Call Number:
Box 1-006664 |
Click here to view larger image. Photograph depicts Ralph Havener, Director of the University Archives, receiving a plaque on Service Award Day for fifteen years of service. Award is presented by Mel George, Vice President for Academic Affairs on September 1, 1984.
Record Group: 4 UW Scope and Content Note
(A00-49) The Sub-Group includes a large amount of correspondence, including general correspondence, inter-departmental memoranda, and departmental reading files. The Sub-Group includes various committee reports and meeting minutes, including committees to which the Director was appointed because of his position at the University. The Sub-Group contains administrative records that include staff and facility information, policies, and reports. The Sub-Group contains exhibit, project and program records as well as a variety of fiscal records. As the Director oversaw the University Wide archival program, the Sub-Group also includes regular activity reports from archival assistants on the other university campuses. The Sub-Group also includes the 1989 report of the Review Committee. The results of this report ultimately led to the decentralization of the University Wide archival program at the University of Missouri; these records are, as a result, of particular import to the Director's office.
Records created after the decentralization of the archival program are located in Sub-Group C:20/6/1, the Director of University Archives at University of Missouri-Columbia. Historical Note:
In 1969, the position of Director of the System Wide University of Missouri Archives was established. Ralph Havener, appointed as Director, was responsible for archival efforts on all four campuses of the University of Missouri. The Director reported directly to the University System's Vice President for Administration. In 1979, this reporting structure changed and the Director's responsibility shifted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
In 1989, an independent review committee evaluated the records management, archival and historical manuscript programs at the University of Missouri. Recommendations from the Review Committee include the creation of independent archival programs on each of the four University campuses. The first Director of the University Wide program, Ralph Havener, retired in November of 1990 as the University's archival program was about to undergo fundamental change.
It is of use to note that both University System and University Wide are terms used to refer to the archival program that included all four of the University of Missouri campuses. Series Descriptions: Series One consists of Correspondence and Memoranda. The Series includes general correspondence such as reference requests and inquiries, as well as inter-departmental memoranda, and memoranda to and from the Director's superior. Series Two consists of fiscal records. The Series includes yearly budget reports for the University Wide program and Accounts Management Output reports. Series Three consists of exhibits and projects. This Series describes a number of exhibits with which the university archives was involved. Project descriptions include an oral history project as well as a conversion project of archival materials into library catalog records. Series Four includes grant proposals. Series includes the Kansas City campus grant for the E. Grey Dimond papers. The Series also includes the Columbia campus application to the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to microfilm the accumulated records from a lengthy agriculture extension program in India. Series Five includes administrative records. This Series includes records about hiring policies such as affirmative action, as well as staff records including curriculum vitae. The Series also includes information about various facilities and includes floor plans. Series Six includes background material to establish the archival program. Information from other university's archives programs regarding forms and policies is included