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Call Number:


Record Group: 4 UW
Record Sub-Group: 24
Records Title: UM-System; President's Office; Vice-President for Academic Affairs: Administrative Correspondence
Dates: 1960-1980
Volume: 7 cubic feet, 8.75 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Sub-Group contains records of the University of Missouri Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs. Included in the Sub-Group are correspondence, reports, and program records relating to topics of concern to the Office of the Vice President. These records cover a range of topics, including budgeting and accounting, data retrieval, degree proposals, grant applications, and improvement funding. Although materials in the Sub-Group are included from a broad range of academic programs, the bulk of the collection consists of program files from the Regional Medical Program.

Series Descriptions:

This Sub-Group is not divided into separate records series. Arrangement is by the original, alphabetical order.


Box 1

FF 1 - Classified Research

FF 2 - Budgeting and Accounting for NIH (National Institute of Health) Grants

FF 3 - Budget NIH (1969-1970)

FF 4 - Budget Correspondence - University-Wide (Includes print-out of staff detail budget for Vice President for Academic Affairs planning of 1970-1971 budget)

FF 5 - Budgets - MRMP (Missouri Regional Medical Program) Computer

FF 6 - University-Wide Funds Guidelines

FF 7 - Use of University-Wide Funds

FF 8 - Budgets (1968-1969, 1969-1970)

FF 9 - Budgeting for Executive Director for Health Affairs

FF 10 - Budget (1970-1971)

FF 11 - Legislative Operating Budget Request Instructions and Forms (1970-1971)

FF 12 - Federal Grant Applications - University of Missouri Federal Grant Applications (4/1/1968 to 4/30/1968)

FF 13 - Federal Budget (1969-1970)

FF 14 - PHS Budget Revision Request Form

FF 15 - University-Wide Funding Forms

FF 16 to FF 17 - Data Retrieval System

FF 18 - Research Data Retrieval

FF 19 - Data Retrieval System Forms, Codes and Instructions

FF 20 - SSRC (Space Sciences Research Center) - Columbia

FF 21 - Space Sciences Research Center - Rolla

FF 22 - Data Retrieval System Corrections

FF 23 - Information Blanks, Payroll Requests [includes copy of budget procedures for administrative, service and support staff] (1969-1970)

FF 24 - St. Louis Academic Programs

FF 25 - St. Louis Program Proposals (Graduate)

FF 26 - Rolla - Academic Program Proposals

FF 27 - Rolla Academic Programs

FF 28 - University of Missouri - St. Louis - Masters Proposals for English

FF 29 - UMSL - Masters Proposals for Mathematics

FF 30 - UMSL - Ph.D. - Clinical Counseling Psychology

FF 31 - University of Missouri - Kansas City - Masters Proposals for Art History

FF 32 - UMKC - Masters Proposals for Dental Hygiene Education

FF 33 - UMKC - Masters Proposals for Urban Studies

FF 34 - UMKC - Ph.D. Musicology

FF 35 - Proposed Degrees, University-Wide

FF 36 - Proposed Degrees, University of Missouri - Columbia

FF 37 - Proposed Degrees, University of Missouri - Kansas City

Box 2

FF 38 - Proposed Degrees, University of Missouri - Rolla

FF 39 to FF 40 - Proposed Degrees, University of Missouri - St. Louis

FF 41 to FF 42 - Contracts, Grants

FF 43 - A.I.D. (Agency for International Development) Grant Information

FF 44 - Administrative Position Paper

FF 45 - Grant Data Funds

FF 46 - Grant Expenditure Control System

FF 47 - Health Facilities Construction Grants

FF 48 - Management, Equipment and Supplies Grants

FF 49 - University of Missouri Medical Center Grant Applications

FF 50 - Rolla Research Grants

FF 51 - Research (Training) Funding

FF 52 - General Research Support

FF 53 - Assistant Professor Research Fund, (General)

