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Call Number:

Box 7-050518
Box 8-050519
Box 9-050520

Call Number:


Record Group: 1 UW
Record Sub-Group: 1
Record Series: 4
Records Title: UM-System; Board of Curators; Official Correspondence: Destruction and Rebirth
Dates: 1888-1897
Volume: 3 cubic feet, 3.75 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

Series Four of Sub-Group One contains correspondence and other documents, from 1888 through 1897. They describe, among other events, a tragic fire which destroyed the original Academic Hall. Series four also chronicles the Board of Curators' successful efforts to overcome tremendous loss and rebuild the University.
Note to Archivist: This entire collection has been microfilmed. The microfilm consists of 33 microfilm reels (MFR) in 35mm format, located in the Archives Reading Room's Microfilm Cabinet. Call number: UW:1/4/1a (A01-154).
Note to Researcher: Researchers are encouraged to use the microfilm version of this Sub-Group as the original documents are fragile and responsible preservation requires minimum use of the original paper records.


Series Four - Destruction and Rebirth: 1888-1897

Box 7

FF 1 - 1888 - Inquiries regarding Agriculture College lands; Paquin regarding sanitation of the sewer system; program for the Open Session Union Literary Society (11/17/1888); E.A. Allen regarding reorganization of the Normal School; petition case W.J. Babb vs. Curators regarding sewer emptying onto his land; commencement program (5/31/1888); meeting minutes (7/6/1888); resolutions regarding the death of Governor Marmaduke, setup of fellowships and scholarships; bond of the treasurer; report regarding salaries of the faculty; vote tally "Election of 1888, Missouri" by the county; report to the Superintendent of State Schools; examination papers of students S.T. Crecelius and John H. Jung; Librarian Report (10/5/1888).

FF 1A - 1888 - Missouri Agriculture Experiment Station documents: "Missouri Agriculture Experiment Station; Act of Congress..."; news clipping; expenditure ledger sheets; laws and organization; Report of the Director (5/88/1888); Board actions; position acceptances; circulars regarding Hatch Act and legislation; related correspondence.

FF 1B - 1888 - Applications for Rollins Aid Funds; appointments of the county beneficiary students.

FF 1C - 1888 - National Exposition in Kansas City, Missouri: Daily Programme (9/11/1888); correspondence regarding exhibits; insurance.

FF 1D - 1888 - Applications for positions, letters of recommendation, appointments and acceptances, George S. Fisher and Magnus C. Ihlseng photos.

FF 2 - 1889 - Subpoena for witnesses for the Joint Investigating Committee 35th General Assembly; report regarding Agriculture College lands; bond of the State Veterinary Surgeon; meeting minutes (1/8-9/1889); Sanborn regarding the Joint Investigating Committee and College Farm; call for a special meeting of the Board with responses from the curators; geological report and claim by J.W. Spencer; inquiries regarding lands for sale or lease; remission of student fees; President Laws' letter of resignation; petition for the establishment of a chair of elocution; Librarian Monser requesting funds, increase in assistants and salary.

FF 2A - 1889 - Meeting minutes (6/4-6/1889); alumni resolution regarding the reorganization of the University and faculty and the selection of a new President; recommendations for degrees; curator oaths; commencement program (6/6/1889); commencement program of the University of Michigan (6/27/1889); materials regarding Sanborn, Agriculture College and General Assembly appropriations; claim of Spencer.

FF 2B - 1889 - Preparatory Department documents; location of the government Weather Service in Columbia; condition of the Law School; curator oaths; meeting minutes (8/1-2/1889); F. Bliss Lyon regarding her father's salary; remission of the student fees; Paquin regarding the Veterinary Service; J.B. Douglas' appointment as an Agriculture Land Supervisor and his oath; Quarterly Return of Ordinance and Ordinance Store in Possession of the University; first Annual Report of the Missouri Agriculture Experiment Station; copy of the law providing for State Veterinarian.

FF 2C - 1889 - Correspondence, bids, materials regarding building repairs and new smoke stack; meeting notices and responses; requests for catalogs and Boarding Club information; books ordered for the Library and classes; State Auditor regarding money appropriated for Veterinary Surgeon; correspondence with U.S. Custom House and Treasury Department; sewer problems.

FF 2D - 1889 - Resignation of Fleet; resolutions of the Board; J.P. Royall regarding the Commercial School; sale of the Agriculture lands; Tiedeman regarding the Law School and new dean; applications for the Law Dean position, letters of recommendation, appointment and acceptance of Alex Martin; remission of the student fees; bids for coal and wood; sewer problems; requests for Boarding Club rooms.

