Box 1 - 049938
FF - Aslin, Dr. Neil C. - Miscellaneous (news clippings, programs, photographs), 1947-1957
FF - Untitled (miscellaneous including meeting programs, diploma, superintendent certificate), 1936-1977
FF - Untitled (employment correspondence and contract), 1947-1960
FF - Aslin, Dr. Neil C. - Personal (miscellaneous items, including curriculum vitae), 1951-1975
FF - Aslin, Dr. Neil C. - Personal (miscellaneous items including notes for speeches), 1951-1973
FF - Cape Girardeau (speech), 1971
FF - Clinton (speech), 1972
FF - Oklahoma City - Speech, 1973
FF - Phi Delta Kapp - Pi Lambda Theta - Tuscon, Arizona, 1974
FF - Schooling, Chancellor Herbert W. (correspondence with and about Schooling, faculty by-laws), 1970-1974
FF - Aslin, Dr. Neil C. - Exhibits (papers and speeches), 1968-1973
FF - Aslin University Employment Materials, 1959-1975
FF - Rufi, Dr. John, 1958-1970
FF - Congratulatory Correspondence, 1958-1974
FF - Ideas and Quotes for Writing, n.d.
FF - Wisemen, 1973
FF - Neil C. Aslin Doctoral Faculty Application, 1974
FF - Foreign Travel, 1967
FF - Students in Department, 1967-1975 [RESTRICTED]
FF - Missouri State Teachers Association (programs), 1973-1975
FF - University Employment, 1953-1973
FF - Honors, 1969-1974
FF - Speeches, 1963-1967
FF - Speeches, ca. 1970-1979
FF - North Central Association Speeches, 1972
FF - Speeches and Notes, ca. 1950-1969
FF - Speeches, ca. 1960-1969
FF - Speeches and Notes, ca. 1940-1959
FF - Speeches and Notes, ca. 1940-1959 (cont'd)
FF - Aslin, Dr. Neil C. - Publications, 1967-1976
FF - Quotations, Misc. Speeches, Notes and Letters, ca. 1954-1967
FF - Activities of Neil Aslin (miscellaneous correspondence and academic forms), 1941-1976
FF - North Central Association, Little Rock, Arkansas, 1973
FF - North Central Association (Aslin's election to Vice Presidency), 1971
FF - Faculty Alumni Gold Medal Award, 1974
FF - Personal Correspondence (includes professional correspondence), 1946-1974
FF - Aslin, Dr. Neil C. - Correspondence, 1947-1971
FF - Aslin, Dr. Neil C. - Correspondence, 1971-1974