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Call Number:

Box 1-050355

Call Number:


Record Group: 1 UW
Record Sub-Group: 1
Record Series: 1
Records Title: UM-System; Board of Curators; Official Correspondence: Early Years
Dates: 1839-1868
Volume: 1 and 1/6 cubic feet, 1.46 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

Series 1 of Sub-Group 1, holds original, hand-written records relating to Board of Curators deliberations and decisions during that period from the University's founding, in 1839, thorough the early post-Civil War years. It is a chronicle of many of the challenges, crises, and accomplishments of the young institution.
Note to Archivist: This entire collection has been microfilmed. The microfilm consists of 33 microfilm reels (MFR) in 35mm format, located in the Archives Reading Room's Microfilm Cabinet. Call number: UW:1/4/1a (A01-154).
Note to Researcher: Researchers are encouraged to use the microfilm version of this Sub-Group as the original documents are fragile and responsible preservation requires minimum use of the original paper records.


Series One - Official Correspondence - Early Years: 1839-1868

Box 1

FF 1 - 1839 - Plat of the original University site; curator appointments and oaths; list of appointments with dates of appointment, acceptances and refusals, resignations; resolution to adopt a seal; bond of William Cornelius, Treasurer; minutes of the Executive Committee of Boone County (3/18/1839).
Note to Archivist: The MU site plat has been removed and encapsulated. It can be found in the oversize folder (OSF) noted in the location note at left.

FF 1A - 1839 - Specifications, bids and letters of recommendation for the construction of Academic Hall.

FF 2 - 1840 - Curator appointments and oaths; Lathrop acceptance of the presidency; bond of Warren Woodson, Treasurer; Report to the Secretary of State; statement [by Lathrop] to Committee on the Organization of the University.

FF 2A - 1840 - Appointment of Building Committee; Report of Building Committee; letters of recommendations, bids, estimate of total cost of buildings; Committee meeting minutes (10/29/1840).

FF 3 - 1841 - Curator appointments and oaths; circular regarding student deportment and discipline; bond of William Duncan, Treasurer; meeting minutes (5/14/1841); Report of Committee of Improvements [Grounds]; President Lathrop Annual Report; Building Committee Report; contract with builders for "principle edifice," Academic Hall; books provided by U.S. Department of State; communications of faculty regarding commencement, inauguration of professors.

FF 4 - 1842 - Building Committee Report; furnishing of Academic Hall; discussion of bid and construction costs for the President's House; Committee on Salaries, Minority Report.

FF 5 - 1843 - Curator appointments and oaths; "An Act to Amend an Act entitled `An Act to Provide for the institution and support of a State University'..." [hand written with Seal and signature of James Minor, Secretary of State of Missouri]; Report to Secretary of State; President Lathrop's Report; report regarding organization of the University; treasurer's bond; petition Union Literary Society for use of room; first commencement; dedication of Academic Hall; Seminary Fund; court suits regarding collection of subscription funds.

FF 5A - 1843 - Report of the Committee on Enclosing the University Site; measurements for rooms in the President's House; dedication of Academic Hall; report regarding the building the President's House; difference in bids and costs, changing of orders; report regarding equipment and furnishings; Report of the Building Committee; sale of University lands; lands and lots to contractors in payment of warrants; report regarding the Observatory; report and surveys of University land in Columbia vicinity; plat of lands; plat of lots.

FF 5B - 1843 - Applications for teaching positions and letters of recommendation; requests for back salaries and salary increases; appointments to faculty.

FF 6 - 1844 - Curator appointments and oaths; collection of subscription funds; payment of the Board Secretary; resolution requiring Curators to attend meetings or resign; sale of lands; difference in building bids and costs for the President's house; Plan of Improvement/street layout on and around campus; requests for back salary.

