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Box Lists for C:3/1/77

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 103730 [return to top]


FF - "History of the Formation of the Community Development Curriculum, 1959-1967"

FF - "Community/Economic Development", n.d.

FF - "Organizational Development - A Guide for Training Boards and Staffs of Organizations and Agencies" [includes transparencies], n.d.

FF - "Jack Timmons - Community Development Professional Practice - COMM 330", Spring 1991

FF - "MU Extension Community Arts Pilot Project - Project Overview", 2012

FF - "Community Development - Now More Than Ever: The Case for Enhancing MU's Community Development Department", ca. 1991

FF - "Prepared Statement on the Department of Community Development by Alvin S. Lackey, Department Chairperson", ca. 1982

FF - Course Materials - CD310, Community Development Theory, Fall 1984

FF - Draft Report, Professional Development Task Force II, n.d.

FF - A. Hugh Denney - "Growth Centers in North America, 1950-1991", 1993

FF - Missouri Regional Cuisines Project - Report of Initial Regional Meeting, Mississippi Hills Pilot Region, 3/17/2004

FF - Community Activities Appraisal Procedure (CAAP), 1986

FF - Program Reductions, 1982

FF - "Growing Entrepreneurs from the Ground Up", 12/2004

FF - "Community Development Education at the University of Missouri-Columbia, 1957-1975"

FF - "Community Development since 1957 - A Brief History and Alumni Directory", 1984

FF - Community Development Focus - Speeches Presented at the Conference on Exploring and Expanding Opportunities for Older Americans", 6/1976

FF - Merle Doughty - "For Land's Sake - A History of the Missouri Soils and Parks Sales Tax", n.d.

FF - University Extension Manual 133 - "Small Town Survival Manual", 7/1988

FF - University Extension Manual DM464 - "Town Meetings that Work", 4-1993

FF - University Extension Miscellaneous Publications Series - MP 104, "The Community Attitude Self-Survey", 1/1978; and MP 183, "The Process and the Product", 6/1975

FF - University Extension - "Considerations for Land Use" series, 1976

FF - "Summary Report of Department of Regional and Community Affairs", 1/1973

FF - Department of Community Development - "Department Report #1 - An Introduction to Community Development: History, Theory and Practice", 1990

FF - Extension Publication MP 349, "Mid-Missouri Regional Profile", 1973

FF - Karl DeMarce - Notes on conference "Sustaining Rural Economic Development through Sustainable Agriculture", 1/1991

FF - James B. Cook - "Citizen Participation: A Concepts Battery", Winter 1980

FF - Bound Volume of articles on community development, 9/1970

FF - Community Development Presentation to the Academic Review Committee, 4/29/1982

Box 2 - 104097 [return to top]


FF - Peace Corps Training, 1964-1965

FF - Missouri Community Leaders School - Group Facilitators Guide, 4/1983

FF - James B. Cook - "Participation with a Purpose", 5/1984

FF - Elizabeth Barham - "Missouri Wineries: Present Status and Future Scenarios", 11/2003

FF - Community Development - Miscellaneous materials - subjects include master's degree curriculum, international community development, Community Development Society conference, 1964-1988

FF - Peace Corps volunteer training proposals, 1963-1966

FF - Community Development Program history, 1963-1965, 1975

FF - Miscellaneous Reports - includes annual reports, self-study reports, and other reports for the Department of Community Development, Center for Community Development, and Department of Regional and Community Affairs, 1963-1980

FF - Community Development Department - includes student handbooks, 1988-1991; staff/specialist directories, 1994; and "A Brief History and Alumni Directory", 1984

FF - Miscellaneous Publications - includes "Missouri Government and Politics, Chapter 2: Political Culture of Missouri" (Richard R. Dohm, author); Community Policy Analysis Center Annual Report, 2006; Community Development Progress, Vol. XII No. 1, 1/29/1980; and Ballard Local Government Series - "Rules for Missouri Townships" (DM4001), 11/2007, and "Rules for Missouri Fire Protection Districts" (DM4002), 6/2011

FF - Community Development history - "Great Expectations: A Look Back at Community Development", n.d.

