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Call Number:

Box 1-014750
Box 2-014815
Box 3-014834
Box 4-014834

Record Group: 1 UW
Record Sub-Group: 3
Records Title: UM-System; Board of Curators; Treasurer's Office; Administrative Records
Dates: 1839-1896
Volume: 3 cubic feet, 3.75 linear feet.

Scope and Content Note

This Record Sub-Group contains the administrative files of the Treasurer of the University of Missouri Board of Curators. Included in this Sub-Group are financial reports of departments and divisions, bills for goods and services; copies of warrants drawn on University funds, receipts and acknowledgements of payments, income and expenditure statements, lists of warrants drawn on funds, Monthly Financial Statements of Treasurers; Bonds of Treasurers, Commissioner of Agricultural College Lands Reports, loan papers, and listings of the property of University departments./

Also included in the Sub-Group are records such as account books, lists of appropriations, payrolls, tuition receipts, Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Financial Reports, documents concerning construction and repairs of buildings, advertising materials, accounts of curators expenses, income from the Seminary Fund, list of funds subscribed by Boone County residents for location of University in Columbia, Military Department cadet encampments, sales of College of Agriculture lands, departmental income and expenditures, purchase of insurance for University buildings, building of a District Schoolhouse, landscaping of the UMC campus, and income from stocks and bonds.

Additionally, the Series contains documents pertaining to purchase of furniture, income and expenditures of the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy at Rolla, correspondence to and from state officials, failure of the National Bank of the State of Missouri in St. Louis, purchase of an Edison Electrical Generator, other apparatus purchased by departments, Special Appropriations of the Missouri General Assembly, creation of State Veterinarian's Office, expenditures of Rollins Aid Fund, income and expenditures of Morrill Fund and Land Grant Fund; and the Proctor's settlements and financial statements.
Note to Researcher: See also Sub-Group 1 and Sub-Group 4 of Record Group 4 UW.

Series Descriptions:

The documents in this Record Sub-Group have been organized into four separate records series. Arrangement within each series is chronological.

Series One holds records of the Treasurer of the University of Missouri Board of Curators which pertain to that period from the University's founding, in 1839, through the early post-Civil War years. Series Two contains documents generated from 1869 through 1875, including those relating to the expansion of the University of Missouri through addition of the School of Mines and Metallurgy at Rolla.

Series Three holds records from the period between 1876 through 1888, years which saw the construction of the some of the most familiar buildings on the "Red Campus." Series Four contains the Treasurer's records for the period beginning in 1889 and ending in 1896. These records include many relating to the tragic fire that destroyed Academic Hall, as well as the Board of Curators' efforts to rebuild and restructure the University after this loss.

Series Outline:

  1. Series One - Early Years, Crisis Years: 1839-1868

  2. Series Two - Morrill Act Expansion: 1869-1875

  3. Series Three - Growth and Change: 1876-1888

  4. Series Four - Destruction and Rebirth: 1889-1896


Series One - Early Years, Crisis Years: 1839-1968

Box 1

FF 1 - 1839-1840 Including Missouri Auditor statement regarding income of Seminary Fund; reports to Auditor regarding amounts spent for advertising, payment of University Treasurer, builders and contractors, payment for notice - laying of cornerstone; payment from Subscription Fund; first installment due for erection of principal Edifice [Academic Hall]; list bills for belfry; list monies appropriated by order of the Board of Curators; warrants.

FF 2 - 1841-1842 Including Treasurer's Report to the Board of Curators; warrants, receipts, etc. regarding building of main building and President's House; receipts for funds subscribed by residents of Boone County; payment for attorneys collecting subscriptions; Auditor's Report regarding Seminary Fund; warrants and payments for building materials, furnishings, and advertising.

FF 3 - 1843-1844 Including income from Seminary Fund; surveys and sales of lands payments; advertising receipts; lists of expenditures and warrants for building construction, furnishings, equipment and apparatus; listing of accounts of J.H. Lathrop; reports of committee on accounts; warrants; report regarding pay for faculty for extra session 1841; possibility of Bank of State of Missouri making advances to University to be paid from Seminary Fund; collection of funds subscribed by residents of Boone County; report of committee to settle accounts with University Treasurer; receipts for tuition fees.

FF 4 - 1845-1847 Including receipts for amounts subscribed, land sales, tuition fees; income from Seminary Fund; purchase of chemical apparatus; list warrants paid; publishing of catalogues and circular letters, advertising; building and construction receipts; receipts for tuition; list of warrants; Treasurer's Report; pay of faculty.

FF 5 - 1848-1852 Including warrants and receipts for building and construction, tuition, payment of faculty, collection of subscriptions; report of committee to settle with University Treasurer; income of Seminary Fund; listing Leffingwell account warrants; list S.B. Victor account.

