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Box Lists for C:14/25/13Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s). Box 1 - 050304 [return to top][A21-47] FF - Jill Burt - Lithium manuscript, 1983 FF - Research and Teaching Materials - Molybdenum, 1956-1972 FF - Research Materials - Copper/Selenium Interaction - Steve Morris, 1984-1989 FF - Research and Teaching Materials - Selenium, 1975-1980 FF - Kurt Zinn - Selenium paper (co-written with O'Dell; includes manuscript and diskette), 1995 FF - Wemara Lichty, 1981 FF - Cadmium - G.L. Dryden, 1969 FF - Research Materials - Platelets, 1977-1982 FF - Research Materials - Coagulation Factors, 1987 FF - Research Materials - Prostaglandin/Platelet Aggregation, ca. 1980 FF - Edmund Li - Platelets, 1983-1984 FF - Course Materials - Gradebooks, 1969-1984 [RESTRICTED] FF - Course Materials - Nutritional Biochemistry Special Problems, 1965-1974 FF - Course Materials - Chromatography, 1952-ca. 1971 FF - Course Materials - Nutrition Research Institute (at Oregon State University), 1970 FF - Course Materials - Biochemistry 303 Lab: Techniques in Nutritional Biochemistry, 1969-1971 FF - Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) - Conference, 1987-1989 FF - FASEB - Summer Conference - Copper Mountain, 1991-1995 FF - FASEB - Summer Conference - Saxton's River, 1983-1987 FF - Grant Proposal - Trace Elements in Nutrition, 1982 FF - NIH Grant application - Zinc Deficiency and Function of Excitable Cells, 1992 FF - Revised NIH Grant application - Trace Elements in Nutrition, 1988 FF - NIH Grant - Zinc and Copper Status and Nervous System Function, 1987-1988 FF - Dreyfus Foundation, 1999-2000 FF - National Live Stock and Meat Board (NLSMB), 1991-1993 FF - University SOPs for Research Animal Colonies, 1980-1996 FF - NLSMB Proposal, 1990-1991 FF - Weldon Spring Fund, 1987 FF - USDA - Science and Education Administration (SEA) - Competitive Research Grants Office (CRGO), 1978-1982 FF - Correspondence - College of Agriculture Dean Roger Mitchell, 1985-1986 FF - Proposed Book Reviews, 1981-1983 FF - Visiting Scholar Programs (at other universities), 1982-1983 FF - Annual Review of Nutrition (publication), 1981-1983 FF - Symposium on Nutrients in Infant Formulas, 1988 FF - MU Class of 1940 Reunion, 1990 FF - FASEB - Summer Conference on Trace Elements, 1995 FF - Graduate Students - William J. Bettger, 1980-1991 FF - Donal Bird, 1966-1968 FF - Graduate Students - Dennis Bobilya, 1989-1998 FF - Ricardo and Ann Boland, 1972-1989 FF - Research Materials - Rat thymidine incorporation, 2001 FF - Research Materials - Effect of MK-801 on calcium uptake in cortex, 1991 FF - Research Materials - Calcium and food intake, n.d. FF - Research Materials - Glutamine, 2000-2001 FF - Research Materials - Ammonia and food intake, 1999-2000 FF - Research Materials - Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and food intake, 1998-1999 FF - Research Materials - Zinc and food intake, 1999-2001 FF - L.R. Richardson - Albert Hogan biography, 1969 FF - "New History" - includes MU Nutrition Emphasis Week event programs and other historical information, 1966-2013 FF - Photographs - Christmas greetings to O'Dell from unidentified person, 2012-2016 FF - "Historical Reprints" - includes reprint of article by Eldon H. Newcomb with personal note, 1951, and unidentified photographs of chicks and guinea pigs and related graphs, n.d. Box 2 - 050311 [return to top][A21-47] FF - Slides and lecture notes for lectures on copper - notes are for lectures given at Nutrition Group Seminar, 12/03/1986; Inorganic Chemistry Seminar, 3/20/1981; UMKC Chemistry, 11/16/1983; Mississippi State University, 