planning Council 01/01/1975-06/30/1975 FF 24 - 1976 University Commission On Academic Plans FF 25 - University Committee on Academic Plans FF 26 - Administrative Fiscal Council FF 27 - Administrative Evaluations FF 28 - Administrative Vacancies - All Campuses FF 29 - Admissions - Students FF 30 - Aids & Awards - Allan W. Purdy FF 31 - Evaluation Forms Academic Administration FF 32 - Alumni - Entsminger FF 33 - Archives - Ralph Havener Box 19 FF 1 - American Council on Education FF 2 - "B" Miscellaneous FF 3 - Board of Curators Academic Affairs FF 4 - Board of Curators FF 5 - Curators Scholarships and Professorships FF 6 - Salary Budget Material 1975-1976 FF 7 - Orientation for New Board Members FF 8 - D. O. Bowling FF 9 - "C" Miscellaneous FF 10 - Communications Jack Hamilton 1975 FF 11 - Communications Jack Hamilton 1975-1976 FF 12 - University Consulate FF 13 - Chancellors - Letters to FF 14 - Confidentiality of Student Records FF 15 - Connell, Phil FF 16 - Calendars FF 17 - Committees FF 18 - Consulting Reports FF 19 - Council on Public Higher Education -(COPHE) FF 20 - Commission of Higher Education FF 21 - Consulate University FF 22 - "D" Miscellaneous FF 23 - Degrees FF 24 - Department Chairmen FF 25 - Department of Higher Education - Other FF 26 - Department of Education - Mallory FF 27 - "E" Miscellaneous FF 28 - Extension FF 29 - "F" Miscellaneous FF 30 - Finance - Bezoni R. H. FF 31 - Faculty Loan Guidelines FF 32 - Finance - Budget FF 33 - Finance - Other FF 34 - Finance Cost Studies FF 35 - Finance Records Management FF 36 - Foreign Student Data FF 37 - Faculty Orientation FF 38 - General Counsel FF 39 - GPA Calculations FF 40 - Geology Department FF 41 - Geological Societies FF 42 - "H" Miscellaneous FF 43 - Holidays FF 44 - Honorary Degrees FF 45 - "I" Miscellaneous FF 46 - IFC FF 47 - Illinois Exchange Agreement FF 48 - Guy Horton Box 20 FF 1 - Institutional Research FF 2 - Institutional Research-Course Numbering FF 3 - Institutional Research-DAR Staff Group FF 4 - Institutional Research Enrollment FF 5 - Institutional Memberships FF 6 - Missouri Junior College Transition Conference FF 7 - Joint Appointments FF 8 - Jr. College Univ. of Mo. Joint Committee FF 9 - "K" Miscellaneous FF 10 - "L" Miscellaneous FF 11 - Criteria for Merit Raises FF 12 - Labor Relations, 01/01/1975-04/30/1975 FF 13 - Labor Relations - Lee Belcher - 05/01/1975-12/31/1975 FF 14 - Legislative Requests FF 15 - "M" Miscellaneous FF 16 - MACU FF 17 - Missouri Institute of Psychiatry FF 18 - MASUA FF 19 - Missouri Reg. Med. Program, 1975 and 01/01/1976-06/30/1976 FF 20 - Missouri Schools and Colleges Relations Committee FF 21 - "N" Miscellaneous FF 22 - Newspaper Clippings FF 23 - NASULGC FF 24 - "O" Miscellaneous FF 25 - Organizational Charts FF 26 - "P" Miscellaneous FF 27 - Project Ahead FF 28 - Personnel - William D. Poore FF 29 - Personnel - Other FF 30 - Personnel Employment Freeze FF 31 - President's Office 1974 Budget Work Sheets FF 32 - Planning Office FF 33 - President's Bulletin FF 34 - Questionnaires FF 35 - "R" Miscellaneous FF 36 - Remedial Course Work 1975-76 FF 37 - Retirements & Staff Benefits FF 38 - Reciprocal Agreements-Kansas FF 39 - Reciprocal Agreement-Nebraska FF 40 - Russia Trip FF 41 - C. B. Ratchford Box 21 FF 1 - Research Vice President Ardath Emmons FF 2 - Research Lynn Martin FF 3 - Research Paul Keenan FF 4 - Research Computers FF 5 - Research-Weldon Springs FF 6 - Research, Environmental Needs in Toxic Metals FF 7 - Resignations Reports FF 8 - Tenure & Promotion FF 9 - 1975 - Miscellaneous FF 10 - St. Catherine's Foundation FF 11 - Salary Survey FF 12 - Special Account FF 13 - Sabbatical Leave Regulations FF 14 - "T" Miscellaneous FF 15 - Title IX FF 16 - Task Force on Coordination of School Relations FF 17 - Thomas Jefferson Award 1974 FF 18 - Thomas Jefferson Award 1975 FF 19 - AGU Travel FF 20 - Tuition & Residence Regulations FF 21 - Cabinet Minutes FF 22 - University Cabinet FF 23 - UMA FF 24 - AGU FF 25 - A. G. Unklesbay Speeches FF 26 - University Press - Ed King FF 27 - "V" Miscellaneous FF 28 - "W" Miscellaneous FF 29 - Western Historical Manuscripts FF 30 - "X,Y,Z" Miscellaneous FF 31 - Admissions Office - UMC FF 32 - College of Agriculture - UMC FF 33 - Arts & Sciences - UMC FF 34 - Dean of Students - UMC FF 35 - School of Medicine - UMC FF 36 - College of Engineering - UMC FF 37 - School of Journalism - UMC FF 38 - Graduate School - UMC FF 39 - Chancellor Schooling - UMC FF 40 - Provost Owen Koeppe - UMC FF 41 - Provost McGowan - UMC FF 42 - Provost