FF 6 - 1853-1854 Including payments for chemicals and apparatus; tuition and payment of faculty; bills for advertising; building supplies; itemized bills for construction (including President's House); insurance on Academic Hall; notice of dividend payment on Capitol Stock of Bank of the State of Missouri; warrants; bills for fencing materials; Promise Note to pay to James Shannon $200 for services of a Negro slave, Tony, as janitor; payment of the Board Secretary and Treasurer; books for Library; loads of wood.

FF 7 - 1855-1857 Including payment of curators expenses; bills for advertising; buildings insurance; construction of buildings; postage bills; payment of Board Secretary and Treasurer; building supplies; list of payments allowed; bill for engraving of "Sections of Observatory" and printing, also engraving "University Edifice" and printing; loads of wood bills; building of Primary or District Schoolhouse; "State University Primary School House" account book.

FF 8 - 1858-1859 Including postage account; bills for building supplies, advertising, loads of wood, prints for Catalogue, District School House building, building insurance; payment of faculty; Treasurer's Balance Report, Annual Reports; list of warrants; repair on Tony's watch; W.W. Hudson accounts.

FF 9 - 1859-1860 Including payment of curator's expenses and payment of faculty; tuition refund receipts; Treasurer's reports; funds received and list of warrants drawn; warrants; building of school house; accounts payable.

FF 10 - 1860-1861 Including building insurance; postage bills, accounts payable; warrants; bills for advertising, chemicals and apparatus, school house building construction, building supplies, printing of catalogues, loads of wood; Treasurer's Account Settlement and Annual Report

FF 11 - 1861-1862 Including Treasurer's statement of financial condition; warrants; accounts and bills payable; payment of replacement faculty; building supplies; bills for advertising, building insurance, curator's expenses; appointment of committee of three to negotiate or litigate with Bank of Missouri regarding principal.

FF 12 - 1862-1863 Including admission of beneficiary students; Treasurer's Reports and statements; warrants; accounts and bills payable; bills for building supplies, fencing materials, printing, and advertising.

FF 13 - 1864-1866 Including bills and accounts payable; bills for insurance, loads of wood, building repair, postage, plank walk, curator's expenses; Treasurer's Annual Report; warrants.

FF 14 - 1866-1867 Including Treasurer's Annual Report; accounts and bills payable; warrants; bills for curator's expenses, wood, janitors, planting trees, postage, President's House foundation, walling Mineral Spring, fence building, printing, advertising, building supplies, and building insurance.

FF 15 - 1868-1869 Including accounts of University income and expenses; list accounts due by University; accounts and bills payable; warrants; bills for postage, books for library; receipts for payment of interest on loans; Treasurer's annual report and statement of financial condition of University.

Series Two - Morrill Act Expansion: 1869-1975
Box 1 (cont'd)

FF 16 - 1869-1870 Including receipts for payment of interest on loans to University; warrants; Stephens Prize Medal payment; Treasurer's report of receipts and disbursements; Curator's expenses and expenses to locate School of Mines and Metallurgy; expenses of Board of Visitors; list of expenses of Normal and Preparatory School; Boone County donation account for Agricultural and Mechanical College; Phelps County financial statement.

FF 17 - 1871 Including income and expenses; construction Scientific Building; lightning rods; correspondence from Missouri State Auditor; bills for advertising; School of Mines expenses; faculty salary payments; curator's expenses; Agricultural and Mechanical College Fund; Library bills (United States twenty cent Internal Revenue stamp); Report of Commissioner of Agriculture College Lands.

FF 18 - 1872 Including faculty salaries; income and expenses; School of Mines expenses; construction costs; bills for advertising; curator's expenses; security bonds, Treasurer School of Mines and UMC Treasurer; library bills; receipts; report of Commissioner of Agriculture College Lands; correspondence regarding bond sales.

FF 19 - 1873 Including income from stocks, bonds, and etc.; stock certificates of National Bank of the State of Missouri in St. Louis; loan agreements; curator's expenses; money received receipts; income and expenses UMC and School of Mines; Report of Commissioner of Agricultural College Lands; construction costs; furniture bills.

FF 20 - 1874 Including currency (four $5 bills National currency #A881986, #B674415, #D129119, and #P131732); Report of Commissioner of Agricultural College Lands; Library expenses; Horticulture Monthly Reports; curator's expenses; diploma orders from students; list of money due from students; income and expenses; Treasurer's Reports.

FF 21 - 1875 Including construction costs; income and expenses; Commissioner of Agricultural College Lands Reports; correspondence from Missouri State Auditor and Governor Hardin; list of "Property MO School of Mines & Metallurgy on hand June 1, 1875..."; diploma requests; National Bank of the State of Missouri in St. Louis Circular Letter to Shareholders, dated 12/31/1875; bills and accounts.