FF 54 - Assistant Professor Research Fund, UMC

FF 55 - Assistant Professor Research Fund, UMKC, UMR, UMSL

FF 56 - Curators Professorship Fund

FF 57 - Faculty Development Funds

FF 58 - Faculty Development Funds

FF 59 - Faculty Improvement Funds

FF 60 - Faculty Improvement Funds

FF 61 - General Improvement Funds

FF 62 - 1.25.1 Improvement Funds

FF 63 - General Information on Improvement Funds

FF 64 - Improvement Funds

Box 3

FF 65 - Improvement Funds

FF 66 - Improvement of Learning Funding

FF 67 - Improvement of Learning Special Awards

FF 68 - Improvement in Teaching Fund

FF 69 - Improvement of Teaching UMKC

FF 70 - Improvement of Teaching UMR

FF 71 - Improvement of Teaching UMSL

FF 72 - Library Improvement Funds

FF 73 - Library Improvement Funds

FF 74 - Teaching Technique UMC

FF 75 - Undergraduate Education Fund

FF 76 - Undergraduate Education Fund (General)

FF 77 - Undergraduate Education Fund Columbia

FF 78 - Undergraduate Improvement UMKC

FF 79 - Undergraduate Improvement UMR

FF 80 - Undergraduate Education UMSL

FF 81 - 69-11 Special Awards, Primm

FF 82 - 69-13 Special Awards, Eftimice

FF 83 - 69-14 Special Awards, Jones, Archie N.

FF 84 - 69-15 Special Awards, Marienfeld, Carl

FF 85 - 69-AP102 Megargle, Robert (See also FF 126)

FF 86 - 69-AP103 Mueller, John H.

FF 87 - 69-AP104 Miles, C. Donald (See also FF 110)

FF 88 - 69-AP105 Chapman, Linda Fleet

FF 89 - 69-AP106 White, Henry W.

FF 90 - 69-AP107 DeFacio, W. Brian

FF 91 - 69-AP108 King, Nancy E.

FF 92 - 69-AP109 Loeppky, Richard N.

FF 93 - 69-AP110 Cooke, Thomas D.

FF 94 - 69-AP111 Thompson, Richard N.

FF 95 - 69-AP112 Saylor, Charles F.

FF 96 - 69-AP113 Jaravsch, Konrad H.

FF 97 - 69-AP114 Lam, Ping Fun

FF 98 - 69-AP115 Hurst, Robert R.

FF 99 - 69-AP116 Rogers, Marvin L.

FF 100 - 69-AP117 McBean, Robert P.

FF 101 - 69-AP118 Cowan, David L.

FF 102 - 69-AP119 Dykstra, Richard

FF 103 - 69-AP120 Bernfeld, Stephan R.

FF 104 - 69-AP121 Greene, Michael E.

FF 105 - 69-AP122 Yarwood, Dean L.

FF 106 - 69-AP123 Kim, Hyunyong

FF 107 - 69-AP124 Schupp, Guy

FF 108 - 69-AP125 Carlson, David H.

FF 109 - 69-AP126 Summerhill, Ralph Richard

FF 110 - 69-AP127 Miles, C. Donald

FF 111 - 69-AP128 Wiecek, William M.

FF 112 - 69-AP129 Kren, Claudia

FF 113 - 69-AP130 Benjamin, Neal B. H.

FF 114 - 69-AP131 Farish, D. J.

FF 115 - 69-AP132 Bull, Stanley Raymond

FF 116 - 69-AP133 Novak, John T.

FF 117 - 69-AP134 Edwards, Terry W.

FF 118 - 69-AP135 Lee, Keum H.

FF 119 - 69-AP136 Schilling, Don

FF 120 - 69-AP137 Dannemann, Ulrich

FF 121 - 69-AP138 Ahlbrandt, Calvin D.

FF 122 - 69-AP139 Gratorich, Eugene

FF 123 - 69-AP140 Sabin, John R.

FF 124 - 69-AP141 Sentilles, F. Dennis

FF 125 - 69-AP142 Barnes, Ronnie C.

FF 126 - 69-AP143 Megargle, Robert

FF 127 - 69-AP144 Curtis, James M.

FF 128 - 69-AP145 Staats, Glenn E.

FF 129 - 69-AP146 Pierce, David A.

FF 130 - 69-AP147 Littlejohn, William Laney

FF 131 - 69-AP201 Brown, Robert L.