White - UMC FF 43 - Columbia Faculty - UMC FF 44 - Faculty Council - UMC FF 45 - TTMC - Miscellaneous FF 46 - Optometry FF 47 - Dean of Faculties. - Everett Walters FF 48 - Chancellor Arnold B. Grobman FF 49 - School of Medicine FF 50 - Kansas City - Other FF 51 - School of Education FF 52 - Chancellor George Russell FF 53 - Provost Wesley J. Dale FF 54 - New Programs FF 55 - Arts & Science Adrian H. Daane FF 56 - Rolla - Other FF 57 - Vice Chancellor Dudley Thompson FF 58 - Dean of Faculties - Jim Pogue FF 59 - Interim Chancellor - Jim Pogue Box 22 FF 1 - "A" Miscellaneous FF 2 - Academic Affairs - Paul Nagel FF 3 - Academic Affairs - Provosts and Deans of Faculties FF 4 - Academic Affairs - Education Deans FF 5 - Academic Affairs - Graduate Deans FF 6 - Academic Planning Council FF 7 - Academic Planning Council FF 8 - Academic Affairs - Director of Libraries FF 9 - Academic Affairs - Evaluation Steering Committee FF 10 - Academic Affairs - Administrative Evaluation FF 11 - Accreditation Reports FF 12 - Admissions - Student Referrals FF 13 - Administrative Fiscal Council, 01/0l/1973-06/30/1973 FF 14 - Administrative Fiscal Council, 1972 FF 15 - Affirmative Action, 01/0l/1972-04/30/1972 FF 16 - Affirmative Action, 05/0l/1972-07/30/1972 FF 17 - Affirmative Action, 08/31/1972-12/31/1972 FF 18 - Application and Employment Forms FF 19 - Archives, 1972 FF 20 - Aids and Awards - Allan Purdy FF 21 - American Council on Education (ACE) FF 22 - Alumni Office - Entsminger FF 23 - "B" Miscellaneous FF 24 - Board of Curators - Academic Affairs Committee FF 25 - Board Letters - Monthly FF 26 - Board of Curators FF 27 - Board of Curators Actions FF 28 - Business Office - D. O. Bowling FF 29 - "C" Miscellaneous FF 30 - Committees FF 31 - Calendars FF 32 - Chancellors - (Letters to the) FF 33 - Consulting Reports Box 23 FF 1 - Consulting Reports FF 2 - Consulting Reports FF 3 - Candidates FF 4 - Comptroller, R. H. Bezoni FF 5 - Comptroller, other FF 6 - Comptroller, Budget Office - Blossom FF 7 - Cost Studies - Hume FF 8 - Crippled Childrens Service FF 9 - "D" Miscellaneous FF 10 - Department Chairman FF 11 - Degrees FF 12 - Doctoral Administrative Centers FF 13 - "E" Miscellaneous FF 14 - Extension - Carl Scheneman FF 15 - Executive Orders FF 16 - Enrollment Reports - All Campuses FF 17 - "F" Miscellaneous FF 18 - Faculty Evaluation Procedures FF 19 - Foreign Student Data FF 20 - General Counsel - Jackson Wright FF 21 - Geology Department FF 22 - "H" Miscellaneous FF 23 - Honorary Degrees FF 24 - Holidays FF 25 - Hearings FF 26 - Housing Regulations FF 27 - "I" Miscellaneous FF 28 - IBM - San Jose, 01/1972 and 02/1972 FF 29 - Institutional Research - Saupe, 1972 FF 30 - Institutional - Courses Added and Dropped FF 31 - Institutional - Membership FF 32 - Institutional - Reappraisal FF 33 - International Studies FF 34 - Investiture - Ratchford FF 35 - Intercampus Faculty Advisory Council FF 36 - Junior College - University of Missouri Joint College FF 37 - "K" Miscellaneous FF 38 - "L" Miscellaneous FF 39 - Limits of Jurisdiction FF 40 - Legislative Budget Requests FF 41 - Labor Relations Belcher, 01/0l/1973-06/30/1973 FF 42 - Labor Relations Belcher, 01/1972-05/1972 Box 24 FF 1 - "M" Miscellaneous FF 2 - Missouri Baptist College of Colleges and Universities FF 3 - MACU Missouri Association FF 4 - MASUA Mid-America State Universities Association FF 5 - Missouri College Testing Programs FF 6 - Missouri School - College Relations FF 7 - Missouri Regional Medical Program FF 8 - Missouri commission on Higher Education FF 9 - "N" Miscellaneous FF 10 - National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges FF 11 - Newspaper Clippings FF 12 - Newcomen Society FF 13 - "O" Miscellaneous FF 14 - Organizational Charts FF 15 - "P" Miscellaneous, Performance Appraisal Manual - (4 campuses) FF 16 - Personnel - W. D. Poore FF 17 - Personnel - Other FF 18 - Position Descriptions & Reorganization FF 19 - Presidents Staff FF 20 - Preview - Review FF 21 - Publications FF 22 - Questionnaires FF 23 - "R" Miscellaneous FF 24 - Dr. Ratchford, 1972 FF 25 - Research, V. P. Emmons FF 26 - Computers 1972 - 1972 Evaluation of Laboratory - Animal Facilities and Care FF 27 - Research - Lynn Martin FF 28 - Retirement and Staff Benefits FF 29 - Role and Scope - Student Ad hoc Committee FF 30 - Role and Scope, 1972 FF 31 - Fish - Miscellaneous FF 32 - Salary Data FF 33 - School College Relations Committee FF 34 - Security office FF 35 - 1972-1973 Special Account FF 36 - Student Affairs Committee FF 37 - Student Publications