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Box Lists for C:14/25/9Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s). Box 1 - 001276 [return to top][A15-25] FF - Correspondence, 1945, 1963-1979 FF - Correspondence, 1980 FF - Correspondence, 1981 FF - Correspondence, 1982 FF - Correspondence, 1983 FF - Correspondence, 1984 FF - Correspondence, 1985 FF - Correspondence, 1986 FF - Correspondence, 1987 FF - Correspondence, 1988 FF - Correspondence, 1989 FF - Correspondence, 1990 FF - Correspondence, 1991 FF - Correspondence, 1991 (cont'd) FF - Correspondence, 1992 FF - Correspondence, 1993 FF - Correspondence, 1993 (cont'd) FF - Correspondence, 1994 Box 2 - 001296 [return to top][A15-25] FF - Correspondence, 1994 (cont'd) FF - Correspondence, 1995 FF - Correspondence, 1996 FF - Correspondence, 1997 FF - Correspondence, 1998 FF - Correspondence, 1999 FF - Correspondence, 2000 FF - Correspondence, 2001 FF - Correspondence, 2002 FF - Correspondence, 2003 FF - Correspondence, 2004 FF - Correspondence, 2005 FF - Correspondence, 2006 FF - Correspondence, 2007 FF - Correspondence, 2008 FF - Correspondence, 2010 FF - Correspondence, 2011 FF - Correspondence, 2012 FF - Correspondence, n.d. FF - Correspondence - Livia Alm, 1987, 1990 FF - Correspondence - Jay Caplan, 2005 FF - Correspondence - Charles W. Gehrke (includes news clipping, photographs, MU Life Sciences Center Dedication Program, memorial program for Gehrke), ca. 2005, 2009 FF - Correspondence - Richard Hyde, 2004-2005 FF - Correspondence - Narendra Jain (includes research data), ca. 2005 FF - Correspondence - T. Lew Pitchford, ca. 1984-1990 FF - Research - Abbatt and Raman (includes data and figures/illustrations; article by Sankara Ramna et al.), ca. 1983-1987 FF - Research - Absorption (mostly figures/illustrations for publication), n.d. FF - Research - Air Beta Radioactivity in Representative States - Data, ca. 1969 FF - Research - Antibiotics, ca. 1962 FF - Research - Antigen Absorption, ca. 1988 FF - Research - J. P. Ashmore (includes data and paper by Ashmore et al.), 1997 FF - Research - Bacteria versus Cells - Illustrations for publication, n.d. FF - Research - BEIR VI (data), n.d. FF - Research - Valeri Beral (includes data and paper by Beral et al.), 1985,1988 FF - Research - Breast Cancer (includes data and article by Anthony B. Miller), ca. 1989 FF - Research - Olen R. Brown (articles by Brown et al.), 1968-1991 Box 3 - 001305 [return to top][A15-25] FF - Research - Edward J. Calabrese (includes correspondence and articles by Calabrese), 1999-2008 FF - Research - A. G. W. Cameron (includes data and article by Cameron), 1973 FF - Research - John Cameron (includes correspondence and articles by Cameron), 2000-2003 FF - Research - Cancer (includes articles by various authors, notes, and data), 1954-2005 FF - Research - Nate F. Cardarelli (include correspondence and articles by Cardarelli), 1988-1991 FF - Research - E. Cardis (includes data and article by E. Cardis et al.), 1995 FF - Research - Chernobyl (includes articles and publication clippings; paper by Luckey entitled Radiation Hormesis and Chernobyl Cancer Mortality), 1986-1989 FF - Research - Chernobyl (includes articles, publication clippings, data, and correspondence; paper by Luckey entitled Observations on the Chernobyl Disaster and LNT), 1987-2010 FF - Research - Chernobyl (includes articles, publication clippings, publications, data, notes, and correspondence), 1973-2010 FF - Research - China (includes articles, publication clippings, and a discussant paper on Luckey's Hormesis and Nurture with Ionizing Radiation), 1980-1988 FF - Research - Chlorine Oxide, n.d. FF - Research - Coevolution (includes papers: Gnotobiology is Ecology and The Effect of Intestinal Microbes Upon Nutrient Absorption), ca. 1970, 1978 FF - Research - Cosmic Radiation (includes articles, publication clippings, notes; article by Luckey Radiation in Evolution), 1968-1997 FF - Research - DNA Repair, ca. 1975-1991 FF - Research - James (Jakob) G. Eugster (includes articles by Eugster), 1955-1964 FF - Research - Fiber Effects and Cecum, ca. 1970 FF - Research - Fish Eggs (includes articles), 1970-1980 FF - Research - Stanton T. Friedman, 1985 FF - Research - Germ Free Nutrition (mostly figures/illustrations for publication), n.d. FF - Research - Gilbert et al. (figures/illustrations), ca. 