Series Three - Growth and Change: 1876-1888
Box 1 (cont'd)

FF 22 - 1876 Including collection of delinquent taxes; Commissioner of Agricultural College Lands Reports; Treasurer's Reports; expenses and income; diploma fees; curator's expenses; bills for advertising.

FF 23 - 1877 Including Treasurer's Report; income and expenses; Missouri Senate request for report on financial condition of University and related correspondence; diploma fees; Commissioner of Agricultural College Lands Reports; receipts for entrance fee and contingent fee from students; Report on the Value of Property Belonging to State University - comparison with other institutions; construction costs; receipts of payments to Walsh, Smith, and Jungerfelt, architects on Scientific Building contract; Finance Committee Report on Treasurer's accounts; estimated income.

FF 24 - 1878 Including estimated income; Library expenses; money collected from students; income and expenses; Laboratory bills; printing of catalog; Treasurer's Report and warrants from School of Mines; faculty salaries; Boone County National Bank of Columbia loan paper; estimated expenses.

Series Three - Growth and Change: 1876-1888 (cont'd)

Box 2

FF 1 - 1879 Including greenhouse expenses; flower and seed bills; printing of diplomas; income and expenditures; printed notice National Bank of the State of Missouri in St. Louis regarding its failure and the University of Missouri's individual liability as a shareholder; report regarding displacement and replacement of the Treasurer of the School of Mines, estimated income and expenses, warrants; payment of semi-annual interest on Seminary Fund.

FF 1A - 1879 Including University of Missouri's warrants; listing of abstract by department or fund.

FF 2 - 1880 Including School of Mines Treasurer's Report and warrants; greenhouse bills and receipt book; diploma fees; estimated income; payroll of agriculture departments showing name, hours worked, wage, and amount due; Horticulture Department's financial report; estimated expenses; Treasurer's Abstract; laboratory expenses and income from students; Todd's collection of leases and interest.

FF 3 - 1881 Including income and expenditures; sale and leases of College Lands; Report of Commissioner of Agricultural College Lands; examples of various forms made by Cornell University; Law Department tuition receipts.

FF 4 - 1882 Including bills for chemicals, apparatus, laboratory expenses; income and expenditures; faculty salaries; Farm Department payrolls; receipts for contingent fees and tuition; diploma fee and cottage rent receipts.

FF 5 - 1883 Including listing of plants, trees, and etc. of Missouri Agricultural College nurseries and expenses; Horticulture Department invoices; advertising printing bills; Farm Department warrants; construction costs; laboratory bills and accounts; Invoice Personal Property of Missouri Agricultural College Farm.

FF 5A - 1883 Including construction costs; warrants and bills for services and goods; Farm Department expenditures; Horticulture Department expenditures; bill for McAnnally Medal #2; periodicals bill; curator's expenses; bills for printing and advertising; wood and fuel bills; bill from John W. Carlisle for keys and etc.

FF 5B - 1883 Including bills regarding Edison Electrical Generator; specimens from H. A. Ward; bills regarding Stephens Medal Contest; printing expenses; Medical Department - two weeks of lectures by J. M. Allen; Horticulture Department supplies; Agricultural College salary receipts; Columbia Gas-Light and Coke Company bills; construction and repairs on campus.

FF 5C - 1883 Including construction and repairs; books, maps, and etc. for Scientific Department; printing expenses; Agriculture Farm bills and pay warrants; payroll; books and apparatus for Normal Department; Club House expenses.

FF 5D - 1883 Including construction and repairs; furniture bills; printing expenses; wood and gas bills; Horticulture Department payroll and warrants; College Farm bills and payroll; return of student fees; travel expenses; book bills; Agriculture Department payroll and warrants; curator's expenses to meetings.

FF 5E - 1883 Including apparatus bought by B. F. Thomas; specimens bought by J. W. Spencer (minerals, etc.); book bills and listings; surveying, engineering and astronomical instruments bought by T. J. Lowry; chemicals and apparatus bought by P. Schweitzer; correspondence from S. S. Laws and response from the Missouri Attorney General regarding Certificate of Indebtedness for use and benefit of University; bills from E.D. Hearn, London.

FF 6 - 1884 Including books bought by R. McAnally; apparatus for departments of Botany and Entomology purchased with special appropriation of General Assembly; chemicals apparatus, and etc. bought by Schweitzer and his accounting to the Board of Curators for funds; collections of minerals bought; list of warrants of Geological and Zoological Departments; B. F. Thomas regarding special appropriation for Department of Physics.

FF 6A - 1884 Including purchase of books; spending of special appropriations by departments; estimated expenditures for 2 years by Treasurer; balance sheet for the College Farm and listing of College Farm property; construction and repairs; Schweitzer's bills for chemicals, apparatus, and etc. (includes reports regarding laboratory, spending of funds, and changes in courses).