Committee FF 38 - Student organizations Box 25 FF 1 - "T" Miscellaneous FF 2A - Tenure and Promotions, 1972 and 1973 FF 2B - Tenure and Promotions, 1972 and 1973 FF 2C - Tenure and Promotions, 1972 and 1973 FF 3 - Tenure Regulations FF 4 - Task Force - Higher Education FF 5 - Transfer of Credit - All (4) Campuses FF 6 - Tuition - Non-resident FF 7 - Terminations and Resignations FF 8 - University Information Services FF 9 - University Press - Lloyd FF 10 - University Cabinet Minutes FF 11 - University Cabinet FF 12 - Unklesbay, A. G. FF 13 - Unklesbay, A. G. - Speeches FF 14 - "V" Miscellaneous FF 15 - "W" Miscellaneous FF 16 - Western Historical Manuscripts FF 17 - Wilton Park, 1972 FF 18 - Wilton Park, 1969, 1970, 1971 FF 19 - Rolla - Miscellaneous FF 20 - Winter Commencement Procedure, 12/17/1972 FF 21 - Academic Council FF 22 - Dr. Merl Baker FF 23 - Sidney M. Harmon - J. Victor Cusumano Hearings FF 24 - Faculty Evaluation Procedures FF 25 - Bylaws FF 26 - Brazil Project FF 27 - Dudley Thompson FF 28 - Arts and Science FF 29 - Admissions Box 26 FF 1 - Botany Department FF 2 - Dean of Students FF 3 - School of Law FF 4 - School of Engineering FF 5 - School of Journalism FF 6 - International Studies FF 7 - Graduate School FF 8 - Provost Koeppe - Academic Affairs FF 9 - Chancellor H. W. Schooling FF 10 - Faculty FF 11 - Miscellaneous FF 12 - School of Medicine FF 13 - Terminal, Tenure and Promotion FF 14 - Student Senate - University of MO - Columbia FF 15 - Administrative and Organizational Structure Manual, 01/14/1972 FF 16 - School of Medicine FF 17 - School of Education FF 18 - Governing Practices FF 19 - Chancellor James C. Olson FF 20 - Other FF 21 - Provost Wesley Dale FF 22 - Other FF 23 - Acting Chancellor Everett Walters FF 24 - Dean of Faculties FF 25 - Faculty Evaluation Procedures FF 26 - "A" Miscellaneous FF 27 - Academic Affairs - Robert McFarland FF 28 - Academic Affairs - Education Deans FF 29 - Provosts/Deans of Faculties FF 30 - Doctoral Council - Ad hoc Doctoral Council FF 31 - Doctoral Council - Ad hoc Doctoral Council FF 32 - Academic Affairs - Graduate Dean FF 33 - Committee for Academic Plans FF 34 - Ad hoc Committee on Administration of Justice FF 35 - Coordinating Committee of Learning Resources FF 36 - Professional Development Certification FF 37 - Academic Planning Council FF 38 - Evaluation Steering Committee FF 39 - Administrative Fiscal Council FF 40 - Administrative Evaluations FF 41 - Academic Vacancies - All Campuses FF 42 - Applications and Employment Forms FF 43 - Admissions - Student Referrals FF 44 - Activity Fees FF 45 - Admissions and Registrars Computerization FF 46 - Aids and Awards - Allan W. Purdy FF 47 - Alumni Office - Bus Entsminger FF 48 - Archives, 1973 FF 49 - American Council on Education (ACE) Box 27 FF 1 - "B" Miscellaneous FF 2 - Board of Curators - Academic Affairs Committee FF 3 - Board of Curators FF 4 - Board Letters - Monthly FF 5 - Business Office - D. O. Bowling FF 6 - 1973 Budget Papers FF 7 - "C" Miscellaneous FF 8 - Committees FF 9 - Commencement FF 10 - Calendar FF 11 - Chancellors (letters to all) FF 12 - Candidates FF 13 - Columbia College FF 14 - Consulting Reports FF 15 - Crippled Children's Service FF 16 - Chief Academic Officers FF 17 - Connell, Phil E. FF 18 - Communications - J. Hamilton FF 19 - Council of Public Higher Education, State of Missouri FF 20 - Civic Improvement Committee FF 21 - Coordinating Board for Higher Education FF 22 - Curators Scholarships - Professorships FF 23 - Department Chairmen, Lists and Meetings, 09/20/1973 FF 24 - Department Chairmen FF 25 - "E" Miscellaneous FF 26 - Enrollment FF 27 - Scheneman, Carl, Vice President for Extension FF 28 - Extension - other FF 29 - Equal Employment Opportunity, Dr. Merl Baker, Special Assistant to the President FF 30 - "F" Miscellaneous FF 31 - Faculty Load Guidelines, 1973 FF 32 - Faculty Evaluation Procedures FF 33 - Fees FF 34 - Finance - Ray Bezoni - Vice President for Finance FF 35 - Finance - Other FF 36 - Finance - Cost Studies Director, Harold Hume FF 37 - Finance - Budget FF 38 - Finance - Investments FF 39 - Foreign Student Data FF 40 - General Counsel FF 41 - Geology Department FF 42 - Geology, Dr, Keller FF 43 - Geological Society and Associations FF 44 - "H" Miscellaneous FF 45 - Holidays FF 46 - Honorary Degrees FF 47 - Hearings - Senate and House FF 48 - House and Senate Bills FF 49 - "I" Miscellaneous FF 50 - Housing Regulations FF 51 - Intercampus Faculty Advisory Council (IFC) Box 28 FF 1 - University Information Services - Dr. Guy Horton FF 2 - Independence Center FF 3 - Institute of Psychiatry FF 4 - Institutional Research Course Deletions FF 5 - Institutional Research Course Numbering FF 6 - Institutional Research - Joe L. Saupe FF 7 - Institutional Research - Director of Admissions and Registrars Staff Group (DAR) FF 8 - Institutional Memberships FF 9 - Junior College - University of Missouri - Joint Committee FF 10 - "K" Miscellaneous FF 11 - "L" Miscellaneous FF 12 - Labor Relations, Lee Belcher, 07/01/1973-12/31/1973 FF 13 - Legislature FF 14 - "M" Miscellaneous FF 15 - Missouri Baptist College FF 16 - MACU - Mid-Missouri Associated Colleges FF 17 - MASUA - Mid-America State Universities Association FF 18 - Missouri Regional Medical Program FF 19 - Missouri Commission on Higher Education FF 20 - "N" Miscellaneous FF 21 - NAACP - National Association for the Advancement for Colored People FF 22 - Norton, Harold D. - Hearing by Tenure Committee FF 23 - Nepotism FF 24 - Newspaper Clippings FF 25 - National Association of State Universities and Colleges FF 26 - News Releases FF 27 - "O" Miscellaneous FF 28 - Organizational Chart FF 29 - An Open University FF 30 - "P" Miscellaneous FF 31 - Personnel - Classification FF 32 - Personnel - William D. Poore FF 33 - Professorships named FF 34 - Guidelines for University Publications FF 35 - President's Staff FF 36 - Preview - Review Meeting FF 37 - Publication Project Forms FF 38 - Questionnaires FF 39 - "R" Miscellaneous FF 40 - Remote Sensing Advisory Committee FF 41 - Retirement and Staff Benefits FF 42 - Reciprocal Agreement - Kansas FF 43 - Reciprocal Agreement - Nebraska FF 44 - Dr. C. Brice Ratchford FF 45 - Research, Vice President for (Ardath Emmons) FF 46 - Computers FF 47 - Research, Lynn W. Martin FF 48 - Research Office - Paul Keenan FF 49 - Directors of Libraries FF 50 - Role and Scope, 1973 FF 51 - "S" Miscellaneous FF 52 - Salary Recommendations, 1973-1974 and 1974-1975 FF 53 - St. Catherine's Foundation FF 54 - Salary Data FF 55 - Service Awards FF 56 - State Colleges FF 57 - Student Affairs Committee Box 29 FF 1 - Student Publications Committees FF 2 - State of the University FF 3 - Student Disciplinary Matters FF 4 - Sabbatical Leaves FF 5 - "T" Miscellaneous FF 6 - 1973 Tenure and Promotions FF 7 - Transfer of Credit - Four Campuses FF 8 - Transfer of Credit - Public Junior College, 01/0l/1974-05/0l/1974 FF 9 - Transfer of Credit - Jr. College, 07/0l/1973-12/31/1973 FF 10 - Junior College Transfers - Literature FF 11 - Transfer of Credit - Public Jr. College, 01/0l/1973-06/30/1973 FF 12 - Transfer of Credit - Public Jr. College, 01/0l/1973-06/30/1973 FF 13 - Transition Conference, 03/08/1973-03/09/1973 FF 14 - Travel FF 15 - Thomas Jefferson Award, 1973 FF 16 - Thomas Jefferson Award, 1972 FF 17 - Thomas Jefferson Award, 1971 FF 18 - Thomas Jefferson Award, 1970 FF 19 - Thomas Jefferson Award, 1969 FF 20 - Thomas Jefferson Award, 1968 FF 21 - Thomas Jefferson Award, 1966-1967 FF 22 - Tuition and Resident Regulations FF 23 - University Cabinet, 01/0l/1973-12/31/1973 FF 24 - University Cabinet Minutes FF 25 - Dr. A. G. Unklesbay - Correspondence FF 26 - University Press - Thomas Lloyd FF 27 - "W" Miscellaneous FF 28 - Wilton Park 1973 FF 29 - Western Historic Manuscripts College FF 30 - Water Resources Research Center FF 31 - Other FF 32 - Acting Chancellor - Dudley Thompson FF 33 - Dean Adrian Daane, Arts and Science FF 34 - Dean of Faculties (Acting), Jim Pogue FF 35 - Academic Council FF 36 - James P. Wesley FF 37 - New Programs Box 30 FF 1 - Vietnam Project FF 2 - Brazil Project FF 3 - Chancellor Baker FF 4 - Arts & science FF 5 - Admissions office FF 6 - Botany Department FF 7 - Dean of Students FF 8 - School of Law FF 9 - Library FF 10 - Miscellaneous FF 11 - Ulett, George FF 12 - School of Medicine FF 13 - Chancellor Schooling FF 14 - School of Journalism FF 15 - School of Engineering FF 16 - Center for International Studies FF 17 - Graduate School FF 18 - Provost Koeppe - Academic Affairs FF 19 - Provost McGowan, Administration FF 20 - Provost White - Health Affairs FF 21 - Faculty By-laws FF 22 - Faculty FF 23 - Tenure, Promotions, and etc. FF 24 - New Programs FF 25 - Student Senate FF 26 - Chancellor James C. Olson, Commencement Booklet, 1973 FF 27 - Other FF 28 - Provost W.J. Dale FF 29 - Dean Robinson FF 30 - School of Medicine FF 31 - Dean of Students FF 32 - New Programs FF 33 - Governing Practice FF 34 - Chancellor Turner FF 35 - Dean of Faculties - Everett Walters FF 36 - Other FF 37 - Si Kagan FF 38 - Center for