FF 132 - 69-AP202 Walter, Edward F.

FF 133 - 69-AP203 Weinglass, David H.

FF 134 - 69-AP204 Hsu, Edward J.

FF 135 - 69-AP205 Field, Marvin

FF 136 - 69-AP206 Stern, Daniel H.

FF 137 - 69-AP207 Wenner, Bruce R.

FF 138 - 69-AP208 Thomas, Timothy F.

FF 139 - 69-AP209 Cole, Henry F.

FF 140 - 69-AP210 Martin, Ben L.

FF 141 - 69-AP211 Chappell, Gary S.

FF 142 - 69-AP301 Look, D. C., Jr.

FF 143 - 69-AP302 Animalu, Alex 0. E.

FF 144 - 69-AP303 Garbacz, Christope

FF 145 - 69-AP304 Kalinowski, Joseph E.

FF 146 - 69-AP305 Cohen, Gerald Leonard

FF 147 - 69-AP306 Grant, Sheldon K.

FF 148 - 69-AP307 Tranter, William H.

FF 149 - 69-AP401 Fleming, Theodore H.

FF 150 - 69-AP403 Friedman, Harvey P.

FF 151 - 69-AP404 Leventhal, Jacob J.

FF 152 - 69-AP409 Sandling, Robert

FF 153 - 69-AP412 Gerteis, Louis S.

FF 154 - 69-AP416 Resh, Richard W.

FF 155 - 69-AP417 Hand, John H.

FF 156 - 69-AP419 Margolis, Marvin S.

FF 157 - 69-AP421 Lagorio, Valerie M.

FF 158 - 69-AP428 Rouse, Robert A.

FF 159 - 69-AP438 Patterson, Miles L.

FF 160 - 69-AP440 Tierney, James E.

FF 161 - 69-AP441 Maltby, William S.

FF 162 - Assistant Professor, 69-AP101-161 [RESTRICTED]

Box 4

FF 163 - Assistant Professor, 69-AP162-183 [RESTRICTED]

FF 164 - Assistant Professor, 69-AP184-200 [RESTRICTED]

FF 165 - Assistant Professor, 69-AP212-230 [RESTRICTED]

FF 166 - Assistant Professor, 69-AP308-355 [RESTRICTED]

FF 167 - Assistant Professor, 69-AP402-439 [RESTRICTED]

FF 168 - 69-T1O3 Herrick, Merlyn

FF 169 - 69-T112 (various applications, Improvement of Teaching)

FF 170 - 69-T130 Allison, Dolores H.(Timmons)

FF 171 - 69-T131 Emmons, Charles L.

FF 172 - 69-Tl32 Murdock, John

FF 173 - 69-201 Waring, Richard C.

FF 174 - 69-T202 Milstead, William W. and Myers, Richard F.

FF 175 - 69-T203 Nahrstedt, Gary W.

FF 176 - 69-T205 League, Robin

FF 177 - 69-T206 Stern, Daniel H. and Stern, Michele S.

FF 178 - 69-T209 Justesen, Donald R.

FF 179 - 69-T210 Martin, Donald D.

FF 180 - 69-T301 Muhlbauer, Karl (Also see FF 218)

FF 181 - 69-T302 Morris, A. E.

FF 182 - 69-T303 Gaddy, J. L.

FF 183 - 69-T304 Winrich, Lonny B.

FF 184 - 69-T305 Fuller, H. Q.

FF 185 - 69-T307 Snow, William R.

FF 186 - 69-T308 Martin, Lynn W.

FF 187 - 69-T401 Griffith, William D. and Marshall, Jon C.

FF 188 - 69-T402 Garigan, Daniel

FF 189 - 69-T403 North, Gerald

FF 190 to FF 194 - Faculty Development 1969

FF 195 - 69-101 Bent, H. E.

FF 196 - 69-102 Thomas, Edgar R.

FF 197 - 69-105 Bender, Robert M.

FF 198 - 69-108 Carson, William L.

FF 199 - 69-109 TenBrink, Terry D.

FF 200 - 69-113 Bondeson, William

FF 201 - 69-119 Davis, Stanley N.

