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Box Lists for C:11/1/29

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 042134 [return to top]


FF - "MIPA Editor", 2/1931

FF - "MIPA Monthly Service Letter", 1944-1950

FF - "MIPA Bulletin", 1950-1953

FF - "MIPA Newsletter", 1953-1957

FF - "MIPA Newsletter"/"MIPA News", 1958-1964

FF - "MIPA News", 1965-1971

FF - "MIPA News-Gram", 1971-1975

FF - "MIPA News-Gram", 1976-1980

FF - "MIPA News-Gram", 1981-1983

FF - "MIPA News-Gram", 1984-1987

FF - "MIPA News-Gram", 1987-1990

FF - "MIPA News-Gram", 1991-1994

FF - "MIPA News-Gram", 1995-2002

FF - "MIPA News-Gram", 2003-2008

FF - Website/MIPA History, 2003-2010

FF - Board Meeting materials, 1987-2014

FF - MIPA annual convention - programs and other materials, 1924-2018

FF - H.L. Hall Letter - materials related to English credit for Journalism courses, 1986

FF - MIPA Membership Directories, 1999, 2001-2004

FF - David Combs - includes information on MIPA award recipients, Governor Hearnes' proclamation of Missouri High School Journalism and Publications Week, and event information, 1970; Publications Workshop, 1960; and MIPA flyers and mailers, n.d.

FF - MIPA Historical material - includes award recipients, 1970-2009; meeting minutes, 1923, 1928; constitution, 1923-2002; publications and editors, 1931-2004; E.W. Tucker Lecture, 1973-2004; MIPA directors, ca. 1923-1996; photographs - Earl English, ca. 1991

FF - MIPA Historical material - includes creation of MIPA and biographical material on E.W. Tucker, 1922-1985

FF - MIPA Contest Forms and Instructions, 2007

FF - Meeting Minutes - MIPA, Missouri Publications Advisors Association (MPAA), and Missouri Journalism Educators Association (MJEA), 1954-2000

Box 2 - 042184 [return to top]


FF - "Vista" yearbook, 1961-1962

FF - "Vista", 1963-1964

FF - "Vista", 1965-1969

FF - "Vista", 1971-1975

FF - "Reportage", 1979-1980

FF - "Workshop Missourian", 1994-1998

FF - Programs - School Publications Workshop/High School Publications Workshop, 1962-1972

FF - Programs - Scholastic Publications Workshop/Summer Media Workshop, 1973-1978

FF - Programs - Summer Media Workshop, 1979-1983

FF - Programs - Summer Media Workshop, 1984-1989

FF - Programs - Summer Media Workshop, 1990-1994

FF - Programs - Summer Media Workshop, 1995-1999

FF - Programs - Summer Media Workshop, 2000-2004

FF - Programs - Summer Media Workshop, 2005-2009

FF - Programs - Summer Media Workshop, 2010-2013

FF - Miscellaneous records (includes program, MIPA Annual Fall Convention, 10/21/1967; advisor materials, n.d.; Marketing and Branding Campaign Plan Book, ca. 2014; miscellaneous flyers/handouts, 2011, 2014; correspondence re: Summer Media Workshop history, 2003)

FF - Miscellaneous publications (includes Hugh Stephens Press promotional material, ca. 1923; program, 1989 Journalism Banquet; "Jnews" International Edition, ca. 2003)

Item - School of Journalism Alumni Directory, 2002

OSB 1 - Ellis [return to top]


Item - Plaque - Missouri Interscholastic Press Association Hall of Fame - E. W. Tucker, Charter Member, 11/15/1997

Item - Plaque - Newspaper Week Contest winners, 1966-1968

FF - Miscellaneous newsletters - includes "The Work Shopper", 1970, and "MI Paper", 1970-1971

FF - Newspaper Fund Summer Institute, 1973

FF - "Workshop Missourian", 1962-1965

FF - "Workshop Missourian", 1966-1969

FF - "Workshop Missourian", 1970-1974

FF - "Workshop Missourian", 1976-1979

FF - "Workshop Missourian", 1980-1983

FF - "Workshop Missourian", 1984-1987

FF - "Workshop Missourian", 1988-1993

Return to C:11/1/29 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Compiled: June 2021
Revised: 16 June 2021

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