Record Group: 4 UW Scope and Content Note
This Record Sub-Group contains records of the University of Missouri
President's Office. Included in the Sub-Group are correspondence, official reports (relating to the University of Missouri System Administration), and other items of concern or interest to the President's Office. The time span covered by these documents includes the of tenures of University of Missouri Presidents Frederick Middlebush, Elmer Ellis, and John Weaver. Also included in this Sub-Group are social and official invitations and documents pertaining to student and faculty unrest, degree programs, faculty and student events, honors and awards, gifts and grants, scholarships, budget and capital needs, improvements and appropriations, honorary degrees, commencement ceremonies, and the University of Missouri-Columbia nuclear research reactor. Additional records in the Sub-Group pertain to charitable foundations, enrollment-related questionnaires, policies and practices, cost studies, concerns of legislators, the AID (Agency for International Development) India Project, communications with chancellors and department chairs, political and racial discrimination, labor negotiations, the Vietnam Moratorium, curfew and intervisitation policies and reactions, and regulatory and policy revision. Finally, there are several photographs of campus scenes at the University of Missouri-St Louis, ca. 1966 within the Sub-Group. Series Descriptions: The Records that comprise this Record Sub-Group are organized into nine series. Within these series, arrangement is alphabetical. Series One consists of general correspondence, 1959-1966. Series Two contains records relating to charitable foundations which have, in various ways, sponsored the University of Missouri, 1952-1969. Series Three consists of documents pertaining to professional associations, 1955-1970. Series Four contains records relating to various agencies and officers of the Federal and Missouri State governments, 1963-1970. Series Five holds documents pertaining to the University of Missouri-Columbia, 1956-1970. Series Six has records relating to the University of Missouri-Kansas City, 1966-1970. In Series Seven are documents pertaining to the University of Missouri-Rolla, 1966-1970. Series Eight holds records relating to the University of Missouri-St Louis, 1967-1970. Series Nine is comprised of University of Missouri System-Wide records, 1962-1967.
Series One - General Correspondence FF 1 - A to I - General Correspondence, 1959-1966 FF 2 - Anonymous - Unusual Correspondence, (opposition against and support for: speakers and speeches on campus by "socialists," "Negro Made Pawn of Communism," evils of organized religion, foreign "sympathizers" - exchange students, hiring of William P. Murphy because of his anti-segregation views, faculty members being members of socialist party and issues of academic freedom, UMC Student Rights Movement Committee, as well as newspaper clippings, publications, correspondence, etc.), 1964-1965 FF 3 - Chamier, Senator Richard, 1953-1964 FF 4 - College Blue Book, (statistics compilations), 1961-1964 FF 5 - Dale, Robert S. - Carthage Evening President, 1962-1965 FF 6 - General Electric Company, (research reactor, scholarships), 1956-1966 FF 7 - General Motors Corporation, (scholarships, gifts), 1964-1965 FF 8 - Green, Robert S., (A.P. Green Fire Brick Company building of Green Chapel), 1955-1965 FF 9 - Hill, C. Howard, (gifts of rare books, maps, etc. to the University of Missouri), 1956-1963 FF 10 - Housing and Home Finance Agency, (complaint regarding housing policy assignment of racially mixed roommates - equal opportunity in housing; dormitory bonds), 1957-1968 FF 11 - Howard, Bailey K., (gift of paintings by Francis LaGrange; Moran E. and Anna O. Howard Scholarship Fund), 1963-1968 FF 12 - Hunter, Judge Elmo B., 1957-1965 FF 13 - Institutes: Counseling and Guidance with the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1959-1968 FF 14 - IBM, International Business Machines, (equipment for Medical Center; gifts), 1957-1964 FF 15 - International Cooperation Administration, India Program, 1957-1962 FF 16 - Kemper Family, (gifts, interest in museum), 1960-1965 FF 17 - M to O - General Correspondence, 1959-1965 FF 18 - Meramec Basin Corporation, 1958-1962 FF 19 - National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1962-1966 FF 20 - National Defense Disclaimer, (loyalty oath regarding an effort to repeal), 1960 FF 21 - P to Z - General Correspondence, 1957-1968 FF 22 - Penney, J.C., (gift of bronze statue of "Foremost," a bull, and a copy of The James Cash Penney Story, by Dr. A.C. Ragsdale), 1953-1963 FF 23 - Questionnaires, (degree information; enrollment statistics; data processing; "Study of Policies and Practices Regarding Student Expression on Controversial Societal Issues"; space utilization; Austin Commission on Human Relations - survey on desegregation; cost studies; granting of tenure; regional cooperation in higher education; admissions policies), 1961-1964 FF 24 - St. Louis Research Council, (report regarding the site for National Accelerator Laboratory), 1965 FF 25 - Wadsworth, Homer C., (Kansas City Association of Trusts and Foundations President), 1956-1965 FF 26 - White, L. Mitchell and Robert M. White II, (Mexico Evening Ledger), 1955-1965