International Studies - Dr. Fedder FF 39 - New Programs FF 40 - Faculty By-Laws FF 41 - University of Missouri Salary Book FF 42 - University of Missouri - 1974-1975 Legislative Operating Budget Request, 9/1973 Box 31 FF 1 - "A" Miscellaneous FF 2 - Academy of Sciences FF 3 - Academic Vacancies All Campuses FF 4 - Evaluation on Academic Administrators FF 5 - Academic Affairs - George FF 6 - Academic Affairs Student Affairs Committee FF 7 - Academic Affairs N. C. Accreditation Planning Committee FF 8 - Academic Affairs Financial Exigency FF 9 - Academic Affairs - Graduate Deans FF 10 - Academic Affairs Fee Structure Task Force FF 11 - Academic Affairs Doctoral Council FF 12 - Academic Planning Council FF 13 - Admission Student Referrals FF 14 - Administrative Affairs - Harold Hume FF 15 - Administrative Affairs Other FF 16 - Vice President for Administrative Affairs Search Committee, 1975-1976 FF 17 - Administrative Fiscal Council FF 18 - Administrative Evaluations, 1971 and 1976 FF 19 - Administrative Affairs - Shelton FF 20 - Administrative Affairs -- Blogsom FF 21 - Administrative Affairs Records Management FF 22 - Administrative Affairs - Holm FF 23 - Admissions Policy, 1972-1976 FF 24 - Aids and Awards - Allen Purdy FF 25 - Aids and Awards, 01/0l/1976-06/30/1976 FF 26 - Alumni office - Bus Entsminger FF 27 - American Council on Education FF 28 - Animal Resources FF 29 - Application & Advance Deposits, 1975 FF 30 - Archives - Havener, 01/0l/1976-07/0l/1976 FF 31 - Archives - Havener, 07/0l/1976-12/31/1976 FF 32 - Articulation Agreement and CLEP Credit COPHE, 1973-1976 FF 33 - "B" Miscellaneous FF 34 - Board of Curators, 01/0l/1976-07/0l/1976 FF 35 - Board of Curators, 1972-1975, 1976 FF 36 - Board of Curators Academic Affairs FF 37 - Curators Scholarships & Professorships FF 38 - Buckley Amendment FF 39 - Business office D. O. Bowling FF 40 - "C" Miscellaneous FF 41 - Candidates FF 42 - CBHE Master Plan Committee W. Johnson FF 43 - CBHE Task Force Transfer FF 44 - Chancellors Letter to All FF 45 - Compliance Costs, 1974-1975 FF 46 - Committees FF 47 - Computers Box 32 FF 1 - Consulting Reports FF 2 - Cost of Compliance FF 3 - Indirect Cost Proposals Ended 1975 FF 4 - Communications & Reporting FF 5 - Council on Public Higher Education - State of Missouri FF 6 - Department of Higher Education Other FF 7 - Department of Higher Education - Robertson FF 8 - Department Chairman FF 9 - Doctoral Council FF 10 - "E" Miscellaneous FF 11 - Affirmative Action EEO FF 12 - Campus Affirmative Action Plan FF 13 - Enrollment All Campuses FF 14 - Extension Other FF 15 - Schenemen, Carl Vice President for Extension, 1975 and 1976 FF 16 - Extra Compensation, 1975 FF 17 - "F" Miscellaneous FF 18 - Faculty Load Guidelines, 1972-1975 FF 19 - Fees FF 20 - Finance Vice President R. H. Bezoni FF 21 - FISP, 1975-1976 FF 22 - "G" Miscellaneous FF 23 - General Council FF 24 - Geological Societies & Associations FF 25 - Grievance Procedures FF 26 - "H" Miscellaneous FF 27 - Harris Teachers College FF 28 - Hayes & Associates Study FF 29 - Holidays FF 30 - Honorary Degrees FF 31 - "I" Miscellaneous FF 32 - Incentives for Better Management & Resources FF 33 - Institutional Research Joe H. Saupe, 1975-1976 FF 34 - Institutional Research for Staff Group Minutes for Meeting, 09/1974 FF 35 - Institutional Memberships FF 36 - Inter-Campus Faculty Advisory Council FF 37 - "J" Miscellaneous FF 38 - Joint Appointments FF 39 - "L" Miscellaneous FF 40 - Labor Relations - Lee Belcher, 04/0l/1976-12/31/1976 FF 41 - Labor Relations - Lee Belcher, 01/0l/1976-04/0l/1976 FF 42 - Legislative Requests, 1976-1966 FF 43 - Directors of Libraries FF 44 - "M" Miscellaneous FF 45 - MASUA, 01/0l/1976-06/30/1976 FF 46 - MAUSA - Aid FF 47 - MASUA Department Chairmen & Study Abroad, 1975-1976 FF 48 - Mid-America-University FF 49 - Minority Recruitment Program FF 50 - Minutes Missouri Assembly of Faculty in Higher Education FF 51 - Missouri Bi-Centennial Program FF 52 - Missouri Kidney Program FF 53 - Missouri Regional Medical Program FF 54 - Missouri Students Association FF 55 - "Mc" Miscellaneous FF 56 - "N" Miscellaneous FF 57 - National Association State Universities and Colleges FF 58 - Newspaper Clippings, 1975-1976 Box 33 FF 1 - "O" Miscellaneous FF 2 - Olson, James C. President FF 3 - Organizational Chart FF 4 - Organizations & Communications FF 5 - "P" Miscellaneous FF 6 - Payrolls FF 7 - Personnel - William D. Poore FF 8 - Personnel Other FF 9 - Presidents Office Budget Work Sheets FF 10 - Presidents Staff, 1975 and 1976 FF 11 - Preview/Review Group Meeting FF 12 - Privacy Act of 1974 FF 13 - Proposal for Placement of Student Participant on UM Board of Curators FF 14 - Provost Dean of Faculties FF 15 - "Q-R" Miscellaneous FF 16 - Radiation Safety FF 17 - Dr. Ratchford FF 18 - Reciprocal Agreement Kansas, 1974-1976 FF 19 - Academic Plan for Research FF 20 - Research Martin Lynn W., 1977-1976 FF 21 - Research V. P. Emmons FF 22 - Research Office Paul Keenan FF 23 - Sabbatical Leave Regulations FF 24 - Salary Survey, 1972, 1975 and 1976 FF 25 - SIS Policy Committee FF 26 - Staff Form office of President, 1976-1977 FF 27 - "T" Miscellaneous FF 28 - Tenure and Promotions FF 29 - Transfer Among the UM Campuses FF 30 - 11th Annual JC-UM Transition Conference UMKC, 03/16/1976 and 03/17/1976 FF 31 - Travel FF 32 - Tuition & Residence Regulations FF 33 - A. G. Unklesbay Speeches FF 34 - Consulting FF 35 - University Cabinet, 01/0l/1976-12/31/1976 FF 36 - University Cabinet, 01/0l/1977-05/0l/1977 FF 37 - University Information Services Horton FF 38 - University Organization FF 39 - University Press Ed King FF 40 - "U" Miscellaneous FF 41 - VA Requirements, 1975-1976 FF 42 - "W" Miscellaneous, 1975 and 1976 FF 43 - College of Arts & Science FF 44 - Faculty By-Laws FF 45 - New Programs FF 46 - Chancellor Arnold B. Grobman FF 47 - Other FF 48 - Dean of Faculties, Everett Walters FF 49 - Other FF 50 - Vice Chancellor Arthur MacKinney FF 51 - Dean of Faculties Everett Walters FF 52 - Chancellor Arnold B. Grobman FF 53 - Vice Chancellor Arthur MacKinney FF 54 - Other Box 34 FF 1 - Kansas City Other FF 2 - Provost Wesley Dale FF 3 - Chancellor George Russell FF 4 - New Programs FF 5 - Kansas City School of Medicine FF 6 - Kansas City School of Dentistry FF 7 - Interim Chancellor Jim Pogue FF 8 - Dean of Faculties Jim Pogue FF 9 - Other, UMKC, 1977 FF 10 - New Programs FF 11 - Provost Wesley Dale FF 12 - Chancellor George Russell FF 13 - Kansas City School of Medicine FF 14 - Kansas City School of Dentistry FF 15 - Interim Chancellor Jim Pogue FF 16 - Dean of Faculties Jim Pogue FF 17 - Vice Chancellor Dudly Thompson FF 18 - Other FF 19 - Arts & Sciences Dean Adrian Daone FF 20 - Vice Chancellor Dudly Thompson FF 21 - School of Engineering FF 22 - New Programs FF 23 - School of Law FF 24 - Dean of Students FF 25 - UMC Admissions FF 26 - Arts and Sciences FF 27 - Columbia Faculty FF 28 - Provost White Health Affairs FF 29 - Provost Koeppe Academic Affairs FF 30 - Chancellor Schooling FF 31 - New Programs FF 32 - Miscellaneous FF 33 - Provost McGowan Administration FF 34 - Graduate School FF 35 - School of Agriculture FF 36 - School of Engineering FF 37 - School of Medicine FF 38 - School of Journalism FF 39 - University of Missouri Medical Center and Veterans Administration Appointments FF 40 - CBHE Formula FF 41 - Library FF 42 - Dean of Students FF 43 - Admissions office FF 44 - Faculty FF 45 - Provost Koeppe Academic Affairs FF 46 - Presidents Staff FF 47 - Chancellor Schooling FF 48 - New Programs FF 49 - Miscellaneous FF 50 - Provost McGowan Administration FF 51 - Graduate School FF 52 - College of Agriculture FF 53 - School of Medicine FF 54 - School of Engineering FF 55 - Arts & Sciences FF 56 - School of Journalism FF 57 - UMC Medical Center and VA Appointments FF 58 - "A" Miscellaneous FF 59 - Academic Affairs Mel George FF 60 - Academic Affairs Student Affairs Committee FF 61 - Academic Affairs N. C. Accreditation Planning Committee FF 62 - Director of Libraries FF 63 - Academic Affairs Financial Exigency FF 64 - Academic Affairs Graduate Deans FF 65 - Academic Affairs Fee Structure Task Force FF 66 - Academy of Science FF 67 - Academic Vacancies All Campuses FF 68 - Vice Pres. Administrative Affairs Search Committee FF 69 - Administrative Affairs Records Management FF 70 - Administrative Affairs other FF 71 - Administrative Affairs James C. Buchholz FF 72 - Administrative Affairs Dennis Blossom FF 73 - Administrative Affairs Kent Shelton FF 74 - Administrative Affairs Don Holm FF 75 - Vice President Administrative Affairs Computing Center FF 76 - Administrative Evaluation FF 77 - Aids and Awards Allan Purdy FF 78 - Alumni Office Bus Entsminger FF 79 - American Council on Education FF 80 - Animal Welfare Committee FF 81 - Appropriation Requests FF 82 - Archives Ralph Havener Box 35 FF 1 - "B" Miscellaneous FF 2 - Business Office FF 3 - "C" Miscellaneous FF 4 - Calendar FF 5 - CBHE Master Planning FF 6 - CBHE Formula FF 7 - CBHE Master Plan Committee W. Johnson FF 8 - CBHE Task Force Transfer FF 9 - Chancellors