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Box Lists for C:3/19/8Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s). Box 1 - UMLD1 [return to top][A84-82] FF - Symposium on Biological Control Systems - Volume 1 - Transcript of lectures given during session at the University of Illinois' Control Systems Laboratory, 1951 FF - Symposium on Biological Control Systems - Volume 2 - Transcript of lectures given during session at the University of Illinois' Control Systems Laboratory, 1951 FF - Symposium on Biological Control Systems - Volume 3 - Transcript of lectures given during session at the University of Illinois' Control Systems Laboratory, 1951 FF - Symposium on Biological Control Systems - Volume 4 - Transcript of lectures given during session at the University of Illinois' Control Systems Laboratory, 1951 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia Department of Genetics - Research Projections, Volume 5, 1970 FF - Grant - National Science Foundation (NSF) - PCM76-10562 - Renewal - Genetic and Embryo Culture Studies of Defective Maize Kernel Mutants FF - Grant - NSF - Studies of Developmentally Defective Maize Kernel Mutants FF - Memorial program and Missourian obituary for Myron Gerald Neuffer, 2019 [A19-40] Box 2 - 053354 [return to top][A21-01] FF 1 - Project Book - Treatment Experiments - Rv, 1951-1955 FF 2 - Project Book - Plans for Mutable loci, Dt, and Mutation Modifiers, 1954 FF 3 - Project Book - A Mutation Plans, 73-79, 1952 FF 4 - Project Book - A Mutations Plans, 67-; 80-84 Plans, Mrs. Bretz and Hsu; Rv Cornell Mutation Analysis; Plans - Mutator System, 78-, 1949-1957 FF 5 - Project Book - A Mutations Plans, 67-; 80-84 Plans, Mrs. Bretz and Hsu; Rv Cornell Mutation Analysis; Plans - Mutator System, 78-, 1949-1957 (cont'd) FF 6 - Project Book - Observations, 1955; Notes, 82-83 Series; Plans, Mutator Systems, 88, 91, 95-97 Series; Problems, 1960-, n.d. FF 7 - Project Book - Dominant Mutants, n.d. FF 8 - Project Book - Hoisington I, ca. 1984 FF 9 - Project Book - Correspondence Studies; bz2-m, n.d. FF 10 - Procedures and Operations, 1951-1985 FF 11 - Bob's Mutants - Mutant selections by Robert M. Bird, 1984-1987 FF 12 - Series Plans, Miscellaneous Years - Series 79, 1954, etc., 1953-1959 FF 13 - Light/Temperature Trials (1/2), 1970 FF 14 - 87: Series - Seed Separation and Seedling Examination, 1959-1960 FF 15 - NG and EMS Experiment - Plans, Data, Summary Sheets, 1969 FF 16 - Data Summary Sheets, 1958-1967 Box 3 - 053885 [return to top][A21-01] FF 1 - Project Book [Stadler?] - R Mutation Plans 69-74, 1946-1952 FF 2 - Project Book [Stadler?] - R Mutation Plans 69-74, 1946-1952 (cont'd) FF 3 - Project Book [Stadler?] - aM and Dt Studies; RV 71; R Mutation 75, 1950-1953 FF 4 - Project Book [Stadler?] - aM and Dt Studies; RV 71; R Mutation 75, 1950-1953 (cont'd) FF 5 - Project Book [Stadler?] - R Mutation; R Problems (carbons) 72-79, 1952-1954 FF 6 - Project Book [Stadler?] - R Mutation; R Problems (carbons) 72-79, 1952-1954 (cont'd) FF 7 - Project Book [Stadler?] - R Mutation; R Problems (carbons) 72-79, 1952-1954 (cont'd) Volume - Annual Reports of Cooperative Corn Investigations at the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station, Columbia, Missouri (by Lewis J. Stadler, George F. Sprague, and Dean C. Anderson), 1936-1940 Volume - Annual Reports of Cooperative Corn Breeding Investigations at the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station, Columbia, Missouri (by Lewis J. Stadler), 1941-1952 Volume - Corn Breeding - Field Notes and Data Calculation [Stadler?], 1932 Box 4 - 053930 [return to top][A21-01] FF - Correspondence - A, 1972-1994 FF - Correspondence - Richard J. Aldrich, 1969-1980 FF - Correspondence - B, 1965-1996 FF - Correspondence - James Birchler, 1989-1993 FF - Correspondence - Jack B. Beckett, 1966-1986 FF - Correspondence - Biochemistry Handbook, 1972-1975 FF - Correspondence - Allan B. Burdick, 1969 FF - Correspondence - C, 1967-1996 FF - Correspondence - Ming Tang Chang, 1978-1984 FF - Correspondence - Bong-Ho Choe, 1988 FF - Correspondence - Edward H. Coe, Jr., 1963-1992 FF - Correspondence - Lino S. Cortes FF - Correspondence - D, 1968-1996 FF - Correspondence - E, 1969-1991 FF - Correspondence - Craig Echt, 1981-1989 FF - Correspondence - Margaret Emmerling, 1956-1959 FF - Correspondence - Abraham Eisenstark, 1971-1976 FF - Correspondence - F, 1946-1996 FF - Correspondence - Gyula Ficsor, 1965-1977 FF - Correspondence - G, 1967-1996 FF - Correspondence - Walton Galinat, 1973-1974 FF - Correspondence - Stephen Goldman, 1968-1971 FF - Correspondence - John Perry Gustafson, ca. 1990 FF - Correspondence - H, 1969-1996 FF - Correspondence - David Hoisington, 1981-1988 FF - Correspondence - Kuang S. Hsu, 1955-1970 FF - Correspondence - I, 1973-1993 FF - Correspondence - J, 1970-1996 FF - Correspondence - Janet Jakupcak, 1973-1976, 1981 FF - Correspondence - K, 1967-1992 FF - Correspondence - Gary Kikudome, 1959, 1975 FF - Correspondence - Gordon Kimber, 1969, 1984-1985 FF - Correspondence - L, 1969-1996 FF - Correspondence - Siranut Lamseejan, 1988-1989 FF - Correspondence - William Q. Loegering, 1967-1968 FF - Correspondence - John R. Laughnan, 1983, 1989 FF - Correspondence - M, 1967-1995 FF - Correspondence - Barbara McClintock, 1953-1992 FF - Correspondence - Roger Mitchell, 1975-1995 FF - Correspondence - N, 1971-1992 FF - Correspondence - C.J. Nelson, 1989 FF - Correspondence - O, 1971-1991 FF - Correspondence - P, 1974-1998 FF - Correspondence - S. E. Pawar,1979-1983 FF - Correspondence - William H. Pfander, 1977-1987 FF - Correspondence - Emmett Pinnell, 1967 FF - Correspondence - Pioneer Hi-Bred International, 1985-1988 Box 5 - 053949 [return to top][A21-01] FF - Correspondence - Q, 1975, 1993 FF - Correspondence - R, 1969-1995 FF - Correspondence - G. Madhava Reddy, 1974-1984 FF - Correspondence - Gyorgy Redei, 1963-1987 FF - Correspondence - Herschel Roman, 1988 FF - Correspondence - E.C.A. Runge, 1974-1980 FF - Correspondence - S, 1967-1995 FF - Correspondence - Herbert Schooling, 1972-1975 FF - Correspondence - Ernest R. Sears, 1958-1991 FF - Ernest R. Sears - Offprints, 1939-1959 FF - Ernest R. Sears - Offprints (cont'd), 1961-1978 FF - Lotti M. Steinitz-Sears - Offprints, 1957-1970 FF - Correspondence - William F. Sheridan - Copenhagen, 1977-1978 FF - Correspondence - William F. Sheridan - US/USSR Maize Workshop, 1990-1991 FF - Correspondence - William F. Sheridan - Iowa, 1994-1995 FF - Correspondence - William F. Sheridan, 1972-1996 FF - Correspondence - William F. Sheridan, 1976-1977 FF - William F. Sheridan - Offprints, 1968-1974, 1986 FF - Correspondence - Petr Shkvarnikov, 1963 FF - Correspondence - L.J. Stadler (Neuffer outgoing), 1950 FF - Correspondence - T, 1972-1995 FF - Correspondence - U, 1994 FF - Correspondence - Barbara Uehling, 1980-1984 FF - Correspondence - V, 1987-1992 [RESTRICTED] FF - Correspondence - Bob G. Volk, 1984-1989 FF - Correspondence - W, 1971-1995 FF - Correspondence - Virginia Walbot, 1981-1994 FF - Correspondence - Susan Wessler, 1985-1993 FF - Correspondence - Allen Wright, 1989-1994 FF - Correspondence - X-Y, 1970-1996 FF - Correspondence - Z, 1970-1996 FF - Correspondence - Marcus Zuber, 1956, 1972-1987 FF - Correspondence, 1946-1954 FF - Correspondence, 1949-1963 FF - Correspondence, 1953-1959 FF - General Correspondence (includes University Archives, retirement, Maize Genetics Project, Barbara McClintock, and photograph use), 1990-2009 FF - Correspondence (includes photographs), 2009-2012 FF - Letters not sent, 1969, 1983-1986 Box 6 - 053950 [return to top][A21-01] FF - Collaborators - Mary Alleman, 1989 FF - Collaborators - Tobias Baskin, 1992 FF - Collaborators - Philip Becraft, 1992 FF - Collaborators - Angelo Bianchi, 1966-1985 FF - Collaborators - Kent Bradford, 1992 FF - Collaborators - J.L. Brewbaker, 1967-1987 FF - Collaborators - Robert Briggs, 1966 FF - Collaborators - Anne B. Britt, 1989 FF - Collaborators - Ben Burr and Frances Burr, 1976-1992 FF - Collaborators - Jim Birchler, 1981-1986 FF - Collaborators - Peter Carlson, 1974-1980 FF - Collaborators - Vicki Chandler, 1984-1993 FF - Collaborators - Scott Chilton, 1993 FF - Collaborators - Prem Chourey, 1979 FF - Collaborators - Jan Clark, 1987-1990 FF - Collaborators - Timothy Close, 1994 FF - Collaborators - Ed Coe, 1984-1986 FF - Collaborators - Lino S. Cortes, 1970-1976 FF - Collaborators - Paul Crane, 1974-1978 FF - Collaborators - Ming-Tang Chang - Seed Sent, 1982-1988 FF - Collaborators - Ming-Tang Chang - Manuscripts, 1989 FF - Collaborators - Ming-Tang Chang - Photographs, 1989-1993 FF - Collaborators - Ming-Tang Chang - Pollen References, 1987 FF - Collaborators - Ming-Tang Chang - Miscellaneous Research, 1987 FF - Collaborators - Ming-Tang Chang - Biographical Info, n.d. FF - Collaborators - Jerry Deitzer, 1982-1984 FF - Collaborators - Hugo Dooner, 1977-1985 FF - Collaborators - G.G. Doyle, n.d. FF - Collaborators - John Duesing, 1976-1977 FF - Collaborators - Bill Dyer, 1990 FF - Collaborators - Georgia Davis, ca. 1994 FF - Collaborators - Craig Echt, 1985-1987 FF - Collaborators - Tanya Falbel, 1993 FF - Collaborators - Nina Fedoroff, 1977-1984 FF - Collaborators - Gyula Ficsor, 1965-1973 FF - Collaborators - Mike Freeling, 1978-1984 FF - Collaborators - Mike Fromm, 1987 FF - Collaborators - Guiseppe Gavazzi, 1973-1986 FF - Collaborators - Irwin Greenblatt, 1973-1975, 1985 FF - Collaborators - Sarah Hake, 1982-1986 FF - Collaborators - Tim Helentjaris, 1991 FF - Collaborators - Dave Hoisington, 1987-1990 FF - Collaborators - Bill Hopkins, 1976-1978 FF - Collaborators - Tony Huang, 1986-1990 FF - Collaborators - Scott Johnson - R-Year Summer Nursery Planting List, 1988 FF - Collaborators - L.W. Kannenberg and M.S. Zuber, 1978-1988 FF - Collaborators - Brian Keith, 1985 FF - Collaborators - Jerry L. Kermicle, 1973-1987 FF - Collaborators - Jane Langdale, 1992 FF - Collaborators - Brian Larkins, 1989-1990 FF - Collaborators - John Laughnan and Susan Gabe, 1957-1984 FF - Collaborators - Tavat Lavapaurya, 1986-1987 FF - Collaborators - Ken Leto, 1977-1979 FF - Collaborators - Guri Johal, ca. 1993 FF - Collaborators - William R. Lower - Environment and Mutation, n.d. FF - Collaborators - Bill Lower - Lead Smelter Tests, n.d. FF - Collaborators - Peter Mascia, 1977-1981 FF - Collaborators - Sheila McCormick, 1978-1979 FF - Collaborators - Roy Morris, 1988 FF - Collaborators - Don Miles, 1974-1990 FF - Collaborators - Don Miles - Photo System I and II, 1975-1976 FF - Collaborators - Ellen Simpson - hcf Notes, 1978 FF - Collaborators - Mike McMullen, 1994 FF - Collaborators - Paul Nel, 1977-1996 FF - Collaborators - Oliver Nelson, 1970-1994 FF - Collaborators - Kathy Newton, 1981-1985 FF - Collaborators - Ron Okagaki, 1990 FF - Collaborators - Colette Nitsch, 1978-1983 FF - Collaborators - Colette Nitsch - Columbia Visit, 1977-1982 FF - Collaborators - Colette Nitsch - Workshop, 1978 FF - Collaborators - Brian Parks and Ken Poff, 1981-1982 FF - Collaborators - Sharad Pawar, 1977-1980 FF - Collaborators - Peter A. Peterson, 1969-1992 FF - Collaborators - Scott Poethig, 1991-1992 Box 7 - 053953 [return to top][A21-01] FF - Collaborators - B.O. Phinney, 1978-1986 FF - Collaborators - Mary Polacco, 1980-1981, 1987 FF - Collaborators - Victor Raboy, 1988-1990 FF - Collaborators - Panuganti N. Rao, 1969, 1975-1976 FF - Collaborators - Dewayne L. Richardson, 1955-1958 FF - Collaborators - Alan Richter, 1965-1966 FF - Collaborators - Carol Riven, 1979-1980, 1990 FF - Collaborators - Donald S. Robertson, 1974-1977, 1987 FF - Collaborators - Robert Schmidt, 1994 FF - Collaborators - Om P. Sehgal, 1963-1973 FF - Collaborators - Nancy Shepherd, 1980-1988 FF - Collaborators - Paul Sisco, 1986-1989 FF - Collaborators - William F. Sheridan - Collection of lines, 1979 FF - Collaborators - William F. Sheridan - Goals for collaboration, 1978-1980 FF - Collaborators - William F. Sheridan, 1979-1994 FF - Collaborators - William F. Sheridan - Chemical analysis, 1980 FF - Collaborators - Sheridan Collaboration, 1976 FF - Collaborators - Information re: research materials sent to Dr. Sheridan, 1978-1979 FF - Collaborators - William F. Sheridan, 1980 FF - Collaborators - William F. Sheridan, 1977-1980 FF - Collaborators - C.E. Green, 1974 FF - Collaborators - Sheridan - Stock for tissue culture, ca. 1974 FF - Collaborators - Amino Acids - Groups and pathways, n.d. FF - Collaborators - Sheridan - Maize Embryo Experiment #1, 1976 FF - Collaborators - Sheridan - Tissue and embryo culture pertinent papers, ca. 1977 FF - Collaborators - Sheridan - Embryo culture experiment outlines, 1976 FF - Collaborators - Sheridan - Embryo cultures, defective kernels, 1975 FF - Collaborators - Sheridan - Grant Proposal - Genetics and embryo culture studies, 1975 FF - Collaborators - James D. Smith, 1986-1988 FF - Collaborators - Stuart N. Smith, 1977 FF - Collaborators - John Spencer, 1978-1979 FF - Collaborators - G.F. Sprague , 1967-1988 FF - Collaborators - Joan Stadler, 1989 FF - Collaborators - Peter Starlinger and Klaus Theres, 1986 FF - Collaborators - Philip Stinard, 1989-1992 FF - Collaborators - Anne Sylvester, 1994 FF - Collaborators - William C. Taylor, 1984-1985 FF - Collaborators - Richard D. Thompson, 1995 FF - Collaborators - Bruce Veit, 1992 FF - Collaborators - David F. Weber, 1978-1979 FF - Collaborators - R.H. Whalen, 1971-1997 FF - Collaborators - Sue Wessler, 1984-1992 FF - Collaborators - Rod Winkler, 1992 FF - Collaborators - Allen Wright, 1992-1993 FF - Collaborators - Eduardo Zeiger, 1992 FF - Collaborators - Virginia Walbot, 1978-1981, 1991 FF - Collaborators - Virginia Walbot - Les Info Plans, 1984 FF - Offprints - L.J. Stadler, 1921-1925 FF - Offprints - L.J. Stadler, 1926-1929 FF - Offprints - L.J. Stadler, 1930-1939 FF - Offprints - L.J. Stadler, 1941-1949 FF - Offprints - L.J. Stadler, 1950-1957 FF - Offprints - L.J. Stadler, n.d. Box 8 - 053954 [return to top][A21-01] FF - Genetics Area - Organization, By-Laws, 1970-1988 FF - Genetics Area - Meetings, 1970-1989 FF - Genetics Area Program, 1972-1989 FF - Genetics Courses, 1981 FF - Plant Genetics Brochure, 1988 FF - Genetics and Field Crops Brochure, ca. 1965 FF - Maize Gene Mapping Center, 1985-1990 FF - Genome Structuring Position, 1985-1986 FF - Maize Genetics Research Center, 1977-1991 FF - Maize Stock Center - Advisory Committee, 1984-1990 FF - Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs), 1985-1987 FF - Restriction Fragment Polymorphism (RFP) - Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1986-1988 FF - RFP - Interests - Hoisington, n.d. FF - RFP - Miscellaneous Information, 1986-1987 FF - RFP - Thanks for Response (Funding), 1986 FF - RFP - Request for Funding Letter, 1985-1986 FF - Graduate Faculty Senate, 1969 FF - Special Equipment Requests, 1969 FF - Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) - Biology - Reorganization Plan, 1969 FF - LRPC, 1968 FF - Health Sciences Program, 1966 FF - National Science Foundation Traineeships in Field Crops, 1966 FF - China Visitors, 1987 FF - International Atomic Energy Agency - Visitor (K. A. Siddiqui), 1987 FF - People We Know, 1972-1988 FF - Corn Genetics Personnel, 1976, 1988 FF - Genetics Staff Publications to June 1966 FF - 1970 Staff Reports FF - Staff field Crops, ca. 1963-1967 FF - Program Review, 1965-1968 FF - Library, 1963 FF - Citation References - Genetics Department Staff, 1968 FF - Genetics Handbok, 1972-1973 FF - "Agronomy Agitator" - Newsletter, 1977 FF - Research paperwork, 2006-2010 FF - Article - Chromosome Breaking Ds Elements in Maize, Maydica, 1995 FF - Berkley Expenses, 2006 FF - Chromosome Breaking Ds (CBDs) Photos, 1995, 2007-2009 FF - Dominant Mutants Photos, 2001-2007 FF - Summer Staff Photos, 1978 FF - Genetics Department - Historical Materials, 1939, 1967-1969 FF - Correspondence and Speeches, 1986-2000 FF - Western Historical Manuscript Collection - L.J. Stadler Papers, 1969 FF - Dominant Yellow-Green Alleles at the oy Locus, 1981-1988 FF - Disease Lesion Mimics Seminar, 8/28/2006 FF - Dominant Mutant Summary, 2006-2008 FF - Dominant Mutants Data, 3/22/2007 FF - Maize Handbook, 2007 FF - Retirement, 1990-1992 FF - Paula McSteen, 2011 FF - Crossbanded (CB) Growth, 2011 FF - Qm1 Dt Revisit, 2011 FF - Toni Kazic Grant, 2010 FF - Series Calendar, Codes, 2009 FF - Sarah Group Fund, 2008 FF - M.T. Chang, 2009 FF - Gurmukh Johal, 2010 FF - Maize Image Proposal, 2008 FF - Anne Sylvester, 2005-2010 FF - Maize Genetics Conference, 2011 FF - Champaign Illinois Co-op Visits, 2002-2003 FF - 78 Series Growth Chamber, 2003 FF - Hawaii Crop - 78 Series, 2003-2004 FF - Miscellaneous research materials, 2002-2004 FF - Miscellaneous research materials, 2013-2016 FF - Berkeley Research Budget, 2005-2009 FF - Dominant Mutants 2509-2649, 2010 FF - Ds Perspectives, 2010 Box 9 - 054017 [return to top][A21-01] Box 5 - North File Cabinet, Drawer 3 - "Academic Related" FF - Stocks Saved, 1996 FF - Seed Sent, 2000 FF - Seed Sent, 1999 FF - Seed Sent, 1998 FF - Seed Sent to Co-op, 1995-1997 FF - Seed Sent, 1997 FF - Ring 2S Stock, 1997 FF - Seed Sent, 1996 FF - Seed Sent, 1995 FF - Seed Sent, 1994 FF - Seed Sent, 1993 FF - Seed Sent, 1992 FF - Seed Sent, 1991 FF - Seed Sent, 1990 FF - Seed Request Forms (blank), n.d. FF - "Notice to those receiving M2 Seed", n.d. FF - Seed Sent Out, 1989 FF - Seed Sent Out, 1988 FF - Seed Sent, 1987 FF - Seed Sent, 1986 FF - Seed Sent, 1985 FF - Seed Sent, 1984 FF - Plant Cluster/Food for the 21^st^ Century - Materials for review, 10/1989 FF - Plant Cluster Meetings, 1985-1986 FF - Formation of Genetics Department, 1966-1967 FF - Corn Genetics at the University of Missouri - History, n.d. FF - Genetics Coordinating Committee, 1958-1967 FF - Division of Biological Sciences, 1969-1975 FF - Division of Biological Sciences - Organization of, 1969-1970 FF - Division of Biological Sciences - Courses and Curriculum, 1972 FF - Division of Biological Sciences - Director Eisenstark, 1972 FF - Division of Biological Sciences - General, 1970 FF - Department of Botany, 1969-1970 FF - Genetics Area Program conflict, 1970 FF - Biology Review Panel, 3/1967 FF - Biology Review Panel - Report, 1967 FF - Curtis Hall - Pictures and Floor Plans, 1962 FF - Curtis Hall - Plans and Blueprints, ca. 1939-1965 FF - Curtis Hall - Genetics Laboratory Addition - Correspondence, 1962-1965 FF - Curtis Hall - Building Addition, 1960-1962 FF - Curtis Hall, 1960-1984 FF - Curtis Hall - Building Addition - Grant Proposal, 1961 FF - Curtis Hall - Building Addition - Grant Application, ca. 1967 FF - Lights in Greenhouse, 1980-1984 FF - Greenhouses - Repair and Maintenance, 1966-1984 FF - Greenhouses - Equipment, 1974, 1981-1982 FF - Greenhouses - Fiberglass Roof, 1978-1980 FF - "Reports of Preliminary Activation Committees on programs for Agronomy, Atmospheric Science, Food Science and Nutrition, Genetics, and Plant Pathology", 1967 FF - Departmental History - Degrees Awarded, ca. 1965 FF - Historical/Poetry, 1950 FF - Materials provided by Neuffer (as a student) to Dr. Stadler while in hospital, 1954 FF - Clippings, copies of interesting topics, 1967-1972 FF - Stadler Notes, n.d. - also includes memo to "Members of the Selective Service Scientific Advisory Committees" from M.H. Trytten, Director of the National Research Council's Office of Scientific Personnel, 4/25/1949 FF - "The Area of Genetics, a Report to the Biological Sciences Coordinating Committee", n.d. Box 10 - 054018 [return to top][A21-01] FF - Thoughts, Ideas and Philosophy, ca. 1982 FF - Creation/Evolution Controversy, ca. 1972-1980 FF - Articles - BYU and Church, 1968-1976 FF - Articles - Historic (includes information on Sanborn Field, Elmer Ellis, and Land Grant Colleges), 1966, 1979 FF - Articles - Humor, n.d. FF - Humorous and peculiar facts and behavior, 1971 FF - Corn humor, n.d. FF - Articles - Philosophic (includes material related to MU publication "Center and Periphery"), 1968-1986 FF - Waxy Corn, 1953-1957 FF - High Amylose Corn, n.d. FF - Corn - Serious articles, 1976-1984 FF - Articles - Scientific, 1975-1981 FF - Articles - Religious, n.d. FF - Quotes, 1974 FF - Completed forms and questionnaires, 1955, 1977 FF - Contracts, etc. - GI Bill (includes materials related to Neuffer's Student work at University of Idaho, military service, research assistantship at MU, post-war campus housing), 1943-1947 FF - Honors and Honor Societies, 1964-1967 FF - Major Staff job opportunities, 1966-1968 FF - Positions Considered, 1965-1972, 1979 FF - Department Staff and McClintock Visit (includes photographs), 1968 FF - Positions Open, 1955 FF - Inquiries for Open Positions, 1967-1968 FF - Important Personal Papers, 1946-1953, 1992 FF - Items for Personal History, 1973-1979 FF - Personal Staff Record, 1958-1981 FF - Faculty Record, 1971-1974 FF - Appointment Contract, 1948-1991 FF - Employment Records, 1951, 1976-1990 FF - Transcripts, 1946-1950 FF - Biographical Sketch and C.V., 1966-1975 FF - Curricula Vitae, 1976-1990 FF - Ego - Complimentary Letters, etc., 1972-1976 FF - News Clippings, 1965-1968 FF - Medical - Egg Study, 1976-1977 FF - Retirement, 1992 FF - Neuffer PhD Thesis, 1952 FF - Preliminary Exam Questions in Genetics, 1937-1954 [RESTRICTED] FF - First Summary of Thesis, n.d. FF - Thesis Ideas, n.d. FF - Cytogenetics Report #1 - Mitosis in onion root tips, 1949 FF - Cytogenetics Report #2 - Meiosis in grasshopper spermatocytes, 1950 FF - Cytogenetics Report #3 - Urechis, n.d. FF - Neuffer Advanced Genetics Term Paper, 1949 FF - Neuffer Special Problems Course Agronomy 116 Paper, n.d. FF - Neuffer Special Problems Course Agronomy 115 Paper, n.d. FF - Cytology Lab course materials, 1946-1947 FF - Memo for Dt Mutation plans, 1954 FF - Dt plans for 72, n.d. FF - Am Analysis, n.d. FF - Dt Analysis, n.d. FF - Single-Hill Yield Test, n.d. FF - 70 Plans - Cl-Mu, n.d. FF - Old outlines and ideas on Am, n.d. FF - Miscellaneous - "Maize Genetics Cooperation, 1933 to 1939", n.d. FF - Atomic Energy Commission Progress Report, 1952-1955 FF - Research Proposals - includes AEC Progress Reports, 1951-1955 FF - Orange Pericarp (ORP), 1985-1986 FF - E1092A&B, 1979 FF - Dek Info/Plans - Sheridan, n.d. FF - Defective kernel mutant endo-embryo interaction, n.d. FF - Chromosome 8, 1982-1985 FF - Growth Chamber - EM, NG and MS mutants, 1974 FF - Special Mutants, n.d. FF - Mutations of cytoplasm - Coe, Neuffer and Zuber, n.d. FF - Mutagenesis, 1991 FF - Mutagens - Chemical, n.d. FF - Twin Seedling, n.d. FF - New Projects, 1959 FF - Problems for Graduate Students, n.d. FF - Dominant Mutants (includes photographs), 1977 Box 11 - 054024 [return to top][A21-01] FF - Notes and Copy - Tetrasporic Embryo Sac, 1964 FF - Manuscript - Mutagenic Action of Ethyl Methanesulfonate in Maize, 1962 FF - Manuscript - Tetrasporic Embryo Sac, 1964 FF - Mutation Studies at the A1 Locus in Maize II, 1965 FF - Notes - Ultraviolet vs. X-ray, n.d. FF - Summary - UV vs. X-ray vs. Control (includes material by L.J. Stadler), 1951-1953 FF - Manuscript - X-ray vs. UV experiment, n.d. FF - Data - Multiple Dt Dosage, n.d. FF - Publication - Dosage Effect of Multiple Dt Loci on Mutation of a in the Maize Endosperm, 1954 FF - Manuscript - Problems of Gene Structure II, 1953 FF - Manuscripts of Newsletter Notes, ca. 1953-1965 FF - Maize Newsletter Nos. 42, 45 and 46, 1968-1972 FF - Maize Newsletter articles, 1952-1955 FF - L.J. Stadler Manuscripts, 1951-1953 FF - L.J. Stadler Manuscripts (includes "The Gene"), 1953 FF - Photographs and Negatives (includes photograph of Barbara McClintock), 1975-1978 FF - Photographs and Negatives - A-dm and A-pm, n.d. FF - Photographs and Negatives - A-m Dt, ca. 1952 FF - Slides, n.d. FF - "M.G.N. Photos" (Photographs of Neuffer and others, including M.G. Neuffer, B. McClintock, E.H. Coe, Jr., J.B. Beckett, N. Fedoroff, C. Nitsch, G.G. Doyle, W.F. Sheridan, J.R. Laughnan, E. Patterson, D.S. Robertson, E. Dempsey, C.R. Burnham, M.M. Rhoades, and O.E. Nelson, Jr.) FF - Publications (includes "The Mutants of Maize", 1968, and publications catalogs from University of Missouri Press, 1995, and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1995-1996) FF - Mutants of Maize - Brochure, Publicity, 1996-1998 FF - Mutants of Maize - Contract, 1992-1994 FF - Mutants of Maize - Royalty Account, 1997-1998 FF - Mutants of Maize - Correspondence, 1997 FF - Mutants of Maize - Correspondence, 1996 FF - John L. Fowles, 1995 FF - Mutants of Maize - photos not used, n.d. FF - Mutants of Maize - Letters sent and replies, 1988-1989 FF - Mutants of Maize - MaizeDB website - permission forms, 1997 FF - Mutants of Maize - Contributors, A-G, 1989-1997 FF - Mutants of Maize - Contributors, H-R, 1989-1997 Box 12 - 054025 [return to top][A21-01] FF - Mutants of Maize - Contributors, S-Z, 1989-1997 FF - Mutants of Maize - Dr. Coe's Corrections, 1992-1997 FF - Seed Distributed, 1953-1961 FF - Maize Newsletter - Correspondence, 1974-1983, 1993 FF - Recent Maize Newsletter and Research Reports, 1974-1984 FF - Maize Newsletter - Endowment Fund, 1988 FF - Maize Newsletter 25-30, 1951-1955 FF - Maize Newsletter 42, 1968 FF - Maize Newsletter 45, 1971 FF - Maize Newsletter 47, 1973 FF - Maize Newsletter 48, 1974 FF - Maize Newsletter 49, 1975 FF - Maize Newsletter 52, 1978 FF - Maize Newsletter, 1/1980 FF - Maize Newsletter, 1981 FF - Maize Newsletter, 1982 FF - Maize Newsletter 59-60, 1985 FF - Maize Newsletter 60, 1986 FF - Maize Newsletter 61, 1987 FF - Maize Newsletter 62, 1988 FF - Maize Newsletter 63, 1989 FF - Maize Newsletter 64, 1990 FF - Maize Newsletter 65-67, 1991-1993 FF - Newsletter Articles, 1994 FF - Maize Newsletter 69 Articles, 1995 FF - Newsletter Articles, 1996-1997 FF - For Next Maize Newsletter, ca. 1994 FF - Requests for Mutants of Maize, 1963-1969, 1988 FF - Requests for Reprints, 1989-1990 FF - Mutants of Maize - First Draft with Corrections, ca. 1967 FF - Mutants of Maize - Response, 1969 FF - Mutants of Maize - Publicity, 1969-1970 FF - Mutants of Maize - Handwritten Notes, n.d. FF - Mutants of Maize - Reviews, 1966-1967 FF - Mutants of Maize - Memos, Corrections and Notes, n.d. FF - Old Maps and Obsolete Materials, n.d. FF - Mutants of Maize - Galleys for Revision, 1968-1969 FF - Linkage Map Publication, 1962 FF - Mutants of Maize - Correspondence, 1965-1969 FF - Publications - includes Mutants of Maize, 1969, and "The Ten Chromosomes of Maize", 1958-1965 FF - "The Ten Chromosomes of Maize" - includes photographic negatives, 1962-1966 FF - "The Ten Chromosomes of Maize" - Testimonial