Series Two - Charitable Foundations FF 27 - Danforth Foundation, 1966-1969 FF 28 - Ford Foundation, 1966-1968 FF 29 - Kress Foundation, (gifts of paintings), 1952-1965 FF 30 - Kellogg Foundation, (continuing education), 1956-1962 FF 31 - Kresge Foundation, (grant application for construction of Art and Archeology building), 1956-1957 FF 32 - Missouri Educational Foundation, 1960 FF 33 - Wohl Foundation, (grant application to assist making Penney Warehouse into educational center), 1962 FF 34 - Woodrow Wilson Foundation, 1967-1969/
Series Three - Professional Associations FF 35 - American Council on Education: Campus Unrest, 1967-1970 FF 36 - Commission on Administrative Affairs, 1969-1970 FF 37 - Committees, Miscellaneous, 1966-1969 FF 38 - Study of Statewide Systems of Higher Education, Advisory Committee, 1966-1969 FF 39 - Dobbins, Charles G., Executive Secretary and Assistant to the President, 1964-1965 FF 40 - Logan Wilson, President, 1966-1970
FF 1 - American Council of Learned Societies, 1968 FF 2 - American Association of State Colleges and Universities, 1966-1970 FF 3 - Associated Midwest Universities (formerly Argonne National Lab), 1956-1966 FF 4 - Association of American Colleges, (resolutions, statements, and etc. regarding selective service, and student rights), 1968 FF 5 - Association of American Universities, Nathan M. Pusey President, 1968-1970 FF 6 - Charles Kidd, Council on Federal Relations Director, (report regarding: financial difficulties of universities and federal support; student deferments; meetings with President Nixon; federal legislation proposed; Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency - "Haverford Agreement" regarding financial aid and laws requiring reporting of students' activities; Study on outlook for a fall recess related to student political activity; Department of Defense review of sponsored research; survey of ROTC programs; student unrest riders on appropriations bills), 1969-1970 FF 7 - Carnegie-Ford Study, ("Study of Financial Status and Outlook of Colleges and Universities"), 1970 FF 8 - McCurdy, Charles, Executive Secretary, (policy statements regarding student unrest and demonstrations at various institutions; meetings scheduled; membership; federal funding of higher education), 1966-1970 FF 9 - Meetings, (Reserve Officer Training Corps survey report), 1970 FF 10 - Meetings, 1969 FF 11 - Meetings, 1968 FF 12 - Meetings, 1966-1967 FF 13 - International Association of Universities, 1955-1967 FF 14 - International Association of University Presidents, 1968 FF 15 - Institute of International Education, 1966-1968 FF 16 - Mid-American State Universities Association (MASUA), n.d. FF 17 to 17b - MASUA, Dr. Paul M. Young, Executive Director. These 3 folders include correspondence and a report regarding an inventory of doctoral programs; feasibility study of regional scientific computing facility; uniform resident and non-resident fees; membership; proposed radio-carbon dating lab; Traveling Scholars Program; inventory of MASUA programs; international programs - federal aid; cooperative programs, including the library cooperative program, 1966-1970 FF 18 to 18b - MASUA Correspondence. These 3 folders contain reports, and statistics sent and received from member representatives and MASUA regarding cooperative programs; expansion of membership; goals and objectives for MASUA; international student statistics and programs for MASUA students abroad; study of dental education; Articles of Agreement; proposed 200 BEV national particle accelerator; research administration and meetings of various department chairs, 1959-1970 FF 19 - MASUA Exchange Programs, (Nebraska, Kansas, Arkansas, and UMC), 1966-1967 FF 20 to FF 20a - MASUA Meetings. These 2 folders contains a report regarding radio-carbon lab; meeting minutes; report of the Executive Director; and a report regarding magnetic resonance spectrometer, 1966-1970
