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Call Number:

Box 1 - 041476
Box 2 - 041477
Box 3 - 041478
Box 4 - 041479
Box 5 - 041480
Box 6 - 041481
Box 7 - 041482
Box 8 - 041483
Box 9 - Ellis

Record Group: 4 UW
Record Sub-Group: 6
Records Title: UM-System; President's Office; Vice President for Administrative Affairs; Administrative Records
Dates: 1971-1989, bulk 1984-1989
Volume: 8 1/3 cubic feet, 10.41 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

(A88-84; A90-107)
This Sub-Group contains the administrative records of the Vice President for Administrative Services' Office, (1971-1989). This Sub-Group includes reports of departments under the Vice President's Office, the "Kaludis Report" of the Administrative Affairs Review Panel, budget planning and development records, appropriations requests, and correspondence. Also included in the Sub-Group are records pertaining to the Board of Curators relating to the Vice President's Office, the Physical Facilities and Finance Committees, the Computing Policy Advisory Board, Human Resource Services, internal auditing and external auditors, long-range planning, the Missouri Research Park, economic development, the Weldon Spring properties, Bank of Steele, student aid, staff benefits, the Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE), Management Services and Business Services, and South Africa investment and divestment issues.

Series Descriptions:

This Sub-Group is divided into two alphabetically arranged Series. Series One holds records created during the years from 1971 to 1983. Series Two contains records that were created during the years 1983-1989.

Series Outline:

1. Topical Administrative Files, 1971-1983

2. Topical Administrative Files, 1983-1989


Series One - Topical Administrative Files, 1971-1983
Box 1

FF 1 - Academic Affairs, 1985-1986

FF 2 - Administrative Affairs, 1978-1984

FF 3 to 4 - Activities Reports, (including records from departments under the Vice President of Administrative Services), 1979-1986

FF 5 to 9 - "Kaludis Report" of the Administrative Affairs Review Panel, (including: A copy of the final report; comments on report and self-studies of administrative units on all campuses; schedules; correspondence), 1984

FF 10 - Appropriations Request, FY 1985-1986

FF 11 - Argentinean Cooperation and Exchange Program, 1979-1982

FF 12 - Auditing, 1984-1986

FF 13 - Ray H. Benzoni, 1977

FF 14 to 15 - Board of Curators, 1986-1987

FF 16 to 23 - Budget and Planning, FY 1986-1988

FF 24 - Budget Planning and Development Services, 1985-1986

Series One - Topical Administrative Files, 1971-1983 (cont'd)
Box 2

FF 1 to 2 - Business Services, 1986

FF 3 to 4 - Computing and Information Technology (C.I.T.), 1985-1986

FF 5 - Search for Director of C.I.T., 1984 [RESTRICTED]

FF 6 to 7 - Computing Policy Advisory Board, 1986-1987

FF 8 - UMC, 1985-1986

FF 9 - Coopers and Lybrand - external auditors, 1985-1986

FF 10 - C.B.H.E. (Coordinating Board for Higher Education), 1986

FF 11 - Executive Guidelines, 1979-1985

FF 12 - Extension, 1986

FF 13 - Fees, 1984-1986

FF 14 - Financial Services, 1985-1987

FF 15 - General Officers, 1985-1986

FF 16 - Government Relations, 1986

FF 17 - House Bills, 1986

FF 18 - Grants and Contracts, (including Annual Report on Sponsored Grants and Contracts), 1986

FF 19 - Hospital and Clinics, 1981-1986

FF 20 to 21 - Human Resources Services, 1985-1986

FF 22 - Interim Vice President L. Thomas Hussey , 1985-1986

FF 23 - I.D. Cards, 1985

FF 24 - UMKC, 1985-1986

FF 25 - Long-Range Planning, 1985-1986

FF 26 - Missouri Research Park, 1985-1986

FF 27 - N.A.C.U.B.O. (National Association of College and University Business Officers) Cost Reduction Incentive Awards, 1979-1986

