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Box Lists for C:3/1/67

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 119482


FF - Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Lab Animal Care (AAALAC); 2000

FF - Animal Care and Use, 1999-2000

FF - American Distance Education Consortium (ADEC), 1999-2000

FF - Ag Experiment Station; AESOP Enterprises, 1999-2000

FF - Agriculture Future of America (AFA), 1999-2000

FF - AFA Board of Directors, 2000

FF - Affirmative Action, 2000

FF - Ag Alumni Association, 2000

FF - Alliance for Ag Research, 1999-2000

FF - Ag Leadership of Tomorrow (ALOT), 1999-2000

FF - Annual Report of Accomplishments, 1999

FF - Articles (General), 1998-1999

FF - Billings, Tom, 1992-1999

FF - Biotech Education, 1999-2000

FF - Gateway Technology, 2000

FF - Biotech Ethics, 1999

FF - Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), 1999

FF - CAFNR Annual Report, 1999-2000

FF - CAFNR Ad Hoc Budget Team, 1999-2000

FF - CAFNR Ad Hoc Committee Meetings, 2000 [Restricted]

FF - CAFNR Administrative Retreat, 1999-2000

FF - CAFNR Faculty-Alumni Awards, 1999-2000

FF - CAFNR Faculty and Staff Meetings, 1998-2000

FF - CAFNR Faculty and Staff Recognition Awards, 1999-2000

FF - CAFNR Staff Advisory Council, 1999

FF - CAFNR Policy Committee, 1996-2000

FF - CAFNR Space Allocations and Infrastructure, 2000

FF - CAFNR Special Events, 2000

FF - CAFNR Celebration of Excellence Banquet, 2000

FF - Fall Fest, 1999

FF - Holiday Celebration, 12/4/1999

FF - CAFNR Strategic Plan, 1999-2000

FF - Council for Ag Research, Extension and Teaching (CARET), 1998-2000

FF - Council for Ag Science and Technology (CAST), 1999-2000

FF - Catering, 1999

FF - Coalition for Food and Ag Research (C-FAR), 1999-2000

FF - College of Agriculture Foundation, 1997-2000

FF - Committee Appointment Series, 1999

FF - Dairy Farmers of America, 2000

FF - Discrimination Statement, 1999-2000

FF - Distance Education, 1999

FF - Environmental Literacy Committee, 1999-2000

FF - Entomological Society of America (ESA), 1999-2000

FF - ESA, Progress Education Science Technology (PEST), and Entomological Foundation, 1999-2000

Box 2 - 119483


FF - Experiment Station Section/State Ag Experiment Station (ESS/SAES), 1998-1999

FF - Faculty Targets, 2000

FF - Food and Agriculture Policy Research Institute (FAPRI), 1999-2000 [Restricted]

FF - Farmland Industries, 1999-2000

FF - Fertilizer and Ag Lime Advisory Council, 1999-2000

FF - Food for the Twenty-First Century, 1999-2000

FF - Food and Society Initiative, 2000

FF - Fresh Start, 1999-2000

FF - Global Consortium of Agricultural Universities (GCAU), 1999

FF - Governor's Advisory Council on Agriculture, 2000

FF - Graduate Institute of Cooperative Leadership (GICL), 2000

FF - MoGaia Proposal, 1999-2000

FF - Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems (IFAFS), 2000

FF - IATS; Ed Mahon, 1999-2000

FF - Illinois-Missouri Biotechnology Alliance (IMBA), 1999

FF - Intercollegiate Athletics, 1999-2000

FF - International, 2000

FF - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), 1999-2000

FF - International; Ireland-Teagasc, 2000

FF - International; China, 2000

FF - International; Korea, 1999-2000

FF - International; South Africa, 1999-2000

FF - Jefferson Club, 2000

FF - Land Grant/Coop Meeting, 2000

FF - Lay Leaders, 1999-2000

FF - Legislators, 1999-2000

FF - Lincoln University, 1999-2000

FF - Mail Information, 1999

FF - Missouri Agriculture Land Management Resource Institute, 1999-2000

FF - Missouri Action Research Connection (MARC), 1996-2000

FF - Maxwell Proposal, 1999

FF - Mentoring, 1999-2000

FF - Mid-America International Ag Consortium (MIAC), 1999-2000

FF - Mission Enhancement; General, 1999-2000

FF - Mission Enhancement; Requests, 2000

FF - Mission Enhancement; Meeting, 2000

FF - Mission Enhancement; Planning, 1999-2000

FF - Mission Enhancement; Proposals, 1999-2000

Box 3 - 119484


F - Mission Enhancement Supplementary Statement, 2000

FF - Missouri Ag Data; MO-AG News, 3/31/2000

FF - Missouri Beef Industry Council, 1999-2000

FF - Missouri Corn Growers, 2000

FF - Missouri Department of Agriculture, 1999-2000

FF - Missouri Department of Conservation, 1999-2000

FF - Missouri Department of Natural Resources; Soil and Water Districts Commission, 1999-2000