Series Three - Professional and Educational Associations (cont'd) FF 1 - Midwest Research Institute, 1963-1969 FF 2 - National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (name changed from American Association of Land-Grant Colleges and State Universities in 1965) Correspondence, n.d. FF 2a - NASULGC Correspondence, 1956-1970 FF 3 - Committee on Educational Opportunities for Minorities, 1967-1969 FF 4 - Council on Academic Affairs, 1965-1966 FF 5 - Meetings, 1966-1969 FF 6 - Director Office of Institutional Research, (newsletters; enrollment statistics; questionnaire regarding political activities and campus disorders; tax credit legislation opposition; survey regarding state legislative responses to student unrest and campus disorder), 1964-1970 FF 7 - Study of the Role of the University in Public Affairs, 1969-1970 FF 8 - National Conference on Higher Education, 1966-1968 FF 9 - North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, (letters of accreditation for various degree programs and report of a visit to UMSL 12/14-17/1969), 1967-1970
Series Four - Federal and State Government FF 10 - United States Presidents and Vice Presidents, (copies of a message to graduating classes (signed) by President Nixon; invitation to prayer breakfast and Nixon Inauguration; news release regarding Selective Service; campus unrest), 1966-1970 FF 11 to FF 11a - United States Senators and Representatives. These 2 folders include documents pertaining to luncheons with Missouri delegations; survey honorariums paid to campus guest speakers; transfer of Weldon Spring properties; University of Missouri administrators' response to C.H. Percy's suggestion that classes should be suspended during the fall semester of 1970 so that students can participate in electoral process; elimination federal support for land-grant colleges (Bankhead-Jones funds); campus unrest legislation; medical education - Public Health Service Act; International Education Act; possible location of Army Aviation Research Center in St. Louis; draft law changes; reactions to "Chalk-In" at UMC, 1966-1970 FF 12 - Eagleton, Senator Thomas F., (transfer Weldon Spring properties; appropriations; campus disorders), 1969-1970 FF 13 - Symington, Senator Stuart, (appropriations; proposed student environmental - pollution "teach-in"; Weldon Spring facility), 1967-1970 FF 14 - Agency for International Development (AID), (training agreements; rural community development, etc.), 1961-1965 FF 15 - United States Department of Agriculture, (Equal Employment Opportunity in State Cooperative Extension Service regulations), 1966-1970 FF 16 - United States Air Force, 1967-1970 FF 17 - United States Army, (University of Missouri intent and interest in Weldon Spring), 1967-1970 FF 18 - Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), (University of Missouri interest in Weldon Spring), 1966-1970 FF 19 - Department of Commerce, 1967-1970 FF 20 - Department of Defense, (correspondence course contracts; "Blue Ribbon Defense Panel" to study Department of Defense), 1967-1970 FF 21 - Department Health, Education and Welfare, (grant award notifications; summary data from ethnic background cards - 73% of University of Missouri students falsely indicated being American Indian), 1966-1970 FF 22 - Department of the Interior, 1967-1970 FF 23 - Department of Justice, (Law Enforcement Education Program), 1968-1970 FF 24 - Department of Labor, 1967-1970 FF 25 to FF 25b - National Science Foundation. These 3 folders, containing information on grants awarded, 1967-1970 FF 26 - United States Navy, 1968 FF 27 - Department of State, (educational services), 1966-1970 FF 28 - Governor Warren Hearnes, (UMC central heating and power plant; Vietnam Moratorium; meetings; requested information), 1969-1970 FF 29 - Missouri Attorney General, (legal research authority - civil disorders on campus; teaching of religion), 1966-1969 FF 30 - Missouri Secretary of State, 1966-1970 FF 31 - Missouri Comptroller and Budget Director, (higher education financial crisis; appropriations; budget requests), 1966-1970
Series Four - Federal and State Government (cont'd) FF 1 to FF 1a - Senators and Representatives. These 2 folders include correspondence regarding an amendment to restrict United States President's conduct of (Vietnam) war; Medical School planning; UMC Power Plant Project; requests for information; budget; student unrest resolution, 1969-1970 FF 2 - Legislative Wives Luncheon, 1967 FF 3 - General Assembly Miscellaneous File, ("Report of the House Appropriations Committee Tour of the Four Campuses of UM"), 1967-1969 FF 4 - Hearings, (need for a UMKC chemistry building), 1967 FF 5 - State of Missouri Miscellaneous File, (a printed report on "The Missouri Governor's Conference on Education," held at UMC, October, 1966), 1966-1970 FF 6 - Division of Commerce and Industrial Development, 1968-1970 FF 7 - Department of Community Affairs, 1967-1970 FF 8 - Conservation Federation of Missouri, 1967-1970 FF 9 - Department of Education, (formation Missouri State Council on Education and the publication of "Guides" for teachers), 1966-1970 FF 10 - Committee on State Fiscal Affairs, 1966-1969 FF 11 - Missouri Commission on Human Rights, (Chairman Richard J. Chamier's reactions to student