Box 12-050532 Call Number: MFR 1-MFC |
Record Group: 1 UW Scope and Content Note Series Six of Sub-Group One contains the most recent documents (1914 to 1920) within this record sub-group. Some of these records pertain to construction of new classroom and laboratory buildings. Considerable mention is also made of the activities of the newly organized Extension Service of the University's Agriculture Department. Inventory Series Six - WWI and the Post-War Years: 1914-1920 Box 12 FF 1 - 1914 - Recommendations for degrees, prizes and scholarships; proposal by L.B. Tandy for establishment of a Boone County Founders Aid Fund scholarship; resignations, appointments and acceptances; recommendations regarding salaries; list of standing committees of university faculty; Mumford regarding possible designation of larger percentage of the Lever Fund to Lincoln Institute; unpaid accounts for serum; temporary organization of extension projects in agriculture. FF 1A - 1914 - "Suggested Budget in Comparison with Appropriations in 1913"; recommendations, appointments and acceptances; materials regarding the Charles R. Gregory Estate and Endowment Fund; report regarding prescription of rules and regulations for providing fire protection; collection of collateral of inheritance taxes; judging at county fairs; renting of lands by the University for use by the Department of Animal Husbandry; appointment of Farm Adviser for Greene County; appointment of attorney for collection of collateral inheritance taxes; recommendations for honorary degrees. FF 1B - 1914 - Resignations, appointments and acceptances; material regarding proposition of compromise in settlement of Joseph Pulitzer estate; development of Boys' and Girls' Club work; bond for R.B. Price, Treasurer; action of School of Mines faculty regarding students playing in football games not sponsored by University; Report on "Lands Belonging to University in Dunklin County, Missouri"; report Graduate School of Agriculture; value of ordinance stores; collection of collateral inheritance taxes; suit pending in Pemiscot County vs. University regarding drainage taxes on lands in Little River Drainage District; establishment of diploma fee. FF 2 - 1915 - Vaccination for smallpox scarification versus internal method; recommendations, appointments and acceptances; printed "Appropriations Made for University at Columbia Since 1901...", anti-University in scope; collection of collateral inheritance taxes; construction of Hog Serum Building; recommendations for degrees, fellowships and scholarships; Jesse regarding Buford Bill and requirements for engineering degrees; agreement regarding release of appropriations; College of Agriculture Report. FF 2A - 1915 - Buford Bill and requirements for entrance to the College of Engineering and degrees in engineering; recommendations, appointments and acceptances; collection of collateral inheritance taxes; printed "President Status of the Missouri Railroads Rate Suits...", material regarding claims against Wabash Railroad for overcharges; lists of candidates for degrees and certificates. FF 2B - 1915 - Recommendations, appointments and acceptances; candidates for degrees and certificates; College of Agriculture Report; Buford Act and printing of bulletin for the School of Mines; Babb regarding the length of state residence and non-residence fee exemptions; material regarding the State of Missouri (for University) vs. Wisconsin Lumber Company case concerning timber lands of the University. FF 3 - 1916 - Questions of financial statement for the biennial report; possible settlement court case against Wisconsin Lumber Company; lack of funds to pay May warrants; degree candidates; recommendations, appointments and acceptances; honorary degrees to C. Clark, C.F. Marbut, Winston Churchill, R. Pound; College of Agriculture Report; collection of collateral inheritance taxes; statement of the Gregory Endowment Fund. FF 3A - 1916 - Material regarding St. Louis Union Trust Company vs. University (Gregory case); student petition in favor of C. Brewer; petition of the United Young People's Society against the annual Thanksgiving football game; dismissal W.C. Martin, editor The Research, for libelous charges against other students; recommendations, appointments and acceptances; meeting minutes of the Missouri Valley Conference of Presidents and Governing Boards. FF 3B - 1916 - Report of the Adviser of Women; candidates for degrees and certificates. FF 3C - 1916 - Candidates for degrees and certificates. FF 3D - 1916 - Recommendations, appointments and acceptances; College of Agriculture Report; collection of collateral inheritance taxes; Agriculture Extension Report; School of Mines' Director's Report; degree candidates. FF 4 - 1917 - Changes in course of military science; recommendations, appointments