FF 7 - 1845 - Curator appointments and oaths; Seminary Funds; act to allow the University to borrow money; possible loans; collection of subscriptions; payment of warrants; meeting notice; construction; sales of land; conferring of degrees; Faculty Resolution; President's salary; natural science equipment needs; back salaries; inventory of chemical and philosophical apparatus and minerals.

FF 8 - 1846 - Curator appointments and oaths; Board meeting index; meeting minutes (3/28/1846); resolution to enclose grounds; Seminary Fund; builders lost warrants; land sales; degrees granted; organization of the Medical Department; back salaries; appointments of faculty and tutors; letter signed by James Buchanan regarding Department of State publications available to institutions of learning.

FF 9 - 1847 - Curator appointments and oaths; regarding-election and acceptance of President Lathrop; proposed ordinance regarding vacation and session length; candidates for degrees; report regarding use of tuition fees; survey and sale of lands; degree candidates at St. Louis Medical Department; Lathrop's Annual Report; faculty resignation; letters of recommendation; salaries of the president and faculty; repair of President's House; fitting up of an exam room.

FF 10 - 1848 - Report regarding indebtedness of Seminary Fund to subscription fund; repair of the President's House and reimbursement to Lathrop; report regarding improvements and repairs to buildings; fencing grounds; degrees of St. Louis Medical Department; faculty letters of recommendation; letter to editor regarding Rollins and Thomas H. Benton.

FF 11 - 1849 - Curator oaths; meeting minutes (11/7/1849); meeting minutes of the St. Louis Medical Department (3/8/1849); repairs of buildings; robbery of the Exchange and Banking House of William Nisbet and Co.; books ordered; resolution regarding scholarships for young men of good moral character upon recommendation of county and payment of contingent fee.

FF 12 - 1850 - Materials regarding court case University vs. Moss Prewitt, et al - collection of subscription funds.

FF 13 - 1851 - Letter from President Shannon and resolution of the Board regarding allegations and charges against Shannon; report regarding the purchase of anatomical specimens; faculty letters of recommendation; faculty appointments and resignations - appointment of President Swallow; letter from Thomas B. Reed to Dr. Smith regarding letter published in paper concerning Bratton Henderson.

FF 14 - 1852 - Salaries of the President and faculty; Report regarding the purchase of engineering and observatory instruments; University vs. Prewitt et al; appointment Sterling Price, Jr. as tutor.

FF 15 - 1853 - Contract for the construction of an extension to the President's House; letter regarding Missouri's entitlement to another township of land for the Seminary...; hire of Moses [Negro slave owned by Mrs. S.E. Lenoir] as janitor, his death and hire of another man, Tony [Negro slave owned by Mrs. S.E. Lenoir].

FF 16 - 1855-1857 - University Vs Robert Thomas & James S. Rollins regarding the sale of land; subscription to the Christian Female College; land sales and notes due; Report of President Hudson.

FF 17 - 1858-1859 - Curator appointments and oaths; faculty applications, appointments, resignations and requests for salary increase; W.F. Switzler letter regarding printing of catalog and payment for plates inserted by Knapp and Company; Swallow regarding a possible annual appropriation for the Chemistry Department; receipt and payment for portraits of Shannon and Hudson; Mr. Long's notice that he will move to annul section 18 of the Curator's by-laws in order to cause discussions of the Board to be open to the public unless in opinion of the majority of the Board matters of consideration shall require secrecy.

FF 18 - 1860 - List of elected curators; Curator appointments and oaths; resolutions regarding Tucker and Minor Addresses at Installation of Faculty (10/2/1860); photocopy of Installation Exercises Address by J.W. Tucker and Response by B.B. Minor (1860); instruction of Preparatory Department students in regular college classes; thanks to R.S. Todd for attending to faculty applications; faculty to oversee students conduct and keep them off streets at improper hours; reorganization of the University and faculty; student petition in favor of "Tony" the janitor; proposed amendments to the act organizing the University; election of a new president and faculty; Report of the Committee on Business - changes in by-laws; erection of primary school building; meeting minutes (5/15/1860); establishment of a classical course and an Agricultural and Scientific Department; meeting minutes (7/2/1860); copy of an act to provide for institution and support of State University.