FF 7 - 1885 Including construction and repairs; Paquin's travel regarding creation of State Veterinarian; listing of property in Greenhouses and fixtures; list of stock on Horticulture Department grounds; list of warrants and amounts for 1883-1885; estimate for gas fixtures; insurance policy costs; list of College Farm property; list of improvements and public works.

FF 8 - 1886 Including estimate of income of University; statements of receipts and expenditures of departments; Treasurer's Bond; bills submitted from Ficklin, Lowry, Blackwell, Tracy, Fisher and Schweitzer.

FF 9 - 1887 Including estimated expenditures and actual expenses to date by department; list of students who entered on Rollins Aid Fund; State Veterinarian expenses; salary list; Botanical Laboratory materials; Chemical Laboratory materials; Physics Department bills.

FF 10 - 1888 Including Chemical Laboratory bills; Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station pay warrants; Boone County National Bank book of D. D. Moss; receipt for $150 for portrait of President John Lathrop; receipt for damages caused by "discharge of contents of privy" to property of W. J. Babb; receipts and expenses for Department of Physics; expenses in sales of Agriculture College Lands; bills for elevator; estimated income, actual expenses by department.

Series Four - Destruction and Rebirth: 1889-1896
Box 2 (cont'd)

FF 11 - 1889 Including Chemical Laboratory materials; State Auditor regarding requisitions and new law regulating disbursements; expenditures of Rollins Aid Fund; books purchased; acknowledgement of warrants received (including Ward's Natural Science Establishment for specimens); list of appropriations and salaries; State Veterinarian's expenses; statement of amounts appropriated, disbursements and balances by department; receipts and expenses of College Lands Fund, sales of lands.

Series Four - Destruction and Rebirth: 1889-1896 (cont'd)

Box 3

FF 1 - 1890 Including bills of Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station; Scientific Department expenses; chemicals & apparatus; receipts and expenditures from Biology Lab Fees; estimated income and expenditures by department; appropriations, expenditures and balances by department; Paquin (Veterinarian) expenses and bills; Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station report of finances; Treasurer's Monthly Balance Sheets; acknowledgements for payments received.

FF 2 - 1891 Including estimated appropriations by department; acknowledgements of payments received; sale of College Lands; construction and repairs; Chemical Lab bills; report of Lieutenant Buck regarding expenditures for cadet encampment and bills.

FF 2A - 1891 Including monthly financial statements; wage receipts for labor; Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Financial Report; Report of Financial Aministration of Department of Chemistry.

FF 3 - 1892 Including report of financial administration of Department of Chemistry; receipts for insurance payments; financial statements Building Fund; Monthly Financial Reports; book shipments; construction and repairs; estimated appropriations and expenditures; wage receipts for labor; Proctor's Statement; weekly payroll for laborers; receipt for money from insurance on Academic Hall fire; faculty requests for warrants to be endorsed to another party when drawn; Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Supplementary Financial Report; bills and receipts for Cadet Camp, Camp Merritt, and report of Lieutenant Buck; expenses for visiting high schools and academies; receipt for Columbia's subscriptions to University Building Fund (to keep University in Columbia after Academic Hall fire); University Exhibit at Warrensburg's Pertle Springs; books shipped; settlement with J. G. Babb.

Series Four - Destruction and Rebirth:1889-1896 (cont'd)

Box 4

FF 1 - 1893 Including statement of financial administration of Department of Chemistry and bills; settlement with J. G. Babb; Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station income reports; Librarian's Reports; laboratory fees and deposits; Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Financial Report; expenses for attending non-resident lecturers in Law Department; construction and repairs; Monthly Financial Statements; Morrill Fund statement.

FF 2 - 1894 Including Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station - Farm Department income reports; Monthly Financial Statements; estimated income and expenditures report; statement of Building Fund; Morrill Fund statement; Land Grant Fund statement; settlement with J. G. Babb, Proctor; Librarian's Reports; Financial Report of Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station; expenses for Law Department lecturers; return of laboratory fees; College Farm payroll; requests for warrants to be endorsed to another party when drawn.

FF 3 - 1895 Including estimated income and expenditures for biennial period 1895-1896; Librarian's Reports; Settlements with J. G. Babb, Proctor; reports of sales from Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station; Military Department expenses; Bond of J.H. Waugh for construction and repairs; Farm Department requisitions and payroll; bill for news and periodicals for the Library; statement of income and expenditures for Morrill Fund and Agricultural College-Land Grant Fund; requests for warrants to be endorsed to another party.

FF 4 - 1896 Including reports of income; College Farm accounts and payroll; student board receipts; Librarian's Reports; requests that warrants be endorsed to another party when drawn; Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Financial Reports; Librarian regarding library fines

FF 5 - 1896 Including envelopes and cancelled stamps removed from collection. Each has noted on back original folder and box.

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