1989 FF - Research - Moira A. Gribbin (includes data, correspondence, and article by Gribbin et al.), 1993 FF - Research - Sadao Hattori (articles by Hattori), ca. 1994 FF - Research - Health Physics - Permission request (includes figures/illustrations), 1984 FF - Research - Karl Erik Hellstrom and Ingegerd Hellstrom (articles by Hellstrom et al.), 1978-1981 FF - Research - Hormology (includes "Radiation for Health," panel suggestions, etc.), ca. 1995 FF - Research - Industry (includes papers and data from research by Ethel Gilbert et al.), 1988-1995 FF - Research - Insecticides - Toxaphene - Illustration, n.d. FF - Research - International Atomic Energy Agency (articles on irradiation risk and protection; IAEA meeting report by Luckey), ca. 1997 FF - Research - Ionizing Radiation - E. coli, 1983 FF - Research - Ionizing Radiation - Protozoa (includes preliminary report on "Sub-Ambient, Ambient, and Above Ambient Radiation Effects upon Reproduction in Paramecium bursaria"), 1977, 1983 FF - Research - Japan - Cancer Mortality (includes research data, notes, and figures/illustrations), ca. 1982-1990 FF - Research - Andrew Karam (includes papers of Karam et al.), ca. 2005 FF - Research - G. M. Kendall and C. R. Muirhead (includes correspondence and data), ca. 1988-1993 Box 4 - 002595 [return to top][A15-25] FF - Research - Charles E. Land (includes papers by Land et. al. and data), ca. 1980, 1982 FF - Research - Patricia Lewis - Correspondence, 2000, 2004 FF - Research - Athena Linos (includes papers by Linos et al. and correspondence), 1980, 1983 FF - Research - Shu-Zheng Liu (includes papers by Liu), 1994-2007 FF - Research - Gerald Looney (includes correspondence and news clipping), 1994-2001 FF - Research - Egon Lorenz (includes papers by Lorenz and data), ca. 1944-1955 FF - Research - Jay Lubin (includes correspondence and paper by Bernard Cohen), 1998 FF - Research - Matanoski (includes data and articles pertaining to radiation-exposed workers), ca. 1984-1991 FF - Research - Margaret Maxey (includes articles by Maxey), ca. 1980, 1986 FF - Research - Metabolism (includes articles by various authors, notes, data, correspondence, and papers by Luckey: Human Cell Requirement for Ionizing Radiation and Hormesis and Nurture with Ionizing Radiation), 1948-2006 FF - Research - Microbes (includes figures/illustrations), n.d. FF - Research - Microecology (includes figures/illustrations; articles: A Holistic Approach to the Interruption of the Diarrhea-Malabsorption-Malnutrition Cycle, Introduction to the Ecology of the Intestinal Flora, Introduction to Intestinal Microecology), ca. 1970-1972 FF - Research - Microecology (includes figures/illustrations, "Survey of Intestinal Microecology" and other papers by Luckey), n.d. FF - Research - Miscellaneous Notes and Data FF - Research - Miscellaneous Notes and Data (cont'd) FF - Research - Miscellaneous Notes and Data (cont'd) FF - Research - Miscellaneous Notes and Data (cont'd) FF - Research - Miscellaneous Notes and Data (cont'd) FF - Research - James Muckerheide (includes correspondence and articles by Muckerheide), ca. 1997-2009 FF - Research - NASA - Microflora Study (includes correspondence; papers: Potential Microbic Shock in Manned Aerospace Systems), 1966-1971 FF - Research - Nature/Nurture - Illustrations, n.d. FF - Research - Notebook (data with some interleaving of additional sheets), ca. 1967, 1980 FF - Research - Nuclear Workers (includes correspondence and data), ca. 1979-1995 FF - Research - Nutrition, Morphology and Development, n.d. FF - Research - Oak Ridge National Laboratory (includes data and article by E. L. Frome), 1992, 1997 FF - Research - Minoru Ozima (includes data and publication by Ozima), ca. 1981 FF - Research - P Curves, n.d. FF - Research - H. Planel (includes data, correspondence, and articles by Planel et al.), ca. 1970-1998 Box 5 - 002596 [return to top][A15-25] FF - Research - Plutonium (includes publication clippings, articles by various authors, data, correspondence, and a paper by Luckey entitled Evaluation of Risks/Benefits from Plutonium Contamination), 1977-2008 FF - Research - Myron Pollycove (includes data and articles by Pollycove et al.), 1999-2009 FF - Research - D. L. Preston and D. Hutcheson (includes correspondence and data), 2000 FF - Research - Radiation (including data, correspondence, and articles by