demonstrations, 5/1970), 1968-1970 FF 12 - Division of Planning and Construction, 1966-1969 FF 13 - Department of Public Health and Welfare, 1968-1970 FF 14 - Department of Revenue, 1968-1969 FF 15 - State Highway Commission and State Highway Patrol, (civil disorder and meetings with chancellors), 1967-1969 FF 16 - Supreme Court of Missouri, 1966-1969 FF 17 to FF 17a - Missouri Commission on Higher Education. These 2 folders include documentation on state support for private medical education; budget appropriations; reaction to draft of revised coordinate plan, duplication of programs, program improvement, 1969-1970 FF 18 - Missouri Commission on Higher Education, Executive Secretary, (statements regarding campus disruption; statistical reports; meeting notes), 1970 FF 19 - Missouri Commission on Higher Education, (prospective replacements for Executive Secretary, Ben Morton), 1970 [Restricted] FF 20 - Missouri Commission on Higher Education, (membership lists and Certificates of Appointment for Presidents John Weaver and Elmer Ellis), 1963-1970 FF 21 to FF 21d - Missouri Commission on Higher Education Meeting Files. These 5 folders containing meeting notes; statistics; grant request summaries; enrollment projections and proposed ceilings; appropriations and capital improvement justification; copies of newspaper clippings; presentations; 2/24/69 letter from President Elmer Ellis to Ben Morton regarding the origin of junior college law; "Report on Dental Manpower in Missouri", by R.L. McNamara; Title VI applications, and recommendations and priorities, 1970
Series 5 - University Of Missouri-Columbia FF 22 - American Association of University Professors - Columbia Chapter, (reaction to Vietnam Moratorium; problems in communication between faculty and administration; policy regarding political activity of University of Missouri employees; "Report of the Committee on Academic Freedom of Students"; and resolutions regarding strike by Local #45), 1966-1970 FF 23 - Admissions, (responses to questionnaire regarding Junior College Transition Conference), 1966-1970 FF 24 - College of Agriculture, (100th anniversary of the college and an "Abridged Report of the President's Committee on Communication"), 1968-1970 FF 25 - Aids and Awards, 1966-1970 FF 26 - Alumni Association, 1968-1969 FF 27 - Arts and Science, College of, (Report on Interdisciplinary Conference on Physical Science and Biology; sabbatical reports; History Department resolutions regarding campus disorder; S. Weinberg regarding history of Museum of Art and Archaeology; Faculty Development Funds; report regarding teaching assistant stipends; possible residency of St. Louis Symphony Orchestra in Columbia; statements regarding the Vietnam War Moratorium by W. Johnson to class; faculty reaction to Weaver's speech on freshman-sophomore instruction; and statements regarding the Negative Hour Rule), 1966-1970 FF 28 - Athletics, (a copy of, "Devine Decade at Mizzou 1958-1967" booklet; and correspondence regarding V-Club activities and the Orange Bowl), 1966-1970 FF 29 - Business and Public Administration, School of, (Department of Political Science resolution regarding University Governance), 1967-1970 FF 30 - Botany Department, (proposed reorganization of Department), 1969 FF 31 - Business Office, 1967-1970
Series Five - University of Missouri-Columbia (cont'd) FF 1 to FF 1e - Chancellor John W. Schwada. These 6 folders contain a "Report on Campus Events During May 1970"; documents regarding relations of Medical Center with outside physicians; budget allocations, problems, and revisions; and a statement by Chancellor Schwada, 5/7/1970 Other topics included in these folders consist of proposed fund-raising for "Astroturf" in stadium; faculty comments regarding no salary increase, responsibilities in classroom, proposed changes in student housing regulations, faculty by-laws, and modified pass-fail grading system; Off-campus football game policy; Missouri Students Association comments regarding: proposed housing regulations changes, beatings of students by students, revision of student conduct code, and a "Student Bill of Rights"; as well as a memorandum regarding "intervisitation" protest, 1/1970.Also included within this series of file folders are records regarding: faculty protest on calendar change; questionnaire regarding faculty participation in University governance; bonus for football coaches when team has a bowl game; broadcast facilities and problems of KOMU-TV; "Stipend X" for graduate assistants; proposed changes of Board by-laws on the Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics functions; Vietnam War Moratorium, 10/15/1969; dismissal of classes by faculty and School of Business and Public Administration resolution; dean's salaries; and the establishment of College of Engineering Advisory