FF 2E - 1889 - Department reports and tables of work accomplished; tally of students by course; "Memoranda in Regard to the Missouri Agriculture Experiment Station and My Connection With It", by P. Schweitzer.

FF 2F - 1889 - Lists of apparatus received by Department of Analytical Chemistry students.

FF 2G - 1889 - Ward's Natural Science Establishment correspondence and materials: purchase of the elephant "Emperor" and other specimens bought for Museum; advertisement mentioning "Jumbo" also done by Ward; requests for payment; bills of lading.

FF 2H - 1889 - Notice to appoint county beneficiary students and subsequent appointments; Rollins Aid Fund applications; Military Department cadet appointments; bond of the School of Mines Treasurer; listing of student statistics in the School of Mines - male/female/Phelps County/abroad (1884-1890).

FF 2I - 1889 - Applications for positions, letters of recommendation, appointments and acceptances; requests for increases in salary; student petition against Professor Thompson; photo of H.W. Eaton and photos of W.F. Yocum and C.E. Roehl.

FF 2J - 1889 - Applications for positions, letters of recommendation, appointments and acceptances, photo of W. Dennis.

FF 2K - 1889 - Applications for a new President to succeed Laws, letters of recommendation, support materials; list showing candidates and recommendations.

FF 2L - 1889 - Insurance policies, correspondence regarding fire and companies authorized to do business in Missouri.

Series Four - Destruction and Rebirth: 1888-1897, (cont.)

Box 8

FF 1 - 1890 - Resolution of the Board and petition of medical faculty regarding the termination of the contract with the St. Louis/Missouri Medical College; Allen's proposal to admit Missouri teachers free to classes; Martin regarding lengthening of the Law Department school year; work of the State Veterinarian on cattle diseases; remission of the student fees; bids and supplies bought; resignations, applications for positions, letters of recommendation, appointments and acceptances; sale of lands; insurance policy correspondence; railway rates for Celebration of the Semi-Centennial of the University; Lowry's Sketch of the University; recommendations for degrees; Porter's plan for course instruction in the School of Agriculture.

FF 1A - 1890 - Notice to appoint county beneficiary students and military cadets; Rollins Aid Fund allowance lists; specimens of examinations for admission to the University; Jesse regarding the possible candidacy for President; sale of lands; specifications, bids for greenhouses; Morrill Act; list of legislators for the 36th General Assembly; applications for positions, letters of recommendation, and appointments; renewal of insurance policies; Boarding Club room requests; State Auditor regarding the pay for State Veterinary Surgeon; seizure of a barrel of alcohol.

FF 1B - 1890 - Applications for positions, letters of recommendation, and appointments; bids for goods, services, and repairs; appointment of the curators; acceptance of honorary degrees; law student petition to make chapel attendance optional; notice to appoint cadets to the Missouri State Military School; report on the extension of the main sewer; School of Mines inventory of land/property and apparatus; claim of surveyor for work on Agriculture College lands in 1884; financial report; Director's Report.

FF 1C - 1890 - Appointment of Dr. Moss to study lymph glands in Germany; appointments of cadets; "Simple memoranda of things spoken of by faculty"; bids for goods, services and repairs; requests for payment of bills; seizure of a barrel of alcohol by U.S. Revenue officers; request that railroads give Annual Passes; appointment of R.H. Jesse as President and acceptance; Babb vs. University settlement; Judge Hinton's opinion regarding endowment of the University by Legislature.

FF 1D - 1890 - Departmental Report, Report of the Chairman of Faculty.

FF 2 - 1891 - Bond of the treasurer; Paquin regarding the duties as State Veterinarian; Report to the Governor; list of books for the Library; student petition regarding the library and related correspondence; necessities for the Observatory; sale of lands.

FF 2A - 1891 - Requests for catalogs and information; responses to invitations to attend the Jesse inauguration; notices of meetings and responses; correspondence regarding printing of catalogs, appointment of cadets, Boarding Club room requests; State Auditor regarding requisitions for support and maintenance of the University; Jesse regarding arrangements to speak to legislators, death of M.M. Fisher, Agriculture and Mechanic College, and his wife's ill health; Rothwell regarding appropriations, legislation on Agriculture and Mechanic College, School of Mines, sale of real estate, repairs to buildings, printing of University materials. School of Mines: Rolla School District vs. the University, summons and petition regarding payment due to Rolla School District for building sold to the University in 1873; financial report.

FF 2B - 1891 - Responses to invitations to attend the Jesse inauguration; Boarding Club room requests; appointment of the county beneficiary students; requests for catalogs and information; printing of University materials; bids for goods and services, requests for payment; D.W. Kurtz regarding the appropriation hearings.