various authors), ca. 1969 FF - Research - Radiation (includes notes; articles by Robert Boche, Leo Bustad, L. D. Carlson, et al.), ca. 1948-1981 FF - Research - Radiation - Ca Theory (figures/illustrations), n.d. FF - Research - Radiation - Literature Search, n.d. FF - Research - Radiation - Medline Search Results, 1979-1986 FF - Research - Radiation - Notebook (observational data with interleaving of additional sheets), ca. 1973-1984 FF - Research - Radiation - Notebook (data with some interleaving of additional sheets and notecards), ca. 1983 FF - Research - Radiation - Productivity - Illustrations for publication, ca. 1970 FF - Research - Radiation - Sterilization (includes articles), 1950-1957 FF - Research - Radiation - Worker Tables, n.d. FF - Research - Radiation and Aging, ca. 1971-2008 FF - Research - Radiation Hormesis - Bacteria (includes data and copy of "Microbic Requirement for Ionizing Radiation"), n.d. FF - Research - Radiation Hormesis - Growth (includes figures/illustrations), n.d. FF - Research - Radiation Hormesis - Reproduction (includes figures/illustrations), n.d. FF - Research - Radiation Hormesis - Retention and Excretion - Charts, n.d. FF - Research - Radiation Hormesis - Safety Limits and Toxicity, ca. 1975 FF - Research - Radiation Protection - Cancer (includes data and paper: Low Dose Irradiation Reduces Cancer Deaths), ca. 1997 FF - Research - Radium (includes articles by various authors and data), 1969-2006 FF - Research - Radon (includes articles by various authors, publication clippings, data, notes, and an article by Luckey entitled Radon Spin, Radon Science and the Energy Crisis), 1948-2010 FF - Research - Radon (includes articles by various authors, publication clippings, and data), 1981-2006 FF - Research - Radon, ca. 1982-1993 FF - Research - Radon (includes publication clippings, data, and notes), 1984-2006 Box 6 - 002600 [return to top][A15-25] FF - Research - Radon (includes articles by various authors, radon mine printed and duplicated and photographs, correspondence, data, and notes), 1986-2011 FF - Research - Radon (includes articles by various authors, data, and correspondence), 1987-2005 FF - Research - Radon - Bernard L. Cohen (includes data and articles by Cohen), 1980-2000 FF - Research - Robey Thesis - Illustrations and Photographs (includes "Protein Synthesis by Micosomes from Rat Spleen"), n.d. FF - Research - Robinette (data and publication figures/illustrations), ca. 1985 FF - Research - Russian (includes article by Kossenko, Degteva, et al.), 1997 FF - Research - Rutin - Illustrations, n.d. FF - Research - George A. Sacher and Douglas Grahn (includes articles and data by Sacher, Grahn, et al.), ca. 1963-1989 FF - Research - Herbert I. Sauer (includes data, correspondence and articles by Sauer et al.), ca. 1975-1982 FF - Research - Yukiko Shimizu (includes data, correspondence and articles by Shimizu et al.), ca. 1992-1995 FF - Research - Stress, ca. 1926-1973 FF - Research - Stress, ca. 1947-1975 FF - Research - Thymus - Illustrations and photographs for publication, n.d. FF - Research - T Test, n.d. FF - Research - X-Ray Treatment (includes papers by James Kelly, et. al.), n.d. FF - Newspaper and Other Clippings FF - Newspaper and Other Clippings (cont'd) FF - Newspaper and Other Clippings (cont'd) FF - Newspaper and Other Clippings (cont'd) Box 7 - 002692 [return to top][A15-25] FF - Academic Press, Inc. - Germfree Research - Memorandum of Agreement, 1960 FF - Aiden Corporation - Contract, 1982 FF - Awards (includes nominations, etc.) FF - Civil Defense - Printed and Duplicated FF - Comparative Biochemistry - Binder 1 FF - Comparative Biochemistry - Binder 2 FF - Conferences - American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting (includes presentation: Health Benefits from Low Dose Irradiation), 1996 FF - Conferences - American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting 1999 - Paper - "Health and Environmental Radiation," 1999 FF - Conferences - Brochures, abstracts, etc. FF - Conferences - Global '99 - International Conference on Future Nuclear Systems - Paper - "A Novel Use for Radioactive Waste - Eat It!" 1999 FF - Conferences - Miscellaneous Registration Lists, ca. 1983 FF - Conferences - Old Herborn University Seminar - Brochures, 1984, 1988, 1990 FF - Conferences - Society for Intestinal Microbial Ecology