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Box Lists for C:22/8/46Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s). Box 1 - UMLD1 [return to top][A07-33; A14-11; A23-67] FF 1 - History of the Independents 1868-1963 - Volume III 1943-1963 FF 2 - Pierce's Complete History of the Independents 1868-1964 FF 3 - Showme (includes December '60, Autumn '62, Autumn '63, and Hanukkah '63), 1960, 1962-1963 FF 4 - University of Missouri Football Programs (Missouri vs. Nebraska (Homecoming), November 2, 1963; Missouri vs. Colorado (Homecoming), November 7, 1964 [A23-67]; Missouri vs. Kansas, November 21, 1964 [A23-67]), 1963-1964 FF 5 - Behind The Mask (Volume II, Number 1; "published by the Missouri Workshop Theatre in cooperation with Stephens College and Christian College"), Fall 1959 [A14-11] FF 6 - The Williams House Word (February, March, April, and May issues), 1964 [February issue from A23-67] FF 7 - Midlands (Winter '57, Spring 1958, Fall 1958, Spring 1959, Winter 1960, Fall 1960), 1957-1960 FF 8 - Midlands (Fall 1961, Winter 1962-1963, Spring 1963, Winter 1964), 1961-1964 FF 9 - Midlands (Winter 1965, Spring 1967, Spring 1968, Spring 1969, Autumn 1970, Spring 1971), 1965, 1967-1971 FF 10 - And Other Things: Student Activities 64-65 (Handbook of Student Activities produced by the Association of Women Students, the Missouri Students Association, and the Student Union Activities Board), 1964 FF 11 - Department of Physical Education Handbook of Departmental and Sports Rules and Regulations, 1960 [A14-11] Box 2 - 131556 [return to top][A23-67; A23-88] FF 1 - Mystical Seven - Directories, 1954-2007 (with gaps) FF 2 - Mystical Seven - MU vs Oklahoma Football - Halftime (includes photographs of Peace Pipe ceremony, Owen Field in Norman, and Warren Bass; game program; note from OU Lambda Chi Alpha to Tarleton; Holiday Inn of Norman stationary, etc.), 1964 FF 3 - Mystical Seven - History (includes by-laws, initiation ceremony, programs, invitations), n.d. FF 4 - Mystical Seven - Correspondence and Memoranda, 1964-1965, 1969 FF 5 - Mystical Seven - Newspaper Clippings, ca. 1966, 1968 FF 6 - Mystical Seven - Tap Day Schedule, 1965 FF 7 - Mystical Seven - Name Tag/Badge with MU Tiger logo, ca. 1965 FF 8 - Mystical Seven - Tap Day - Photograph, 1965 FF 9 - Mystical Seven - "7" necklace pendant, n.d. [two] FF 10 - College of Arts and Science - Instructions for Freshman Registrants, ca. 1960s FF 11 - New Student Packet, 1961 FF 12 - University of Missouri Bulletin - Announcement of Honors, 1961 FF 13 - University of Missouri Bulletin - Manual of Information - M Book (includes College of Arts and Science summer pre-registration information memorandum and brochure), 1961 [2 copies] FF 14 - Directories (includes the Fraternity-Sorority Directory for 1964-1965, the Faculty Directory for 1963-1964, and the Student Directories (General Series Bulletin) for Fall 1963 and 1964), 1963-1964 FF 15 - University of Missouri Bulletin - Its Schools and Colleges, 1960 FF 16 - University of Missouri Bulletin - Schedule of Courses (1st Semester) and Revised Schedule of Courses (2nd Semester), 1961-1962 FF 17 - Printed and Duplicated - Brochures and Booklets (includes Missouri Book Store 1961 List of Textbooks and Supplies, Men's Residence Hall Bulletin for 1961-1962, 1961 College and Professional Football Schedules, New Student Orientation for 1961, Religious Activities at the University of Missouri, the University Testing and Counseling Service, the Mental Health Hygiene Clinic, Things to See and Do in Columbia Missouri - The City in the Center of Things for Fall 1962, Honors Convocation 1963 and 1964, Greek Week 1965 with name tag, used Association of Women Students' appointment calendar for 1964-1965), 1961-1965 FF 18 - Arts and Science Week (includes banquet ticket, program, Honors College calendar of cultural events), 1964 FF 19 - Savitar, 1913 FF 20 - Newspaper and Other Clippings (includes a clipping from "Time" magazine featuring the University of Missouri, full issues of "The Maneater" from March and