Council. Lastly, there are documents in the file folders relating to: A "Report on Incidents of May 19 and 20, 1969," by the Legion of Black Collegians; Veiled Prophet Parade; student march on Jefferson City, 4/25/1969, protesting political and racial discrimination; strike by Local #45, with a photo contact sheet of picket line, 2/4/1969; dean searches [RESTRICTED], including the Dean of Students; A printed copy of Free Press Underground newspaper, 2/1969; withdrawal of recognition of Students for a Democratic Society, for "distribution of indecent printed literature"; summary of peace demonstration, 2/24/1969; speakers on campus; discipline of Sigma Chi fraternity, 1969-1970, [RESTRICTED] FF 2 - Assistant to Chancellor, V. Alonzo Metcalf, (speakers on campus and estimates of number of "colored students and staff members" on all campuses), 1964-1970 FF 3 - Commencements, (program scripts and acceptance letters from honorary degree recipients, including Tennessee Williams), 1967-1969 FF 4 - Dean of Faculties, (dismissal of classes on 5/4-16/1970; status of the Clinical Psychology program; statement by H.W. Schooling at ROTC Commissioning Ceremony, 1/29/1969; budget concerns; building program bond issue; admission standards and grading), 1966-1970 FF 5 - Development Fund, 1969-1970 FF 6 - Education, College of, (copies of NCATE accreditation return visitor report; Educational Psychology Learning Lab, regarding search Report #1; documents relating to the University of Missouri's interest in junior colleges), 1966-1970 FF 7 - Engineering, College of, (student statements regarding class boycott in support of Vietnam protest, 10/15/1970; architectural education; proposal to NASA for a sustaining grant for space related research), 1967-1970 FF 8 - Ellinger, Roy, (copy of "Student Rights - Student Power"; letter by Ellinger relating to AAUP; telegram from AAUP to President Weaver regarding academic freedom and renewal of appointments; poster student march to Jefferson City and newspaper clippings), 1969-1970 FF 9 - Extension, 1968-1970 FF 10 to FF 10d - Faculty, University of Missouri-Columbia. These 5 folders contain correspondence and other documents pertaining to: faculty involvement in Vietnam Moratorium; establishment of an Inter-Campus Faculty Advisory Council; political activity of University of Missouri staff; sabbatical report; anti-semitism; faculty reactions to student unrest, SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) literature and freedom of speech; Governor's Conference on Economic Education; grants, awards, and honors; sale of cigarettes on campus; The University Club; and the open housing vote in Columbia. Also addressed in these file folders are: academic tenure regulations - dismissal for cause; changes in staff benefits; review procedures for proposals for outside support and the lack of communication between students and Administrators; "Chalk-in" faculty involvement; a printed copy of the Middle Devonian of Central Missouri 14th Annual Field Trip Guide by the Association of Missouri Geologists; copies of Columbia V.I.T.A. (Volunteers for International Technical Assistance) Chapter Newsletter; A.A.U.P. resolutions regarding "Chalk-in", strike by Local #45; Honors College cost study, 1966-1969. FF 11 - Faculty, UMC, Candidates Miscellaneous, (mimeographed "Department of Geology Self-Study Report"), 1970 FF 12 - Faculty Development Fund Awards, 1970 FF 13 - Fiscal Business Office, 1967 FF 14 - Freedom of Information Center, 1967-1968 FF 15 - Galeota, William - Director of Student Health, (approach to drug abuse problem; flu vaccine for all UM employees, 1967-1970 FF 16 - Graduate School, (a report entitled, "Evaluation of Master's Degree Program in Geography..."; report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Graduate Faculty Organization and Participation in Government, and of the Committee on Planning and Policy of the Graduate Council 4/18/1968; proposed state-wide plan to ameliorate effects of selective service on teaching quality; "Graduate School Boom..." a paper by William M. Jones, Associate Dean; sabbatical leave - Report of the Committee on Support of Scholarly Endeavor), 1961-1980 FF 17 - History Department, (loss of faculty), 1967 FF 18 - Historical Society, n.d. FF 19 - Home Economics, School of, 1969-1970 FF 20 - Journalism, School of, (KOMU funding and debt; "Missouri Forum"; review of J.C. Penney Awards; study of Master's Degree Programs in Journalism), 1964-1970 FF 21 - Law, School of, (student conduct code revision; tenure regulations revision; inspection by American Bar Association), 1956-1970 FF 22 - Library, 1968-1970