Letters, 1958-1963 FF - Mutants of Maize - W.A. Krueger Co., 1966-1967 FF - Corn and Corn Improvement - Reviews and Publicity, 1978 FF - NSF Project C5-30012 - Progress and Final Reports, 1995-1997 FF - NSF Project C5-30012 - Living Stock Collections Program - Reviews/Final Copy, 1993-1996 FF - Grant Proposals - Reviews, 1978-1996 Box 13 - 054026 [return to top][A21-01] FF - Life Book Photo Captions, 1961 FF - Publication Plans and Memo, n.d. FF - Abstracts, 1958-1966 FF - Maydica article - "Chromosome Breaking Ds Elements in Maize", 1995 FF - Maize Handbook, 1991-1993 FF - Chemical Mutagenesis, 1987 FF - Maize Handbook - Chromosome Breaking, 1991-1993 FF - Maize Handbook - Growing Maize, 1991-1993 FF - Maize Handbook - Lesion Mutants, 1991-1993 FF - Maize Handbook - Microsporogenesis, 1991 FF - Maydica article - "Endosperm-Embryo interaction in maize", 1993 FF - The Orange Pericarp in Tryptophan Auxotroph, 1991-1992 FF - Phytic Acid in DEKs, 1989 FF - Acid Biosynthesis - Orange Pericarp, 1991 FF - Evidence for Tryptophan Auxotroph, 1989 FF - Deletion in Alleles, n.d. FF - Position of Gametophyte Nuclei, 1992-1993 FF - Linkage Map of Corn (Maize), 1989 FF - Reprint Originals, 1989 FF - "A Simple Method for Staining Nuclei...", 1989 FF - "Evidence for tryptophan auxotrophy...", 1989 FF - Orange Pericarp in Maize, 1988 FF - Maize Microsporogenesis, 1988-1989 FF - M.T. Chang Manuscripts, n.d. FF - Corn and Corn Improvement - Third Edition, 1987-1989 FF - Plant Breeding Review - Induced Mutations in Maize, n.d. FF - Penn State Manuscript - "The Genetic Control of Maize Kernel Development", 1986 FF - "Mr R-M Controlling Element System", 1985 FF - "Nuclear Encoded Chloroplast ATP...", 1986 FF - Application of RFLP in Crop Genetics, 1985 FF - Journal of Heredity - Sheridan and Neuffer, 1986 FF - Maize Ligule and Mutants that Affect It, 1985 FF - Maize Mutants Altered in Endosperm Development, n.d. FF - Genetic Control of Embryo and Endosperm Development, 1983 FF - Genetic Control of Disease Symptoms, 1983 FF - Chimeral Dominants in M1, 1983 FF - Endosperm-Embryo Interactions, 1983 FF - Mutants with Thylakoid Diff., n.d. FF - Developmental Mutants of Maize: Embryos Lacking Leaf Brimordia, 1982 FF - Lesion Mimics, 1982 FF - Disease Lesion Mimics, 1982 FF - Dominant Disease Lesion Mimics in Maize II, n.d. FF - Walbot, Hoisington and Neuffer manuscript, n.d. FF - Genetic Factors and Linkage Map of Maize, 1982 FF - Mutant Induction in Maize, 1982 FF - Neuffer and Beckett Paper, n.d. FF - Molecular Biology Newsletter materials, 1981-1982 FF - Growing Maize for Genetic Purposes, 1982 FF - Search for Auxotrophs, 1981 FF - "Production of Haploid Plants...", 1981 FF - Developing Maize Embryos, 1982 FF - Mutants Disturbed in Early Embryonic Development, 1980 FF - Defective Kernel Mutants I, 1979 FF - Defective Kernel Mutants II, 1979 FF - Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase accumulation, 1980 FF - Regulation of Chlorophyll-b Levels, 1977 FF - Embryo Cells and Their Destinies, n.d. FF - Paraffin Oil Technique, 1977 FF - Induction of Genetic Variability, 1976 FF - Induction of Genetic Variability manuscript, n.d. FF - Induced Dominant Mutants, 1975 FF - Corn and Corn Improvement - Coe and Neuffer chapter, 1976 FF - Dominant Disease Lesion Mimics, 1975 FF - Handbook of Biochemistry - Linkage Map and Annotated List of Genetic Markers in Maize, n.d. FF - Handbook of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1975 FF - Handbook of Genetics, 1971-1975 FF - Genetics Handbook, 1972-1975 FF - Genetics Handbook - Draft and Notes, 1972 FF - Handbook of Biochemistry - Maize Manuscript, 1970 FF - Biochemical Handbook - Linkage Map and Annotated List, 1967 FF - Vivipary (Diplodia) Phytopath, 1969 FF - A Model for Mutable Loci in Maize, 1965 FF - Stability of the Suppressor Element in Two Mutator Systems, 1965 FF - Consequences of Crossing Over, 1965 FF - Crossover Analysis, 1965 FF - Notes - Mutation Studies at A1 Locus in Maize, n.d. Box 14 - 054027 [return to top][A21-01] FF - Reviews of Grant Proposals, 1978-1988 FF - Peer Review, 1980-1985 FF - Publicity - Projects and Personal, 1958-1974 FF - Reviews of Research Papers, 1975-1994 FF - Reviews, n.d. FF - Genome Data for Maize, 7/1/1991 FF - Nuclear Genes Controlling Chloroplast Development in Maize, 1981 FF - USDA Cooperative Agreement with Coe, 1980-1989 FF - USDA CRGO Coe and Chao - "A High-Density Resource of Mapped Genetic Loci in Maize", 1992-1995 FF - Research Board, 4/1994 FF - Research Board, 1993 FF - CRGO Extension Proposal, 1991-1992 FF - Grant Application - "Selection characterization and Preservation of maize mutants", n.d. FF - CRGO Grant on Mutants, 1987-1991 FF - Allen D. Wright Orange Pericarp, 1988-1992 FF - Allen Wright - Orange Pericarp grant, 1988-1991 FF - USDA Annual Reports, 1966-1991 FF - Agricultural Experiment Station Annual Reports, 1953-1965 FF - AEC Summary Report Excerpt, 1955 FF - Agronomy Annual Report, 1976-1991 FF - USDA Project Reports - Coe, 1980-1981 FF - ARS Corn Genetics Review, 1976 FF - Project Renewal, 1970-1975 FF - Project Renewal, 1980 FF - Five-Year Plan Update, 1981 FF - Corn Genetics Plan, 1979 FF - Project 48 Station Report, 1947-1968 FF - Project 48 Work Plans, 1957-1963 FF - Corn Genetics First Five-Year Plan, 1977 FF - Miscellaneous