FF - Missouri Farm Bureau, 1999

FF - Missouri Farm Foundation, 2000

FF - Missouri Foundation Seeds, 1999-2000

FF - Missouri Pork Producers, 1999-2000

FF - Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council, 1995-2000

FF - Monsanto, 1999-2000

FF - MU Direct, 1999-2000

FF - NASA, 2000

FF - NASULGC, 1999-2000

FF - NASULGC; Ag Coop Meetings, 1999

FF - Administrative Head Section (AHS), Sustainable Ag Coalition, 1998-2000

FF - Twelve- to Nine-Month Conversion, 1999-2000

FF - Non-Discrimination Statement, 1999-2000

FF - Non-Regular Faculty, 1999-2000

FF - North Central Regional Association (NCRA), 2000

FF - NCRA; Executive Director Search, 1994, 1999-2000

FF - NCRA; Chairs Advisory Committee, 1999

FF - NCRA; Chair, 1999-2000

FF - NCRA; Administrative Heads Section, 1998-2000

FF - NCRA; Administrative Heads Section, 1999

FF - NCRA; NCR-193, 1998-2000

FF - Agricultural Experiment Station; Associate Dean, 1999-2000

FF - Outreach and Extension; John Gardner, Ron Turner, Tom Henderson, 1999-2000

FF - Danforth Plant Science Center, 1999-2000

FF - Plant Sciences Institute, 1998

FF - Soybean Research, 1999

FF - Farms and Centers, 1999-2000

Box 4 - 119485


FF - Farm Tours, 1999-2000

FF - Sanborn Field, 1997-1999

FF - Shorey Tribute, 1998-1999

FF - Small Business, 1999

FF - Soil Survey Work Planning Conference, 2000

FF - Split Funding, Current Assistant Producer Position, 2000

FF - St. Louis Agribusiness Club, 2000

FF - Sustaining People through Agriculture Network (SPAN), 2000

FF - Sustainable Agriculture Focus Team, 1999

FF - Mizzou Tigers for Tigers, 1999-2000

FF - Tobacco Settlement, 1999

FF - Tribune Issues, 1999

FF - Trips and Travel, 2000

FF - USDA, 1998-2000

FF - USDA; Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES), 1999-2000

FF - United States Government, 2000

FF - Voluntary Early Retirement Incentive Program (VERIP), 1999-2000

FF - Special Grant Requests, 1998

FF - Visas, 2000

FF - Wallace Institute, 1999-2000

FF - World Ag Forum, 1998-2000

FF - General Office File "A," 1999-2000

FF - General Office File "B," 1999-2000

FF - General Office File "C," 1999-2000

FF - General Office File "D," 2000

FF - General Office File "E," 1999-2000

FF - General Office File "F," 1999-2000

FF - General Office File "G," 1999-2000

FF - General Office File "H," 1999-2000

FF - General Office File "I," 1998-2000

FF - General Office File "J," 1998-2000

FF - General Office File "K," 1999-2000

FF - General Office File "L," 1999-2000

FF - General Office File "M," 1999-2000

FF - General Office File "N," 2000

FF - General Office File "O," 1999-2001

FF - General Office File "P," 1999-2000

FF - General Office File "R," 1999-2000

FF - General Office File "S," 1999-2000

FF - General Office File "T," 1999-2000

FF - General Office File "U," 2000

FF - General Office File "W," 1999-2000

FF - College of Arts and Sciences, 1999-2000

FF - Biological Science; Molecular Biology, 1999-2000

FF - College of Education, 1999-2000

FF - College of Engineering, 2000

FF - Grad School, 1999-2000

FF - College of Human Environmental Sciences, 1999-2000

FF - School of Journalism, 2000

FF - School of Law, 1999

FF - School of Medicine, 1999-2000

FF - College of Veterinary Medicine, 1999-2000

Box 5 - 119486


FF - Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI), 1998-2000

FF - Animal Sciences; Unit Leader, 1999-2000

FF - Biochemistry, 1999

FF - Biochemistry; Unit Leader, 1999

FF - Food Science and Engineering; Unit Leader, 1999-2000

FF - Biological and Agricultural Engineering, 1999

FF - Grievance File, 1999-2000 [Restricted]

FF - Food Science and Human Nutrition, 1999

FF - Hotel and Restaurant Management, 1999

FF - Natural Resources; Unit Leader, 1999-2000

FF - Fisheries and Wildlife, 1999

FF - Forestry, 1999

FF - Parks, Recreation and Tourism, 1999

FF - Soil and Atmospheric Sciences, 1999

FF - Plant Sciences; Unit Leader, 1999

FF - Agronomy, 1999

FF - Entomology, 1999

FF - Horticulture, 1999 [Restricted]

FF - Plant Pathology, 1999

FF - Social Sciences; Unit Leader, 1999

FF - Ag Economics, 1999

FF - Ag Education, 1999

FF - Rural Sociology, 1999-2000

FF - ABS, 1999

FF - Academic Programs, 1999

FF - Dickinson Scholars Luncheon, 1/7/2000

FF - John Brown Scholars Luncheon, 1/6/2000

FF - Advancement, 1999

FF - Ag Development, 1999

Box 6 - 119487


F - Ag Extension, 1999

FF - Ag Research/Experiment Station, 1999

FF - International Ag, 1999

FF - Budget Office/Business Office, 1999

FF - Vice Provost for Extension, 1999

FF - Vice Provost for Minority Affairs and Faculty Development, 1999

FF - Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Relations, 1999

FF - Vice Provost for Research, 1999

FF - Chancellor, 1999

FF - Provost, 1999-2000

FF - Provost, 1999

FF - Vice Chancellor's and Dean's Advisory Council, 1998-2000

FF - Dean's Advisory Council, 1999-2000

FF - MU Council of Deans, 1999-2000

FF - News Bureau, 1999

FF - Governmental Relations - Jim Snider, 1999

FF - Commercial Agriculture, 1999

FF - Associate Deans, 1999

FF - Unit Leaders, 1999-2000

FF - Unit Leaders Meeting, 1999-2000

FF - Unit Leaders Budget Sessions, 1999

Box 7 - 119702


Contains Promotion and Tenure files, Three-year review files, and Non-regular promotion files, 1999-2001 [RESTRICTED]

Return to C:3/1/67 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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