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Box Lists for C:14/25/6Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s). Box 1 - 043029 [return to top][A04-78] FF - Agricultural Chemistry Department - Information for Comprehensive Review, 1967 FF - College of Agriculture - Summary Report - Institutional Self Study for the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 1970 FF - Department of Biochemistry Policy, 1977 FF - Committee for Review of Biochemistry, 1984-1985 Box 1 (cont'd)[A11-50] FF - Biochemistry Long Range Planning Document, 1984 FF - Teaching at MU: A Resource Book, n.d. FF - Teaching at MU: A Sourcebook for Faculty, n.d. FF - Report of the Graduate Education Committee, 1982 FF - Laboratory Safety Manual - College of Agriculture, n.d. FF - Biochemistry Department Retreat, August 21, 2002 FF - Biochemistry Department Retreat, August 20, 2003 FF - Biochemistry Department Retreat, August 20, 2004 FF - Biochemistry Department Retreat, August 17, 2005 FF - Biochemistry Department Retreat, August 16, 2006 FF - Biochemistry Department Retreat, August 15, 2007 FF - Biochemistry Department Retreat, August 20, 2008 FF - Biochemistry Department Retreat, August 19, 2009 FF - Biochemistry Department Retreat, August 18, 2010 (two copies, one with notes and additional inserts, including new graduate student directories) FF - UMC Faculty Handbook, 1984 FF - Status Report on S-2 Undergraduate Programs, Course and Curriculum Committee, March 31, 1994 FF - Brochure - "Opening of a Renovated and Remodeled Stephens Hall," 2002 FF - Biochemistry Departmental Review, 2002 FF - College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources - Recruitment Plan, 2002 Box 1 (cont'd)[A12-03] FF - Faculty Handbook, ca. 1979 FF - "Physiology of Reproduction - An Introspective Survey of the Development of Research, Supporting Courses, and the Training of Students," Dennis T. Mayer, 1973 FF - Freshman Interest Groups - Co-Facilitator Resource Manual, 2000 FF - "Graduates' and Employers' Perceptions of Entry-Level Employability Skills Needed by Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Graduates," J. Shane Robinson, ca. 2005 FF - Department of Biochemistry - External Review, December 1982 FF - Division of Biological Sciences - Undergraduate Advising Handbook 2002/2003 FF - CAFNR - Teaching Fellows and Learning Circles Action Plan, n.d. Item - CD-R - Life Sciences Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, Summer 2002 FF - Agricultural Chemistry (Informational Handbook, including research projects and courses), ca. 1960 FF - MU Monsanto Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program - August 2002 - October 2005 FF - Agricultural Systems Management - Career Planner 2002/2003 FF - Minority High School Student Research Apprentice Program - Contributed Papers, 1990 FF - Biochemistry Department Retreat, August 17, 2011 FF - Summer Welcome Data Reports, 2002-2003, 2005-2009 FF - The Panacea - A Guide to Life at the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine, n.d. FF - Provost Five-Year Plan, 1990 FF - Summer Transition Program - Science Component, 1994-2009 FF - Agenda for Action, 1989 FF - Undergraduate Majors - Miscellaneous, 1994-2002 FF - Schweitzer Hall - Space, 2000, 2005 FF - Summer Welcome, 1990 FF - Meetings - Miscellaneous (Graduate Faculty Senate, Chair's Forum, Advisor Chair), 1991, 2007 FF - Master of Agriculture - Proposal, 2005 FF - CAFNR Honors Program - Information Sheet, n.d. FF - CAFNR 1993 Annual Report, 1994 Box 1 (cont'd)[A12-13] FF - Waste Management Plan, 1993 Box 2 - UMLD1 [return to top][A14-66] FF - Biochemistry Department - Undergraduate Studies (includes correspondence, course changes, retention, course descriptions, syllabi, course proposals), 1988-2003 FF - Biochemistry Department - Undergraduate Studies (includes course descriptions and syllabi), 1993-2003 FF - Biochemistry and Chemistry - Courses, 1998-2002 FF - Biochemistry Department - Enrollment Management Plan, 1996 FF - Biochemistry Department - Graduate Studies (includes handbook, comprehensive exams, memoranda, curriculum changes, course descriptions), 1992-2003 FF - College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources and Biochemistry Department - Miscellaneous Printed and Duplicated (includes Summer Welcome Data Report, honors program, Undergraduate Research Day, "McNair Journal," Research Expo, Outstanding High School Teachers, Student Loan Program, Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievements Forum, "Home Page" newsletter, "Biochemistry Bulletin" newsletter, Express-Nexus), 1994-2012 FF - Biochemistry Department - Life Sciences Center, 2003 FF - Schweitzer Hall (includes evacuation plan), 1990, 1992 [no accession number] FF - Biochemistry Department Retreat, August 15, 2012 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: June 2011
Revised: 30 June 2021
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