May 1961 as well as the tenth anniversary issue from May 1965), 1961, 1965-1966 FF 21 - Program of the Eleventh Annual Conference of the Region VIII Association of College Unions (includes name tag and meal tickets), 1963 FF 22 - Missouri Students Association (includes correspondence and schedule for High School Leadership Day, material pertaining to the All Student Musical production of "Bye Bye Birdie"), 1963, 1965 FF 23 - Student Union Board (includes memoranda, meeting minutes, printed and duplicated), ca. 1963-1964 FF 24 - University of Missouri Football - Student season tickets (also includes 1961 pocket football schedule), 1961, 1962, 1964 FF 25 - Homecoming (includes photographs of the Homecoming Dance and Honoraries Brunch, and a brochures of events), 1964 FF 26 - University of Missouri Commencement (includes program, calendar of the week, and announcement addressed to Tarleton's family), 1965 FF 27 - Buttons (includes "Flip The Bird (Hawker)", "Vote M.P." and "Vote NPP"), n.d. FF 28 - Stone House (includes resident list, meeting minutes, nominations, "The Stone Age" newspaper), 1961-1963 FF 29 - Missouri Progressive Political Party of the University of Missouri (includes a constitution and a copy of "The Progressive Voice: A Look at a New Merger Party"), n.d. FF 30 - Missouri Workshop Theatre (includes flyer, programs for "The Associate One-Act Plays" and "Original One-Act Plays", scripts for "The Twelve Pound Look" and "Mr. Ruler", and advertisement for the November 1962 [?] edition of "Showme"), 1961-1962 FF 31 - Department of Speech and Dramatic Art (includes program for the 23rd Annual State High School Drama Festival), 1962 FF 32 - Savitar Frolics (includes material regarding the first Independent Frolics skit "Best Side Story": script, newspaper clippings, participant pass, correspondence, certificate, as well as a later note from Tarleton explaining the circumstance surrounding the skit), 1962 FF 33 - Event Programs (includes productions from University Theatre, Concert Series, Missouri Students Association, All-Student Musicals, Savitar Frolics, Hickman High School; some programs includes ticket stubs), 1961-1965 [A23-67; A23-88] FF 34 - Mosaics (includes the 100-year College of Arts and Science anniversary edition), 2007, 2015 FF 35 - A Century of Coming Home (color photocopies of the special publication by the Missourian Advertising Department and the Mizzou Alumni Association), 2011 FF 36 - Missouri Alumnus (Sesquicentennial issue), Winter 1989 FF 37 - University of Missouri Student Affairs 2014 Highlights FF 38 - Brochure - Barry Goldwater, 1964 FF 39 - Student Union Board/Student Union Programming Board Through The Years (includes correspondence regarding the Student Union Board reunion), 2013 FF 40 - Benjamin Franklin's English Roots - Presentation by Robert V. Hudson to the History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism in Boulder, Colorado (with attached note from William Taft), 1967 FF 41 - Midlands - Correspondence (contains letter from Library Order Department to William Peden regarding back issues), 1965 FF 42 - Bennett Tarleton - Academic and Other Records (includes administrative correspondence, registration, grades, brochures, forms, schedules, ROTC, housing, convocation, advising, assignments, employment, honors), 1960-1964 FF 43 - Alliance (includes material pertaining to a Missouri Students Association political party that was an alliance of Greek, Independent, and Off-Campus students: proposed constitution, informational flyers, posters, handouts, membership cards, button), 1963 Oversized Folder 1 - Ellis [return to top][A23-67] OSF1 Calendars - (includes a 1961 Fall Semester Memorial Student Union calendar with handwritten entries and no backing, a 1962 Fall and Winter Memorial Student Union calendar with handwritten entries, and three 1964 Fall Student Activities calendars), 1961, 1962, 1964 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: July 2023
Revised: 30 October 2023
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