FF 2C - 1891 - Boarding Club room requests; bids for goods and services, requests for payment; responses to invitations to attend the Jesse inauguration; program for the annual reunion of the Alumni Association; appointment of county beneficiary students; land sales.

FF 2D - 1891 - Legislation regarding the University and appropriations; report of the Medical Department; requests for increases in salaries; report of Math and Astronomy and improvements for the Observatory; information regarding Bacteriological World edited by Paquin; Boarding Club room requests; resignations of Tiedeman and J.C. Jones; account of the School of Mines commencement by Rothwell; acceptance of honorary degrees; list of faculty and salaries; list of "Funds Available for the Year..."; recommendations for degrees.

FF 2E - 1891 - Resignation of Paquin; Boarding Club room requests, drawing of room assignments; appointment of county beneficiary students; requests for catalogs and information; bids for goods and services; requisitions for appropriations money; announcements of the Medical Department; books ordered; resignation of J.W. Clark; remission of student fees.

FF 2F - 1891 - Appointment of county beneficiary students; Boarding Club room requests; requests for catalogs and information; bids for goods and services; St. Joseph Daily News offer of scholarship contests for ladies; Rothwell regarding legislation; program for the 48th Annual Open Session of the Union Literary Society.

FF 2G - 1891 - Report of Math and Astronomy; Report of the Missouri State Military School; resignation of J.S. Blackwell; Report of the Greek Department; student petition regarding shorthand; accounting of the Morrill Fund.

FF 2H. - 1891 - Correspondence regarding repairs and construction of buildings, purchase of equipment and furniture, billing, insurance, steam heating plant, shipment of goods, specifications and bids, and Observatory improvements.

FF 2I - 1891 - Applications for positions, letters of recommendation, appointments.

FF 2J - 1891 - Applications for positions, letters of recommendation, appointments.

Series Four - Destruction and Rebirth: 1888-1897, (cont.)

Box 9

FF 1 - 1891 - Applications for positions, letters of recommendation, appointments, contracts.

FF 1A - 1891 - Applications for positions, letters of recommendation, appointments, contracts; photos of F.W. Moore, [P. Sauermein-Stollhofen], E.L. Whitney, J.B. White, C.F. Smith.

FF 2 - 1892 - Academic Hall fire: Rothwell report regarding insurance settlement for the Academic Hall fire; applications for architect of new buildings and letters of recommendation; sketch by C.M. Woodward of the layout of buildings and letter to Rothwell; form for insurance "Proof of Loss..."; proposed Board of Curators Resolutions.

FF 2A - 1892 - Faculty resolution asking that salaries be paid monthly and that chapel attendance be made voluntary; Walter B. Richards regarding his election as Director to the School of Mines and development of the University; resignations of R.H. Hood and W. Miller; Jesse's report to the Curators; Bell [architect] regarding campus plans; recommendations for degrees; Boarding Club petition regarding steam heat; Rothwell proposal for reorganization of the Agriculture College and Experiment Station; drawing/thesis of S.T. Crecelius, Engineering Class of 1892.

FF 2B - 1892 - List of Missouri State Board of Agriculture Farmers' Institutes; remission of student fees; correspondence regarding the supply of water to the campus by the City of Columbia, advertising for the University in various publications, work on buildings; High School Committee regarding visiting schools; Alex Martin opinion regarding appropriations for the responsibility of rebuilding reverting to the State; "Rules and Regulations of the University Library"; appointments to positions and acceptances; pamphlets from Hartford Steamboiler Inspection and Insurance Company; Jesse regarding his duties, requests from legislators, hiring of secretary.

FF 2C - 1892 - Report of the Superintendent of the Agriculture College lands; work on buildings; remission of student fees; bids and contracts; resignation of A. Maitland, Jr.; circulars from the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations; State Auditor regarding reversion of unexpended building funds; report of the Special Library Committee; circular to parents and guardians regarding attendance and holidays; specimens and fossils offered to the University; statement of costs for an agent winding up distribution proceeds of the defunct National Bank of the State of Missouri; Director of the School of Mines report and W.H. Seamon regarding lack of facilities and equipment for Ore-Dressing and Metallurgy.

FF 2D - 1892 - Jesse's Report to the Board of Curators; departmental reports and estimates of needs and funds; requests for equipment and apparatus, salary increases and support materials.

FF 3 - 1893 - Resolution to abolish local committee at Rolla and add members to the Board of Curators; Semi-Centennial of First Graduating Class, responses to invitations; recommendations for degrees; program of commencement week (5/27/1893); questionnaire and the report of the Committee on Chapel Attendance and the Demerit System of Discipline; requests of faculty regarding salary and appointments.