and acceptances; Report of the Director of Agriculture Extension; settlement of court case against Wisconsin Lumber Company; fellowships and scholarships; candidates for degrees and certificates; employment of relatives of members of the Board; Myer regarding appointment of women as County Home Demonstration Agents; College of Agriculture Report; collection of collateral inheritance taxes. FF 4A - 1917 - Recommendations, appointments and acceptances; degree candidates. FF 4B - 1917 - Establishment of Reserve Officers Training Corps; printed General Order regarding regulations and instructions for establishment of an ROTC unit; Attorney General's opinion regarding employment of persons related to Board members by marriage or blood; recommendations, appointments and acceptances; College of Agriculture Report; collection of collateral inheritance taxes; bids for University Depository; candidates for degrees and certificates; Little River Drainage District vs. Wisconsin Lumber Company and the University's petition to enforce collection of delinquent drainage taxes; Director's Report for the School of Mines: coal selling by the Registrar. FF 5 - 1918 - Proposed calendar for session 1918-1919; collection of collateral inheritance taxes; recommendations, appointments and acceptances; Rolla Country Club contract for golf course; candidates for degrees and certificates; "Needs of the University for 1919-1920"; College of Agriculture Report; Budget of the School of Mines. FF 5A - 1918 - Recommendations, appointments and acceptances; College of Agriculture Report; possible acceptance of Kansas City Veterinary College students when it closes. FF 5B - 1918 - College Agriculture and Extension Report; candidates for degrees and certificates; recommendations, appointments and acceptances. FF 5C - 1918 - Collection of collateral inheritance taxes; recommendations, appointments acceptances; candidates for degrees and certificates; resolution of Boone County Medical Society regarding doctors at the Student Health Service; committees appointed by Executive Board; Morrison Observatory equipment; sale of lands in Dunklin County; need for more budget preparation time due to war situation; School of Mines commencement program (5/24/1918). FF 5D - 1918 - College of Agriculture Report; recommendations, appointments and acceptances; appropriation work papers; "Needs of the University"; proposed donations by Ward Neff for construction of a Journalism Building; School of Mines budget request.
Series Six - WWI Years: 1914-1918, (cont.) Box 13 FF 1 - 1919 - Notice of Probate of Joseph K. Gwynn's will; collection of collateral inheritance taxes; recommendations, appointments and acceptances; Neff donation for a journalism building; College of Agriculture Report; "Calendar for Fall Term"; dissatisfaction of alumni and some faculty with the administration of President Hill. FF 1A - 1919 - Recommendations, appointments and acceptances; county Fair judging; College of Agriculture Report. FF 1B - 1919 - Hill regarding plans of Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching; recommendations, appointments and acceptances; candidates for degrees and certificates; College of Agriculture Report; sale of Agriculture College lands. FF 1C - 1919 - Sale of Agriculture College lands in Dallas & Webster counties; proposed Elk Chute Drainage District in Pemiscot and Dunklin counties; friction with Hill; College of Agriculture Report; recommendations, appointments and acceptances; establishment of the Jewell Scholarships; Department of Forestry regarding lands desired to be reserved from sales; School of Mines Director's Report; term calendars. FF 2 - 1920 - Report of the Committee of the State Board of Agriculture regarding the investigation of work of the College of Agriculture; recommendations, appointments and acceptances; College of Agriculture Report. FF 2A - 1920 - Survey of Dunklin County College Lands; candidates for degrees and certificates; Noyes regarding insufficient nursing force and curtailment of services; recommendations, appointments and acceptances; resolution American Association of University Professors regarding Recruiting the Teaching Profession and on the Promotion of Research; change in diploma fees; proposed rifle range; School of Mines Director's Report, communication from faculty regarding salaries, printed commencement program (4/24/1920). FF 3 - Stamped envelopes removed from collection 1857-1900. Each has notation on back stating box and folder number from which it was originally removed. Contains 80 items: used and unused envelopes; postal paid envelopes; post cards. Some items may have written info concerning topics of letter. |
Published by: University Archives
Prepared: July 1999
Revised: 22 July 2021
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