FF 28 - Payroll - Financial Information Systems Projects (FISP), 1980-1983

Series One - Topical Administrative Files, 1971-1983 (cont'd)
Box 3

FF 1 - President's Office, 1985-1986

FF 2 - University of Missouri-Rolla, 1985-1986

FF 3 - Salaries, 1981-1985

FF 4 - Staff Benefits, 1984-1986

FF 5 - State Historical Society, 1979-1986

FF 6 to 7 - UMSL, 1984-1986

FF 8 - State of Missouri, 1986

FF 9 - Bank of Steele, 1983-1984

FF 10 to 11 - Student Aid, 1981-1986

FF 12 - Student Registration - On Line, 1981-1985

FF 13 - Telecommunications, 1983-1986

FF 14 to 15 - Travel, 1980-1986

FF 16 - United Way, 1985-1987

FF 17 - University Relations, 1985-1986

FF 18 - Veterans Administration Hospital, 1971-1983

FF 19 - Vice Chancellors, 1986

FF 20 - 'W,' 1977-1982

FF 21 - Weldon Spring, (including: "A Proposal for the Educational Use of the Weldon Spring Tract," ca. 1978), 1977 and 1985-1986

Series Two - Topical Administrative Files, 1983-1989
Box 3 (cont'd)

FF 22 - 'A,' 1986-1988

FF 23 to 24 - Academic Affairs, 1985-1988

FF 25 - Accounting, 1986-1988

FF 26 to 27 - Administrative Affairs, 1986

FF 28 - Consulting Reports, 1980-1985

FF 29 - Administrative Costs, 1987-1988

FF 30 - Administrative Management Council, 1984-1989

Series Two - Topical Administrative Files, 1983-1989 (cont'd)
Box 4

FF 1 to 3 - Appropriations Request General, FYs 1988-1990

FF 4 - Appropriations Request, Capital, n.d.

FF 5 - Appropriations Request, Program Improvements, n.d.

FF 6 - Operating Budget Request, n.d.

FF 7 - Appropriations Request, Allocation Priorities, n.d.

FF 8 - A.U.A. (Argonne Universities Association) Trust Fund, 1983-1986

FF 9 - A.A.U. (Association of American Universities), 1987

FF 10 - Auditing, 1987-1989

FF 11 - Auditing, Affiliated Entities, 1987

FF 12 to 16 - Board of Curators, 1986-1989

FF 17 - James T. McGill Files, Appropriations Requests, 1984-1987

FF 18 to 19 - James T. McGill Files, Appropriations and Budget, FY 1987-1988

FF 20 - James T. McGill Files, Appropriations - Capital, 1987-1988

FF 21 - James T. McGill Files, Appropriations - Status Report, 1987

FF 22 to 23 - James T. McGill Files, Budget, 1986-1988

Series Two - Topical Administrative Files, 1983-1989 (cont'd)
Box 5

FF 1 - James T. McGill Files, Budget - Contingency Accounts, 1987-1988

FF 2 - James T. McGill Files, Budget - Fund Balances, 1987-1988

FF 3 - James T. McGill Files, Budget - Campus Planning and Budgeting Meetings, FY 1988

FF 4 to 6 - James T. McGill Files, Budget, FY 1989-1990

FF 7 - James T. McGill Files, Budget, Planning and Development, 1985-1988

FF 8 - Boone Hospital Center, (including proposed lease or purchase), 1987-1988

FF 9 - Committees, 1983-1986

FF 10 to 12 - Computing and Information Technology (CIT), 1987-1989

FF 13 - Comparative Costs, 1986-1987

FF 14 - UMC, 1987-1988

FF 15 - Coopers and Lybrand, 1987-1988

FF 16 - Coordinating Board for Higher Education, n.d.