Series Five - University Of Missouri-Columbia (cont'd) FF 1 - Maneater, (A.A.U.P. guidelines on academic freedom), 1968-1970 FF 2 - Marienfield, Carl J. - Director of Health Related Research, (site visits and grants to research "Trace Substances in Environmental Health"), 1967-1968 FF 3 - Medicine, School of, (sabbatical report; organizational pattern and administrative position of Medical Center; St. Louis State Hospital Complex Workshop; Committee on the Image of UMC Medical Center in regard to treatment of outside physicians; faculty honors and awards; statistics concerning educational programs at the UMC School of Medicine; A mimeographed copy of "The Past, Present and Future of the UM Medical Center," by Dean William D. Mayer), 1967-1970 FF 4 - Medicine, School of, 1967-1970 [RESTRICTED] FF 5 - Nursing, School of, ("Progress Report for Accreditation National League for Nursing"), 1967-1970 FF 6 - Pathology Department, (proposed Ph.D. program), 1968 FF 7 - Radio FM, (current situation; recommendations; objectives for all campuses), 1967 FF 8 - Rollins, James, 1967-1968 FF 9 - Religion, School of, (Institute of Black Theology), 1966-1970 FF 10 - R.O.T.C., 1966-1970 FF 11 - Sinclair Farm, (grant, Animal Resource for Aging and Chronic Disease Studies), 1969 FF 12 - Social and Community Services, School of, (Bill Wickersham regarding freedom of speech, student protest, and higher education; School and Departments Annual Report; N.C.A.A. and "Big 8" regulations for athletes; mimeographed "School of Social Work Experimental Program"), 1967-1970 FF 13 - Stewart Fund, Oscar M., 1958-1969 FF 14 - Students, General, ("Provisional Rules of Procedure in Student Disciplinary Matters"; speakers on campus; student unrest, "Gentle Tuesday," Vietnam Moratorium; A.C.L.U. panel discussion entitled: "What Are the Rights of Students at the UM?"; Missouri Peace Study Institute program proposal; extended open house proposal, intervisitation; United States District Court, regarding student discipline in tax supported institutions of higher learning; Women's Centennial Year), 1966-1970 FF 15 - Students, Drug Story, (8/8/1967 LOOK magazine articles: "Drugs on the campus"; "Potheads in Missouri"; Newspaper clippings), 1967 FF 16 - Dean of Students, (speakers on campus; Student Conduct Committee (Faculty) report; "Campus Happenings" 11/2/1968; procedures for handling of conduct cases when felony involved; S.D.S. wanting to charge admission to a reading of "Macbird"), 1967-1970 FF 17 - Missouri Student Association (MSA), (revision of student housing rules; MSA President's Report on University Reform; resolution regarding Vietnam War; proposed constitution; report on the MSA, SA and AWS retreat 9/28/1968), 1967-1970 FF 17a - MSA Senate, (meeting minutes), 1969-1970 FF 18 to 18a - Student Demonstrations and Unrest. These 2 file folders contain newspaper clippings, correspondence, reactions to and statements on incidents on campus; intervisitation; Vietnam Moratorium; anti-war protests; university governance; faculty involvement in incidents; free speech, SDS, obscene literature; speakers on campus; panty raids, 1967-1970 FF 19 to 19a - Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). These 2 file folders consist of newspaper clippings and presidential press releases, correspondence, publications and handouts, petitions, and statements relating to demonstrations and rallies; distribution of literature; MSA Board of Inquiry report and recommendations regarding SDS distribution of literature - events of 10/14/1967; mimeographed copy of a "White Paper" regarding SDS staging of "MacBird"; picket lines - use of Memorial Union; withdrawal of recognition of SDS and related appeal; obscene literature; and "Gentle Tuesday", 1967-1969 FF 20 - Students Intervisitation, (public reaction), 1970 FF 21 - Television, KOMU TV, (possible sale; problems at the station; "Present and Future Technical Needs..."; regulations), 1966-1970 FF 22 - Traffic Safety and Security, (need for additional personnel), 1970 FF 23 - University Policy Committee, 1966-1969
Series Six - University of Missouri-Kansas City FF 24 - Alumni, (Report of the Long Range Planning Committee for the University of Missouri-Kansas City Alumni Association), 1966-1970 FF 25 - Athletics, 1969 FF 26 - Chancellor Search Committee, Whaley resignation, 1967 [RESTRICTED] FF 27 to 27b - Chancellor James C. Olson. These 3 folders include documents pertaining to: reorganization of the Offices of Development and Public Information; annual report, 1968-1969; newspaper clippings; resolutions regarding campus unrest; student financial aid funding; speakers on campus; hospital affiliations; plans for a "Crisis Committee"; faculty self-discipline; budget and capital requests; N.C.A. accreditation visit report of 3/1970; report on campus events during 5/1970; student publication policies; faculty salaries; events scheduled for African-American Week; guidelines for computer development; Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Symposium, 1969-1970.