as well as the legal requirements for records retention. Regulations as established by the Board of Curators are included in this Series. The Series also includes program activity reports from each of the other University of Missouri campuses. The initial reports are monthly but later change to quarterly reports. The reports enumerate the volume of accessioned materials as well as processing activities of staff. These reports also include the activities of the campus assistant archivist and any media coverage of the University Archives. These records are first arranged by campus and then chronologically. Series Seven includes the records of five separate committees each of which comprises a separate Sub-Series. Sub-Series One includes the records of the Archives and Records Management Committee. This Sub-Series includes the regulations created by the committee, completed Records Disposal Authorization Forms, correspondence and minutes. Six audiocassettes of the committee meeting are also included within the Sub-Series. Sub-Series Two includes records from the School of Library and Informational Science Advisory Council. Records include correspondence, meeting minutes, as well as records about the American Library Association accreditation of the school's program. Sub-Series Three includes records of the Missouri Historical Records Advisory Board (MOHRAB) and the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC). The Sub-Series includes grant applications and information, correspondence, and committee minutes. Sub-Series Four includes the records of the University's Disaster Committee. Notes from committee meetings, organizational chart, and newspaper clippings are included in this Sub-Series. Sub-Series Five includes records from the World-Telegram Morgue Committee. This ad hoc committee was created to appraise the value of a large newspaper clipping collection, the New York World-Telegram and Sun morgue, acquired by the University's Journalism School. The Sub-Series includes a report from the Western Historical Manuscripts Collections Policy Committee, descriptions of the collection, committee agenda's, memoranda and correspondence, and a draft of the committee's report. Note to Researcher: The University of Missouri-Columbia (UMC) Journalism Library acquired the New York World-Telegram and Sun newspaper collection in 1967, but could not maintain it. The collection was sent to South Carolina where it was eventually destroyed, because the cost of maintenance was too great. Neither a paper collection nor an article index exists for the New York World-Telegram and Sun newspaper. It is available only on microfilm. The University of Missouri-Columbia does not have the microfilm for this newspaper. Check the New York Public Library for microfilm. Series Eight includes records concerning the Archives Review Committee. The Series includes self-study reports created by each department for the Committee's review and the three-day agenda. The Series includes the final report of the Review Committee; the Series also includes correspondence in reaction to the final report. Series Nine includes copies of correspondence, reports, photocopies and general informational materials created and received by the Director and the Archives Office that were gathered and circulated among the departmental staff for their awareness. This series includes some original materials and some items duplicated in the correspondence and memoranda files of the University Archives. Series Outline: 1 - Correspondence and Memoranda6 - University-Wide Archives Program Background Materials and Reports 7-1 - Archives and Records Management Committee 7-2 - School of Library and Informational Science Advisory Council 7-5 - World Telegram Morgue Committee Inventory Series One - Correspondence and Memorandum Box 1 Series One - Sub-Series One - Correspondence FF 1 - Correspondence 1969-1970 FF 2 - Correspondence 1971 FF 3 - Correspondence with Dr. John C. Weaver, University President, 1970-1971 FF 4 - Correspondence 1972 FF 5 - Correspondence 