FF 18A - 1860 - Letter from George C. Bingham regarding "art of Drawing as a branch of education"; list of persons to whom the Circular [regarding faculty and University reorganization was] sent; appointments of faculty and president; acceptance of appointments; letters of recommendation; application for positions.

FF 18B - 1860 - Letters of recommendation; application for positions.

FF 18C - 1860 - Letters of recommendation; application for positions.

FF 18D - 1860 - Letters of recommendation; application for positions.

FF 18E - 1860 - Letters of recommendation; application for positions.

FF 18F - 1860 - Report by the faculty regarding number of students in University classes; Report of Chairman of Faculty - Matthews; student certificates of examination entitling them to diplomas.

FF 19 - 1861 - Curator oaths; Report to the Secretary of State; President Minor's Annual Report; report and list of apparatus belonging to Department of Natural Science; student petition for organization of a military company; apparatus needed in the Department of Mixed Math and Astronomy.

FF 20 - 1862 - Curator oaths; provisions for amendment of law to elect one curator from each congressional district and eight from Boone County; federal troop occupation of the University ground and instruction to committee on buildings and grounds to take charge of same and secure payment for all damages; officers of the University to vacate adjoining rooms during Board sessions; resolution regarding political opinions not constituting reason for dismissal of professors, Fristoe's abandonment of duties; President and professors required to provide written statement of fact if they have taken loyalty oath directed in Order #29 by General Halleck; president and faculty confirmation of oaths; payment of salaries; failure of Bank of the State of Missouri to declare dividend and warrants due; faculty declines to recommend diplomas; resolution that the President and Secretary of Board confer diplomas; suspension of the University; professors noting which students continued their studies after closure, candidates for degrees; students entitled to return of fees; Minor requests payment for improvements on the President's House and grounds; Minor protests closure and discontinuing salaries of the offices of president, professors and tutors; number of students attending the University; Curators approval of reopening the University; applications for positions.

FF 21 - 1863 - Curator appointments and oaths; Minor's "card" stating he will instruct boys with his own children; Lathrop's statement on the condition of the University; scholarship appointments.

FF 22 - 1864 - Curator oaths; resolution regarding tuition, reorganization of the University, salaries, session length; Lathrop's statement on the condition of the University; protests and requests from Minor; curator oaths in compliance with Order #29.

FF 23 - 1865 - Curator's Report to General Assembly; list of students - including age and residence; correspondence regarding curators missing meetings; Report regarding appointment of the president and faculty; Report of the Chairman of Faculty; resolutions regarding payment of warrants, conferring of degrees, creation of a Normal School, preparing a memorial to the U.S. Congress asking for damages due to occupation of University by federal troops; appointment of new curators due to previous curator's failure to attend meetings, Agricultural College; meeting minutes (7/26/1865, 9/4/1865 & 12/3-4/1865); Lathrop acceptance of presidency; resolutions regarding appropriations for the reconstruction of the President's House, quorum for Curators made 9 members instead of 11; request that the Legislature repeal the law forbidding University staff to preach or exercise the functions of a minister while in office; Faculty Resolution - honorary degree for Richard D. Shannon and recommendation for student degrees; letters regarding ordering of diplomas; Report of the Executive Committee regarding hiring of faculty and the difficulty in filling positions; President's Lathrop Report to Curators; warranty deed for sale of land - Andrew and Ann Harbison to Thomas M. Allen; Report of Senate Visiting Committee.