Grants, 1987-1989 FF - Master Copy - Les Grant Renewal, 1988 FF - Gifts, 1986-1987 FF - Pioneer Hi-Bred Fund, 1984 FF - Dekalb-Pfizer - Genetics and Photosynthesis, 1984 FF - Pioneer Postdoc - EMS Mutants, 1981 FF - CRGO Mutants Grant, 1984 FF - CRGO Renewal of "Developmental and Genetic Constraints on Leaf Lesion formation", 1985 FF - CRGO Proposal, 1982 FF - USDA/CRGO Renewal, 1981 FF - Genetic and Physiological Constraints on Lesions - Department of Energy, 1979 FF - NSF Project Renewal, 1982 FF - NSF Lesions Grant - Master Copy, 1985 FF - National Starch and Chemical Corporation Proposal, 1984 FF - Developmental, Genetic and Physiological Constraints on Leaf Lesion Formation, 1980 FF - NSF Proposal - Developmental and Genetic Controls of Leaf Lesion Formation in Zea mays, 1979-1980 FF - Revised DEK Proposal, 1987 FF - DEK (NSF) Supplement, 1986 FF - NSF Renewal - Defective Kernel Mutants, 1982 FF - NSF - Hoerter Undergrad Research, 1980 FF - NSF - Embryo Culture Development, 1979 FF - NSF Award, 1976 FF - Research Council Grant, 1977 FF - NSF Application - Coe and Phinney, 1962 FF - NSF - Research Grant Application, 1959-1965 FF - NIH Grant, 1965 FF - Grant Application, 1965 FF - Corn Genetics Outstanding Program Proposal, 1977 FF - National Institute on Aging (NIA) Grant Proposal Materials, 1978 FF - Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Genetics of Vulnerability in Corn, 1976 FF - Cooperative Agreement - Physiology and Genetics of Corn Pollen, 1969-1973 FF - NASA, 1964-1965 FF - New Project Proposals, 1968, 1977 Box 15 - 054030 [return to top][A21-01] FF - Grants/Support, 1987-1996 FF - Outline - Corn Genetics Project, 1989-1991 FF - Plant Science Unit, 1990-1993 FF - Project Activities, 1979-1988 FF - Curtis Hall, 1986-1995 FF - Curtis Hall - Concerns and History, 1974, 1984-1992 FF - Greenhouse Space, 1988-1995 FF - Genetics Farmland, 1988-1989 FF - Personal Achievements - includes biographical sketches of Neuffer, 1986-1991 FF - Neuffer - CV and Related Info, 1990-1998 FF - Neuffer - Achievement Reports, 1980-1991 FF - Neuffer - Personal (includes photographs and negatives of Neuffer and Margaret McGregor Neuffer), 1983-1996 FF - Plant Genome Project with Dr. Coe, 1991-1992 FF - Mapping the Maize Genome, 1990-1991 FF - Consulting Agreements and Plans, 1987-1991 FF - Hawaii Winter Nursery, 1996-1997 FF - Hawaii Winter Nursery, 1997-1998 FF - Hawaii Winter Nursery, 1995-1996 FF - Hawaii Winter Nursery, 1994-1995 FF - Hawaii Plans, 1992-1994 FF - Hawaii Nursery, 1989-1992 FF - Hawaii Travel Plans, 3/1992 FF - Hawaii, ca. 1984 FF - Hawaii, 1984-1985 FF - Florida, 1960-1978 FF - Hawaii Lodging and Travel Info, 1989-1990 FF - Hawaii - Special Trip, 3/1993 FF - Hawaii - Molokai, n.d. FF - Hawaiian Nursery, 1992-1993 FF - Literature on XYY Chromosome Effect, n.d. FF - Lesion References, 1971-1980 FF - References, 1961-1984 FF - Florida, 1997 FF - Maize Meeting - Pheasant Run, 1996 FF - Maize Meetings - Asilomar, 1995 FF - Corn Genetics Meeting - Pheasant Run, 3/1994 FF - Pheasant Run, 1993 FF - Corn Genetics Conference - Asilomar, 1992 FF - Mutagenesis - Genetics Definition - Delavan, 1991 FF - Maize Genetics Meeting - Delavan, 3/1990 FF - Maize Genetics Meeting - Delavan, 3/1989 FF - Maize Genetics Meeting, 1988 FF - Delavan, 1987 FF - Maize Genetics Meeting - Delavan, 3/1986 FF - Maize Genetics Meeting - Delavan, 1985 FF - Corn Genetics Conference - Champaigne, 3/1984 FF - Allerton, 1983 FF - Allerton, 1982 FF - Allerton, 1981 FF - Allerton, 1978 FF - Allerton, 1977 FF - Allerton, 1976 FF - Maize Genetics Conference - Allerton, 1975 FF - Allerton, 1974 FF - Allerton, 1972-1973 FF - Allerton, 1966-1971 FF - Allerton Meeting - Revised Maps, 1969 FF - Allerton, 1965 FF - Allerton, 1962-1964 FF - Purdue Meetings, 8/1961 FF - Corvallis Trip, 1962 FF - Genetics Society Meetings - Boulder, 1964 FF - Plant Breeding Symposium - Ames IA, 1965 FF - American Society of Agronomy Meeting - "In vitro germination of pollen...", 10/1972 FF - American Society of Agronomy Meeting - "Effects of X-ray vs. UV", 11/1957 FF - Brookhaven Symposium Travel Plans, 1973 FF - Brookhaven Symposium, 1965 FF - Brookhaven Symposium, 6/1955 FF - International Maize Symposium - Invitation Paper, 1975 FF - International Maize Symposium - General Info, 1975 FF - "Copy - China" (copies of tables and experiment directions), n.d. FF - Trip to China, 1986 Box 16 - 054031 [return to top][A21-01] FF - Hangzhou, China - FAO/IAEA Training Course, 1986 FF - China Receipts, 1986 FF - Lecture Notes - Unidentified Course, n.d. FF - Genetics - Tissue Culture Workshop, 11/1974 FF - Symposium on Genetics Today, 11/1962 FF - Cornell Trip, 1960 FF - Endosperm-Embryo Interaction - Prep Materials for Gordon Conference, n.d. FF - Prep for Gordon Conference, 1977 FF - Gordon Conference - Travel Info, 1977 FF - Gordon Conference - Presentation, Genetic and Embryo Culture Study, n.d. FF - GSSA Annual Meeting, 1987 FF - Plant Development Genetic Workshop, 8/1985 FF - Genetics Society - Boulder CO, 8/1980 FF - GSSA - Edmonton, 1979 FF - Genetics Society Annual Meeting - Vancouver, 1984 FF - Genetics Society Annual Meeting - Abstract, 8/1984 FF - IAEA Mutagenesis Symposium - Gottingen, 1989 FF - Goettingen Lecture, ca. 1989 FF - Hyderabad, 12/1983 FF - Hyderabad - "Genetic