10/24/1983; and Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI), 4/28/1983 FF - Research Notes, Book 1, 11/18/1998-12/23/1999 FF - Research Notes, Book 2, 12/28/1999-9/25/2000 FF - Research Notes, Book 3, 9/25/2000-4/03/2001 FF - Research Notes, Book 4, 4/20/2001-1/20/2002 FF - Research Notes - Elastin, Collagen, Copper, 1973-1993 FF - Research Notes, 1963-1977 FF - Research Notes, Book 5, 3/11/2002-6/11/2003 FF - Research Notes, 1977-1998 FF - Reprints, 1941-1948 FF - Reprints, 1950-1959 FF - Reprints, 1950-1959 (cont'd) FF - Reprints, 1960-1969 FF - Reprints, 1960-1969 (cont'd) FF - Reprints, 1960-1969 (cont'd) Box 3 - 050314 [return to top][A21-47] FF - Reprints, 1970-1979 FF - Reprints, 1970-1979 (cont'd) FF - Reprints, 1970-1979 (cont'd) FF - Reprints, 1970-1979 (cont'd) FF - Reprints, 1980-1989 FF - Reprints, 1980-1989 (cont'd) FF - Reprints, 1980-1989 (cont'd) FF - Reprints, 1980-1989 (cont'd) FF - Reprints, 1990-1999 FF - Reprints, 1990-1999 (cont'd) FF - Reprints, 1990-1999 (cont'd) FF - Reprints, 1990-1999 (cont'd) FF - Reprints, 2000-2013 FF - Reprints - Undated Box 4 - 050315 [return to top][A21-47] FF - Correspondence - A, 1956-2000 FF - Correspondence - B, 1956-1970 FF - Correspondence - B (cont'd), 1971-1997 FF - Correspondence - Steve Beveridge, 1995 FF - Correspondence - C, 1956-1996 FF - Correspondence - Stephen Cunnane, 1979-1992 FF - Correspondence - D, 1957-1991 FF - Correspondence - E, 1957-1993 FF - Correspondence - F, 1956-1994 FF - Correspondence - Cecil Gregory Memorial Fund, 1975-1993 FF - Correspondence - Dennis Gordon, 1985 FF - Correspondence - H, 1956-1966 FF - Correspondence - H (cont'd), 1967-1977 FF - Correspondence - H (cont'd), 1978-1996 FF - Correspondence - I, 1981-1982 FF - Correspondence - J, 1955-1965 FF - Correspondence - J (cont'd), 1966-1975 FF - Correspondence - J (cont'd), 1975-1992 FF - Correspondence - K, 1956-2001 FF - Correspondence - L, 1956-1997 Box 5 - 050316 [return to top][A21-47] FF - Correspondence - M, 1956-1959 FF - Correspondence - M (cont'd), 1960-1999 FF - Correspondence - Marvin Moose (includes photographs), 1994 FF - Correspondence - N, 1957-1999 FF - Correspondence - Paul Newberne, 1958-1971, 2001 FF - Correspondence - Eldon Newcomb - Honorary Degree, 1992-1993 FF - Correspondence - O, 1956-1995 FF - Correspondence - P, 1955-1970 FF - Correspondence - P (cont'd), 1971-2000 FF - Correspondence - R, 1956-2005 FF - Correspondence - S, 1956-1970 FF - Correspondence - S (cont'd), 1971-2000 FF - Correspondence - T, 1956-1995 FF - Correspondence - U-V, 1956-1997 FF - Correspondence - W, 1959-1970 FF - Correspondence - W (cont'd), 1971-2004 FF - Correspondence - X-Y, 1962-1994 FF - Correspondence - Miscellaneous, 1961-1987 Box 6 - 050330 [return to top][A21-47] FF - International Association of Bioinorganic Scientists, 2001 FF - NIH Workshop - Zinc and Plasma Membranes, 1998 FF - NIH Office of Dietary Supplements Workshop, 11/1998 FF - Nobel Mini-symposium, 9/1998 FF - Annual Review of Nutrition - Prefatory for Volume 18, 1997 FF - Taiwan Visit - Oral Presentations, 1989 FF - Guinea Pig Data, 1987 FF - Manuscript - Zinc Deprivation and the Nervous System, 1999 FF - Spencer Award Lecture, 2/16/1989 FF - International Congress of Nutrition, 1989 FF - American Institute of Nutrition (AIN) - History of Nutrition Symposium - History of Copper, 3/1989 FF - Experimental Biology - Copper and the Central Nervous System, 3/1993 FF - Lecture Notes, 1968-1970 FF - Lecture Notes, 1950-1970 (cont'd) FF - Course Materials, 1976-1986 FF - Course Materials - Metabolism and Trace Elements (Biochemistry 403), 1983 Item - Ledger - Isotopes, 1950-1971 Item - Ledger - Daily Isotope Use Log, 1971-1999 FF - American Chemical Society - Fifty-Year Membership, 1992 FF - Research Notes - Norepinephrine (NE) and Food Intake, ca. 1993 FF - Drug Inventory, 1986-2001 FF - Photograph - Bio-Minerals Symposium, 4/2001 Item - Plaque - Boyd O'Dell from UMC College of Agriculture, "In recognition for exemplary contributions made in the finest land-grant tradition", 5/9/1988 FF - Laboratory Manual, Physiological Chemistry (Stutz, Grace and O'Dell, authors), 1967 FF - Photographic Slides used for Lectures and Symposia, 1982-1987 FF - Photographs - unidentified event honoring O'Dell, 2000 FF - Animal Sciences Research Center (ASRC) Move (includes materials for "New Chemistry Building", 1974), 1986-1988 FF - Bristol-Myers Squibb, 1998 FF - Animal Care, 2000 FF - Hazardous Waste, 2000 FF - Animal Facility (ASRC), 2000 FF - Nutritional Sciences, 2000-2001 FF - Coulter Electronics - Counter, 2000, 2006 Box 7 - 050331 [return to top][A21-47] FF - Graduate Students, PhD and MS, 1966-2015 FF - Graduate Students - Joseph H. Bruemmer, 1951-1957, 1971-1972 FF - Graduate Students - Wei-Shin (Peter) Chou, 1964-1976 FF - Graduate Students - Robert Doak, 1964-1984 FF - Graduate Students - John J.R. Duncan, 1986-1989 FF - David J. Eide - American Society for Nutritional Sciences nomination, 2000 FF - Michelle Emery, 1989-1995 FF - Students - Ted Fish, 1976-1979 FF - Ann Fitzpatrick, 1977-1978 FF - Graduate Students - Betty Galanes-Garcia, 1958-1961 FF - Graduate Students - Wayne Gonnerman, 1971-1975 FF - Graduate Students - Neville Grace, 1965-1997 FF - Edward D. Harris, 1970-1984 FF - Graduate Students - James Hempe, 1986-2005 FF - Pamela Haugh, 1979-1981 FF - Catherine Goodloe-Holland, ca. 1986 FF - Graduate Students - Gary Johanning, 1981-2001 FF - Graduate Students - Ronald L. Kincaid, 1971-1977 FF - Graduate Students - Allen Knehans, 1974-2003 FF - Post-doctoral Fellow - Edmund T.S. Li, 1983-1986 FF - Wemara Lichty, 1982 FF - Post-doctoral Fellow - Thomas Losty, 1977-1986 FF - Graduate Students - Rosemary Moroni, 1970-1973 FF - Graduate Students - Eugene R. Morris, 1956-1983 FF - Graduate Students - Paul Newberne, 1954-1961, 1999 FF - Graduate Students - Donald Oberleas, 1964-2005 FF - Graduate Students - Nrusingh C. Panda, 1970-1972 FF - Ed Patt, 1976-1980 FF - Graduate Students - Nick Ralston, 1988-1989 FF - William O. Regan, 1964-2000 FF - Genevieve Reynolds, 1956-1983 FF - Louis F. Roensch, 1964-1976 FF - Kathy Fults Rowland, 1979-1986 FF - J.E. Savage, 1967-1969 FF - Krishna Deo Singh, 1960-1985 FF - Roger Sunde, 1999 FF - Sidney J. Stolzenberg, 1966-1971 FF - Linda Stuart, 1984-1989 FF - Max W. Stutz, 1963-1986 FF - Carol M. Szachta, 1977-1981 FF - Michael E. Spurlock, 1986-1992 FF - Ola Mae Taggart, 1975 FF - Molly Taylor, 1980-1988 FF - John Terry, 1991-1993 FF - Gary A. Weisman, 1984-1985 FF - Patti Williamson (includes Zinc Experiments/Research Notes), ca. 1998-2001 FF - Wendell D. Woods, 1957-1968 FF - Jinming Xia, 1991-1999 FF - Kurt R. Zinn, 1986-2001 FF - Pam Zurfluh, 1986 FF - Biochemistry/Agricultural Chemistry faculty - includes information on Albert G. Hogan, Henry E. Bent, Edward E. Pickett, and S.R. Johnson, and the history of the Biochemistry department, 1955-1999 FF - Hogan Experimental Animal Laboratory - Dedication, 1982 FF - UM Research Board, 1992-1995 FF - UM Research Board, 1992 FF - UM Research Board, 1994-1999 FF - Research Board - Announcement, 1993-1999 FF - Research Board (and O'Dell Biochemistry Fund), 2000 FF - Research Board, 1992-2000, 2012 FF - Research Board, 1992, 1997 FF - Research Board - Correspondence, 1993-1996 FF - Research Board Replacements, 1999-2000 FF - Handbook of Nutritionally Essential Mineral Elements, 1993-2004 