Series Six: University of Missouri-Kansas City (cont'd) FF 1 - Commencement, 1967-1969 FF 2 - Dentistry, School of, (student loans and construction of buildings), 1966-1970 FF 3 - Education, Dean of - Calvin E. Gross, (report on "Negro College-Bound Students and UMKC: An Investigation of Current Problems;" and a prospectus for the Mid-Continent Regional Educational Laboratory), 1965-1967 FF 4 - Faculty, UMKC, (sabbatical leave report, honors, grants, and awards), 1967-1970 FF 5 - Faculties, Dean of - Richard Armitage, 1967-1970 FF 6 - Graduate School, (final report of the Experienced Teacher Fellowship Program; A paper entitled "Basic Principles of Long Range Academic Planning..., by W.J. Dale), 1968-1970 FF 7 - Heysinger, Jack D. - School of Administration, (application for accreditation), 1967-1968 FF 8 - Medical School, (newspaper clippings regarding establishment of a four year degree program and appropriations for same, and related topics), 1968-1970 FF 9 to 9a - Miscellaneous. These 2 folders contain documents relating to statements and questions concerning UMKC's Student Human Relations Commission; faculty awards; honors and grants; a copy of Number One, Spring 1968 - student literary publication; School of Nursing; a copy of Handbook of Physical Education and Intramural Sports, 1967-1968; and faculty participation in anti-war protests, 1967-1970 FF 10 - Pharmacy, School of, (accreditation), 1970 FF 11 - Proposed Graduate Degrees, 1968-1969 FF 12 - Students, (resolutions regarding: Kent State - Vietnam War Moratorium, dismissal of classes, and a Student Bill of Rights), 1968-1970 FF 13 to 13a - Symposium on Dissent. These 2 file folders contain records pertaining to: Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Symposium on Dissent on Domestic and Foreign Policy; newspaper clippings; public reaction and petitions against scheduled speakers: "Statement on Institutional Racism"; source of funding, 1969 FF 14 - Trustees, University of Kansas City, (miscellaneous), 1966-1969 FF 14a - Trustees, Membership - UKC Board of, 1966-1970 FF 14b - Trustees, Meetings - UKC Board of, 1966-1969 FF 15 - University Associates, 1967-1968 FF 16 - University Senate, (meeting minutes, resolutions, and etc.), 1967-1970 FF 17 - Women's Committee, 1967
Series Seven - University of Missouri-Rolla FF 18 - Alumni, UMR, 1968-1970 FF 19 - Athletics, 1969-1970 FF 20 - Chairmen and Directors, 1967-1970 FF 21 to 21b - Chancellor Merl Baker. These 3 file folders contain documents pertaining to: appropriations and budget concerns; increases in student fees; space and facility needs; report on campus events during 5/1970; Arts and Science dean search; comparison of operating costs colleges of engineering; undergraduate nuclear engineering; enrollment limitations, teaching loads, admission standards; salary increases; high ratio of international students in engineering classes; need for study of administrative positions; needs of library for special equipment; UMR Centennial; plans for University Center; degree program proposals - Doctor of Engineering and MA in English, 1970
Series Seven - University of Missouri-Rolla (cont'd) FF 1 to 1b - Chancellor Merl Baker. These 2 file folders contain documents relating to: then old chemistry building fire losses; UMR-UMSL cooperative program; emergency appropriations; Ph.D. in Engineering Management degree proposal; facility and space needs; formation of a Navy ROTC unit; long-range enrollment projections; campus planning - Pereira; UMR Centennial; UMR-UMSL computer science program; possible cooperative graduate programs, 1969 FF 2 - Kenneth Asher, Administrative Assistant to the Chancellor, 1969-1970 FF 3 to 3a - Commencement. These 2 folders, including scripts for commencement ceremonies, 1967-1970 FF 4 - Faculty, UMR, (UMR-UMC Cooperative Teacher Education Program; UMIFAC - Intercampus Faculty Advisory Council first meeting; sabbatical leave report), 1968-1970 FF 5 to 5a - Graduate School. These 