FF 202 - 69-134 Leavy, Marvin D.

FF 203 - 69-136 Fedder, Edwin H.

FF 204 - 69-137 Ford, Edmund A.

FF 205 - 69-141 Horner, Winifred B.

FF 206 - 69-143 Jones, William M.

FF 207 - 69-202 Farnsworth, Robert

FF 208 - 69-204 Willis, Frank N., Jr.

FF 209 - 69-208 Brazelton, W. Robert

Box 5

FF 210 - 69-209 McIlrath, Patricia

FF 211 - 69-212 Branyan, Robert L.

FF 212 - 69-214 Parizek, Eldon J.

FF 213 - 69-216 Myers, Richard F. and Mitchell, Henry A.

FF 214 - 69-217 Connolly, John W.

FF 215 - 69-218 Bransby, Eric James

FF 216 - 69-219 Lott, Peter F.

FF 217 - 69-305 Tappmeyer, W. P.

FF 218 - 69-306 Muhlbauer, K. C. (See also FF 180)

FF 219 - 69-307 Barefield, Robert S.

FF 220 - 69-309 Pauls, Franklin B.

FF 221 - 69-311 Bertnolli, E. C. and Kern, F. J.

FF 222 - 69-313 Emanuel, Jack H.

FF 223 - 69-317 Spooner, James E.

FF 224 - 69-402 Boswell, John J.

FF 225 - 69-403 Jenkins, Sarah

FF 226 - 69-405 Doyle, James F.

FF 227 - 69-407 Miller, Kenneth E.

FF 228 - 69-408 Ganz, David R.

FF 229 - 69-409 Miller, Jane A.

FF 230 - 69-411 Haimo, Deborah Tepper

FF 231 - 69-414 Sherman, Lewis J.

FF 232 - 69-417 Fuss, Peter and Parks, Jane

FF 233 - 69-418 Rouse, Robert A.

FF 234 - 69-419 Clayton, Elizabeth

FF 235 - Undergraduate Education (1969-1970) (Rejected)

FF 236 - Undergraduate Education (1968-1969) (Rejected)

FF 237 - Final Reports, Undergraduate Improvement Projects (1968-1969)

FF 238 - Final Project Reports, Fund for Improvement of Undergraduate Education (1968-1969)

FF 239 - Improvement of Undergraduate Instruction Proposals (1970-1971)

FF 240 - Ad Hoc Committee - Nation's Health Crisis

FF 241 - University Advisory Committee - MRMP (Missouri Regional Medical Program)

FF 242 - Advisory Council

FF 243 - MRMP - Agenda (July 1967-December 1969)

FF 244 - Outline - MRMP Application (1969-1970

FF 245 - Renewal Application RMP (1969)

FF 246 - Assistant Director (W. Coffman) RMP (November 1967-June 1968)

FF 247 - Award Letter (March-August 1968)

FF 248 - RMP Budgeting (December 1967-December 1969)

FF 249 - MRMP Clinical Staff Activity (July 1968-June 1969)

FF 250 - RMP Computer Program (November 1967-October 1969)

FF 251 - Computer Use Agreement - (5/12/1969)

FF 252 - Conference Workshop RMP (1/17-19/1968)

FF 253 - RMP Continuing Education (June 1968-November 1969)

FF 254 - Core Descriptions and Interrelationships (February 1969)

FF 255 - RMP Director Wakerlin (correspondence) - (May 1967-May 1968)

FF 256 - Dr. Rikli Correspondence (Director of Operations) (February 1968-October 1969)

FF 257 - Early MRMP material

Box 6

FF 258 - Early MRMP material- Heart, Stroke, Cancer

FF 259 - EKG Remodeling (Lindberg) (November 1967-February 1968)

FF 260 - MRMP EKG Tutor (September-December 1968)

FF 261 - RMP "Entre Nores" - (June 1967-November 1969)

FF 262 - RMP Equipment (May 1967-May 1968)

FF 263 - Executive Director (January 1967-September 1968)

FF 264 - MRMP Expenditures (November-December 1968)

FF 265 - RMP First Planning Grant (April 1968)

FF 266 - RMP Floor Space (May 1967-December 1969)