FF 17 - Delegation of Authority, 1986-1987

FF 18 to 19 - Development, 1987

FF 20 - Marts and Lundy Report, 1986-1987

FF 21 - Brakely, John Price Jones Report, 1987

FF 22 - Miscellaneous Accounting Reports, 1987-1988

FF 23 - Economic Development, 1985-1988

FF 24 - Search for Executive Director of Research Parks and Economic Development, 1989

Series Two - Topical Administrative Files, 1983-1989 (cont'd)
Box 6

FF 1 - Enrollment, 1986-1987

FF 2 - Extension, 1986-1987

FF 3 - Faculty Council, (Includes employment data and comparison of numbers of employees from 1975 to 1986), 1975-1986

FF 4 - Fees, 1985-1988

FF 5 - Financial Services, 1987-1988

FF 6 - General Officers, 1987-1988

FF 7 - Governmental Relations, 1987-1989

FF 8 - Grants and Contracts, 1987

FF 9 - Hospital and Clinics, Electrical Distribution System, 1987

FF 10 - Hospital and Clinics, Green Meadows Clinic, 1988

FF 11 - Hospitals and Clinics, Insurance, Finance, and Capital Improvements, 1987-1988

FF 1 to 13 - Human Resource Services, 1987-1988

FF 14 - Institutional Research, 1986-1988

FF 15 - Intercampus Faculty Council, 1986-1989

FF 16 - 'K,' 1986-1987

FF 17 to 18 - UMKC, (includes University of Missouri vs. Arthur Brown Scholar's Center condemnation proceedings; Lynn Building remodeling; facilities), 1986-1989

FF 19 - 'L,' 1986-1988

FF 20 - Long Range Planning, 1986-1987

FF 21 - Planning - Agenda for Action, 1988

FF 22 to 24 - Management Services - Business services, 1986-1988

Series Two - Topical Administrative Files, 1983-1989 (cont'd)
Box 7

FF 1 - Midwestern Universities Alliance, 1986-1988

FF 2 - Missourian Publishing Association, 1987-1988

FF 3 - Missouri Institute of Psychiatry, 1986-1987

FF 4 - Missouri Research Park - Tom Hussey, 1989

FF 5 - N.A.C.U.B.O. (National Association of College and University Business Officers), 1986-1987

FF 6 - N.A.S.U.L.G.C. (National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges), 1987

FF 7 - "Public and Private Higher Education in Missouri: The Need for Partnership," (Remarks from a Conference of Missouri Higher Education Officials, 11/7-8/1983). Published addresses by Frank H.T. Rhodes, James R. Buchholz, and Shaila Aery, 1983

FF 8 - President's Office, 1987-1988

FF 9 - Research Reactor, 1988

FF 10 - UMR, 1986-1987

FF 11 - 'S,' 1987-1988

FF 12 - Salaries, 1984-1988

FF 13 - UMSL, 1987-1988

FF 14 - South Africa, University of Missouri investments, (divestment and South African Educational Fund), 1987-1989

FF 15 to 18 - Staff Benefits, 1987-1988

FF 19 - State of Missouri Government, 1988

FF 20 - Student Aid, 1986-1988

FF 21 - Telecommunications, 1987

FF 22 to 24 - Treasurer, 1986-1988

FF 25 - University Planning Council, (see also Box 6, folder 20, "Long Range Planning"), 1987-1988

FF 26 - University Relations, 1987

Series Two - Topical Administrative Files, 1983-1989 (cont'd)
Box 8

FF 1 - Veterinary Medicine, 1987

FF 2 - Weldon Spring, 1987

FF 3 to 12 - Board of Curators Finance Committee Meetings, (purged of materials except those from or pertaining to this office), 5/1986-4/1988

FF 13 to 22 - Board of Curators Physical Facilities Committee Meetings, (including construction, purchase of properties, and planning), 5/1986-6/1987

Series Two - Topical Administrative Files, 1983-1989 (cont'd)
Box 9

FF 1 to 5 - Board of Curators Physical Facilities Committee Meetings, 7/1987-2/1988

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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