1973 FF 6 - Correspondence 1974 FF 7 - Correspondence 1974 (cont'd) FF 8 - Correspondence 1975 FF 9 - Correspondence 1975 (cont'd) FF 10 - Correspondence 1976 FF 11 - Correspondence 1976 (cont'd) FF 12 - Correspondence RE: Frederick E. Shane Tapes, 1976-1977 FF 13 - Correspondence 1977 FF 14 - Correspondence 1977 (cont'd) FF 15 - Correspondence 1978 FF 16 - Correspondence 1978 (cont'd) FF 17 - Correspondence 1979 FF 18 - Correspondence 1979 (cont'd) FF 19 - Correspondence 1980 FF 20 - Correspondence 1980 (cont'd) Series One - Sub-Series One - Correspondence (cont'd) Box 2 FF 1 - Correspondence 1981 FF 2 - Correspondence 1981 (cont'd) FF 3 - Correspondence 1982 FF 4 - Correspondence 1982 (cont'd) FF 5 - Correspondence 1983 FF 6 - Correspondence 1983 (cont'd) FF 7 - Correspondence 1984 FF 8 - Correspondence 1984 (cont'd) FF 9 - Correspondence 1985 FF 10 - Correspondence 1986 FF 11 - Correspondence 1987 FF 12 - Correspondence 1988 FF 13 - Correspondence 1988 (cont'd) FF 14 - Correspondence 1989 FF 15 - Correspondence 1989 (cont'd) FF 16 - Correspondence 1989 (cont'd) FF 17 - Correspondence 1990 FF 18 - Correspondence 1990 (cont'd) Series One - Sub-Series Two - Memoranda Box 2 (cont'd) FF 19 - Memoranda 1969-70 FF 20 - Memoranda 1971 FF 21 - Memoranda 1972
Series One - Sub-Series Two - Memoranda (cont'd) Box 3 FF 1 - Memoranda 1973 FF 2 - Memoranda 1974 FF 3 - Memoranda 1975 FF 4 - Memoranda 1976 FF 5 - Memoranda 1977 FF 6 - Memoranda 1978 FF 7 - Memoranda 1979 FF 8 - Memoranda 1980 FF 9 - Memoranda 1981 FF 10 - Memoranda 1982 FF 11 - Memoranda 1983-1987 FF 12 - Memoranda from Vice President of Academic Affairs, Mel George 1980 FF 13 - Memoranda from Vice President of Academic Affairs, Mel George 1981 FF 14 - Memoranda from Vice President of Academic Affairs, Mel George 1982 FF 15 - Memoranda from Vice President of Academic Affairs, Mel George 1983-1984 FF 16 - Memoranda from Vice President of Academic Affairs, Mel George; Jay Barton; Richard Wallace 1985-1988 FF 17 - Memoranda from Vice President of Academic Affairs, Richard Wallace 1989-1990 Box 3 (cont'd) FF 18 - Budget 1969-1978 FF 19 - Budget 1979-1980 FF 20 - Budget 1980-1981 FF 21 - Budget 1981-1982 FF 22 - Budget 1983-1990 FF 23 - Accounts Management Output 1982-1990 Series Three - Exhibits and Projects Box 3 (cont'd) FF 24 - Oral History Project 1971-1975 FF 25 - Exhibits 1980-1983 FF 26 - Archives Conversion Project - Libraries of the University of Missouri Information Network System (LUMIN) 1987-1989 FF 26A - Savitar Distribution Project 1986
Box 3 (cont'd) FF 27 - Grants - Information FF 28 - Grant Proposal - UMKC Archives - E. Grey Dimond Papers 1983 FF 29 - Grant Proposal - India Agricultural Project - National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) 1977-1978 FF 30 - Microfilm Standards (For use with the India Project) Series Five - Administrative Records Box 4 FF 1 - Curriculum Vitae of Director of University Wide Archives, Ralph Havener FF 2 - Affirmative Action Program 1972 FF 3 - Job Descriptions - Archives/Library 1972 FF 4 - Staff Papers - 1970-1989 FF 5 - UMKC Associate Archivist Candidates 1984-1985 FF 6 - Records Center Facility - Kansas City 1973-1975 FF 7 - Scholarship, Aids, and Awards Available for UMC Students 1975 FF 8 - UMKC Facility - Newcomb Hall 1984-1985 FF 9 - UMC - Clark Hall - Floor Plans 1971-1989 FF 10 - UMC - Water Damaged Boxes and Remodeled Archives 1982 FF 11 - Records Building Report by University-Wide Records Manager, L. F. Morrison 1974 FF 12 - Records Management Facility - Correspondence 1982-1987 FF 13 - Graduate Student Papers and Projects 1971-1976 Series Six - University-Wide Archives Program Background Materials and Reports Box 4 (cont'd) FF 14 - Organization Charts 1967 FF 15 - University-Wide Archival Program Recommendations 1968-1969 FF 16 - Administrative Histories 1969 FF 17 - By-Laws, Orders, Guidelines 1969 FF 18 - National Archives Records Service (NARS) 1969 FF 19 - University-Wide Record Groups Organization FF 20 - University Archives Program - Notes 1972-1975 FF 21 - Reports - University of Illinois Archives 1967-1981 FF 22 - Reports - University of Nebraska Archives 1970-1976 FF 23 - Reports and Forms - University of Wisconsin Archives 1977 FF 24 - Western Historical Manuscript Collection Staff Manual, University of Missouri Archives Record Group Lists, and Board of Curator member and secretary lists, ca. 1986 FF 25 - Computerized Finding Aids FF 26 - University-Wide Activity Reports 1976-1982 FF 27 - University-Wide Activity Reports 1983-1990 FF 28 - Institutional Reappraisal Report 1971 FF 29 - Press Releases 1975-1979 FF 30 - UMKC - Progress Reports 1977-1978 FF 31 - UMKC - Progress Reports 1979 FF 32 - UMKC - Progress Reports 1980-1981 FF 33 - UMKC - Progress Reports 1982 Series Six - University-Wide Archives Program Background Materials and Reports (cont'd) Box 5 FF 1 - UMKC - Progress Reports 1983 FF 2 - UMKC - Progress Reports 1984 FF 3 - UMKC - Progress Reports 1985-1988 FF 4 - UMKC - Progress Reports 1989-1990 FF 5 - UMR - Progress Reports 1979-1984 FF 6 - UMR - Progress Reports 1985-1990 FF 7 - UMSL - Progress Reports 1973-1980 FF 8 - UMSL - Progress Reports 1981-1983 FF 9 - UMSL - Progress Reports 1984-1988 FF 10 - UMSL - Progress Reports 1989-1990 Box 5 (cont'd) Series Seven - Sub-Series One - University Archives and Records Management Committee FF 11 - University Records and Archives Committee - Correspondence, Agenda, and Records Disposal Authorization Forms 1970-1975 FF 12 - University Records and Archives Committee - Records Disposal Authorization Forms 1970-1971 FF 13 - University Records and Archives Committee - Regulations, Correspondence, Forms 1969-1971 FF 14 - University Records and Archives Committee - Records Management Program - Information and Forms, Correspondence, Memoranda 1969-1981 FF 15 - University Records and Archives Committee - Records Management Program - Information and Forms, Correspondence, Memoranda 1969-1981 (cont'd) Item 1- University Records and Archives Committee - Meeting of May 25, 1989 Audiocassette (1 of 2) Item 2- University Records and Archives Committee - Meeting of May 25, 1989 Audiocassette (2 of 2) Item 3- University Records and Archives Committee - Meeting of October 26, 1990 Audiocassette (1 of 2) Item 4- University Records and Archives Committee - Meeting of October 26, 1990 Audiocassette (2 of 2) Item 5- University Records and Archives Committee - Meeting of February 22, 1991 Audiocassette (1 of 2) Item 6- University Records and Archives Committee - Meeting of February 22, 1991 Audiocassette (2 of 2) Series Seven - Sub-Series Two - School of Library and Informational Science (SLIS) Advisory Council Box 5 (cont'd) FF 16 - School of Library and Informational Science Advisory Council 1978 FF 17 - School of Library and Informational Science Advisory Council 1980-1981 FF 18 - School of Library and Informational Science - Self-Study Report 1981 Box 6 FF 1 - MOHRAB - Correspondence, Minutes, Regulations and NHPRC - Grant Information, Correspondence 1977-1978 FF 2 - MOHRAB and NHPRC - Grant Applications, Correspondence, Minutes 1979-1982 FF 3 - MOHRAB and NHPRC - Grant Applications, Correspondence 1983-1984 Series Seven - Sub-Series Four - Disaster Committee Box 6 (cont'd) FF 4 - Disaster Committee 1980 Series Seven - Sub-Series Five - World-Telegram Morgue Committee Box 6 (cont'd) FF 5 - World-Telegram Morgue Committee 1982-1983 Series Eight - Archives Review Committee Box 6 (cont'd) FF 6 - Self-Study Reports by Records Management, Archives, Western Historical Manuscript Society Prepared for the Review Committee 1988 FF 7 - Archives Review Committee - Report and Correspondence 1989 Box 6 (cont'd) FF 8 - Reading File 1980 FF 9 - Reading File 1981 FF 10 - Reading File 1982 FF 11 - Reading File 1983 FF 12 - Reading File 1984 FF 13 - Reading File 1985 FF 14 - Reading File 1986 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. Search our Holdings
Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Melissa Lowenberg: April 2000
Revised: 23 August 2023
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