FF 267 - MRMP Fund Codes for Projects (July 1968)

FF 268 to FF 270 - RMP General Correspondence (November 1967-December 1969)

FF 271 - Grant Application "Metropolitan Area Lab to Study Delivery of Health Care to Persons at Risk (HSC)-KC (11/1967-11/1968)

FF 272 - Grant Application - Narcotic Addict (May-August 1968)

FF 273 - Grant Data Forms (early 1968)

FF 274 - MRMP Supplemental Guidelines

FF 275 - Dr. Hardwicke - Mental Health

FF 276 - Health Planning Agencies (Fall-April 1968)

FF 277 - RMP IBM Corporation (September 1967)

FF 278 - "Ice Pick" Project (1966-1969) - Contains handwritten notes on Automated Hospital Patient Survey; financing of the survey, sample of card used for survey; correspondence and questions on the survey; tabulations of data from "ice pick" cards returned 1966; plus more

FF 279 to FF 280 - RMP Information Directors Office (October 1967-August 1968)

FF 281 - The Interrelations of Comprehensive Health Planning, Office of Economic Opportunity, and Regional Medical Programs (CHP-OEO-RMP) (1968)

FF 282 - RMP - Kansas City (December 1966-February 1968)

FF 283 - MRMP Legislation (May 1968-December 1969)

FF 284 - RMP - Maps and Charts - Contains charts and maps on Missouri Region population, distribution of nurses, doctors, Doctors of Osteopathy, and incidence of stroke

FF 285 - Regional Medical Library (December 1967)

FF 286 - MRMP memos (October 1967-February 1968)

FF 287 - NDTI (National Diseases and Therapeutic Index) November 1967 - Contains Annual Report of NDTI

FF 288 - News from NIH (National Institutes of Health)

FF 289 - NY RMP Bulletin - Metronews (January 1968)

FF 290 - RMP News, Information, Data - (9/18-10/24/1969)

FF 291 - Ninth Operational Grant Applications (no date)

FF 292 - Outline - Individual Project Submission (July 23, 1968)

FF 293 - RMP Organization and Staff Directory (September 1968)

Box 7

FF 294 - RMP Personnel (November 1967- November 1968)

FF 295 - Basic Philosophy MRMP - A Reassessment (ca. 1969)

FF 296 - Progress Report MRMP (4/l/1967-2/l/1969)

FF 297 - Project Directorship Change - from W. D. Bryant to David Jones (December 1968-January 1969)

FF 298 - MRMP Project Review Cycle (10/1968)

FF 299 - Proposed Coordination General Hospitals - Contains 1963 maps on coordination between Missouri Hospitals

FF 300 - RMP Proposals (November 1967-mid 1968)

FF 301 - PPB (Program Planned Budgeting) Activities (July 1968-January 1969)

FF 302 - Quarterly Reports RMP Projects (September-December 1968)

FF 303 - Dr. Dan Roger's Site visit

FF 304 - RMP Scientific Review Committee (May-November 1967)

FF 305 - Meeting of Scientific Review Committee (9/25/1967)

FF 306 - Site Visit Tape (September-November 1969)

FF 307 - Skaggs Community Hospital (June 1968)

FF 308 - Smithville Community Hospital (October 1967-January 1969)

FF 309 to FF 310 - The Smithville Project Workup (late 1967-early 1968)

FF 311 - Smithville Community Health Grant (1968)

FF 312 - RMP Springfield (June 1967-January 1968)

FF 313 - RMP St. Louis (December 1967-February 1968)

(No FF 314)

FF 315 - St. Louis Site Visit - Renal Dialysis

FF 316 - Stillwater, Oklahoma Manpower Meeting (May 17-18, 1968)

FF 317 - "Survey" Project - RMP (August-September 1967)

FF 318 - Systems Engineering Laboratories (1967)

FF 319 - MRMP - Trips (Information) (October 1967-January 1968)

FF 320 - Virginia and Kansas RMP (June 1968)

FF 321 - RMP - Visitors (October 1967-September 1968)

FF 322 - Washington Report on Medicine and Health - (October 6, 1969-January 5, 1970)

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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