Control...", n.d. FF - Taiwan, 12/1983 FF - International Genetics Congress - New Delhi, 12/1983 FF - New Delhi - "Chimeral Dominants...", 12/1983 FF - India - Travel Documents, 12/1983 FF - Publications - International Congress of Genetics, New Delhi, and International Genetics Symposium, Hyderabad, 12/1983 FF - International Genetics Congress - Moscow, 1978 FF - International Genetics Congress - Berkeley CA, 1973 FF - International Genetics Congress - "Induced Dominant Disease Mimics...", 1973 FF - International Genetics Congress - Japan, 1968 FF - International Genetics Congress - The Hague, 1963 FF - International Genetics Congress - "Transposition of Mutability...", 1963 FF - Europe Travel Expenses/Business - Genetics Congress, 1963 FF - Genetics Congress - Montreal, 1958 FF - Genetics Congress - Tokyo, 1968 FF - Pioneer - Johnston IA, 1982 FF - Keystone Meeting, 1985 FF - Minneapolis-St. Paul, 3/25/1981 FF - National Science Foundation - Washington, 2/1989 FF - Paris/Rome/Milan/Basel, 1981 FF - International Symposium on Plant Transposable Elements, 8/1987 FF - Plant Physiology Symposium - Penn State, 5/1986 FF - Robertson's Mutator Workshop, 6/1988 FF - Stadler Genetics Symposium, 1985-1991 FF - Stadler Genetics Symposium, 1984 FF - Stadler Symposium, 6/1983 FF - Stadler Symposium, 1972 FF - Stadler Symposium, 1968-1969, 1976 FF - Stadler Symposium, 1969 FF - Developmental Biology Meeting - Storrs CT, 6/1980 FF - Tissue Culture Symposium - Philadelphia, 6/1976 FF - Travel Policy Committee, 1968 FF - Travel, 1960-1977 FF - Seminar and Presentation Methods, 1986-1987 FF - History Lunch - Curtis Hall, 5/8/1991 FF - Lecture to Advanced Genetics Class, 4/18/1986 FF - Problems and Solutions in Mutagenesis - Washington University, 2/27/1985 FF - Genetics Seminar, 9/6/1984 FF - Agronomy Seminar - Induction of Useful Mutants, 10/21/1981 FF - EMS Induced Defective Kernel Mutants - Washington University, 11/29/1979 FF - Stadler Symposium Committee, 1969-1975 FF - Stadler Symposium - Titles and Speakers, 1969 FF - Genetics Seminar - Titles and Schedules, 1970 FF - Genetics Seminar - "Defective Kernel Mutants...", 9/23/1976 FF - Seminar - Logan UT, 11/1974 FF - Genetics Seminar - "The Search for Genetic Variability", 9/27/1973 FF - Seminar - Mutation and Genetic Redundancy, 1971 FF - Gene Control Systems in Maize - Western Michigan University-Kalamazoo, 5/13/1970 FF - Gene Control Systems in Maize - University of Utah, 1/20/1969 FF - Corn Improvement Conference - Little Rock AR, 2/8/1967 FF - Seminar - Viruses as Mutagenic Agents, 1965 FF - Seminar - Tetrasporic Embryo Sac, 1964 FF - Seminars, 1957-1961 FF - African Violet Short Course, 1956 FF - R. Alexander Brink - Manuscript and Seminar Photos, 1956 FF - Data for Talk at Iowa State, 6/1955 FF - Outlines for Seminars, 1947-1955 Box 17 - 054032 [return to top][A21-01] FF - Seminar - Cold Springs Harbor - ORP in Maize, 6/24/1988 FF - Maize Genetic Conference, 3/1998 FF - "Alternative Ways to make Sweet Corn", 2003 FF - Bird Symbol List, 1984 FF - Unidentified Symbol List, 11/16/1992 FF - National Science Foundation (NSF) Proposal - Leaf Lesion Formation, 1988 FF - Disease Mimics Materials and References, n.d. FF - Lesion Mutants - Pawar, n.d. FF - DIMBOA, 1979 FF - Disease Like Lesions, n.d. FF - Computer Commands, 1990-1991 FF - Mutant Data Base Searches, 1985-1990 FF - Lesion Individual Histories, n.d. FF - Search for Brian Larkin, 1990 FF - Lesion Info, 1993-1994 FF - Disease Like Lesions, n.d. FF - New Mutable Loci, n.d. FF - Hoisington Stock, n.d. FF - Dr. Neuffer table from Correns 1901, 1991-1992 FF - Les 1 - Undergraduate Senior Honors Paper, 1980 [RESTRICTED] FF - Co-analysis of Mutable Loci, n.d. FF - Les Project Plans, n.d. FF - A-system miscellaneous info, n.d. FF - Memo "Don't forget these" - Miscellaneous research notes, n.d. FF - Miscellaneous research notes, 1977 FF - Mutation efficiency - Barley, Maize, n.d. FF - "To be done" - unidentified research data, 1978-1980 FF - Les Phenotype or Symptom - Plant Pathology, 1983 FF - Dwarf Dominants, n.d. FF - Chang, Neuffer and Sheridan paper - Maize Mutants Altered in Endosperm Development - manuscript, n.d. FF - Albertson - Mo41, Ms43, 1990 FF - Project Plans, 1978-1982 FF - Correction Copies - Current, 1984-1987 FF - Special Mutants - lists of, notes on, n.d. FF - B-A Translocation Info, n.d. FF - Summaries - Mutant Data Bank, 1983-1988 FF - Les and Ds, n.d. FF - Twx Link Data by E\#, n.d. FF - MS-1 through MS-28, n.d. FF - MS-29 through MS-62, n.d. FF - MS-63 through MS-68, n.d. FF - Les Loc Pedigree Searches, 1992 FF - Publications with articles by or about Neuffer and the Plant Genetics program, 1961, 1966, 1998-1999 FF - Articles by or about Neuffer and Plant Genetics (cont'd), 1955-1970 FF - Articles by or about Neuffer and Plant Genetics (cont'd), ca. 1953-2014 FF - Articles by or about Neuffer and Plant Genetics (cont'd), 1957-2007 Item - Book - Mutants of Maize (coauthored by Neuffer), 1997 Item - Department of Genetics Accession Book, 1955-2015 FF - List of Neuffer publications (provided by Edward H. Coe, Jr.), 2019 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
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Compiled: December 2021
Revised: 20 December 2021
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