FF - Historical Info on Community Development, 1964-2004

FF - Department of Community Development - Annual Reports and Plan of Work, 1979-1992

FF - Community Development International Seminar, 1993-1994

FF - Miscellaneous Papers/Drafts - authors include Daryl Hobbs, James B. Cook, William Biddle, George R. McDowell, and the ECOP Subcommittee's Task Force on Community Resource Development in the 80s, 1964-ca. 1991

FF - Community Development in the US, 1958-1982

FF - Mark Peterson - "Stop Playing Games with People's Lives", 1982

FF - James B. Cook - "Commentary", 1/18/1981

FF - Lee J. Cary - "Principles of Community Development: A Faculty Point of View", 2/17/1981

FF - Arthur Dunham - "Community Development - Its Nature and Characteristics", 6/1964

FF - Frank Anderson - "The Community as a Setting for the Joint Enterprise", n.d.

FF - Jim Cook - "Expanding 'Citizen' Participation in Cooperative Efforts", 6/4/1983

FF - James B. Cook - "Citizen Participation - A Way to Look at Citizen Roles in Democratic Communities", 4/1983

FF - James B. Cook - "Democracy and Hard Times", 2/1981

FF - "Shaping the Future - Strategic Directions to Guide Missouri's University Outreach and Extension Community Development Effort in the 21st Century" (Community Development strategic plan), 11/1/2002

FF - Bound volume of articles written by Community Development faculty, ca. 1968

FF - "Community Development Education at the University of Missouri-Columbia, 1957-1975"

FF - "Community Development since 1957, University of Missouri-Columbia - A Brief History and Alumni Directory", 1984

FF - "EXCEL", Moberly/Randolph County MO, 1/20/1984-5/12/1984

FF - Alvin Lackey, "Resources Generated Through Extension Community Development Programs", 1985

FF - Drafts, "Some Types of Community Action Designed to Bring About Community Change", n.d.

FF - Course Syllabi, CD310: Community Development Theory, 1984, 1991

FF - Guides for Community Workers, n.d.

FF - Reports - CD Sector Advisory Committee, 1983, and Professional Development Task Force II, 1986

FF - Extension Publications - Titles include "Engineering, Science and Technology Guide", "Energy - Dollars and Sense of Conservation", "Considerations for Community Decision Making", "UMC Guide - Recreation, Parks and Leisure", and other University Extension publication series, 1971-1992

Box 3 - 104098 [return to top]


FF - North Central Regional Center for Rural Development - "Transportation Action: A Local Input Model to Engage Community Transportation Planning", 4/1996

FF - Boyd Faulkner - Cameroon Community Development Project, 1981

FF - Course Materials - 411, Selected Readings on Community Development, Fall 1968

FF - Selected Readings on Community Development, 6/1969

FF - Course Materials - CD362, The CD Process - "Section III - The Political Implications of Community Development", n.d.

FF - Course Materials - RCA194 - "Readings in Urban and Regional Planning Implementation", 1978

FF - Course Materials - CD362, The CD Process - "Section II - The Social and Cultural Implications of Community Development", n.d.

FF - Course Materials - CD362, The CD Process - "Section IV - The Economic Implications of Community Development", n.d.

FF - Course Materials - CD362, The CD Process - "Section III - The Political Implications of Community Development", n.d.

FF - Course Materials - CD362, The CD Process - "Section V - The Organization, Administration, and Operation of the Community Development Process", n.d.

FF - Course Materials - CD362, The CD Process - "Section VI - Building and Executing the Community Development Program", n.d.

FF - Course Materials - CD362, The CD Process - "Section V - The Organization, Administration, and Operation of the Community Development Process", n.d.

FF - McCall, Jack, and John Woodward. "Community Gaming - Volume 1, Gaming Information" (Extension Publication LG 141), 1976

FF - McCall, Jack, and John Woodward. "Community Gaming - Volume 2, Gaming Materials" (Extension Publication LG 142), 1976

FF - Beran, D.L. "The Community Development Role of the School", n.d.