Letter to All FF 10 - Chancellors Retreat, 06/15/1977 and 06/16/1977 FF 11 - CLEP Credit FF 12 - Committees FF 13 - Computers FF 14 - University Wide Committee Material FF 15 - Consulting Reports FF 16 - COPHE Articulation Committee, 1975, 1976, 1977 FF 17 - Cost Reduction FF 18 - Council on Public Higher Education State of Missouri FF 19 - Curators Scholarship & Professorships FF 20 - Board of Curators FF 21 - Board of Curators Academic Affairs FF 22 - "D" Miscellaneous FF 23 - Department of Higher Education Robertson FF 24 - Doctoral Council FF 25 - Provost Dean of Faculties FF 26 - "E" Miscellaneous FF 27 - Affirmative Action EEO FF 28 - Affirmative Action Plans FF 29 - Enrollment All Campuses FF 30 - Carl Schenemen, Vice President for Extension FF 31 - Extra Compensation FF 32 - Evaluation of Animal Facilities and Care FF 33 - "F" Miscellaneous FF 34 - Faculty Load Guidelines FF 35 - Fees FF 36 - Vice President for Finance Bezoni FF 37 - Foreign Travel FF 38 - "G" Miscellaneous FF 39 - General Council FF 40 - Geology Department FF 41 - Geology - Dr. Keller, 1975, 1976, 1977 FF 42 - Geological Societies & Associations FF 43 - Grievance Procedures FF 44 - "H" Miscellaneous FF 45 - Hayes Study & Communications FF 46 - Hayes & Associates Study, 1975 FF 47 - Harris Teachers College FF 48 - Holidays FF 49 - Honorary Degrees FF 50 - "I" Miscellaneous FF 51 - Incentives for Better Management & Resources FF 52 - In-House Hearings, 06/10/1977 FF 53 - Institutional Memberships FF 54 - Institutional Research Joe L. Saupe FF 55 - Inter-Campus Faculty Advisory Council FF 56 - "K-L" Miscellaneous, 1976-1977 FF 57 - Labor Relations Lee Belcher, 01/0l/1977-06/30/1977 FF 58 - Labor Relations Lee Belcher Box 36 FF 1 - "M" Miscellaneous FF 2 - MASUA-Aid FF 3 - Minority Recruitment Program FF 4 - Mid-America University FF 5 - Missouri Institute of Psychiatry FF 6 - Sandra Moody Assistant to the President FF 7 - "N" Miscellaneous FF 8 - National Association of State University & Colleges FF 9 - Newspaper Clippings FF 10 - "O" Miscellaneous FF 11 - Olson James C. President FF 12 - Organization & Communications FF 13 - "P" Miscellaneous FF 14 - Personnel William D. Poore FF 15 - Personnel Other FF 16 - SIS Policy Committee FF 17 - Preview/Review Group Meeting FF 18 - Radiation Safety Committee FF 19 - Dr. Ratchford FF 20 - Reciprocal Agreement Kansas FF 21 - Reciprocal Agreement Nebraska, 1976-1977 FF 22 - Vice Pres. for Research Emmons, Ardath FF 23 - Research office Paul Keenan FF 24 - Research Weldon Springs FF 25 - Retirement and Staff, 1976-1977 FF 26 - RIKLI (Regional Medical Program), 1976-1977 FF 27 - "S" Miscellaneous, 1976-1977 FF 28 - Sabbatical Leave Regulations FF 29 - Salary Survey FF 30 - Scholarships, Health, Science Professorship FF 31 - Staff Budget Forms FF 32 - "T" Miscellaneous FF 33 - Teaching Assistants FF 34 - Tenure and Promotion FF 35 - Environment Needs in Res. on Toxic Meta. FF 36 - Transition Conference FF 37 - Travel FF 38 - "U" Miscellaneous FF 39 - University Cabinet FF 40 - Cabinet Minutes, 1976-1977 FF 41 - University Information Services Horton FF 42 - University Press Ed King FF 43 - Unklesbay Correspondence, 1976-1977 FF 44 - "W" Miscellaneous FF 45 - Western Historical Manuscripts Collection Box 37 FF 1 - Admissions Office - UMC FF 2 - Columbia - Arts & Sciences FF 3 - Columbia - Miscellaneous FF 4 - Provost White - Health Affairs - UMC FF 5 - Columbia Faculty FF 6 - Provost Koeppe - Academic Affairs - UMC FF 7 - Chancellor Schooling - UMC FF 8 - UMC - New Programs FF 9 - Faculty By-Laws - UMC FF 10 - Columbia - Library FF 11 - Columbia - School of Law FF 12 - Columbia - Dean of Students FF 13 - School of Medicine - UMC FF 14 - School of Engineering - UMC FF 15 - Chancellor Uehling - UMC FF 16 - Truman Center - UMC FF 17 - School of Journalism - UMC FF 18 - UMC medical Center - VA Appointments FF 19 - Provost McGowan - Administration UMC FF 20 - Graduate School FF 20A - College of Agriculture FF 21 - Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs, UMSL - Everett Walter FF 22 - Admissions - UMSL FF 23 - St. Louis - Other FF 24 - St. Louis - Chancellor Grobman FF 25 - Vice Chancellor Arthur MacKinney - St. Louis FF 26 - College of Arts & Sciences - St. Louis FF 27 - Faculty Evaluation Procedures - St. Louis FF 28 - New Programs - UMSL FF 29 - Chancellor George A. Russell - UMKC FF 30 - Provost Wesley J. Dale - UMKC FF 31 - Kansas City - Other FF 32 - UMKC - School of Medicine FF 33 - Rolla - other FF 34 - UMR - Academic Council FF 35 - UMR Graduate Student