2 folders contain records pertaining proposed degree program in Mathematics, Environmental and Planning Engineering, and Engineering Mechanics, 1968-1969 FF 6 - Honorary Degrees, (including acceptance letters), 1967-1970 FF 7 to 7b - UMR Long-Range Planning and Self Study. These 3 folders contain records pertaining to a variety of topics, including: Curricula Expansion Needed at UMR at the Bachelor's and Masters Levels; Needs of UMR in the Development of Graduate Programs by Merl Baker; Long-Range Plan for 1968-1977 UMR, 1966-1968 FF 8 - Miscellaneous, (cooperative program with State Penitentiary; budget and appropriations"), 1967-1970 FF 9 - Students, 1969-1970 [RESTRICTED] FF 10 - Student Demonstrations, (Iranian student participation, 5/1970) [RESTRICTED]
Series Eight - University of Missouri-St. Louis FF 11 - Alumni, UMSL, 1967-1969 FF 12 - Athletics, UMSL, 1968-1970 FF 13 - Bugg, James L. Jr. (business Officer duties and history; building and facilities needs), n.d. FF 14 to 14a - Driscoll, Chancellor Glen. These 2 folders contain documents relating to: Chancellor Driscoll's relations with members of Commission on Higher Education; revision faculty by-laws; chemistry and psychology Ph.D. proposal; actions against faculty that dismissed classes 5/6/1970; "Presentation by UMSL to the Higher Education Coordinating Council of St. Louis"; report of campus events 5/1970; School of Education dean search; selling of underground newspapers on campus; teaching loads; Project A.H.E.A.D. waiver of fees; allocation priorities - budget; "State of UMSL" 2/1970; Report on problems in library services; salary freeze; engineering program and enrollment projections, 1970 FF 15 - Chancellor Search Committee, (selection of Glen Driscoll), 1969 [RESTRICTED] FF 16 to 16a - Acting Chancellor Driscoll. These 2 folders containing a Report of NCA accreditation visit; retention standards for economically disadvantaged students; selection of Glen Driscoll for chancellorship; allocation - budget; Vietnam Moratorium - cancellation of classes 10/15/1969 (handouts included); Traditional Four-Letter Word newsletter 10/3/1969; enrollment; Association of Black Collegians charges of discrimination; publications printed by outside vendors; speech by Chancellor Driscoll - "Campus Unrest: The Long-Range Outlook"; salary adjustments; increase in student fees; computer facilities; Graduate School dean search, organization and administration; revision faculty by-laws; new degree programs, 1969 FF 17 - Commencement, 1967-1979 FF 18 - Faculty, (awards, honors, grants; "Summary of WLPA Site Evaluation Study of the Normandy Campus for the UMSL," 3/1970), 1969-1970 FF 19 - Faculty By-Laws, (proposed), 1968 FF 20 - Faculty Meeting Minutes, 1970
FF 1 - New Degree Program: Masters of Business Administration, 1968 FF 2 - New Degree Program: MA in Economics, 1968 FF 3 - New Degree Program: Master of Education, 1968 FF 4 - New Degree Program: Ph.D. in History, 1970 FF 5 - New Degree Program: B.S. Administration of Justice, 1968-1969 FF 6 - New Degree Program: M.A. in Mathematics, 1969 FF 7 - New Degree Program: M.A. in Political Science, 1968 FF 8 - New Degree Program: M.A. in Sociology, 1968 FF 9 - Planning Report, (A report from divisions, regarding activities, goals and needs. Also includes comments on Campus traffic problem, with 22 black and white photos, 8x10", of crowded campus facilities parking lots), 1966
Series Eight - University of Missouri-St. Louis (cont'd) FF 1 - Students, UMSL, 1969 [RESTRICTED] FF 2 - Senate, University, (meeting minutes), 1968-1970 FF 3 - Personnel, n.d. [RESTRICTED]
Series Nine - University of Missouri System-Wide FF 4 - University of Missouri System-Wide Budget and Salary Information, 1965-1967 FF 5 - Miscellaneous Financial Information (comparison of the University of Missouri with other colleges and universities), 1962-1966 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
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