and Disease (SIMED; includes records related to the organization of the International Symposia on Intestinal Microecology), 1970-1985 FF - Conferences - Waste Management Symposia 1999 - Paper - "Radiation Hormesis with Internal and External Sources," 1999 FF - Consulting Fee Rates, 1999 FF - CRC Press, 1978, 1989-1991 FF - Diplomarbeit (Thesis) - Untersuchungen zur Reinheit und Charakterisierung de Thymushormone HTH und LSHr (by Robert Reichert, Saarbrücken), 1980 FF - Gishoku Furukawa (includes correspondence and Luckey's plans for visit to Japan; some of the correspondence is by Yoshiyuki Terai), 2003-2004 FF - Grant - CO2 Sequestration (Luckey as advisor on grant), 2000 FF - Grant - NASA - Stereoisomer Studies in Biopoiesis, ca. 1963 FF - High Voltage Engineering Corporation - Correspondence (regarding electron sterilization methods), 1951-1954 FF - LOBUND-ONR Progress Report, 1951 FF - Luckey Family Genealogy Charts, n.d. FF - T. D. Luckey - Biographical Material (includes material for Pauline Luckey) FF - T. D. Luckey - Personal and Miscellaneous Material FF - National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements - Evolution of the Linear Nonthreshold Dose-Model Response, 1998-1999 FF - National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Japan - Research brochure and postcards, n.d. FF - National Science Foundation - Visiting Scientist Program - Germfree Research in Japan, 1967 FF - Nuclear Science Information of Japan - Oral Presentation (NSIJ-OP), 1989-1991 FF - Oralu Corporation, ca. 1991-1992 FF - Principles of Evolution, 1967 FF - Publisher Permissions, 1989, 1991 FF - Publishers, ca. 1977 FF - Radiation, Science and Health, Inc. - Brochure, n.d. FF - Volker Rusch - Photographs, n.d. FF - Subrad Lab, 1982 FF - Symbiomed, Inc., 1980-1986, 1990-1991 FF - Symbiomed, Inc. - Corporate Seal, n.d. FF - University of Missouri - Department of Biochemistry - Goals Committee, 1975-1976 FF - University of Missouri - Department of Biochemistry - Nutrition - Biochemistry Lecture Outline, 1968, 1969 FF - University of Missouri - Department of Biochemistry - Travel Report (Luckey), May 1984 Box 8 - 002697 [return to top][A15-25] Item - T. D. Luckey Bibliography Vol. I, 1943-1961 Item - T. D. Luckey Publications Vol. II, 1961-1975 Item - T. D. Luckey Publications Vol. III, 1976-1991 Item - T. D. Luckey Publications Vol. IV, 1991-2008 FF - T. D. Luckey Bibliography, 4/2/2009 [list of publications included in bound volumes I-IV above] Item - Experiments in Biochemistry, compiled by T. D. Luckey, O.J. Koeppe, J.M. Franz and A.A. White of MU Biochemistry Department, 1957 Item - Experiments in Biochemistry, 1963 reprint Item - Luckey, T. D. Germfree Life and Gnotobiology. Academic Press, 1963 Item - Luckey, T. D., ed. Thymic Hormones. University Park Press, 1973 Item - Miyakawa, M., and T. D. Luckey, eds. Advances in Germfree Research and Gnotobiology. CRC Press, 1968 Item - Luckey, Don (T. D.) and Pauline. A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls. 2003 Item - Luckey, Pauline. Dolls in Denmark - Then and Now. 1992 Item - Umbreit, Wayne W., ed. (T. D. Luckey, contributor) Advances in Applied Microbiology, Vol. 7. Academic Press, 1965 Item - Albritton, Errett C., ed. (T. D. Luckey, contributor) Standard Values in Nutrition and Metabolism. W.B. Saunders Company, 1954 Box 9 - 002860 [return to top][A15-25] Item - Blood and Other Body Fluids. (T. D. Luckey, contributor), 1961 Item - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 78 Art. 1: "Germfree Vertebrates: Present Status". (T. D. Luckey, contributor) 5/8/1959 Item - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 249: "Thymus Factors in Immunity". (T. D. Luckey, contributor), 1975 Item - Comparative Animal Nutrition, Vol. 1: Carbohydrates, Lipids and Accessory Growth Factors. (T. D. Luckey, contributor), 1976 Item - LOBUND Reports, No. 2 - Germ-Free Life-Studies (T. D. Luckey, contributor) Notre Dame, 2/1949 Item - LOBUND Reports, No. 3 - Germ-Free Life Studies (T. D. Luckey, contributor) Notre Dame, 1960 Item - Journal of Clean Technology, Environmental Toxicology, and Occupational Medicine, Vol. 6 No. 3. (T. D. Luckey, contributor) 7-9/1997 Item - International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, Vol. 3 No. 2. (T. D. Luckey, contributor) 4-6/1994 Item - Argonne National Laboratory; Environmental