FF 3A - 1893 - Report by Martin, Lawson and Yantis regarding legality of compulsory Chapel attendance.

FF 3B - 1893 - Applications for positions, letters of recommendation; resolution to pull down columns remaining from Academic Hall fire; Jesse's response to the hiring of women.

FF 3C - 1893 - School of Mines correspondence regarding the abolition of the Local Committee at Rolla, resolutions, duties of the Director, Report of the Director, Financial Report of the Secretary of the Executive Committee, applications for positions, letters of recommendation, act to provide for the erection and equipment of a building.

FF 3D - 1894 - School of Mines correspondence regarding E.W. Bishop vs. University, Treasurer's bond and report, dismissal of H.K. Landis and related investigation, report of the Director, circular "Special Courses", resolution regarding incumbents of chairs of Mathematics, Mining and Metallurgy, Civil Engineering "requested to tender their resignations", St. Louis Post-Dispatch article regarding possible separation of School of Mines from the University, financial report of the Secretary of Executive Committee, report of the Director, appointment of faculty.

FF 4 - 1895 - Correspondence regarding the Yeater Bill and establishment of scholarships; Professor Quick, Lieutenant Smoke and his disagreement with General Wickham's report; needs of departments, Senate bill to establish the Missouri State Military School, Jesse estimates of income and outlay with an explanation.

FF 4A - 1895 - Jesse regarding matters before the Board; H.J. Waters acceptance of positions; Monser requesting salary increase; applications for positions, letters of recommendation; resignation of W.J. Quick; legislation to create Chair of Homeopathy at the University.

FF 4B - 1895 - Documents relating to former President S.S. Laws gift of a telescope to Observatory; claim against the University for money spent improving the President's House; bills and receipts for services on the President's House.

FF 4C - 1895 - Applications for the position of Professor of Military Tactics; list of models made for World's Fair Commission and exhibited at Chicago; correspondence regarding materials that disappeared from the C.F. Marbut collection; resolution regarding legislation introduced to reimburse Missouri for loss of Agriculture College lands (6/15/1880).

FF 4D - 1895 - School of Mines Report of the Director; Woodward objections to "Special Course"; Mining Club, resolution and possible abolition of Club; blueprint of plan of grounds, copy of an act to remove the School of Mines...from Rolla to Columbia.

FF 5. - 1896 - Inventory and appraisal of University property; financial report of Missouri Agriculture Experiment Station; remission of student fees; applications for positions, letters of recommendation; report regarding constitutions of boarding clubs; bill for adjustment and selection of lands; School of Mines Director's Report and Treasurer's Report.

Ff 5A - 1896 - Drawings and specifications for "Target Frame for Military Department"; drawing for floor tile pattern for [Mechanic Arts] building; bond and other materials regarding purchase of alcohol for specimen preservation; bids and bills for goods and services; rough copies of President Jesse's report to the Board.

FF 5B - 1896 - Minutes of the Nominating Committee; correspondence and bond for securing ordinance and ordinance stores; correspondence regarding necessity of Medical School and serum manufacture by Bacteriology Department; recommendations for degrees; resignation of Cauthorn; resolution regarding free scholarships; correspondence and petition regarding honorary degree for F.J. Lutz; materials regarding testing and manufacture of diphtheria serum; Irvin Switzler regarding his duties as Registrar and at the Agriculture Experiment Station, including printed list of students (1843); acceptance of appointments.

FF 6 - 1897 - Correspondence from U.S. Department of Interior regarding the adjustment and correction of selection of Agriculture College lands; "Statement and Argument in support of a bill for the final adjustment of the Agriculture College grant to the State of Missouri"; correspondence regarding honorary degree for F.J. Lutz; cheating accusations against student; honorary degrees for McAlester and Schweitzer; applications for positions, letters of recommendation; recommendations for degrees; notification of meetings and responses; Missouri Department of Education regarding resolution to stop teachers and presidents of colleges from writing testimonials for students.

FF 6A - 1897 - Normal School faculty resolution regarding reorganization as professional department and selection of faculty; applications for positions, letters of recommendation; controversy over Professor F.C. Hicks and teaching of the gold vs. silver standard; history and economics classes; correspondence regarding professors issuing too many recommendations for students.

FF 6B - 1897 - President Jesse's Report to the Board of Curators; report of the committee from the Council of the University regarding a resolution prohibiting faculty from issuing recommendations for students.

FF 6C - 1897 - School of Mines Report of the Director; resignation of DeKalb.

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