FF - Cary, Lee C. "The Field of Community and Rural Development: Background and Origins", n.d.

FF - Phifer, Bryan, Fred List and Boyd Faulkner. "History of Community Development in the United States: An Overview", n.d.

FF - Course Materials - RCA 300, Introduction to Community Development, ca. Winter 1974

FF - Littrell, Donald W. "Chapter 5: The Self-Help Approach to Community Development", n.d.

Box 4 - 104313 [return to top]


FF - Community Development Library Binder - "CD Programs, Projects and Cases - general", 1960-1976

FF - Community Development Library Binder - "Community Development - Methods and Procedures - Survey Methods and Models", 1940-1973

FF - Community Development Library Binder - "Community Development - Methods and Procedures" - Survey Methods and Models" (cont'd), 1962-1969

FF - Community Development Library Binder - "Community Development - Methods and Procedures - Evaluation", 1959-1964

FF - Community Development Library Binder - "Community Development - Methods and Procedures - Evaluation" (cont'd), 1962-1969

FF - Faulkner - Jaycees International Research Project, 1978-1979

FF - Faulkner - Jaycees International Project - Questionnaire, ca. 1976-1977

FF - Faulkner - Jaycees International Project - General Information, 1978-1979

FF - J. Bruce Bullock (includes DVD and materials related to the Department of Agricultural Economics Centennial), 2006, 2011

FF - Photographs - Harold J. Bassett Retirement Party, 8/19/1982

FF - Scrapbook - Food Service/Lodging Management, 1971-1978

FF - American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) - Annual Meeting and Women's Program, 1970

FF - Memorabilia - Commencement, 6/1941

FF - Memorabilia - Barnwarming - titles include "The Country Gentleman", 1937; "The Barnwarmer", 1938-1939; "The Harvest Wind", 1940; and "The Barnyard Post II", 2004

FF - Photographic Slides - unidentified Extension presentation, 1979-1980

Box 5 - Ellis [return to top]


FF - Memorabilia - Barnwarming souvenir - wooden horseshoe, "Barnwarmin' '37", ("LMH" in pencil on bottom), 1937

FF - Memorabilia - Barnwarming souvenir - wooden clock, "Time for Barnwarmin' '38", ("Wade McMillan" in pencil on bottom)

FF - Memorabilia - Barnwarming souvenir - wooden paddle, "'39 Barnwarmin'", 1939

FF - Memorabilia - Barnwarming souvenir - wooden invitation with poem, "Hello Susie" and "Barnwarmin' '40", 1940

FF - Memorabilia - Barnwarming invitation - "Dear Best Gal", 1939

FF - Memorabilia - Barnwarming - programs/dance cards, 1937-1940

FF - Memorabilia - Future Farmers of America (FFA) cap, n.d.

FF - Memorabilia - "Missouri" tiger decal, n.d.

FF - Miscellaneous publications (includes registration time schedule for second semester freshman, 1938; bulletin, "The University of Missouri General Information for Students", 1938-1939; program, Twelfth Annual Ag Club Banquet, 3/19/1941; invitation for Class of 1941 members to meet with President and Mrs. Middlebush, 5/19/1941; Agricultural Extension Service publication, "The Farm Outlook", 12/1948; Missouri Store Company publication (includes image of the exterior of the store), "Pep Songs of Old Mizzou", n.d.; College of Agriculture alumni directory, 1963)

FF - Group Photograph (includes the following individuals: Jerry Wade, John Croll, Jim Cook, Hugh Denney, George Nickolaus, Bryan Phifer, Boyd Faulkner, Mary Leuci, Lee Cary, Alvin Lackey, Ray Lenzi, Jack Timmons, Gene Robertson, Fred List and Don Littrell), n.d.

Oversized Box 1 - Ellis [return to top]


Item - Publication, "Missouri Growth Center Atlas (Class 4, 5, and 6 Growth Centers in Minor Civil Divisions)", 1975

Item - Plaque, "Community Development Faculty Scholarship Fund Honor Roll", n.d.

Return to C:3/1/77 summary

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