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Topical Guide:
The Cost to Students for Health Care and Insurance as listed in University of Missouri-Columbia Catalogs

C:0/51/1 - UMC Catalogs

Medical Attention for Students:
"The University Physician gives all regularly enrolled students free medical advice and consultation in his office . . . Regularly enrolled students, who carry not less than twelve hours of University work, are given free bed, board ordinary nursing and medicine in Parker Memorial Hospital . . . the University is not yet in a position to furnish hospital facilities for those suffering from contagious diseases.

Library, Hospital and Incidental Fee (catalog also has section entitled, "Medical Attention for Students," giving services available, as well as vaccinations and health exams required for entrance):
"All students in the University, except those enrolled in the Summer Session and in the Short Winter Courses in Agriculture, and except those especially exempt by law or by rules of the Curators, are required to pay a library, hospital and incidental fee of ten dollars a semester."

Library, Hospital and Incidental Fee:
All students are required to pay $10 fee except for those especially exempt by law or rules of curators for each registration once per semester. For Students taking only short winter courses in Agriculture, the fee is $5 per term's registration.

All students required to pay $12 fee, except for those exempt. Those taking only short winter courses in agriculture pay $6. Less than full time students pay a reduced fee, but no hospital privileges without payment of full fee. (part-time fee reduction continued; however, the amount of the reduced fee increased over time).

All students required to pay $15. Short winter courses $7.50.

All students, except those exempt, required to pay as follows:
Term of 16 weeks - $25
Half term of 8 weeks - $15
Both terms two-year Winter Course in Agriculture - $25
For one term, 7 weeks, two-year Winter Course in Agriculture - $15
Less than full time, 6 hours or less, fee - $12.50

One term, 8 weeks, two-year Winter Course in Agriculture - $10

All students, except those exempt, are required to pay:
Term of 16 weeks - $30
Summer session, 8 weeks - $15

All students, except those exempt, pay:
Term of 18 weeks - $30
Summer session, 8 weeks - $25

All students, except those exempt, pay:
Term of 18 weeks - $40
Summer session, 8 weeks - $30
Two-year Winter Course in Agriculture, 8 weeks - $12

All students, except those exempt, pay according to the division of University in which they are enrolled and number of credit hours. Arts and Science, Agriculture, Engineering, Fine Arts, Business and Public Administration, Education, Journalism, and Graduate School pay $3.50 per credit hour.
School of Law - $4 per credit hour.
School of Medicine - $4.50 per credit hour.
Military Science and Physical Education - $3.50 per credit hour.

All students, except those exempt, pay:
Term of 18 weeks - $30
Summer session, 8 weeks - $20

All students in the University are required to pay:
Term of 18 weeks - $36
Term of 12 weeks - $30
Term of 6 weeks - $15

All students registered for 6 hours or more, except those in the School of Medicine and School of Law, pay $25 a quarter. Students in the School of Medicine and School of Law pay $30 per quarter.

All students, except those in the School of Medicine and School of Law, pay:
Term of 18 weeks - $36
Term of 12 weeks - $30
Term of 6 weeks - $15
Students in the School of Medicine and School of Law pay $30 per quarter.

All students, except those in the School of Medicine and School of Law, pay:
Term of 18 weeks - $36
Term of 12 weeks - $30
Term of 8 weeks - $20

All students required to pay:
Term of 18 weeks - $36
Term of 12 weeks - $30
Term of 8 weeks - $20

All students required to pay:
Term of 18 weeks - $50
Term of 12 weeks - $42
Term of 8 weeks - $28
Term of 6 weeks - $21
Term of 4 weeks - $14

All students required to pay:
Term of 18 weeks - $67.50
Term of 8 weeks - $38

Student health charge is no longer classified as part of the Library, Hospital and Incidental Fee. It is now part of the "Incidental Fee."
All students enrolled:
Term of 18 weeks, 10 or more hours - $85
Term of 12 weeks, 7 or more hours - $59.50
Term of 8 weeks, 5 or more hours - $42.50

All students enrolled:
Term of 18 weeks - $100
Term of 12 weeks - $70
Term of 8 weeks - $50

Term of 18 weeks - $115
Term of 12 weeks - $80.50
Term of 8 weeks - $57.50

Term of 18 weeks - $140
Term of 12 weeks - $98
Term of 8 weeks - $70

Term of 18 weeks/9 or more hours - $165
Term of 12 weeks/6 or more hours - $115
Term of 8 weeks/5 or more hours - $82.50
Student Insurance:
An optional accident and sickness insurance plan is offered "at low cost" to students and their dependents (precise cost is not given).

Term of 18 weeks, 8 or more hours - $200
Term of 12 weeks, 6 or more hours - $140
Term of 8 weeks, 4 or more hours - $100

Term of 16 weeks - $230
Term of 8 weeks - $115
Term of 7 weeks (Forestry majors) - $100

Term of 16 weeks - $250
Term of 8 weeks - $125
Term of 7 weeks (Forestry majors) - $110

Term of 16 weeks - $270
Term of 8 weeks - $135

Term of 16 weeks - $300
Term of 4, 6, or 8 weeks - $150

Per semester - $339
Per year - $678
Summer session only - $170

Per semester - $387

Term of 16 weeks, 1-11 hours - $36.25 per hour
Term of 16 weeks, 12+ hours - $435
Term of 8 weeks, 1-5 hours - $36.25 per hour
Term of 8 weeks, 6+ hours - $217.50

Term of 16 weeks, 1-13 hours - $42.50 per hour
Term of 16 weeks, 14+ hours - $602
Term of 8 weeks, 1-5 hours - $36.25 per hour
Term of 8 weeks, 6+ hours - $217.50

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Published by: University Archives
Original text by: D.J. diCiacca
Originally Prepared by Carl Lingle: April 1999
Revised: 12 June 2002

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