FF 24 - 1866 - Meeting minutes (6/26-27/1866); President Lathrop's Annual Report for session 1865-1866; Fristoe request for salary due to him for services before he joined the Confederate Army; "Circular to Colleges of the U.S. on the Subject of Military Education"; applications for positions and letters of recommendation; Norwood's request for additional appropriation for equipment for chemical and physical apparatus; resolutions regarding hiring of a principal for the Preparatory Department; death of President Lathrop and widow's use of house; election and terms of employment of President Daniel Read; salaries of professors; request for railroads to furnish free tickets for curators to encourage attendance at meetings, Missouri State Bank Stock conversion and transfers; repeal of a resolution to require students to take oath of loyalty; appointment of Building Committee to rebuild the President's House; letter from the State Attorney General regarding dividends on school funds; meeting minutes (8/29/1866); note from Read regarding awaiting action of Legislature on his appointment; warranty deed from Thomas M. Allen to William Maupin; Report from President Read regarding damage caused by federal troops; annual reports of departments; Missouri State Bank share conversion.

FF 24A - 1866 - "Special Report of the President of the University to the Board of regard to the condition of the University, and its wants and capabilities..." 12/24/1866 by President Daniel Read.

FF 25 - 1867 - List of elected curators; curator appointments and oaths; materials regarding rebuilding of the President's House including legislation and interpretation, bids, costs; Report of Executive Committee on repair to buildings; bids on repairs; warranty deed from W.T. Maupin to William A. Lane; circular and letter regarding Lincoln Institute at Jefferson City, Missouri; news clips, circulars, information and correspondence regarding normal schools in other states - their organization, funding.

FF 25A - 1867 - Letters regarding the establishment of a Medical Department in connection with the University; "Circular of the Curators of the State University to the Legislature of the State of Missouri" - wants and capabilities of the University; Missouri State Bank share conversion to National Bank of the State of Missouri; resolution regarding election, residence and number of members needed for quorum of the Board of the Curators, professorship of ancient languages; bond of treasurer; donation of money by James Stephens for oratorical prize; curators letters regarding attendance at meetings; meeting minutes (6/25/1867); recommendation of students for degrees; establishment of the Normal College and hiring of a professor; applications for positions and letters of recommendation; responses to invitations to attend exercises at the anniversary of the University; appropriations and Seminary Funds; copy of "An Act to Establish and Maintain a State Agriculture & Normal University".

FF 25B - 1867 - Apportionment of the revenue tax to the University; meeting minutes (12/23-24/1867); application for positions and letters of recommendation; Law Department faculty; circular regarding sessions, Normal Department establishment, opening of the Law School, tuition and facts about the city of Columbia; appointment of county scholarship students to the University.

FF 26 - 1868 - Meeting minutes (4/1/1868); curator's responses to meeting notices; settlement of the will of William Shields; letter from the Register of Lands in response to a request of General Assembly for list of Seminary Lands; copy of the Act to Locate and Establish a College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts; copy of an act regarding amendment of the act governing election and appointment of curators; Report of the Board of Curators to General Assembly - including the report on the rebuilding of the President's House; establishment of the Colleges of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts; correspondence and petitions regarding Professor Matthews and the Chair of Ancient Languages and Literature - his removal and selection of new professor; committee to be appointment to list rooms available in Columbia vicinity for students; applications and letters of recommendation; resolution to have a military science professor detailed to the University; Former President Minor's claim for salary.

FF 26A - 1868 - Faculty recommendation of candidates for degrees; curator's responses to meeting notices; resolutions to make suitable arrangement for student boarding or building facilities; recommend introduction of Civil Engineering courses; awarding of various prizes to students; E.S. Ripley regarding operation of Normal School; Washington University Circular; meeting minutes (6/23/1868); Summons to Curators regarding R.B. Minor's claim for salary while President; arms needed for cadets; appointment of faculty; report of committees regarding resolutions requiring action by Board of Curators; design of Stephens Prize Medal, uniform for student cadets; meeting minutes (12/28/1868).

FF 26B - 1868 - Baccalaureate Address of President Read delivered (6/24/1868).

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