FF - Handbook of Nutritionally Essential Mineral Elements, 1991-1997 FF - Handbook of Nutritionally Essential Mineral Elements - Thomas Finnegan/Marcel Dekker, 1993-1996 FF - Handbook of Nutritionally Essential Mineral Elements - Wendy Schechter/Marcel Dekker, 1992-1993 FF - Handbook of Nutritionally Essential Mineral Elements, 1991-1992 FF - Handbook of Nutritionally Essential Mineral Elements - Rod Learmonth/Marcel Dekker, 1996-1997, 2005 Box 8 - 050332 [return to top][A21-47] FF - Correspondence - K.H. Kilburn and R. Sarper (includes photographs), 1977-1979 FF - Correspondence - Hans Joernvall, 1997-1998 FF - Elastin Conference (includes photograph and names of attendees), 1976 FF - Administrative Records - Nutrition Cluster, 1986-1990 FF - Biochemistry Department - includes copies of "Biochem News" newsletter and materials related to biochemistry centennial, 1990-1999 FF - Magnesium and Fluoride manuscript, 1973 (also includes materials for an Agricultural Chemistry nutrition seminar course, 5/01/1967) FF - A.W. Knehans - Article reprint and photographs, 1979-1981 FF - Research Materials - Magnesium, 1964-1965 FF - Peptides - Alton Meister, 1969 FF - Research Materials - Calcium and Phytic Acid Data, n.d. FF - Research Materials - Phytate, 1980 FF - NIH Grant - Trace Elements in Nutrition, 1967-1972 FF - National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Grant, 1979 FF - NIH Grant Proposal, 1978 FF - Research Materials - Oxygen Monitor, 1975 FF - Research Materials - Tubulin, ca. 1989 FF - Research Materials - Baylisascaris, 1993 FF - Research Materials - Morphine Data, 1989 FF - Research Materials - Binding assays, 1992 FF - Research Materials - Chemicals, 1986-1993 FF - Research Materials - Summaries of copper experiments, 1985 FF - Research Materials - Copper and Lactose experiments, 1980 [RESTRICTED] FF - Research Materials - Copper and the brain - protocols and results, 1982-1989 FF - Research Materials - Copper and protein, 1984 FF - Research Materials - Copper study by Kurt Zinn, 1988-1989 FF - Research Materials - Copper and genetics - Kurt Zinn, 1987 FF - Research Materials - Various elements, 1963-1982 FF - Research Materials - Iron data, 1972 FF - Research Materials - Lithium, 1974-1983 FF - Grant Proposal - Lithium, 1982-1988 FF - Research Materials - Manganese, 1959-1967 FF - National Dairy Council - Nutrition Research Conference (includes photograph and list of attendees), 1979 FF - Research Materials - RBC Fragility data, 1983 FF - New Zealand Trace Elements Conference (includes photograph and list of attendees), 1980-1981 FF - Retiree Recognition - Merle Muhrer and Lloyd Thomas, 1979 FF - Research Materials - Erythrocyte Ghosts (consists of rough draft of Gordon manuscript), n.d. FF - Research Materials - Copper - chick embryos (photographs), n.d. FF - Research Materials - Varian AA30 Zeeman Spectrometer, 1987 FF - Research Materials - Feed Preps (includes diskette), 1988 FF - Research Materials - Diet descriptions, 1977-1987 FF - Research Materials - Diet modifications, 1977-1985 FF - Research Materials - Use of statistics, n.d. FF - Research Materials - Biological buffers, 1981 FF - Research Materials - Lab techniques, 1992 FF - Correspondence - Christmas Greetings, 1967-1991 (also includes issues of "BiocheMemos", a Biochemistry Department newsletter, 1984-1989) FF - Teaching Materials - Biochemistry 270, 1975-1976 FF - Teaching Materials - Enzyme Kinetics, n.d. FF - Research Materials - Hemoglobin and Proteins, 1974 FF - Laboratory Manual - Biochemistry 210, 1973-1974 FF - Teaching Materials - Elastin seminar, n.d. FF - Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1967-1970 FF - Sigma