Research Division Annual Report; Center for Human Radiobiology, 7/1982-6/1983 Item - NASA Contract NAS9-10955; "An Evaluation of Nutritional Markers, Part B - Vol. II", n.d. (two copies) Item - NASA Contract NAS9-10955; "Apollo Diet Evaluation Final Report, Vol. I", ca. 1971 Item - NASA Contract NAS9-12369; "Energy and Nutrient Intake Monitoring Final Report", 1975 Item - Proceedings, First International Symposium in Ecology of the Intestinal Microflora, 1970 Item - Proceedings, Second International Symposium on Intestinal Microecology, 1972 Item - Proceedings, Third International Symposium on Intestinal Microecology, 1974 Item - Proceedings, Fourth International Symposium on Intestinal Microecology, 1977 Item - Proceedings, Fifth International Symposium on Intestinal Microecology, 1979 Item - Proceedings, Sixth International Symposium on Intestinal Microecology, 1980 Item - Transactions, American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting, 10/29-11/2/1995 Item - Transactions, American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting, 11/10-14/1996 Item - Abstracts, International Conference on Low Dose Irradiation and Biological Defense Mechanisms, 7/12-16/1992 Item - Reports and Announcements, Internationales Mikrooekologisches Symposium (International Microecology Symposium), 1965 Item - "Germfree Life and Its Ramifications: Proceedings of the XIIth International Symposium on Gnotobiology", 1996 Item - Proceedings, NASA Conference on Nutrition in Space and Related Waste Problems, 4/27-30/1964 Item - "Biological Effects of Low Level Ionizing Radiation and Molecular Biology Research: A Collection of Papers on the Occasion of the 35th Anniversary of the Department of Radiation Biology, the 5th Anniversary of MPH Radiobiology Research Unit, and the 70th Birthday of Professor Liu Shu-Zheng", 11/1995 Item - Mikrooekologie und Therapie/Microecology and Therapy, Vol. 10, 1980 Item - Mikrooekologie und Therapie/Microecology and Therapy, Vol. 11, 1981 Item - Radiation Protection Management (Vol. 10, No. 4; Vol. 14, No. 6; Vol. 15, No. 1; and Vol. 16, No. 4), 1993-1999 Item - Missouri Medicine, Vol. 59, No. 4, 4/1962 Item - CSU-FDA-NCI Collaborative Radiological Health Laboratory; Annual Report: "Health Effects of Prenatal and Postnatal Whole-Body Exposure to Ionizing Radiation in the Beagle Dog", 1986 Box 10 - 002921 [return to top][A15-25] FF - Papers and Publications, 1940-1949 FF - Papers and Publications, 1950-1959 FF - Papers and Publications, 1960-1969 FF - Papers and Publications, 1960-1969 (cont'd) FF - Papers and Publications, 1970-1979 FF - Papers and Publications, 1970-1979 (cont'd) FF - Papers and Publications, 1980-1989 FF - Papers and Publications, 1980-1989 (cont'd) FF - Papers and Publications, 1990-1999 FF - Papers and Publications, 1990-1999 (cont'd) FF - Papers and Publications, 1990-1999 (cont'd) FF - Papers and Publications, 2000-2009 FF - Papers and Publications, n.d. FF - Papers and Publications, n.d. (cont'd) FF - Papers and Publications, n.d. (cont'd) Box 11 - 002973 [return to top][A15-25] FF - Papers and Publications - Comparative Animal Nutrition, ca. 1974 FF - Papers and Publications - The Effect of the Intestinal Microflora on Nutrient Absorption (Kansas City; Presentation), August 1978 FF - Papers and Publications - Essential Dietary Elements (Chapter 6) and Diet and Weight Control (Chapter 7), n.d. FF - Papers and Publications - Experiments in Biochemistry, 1956-1957 FF - Papers and Publications - Health Physics Society - Eastern Idaho Chapter (Presentation), 1997 FF - Papers and Publications - Low Level Radiation Health Effects: Preface through Section 1.2, 2000 FF - Papers and Publications - Low Level Radiation Health Effects: Section 1.3 through References, 2000 FF - Papers and Publications - Manuscript Reviews, 1970, 1985 FF - Papers and Publications - Radiation Hormesis - Miscellaneous, 1985-1991 FF - Papers and Publications - Book Reviews of Luckey's scholarship, 1976-1994 FF - Papers and Publications - Mary Luckey (daughter), 1972, 1975 FF - Papers and Publications - Pauline Luckey - List (wife), ca. 2002 FF - Papers and Publications - Unknown Authors FF - Papers and Publications (non-Luckey) FF - Papers and Publications (non-Luckey) (cont'd) FF - Papers and Publications (non-Luckey) (cont'd) FF - Papers and Publications (non-Luckey) (cont'd) FF - Papers and Publications (non-Luckey) (cont'd) FF - Papers and Publications (non-Luckey) (cont'd) FF - Papers and Publications (non-Luckey) (cont'd) FF - Papers and Publications (non-Luckey) (cont'd) Box 12 - 002975 [return to top][A15-25] FF - Papers and Publications (non-Luckey) (cont'd) FF - Papers and Publications (non-Luckey) - BEIR VII - Health Risks from Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation; Draft (uncorrected proofs), 2005 FF - Papers and Publications (non-Luckey) - The Feasibility of Establishing A 'De Minimis' Level of Radiation Dose and a Regulatory Cut-Off Policy for Nuclear Regulation (Edison Electric Institute - Joyce P. Davis), 1981 FF - Printed and Duplicated - Miscellaneous FF - Printed and Duplicated - Miscellaneous (cont'd) FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls (T. D. Luckey and Pauline Luckey; ISBN 0-9631475-2-8), 2003 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Preface, ca. 2001, 2002 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Manuscript for Chapters 1 through 3, n.d. FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 1 - Manuscript, 2001, 2003 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 1 - Illustrations, ca. 2001 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 1 - Format Corrections, ca. 2001 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 2 - Manuscript, 2002, 2003 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 2 - Illustrations, ca. 2000 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 2 - Formatted, n.d. FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 3 - Manuscript, 2002, 2003 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 3 - Illustrations, n.d. FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 4 - Manuscript, 2002, 2003 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 4 - Illustrations, n.d. FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 5 - Manuscript, 2002, 2003 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 5 - Illustrations, n.d. FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 6 - Manuscript (includes illustrations and correspondence), 2001, 2002 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 6 - Manuscript - Formatted (includes proofs), 2001, 2002 Box 13 - 003022 [return to top][A15-25] FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 7 - Manuscript (includes early drafts of Horsman Doll history by Pauline Luckey), 1981, 2002, 2003 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 7 - Illustrations, n.d. FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 8 - Manuscript, 2002, 2003 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 8 - Illustrations (includes negatives), n.d. FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 8 - Formatted, n.d. FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 9 - Manuscript, ca. 2002 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 9 - Illustrations, n.d. FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 10 - Manuscript, 2002 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 10 - Illustrations (includes negatives), n.d. FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Chapter 10 - "The Roots of American Dolls" (extracted from Chapter 10; includes manuscript, illustrations, and submission correspondence), 2002 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Appendix (includes illustrations), ca. 2001 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Book Review, 2004 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Correspondence, 2000-2004 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Fairy Tale Dolls - Manuscript, 2001-2002 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Illustrations - Inventory (includes diskette), ca. 2001 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - ISBN, 2003 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Miscellaneous Photographic Prints and Slides, n.d. FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Pro Print (Lawrence, Kansas), 2003 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Permissions, 1981, 1992, 1993, 2001 FF - A Vignette of 20th Century America: Horsman Dolls - Sales and Distribution, 2001, 2003 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: March 2015
Revised: 26 March 2015
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