Data FF 36 - Interim Chancellor,-Jim Pogue - UMR FF 37 - Chancellor Joseph Marchello - UMR FF 38 - Vice Chancellor Dudley Thompson - UMR FF 39 - Chancellor's Search Committee - UMR FF 40 - UMR Commencement FF 41 - Information Science Series - Technical Report - Documentation Report FF 42 - Agreement between Curators and Systems and Computer Technology Corporation FF 43 - "A" - Miscellaneous FF 44 - Academic Affairs - Mel George FF 45 - David G. McDonald FF 46 - University of Missouri Academic Plan, 1975-1985 FF 47 - Academic Affairs - Other, Student Affairs Committee, N. C. Accreditation, Planning Committee, Graduate Deans, Fee Structure Task Force FF 48 - Missouri Academy of Science, Evaluation Academy Administrators FF 49 - Doctoral Council FF 50 - Provost - Dean of Faculties FF 51 - Aids and Awards - Allan W. Purdy FF 52 - Administrative Affairs - Harold Hume, other FF 53 - Administrative Affairs - Dennis Blossom FF 54 - Administrative Affairs - V. P. James R. Buchholz FF 55 - Animal Welfare Committee FF 56 - Cost Reduction FF 57 - University Resource Advisory Council FF 58 - Appropriations Requests, 1978-1979 FF 59 - Administrative Affairs - Kent Shelton FF 60 - Administrative Affairs - Records Management FF 61 - Administrative Affairs - Don Holm FF 62 - V. P. Administrative Affairs - Computing Center FF 63 - American Council on Education FF 64 - Alumni office - Bus Entsminger Box 38 FF 1 - "B" Miscellaneous FF 2 - Board of Curators FF 3 - Budget Hearings FF 4 - By-Laws Revisions FF 5 - Business office - D. 0. Bowling FF 6 - Buckley Amendment FF 7 - "C" Miscellaneous FF 8 - Letters to All Chancellors FF 9 - Committees FF 10 - U-Wide Committees FF 11 - Calendar FF 12 - Consulting Reports FF 13 - Board of Curators - Academic Affairs FF 14 - CLEP Credit FF 15 - COPHE Articulation Coordinating Committee FF 16 - Cost of Compliance FF 17 - CBHE Task Force Transfer FF 18 - Candidates FF 19 - CBHE Master Planning, CBHE Master Planning Committee - W. Johnson FF 20 - Council on Public Higher Education in the State of Missouri FF 21 - "D" Miscellaneous FF 22 - Department of Higher Education - Robertson, Other FF 23 - Enrollment - All Campuses FF 24 - Scheneman, Carl - Vice President for Extension FF 25 - Extension - Other FF 26 - Extra Compensation FF 27 - "F" - Miscellaneous FF 28 - Faculty Quality Improvement FF 29 - Faculty Load Guidelines FF 30 - Fees FF 31 - General Counsel FF 32 - Grievance Procedures FF 33 - Geology Department, Geological Societies & Associations, Geology - Dr. Keller FF 34 - "H" - Miscellaneous FF 35 - Honorary Degrees FF 36 - Hayes & Associates Study FF 37 - "I" - Miscellaneous FF 38 - Institutional Research DAR, Staff Group, Institutional Research - Joe Saupe FF 39 - Institutional Memberships FF 40 - University Information Services - Horton FF 41 - Intercampus Faculty Advisory Council FF 42 - "K-L" Miscellaneous FF 43 - Labor Relations - R. Kenneth Hutchinson, Lee Belcher FF 44 - "M" Miscellaneous FF 45 - MASUA, Department Chairman & Study Abroad FF 46 - Missouri Association of Community and Junior Colleges FF 47 - Sandra Moody, Assistant to the President FF 48 - Museum FF 49 - "N" - Miscellaneous FF 50 - National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges FF 51 - Nepotism FF 52 - Newspaper Clippings FF 53 - James C. Olson, Interim President FF 54 - Organizational Chart FF 55 - "P" Miscellaneous FF 56 - Personnel - William D. Poore, Other, Classification FF 57 - Preview-Review Meetings FF 58 - "Q-R" Miscellaneous FF 59 - Reciprocal Agreement - Kansas FF 60 - Retirement and Staff Benefits FF 61 - President's Staff FF 62 - Vice President for Research-Ardath Emmons FF 63 - Computers FF 64 - Research - Weldon Springs FF 65 - Research Office - Paul Keenan FF 66 - Radiation Safety Committee Box 39 FF 1 - "S" - Miscellaneous FF 2 - Sabbatical Leave Regulations FF 3 - Staff Budget Forms FF 4 - Salary Survey FF 5 - "T" - Miscellaneous FF 6 - Travel FF 7 - Tuition and Residence Regulations FF 8 - Promotion and Tenure FF 9 - A. G. Unklesbay - Speeches FF 10 - University Symbols - Colors, Seal, Flag FF 11 - Dr. Unklesbay - Correspondence FF 12 - University of Mid-America FF 13 - University Cabinet Minutes FF 14 - University Cabinet Box 40 FF 1 - "V" Miscellaneous FF 2 - VA Requirements FF 3 - "W" Miscellaneous FF 4 - Wilton Park, 1978-1979 FF 5 - Wilton Park, 1976-1977 FF 6 - Wilton Park, 1974-1975 FF 7 - Wilton Park, 1972-1973 FF 8 - "X,Y,Z" Miscellaneous Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
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