Xi, 1971-1984 FF - Sigma Xi - Long Range Planning Committee and Awards Committee, 1974-1977 FF - Phi Beta Kappa, 1976-1980 [RESTRICTED] FF - Gamma Sigma Delta (also includes material for Phi Beta Kappa), 1956-1979 Box 9 - 050353 [return to top][A21-47] FF - Research Materials - Raw egg white - rats and guinea pigs, 1985-1987 FF - Administrative Records - Agricultural Chemistry Department, 1969-1971 FF - Administrative Records - Biochemistry Department, 1974-1975 FF - Teaching Materials - Nutrition Seminar - Vitamins A and D, 1954-1962 FF - Teaching Materials - Nutrition Seminar - Vitamin E and K, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin C, 1954-1963 FF - Teaching Materials - Nutrition Seminar - Folic Acid, Pyridoxine, Pantothenic Acid, Niacin, Biotin, 1954-1961 FF - Teaching Materials - Nutrition Seminar, 1987 FF - Teaching Materials - Biochemistry 320 - Enzymology, 1973-1974 FF - Personnel Record - Boyd O'Dell, 1952-2001 FF - Memoirs - Boyd O'Dell - consists of correspondence, photographs, and other materials related to O'Dell's professional career, 1950-2002 FF - O'Dell Symposium on Trace Elements in Human and Animal Nutrition, 11/18/1988 FF - NIH Fellowship, 1972-1973 FF - Research Leave, 1972-1973 FF - Guggenheim Fellowship, 1971 FF - Guggenheim Fellowship, 1964 FF - NIH Fellowship, 1964 FF - Research Leave, 1963-1964 FF - Award Nominations - includes Spencer Award and Wolf Prize, 1988-1999 FF - Spencer Award - Letters, 1989 FF - Spencer Award, 1988 FF - Margaret Flynn Aging Study, 1981-1994 FF - Borden Award, 1980 FF - National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 1980-1987 FF - Fulbright Award and Australian-American Educational Foundation, 1971-1983 FF - Fulbright Award and Australian-American Educational Foundation, 1971-1983 (cont'd) FF - Correspondence - Australia, 1973-1977 Box 10 - 050354 [return to top][A21-47] FF - Correspondence - Richard M. Smith, 1976-1987 FF - National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Exchange Program, 1971-1981 FF - Correspondence - Australia, 1973-1974 FF - Correspondence - Roger King, 1981-1982 FF - Correspondence - Cambridge University Leave, 1963-1965 FF - Correspondence - Boston, 1972-1974 FF - Correspondence - American Feed Manufacturers Association (AFMA) Award - includes photograph, 1967-1968 FF - Teaching Materials - Agricultural Chemistry Seminar, Spring 1947 FF - Teaching Materials - Agricultural Chemistry Nutrition Seminar, 1955 FF - Teaching Materials - Australia - Magnetic Circular Dichroisms (MCD) Seminar, 1972 FF - Progress Report, Biophysics Research Lab, 3/1972 FF - Correspondence - Copper Metalloprotein, 1972 FF - Research Materials - Zinc Metalloenzymes, etc., 1972-1973 FF - Royal Society, 1981 FF - Research Materials - Platelets, 1992 FF - Food for the 21st Century - Goals, 1984-1985 FF - Food for the 21st Century - Nutrition Cluster/Cell Nutrition Group, 1985-1991 FF - Information for Curriculum Vita, 1990-1992, 2007 FF - Curriculum Vita, ca. 1983 FF - Research Notes, ca. 1996 FF - IGF - Zinc Manuscript Data, 1996-1997 FF - Cell Culture Results, 1997-1998 FF - Bio-Minerals, 2001-2002 Electronic Records [return to top][A21-47] Electronic records in C:14/25/13 pertain to the following record types and topics: research publications, including manuscript revisions; research data; correspondence; grants; presentations; curricula vitae; and a few photographs. Note to Researcher: For more information on the extent of the electronic files, please contact a member of the staff of University Archives.Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: July 2021
Revised: 19 July 2021
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