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Box Lists for C:3/1/70

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 067351 [return to top]


FF - Animal Sciences, 2001-2006 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Biochemistry, 2000-2006 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Food Science and Engineering, 2001-2006

FF - Biological Engineering, 2001-2006 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Food Science and Human Nutrition, 2001-2006 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Hotel and Restaurant Management, 2001-2006 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Natural Resources, 2001-2006 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Atmospheric Science, 2003-2004 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Fisheries and Wildlife, 2000-2006 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Forestry, 2001-2006 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Parks, Recreation and Tourism, 2001-2006 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Soils, 2000-2005 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Plant Sciences, 2001-2006 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Agronomy, 2001-2006 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Entomology, 2001-2005 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Horticulture, 2000-2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Plant Microbiology and Pathology, 2001-2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Social Sciences, 2002-2006 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Agricultural Economics, 2001-2006 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Agricultural Education, 2001-2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Agricultural Journalism, 2002-2006 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Community Development, 2004 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Rural Sociology, 2002-2006 [RESTRICTED]

Box 2 - 067352 [return to top]


FF - American Distance Education Consortium (ADEC), 1993

FF - Agriculture Future of America (AFA), 2000-2001

FF - Ag Day Barbecue, 2000-2001

FF - Annual Report of Accomplishments, 2000-2001

FF - Tom Billings, 2000

FF - CAFNR Administrators' Retreat, 2000

FF - CAFNR Faculty/Staff Meeting, 2000-2001

FF - CAFNR Recognition Reception, 2000

FF - CAFNR Staff Advisory Council/Forum, 2000-2001

FF - CAFNR Organizational Chart History, 1984-1998

FF - CAFNR Policy Committee, 2000

FF - CAFNR Space Issues (includes plans), 2000-2001

FF - CAFNR Celebration of Service Banquet, 2002

FF - CAFNR Celebration of Excellence, 2001

FF - Fall Fest, 2000-2001

FF - Holiday Celebration, 2000-2001

FF - Center for Agriculture, Resource and Environmental Systems (CARES), 2001

FF - Council for Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching (CARET), 2000-2001

FF - Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), 2000-2001

FF - CBHE Program Review, 2000-2001

FF - Coalition for Food and Agricultural Research (C-FAR), 2000-2001

FF - College of Agriculture Foundation, 2000

FF - Committee Appointment Series, 1999-2001

FF - Dairy Farmers of America, 2001

FF - Entomological Society/Entomological Foundation, 2000-2001

FF - Faculty Performance Shares, 2001

FF - Food and Agriculture Policy Research Institute (FAPRI), 2000-2001

FF - Fertilizer and Ag Lime Advisory Council, 2001

FF - Food for the 21st Century, 2000-2001

FF - Fresh Start, 2000-2001

FF - Faculty/Staff Brown Bag, 2000-2001

Box 3 - 067353 [return to top]


FF - Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI), 2005

FF - Space Analysis, 2002-2006

FF - Research and Outreach, 2001-2006

FF - Animal Sciences Unit Space Programming Study, 2002

FF - Bradford Research and Extension Center Space Study, 2004

FF - "A Space Study on the Social Sciences Unit", 2002

FF - "A Space Study on the School of Natural Resources", 2002

FF - Plant Science Unit Space Programming Study, 2002

FF - Curtis Hall Space Programming Study, 2001

FF - "Greenhouse Space Needs", 2001

FF - "A Space Study on Curtis Hall", 2001

FF - South Farm Space Study, 2004

FF - Food Science and Engineering Unit Space Programming Study, 2001

FF - "A Space Study on the Food Science and Engineering Unit", 2001

FF - Space Study on the Biochemistry Department, 2001

FF - Greenhouse Space Needs, 2001

FF - Bradford Agronomy Research Center, 2001

FF - Supplemental Fees, 2004

FF - USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS), 2002-2006

FF - Human Environmental Sciences, 2001-2005 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Engineering, 2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Education, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Biological Sciences, 2006 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Alphabetical Files, 2001-2006 [RESTRICTED]

Box 4 - 067354 [return to top]


FF - Graduate Institute of Cooperative Leadership (GICL), 2001

FF - Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems (IFAFS), 2000-2001

FF - Intercollegiate Athletics, 2000-2001

FF - International, 2000-2001

FF - Legislators, 2000-2001

FF - Life Sciences, 1999-2001

FF - Life Sciences, 1999-2001 (cont'd)

FF - Life Sciences Executive Committee, 2000-2001

FF - Life Sciences - Development Officer, 2000

FF - Life Sciences - Mission Enhancement, 2000-2001

FF - Life Sciences Steering Committee, 2000

FF - Life Sciences - Technology Gateway Alliance Development, 2001

FF - Life Sciences Center - Monsanto, 2001

FF - Missouri Agricultural Land Management Resource Institute (MALMRI), 2000-2001

FF - Maxwell Proposal, 2000

FF - Mentoring, 2000-2001

FF - Mid-America International Agricultural Consortium (MIAC), 2000-2001

FF - Mission Enhancement, 2000-2001

FF - Missouri Beef Industry Council, 2000-2001

FF - Missouri Corn Growers Association, 2000-2001

FF - Missouri Department of Agriculture, 2000-2001

FF - Missouri Farm Bureau, 2000-2001

FF - Missouri Foundation Seed (MFS) Program, 2000-2001

FF - Missouri Soil and Water Districts Commission, 2000-2001

FF - Missouri Soybean Association, 2000-2001

FF - Monsanto, 2000-2001

FF - MU Direct, 2000-2001

FF - NASULGC, 2000-2001

FF - North Central Regional Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors (NCRA) - Executive Director Search, 2000-2001

FF - NCRA, 2000-2001

FF - North Central AHS, 2000-2001

Box 5 - 067355 [return to top]


FF - CAFNR Strategic Planning and Resource Allocation Statement (Response to Niche Planning), 4/18/1985

FF - Correspondence, 2000-2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Animal Science, 2000-2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Animal Science - R. Michael Roberts, 2000 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Biochemistry, 2000-2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Food Science and Engineering, 2000-2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Natural Resources, 2000-2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Forestry, 2000-2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Parks, Recreation and Tourism, 2000-2001 [RESTRICTED]1

FF - Plant Sciences, 2000-2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Agronomy, 2000-2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Social Sciences, 2000-2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Rural Sociology - James Davis, 2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Agricultural Economics, 2000-2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Agricultural Education, 2000-2001 [RESTRICTED]

Box 6 - 067356 [return to top]


FF - Policy Series/Procedural Series, 1970-1996

FF - Promotion and Tenure, 2000-2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Non-Regular Promotion, 2000-2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Three-Year Reviews, 2000-2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Three-Year Review, 1998 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Publication Team, 2000-2001

FF - Research and Outreach, 2000-2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Research and Outreach, 2000-2001 (cont'd) [RESTRICTED]

FF - Sustainable Agriculture Coalition - Administrative Heads Section, 2000-2001

FF - US Department of Agriculture (USDA), 2000-2001

FF - World Agricultural Forum, 2000-2001

Return to C:3/1/70 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Compiled: January 2014
Revised: 09 January 2014

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